FRANKLIN. N. C. WEDNESDAY. MAY ' 1003. NUM13EU 10. VOLUME XVIII. J I. "WAIT TILL Ton grtev ImniiH men da aot Mam To undeiitaari your worth? Becaua tb g Md you tr y to do Remains uuanown on eurth? Becaus no Uufnl fits your brow, ur bay entwines your naaur rwtlbaffUawu Tod oflhesa days t K-it till you're dead. It sadden yo because your faults Ar blatonei to In skies, If hit all your Tlrtuna sxenl to bo Gated on by lgbllM y? -Why worry orr such a thing? -' ' Why not reJ..o, i.utei. Because of all lb coining lame? Wait till you'ra dead. ' JXHE GIRL WHO THE STORY OF A Ever ilnce Archie Dean had keen ' old enough to take any Interest In the moral and Intellectual development of his fellowmcn, he had been thor oughly disgusted with the huge amount ot curiosity which he found everywhere. fY. :' .,. The older he grew the more dle . ' gusted he became, Until, at the age pi ' it. It was almost a mania with htm; ' "cutting him oil from friends end t - sweethearts oi his own and his moth j er's choosing until that worthy lady was reduced to utter despair and his father declared their boy mildly In , sane. - ,' . v Unfortunately, Archie had chosen a profession calculated to bring him In contact With aU the morbid curiosity there was going, from the curloslty'i i of his fellow students as to the et foot of drugs on themselves, and-? what was worse on other people, to that Intensely Irritating curiosity of .' the. patients as to how much medicine , these young doctors knew, anyhow, !.'. Hut thA milmlnntlnn of hta WOCS v' came when, college and medical school " , over, be joined the staff large hospital and In due time became am-, bulance surgeon. V I ' ' He hated the straining necks and eager faces which greetod him from treat an'd--inrlriw-'he ambulance. cla8hedjp ' the. noisy, mix line. . . h u m- varlably surroutw. " to whom he came, the luo j- which watched his slightest move, and then the ride back, when, as the word "There's some one In!" tew on ahead, man, women and little chil dren rushed and struggled to catch one glimpse of the prostrate form be side him. ' It was all so dreadful to him that one morning when he tumbled sleepily out or bed he had been called up twice during the night he gave a whoop of Joy as he realised that It was hi last day at the work that tomorrow- UtUa-jGrjiaw1 his place, and he would once more be at liberty to attend all the opera Uons and autopsies there were going. ' He felt so gay about It that he never even complained when the gong rang Imperiously before he was half through breakfast, but stuck his rial cap Jauntily on the back of. his bead, ran down stair to the tune of "Bonnie Dundee," and jumped gayly on behind the ambulance as it rat tled past the door. ' , -- "Jove!" exclaimed Baker, Archie's dignified senior, as he brought his J"" t" down frorg the window, sill witu ssTBSou awing wnacK, via you hear that What tne atcir rsnas got - Into hlmT - He's been a glum as an owl lately.".. V.... 1 -.V? '""v "Going off ambulance duty," mur- mured little Greyson disconsolately, ' - as he remembered- who would be at the beck and call of that hated gong tomorrow : "Got hold of a prlmo operation," suggested Hess, who was a surgical '1Bd, while Jarvls chanted, amid howl of derision, "He's found a girl who Isn't eu-ri-ous!" and1 then dodg ing a wen aimed egg shell, stole' Ba ker's pet stethoscope from that gen tleman's ewn pocket and started off to make his morning rounds. ., But Dr. Archibald & Dean's glad xkess was ahort lived. 1 ' The case to which ' he had been called was a very bad one a carpen ter who had missed his footing on a ,bfsh staffoU and gone crashing down to the' pavement scores of feet, below ' and theri there was such a crowd. Of course there always was a crowd, but this one seemed, If possible, more Irritating and distracting .than ever, and things grew-still worse when he realized that the man, almost dying . aa he was, felt and resented every peering glance, every long drawn, . maddening groan of ill timed pity, as much as Archie himself. ' And so, with his personal sympathy and his professional anxiety stirred to their daptha, it was particularly unfortunate that on their way back they should be stopped, though only for a moment, right beside a cable car. .' " - ' ; It was an open car, and as soon aa the ambulance gong had been heard up the' street everybody had turned to look; but as soon as tbey realized from the tangle of trucks ahead that car and ambulance would be held aide by side tor a moment, an expression of absolute Joy swept from face to face, and, as If moved by one set of prlpajs, every soul his or her f net to get one good) look Inside. But Avchle had forestalled them, winging his broad shouldors round to shut off as much of the view as possible, while he faced those people with a face full of scorn and disgust But suddenly, as he looked, he saw something which made him turn actu . "TTTJlo, and forgot about everything filse, forW the end Of a neighboring S' nt, In an., excellent seeing position, ssit a pi.!tt7,v- t dressed girl, who bad iitivor even Biii'Md! On'y a mnment, and V"ra, with a 'hi; of Kniig3 and a whir of wheels ear and tho ambu!tncw fiwci.t , but Arctito si 111 :.. ;1 to t- a tun r..H'l, fcr!:.:,t fare, a lut of i ."y hair ---! r a ji y ( -tMr 1 f. I: 1 last, i f l.v v ?) n ;.DS I- a i tlr of b:g br- i ' s hii.h ! I iwver m...e YOU'RE DEAD." Yolk do not understand yoar plans, Appreciate your deeds? Tbey do aot laud you when yon moot Borne weaker brother' need.V They do not say kind thing of you? No rose leave for your bad? They'll prats you, all la goodly time Walt till you'ra doad. Walt till you're dead. They'll Ml It thi They'll oh iel It la tons, ........ iad put It la a chosea plane, Heoluded and alone, i Perhaps your aplendid trait may all la epitaph be read At any rata they'll stretch th truth. Wait till you're dead. W. D. Mesbit, la Chicago TrlbunC DID NOT LOOK. YOUNG PHYSICIAN. Archie's mind wu la a state ot chaos; Had he found at last the girl he had despaired of finding' the girl he could love the girl who was not curlousT He could hardly believe- It, and yet he had Just seen her subjected to the most thorough test he knew a test before which everybody he had ever seen had fallen, and had she not come out grandly, gloriously triumphant? He was so quiet and absent-minded' all the rest ot the day that at last the other boys were forced to dump him, clothes and all, into a tub of cold water In order to rouse him. r "He's all right now," said Jarvls, as he calmly locked the door on their spluttering victim, "tie's beginning to swear, and that'll bring him round, sure." : "We're all kind of wet, said Grey son, with a little giggle, as some un kind remarks referring especially to him were heard behind the door. "Yes," said Jarvls, sweetly, "but he's got on white ducks! Golly, won't they shrink!" and . then, with a tew farewell remarks ot advice and con solation, which . were evidently not received In the same kindly spirit In which tbey were uttered, the crowd tramped away to room No. 6, where they considerately prepared the beds iZy" for two men who were to move in' that night Buy nevertheless during tb rwynth9 Arrtie wan was pro- -g "aGolutely insane" by the rest ot the naff, and in consequence was put through course of -treatment quite calculated to make the diagnosis a correct one sooner or later. . ' - To everybody's astonishment, ' ho suddenly ' became sociable. He no longer ran from the numerous visitors who Invaded the h .pital; he went to theatres and lectures; he courted in vitation, to the homes " ot fellows lucky enough to live in the cltxJfta at lMLoulte-WWftSratSr therumora hat were rife about him by actually going to church! Now, little Greyson was one ot tho lucky men whose paternal roof tree was near at hand, and It possessed the advantage of being a fine old man- slon. nresided over bv a fine old sen- offl-lu.m,,, wno new aeuvered lectures on tan evils of cigarette smoking; but it also possessed tje disadvan tages of containing three as homely and gushingly offensive young women as were ever inflicted on one very decent brother - ... ..-...'- It Is to be hoped that little Grey son loved his sisters. At least, he waa faithful to them, for though he fully realized and appreciated the feelings of the other fellows : In regard to them, he dutifully lured as many men as possible to sundry stupid "even ings," which, though they bore many different -labels, were really, all alike. Every man in the .college or hos pital who was at all presentable had been to Grayson's once, some . had gone twice, and a few three times. These last were apt to'explaln that It was on account ot Greyson'a feelings, hut It waa really the supper. ; Dean had so long been a member ot the one night fraternity that Grey-, son had given up asking him months ago. Consequently he nearly tumbled over the operating table one day when, as he was repeating his little formula to two of the new men be tween "cases," Dean said suddenly, "Why don't you ask me any more, Greyson?" - ? Greyson was too loyal to his sis ters to be truthful, so he lied, and said, "Because I hoped yoa knew us well enough to come uninvited when ever you liked.": ' '"Thanks," said Dean, aa he slipped Into bis coat aqd sauntered; off.. "I will;" and it took the new men near ly half aa hour to restore little Grey son to hi normal state ot mind. But the worst of It was that Dean went not only once, but three and even four times, and when he started out on his fifth venture, the entire medical staff of the hospital, in solemn conclave assembled, decided that his disease had reached the stage when solitary confinement was neces sary. ; The three Miss Greysons were won dering among themselves who ; was the favored one though each In the depth of her. heart was sure she knew and Archie himself began to think that he was getting to be a good deal 00 an ass striving so vainly to reach, through his very small circle of friends, one especial girl out of tho millions who existed. This feeling swept over him In Its fullest strength one evening as he sat on the parlor sofa, while the young est Miss Greyson gushed gently on beside him, and her eldest sister sent him meaning glance over the head of a miserable little man she was sup posed to be entertaining; and he rose up In desperation prepared tor In slant flight when he heard tho middle Kiss Greyson bearing down upon him from the rear. "S"y dearest Betty," Miss Greyson waa Baying In her .sweet est tones, "I'm dying to have you meet Dr. lVan, Oeorge's wont intim.ilo frleml, you I-now, and bo lovely. IT, I an, ti.'s is y- rKvIs Isn't she the s.i F l i ! y-vt rvi'r (,? I t now you'll 1' : f ' f- - !" v 1 "s v ' h n! ; . : If -.1 erect and confused, before the girl who did not look! Now Miss Betty Davis was a mod erately attractive young, woman, and pretty, but she hndl never before In spired such sudden such evident and Intense admiration as they did now, and she could not help feeling flat tered by It so much so that when, at the end of only halt an hour, the young man asked If he might call, tie rashly answered "Yes," reflecting that " though she knew nothing of him,, the Greysons did, and be xnuet be "all right? if she- met him at their house. v ,. She did not know to what straits the Greyson girls' brother was some times reduced in the matter of men. . But duiing the next few weeks she did many more curious things than that, for Arcule's wooing was of a swift, , passionate, determined nature, which burst down all barriers and car ried away the girl herself, though dazed and wondering, by the very re slstlessness of Its force. . ' ' - , ' He did not care that there waa al ready an accepted suitor In the field he did cot seem even to realize the fact until one .evening when that young man most righteously attempt ed to knock him down. ' ; , , fr Then 'Archie simply " demonstrated that physically,, at lo&st, he waa the better man of the -two, after which he gently picked his rival up, es corted him home, : and apologized most humbly for the broken bead but went right on with his destruc tion of the poor man's heart, ' :' He cared not a whit what Betty's other charms or faults might be, she fulfilled the Ideal which his fad had set up tor htm, she was the only girl In the world whom ne -could love, and win her he must and would a purpose In which he succeeded so well that In a few weeks Betty had discarded a love which bad been part of her life ever since she had worn short frocks and a' pigtail, and four month's later was not only engaged but married tg her new and ardent suitor. :h In fact, everything was d"" uch a whirl that it was not ped Into the carri-x mony thatlth"'' Mep-y'cere-eallied what had ) " lived In cltement, opposition, each other, ,aie to think, leathered that d never even their story, Vftly, a he drew k on hi ihoulder, know when I fell 'vlth a little stammer such a of u "n't It" . "At tV Aons'? -No, ma'am; I'd been mawu i0Te wth you for months befoJa tnat; Md then, with her big ejg looking wonderlngly into his, he wtnt on. It an happened one was taking some 'poor ""chap-tome In the ambulance and we got caught I right by a cable car. You were B&J ting very near me. and yon were the only one of all those people" but he got no further, for she bad jumped up, her face flushed with excitement "Oh, Archie," she cried, "was it really you on that ambulance? It seems too good to be true I've been just dying to know all about it ever since. It was before I had my glasses, you know, and It wouldn't have done me a bit of good tf I had looked; but It nearly broke my heart, and I got some glasses the very next day I wasn't going to be caught that way again. "Why, what make yon look so glum, dear!. ' Do tell me all about It, Archie won't you please quick? Be cause you know," as she nestled closer to htm, with a joyful little laugh, "I'm just the most curious per son In all the world!" New Yori New. . , . ' ' QUAINT AND CURIOUS. . Chinese girls are being employed in San Francisco as telephone operator! for the accomodation of Chinese mep chants. . ' The famine bread upon which 70,000 persons In northern Sweden are now subsisting Is made from ground pine bark and Iceland moss. . '.The widespread Impression that most of the "roast beef of old England" Is supplied from the shambles of Chica go may find a rode shock in fresh Eng lish statistics, which show that 7-10 of the beef consumed in England 1 produced on its farms. ; ' " : ;: The .remains of no fewer than 69 specie of flowering plants from mum my wrapping In Egypt have been identified. The flowers have been won derfully preserved, even the delicate violet color of the larkspur, the scarlet of the poppy, and the chlorophyll in the leaves remaining. The date of the Deluge is given va riously by various chronologers. Ae cording to Usher it oceured- In B. C. 2348. But 14 other authorities place the cataclysm as follows: One In tho thirty second century, five in the thirty-first century, one la the twenty-ninth cent ury, one in the twenty-sixth century, four in the twenty-third century and two In the twenty-second century B. C. The Chinese are fond of eggs' about 10ft years old, and old eggs are worth about as much In China as old wine Is in other countries. Tbey have a way of burying the ppks, and it takes about 30 days to render a pickled egg fit to eat. Some of the old eggs have become black as ink and one of tho favorite Chinese dishes for Invalids is made up of eges which are preserved in jars of rod clay and Kilt water. The halls of hows were stone eolil, even In lioston and New York City, in the forties, and, of coiirsn. In t'.n coun try town). 1. nili'S In winter f(.r eeonrm.y a .. room or had In, the iniiriii; i! lived eh! In one Am In the living-room tnd ii tho a'' ": O'ri it t'.'O p-irlor t-U.iti i.:. i. tiiiijiH rkh : i 1 i a f- t h ; i a t. i: A SERilON R)S SUNDAY A STRONC AND UPUFTINC DISCOURSE BY THE REV. DONALD S. MACKAY. f lohjMt I "A Flea For the Simple Lif"- Dutjr of th Palplt to gonad a Warn. las Mot la Kacard to Hodera Kxlrava- Raao In Living. Nkw TonK Crrr. At the Collegiate Church, Fifth avenue and Forty-eighth street, Sunday morning, the minister, tho itev. in. Donald sage Alackny, presented a itrong aermon on ''A J'lea for the Simple Life." The text wa front Matthrw vi: 31-32: "Take no thought aaying, 'What (hall we eat ? or Wlfat (linll we drink" or Wherewithal shall we be clothed" -For your heavenly father knowetli." Dr. Macknytaid: " i i , Jut 100 year ago, in 1803, William Wordsworth, the great English poet, then a young man and comparatively unknown, wrote a tonnet entitled "l'lain Living; and High Thinking." It i so significant that I quota it in. full: "0 friend, I know not which way 1 mutt look For comfort, being u I an opprest ' To think that now onr life is only drest " For show; nyean handiwork of craftsman, . cook, -..j ft ' .,...- Or groom 1 We must run glittering like a ; brook . - i In the open sunshine, or we are nnb'estt ' Tho wealthiest man among us is th best! No grandeur now in nature or in book . Delights us. Kapine. avarice, exponas . This is idolatry, and these we adore. Plain 'living and high thinking are no .mora -" Hho homely beauty of the god old cause la gone our peace," our simple innocence. And pure religion, breathing household . law. ... . , The remarkable thing about these line Is that although describing the follies oi 100 year ago,- they are exactly applicable to the condition of life to-day. What Wordsworth criticised so forcefully in 1H03 u still prevalent in 1003. In spile of thet TUUICU JMOKLYBS Ul WIV UlIU'lTCIlUl Wll' tury, notwithstanding th enormous ad vance in evev; sphere ot human activity, it is a and commentary on our civilization tnat to-day we aro just aa much tht-B'"" tlKi", of vulgar ostentation as our fM.r, when th last century llffaui. ff Va"1 I need scarcely rann?75v ' fullv this .aamexstMiam of our o-w nowfr-1 f?a . "Vocen set forth ih that remnrk able htpf book by CharW Wagner, "I'M . , .......... v. v. - - . . TMri to IflMnt ira rnplnrtfp VvavnAr M Protestant pastor in Paris, a man oi keen sensibility, a prose poet,! a shrewd philosoi pher and trenehaiii critic. In this latest' book of his, "Tho Simple Life." he ha put forward a pica to hi ieilow Parisian pre cisely a Wordsworth did to his contempo raries a century ago. Lik Wordsworth, Wagner ea in the elaboratienond com plexity of modern life not merely a menace to the stability of the state, but to the in tellectual and spiritual life of the individ ual .who compose the state. Nowhere, surely, is this complex life of luxurious pleasure seeking citrnragnnce so visible a in this metropolis of the New World. Kverywhere the drags are off, and the wheels of commerce and society ar run ning wild. When the stoppage will come, as com it must, or how it will coins, no on can tell, but that thi career of extrav agance in living, which New York be been ollowing, especially lor th past rive yearn. Is bound to end in catastrouhe. moral and social, nnleas anctifid common sense in terpose, it need no prophet to predict. Already the shrewd, hard-headed men in Wall Street are scenting the approaching danger from the commercial standpoint. Tbey tell us that the limit of over-capitalisation and headstrong (peculation ii reached, and the reaction, nnte.-s it- gradually and under proper v-" pell panic from the AH ' How true that may ' diction I do point ofrv - ttMlc moae 01 '''in8 common tvea poor R well a the rich, are already with us. une does not require tne vision of a seer to recognise them. ' It is in the face of such condition that the pulpit of to-day, if it be brave and true to its duty, is called upon to sound forth warning note. It is indeed a thankless task tor tne preacner; He must any things, es pecially in a pulpit auch as this, that will cut shamlv the feolinirs. if not th con science, of those whom ne addresses.' Nev ertheless, because there i still a residuum of good aense even in the most extrava gant of us, I venture thi Lenten Sunday morning, in the name of Jesus Christ, to bring before you this plea for "plain living and high thinking." .: My first remark is an obvious inference. Plain living ia an absolute condition of high thinking. Strenuous thinking cannot come from pampered living. There can be no life of worthy thought where existence ia loaded down with the vulgarities sf luxury. Thought, which is the life of the soul, not only deteriorates, it dice when we make the cares of the bodv the be-all and the end-all of our days. The two most illiter ate classes in society to-day are the abject poor, who by necessity must think of th need of the body, and, therefore, can think of nothing lsa, and the idle rich, who by choice devote every hour of the day to th trivial problem of what they shall eat and what they shall drink and where withal they shall b clothed. "Th body it is," say Bossuet, the great French preach er, in on of hi sermons, "which drags us down from the loftier .levels of thought, which chain n to the earth when we ought to be breathing th pur air of heaven." So it ia that to-day we are put ting an undue emphasis upon the merely outward life. We are elaborating th mere framework of the picture, ornamenting the filded trappings, indifferent to ilu essea ial which alone give lasting beauty to life and character. What are eoni of the cause of this over llaboration in the material comfort of lile? Primarily, there is the passion for luxury itself. We are to day essentially a luxuri ous race. The pitiful thing is that wo are proud of it. We boast about our luxury as something that lifts us above other na tions. You meet people, for example, who go abroad, and when they return what ia the burden oi their conversation? Not to tell you of beautiful scenes of nature which they have visited, but to complain that; having gone abroad confessedly jor change! they did not find anything exactly the sam and iust as comt'ortahl;- aLhthcii own fireside. They criticise the tefcifjenuure of the houses and vividly rl - " "-e to you th horror of shivering i a i n tore a lit-, tie below the ftver beni . . ii they live at home. 'They denounce cooking and complain because nr an : " of o0.0 feet j in the Alps tin y di.l rmt li- use delicacies ' which tiiey vceie able to unjy mx months before the season in their own New York homes. We may smile at such things, and yet it i thi craving for luxury that is de structive of high thinking. It produce mental imbecility which i unable to an- I preciat those truths which give dignity to"' Lie snd add strength, to character. What luxury? It may be defined as whatever i costly and superfluous. And it 1 is just this craving for what is costly and superfluous that is making this city a hot bed of extravagance. . Of course, not everything is superfluous which is costly. Jaixury is to be distin-i guished from good taste, and it is certninly not to be counfounded with high srt. lhcie is a sense in which things once ri'uirded ns luxuries are to-day rightly looked upon cs necessities. 11ns 18 so I lOlse hie lus an- variecii nitiopanv and in umiwiuh v llllVC SO fl! 1 hi tue i- were li.i i "i 1 il. An Im r t V if I eing clou e t ' t t i.l liie w .rid n . m i. (1 eranse I f 1 ) i ! s llftl! tir:'Mi ivrt! in p. by tne d of or. an i 1 couple in good society, who have ascertain limited income. One or two courses is open to them, cither to give up all needless ex travagance snd devoto themselves to build ing up a quiet home, or to givo up th blessings r: home life an l hang on to th luxuries and pleasures of their set. Too of ten, under the spur of social competition, it is the latter course that i followed. Home life is deliberately, ye and crimin illy, sacrificed for social life, and social life, so chosen, become th vestibule through which many a young husband passe into the prisort house of debt, . Unconsciously often, such a man ente?s t. race with his fashionable associates, and they, not his own personal comforts, create his standard of living. He must dress as well a they; he must entertain na lavishly ai tbeyt n must keep up the same pace a they. And meanwhile these associate or nis are 'com peting with another set juat a lit"9 higher in the social scale, until society becomes a vulgar, feverish' 'competition, in which every t)id for notoriety i pampered and every fine feeling is sacrificed. One ha but to read the so-called society columns of any daily newspaper to witnes the disgusting spectacle of this competitive snirit in th struggle for aocial mpremacy. What place, under such conditions, is. there for "plain living and high thinking." : A third cause for tho elaboration of th material aid of life in our time is the un do craving for pleaaure. The emphatic word are undue craving. I am not advo cating a sour puritaniam or crabbed asceti-cii-.o. Flexure has, of course its essential pine in the scheme of right living, and to deny that place create a reaction which, however ruinous. I; inevitable. But in out time pleasure has become a tyranny. 'Jts despotism ha invaded every day of th week. If has no respect for time or sea sons. It appeals to every pnnsion of the soul, and'by veiled suesestions it desecrate the holiest emotions of lifc. York be comes every " "Fair, where rrn'"! ''d .!tn Ho ' plmfm lenenti, -tne r, uatred of hi pampered betters bin. roi rope pf separation. In f.urop, wu certain hereditary diatlhpfion between tb rich and th poor i recognized, thi clam bitterness is not as keen, but in a republic like ours, when everv man feel himself a , good aa another, these ostentatious display of luxurious extravagance become a hotbed of discontent in which anarchy and com manish ferment. Some years ago a friend of mine wa driving past on of the beauti ful old home in rural England, atanding in its stately park. He asked the driver who lived there. "Ob," aaid th man, "we used to have lot of aristocratie company there, They had plenty of money and theyfcpent it freely. We poor folk were .well oft then. But now the place Uehngs to a woman, and she is a Methodist, snd every thing is going to th bad." So spoke th countryman, and from his little view this loss of luxury and extravagance wa all wrong, even for the poor man. But mean while ther wa another side to th picture. That estate also included a large tenement district in one oi the worst portion of London. In wretched hovel surrounded by saloons and low resort the miserable people paid their rents, exorbitant for such Juarten, and these rent supplied th und for the luxury and extravagance ot the former owner. But now what na hap- Senedf The lady who own th estate to ay i using her revenue, not for her ewn luxury, but in bettering these homes, in driving out these saloons, and in creating a new spirit of respect and love between her pr.'t It tnnntiA few country yolt- --'t'wjhnf --uit iul'ui,..i.rm-,,.,L'ute ia that it demand a Constant stimulus. U needs to be pamp ered by new sensations, and in the effort to satisfy this false and unnatural nfcratite, Vre are inventing forma of amusement so foolish that even pagan Home might ex- laim with wonder, "Behold how ' these hristiana amuse themselves!" Under, such onditioos, who care for the simple manna of the wiioeriiess. even though it com down from God, if he can fill himself with the flesh-pot ot Kgypt. even though h make himself I slave to do so? Once more, one other penalty muf be paid, and that is the heaviest of all. Thi mode Of life is absolutely at variance with the spirit of the teaching of Jesus Christ. It is pagan, not Christian: it is barbaric, pot civilized. No mau whoa honest in (us effort to follow in the foot ens of Jesus Lhp-iat can livava life whoso, oly thought is to satisfy the merely sensuous desires. What is the one dominant note in the ex ample of Him who wher. He walked thi earth had not where to lay Hi head, but (his: that w should live simply, that w should deny ourselves daily, taking no thonght of what wc-eball eat or what w shall drink or wherewithal we shall be clothed, for our heavenly Father knoweth. Th way of th cross is the way of simple life; not th way of self-indulgence and' vul gar extravagance, but the way which He calked with bleeding feet is th path along which we alone can find the joy of plain living and high thinking. ' For some of us thi secret of the simple life mnnot be learned. Wa have dwelt too long in the cellar of our appetite, snd th reek of th kitchen is in our brain. W must dia aa we have lived, in the tyranny of those taste which our surroundings have stimulated. For such of us. plain liv ing and high thinking ar both alike impos sible. But there are, our children. Pleaso (iod we need not, unless our imbecility fiaa become epidemic, condemn our off spring to this nightmare of extravagance which hits so shriveled our own intelligence. We can at least ask God's grace to help us to taoin th new generation in "That homely beauty of the good old cause, - in simplj innocenco And -pore religion, Jareatlung household . law." . For them at lott We ryi make th beauty of th simple I no poet's d n, but a divine evanjel i . ie gait, yetv to e.ji..o. r It wov in study nui tak t6 heart t .u ,t toi civenuss. Thos who fo jealousy and envy are their own bittciest e-"'mies. and the heart that ia free from t,.ne- m'i. experiencea a ''cling of freedom, for it belong t iod. With our heart free from envy and nnger we know what peace and contentne .t ar and become more (Jhrietlike. Mcve o is a sin that mul es him who cntertuii , it uu hapny an l -' On ilroio' eary iu , ,) ove (ion every win-,. i Canada J ouw pL is peces. 4 in (. .era- Certuin i. V' tate'.y been devoting much space In the tToit to prove' thnt .Gibraltar is noMocr ihe key to tho Mediterranean nnd tiiat modern steam driven ships have de stroyed Its usofulnetts to England as aTortresg. On tliis account tlipy lire warning Europe to.wntch cloudy ihe dosicns of pernda Allium on the op po He Mmo mo t I In roily to this 1 r; !! i impers are poii.t Itik out tl i t ( 1 1 i t t to tho Mcdltorrnn lmt! p in the i of a point d v n 1 I 1 1 il for t'.m I' n t n of 1 it itp t li.'.i I l 1 n o ti 1 t ii BILL ARP'S LETTER CAM JHisBookBrjnga ForU Interesting Keply. JEWISH RACE IS LAUDED i, . With Great Reverence Bartow. Man '"'Recall Herole Deed of Valor In Defsnsa of Home and Court , try and Wonderful Sta- blllty of Hebrew. A good lady, a neighbor and ftlend, bought on of my book and expressed her pleasure at Its perusal, but found one fault that did not harmonise with her Hebrew feelings, tor she I a Jew ess. In two place she found a sport ive anecdote that reflected upon somv ot her people, but they were too good to be. suppressed, and would have been told in Gentile aa well My respect tor the Jew ha been too of tea ea pressed In my letter to be question ed. It is not mere respect, but' It Is wonder and admiration. .1 rejoice with them that the ages of persecution have pafsepVimd IM apt .wojshlp Qod according to their conscience and the faith of their, father. Thel anco ,JT 1 en T(f up and "n1 bui. ive pro- rnd jaTir Vt ppre? ;Tt!iem U ktnW -r n0T a Tn,i "have been catten uu-v ime and people,bt ha never lostldLir nationality nor mix their blood any other peop They hav tor ceatiul i against the Egyptians, Syrians and Ro mans and survived them all.- They were In later centuries proscribed by the Catholics of Bpaia, the Protestants of Norway, whfla th;&- rfj;-e.critor ang the qpg t the Psalmlata and taught the wisdom ot their prophets. We rejoice, tiat their deliverance from persecution came along ' with that of our own when we proclaimed religious liberty and civil equality to all who made America their home. I have long admired that people, who have ex celled In domestic virtue, in abedlenc to law, whose children nonor and oby their parents. Rarely among them are found consflcts or criminals or drunk ard or suicides, or 'cttlvorced men or women. Their nnme seldom appear on the djcKi. i'ot uQ court. And yet they are patriots when patriot ar ranted.; Kosciusko 'had no braver troop than thiPollsb. Jew who fol lowed bl banner, and It I had to name .the most faithful eolcUor I ever saw In ""'"Itwar, I woutfl name Jona of Boni a who never loitered on a march. . Kotten hdWihe came t,t time aft - - v- - - f . long day' maMh irota the Chlcahom- iney to napiaan, anq, wsvca tne colonel said, "Mr. Jonas, where Is youjr com pany," the tired soldier camo ti a sa lute and said, T Ish dor' komp'ny." That Jona was an uncle to Israel Jo nas, who all Atlanta know, and who Is now prominent In New York com mercial circles. ? i ' '-, With groat reverence do I recall our own Judah P. Benjamin, our secretary of war, and on whom Mr. Davi leaned for counsel more than upon any mem ber ot his cabinet He wa a very grs. , man, or he could not have gone to England and worked hi way, tutUded, to the very top of the Engllaa bar, and within eight year . be appointed queen', counsel over the most learnel member of the profession. 1 have not forgotten the perfect loveliness ot th Jewess Rebecca In Scott's' history of Ivanhoe. Ton may find broken vow and aeparatlons and elopement !u fact and in' fiction, but not among th Jew. They are In every town and city and ar more of an example thaa a menace to our people and our insti tutions. Their names ar found, re sponding tp every chanty, and I no. tlced that the university fund was materially aldod 6y their liberality, and I could not help' wondering' how much our Christian people would have given to aid some great Jewlih school or charity. I would like to write . more about those Hebrews,? tor, as St Paul said to the Roman, "with them waa com mitted the oracles of Qod." But I am not well today, and must defer to a more propitious season. In of last letter I made a mistake that must be corrected. I said that there? were but ten month until Jullu Caesar and Augustus Caesar put In two more and named them July and August Somehow -1 have had that Impression all my mature life, and. strange to say, 1 was corrected a few days ago by my good friend Gasaett, j mulatto merchant of our town, who is well educated and a student ot ancient history. He wrote me a respectful let ter and said that Numa, a Roman em peror before the Caesar, put In Jan uary and February for the two months, and' the Caesars only changed the names of Qulntllos and Sextlle (the fifth and sixth) to July and August. tk I make the correction wltn pleasure snd give the credit to friend Cossetl BILL AHP, in Atlanta Constitution REMEDY FOR RED A NTS. A sure antidote to that familiar do mestic pent of hot weather, the red ant, Ih until to reside tn ihe kerosene oih-on A cnt'Tril lioimowtfo. vine a kitchen and pjnlry wore overrun with the littio wiPBhs. eavs tnat a'tor ev I tl it entlng loiii t 1 to 1 lit ) c r 1 i 1 ( t ) v in t h a no' 1 I 1 i A LAND OF LITTLE EAIN. DEATH VALLEY THE LONELIEST REGION IN THE WORLD. Th. Palpable .Sense of Mystery In the ' Desert Air Breeds Fable Chiefly of Lost Treasure Hills That Have th Lotu Charm. Properly equipped, It I possible to Co safely across that ghastly sink (Death valley the Armagosa desert In eastern California), yet every year It take It toll ot death, and yet men find there sun-dried mummies,,' of whom no trice or recollection Is pre- -sorved. To underestimate one's thirst to pass a given landmark to the light ot left to find a dry string where one looked for running water ther Is no help for any ot these things. ' Along springs and sunken water courses one 1 surprised to find such water-loving plant as grow widely in moist ground, but the true desert breed Its own kind, each in Its particu lar habitat The angle ot the slope, the. frontage of a hill, the structure of the toll determine the plant. South looking hill are nearly bare, and the trerSine higher here by a thousand Canyons running east and west Nrill have ode wall naked and one clothed. Around dry lakes ad marshes the herbage preserves a set and order ly arrangement Moat species have well defined areas of growth, the best index the voiceless land can give th traveler of his whereabouts. - .Nothing the desert produces ex presses it better then the unhappy growth of the tree yuccas. Tormented, thin forest of it stalk drearily In the high mesas, particularly In that tri angular slit! that fan out1 eastward from the meeting of the Sierras antVi1 coastwise Mis-wnenrcne nrst swings acrosg(K southern end ot the San uln valley. The yucca bustles with onet-pointed leaves,, dull ; green, wing shaggy with age, tipped with panicles of fotid greenish bloom. After death, which i slow, the ghostly, hol low network of lta woody skeleton, with hardly power to rot makes the moonlight" fearful.' Before tho yucca?; has com to full flower the Indian roast Its buds for their own delectation. Other yuccas, cacti, low herbs, a thous and sorts, one find journeying . east from the coastwise hills. . There I neither poverty of soil nor species to account for the sparseness of desert growth, but limply that each plant re quire mora rooa: So much earth must must , be pre-empted to extract ' so much moisture. The real struggle for existence, the real brain of the plant,. Is underground; above there is room for a rounded, perfeot growth. In Death valley, reputed the very core ot desolation, are nearly two hundred Identified species. Above the tree-line, which Is also the snow line, mapped out abruptly by the sun, one finds spreading growth ot pinon, juniper branched nearly to the ground, lilac, sage, and white pine. There is no special preponderance of self-fertilized or wind fertilized plants, evidence ther an be blrda and small ihai where these are, will come the slinking sharp-toothed kind, that prey on them. Go as far as you dare in the heart of a lonely land, you can not go to far that life and death are not before you. Painted Itzasda slip in and out ot rock crevice, and pant on the white, hot sand. Birds, humming-bird even, nest In the ijactCU ccrub: woodpecker befriend the demonlao yuccas; out ot the stark, treeless waste ring the mu sic of the nlght-iinglng mocking-bird. If it b summer and the sun well down, there will be a burrowing owl to. call. Strange;, furry, tricksy thing dart across the open places, or sit motion less in the conning tower of the creo sote. ..'-,. , The poet may have "named all the birds without a gun," but not the fairy tooted, ground-Inhabiting, ' furtive, small folk of the rainless regions. They are too many and, too swift; how many you would not believe without seeing the footprint tracings In the sand. They are nearly all night workers, finding the days too hot and whl texln mldvdes- I ert, where there are no cattle, the are no dims oi carrion, nut ii you L farv ln that direction the chances are that you, will find yourself shadowed by their tllteoSavigs. Nothing so large as a man can move' wcepled upon that country, and they know well how the land deal with strangers. There are hint) tot be bad here of the way in which a land force new habit on It dwellers.. - ft one 1 inclined to wonder at first how so many dwellers came to be In the loneliest. land that ever came out of God' hand, what they do there, and why stay, one doe not wonder so much after having lived there. None other than this lone brown land lay cuch a hold on the affections. The rain- bow hills, the tender, bluish mists, the luminous radiance of the spring, have the lotus charm. They -trick the sense of time, bo that once Inhabiting there you always nean to go away without quite realizing that you have not done it Men who have lived there, miners and cattlbmen, will tell you this, not so fluently, but emphatically, cursing th land and going back to It For one thing there Is the dlvlnest, cleanest air to be breathed anywhere In : God's world. Borne day th world wilt under stand that and the little oases on the windy trips of hills will harbor for heal ing its ailing, house-weary broods. There Is promise there of great wealth in ores and earths, which is no wealth by reason of being bo far removed fiom water and workable conditions, but men are bewitched by it and tempt ed to try the lmptwslljlo. The pa'-iWe senee of nivstery In the desert air breeds fables, chiefly of lost treaiitire. Somewhere v ; I i ' . If 1 ' - i D i i t i i Ti -i : ', . i o i i T ! -.3 f - j, 1 I ' f I i P 1 ill llS ! Is a h ' I V I r 1 . i il t i 1 f i - the desert that pte-idwi.-" and strikes without colling, than by the tradition, ot a lost mine. . . For all the loll the desert take of a man it gives i compensation, dep breaths, deep sleep, and th tnrhrmin lon of the stars, It cornea uponue with new force In the pause) of the 'night that the Chaldean were) desert-bred people It 1 hard to escape the sense of mastery as th stars move, ia- the wide, clear heavens to risJrx V and settings nnobscured. Tbev vrja. and near and palpi tugO. it they moved on some stately service not . needful to declare.'' Wheeling -to their station In the iky they make the poor world-fret of no account. ,Of nq ac count you who )le out there watching nor the lean coyote that atanda off In ' the icrub from you and howl and howl. Mary Austin, in th Atlantic Monthly. . HOR8EBACK RIDING f ' How It Should Be Done In .";.".' terest of Health.' the 1 . In- "I understand that by reason of Pres ident Roosevelt' devotion , to horse back riding this healthful exercise has taken Oil new life In the coital," said Albert TownJ3ntl w4RErowlT attorney: of NewYork ".and. tf my ' experience will be of benefit to those In Washington who are seeking health and I belter It will I gladly give It "1 am on my way from tate taetropo II to Atlanta on horseback. These trips are often recommended' by phy sician to delicate young men, -but I think I can tell you why tbey do not In most case prove a success. They have with me, and season arid weather do not count aader ntipW'Ct'AsUUons. I am joqiiedrafetouta, and, each day 1 hsWa Ah proved and expect to continue to do so; in summer you can go In any direction, but In the fall and winter it must t toward th south. a : "I lave changed myself from a pale, underweight man to one of sound phy- r.'que with increased wefghtg bflt t.ha taken time and considerable mocsty. I travel alone on my trips, that ts, with out human companions, and with only my bulldog Boxer, and,' by the ray, Boxer Is a casehardeaed traveilett and fighter i found that when i travelled with a companion when I wanted to tie up at a place for better weather or any other reason, or when 1 wished to push ahead or turn this way jot that my ridii.T, companion, be it that he waa otherwise- agreeablerusually ban a positive or aifcnt objeTOfla-Pil kill aport of thi kind. I found!3Ver a bad effect upon the nerves, temper and appetite. Absolute freedom of In dividual action must prevail. Again, my companion have always peea in hurry to get on to the next town; it one- must hurry on horseback trip for health, then stay at home, ir ! "Doing as you please relieves these trips ot monotony which, otherwise t detrimental. With a good fighting dog to whom you are attached, you are en tertained on the) road. Boxer thaa fought and whlppedwfTeenit.,. ,r.n , f-- memorable.-1 rrto ureal and weight butV lost that half of iw.. served Mr. Townsend, admi. dicating a handsome big bull" i.,,;.. hi feet who was minus aV good pieco out of on erect arsI1n that unequal fight but I got him away, with tho leaden butt ot my riding whip. I ex pect him to maintain the record with the dogs south of th Mason and Dixon line until we get to Atlanta" , "Another point on horseback; riding trips for your beelth is that you must have a good, sound horse, and you must not allow yourself to feel lonely or discouraged. Blend with the exer cise a roving spirit even if that be un natural; it can soon be cultivated. Have a small trunkful x serviceable clothe sent ahead from point to, point, aa a stout woollen sulit, a short, warm jacket and rubber' slicker, the latter two be carried back ot the saddle, are all you need. Stay a short or as li,f; a time in a place aa you feel Inclined; ;hl is one of the beauties of the trip. re is something to i ... . oi or attract yrr-Atfintlon and to take your mind off yourseTf"tlie . great desideratum to all those seek ing health. i);::j;t'i-";i -. "Practise up WrUHnf for: a little while before you begin to toughen tho muscle. Once you are under way tho nrst thing yew will aWe about- your self I that you are hungry; many m n would give a large yearly sum i fool genuinely hungry twice a i, are astonlBhed'at your capacity for f- f , soon, and you sleep throue-h the Your nerves are-streubuuu. v fully and you begin to wond v.! you ver thoe ' t. vnu'had 'ti w You can f ' '-g i ,d t never "of stoi ' vVaniiiiib. ' Precedence In .Mr - The recent distinction tf a I 'ng tn t' : . ' Bud feyduey In giving luut ... Istrates the enhanced dignity mayor and the title of rl ' has raised some qu";tlom oi and precedence.. It Is . some quarters that t' a t honorable gives the lot J bourne, tho temporary commonwealth, n! k p over the president ' ate, and thosr,v r of representatives, v o ables. if at the n-t function; ihe lord i: attempts to grr in a!: monwoaHH, en-, 'v . arii-o. tho I r t i .se J on i ul t- r t