' -JSTJ- ' j i , i .if! M M Ml ' if, II , i i V yciuzie. xviii. FBANKUN, K. C, JUNE 17, 1S03. NUMBER 21 ) Tt:; Fmilin Press. rusKUH.N.c, Jut. nieo3. W. A. CURTIS. EbtTon. littered at tii post-effles at franklin, X. C.f tat rranamiMlon ttiraugh : the tails m aecnnd-claa matter. 9i ory twelv months On py i month Srrurl :t, - Olkltiari, par tin, ft!.) SOoU B cent 6 cents. i HALF SHEET. On account of the flood in South Carolina 1 the big IsndshMe on tbe jLdt & branch f .the Southern RalU wsy, our paper supply ban failed to eaeh us, anil it ! uncertain ben it wilt oome, so we art under the ne- cessityof issuing half-sheet this Two great aoeial event for Frank tia nail uek are the Lrdge celeb ra tion Wednesday and the Gaston ftowell wedding on Thursday. . slsson county it a pioneer North Carolina county in one respect-- it baa voted for compujsory ; edu eation. Asheville Gazette, v Tbia is what I be Wilmington . Slar says the devil will Bay. to the delinquent subscriber when, bo goes below: "la it hot euoagh for yog?" Th Press will be printed ou Tuesday of next week, one day . earlier than usual, on account , of "The public exercise of the masons on Wednesday. All cotumunica t ions "sud advertisements should be handed in a day earlier. . ' Major Bradley writes from Union, , 8. C, that the parties who returned acre treat that place misrepresented fact, t He eaya tbe weather is not muoh warmer there than hete in the hot sea nd the water la good, and wame eoorlaJhoae wbo are willing to woik. He ha sinoe tbe 14th of February, tout eurnv bat can stand the work all ngb't,; hasn't lost bat 2 days irork ia that time. '. The Hew Baak. The Bank of Franklin will proba bly be ready to open for bnainees ' the lit of July., There has been de lay in getting work done on tbe bnildinz and in receiving the furni tare ordered. A fin counter and 1 partition haa been trderel, coating about '1125. "The safe is In post tion, astd a huge on. It cost f) 1 25 to get it brought over from Dillsbo to to Franklin. ;, ;:. ; J"? t r" I ' : BHCeateaary. ' Next Sunday, at the Methodist church there will be a bi-centena-- fy celebratioo of the birth of John Werley, who was born Juno 17, uaTtrafitixfiprognua .has. been arranged, and the exerciees will be my interesting and in structive. i t hs iUaStler W4(iui Aa '' voaaeei. : - ' T'K fflnwiMtr a mi am 11 AAmon f nftjUUS 15. 1903. f he approaohing marriage of Miss ' Emily M; Aw of Forsyth, Ga., to Bev. Frank Siler, of Asheville, N. C, is copied from the Atlanta Journal:, . ';. "Miss Emily M. Alftn wilt be married on (he morning of the 8th of July at 8 o'clock to Rev. Frank Siler of AihstiUe, N. C, at the boms ot her mother, Mrs. Georgia Allen, ft Forsyth. ; . "No sards have been issued, and Mis weddiug will be a quiet one, only the immediate relatives to be prtaeot,., Rav.' Beverly P." Allen, ; arotber of tbe; bride, assisted bv Hr, W.jr.Ai8Swortb,of Macdn, . will offipiate. . "Ths couple will leave immedi- . Wy for FrsikrntK. C hy. way " of Atlanta 'and Tallulah Falls, reaching Asheville, the future . borne about July 21st. , . : ' "Mist Alien will be greatly missed from. -our midst. As a teacher for many years here, aud ia.WesIeyan college Macon, her brilliant mind aud broad oultnre, ' her cousecrated life rand com pre heudiog sympathy bavs reached and ennobled the ' lives of hun dreds of children aud young peo- pis. :Wr;y::-:r 'Mr. Siler is pseMr of the Cen tral Methodiat church at Aahe ville, N. C. He is ons of the lead- ing men of bis confersnce aud is known S' bispersoual gifts, for bis nthufU'ic devotion' to tbe work of thecirarch, and a high integrity and purftjMjf oharacter." Miss Allen is a siBterflOIrs. F. B. Johnston, aud , su sunt of"" Sirs. Dr.F.L. Siler ufFraukliu. DILLAllD, GA. Your correapoudent has just re turned from New. Holland and Gaiueeville, Ga. The scenes wit nessed then, caused by tbe cy clote, are beyond description. Tbe families that , went to New Hollaud from this community are Jobu M.Ditlard, W. B. Dillard, J. H.Dillard.J.B.Dillardaud Mrs. Mollis Foster with their families. Their lives were all spared, but the families of J. M. Dillard, J, H. Dillurd aud i. Mollis Foster lost everything, not even a chaugn of clothing or a peuuy left, all were blown away."';-.' Last Thursday Mr. Jeff Dickson committed suicide at Xiaytou-by taking-morphine. Last Saturday a surgical opera tion was performed ou a 'young man named Parker, by Dra. Siler and Jones of Franklin aud D. L. Garlaud of tbia place. Tbe young man died Suuday morning. ; ; Mies Ethel Powell has just re turned from a week's visit to her brother, Oscar Powell, in Atlanta. Mies Beulah Ureeu has rotuTuod htfine from teaching iu South Georgia. Messrs. A. J. and Frank Ritchie and their families have arrived from Waco, Texas, to - spend tbe summer mouths here, Dairy. Juuel5,1003. s . KOTES FKOX ELLU1T. Editor Pbess: A cold wave swept thn country Friday and Sat urday of last week. A little frost was seen at the head of the creek, but no damage done to crops that we can learn. We are sorry to report the sick ness of our valued frieud and ueigbbor, Mr. T. R. Gray, but learn that he is improviug. Bragg Higdou, ' Jr., returned home last week from Chapel Hill Uuiversity, His many ; frieuds sre pleased to see him again sud anticipate for bim a bright luljfo. t msAreports thfjm a reooi 0f lglwhiiya7welTe , i5Ti5 The fan;., of gUHluer Clark, Jr. is visiting bis sister, Mrs. W. I Cargeuter. Charlie Carpeuter and Algie Higdon made a business trip to Cashier's Valley last week. Two of our belated brethren or bachelors, sre now said to be stir ring about each with an anxious eye to business epecial business. Hurrah I for Compulsory Edu cation, also for our progressive county superintendent, Mr. John stou, who Set the ball to rolling. The County Board of Education will do well to re-elect him. ' Three or four families of upper Ellijay are back from the west, re- joicing to ' an "old Ellijay" once more. Mr. Minoie found tbe people "plum quare" in Washing ton, It may be of interest to many 6f your readers to learn that Mr. Geo H. Carpenter, fora erlv of Macon, has been unanimously re elected Superintendent of pnblio schools in Bowie, Texas, tie at has charge of tbe Summer Nor mat School at that place. AMICUS. , 1. Driven To Desperation. , Living at an ont of the way place, remote from civilisation, a family is often driven to desperation iu oase of accident, resulting in Burns, CuU, Wonuds Ulceus etc Lay In I enpply of Buoklen,s Arnica Salve It's the best oa earths 26, at Smith's )rug Store. .- - WllceXWoes ttbren. ' Raleigh, N. U, June 10The Su. preme court today affirmed the decis ion of the lower court in the oaao of James Wiluex, sentenced to thirty ears imprisonment for the killing of t: v..n:' ' a.'i:ukT,.i. V .i i i Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great q'lanhy I consUnlly eorohig in, declaring Dr. King, New Discovery for Con sumption Cough and .lde to be unequaled. A reoont expression from T. J. McFarland Bentorville, Va. serves aa an example. He writes: 1 bad Bronchitis for three years and doctored all th time without bving benefitted. Then I began taking Dr. King,a ; New Dtsoovery, and a fw bottles ' wholly cured - me. Equally effective iu curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Consumption, rneamema and Grip. Guaranteed by Frank T. Smith Drngglst. Trial bottles free, regular aises 60c, aud 11.00. T Ask President for. PalUass's . Pardoa. :- 8tcll lo the Uau'lte. , ..; Cbnrlotte, N.C.June 13. Judge Boyd leaves for Washington Mon day to see the president ou behalf of a pnidou fur Lawreuco rulliam. TKK GAlSmiLLE CKCLOSE. Gainesville, Ga. . June ?, 1903. J!.d;tor I'ress, Most of your readers have perhaps, heard of the awful cycloue that visited this beautiful city, Muuday, June 1st, but tbiukiuglbat many of these inay uot have read tbe particulars of its awful destruction, if you will allow me I will tell you ru meagre terms of the havoo which it wrought.' I ,wss at Seueoa, 8. C, at tbat time aud could have corns here at ouce, but I did uot care to be ou the scene aud look upon tbe many dead, dying, and uiaugM and torn, nor hear the heart reudiug cries of ths bereav ed. So after calmuess and some order were restored, I visited the oeue, sud I aseure you the first glimpse eveu, beggars description. From direct Information it. seems tbat two opposite storm clouds met uear the Gainesville cottou mills, aud combining tbeif forces, without warning, swooped dowu ou this ill-fated section deal lug out death aud destruction such as is seldom seeu. The first work it did was to destroy the, ware rooms of the Gsiuesville .Mills. Next it blew the fourth story of the cotton mills dowu ou tbe third floor, and the two crushed through to the secoud floor, where they lodged. If I were to use every word iu the Euglisa lauguage which I might be able to commaud I could iu'but a small degree give auy idea of the niaguilude aud awfuluess of tbe scenes aud de struoliou wrought, lmsgine the thousauds of buy apiudlea whirr ing and the hundreds of looms weaviug, all emblems of prosperi ty and iudustry, orated nvstly by little boys aud girls sud worn ou, uuconoious of thj nearness auy danger, tih in an instant most anatiilated and a huiUlred livesjuAtched away, aud hu ueonlc mauuled aud torn iu ev . - . ery conceivable way. The e rum bling brick walls and,, tbe Hying aud whirliug timbers griudiug and batteriug out human lives iu n dironiinu almost beyond the nompreheusqiy "jfljjsi, aB f liend. No.( yfOiathe GaiuV yi FromV -yville mills tbe cyoloue speuxyln its awful fury, destroyiugheTOi mills, Kieotrio car sheds, aud still ouward iu its fury, tearing away great brick structures like sd many straws, wheu it alighted agaiuon the bills of New Holland, where were situa ted ifte cottages occupied by the families wbo were employees in the racolet cottou mills, voir a little while ago I stood ou those hills aud viswed tbe ruiu aud deso lation and suffering wrought there. Out of .75 cottages, iu each of which lived two families, ouly ten re left standiog. In ths houses destroyed the - mother aud, her smallest oues were left" to gusrd tbe homes, ahiie the father aud larger children were at work iu the mills or elsewhere, but when the father aud older childreu returned tbey found uu mother or little sis ters, or brothers nor eytn homes. Some of these were later found dead or dying among tbe debris, oftsu at considerable distance away. I was snowu the places where many were tound dead, aud the uew made graves where over oue-huudred lie ; sleepiug further tolls of its awfuluess. ! The matt path of the cyolone is about two huudred yards wide and about a mile aud a half long. Along this path nothing was left. I saw the plate where large buil dings bad stood. Notbiug wss left every thing gone. Many hou sea were blown fully half a mile, and no two pieces of some could be fouud together. I am told by reliable people, and was shown tbe places, where people, were blown for two to three bundled yards. Irou lamp posts were twisted like wire, telegrspb posts, large trees were twisted off feist above tbe ground. One large brick stable contained horses and all were killed, while a family who lived there were uot hurt, just carried stable and horses away leaviug ths people. The Injured are being cared for very well, three large nospitals hsve been established, fully $20,000 hse already been sent to there, and each train brings more. The oily is almost a mass of humau beings, who are vfsitiug the ruins. The cities, towus, churches aud individuals, from far aud uear, are sending money, prpvisious sud clotbiug daily, while the government hss issued ratioud for 1000 for Ihirly days. So you cau imagiue bow grate- uulrnda Thousand Cave Kidney Yttmtle and Don't Know it How to Vla4 Out. Fill a bottle or common f lau with your water and let H tund twnty-four hours; a sediment or sat tllnf Indicates aa unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it slain your linen It Is vldenc of kid ney trouble; too froauent deiira la i'tyWJi nasi It or naln In the back U alia convincing proof that th kidneys and blad der are out of order,. : What Bo. There is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-. Root, th treat kidney remedy fulfill every wish In curlnr rheumatism, pain la th back, kidney , liver, bladder and every part of th urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scaldlne pain In passing H, or bad Uct toitowing use o liquor, win or per', and overcome that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during th day, and to get up. many times during th night. The mild and th extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Reot Is sooa realized. It stands th highest for Its won derful cures of th most distressing cases, If yoa need a medicine you should have th best Sold by druggists in 50c and$l. sizes. You may hive sample bottle of this wonderful - discovery and a book that tells more about It, both sent absolutely free by mail. address Dr. Kilmer Si Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion read iag this geaersaa oiler u this paper, ful the people here are. The re ports aud news of the grest ca lamity cannot half Way ctnvey to you the extent and awfuluess of lbs Scene and one cau gather a full conception of it by visiting the place aud seeing for himself. How glsdsnd thankful, every one of. you in Maoou should ba, snrrV ded ss yon sre by grs"' tains which ward rftTauob aud wher?H great floods ca strojir Uk id property as in laces, aud where pesce, plei? oonteutment migu if the e would only realise them Yours truly, B. OABTOTXXA. isMts ATMmwtoiKmton NEWS BRIEFS. tn 'iria Federal rtnnrt at t!har. IjlteUe last week, C, 1. Farmer, for merly posfmssterat Crousn, N.Cn was found guilly "of embeiiliug funds amounting to $96T.l0ifhiIe iu charge of the postolEce. Hi flue was $1000 and sentence, six mouths in jail. . CfJL. 8TORZA. tWO ; yflattostoi Ibwahwej Iketf Mrs. Fred VnreUh. MMT nan. Bsartea) "Altar y lint bby wai bar F Hi Rot mm to regain Sty -Irtngth although th dactar givt M a tonic which kecansM and vary superior, bat butted pittas Batter I (raw waaktr avcry Say. My has band ktsMcd that I laks Wins f Cardul lar a week and sat what It wauld do It aw. I di Uk the Bttdiclnc and was vary rteM t Had my ttmrgUi sad htaluS 3wW rctsraiaj. h tw wstksl was t tad sad la a sMatt I was skk to tab ayaayamuleaUtt. I aas vary aathutt. aKk Is Hs praba." , Win of Csrdui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth, lfcprevents nut carriap Kowoman who take Win of Cardui need fear the eotning of bat child. . If Mrs. Unratb. had takra Win of Cardui before her aahycame th would not have been weakened ss she was. Hot rapid recovery should commend this grant remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow. . , IVLIEorCAnDUl WvF ypi I . Bank 8lort-Presdeert fieae. Birmingham, Ala , June 10 With President T. J. Cornwall In part unknown and short newly 1280,000, th Bessemer Savings Bank, one of the strongest institu iron ia fh die trlct, alii elore it doors snd ask for a receiver tomor row morning. OLD PEOPLE'S DISEASES. Nearly all old people are troubled with Bladder or Kidney diseases, snd often with' Asthma and Rlicu matii in. Then sre called 'old peo ple's infirmities. TJRICSOL, the great California Uheumntia rumedy, removes the excess of urio scid from the systfm and efTtcls a cure. It also increases the appetite and builds up the system. Send stamp for boolm particulars to the Lamar A Ranktif lrag Co., Atlanta Gan or UUICSOLOiemic-al Co., Los An gelts, Cal. Druggists cell it at $1.00 per bottl, or six for f;,.00. .!.. " BETTER HIGHWAYS.- t:ow THEY WOULD BENEFIT THB . AMERICAN FARMERS. ' rnfmn Utti tk riuaelnl 4 Manx Other Advantage f Qom R..--Iur.ul Value el Laad Seae Illhwar larTaa, la aa address before a good roads convention recently Professor Latta of Pordu uulversity. Indiana, spoke of tbe aUvantace of good roads aa fol low; . :.. " i Tbat good road have a money value to farmers will be crnnted by nil. That tbe money value of Improved highway is alone sufficient to Justify tbe cost of their-construction will be confidently claimed or readily admitted by mauy farmer, questioned by others and de nied by not a few. V In view of tbe financial and many other advantage of good roads a ma jority of the farmer would favor their construction as rapidly as practicable under some efllcleut, ecououilcnl and (equitable system of highway Improve ment But there I a considerable pro portion of tbe farmers, doubtless ouo nf th and possibly one-fourth, wbo have little knowledge or appreciation of the benefits of good roads and wbo there fore object on account t tbe great cost r of tu.ntiu - iUave to beat their -fuir- burden of sucli ImprOTemeut. ThrjTirm) credit, not wholly without reason, tbe statements and conclusions of many public writers aa to the losses aud talue to farmers from poor and food roads respectively j hence tbey view with apprehension tbe general agita tion In favor of improved highways. Ignoring or undervaluing the educa tional and social advantages a well as th comfort and enjoyment of good road, or feeling unable to pay tbe price of such benefits, these farmers regard with distrust and disfavor meas ure for highway Improvement, and tbey are likely to oppose effort for tbe betterment of our roads nnles tbey can first ! convinced tbat good roads will prove a paying financial Investment, Bpcnidng. therefore, IU behalf or those VUo for any reason 4 re not influenced by th blgherscoualderatlou in favor of improved highways. 1 raise tbe ques tion, Will it pay the' fanner In dollars and cents to Improve their public road i ; Beton attempting to answer tills question let us consider In what ways permanently good, ronds wilt prove financially beneficial to fanners. All will agree, 1 think, tbat a good road wlll- i'lnrt. Economise time and force tn transportatlen between farm aud mar ket Second.-Enable tbe farmer to take advantage of market fluctuation In buying and selling. -' TbinL-Permlt the transportation of farm products and purchased commodi ties during time of comparative lei- Fourth.-Reduce th wear and tear on borers, harness and vehleles. Flfth.-Enhance th market value of real estate. : " ' But there Is another side to-this ques tion vis. tbe increased .value of laud from highway Improvement J oat here the objection may be raised tbat tbe Improved road would not Increase tbe ptoduetlve enpaclty of tbe land, while th enhanced commercial value would Increase the taxes. Let ns, for the lake qf argument, grant tbl plausible but fallacious objection and then find what It amounts to. Let us suppose tbe In- r crease In appraisement for taxation to be $4 an acre and tbe tax rate 14 per cent. This would mean an annual a crease tn taxes of S cents an acre, or S3 a hundred acres. Would uot our ob jector after enjoying the benefit of good roads' be very willing to give therefor tbe extra $5 If necesssryj Would be keep tbe money and go back to the thraldom ef mud roads! if so, be has tbe option of selling bis farm at an advance, according to tb average eatlmate of hi brother fnrme'r, that will mor than doubly reimburse blu for hi expenditure ou highway Im provements, and be can thou remove to some nattv wild wbose quiet waters have not been "troubled" by tbe spirit of progress. la view of tbe general recognition among farmer of tbe necessity and benefits pt good roada I am encouraged to beUere tbat large proportion of tbe fanning classes will heartily Join with the people or tbe cities and towns in an effort to devise, adopt aud put lute exeeutlon some efficient, ecouomlc al and equitable system of highway Improvement Tbat there -are some who would realise little substantial gain from highway Improvement ninst be admitted, tut! to base an argument galnat good rouds en this fact would be to do gross Injustice to ttie great majority of Industrious, thrifty, euter prising farmers wbo are doing so much to make Indlnnn one ef the foremott agricultural state of tbe Union. That Tfirobbing Headache Would quickly leave yon, if you used Dr. King's New Life l'ills. Thousands of suffur'nt have proved their matchless merit for Sluk and Nervous Il'eiidnches.t.'They make pure bltMMl and build up your lieUL. Only S5 cents, money back if not cured. SoM by . Frank T- Smith DruiaU saiiiii I - " ..tt.-jx.:- .t -anaBBSSBTmac- If l Vr It t. M t? h The Kind You Ilavo Always In use for over GO years, and ffifJ'J sonal sapervlsion since Its Infancy. CCC&vlA ; Allow no onn io !eelvn ron In till. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-ns-grood",are but 1 Experiments that trifle wj W and endanger the health of r Infants and Children Kxperleuco against lixperlcicnt. v What is CASTORIA Oostorla Is a harmless sabstltuto for Castor O'J, Pure gorlc, Drops aud. Soothing Syrups. It is riensant. It contalna neither Opium, Slorphino. nor other I.'arcotlc subsUnce, Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fovcrlslmess. It cures Dlarrhooa a:A Wind Colic. It relieves Teething: Troubles, etircs Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the . Stomach and Bowels, givlnjr healthy and natural sleep . Tbo Children's ronacea l'he Mother's Friend. CENUIME CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the The KhCYou Hay In Use For Over 30 Years. I THI OCftTAUH OOMMW, T WUHflAT WTntFT, mt9 TORSI am. . fill WDTHUT IV DADTMCitu. Jfe.q . tiiTS S.f . t5 iV- Svii stk ffTl m m . m . ill roraa'-TOA- St ia-af 5 J I . A Perfect For All Throat and S J tg bx m Cure i Lung Troubles. Hi gjf 53 Money back If It fails. Trial Botttasflr. pi $ in 1 . - S33 'f3' ' JJg .y4 BO YEARS' f 51 III IMOTfS ill . ' V fc-itf ?r TTnosMiwa sir m tmi M 1 kv X, v . '" " '' aVfc Afitnneiwndlnf pltrtrh nrl rtepoaji ittriv M A vvw: -wws. ws-sjssswasasjsja S 1 jV qoto:y nsMwrMln wor ftpriikm frw whettnr CS3 ... . 'ew. ' 9 a a-, k'trS InTajnihm tn probubl? mitcitih)a rnnninnld 2 J - " kw -S2 ft tnsjsrtij'viirttrttrMiiiil. 1inndbookonFativ 22 m i V f sT pmi freer OMenl niffliifT Utr rwrnniiif ptont. taW .-.rr 1 1 ii Btja. kiVi w,rhou'llh''rHtttat' - I M I 0 J T" I Ahantltxrmolrmftrtrttetf wMii)f I,nrftf Sft e fisnoo).sjsjsaliaii uenhi siaiiliiieieiiauisaw!aeBjawg'ijaWsaa t S aV lY I TOlatton Of ,in tcl entitle loarnfU, Torm CIS f 7 ?. I vr fnnr monibm.SL SoM bj narwu)(Hik m m m m m m i Svt ... aav ill " : ig M .is! hi - t m - til ... - aaS h - -.- A High Quality-Low Frices. ii -m :u rr r hi ' "x ' m ...... ...... r... '-. f -. f - .r. .- u-- ' .iT.... . . -L. .... .... ..... ; - . : - t : v.- .. .... .. ViA ytVERr PERSC3NX II 4 ! - fW.l.l.l,frMtof.n,UI.P.....X bajrliisBn we. witLBtwu te roily ef "" . c 1 afl ( I a ......3r;. C;::sC..'y23c::lStr: Or aull ti wait la C. NT.?-I. 1X10. lwaSr.tllfl.lMbro'ir 1nmr rhv!rla Iu ChUTlm'MI to TKl- THiNa. er 'fi our ii 1 T 'n h ('viiwas wwini in If".-ih.-il a e ctnffntjH iif'ii t. el.i; t'fDt, aonenjf b in Wink ' :w urt la rtMOWl bu tu.m. a N to w hut a t?tr yon I, a t D.I tt - t hss a, 'Hi fl.HiUiisr 8t MI-0 Of lrltfH.t at-lti sit.cn i"tiiii ihfr' it m 011. i-: U to miff m:r-H w biiir Bougrht, and wlilch has been has borne the st?natare of 1 has been made nndcr his pcr : Signature of s Bought elUway ,js r,aisoliloaaM4eUfaiUMUdrtualamlBlMU tniuwirauoauaKimiliioUaBsfnu. tr.. or la tha aaarrutura mm win .h ,k A 'I a stmi port. Thuf eoanliuw ik bim aipeulml attilns maltar eror bm4 tfia, they enabla jou tot ipFumananHirm TOW ml tagu With th. I VUH Wr.W0UVENIR CATALOGUFi U!curaniij'rcurt..iiculJu.ll.rtlto.t uv.... .u t.-l alshAnwricnoiaaiaoilplauto. Illianork afaril rott U arwta and II l. rouri f, th. .u.. axpliios our tuUqra Oornlth Plan of Minna B Th multioj uui oonitum.lca limit la fw. of a l!!llon Pnll.nr4 PiirrhaMra.7 rULU I.VFOBM4TI0H. AdilreM, CORiJlGBs CO. WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY. y TiUISHIl) It Tii Zr'i lv,:'.':'::':ir Diarrhoea, Dyvtniery, and 1 I tlx Bowtl troubles of I Vmdrtn Of MifAgt. Asfls D'estion, Rf'latS a tii liowrSs, Strr-P'-Hhens th Child and A. kes TrLTMINCi EA.SY. J. MCFF6TT. M. tV ST. LOUIS, MO. prvitttivn iI ( to ml'.l to i a bfn I-'tiiifl Utb'rM v?rv btrti ni a. tl ;t we hnvs) eo-t t.. : ' tj f : -il Ik f "t Uf Uh llirtfl tin. t"-;is:nf? innih!i ar ovpr. ho tun -,y jv finj n-.( tn k t!il In tl".- iK'tic rti'.i 11 -it t i:...t I of tl,ri h-rr; at ii t THE Dovble Daily Tra!::J I ceiiTjiDg- coiiman sieepers, aie can Pcctrie Lfghfjgd Throughovt arw'cBN , V Blrmlnghaoi, Memphis and Kau CVi AH TO M.k WoiNTS IN , I Texas, Oklahoma and lodlao Territories ' AN THS . Far West nd Northwest VHB ONLY THROUON SLBBPSNO CAR LsNB BBTWECN THB SOUTHEAST AND 1 Kansas crrv " Descrtptlve llteratnre. ticket ar ranged and through reservations made upon application to W. T. aauNOsna, Ot i Ar. Pae. Dm, ? . '. oa ; P.I.OuiRR, Ti,tN.a,, ATUU.T. C. i W. T. SAUNDERS Qea'l b' J""9" PtsirtmanL FRISCO BEADING S0TICS. On the fiiKt ami third Tnesdnys of April, May nnd June the Frisco Sys tiin (S.'iinl Louis & Sun Francisco flailroml) will have on sale .'reduced v one way arid round trip ticket from Birmingham, Wi'ttiplifyand Snint Louis to pointajflj Jtlisiioi. Braodl uffio. aa F St. Wathliictsa, B.CT Highlands Insurance Agency. r Insures only iu tbe beBt Com , pauies. . ,, . Losses promptly paid. T. Baiter White, Agent, . , HIGHLANDS R.C EXECUTOR'S K0TICE. Having qualified as executors of U. Higdon, dee'd, late of Macon County, N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims agtunwt the estate of said deceased, to exhibit 1 hum to the undersigned on or before ilju 15th day of May, 1904, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to saiu eatiite will please make immedi ate payment. . v This May Olh, 1903. J. A. HlODOH, j T. B. tlioDox. Eieoutors of W. II. Iligdon, l)t'0La&ed. Tear Wants 8npllt4 Promptly. If you wsut posters, If you waut snvelopes. If you want bill heads. If you want note heads, If you want statements, If you want show cards, If yon waut tetter heads, If you waut receipt books. If you waut programmes, If you want invitatious, If you waut calliug card., If yon waut shipping tn, , If yon waut job printing of s deecriptiou done, iu the very 1 style aud at rock bottom , call at r, Tnu Phess Job Orm-F, Frankliu, b. V v.

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