rustuK, N.C, Arm. 29, 1903. A. CURTIS, EbiToa. Fntaradatthaooat-offio at Franklin, X C for tranTniUm through the t a tecood-clMR matter. On eopy twalv month On opv aix nonth -"-n! R opios, i (.iiitoariM, per lint, -- - S eht 5 yeenta. Published ttt Wednesday. The sluggard is witter in bis owu couccit tbau sovnn meu that can reader t reason. Prov erb 26:16. Born, Thursday, April 23, 1903, iu Hamlet Richnioud county, N. C, the "HamleJ Outlook," W. 8. and 0. V. Barnes, editors, aud C. C. Smith, local editor. The uew issue bat a' healthy appearance, being ue,.lly printed aud well edi ted for ft beginning. It is a eix colomu paper, and the subscrip tion price is $1.00 per year. It is nou-partieau as to politics, uou sectarian as to religion." Success, to the new comer. to be 4 i' choose the L. the truueactii business that that eveuf.i 1 elected that W. 'lo the sale of w I mauu in any keep to the f rai tiou movomeut'i ... 8iuce writing the ar-ove. the fol lowing ticket has been suggested. It is s food ticket, composed of good. oitUeus, aud (be iuterests of th trtwn would uo doubt bo well guarded if it should be fleeted For Myor 8am L. Kelly ; For Aldermeu Jphu C, Wright, Dr. W. H Higgins, Geo. H. Dalrym- pie. Dr. F. L. Siler, R. L. Brysou. I . ., , ,- -. . ' - ,; OABTORI. iu . Toa Hmd to His Wwnjr BcttfM actual- J could be gotten will have to pay xuaniagea. Still there . mi some who will vota ' against good roads. Wayueeville Courier. ' Perhaps that horso favored ro- I ting bonds for road improvement and sacrificed his life to gain votes jin the bond election m Wayues t ville township wbicb was to take i placet few days later. Ed. ' A ISREESSBOBO XA.1 LOSES OTEB (T She Aw-itod rn-w.) Koanoke, Vft, April 22. E.J. Keuoedyof Greensboro, N. C.,ho arrived here today on a Roauoke and Southern train claims he was robbed "pf- ft vahn. $l,76UiBJhandrri, frutn W'nijilon M P n ttaA. Colorado. Kennedy recently sold out his mercantile busjuess at Greens- vuiv auu piHneu lor uoioraao fio far there is no trace of bis miss ing inouvy, , liiicomattsm ni 1 Mvw, Kidnwuid Sli dtr trouble eautd by orie mad It tho qrtteto. It enno br cImbbbj s4 Tit .lUnf th blood, ta rrmovinj th caiuo of dueuo. It give rigor mvi ton and knild Bp th health ml atrength ol th patiaat while on tho renwdr. t.v.-L I a htmiaarr la Die medio! world. It ha cored d wlil contiou to ctrr mora of th above dieM thaa all 0- ner koiwa rnnedie, manTof tuck da more barm than good. 1 tit and thoroughly tested ;Jt.,-. "Wd California Reined f --t c wpTiointa. It enr ia- Vifttkeaaa directed, i r if ami 1 connnced that ' t ard a bletsuig to - '""nltr, j - y-'perbnTte,orftbct 4 r'VI'.yd'Mf''a. .i -j f.irtw.fe of iwtie - k i "i .. 1 enrea. If 1- . 4 I 1 ttt, fm,,, toyoa, J Jo ew iu be 48t MTU lid uiomo prouiui- I ttdzct tzi Petrlsss KQ.1.0.L. A.UI- -X. Xewter of th Bouse Erpreeai4 Mves from Clay Couuty, ; ReprercntBtjft 0. L. Auderson, of Clay county, is ft lawyer. He read lawnt Judge Avery's Law School at Morgauton, obtaining LitifoeuBe in 189G. He began Lpractioing at Hayenville and has remained there sincn. lie was elected to the House of 1903 by a goot) majority and duriug hie term as a member be worked per sisletitly to get every tbiug. that bis county asked for, His ooun ty should be ButielW with his work. Mr, ; Audcrecui comes of legislative stock. His father, Coot, J. 8. Auderson, served six terms in the Legislature, making a record (bat has uot often beeu broken. Mr. Auderaou introduced a bill for the betterment of public roads and another one authorising a bond issue for the purpose of aiaoadamising public roads in bis county. He introduced in tne House the bill to charter the Hia- wassw Valley Railroad Company. hp educated ftt iy. 6nd F and the Hayei .srnil Fema e College, nis i a happy nature. With him every cloud has a silvery liniug.: He is a ray of suushiue. His fondness for children, ft redeemiug trait, waft uoticable during the Tecees hours just before aud after a see sion. He would romp and play with the smttll aud youuger of the nai?BB. his eeuial couutenance nlavfut as that of the happy child This was a delightful recreation to him aud drew on tho heartstriugs of the pages who will recall iu memories' musings when they have reached manhood's estate with its caipsand responsibilities, ih ntsanl moments itiven them wheu pagesof the General Assem bly by Mr. Anderson. LegisTa. tive Editiou of the News aud Ob server. Caraesle ewes $600,000 To Toske- ft Iantltui. new York. April 23.-The trus be Tuskes-ee Normal and iu tin . i niout luuuroiJi iidre uaruegie, wno attended tbo ' re. . .... .... V cent meeting in behalf of the Tub kegee IuBtilute where ex-President Grover Cleveland presided. The trustees will . meet Boou to tak formal action in accepting the gift and at (he same time to take measures to still further increase the endowmeut. Mr. Carnegie wrote in part' 'oiiows; ... give this without lion except Jbat I require at StUlaw-Cvisiou be made from therfT. for the wanta of Booker T, : Washingtou and bis family duriug bis owu or his wife's life. I wish that great and good mau to be entirely free from pecuniary cares, that be bo free to devote himself to his great mis. sion." Hertoaslharge Again! Mgt CombcII. . The Morgantou Herald pub- nsbes lbs following : . "A seusatioual - incident oc. cured duriug the trial here last week bf Casaell aud Garland, for murder, wbeu Zeb Burleson, a no ted character iu Mitchell county, waft placed on the witness stand iu behalf of the State, Buriesou was asked, if be did not leave the State for ovr a year ou accouul of u iudictmeut agaiust bira in Mil ibell couuty for ft couspiracy to kill, lie admitted be did leave the State, but claimed as his excuse that be visited the room of Judge V. B. Council, who was holding the term of court. and I bat Judge Council advised him to flee the State, aud be took his advice. Such charges against a Superior Court judge, has crea ted no littie talk." i Kan-fdFor Sarder. -Montgomery,' AIa' April 21 Ld. Walker, a' tievrii. n h,,... 'i iu veuireviiif!, Alabama to tie i-f " ri. 1':. .? ' ''1. ;. ! 1 )..', ..- . .. ... V I ! tie? ' f X ' iMlnuwCiHtti .: ': -1 ! i reVrva tb Evil Effects of Cigarette Hawking. Charles H.Stowell, M.D.,Trea. surer nud General Manager of the J. C. Ayer Co., of Lowell, Mass , has published a card stating the feilnels of cigarette smoking on boys and young men. He states several reasons for opposing: the' habit, wilb commits ou each. The reasons stated A re giveu be low, omitting the coi neuls;; ,, . 1. It lessens the uutiinil apne. I, j,e r00j and injures diges- Hon. ' - 2. It seiiously effects the uer vous system, . , , - i . ... . . 3. It lowers the moral toue. 4. If creates a craviug for strong drink. , 5. It is a filthy aud" oflfeusivc habit. 6. It isexpousive. 7. It is unlawful, nearly every stale prohibiting eelliug to minor. 8. Cigarette smokiug uot al lowed by the J. C. Ayer Coauiong employees. From tho reasons above stated, the J. C. Ayer Co., has posted throughout their buildings the following: ' ' .- . -' ;g , s .,. '.-;..,, ANNOUNCEMKNT. tlmt smuklnK Cigarette Uibtitli mindomt body, Httinir rnns ni-n fur x-"-."fr-,B(urtlil i Febttiary, i Mr. Stoweli states that s clote observation for many years amoug the boys enployed by hia compa ny has sbowu thai tbose woo are most euergetic, sctivo, alert, quick, spry, do not smoke cigarettes; while the listless, lazy, aun, siee py, oil interest iug aud uuiuterested boys re those who smone. n one Elected te urtlce. gnrclaltothe Quanta. Raleigh, N. C, April 23 -two women school trustees for Ala mance couuty were electnij "by the Ipcialature at its roceut scsiiou, but the fact was not generally-! kuowu until today. The ladiel upou whom this unusual houof Las beeu bestowed are Miss Eul Dixouamt Elmira Garretf Attoruew -Geierttl Gilmer 7 . S .a laV, ....litlr asked toJ ej wvios to hold oflrceand he replied that ijhoftulbority of the legislature to -j t them could uot be disputed llaa tbey beeu elected by a cnuu. te ojuard of education the case would nave been different. . A Thoughtful . Man. M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. knew what to do in the hour of need His wife had audi an uuuaual cane cf utoinacb and liver, trouble, physi cians could not help her. Ho thought of and tried Dr. KUnr's New Life Pills and sbe tpt relief at once and was' finally cured. Duly ' !iuu,. at Smrib' Druj Store," ..- WsyaesTilleJetes Beads. . Waynesville township last' Fri day voted for an issue of $50,000 bonds for road improvement iu the township. The vole was 554 for bonds aud 24 against bond, Wsyuesville bos a spirit of enter prise aud progressr - , The Amerleaa tilrl. The American girl is tbs most competent girl in the world. She can do more work, aud do it bet ter, lhau any ot her girl upon tbe shores of the Seven : Sous." She can pjay, too, as ! heartily as she works. She is beautiful, well dressed, wel) cared for, and she is a creature of superb health. Giv en house, she can make it ueat, comfortable, eveu beautiful; and when she loves euougb she makes hoare that is a borne out of ber bouse. May Woman Home Cum- panton. v Miss areoek IIU - (Sierial to the Citiai-o.) Raleigh, N. C, April 22. Miss Alice Aycock, tho eldest daughter of the governor, has appendicitis. This fact developed yieterday.l Her uncle, Dr. Albert Andirsou of Wll'-n !-.. I... - r, mm vvaaa JKt JM0I U ijUlm , 1 Robbed The Grave. ' A startling incident, is narratei by John Oliver of Philadelphia, a, follows: ul wan in an awful oondl lion. My akin, was almost yellow. eyes sunken, tongue coaled, pain ooutmually in l uck and sidea, no a' petite, growing we iker day by day Three physician given me.; ii rav a - -. ' tueii i w:m ail vised, to nxe tlei'ln. iltera ; to my great -joy, tlio'fj lollle niHile a ileciili .1..,-.uveli.ei,.. W Utt .Iiree Week con tin lied llnir nc ... i ... , . " " "' i" tliey rohhi-d i!.i: . f n-.-.-'-cr li-.i. .v- ' - 1 f:,. t.r t v - SMS. ? NEWS ESIEFS. h Three men were kille id at Viu- Wednesday Btou-Saleni, N. C, last by the bursting of a saw-mil 'boi- ler. .v; ' Tbo postoffice dupartineuit hus a Bleed for the rvsiguatiuu of Po.V. master N.M.Wells at Cajtitoo.N C.,'od a charge that he hail iiegleo- ted tbe duties of bis ofliofb. C. F Smathers bus beeu reooliiuieuded as his successor. . Benson, N. C, bad a ure in tbo tmsiutfli portiou of the town last Saturday that destroyed 15 stores, causiug a loss of froin $50,000 to $75,000. Editor Jisephus Dauiels of the News aud Observer delivered a Hue addreses before) the confer- euco for education Li Richmond; Vu,, last Friday. M Savanuab, Ga., wants the Uni ted Confederate weteraus' Reun tou iu 1904, and Generals John B, Gordou and Clrmeut A. Evaus have promised fo use lbir influ ence in that diifectiou. ' The Heudensou couuty petrified mau is being (exhibited iu Ashe ville this week. . ... . . . Prof. C. feasor of pe Crittenden, pro- gogy aud . assistaiit professor English in Wake Forest Col v,-awa last X burs- d.iy uigbt 1 10 o'clodkr rruuwutKTAna mrrn rr.. . n ines over, nonet work bwter. Co i , bit more mil. Hoipiram llosh. And hem lav more urm. prooium oi mating a much blood, flesh and enenrr a nnMil.U J I u maiiesi amount of food eon I somed. Bur a can from rour deals. . OAhTAKDLT ASSAULT. . The Aeheville' Citizen of 2Slh iust. says; An uuspeakablo bru tal rspe occurred in this city last n ight. Two days sgo a youug mau of very good appearance came hero from South Carolina aud engng-d board with tbe Calloway" family on Spring street. Iu the family there ro several children, oue of them little girl eleven years old. While tbe adult members of tbe household were out Harris returned to the. bouse' aud criminally assulled Ibis child as she lay helpless ou a sick bed. This wss lout 10 o'clock and Harris Ibou fled in which di rection uo one was able to say. ' ' . Tom L. . Johnston, of . Cleve land, Ohio, bas given jt out that ho will uot be s candidate tor uomi uatiou for president, in. 1904. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ' Ut Wni Yea Kan Alxajj E::;M - Sean the Signature TMC OeSRATt Dovbh Dsily Trains Currying Pollman Sleeper, Cafe Cars JalaearteJ and Chair Can (aeatafree). Dcctrlc Uttzi Threuthout Blrnloeluav McmpVis aid Kansas City AMD TO Ali. POINTS IN Texas, CUahoina and lodlaa Territories . ANO THI . ! ' " far West and Nortawcst mB 0LV TKSOl K1H SLFf PINO CA1J LINB BBrWE' Tt'B SOUTKGAar ANO " ' KANSAS CITV Ccsor iptiv literature, ticket ar- rantred and throinrh reservations made noon arphcatioo ta Ti Qtm Ciw , ' r.I.Claa, T.rea. ATLAfcT. tl. AVcgetabte rrcparntionfor As slmilatirrg UicFoodnndKediila liiHttheSloiaaclis antl Bowels of Pramotca DigcslioivChecrful ness and nVslConlAlns uciltrr Oplum.Morphme nor Mineral. Nut 'Narcotic. i fiih i A perfect Remedy forConstip tlon. Sour StouyKh, Diarrhoea luidLps or SWEEP. TacSiimle SilJnaliirei of NEW YOHK. tXACT COPT Of WBAWCR. f Hgh Quality I Of k Everything In the bouse at 55 M H.a.t. . .. ..!.. 1 !'2 l make roem for our Spring Good. They are now arriving and it's, room we want te diaplay them. it ' - - J genied ficods for it it it it it i it !! H WRIGHT & ROBINSON'S STORE. t it Wlulrl,rrreKlur iMlllMaieUoCali I'.luatrauutaanpn, Inaaovortataeawl I! 'ji " II, iri r s ( i 5s Union Lock Poultry Fbp-- For Poultfv. Pabhltc. .. ... . ' S ".::"T'tt - ' ' y& a E O r 1 Mi . X V I I " ' i -' cl- rorlnfarttj and Chiilren. Th3 Kind Ycj llavo Always Bcught the l.X Bears ln Use For Over Thirty Years iii HI HMH, m. 11 ta (a! mi (HI -Low Pricks. fit s I 4. a lowert cash prices.. We must . . t 1 rri . a $11 the tfeepU TO Signature Ay t a S a4miMa niter en.rmrikrM Tlw WIrt!?!! "?T1?4" r" w aom wiui Th. r.7T wi-.LSEWPOilBMFWSOUVEMmnATIinnnr WtfiAmMiMBort-aajdadpiiuioc in.. work of Jo lll a;prt.w ad ?t Ut frVS? U f .in- aui w crt, P1 , Tht, mMlwd hi, ronimcuileit lucU to Ovrr J WRIT! KOR rm.U ISPORMATtoa. AdJre-. UUUfJISlI CO. ZTNHVm'uv JERSEY. 1 ftJS t A o L I a nan so riM.y y A I ; trtitarus, uarcdi; NOTICE OF ELECTION. liy virtue of the authority con ferred on the Bunrd of County Com missioners of Miicon Couuty .by an act of tbe General Assembly of North Carolina entitled "Aa Act to pro vide for the attendance . of child run in the School of Macon County." An election will he held at tht sever al voting precincts in Macon County on Saturday the BOlh tlay of- May, 1003, Suhniittiug to the qualified vo ters of said county the ; question of Compulsory attendance on . the Schools of id eoiinty, at said elec tion each qualified voter of mid coun ty who U in favor of compulsory at tendance on the Schools of M.icon county, as provided by Section one, two, three, four, fiveiix and seven of said Act, hereinafter mentioned, will be allowed to coat one ballo, up on which shall be written or printed the words, "For Compulsory Allen diuice," anilf each qualified voter whe is oppoed to Compulsory attendance on the Schools of said Couuty, as provided by said Sections will be al lowed to cast oue ballot uon which ahull be written or priuted Hie words uA)!ninslrCunipulory Atteiidaace." Following are Seetions one, two, three, four, five, sii and seven of said Act, to which reference hsa heretofore been made, vii: Section 1. That any parent, guar dian or other person in Macon Coun ty, having the control of any child or children between the ages of vh-hi (8) and sixteen (10) year, shall be n quired to send such child or chil dren to umie public or private day or night school for children, annual ly, for a period equivalent to at leuM three-fonrths of the public tohool term in the dulrict in mid county wherein said child or children may reside,, subject to such exceptions aa to ihililnn, plact-a of attendance and Kchool as are provided for in seition live of this set. -, Section 2. That any parent, gear dian or other ierSon in sail county failirg to comply with the provision of secliou one vf tbis act shall be guilty of mlodcmeanor, and shall, upon conviction, be fined or impris oned iu the diacniiuii of the Court. Section 8. That it shall be the duly -of every public school teachir in Macon County to keep.. ft stiict record of the Bttendniice vtall cbil- between the age of ei bonud of his or , I l. . II. .. wuoenuii do enroiifiianpon tne oen aua report a slttiffints in said dis trict, and to report the same to the liourd of E luoutlon of said couuty annually al the dime of the puhln school term. Said report' shall be made out upon blanks to be furniahed the teaoheis by the Board of Educa tion of 'said county, and shall include: e name of every child lie- tw ecu i the i airvm nfTrVtWnd sill.l O D . ... yiir, reniuir.g wiiuin aaiu aisuict who shall fail to attend some publii or private day or night school for the length of lime provided for in sec tion one of this ac, together with the name of tbe parent, guantian or other pernon having control of snch child or children. (2) A statement of the actual length of time during wliivli said child shall have failed to attend school us required by this set. (8) A statement as to whefh said parent, guardian or oil er persou Having control of saul chili or clul dren shsll have been excused ' from he penalties of this act as provided in secliou five of il l act, Every report made by a teacher bv virtue of this act shsll be duly verified upon oath by the teacher making the aaino. ; Section 4. Tliat it shall be ' th duly of the Board of .Education of Macon County to certify aid report each year to the next ensuing term of the Supcri r Court of sa'nl county for tbe trial of rr.miusl cases afier taid reMrts are made, and the O'erk of said Court ball furnish the Solicitor with said report, and it he the duty of the Sol eitor of lie district to dra and send bills to he grand jury against all pernon ho ball violate any of the provt- -ions of this sot. 1 r SeolionS. That this set shall not pply in any ense where the child has betn or is being ianht si bom iu such branches as an taught in the pulilic school forth kagXU of lime required in section one of t jig act, or whose phyvlcal or condition renders his or her attendance imprac ticable, or who ahalt he excused by the pulilio school coin in i lie of the township or dialriot in which the parent, guardinn or other proii bavin? control recidea, upon its be ing shown to their sal iaf action tb:tt the parent, guardian or other person hiving control was not able, on ao count it poverty, to ololhe aut-b citiid projwrly, or that he or she has alre!. dy acquired the ordinary branclie lequired by law, or tlmt there is no white K'hool, in the can of .white children, or colored ncbool, in llie ce of colored children wilhin two miles by the lieareat trareleil Towl. Seeliuii 6. Tliat any par-nt;iiHr. ilian or other pernon in M.iemi I'ikiii. ty, laving control of y t' 'I or chililit n, !iO i 'i intent to n;nSc any of i r i m-mk of ihw .-t i B'l " i' .' --''v I- : ;:-, f.r :Ui-,::, i j , r. " t h i ( '.i or 1 1 1: :!., I veu ht" anil I , ftvyf vf'aixteeff vnarfl n-Hinintr miimn be guilty of a mi.luni'e;iupr, anjjihalt, . upon conviction, be finea or impria oned in tbe discretion of the Court. Section 7. Thai the Board of Education' of Macon Connty are ' hereby authorised to appropriate an-, uually for each townnhip in said ' county, out of the public school fund of suid county, the sun of twenty dollars S0.0O) cr so much thereof as may be necessary, to provide buok for any child or children in said township iu oases where the par, eut, gnnrdian or other person having control of such child or children -shall, on account of poverty, be una ' lile to provide such child or children with the nereasary nooks. mil . p proprialion bsrrHe m;iile -MfuMrT recommendation of theSchmt) Com. ,v mltteeof the towimhip or diatrl f j wliert-in the parent, guardian or olh- ' -i-r person having control reaides, en- J dorseil by the Couuty Sueriuteii- ' dent of Schools. ' V By Order of the Board of Connty CoinmisKionera of Macou County, N. C, April 6th, 1003. . " D. W: IllAlSE, Clerk of tbe Board. NOTICE 0FTAX SALES. Ptirmaat to th law hi aark eaai-a nrovl-.' M, 1 will at the Court llouaa aW in Frunklla. N. C, on th ftrat Moadav In May axt, aell tha inllowlac laaila to aatiaty tha taxra an coat for the rear VJ02, aituatcd aa follow, to-wit: , - FA.KLtx Towsanir. i . Kami. "No. Acre. Tta ft Coat. Callla AddinRtnn X men 1 7A. 3 L Barnard 1 Tow j Lot ' M SO O Barllitt 3 town toU 1 Tl W D Collin 8 1 : Ada Dnaldm ft aiatrr ti " t U Jtt't RrtMara 1 ' 1 41 , Harriett Hawahaw " 2 M . Hanrael Uipkla Mia. Int.J. C Hwl , T Rinalaad 5 h ' Joeie Williaoa TK " J W,. Millsmoal TMrwnr, JorIiua Adraa O B Dalti Julia Franka heir 33 T 10 IT' 4S 1 4J S Slf " ' s ' lost T i OAKinaland I.S Snrah Klaalaad . tt) R A Moor 113 Natl. AUmalTc Mf. Cu. lit Ycaraan Hander KiO The Tnrk. jr Knob Cor Co., Mln. Int. 3 tll,ioraiul otlier 31 km J M WUIlama J ' JVrVuunK ST " WooiKurd Zurhary . 30 " Kixuat Towxanir. W R Rarra .;.- t : " . tts I ' JOT I 89 Martin Kl'ie . . !.' ,' 1.1 , W r TUonJltlnral InMl Jno. blOABrol Arnold Broa. . Clark Hot hrirs Inla HerreB AIKeeavr HlURLA!(It ToWKIHIP. Aahr ft Bnmgararr ' 200 aj-ra Thnma H Daridson W0 MiaaEMKIHaltowalot AV B Hi dili n ' 30 ' TR McCalr . : , . , w ' Penlaud ft IhtHon iff ' Mra Annie M TomiD IS " Aaell Us Saixiral John B Curtla S ACabe 8 C 1)T Bion hrlra ' W J Muaa Tliomaa ft Allm hrira , CABTOOOacBATB ToWNINle. t C SaBdrra J4 lot. R V Smith W A Bullny II A Ifolilrn J N Haynrv W 8 lUiward ; " ' 33 LA Jarrett 1T 1 M Lflt ft John J Moon hrira K Int 100 arrra 8ta Urant No. ;iSS fur '" II CI ft Mtt ' fflO 8 ) May ft Co. TO ariya fur HH ft 10"i i a i A Maaon 14 aerea 4 ! W J Muore ft Co. ' Ifks - 2 T8 Mantahala MillloK ft Mining Co. Mia . iDtrrrat ' 67 W X R Stamp ft C W Mctoud 3000 ai Xlat 8 It Wood n acre . BvBumvTowa Towsanir. F H Biwhr ., . SWT m. 24 I T B Panjhy Tl I ftT T ADowna ft ro ...... ... .'. B3 f . . I IT Mra L B Hinder . . 109 "Is ABWelth jno SX-XrA Cowca Towaaaie. ;"'' r'-:y. fhaa 8 Br.Tao) ,. : ie arrra 's Sl Thnma Intahnwvr ' T 14 ' 8S B. O. C. Uft O. A. ftabjr - . 13 SO I Kabf hrlr , , t " 1 ti Joaat'olrMaa , az-rrs " 4 :K M H Mwk ' - 17 " t m Mario Muorr SOartra for 1P0I ft 170 10 S3 " This April I, iMKi. .. T. B. Hniooir, Bhrrlff . .. and Tax Collriior. "Agency. . Jnsores only iu the best Com , patties.' - h rta promptly paid. T. Baxter .White, Agent, ' H16UUKBS I.e. r C7UIHUI fl. V., I VJolin W. Uann. Mucnn Co, i Enters ten aores of lnnd. Lym ' in Macon Co , N. t ! h !' - tnutown Township f )' ts,u mnifn t Wolf hrauf-h, sn'li.ijoinii. t i,n of Fii.t "I,.,! Co., J. II Cave ni .hn.U beiiia mr- row -., i I - ii i i i tlie I'iinl .". t . nt-re.t ." .r;o J"11 v ' . "ax. Ti 3 01 4 W 4 . ' i v,'V . 100 acre . S 24 MS4 " . 1A 4' . . L. . : ' in'" TSl ' S ''; lt' 4 lit its" 3 or SOaarea .-. I M,. UaisnaTawxnili. : v 20crl-rJ I r.v j io " 1 13 -ixZf '. " 1 s7 I H) " J it I lOOarre . I 4T. I T3 - 100 I Vantahala Towxanir. ; 43 ava 21 f 1 iw . . V"-' .' -

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