c e I wr. ? t le months vt months -in . . , per Una, . tl.20 Met fl cent A cent ruhlished every Wednesday The ouly difference be twixt a oertaiu eititen of this town and the moou U that the moou looks big irur when it i full, and the citixeu ouly fuels bigger. JoAB. Last week after goiug to press we received the Initial number of 'Thk Awalachuh," uew paper started at Brysou City ou the 16th iusti : We welcome it to owr, ex change list and heartily wish it success. J. . Smith and Roy Kigali are the editors. Brysou City has heretofore been a success """air grave yard for newspaper un dertakings, and the proseut effort has to labor wider the disadvan tagea that a knowledge of that fact brings, but we have beeu of tba bpiniou that a good county newspaper can be maintained at Brysou City, if properly "conduo ted or else we do not understand the Swaiu oouuty people. The Ap palachian ought to have at least ssMsJhnndred payiug subscribers Del 'T1 II stick, buccess to youTlrelh. . wi ren. lu the election at ' Weldou on Tuesday of last week ou the liquor - questiou, eighteen negroes fasten d saloons npou . the towu. The votes of the a bites were for dis pensary,, 44; agaiust dispeusary, oil. Tbe IH negroes voted aolidly against dispeusary aud lu favor ol saloons, thus giving a majority of teu for suloous. The statement that Mrs. Jay, the wife of the uucoube county doc- tor who murdered his three obil iru after chasing her from home, was not quite , fit toe u years old wIiaii elm ivna nuirriil smvaii vauru ago, i auotner argument agaiust child marriages. Twenty two years , old, the'motber of three childieu, all murdered by their father, aud iter husband on the way to the 1 V . . gallows! Charlotte Observer. A correspondent of the Char lotte Observer has beeu to Surry oouuty. N.C., and formed the ac quaintance of several, members of " 8uowfeujJj7ig"; KSnowf "uow, Deep Suow, Hail Suow, .at ix Suow, Frost Suow and Icq Suow. ' If he had uot taken the Shivers he might have met some luore of the frigid family. ' ; " F- H. B. A guest visiting a family con taiuiug a number of children was frequently puzzled at meal-time Jby hearing one or another mem' , ber of the household murmur, in a warning tone,' "F. U. B." Final- l.. L:. i . ...... that he asked bis host what the saying 'meant. ... . i "It means," replied the head, of the household, smilingly, "that it isu't safe to ak forVfeuoud help StjiMwacoept if one be offered that there isn't auy more of that particular dish in the kitcheu." "I see," returued the partially enlightened guest." "Bui what is t tie exact significance of those three letters?" . "They stand," said the boat, "for 'Family, Hold Back.'" No vember Woman1 Emm Compan ion, 1 feeo. F. llavldaea for (Joreraer. In lust. Sunday's News aud Ob server Jobu P. Kerr announces the candidacy of Hon Tlieo. F. David sou fur the uouiiuatiou by the Democratic State couveutiou tor Governor. Davidson would make a hue Executive officer for the State, is fully competent, aud has tod claims upon the Democrat ic party asauy man iu the 6tate. lie would be especially strong iu t',9 Western part of the state. Saves Two From Death, 'ur little daughter bad an almost ! attack of a hooping couh and 1 i a riteii Mis. W. K. Ilavi t f AiKiouk, N. Y , "hut, when t-r rviueilien failed,., we saved : ' ' U riuij New l)i ; . f ' i.ii a lio liu 1 (Jon- i : ) t il !-- 1 ht-f, Ii!m) i fid s il'.ine Bit.) to. : I 1. 1- - (' Jii-' 1 to s f c .ty.' .. 'l t..l.t v lective of de- j or politics, i la i . . r t j a til Itiir ''('l '-', l! uoinitiatioualittii) should become united and all work to (he accomplishment of a com mou purpose. It is right to do this. It is to the best interests of our people to do it. Progress in this progressive, age demands that it should be done. Granted that all the above is true, it then beoouies the duty of every oitiseu to look to the details of the work to the soleoliou of a site aud the providing of means to secure a suitable building and accommo dations to gel such a school suc cessfully under way. Let as look at the aituatiou as it uow stauds. We have uo gra ded school, and no school of auy promiueuoe in our, towu. It is true we have the Fraukliu High School which has been doing good work for several years in a quiet way, but it is not a publio school fostered by all the people of our towu. It it owned aud controlled by the Methodist church here, and while deuomiuatioualism , it not taught in it, all other denomina tion! feel that it ia uot their school, aud are mere or less dis posed to look upon it as a church school aud are uot freely disposed to patronise it. Church schools are all right where churches take them fully in hand and tnauage theut as such. The Bylva School and The Brevard school are exam ples. But it is our opinion, that the educational iuteresta of our demand a "public gra fiwia wllich ill triple ded cau feel they have a oommotFiprAotJ it is ouropiuiou mat me in. dist church ought to tell the hfgb school property to the town, aud all our people uuite to build up a first class graded school. ' The lo cation it the most tuittble one that cau be fouud in the towu. v As it uow stauds it it a fine property that is paying no profit whatever to the church that ; uwut it. It costs money . to keep it iu repair, and the church geta nothing in re turn for it. If it were sold and the money it would bring proper ly tuvested, it would bring iu a good amount of interest to aid iu payiug the preacher's salary aud other church expeuses. Even with the present building ' with , tome repairs a flue graded school could be started at ouoe. Welearu (bat the Baptist peo ple held a meeting last Saturday to ocuaider ways aud means for establishing a school on their property. Whether such a school would be deuouiinatiotial or ' not. itVbufd be res "ujoual just as. regarded at deu outttyv-people now look - upon the , Fraukliu High School. Then the Episcopal peo ple have au equal right to start a school of their owu. So ' with the Presbyteriaus, r Franklin it too small to main tain four, or even two denomina tional schools. It it true wc ex pect the towu to grow when the railroad comes, but even with the growth of many years it will uot be ton large for a first olast graded school, th pride aud iuterest of all the people withiu a radiua ol teu miles. Look at Uoldsboro with her population of 0,000. A few years ago ber people built a fiue graded school, the pride aud glory of ail her citizens. It will be a Jong time before Fraukliu grot t too big to have one good gra ded school. The eeusible thing to do is to uuite iu a common effort aud make a firht olatt graded school. W. A. C. OA070HIA, The Rabun County rllgl) ' School. At a business meeting at the Valley Law Ground last Friday, Joseph L. Dickersou was fleeted treasurer with a bond of $3,000, and notes oy subscribers to the amount of $2,000 have beeu made payable to bis order one day after date. There will be a business meeting at the Law Ground ou Saturday of this week to take steps to elect a Board of Trustees aud orgauize a plan of government and administration. Clayton Trib uue.' Confessions of a Priest. Rev. Jno. S. Cor, of Y7iky Ark., write, "For 12 years I Hu.Ti-rtd from Yellow Jaundice. 1 rmi'idlej a num !ier.of -t : ctai'S nt d tried nil anrts of im;U (,, , lilt g'd no re.ii f. Then I I.' n t'.e of r';u;.s't! . l'!:,ici and f ill1 .1 1 a n I'liel of a m i I oi ''. . v. , . . , :v ! his .' h, ii- 5 t: is : .,'.y, as a i;.iiK.,it r, f r I Ai'i y and c..!. CaviJ Nortou Las rental cf J.i Z. Gotwalls the grain n ill Lirt in towu. The mill does a good Lusi-1 liens uiue mouths iu (ho year. 1 One of theSylva stable horses, which'brought over Prof, ilarbi-, sou oil Thursday last, died on Fri day, - It took sick soon after its arrival here. It was a fine auiinal which the owner refused a bun , dred and fifty dollars for a fow . dayt before, . , j A carrier pignon pnsBed iu itt since, lauding at the grain mill of J. Z.Gotwalls. It is supposed its journey was a long one, and being huugry, the sceut of grain caused it to come down. It was a beau tiful bird, larger than the common pigeou. It completed its visit and left of its owu accord. It had a small steel baud on its W, on which was stamped T. C. 13837." II. M.Bascom ia off at Rabun Valley and Clayton. George McGuire of Hamburg was iu towu ou Monday. Bx. Elections will be held iu eleven slates on Tuesday, November 8. Full State tickets are to be voted for in Massachusetts, llbode Island, Maryland-, Ohio, Kentucky, Iowa, and Missiagippv wliile in New York, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and Colora do, a justice of the upper courts, or minor slate officials are to be chosen. Municipal officers are to he eelvolc-d in Greater New York, ttaii Frauoisoo and Salt Lai I hree true y ' "Jr-i wee fl,"Jilrwr"-"t carried was flo.ov X JNVjiegraudjUry of Bun- ooiiioe oouuty hut, Monday, and he was to have been siraigued for trial yesterday morning. Attys. Win. J. Cocke aud 11. B. carter ' have beeu employed to defend him. F Mrs. Spurgeoi) Dead. Lou jou, Oct. 22. The widow of Rev. Charles Spurgeon, uoled preacher, who died January 31, 18112, died today. Tha Veterans' Reunion! l ne election ol . otiicert was quickly effected. Col. Tbowat 8 Kenan, renominated . Julian S. Carr for major general, aud be wat re-elected by acclamation ' and amid great cheering. He taid be had expected to hold office no Ion- ger, that he wat too old to run aud to accepted with sincere pleasure. Brigadier Generals Carlton, Lou don, Metts and Ray were re-eleo ted by acclamation. The veterans prououneetQdlavs' reunion a mod' ue iu all respects autt tay they wero never before served to good a dinner. Badget , were issued . to 1,400, il is reported by A. B.Strou ach, commander of local camp. . A uumber of Daughters of the Confederacy, headed by their State president, Mrs. F. A. Olds, were preseut at the ' annual meeting of the United Confederate Veterans Mrs. Oldt was escorted to the plat form to speak ou the subject of giving crosses of houor to the ve tortus, aud urged the couveution to adopt a resolution, which it did, asking (hat crosses of houor be giveu ou county reunion days, no matter when these occur. Raleigh Correspondence of Charlotte Ob server. Not For Tbt Editor. An exobauge taye that au Illi uoit editor has beeu asked to run for au office, hut wisely refused in these characteristic terms: "No, kind but deluded frieuds, the mis sion of hireling who holds the plow baud let of tbia paper it to keep the fires buruiug ou the altar of liberty and the beacon light biasing ou the shore of time at (1 per blnz, invariably iu advance. He does uothuugeror thirst af ter official life. He did thiuk ouce that be would tike to go to the legislature, but he has grown iu grace since then aud purified hit system of that unholy desire. Siuce tbeu ho has not yearned a single yearu norhaukertid aaiugle bank after political distinction." rrotaMlwol Opll, T'C r r : : u r.u iu t, .A .1 It- Isi , i1. lust rjf 1 i! tl bloom of ; Yef it whs not that Nature bint abed or the ecene i , i Iti-r jiiir.-st of errstnl. sunt brluliUst rf grvwu; V. . -J 'Twns nut li soft uiu' e' atrenmlrt or hill - O, no! It wns sumethliig more exqulnlte still. : , p . t 'Twas tlint frloruls. tlie belovej of my boaom, were near, Vhtt oinile every uur Sine of en linntiiiut nwire dnsr, i And who felt how' the beat charm of nature Improve. Wheu we see (kvtu Mtwtedi front looks that w Iota : Bweet Vale of Avooa! bow culm could I reat la hv boMni of ehnde. with th friends I tore best; , - Where the storms that we feel In this cold world ihoold And onr hearts, Ilka thy waters, be nilagled In peaee. Ueee44e4feeeeef44' CAGTOIA , For Iafaatt and CLUIim1 . D U Y:j t::i r.:;i t.:;:.t Bears the etgaatoraef Pearsea Tee Baafhtj. Rome, , Oct. 24. Richmond Pearson, formerly United States Cousol at Geneva, aud now Miuia ter to Persia, has been fined sixty dollars aud fifteen dollars cotte for insulting au Italian railway official last December, previous to hit appoiiittueut as minister." ; New Auditorium at Asht villa . Bumed. The new auditorium receutly built at Asnevuie wat burned Saturday morning at 4 o'clock. The building Oosi,"-'V,'V-1 the The residence of Mrs. W, II. 'Pen muu wasaiaouurnea, loss siu.uuy. An opera oompany't scenery tod effoctt were also burned, tha cetn pauy having played the night be fore. The auditorium will be re built immediately. Three Ceavlets Bsease. Bpeelal to the 6atetteRewv ' Raleigh, N. O, Oct. 26. The peni tentiary autborilies jjive ' out the news of the escape of three sick ne. groes during the storm Friday mult. All have consumption and are very While temporarily deranged Mrs. Louis Iveraon, of Pacrfio Grove, Cal, murdered three of her children last Sunday by strangling them. Her 11 year eld boy made his escape. Htodtrsonvllls Votes flgalnst Liquor. - Hendereouville, Cn Oct v 20. llendjoBTHiJ-rB Tbont today by ; uipe majority Agaiust dispeusarles 94. Agjinst distilleries 16. The fight was hot ly contested aud the saloon ele meut made gains over the last eleo tion of this kind. Outside influ- encet made it a stubborn fight. The temperauoe foroes made a no ble resistance aud are jubliaut to night, - ' - . H - Harris Was Convicted. Atlanta, Ga Oct. 20. John Harris, a negro, wat found guilty and sentenced to death today, on November 13, for the tuqrder. of Policeman Drasbacb in this city, two weeks ago, Harris pleaded gnilty to the crime. Congress to Meet November 9. Washington, Oct. 20. President Roosevelt today issued a procla. tnatiou calling the fifty-eighth congress to meet in extraordinary session November 9 at 12 o'olock. The proclamation states that the purpose of the session is to con sider a commercial convention be tween the United States and Cu ba, which wilkrequire the approv- al of congress, , . Vcr-.cn ts V:i cs lltn Are llzli IV.zzrzl'.i ty Kidney trouble preys upon'tha mind. d! courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor no cnneriuineni coon f dieappear when the kid - ' neve trs out ol order or el ceased, T"- . e-iii'ey trouble has - become to prevalent J W that tt is not uncommoa I for a child to bo torn liicle 4 wi!h wei kid tit. a. Kthe chi.J urin- 6 - aie toa olten. if untie t ' i t' e f h or if. whn ti e e,i irv '.-s i $ t n it mou be to CJiiiiol t . p. , l is jft.' icted i.h b-J itu . i! - , 4 t-iiT t. ti. rMM, of thed ncui.y is kulw-y troui a, and.'.ef 4 9 ": s -:' S be li.v. 'i i (SM tw of t : ii- ! r:sM o !. 'i , i i t tt" e IS (5 to . -- 1 c il , f . 51! I - s f 4 ! 't to a i t v I rf f ! ll.ftt v.,. ! a u !" I If nn 't ii ' irt .if :i (.. le t u.a U:? Leart! " NEWS BRIEFS. ; . A negro convict made a break for liberty at a convict camp in Buncombe county last Thursday and wat shot by a guard, ' I Al Waynesville last Thursday at 11 o'olock, Miss Oberia Rogers of Wayuesville, and Mr. Chat, W. Padgitl, of Dallas, Texas,' were married. t" 11 Raleigh and surrounding tec tion had a snow storm of au hour's duration last Saturday morning. ' . . ' The Virginia Military Institute at Lexington hat beeu closed : ou account of typhoid fever. . There have been 60 cases since June, and 34 this month. (list Thursday's attendance at l oiaiv A'nis uiv ,nwiwu v-ds. The crowd was the great- ii the himv. Thirteen pritoners ma4f escape Saturday morning from. at w ashttigtou, N. C, by digging a hole, through the brick wall of the jail. ; , ' Jesse MoClure murdered his two sons aged 6 and 7 years at Marion, Ind, last Suudsy, by ahooticjr tbem in the head and la) mg them out in a fence corner. He says he did the act to take rev uge on his wife who had previously left him. Hs drove to the jail aud st rrendersd. - ONE DIFFERENCE. Oreeavllle Reflector. Elijah! was fed by ravens. Eli. jab II it fed by suckers. (1277) THE WINTER RESORTS S SOtfTrh- - . KBACHIDBT s:jTi:ir..iRi!iay. The Southern Railway annonneea tlie aale of round-trip Winter Excursion tick eta to all . tlie principal resorla ot the South, beginning October 13, 1908. Ttie winter retorts of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida are efirtecl ally Inviting to thou in search ot health or jdeaaur.' In these Statea are auoh noted resorta as Piaeburnt, N. C, Cam den, Aiken, Sumiuervltle, & V., Charles toa, B.C., Augusta, Savannah, Bruna- wick, Jekyi lalawt and Thomasvllle, Oa, Jacksonville, 8t Angustlue, Or mond, Daytuna, falia Beach, Kockledae Miami and Tampa, Fla.; also the resorta of Porto Rico and Cuba, best reached via Southern Railway. ' Tickets oa sal np to and Including April 30, 1IXM, limited to return until Nay SI, 1004. , Southern Railway affords elegant train service, with the latest Pullman v Draw ing Room Sleeping Cars, operated through between principal cities and r sorts, elegant Dining Car service, and everything fot the cunifurt and pleasure of tlie traveler. Ask nearest Ticket Agent for further Information aad descriptive literature. The "Land of the Sky" and "Sapphire Country." IOEAL WINTER RESORTS. The Southern Railway reaches the ide al winter resorts ot the "Land of the tky" aud "Sapphire Country," tnclu dinjr Anheville, N. C, Hot Spring, X. Ilemlernonvlllc, X. C, Srevard and Lake Tosawny. The climate of this seo linn hi unimrallelcd. suitable for invnlhls, athlete or sportniunn, and olTurs every charm of an ideut Winter Resort Kle gant torn ir t hotels. Through deeping Cars from principal cities. Ton.wt Tickets now oil .sle at Very low rates. A-V tu-arert Ticket AlJfiit fur flitilhil luformriiittn and di'srripllve llleratiiTo. r. ill, 'f,J, r I Li'L'-.i'-s nn;:.T ,.;c norMLKrul. l i i mm k. rttm A perfect Remedy forCorrsHp. flon. Sour Stoniach.DiarrhcHui Worms .Convulsions .Feverish nest and Loss or Sleep. far-Simile Signnlwe of -KEAV YTT?K. tXACT COPY OF WRAPPCa V I URMT 4 ROBIHSOfi'S STORE. genteel goods for $11 iht people. "Cleanliness is " Our mid fm if;"v a mm r m O-d clean neat, sweet and toothsome. is fresh .-Ov - fa4 kHl VIKr.A .You pay no one else's bill terms are casn or country proo . t - - j - j "A thing f behuty is a joy forever.n - ' , '"A Marvelfcus Showing of Dress Goods and Waist Goods Tliis store ts alive and bolntifully filled with all that is ob- j uunauie in me nearest, the prettiest, the latest and richest creation in meruliandiso. v At tbe lowest possible prices for firetifasSSJfooda. Ttw "stVdtst-linc of JOfess Goodr, Skirt Goods and Waist' Goods S ever shown in town, ail new and stylish. '" ti Shoes Ws are better prepared than popular prices. The widest leather. You can depend on uew leather and tbe kinds to High QualityLow Prices! 4 To the tat payers of Macon Co, Please read the following law . care fully and remember that I am com- pellml to obey the snine ; and every tai payer iu the county will be coin, pulled to conform to this taw. Laws 1901, chapter 7. ' "Sax. 76. All taxes shall be due on the first Monday In September in each year, Ao." "Sac. 77. The Sheriff or his Deputy, or Tax CoHwtor, shall at tend at the Court House or bis office in the county town during the months of September and November for the purpose of receiving taxes, lie shall also in like manner attend at least one day during the month of October at some one or more places in each township, of which fifteen days unlive shall be gtvin ly adver tisement al three or more public pla ces and in a ne sHr, ito." I'surira c3, Seel. Whenever the tint's slin'1 te due and unpaid, the '.Ucr'uT hli'ili.iir.r.icdiutisly proceed to cn'U'vl tlit'.o a follows : If U'e iivty ch ir ;i-d have pcrsoiial properly uf a vnltit e'jual to the Imx ' "' I , ..ii -I Lull the S iCi, 1 s !l , v n : V I. 1 ::;-TM8.-TUIEG.-r:i::-- l.l 111' II !)(,) f .. I v, ,11. h, .. "l I" C 1 it. .1 4 a-J i In Use For Over Thirty Years ' it i TMB MimUl elaitS, NtW Eai Sai iai tut si aext to Godliness." stock of m.v ii ,a. m v. JffN, -.cd Goods fin dealing with us, asufaaj uce on tbe pay as you go plan, aai a si in ill ever to sell yon good Shoes at $j variety of styles of every kind of tai the Shot yen boy here to be of If j aland wear. ' ' . i ' .kit its? mm it! seise ana sell the aame ss he. Is re quired to sell other property under execution Ac, Ao. . I shall endeavor to follow strictly the above law. Therefore all parties are earnestly requested to oome for ward and settle tbeir taxes. 1 '! 1 will visit the places named be low for the purpose of receiving the taxes on the daj s and dates named. Millshoiil, Saturday October 10 El-ijay, . Monday Sugarfork, Tuesday : Wed. A Th. Friday -, Saturday 13 1415 - 16 17 19 20 ' " 21 2i 23 24 Highlands, Flails, - Smith's Br. Cartoogechayc, Monday : Nanlahiila, Tutjaday briiirtuwii, Wednesday u u Uuruingtown Thurslay Cowee, Friday Frinklin, Saturdny All tax payers are esrrestly re- q'lcsted to meet mo at the above limes .(ml places nml pay their taxes us this is t!i! nml only round ai.houi oiMt. liini-eolfully, T. 1- Iliiiwojr, i.r. i:.:5. n.vr.x - 1 T -Li. If iicars mo ' . , Signature M cf ,iVr , IF n tts psw' Will et ll dii'ly l-etwi'eii S-1 -er Ifitli and N'ovemlier SOth I'J ' rale colijui.-t ticket to (mini In .'WASHINGTON, OlkEuON, C ALIFOHN1A, MONTANA, IDA I'O, WYOMING, (OI.OI.'ADO, NEVADA, UTAH, A I! I ZONA and ' NEW JltXllO. ' '. Shirt line, quick time, nil bus tmnaffis, free'' redlining clittir-cara. Fur rates, aehedulea, maps aud full Ujfotuiatioii wi'jiKrr" . . .. . . W. T. Sacndkbs, , . Gen. Agt. Pasa. Dept.' K.E.nI.Al:K, Tiateling Par. Agt,' , Atlauia, Ga. TALLULAH FALLS RAILWAY COMPANY, . TIME TABU SO. tt. Effective Monday Sept 21, 1XI, 8 a. m. Eastern Time. STATIONS. AM LV. AK Cornelia Urnuireat ' (.Mnrkesrille Hills - Ananilale , lmllywooil ;;I Tnrnerrllla ' '. v Tallulah IjiHlge T Inluh Falls Wy'le "!. Tig.-r ' Claton 11 WI o! 11 aoi 12 iw! til a 5 21V 6 10 on i i 5 .V, w is- ; r M Will F ia :m m r 12 III H Vi20i n in 0 IS 1 UO'JI AR. ' F. Vor flag stop. , VTy lie, Tiger and Clayton are new sta tions on th-i extension, trains not loing o)iernted to them on regular acheilule prcscui. . n . , mum, . . . General Manager. m ik ' " . . '- Hi) "THE V1 ' g -J . ai"' 1 "wwea-JW sl - a. aw i -vi - 1 a. we. ft' lklv excels : IN Hpeed, Courenlemw, Kime of ouurstlon. : : Pri.-e Ilurnlillitv, I'i rlwt alignment. ' - BY,, Merit, Having the1 moat 8( IBNTIflCALLT Arranged keyboard, Rving au up-to-dato -Tvpewritcr. ' et'Lr T sstst r bive at far s Writing . jMjchiot roi in doing rosrulf u hjuitlna ; if rea ds set taveitlrats the'.'. . : ., ' Bllckensderfer Typewriter. 8end for cittalogne tnlay, - THE BUCKENSDERFER KF8. CO. 15Ps:t4iMSU , Admit, St, rtrnnjit r ISy Virtue of the power d aale eon laiiuTd in n "deed of trim" inadv by J M. Daves and wife M. A. Daves, to tho undcrHijiiied Trustee, and, reg istered in the office of Kegiaier. ol Deeds for Maeoti county in IVaik N. J I O v v1 wv. ... .vui.,n iy " gagia and Deeds of Trust f county, to which n-for'""' mtjgjat lW"TL-r'u'is "awj i. thereof, default hnving been i ihe said J. M. jravt In the ' of a bond secured by said trust, by which de'rtnlt the , sale contained in said deed o u ..M..A h7n Am .f vr..., nr ai.., nsi ovooina operaiiva : ami-' r. .... . - Kelly, the person entitled to roneivn the money due on account of said Indebtedness having made demand on the undersigned Trustee t!at he sell the lands and premises conveyeiK in said deed of trust, according lo th e terms of said instrument, and ap ul v the Proceeds as therein direct ed. the suid undersigned Trustee, ail on Monday the 23 day of November , lima, ut-tween me uoura oi iz ai. and & I. sell at publio anution : for cash, at tbe Court bouse door in Ihe town of Franklin, County of Mt con, tliH lands described in said deed of trust, more particularly described as follows ; to-wit t-rlst tract : In Franklin Township Macon county, on the- waters of Teanessee river, ad joining the land of Mrs. Flora Van- uouk et. si. ana more particularly described in a du'd from Kopar, D; vis et. al. to J. M. Dnvs, registered in hook "F F" of deeds, pago "1)4 & 806 in office of Kegialer of Deeds ot Slacon County, N. C. 2nd. Tract. All the land known as the home tract of J. II. Daves being the bud Inherited by M. A. l aves frota C. Hayes, adjoining the l:,nd of J. L. Cahe, C W. Va..!,....';, J. 1". IVoan et. al. conl.iii.il' : 7" ; d. Tl t. 'I I'ti ill l. ! l f .-i ' ' : l-i .i . i ! tsw ! we in ' If y. I cit r I : r ;. . 1 i r i r T. f laetv . v i 1 1" y i l-i ii i II I , i ; tt.r.tl