- Ait t " 1 iclve mon', tea, per Una, - - fillet 5 cents 8 cent Published every Wednesday I burned op agin J mi the other day who tlou't live ahuudred miles from this town, and If ha luowed half much at be thinks he knows, the eu cyolopedera woold have to Zi out or business. Joab. The locatiou of (be depot ia or near Franklin when the - railroad i$ completed is a, matter of great importance to the town,. The corps of engi.ueers ou the Tallnlab Falls line hat completed their ryey to Frauklio and bare goue back to Georgia. We learn that they found the beet and most fa vorable route is on the west side of the Tennessee river aud on the west side of town. Tbe line run is above high water mark all the way. It is about two miles sbor ler, tbau other proposed lines, aud avoids some heavy curves that would be encountered in following the river. , From every considers oet favorable liuo found by that survey is ju tavor of pass tug to tbe west of town. Ibeotber corps tnai came up the river from towards Tennessee is about completing its work to this place. It Buds tbe most prao ticable route ou the east side of the river aa every other survey has doue before. Takiug everything into consideration, doubtless the road will have to be built on that side from some point near Frauk iu to$ubnell. It then appears that the river must be crossed at cr nearFrauklin in order to con nect these two surveys. ' To croea above town would iucur tome heavier expeuee for tbe Tallulab Falls end. To cross below would iucur au additional expense equal ly as great for the Tennessee end. Bo the difficulty in . either case would be about the same aud oue or the other must be met. It ia understood tnht the whole hue is uuder tbe - nisnsgemeut of . tbe Southern Bail way, aud when com pleted will be a eiugle through lu thai case it J dmake very little dLffereueea ibVSpauage- uieut aalb where the line crosses ' w-rim. Uut it is a matter of Kreat importance to Franklin as to where the depot will bo located. It ia expected that Fraukliu will grow ftr tbe railroad reaches us. . The situation is such that if the tqwu ever expands and grows it must spread out ou the west aide. ' It could not be expeoted that the bolloni between the foot of .the bill aud the iron bridge could be . built op with residences aud bui- . nets bouses when it is known that , those bottoms are frequently cov ered witn water by tbe overflow ot ' the tiver. If the depot were loca ted on the east side of the river the county would hve 4g ; incur an eno'rniouaejieoje to increase ' the , ,-vilyof tbe imu bridge to ao- mrnodaie' the increased traffic, ts 1 also to raise the toad across lie . bottoms above high water i us k in order to get to the depot twm town at such 'times aa tbe t u t torus overflow. t ; ' " 1 ' ' " Considering the fact that Macon couuty has voted 160,000 bonds (o encourage the baiiIiug of the rail road,' and it was mainly through tbe influence of the busiuees tueii iid interests of Franklin that the I ud were voted, and that tbe . bole couuty will be benefitted (ill the improvement aud growth cf the town, it seems that the rail loud authorities ought to do tbe t t I hey can to locate "' our depot !-re it will be of most beueflt (o : a town and eouuty at large. That : 1 1 ,j tbe west side of tbe lowu. ' v. XV. J. Neville, from whose u we copy au extract re : f to the Tilmau trial, was ily a pupil under tbe ; iu t.'iui) of ye editor, and pro 1 religion while iu school r bii, and later Was sssoci w ish Lim ae aesietant tench i Cp IT ii,h fVbool at ! C. J'r. I"fV!'l8 bns j ii ,i a lii0'i p -.itiou iu . t' Lin church H) fcuuth si. f r a number of yearn, - ; j; LrfciJ.ly i- impd j know 1 . .1. I! I H--i' 1 t :) fi 1' - ' nee!.. ; t L i ;v I with to lift un tev v-ii r t a certain verdict which bus recent ly been rendered in our Cut.- I do this Cret, ou sccoout of tbt promiuence of this case, arid, enc ondly, ou acconnt of its character. It is painful for me tk speak of such things from the pulpit, and I do it only from a sense of duty. do it iu the fesrof God, without fearing any man, I do uot expect to dual iu personalities; but there are persons couneoted with a prao tibal case like this wbich cannot be eliminated from it in our con demnation ot it. We must let tbe responsibility fall where it be longs. In what I shall say, I trust I am actuated by the same motives which actuated John tbe Baptist when be denounced Head for committing an atrocious crime against society, and I stand upon the same ground which this emi nent servant of God stood upon. The voice of every person who loves truth snd justice and righ teousness ought to be raised agaiust this verdict. This verdict is an outrage on justice and truth, trayosty on law and righteousness, a disgrace to our 8tate and civilisation. It is a triumph of corrupt iou and iniquity. But let ts hope tbst this triumph will be only, temporary; aud let na pray aud work ' for the reign of rigbteousnew and truth aud law aud order in our beloved commonwealth, If this oass is to tske as a precedent for the fu ture, Wre ueedbe nc finJMtrials for murder. Yorkville Euqajrer. Tae Ceaatj latefctoowesa. ' Through the courtesy of Register D. W. Blaine, we learn that the couuty indebtedness ia now $10, 863.30 agaiust $13,023.05 at the same data last year. Tha present indebtedness is ' distributed a follows: ordiuary, $8,294.40 pau per, $2,432,76; . roads, $136.14. Agaiust the pauper claim the county owns the county horns for paupers worth over $2,000. The showing ia a pretty good oue for the present board of county com missioners. . v - The board is having the court house thoroughly overhauled, re. paired, repaiuted, cleaned up and put iu first olass order. -v . TURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMflNAC. Ws an Indebted to tha Euuiss Publishing Company of Baleigij, N. for a copy of Turoej N. Almanac for WsiytxtorS an valu able ruWieatiou. A reliable-State auao, which givea all our Stare officers and institutions, all of our Courts, 8tate and Federal; aud all matters pertaining to the Courts; the most important sta tistical . information couoeroing the growth of the State, and no publication is so full,' complete aud reliable as tbe Old Standard State Almanac. Be sure you get oue aud hang it up by your fire side, The price is only 10 cents. To be bad of merchants aud post masters throughout the State, and Ennjss Publishing Co, Raleigh, N.C. v Esau Boetk-TMker Stllea. . Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 29 .Mrs. Emma Booth-Tucker, consul in America of the Salvation Army, wife of Commander Boolh-Tucker and seooud daughter of William Booth, founder of tha army, -was killod in tbe wreck of the 'easK bound California train No. near Dpaii Lake, Mb, oo miles east of Kansas City, on the 8anta Fe, at 10 o'clock laat night. . OADTOriTA. er Ai&atf Ben Issee Befeateaw The proposed issue of bonds for the purpose of building a new court bouse failed of ratification before the people of Henderson County, by. a majority ranging froi 100 to 200. The two lieu dersonville precincts gave a majo rity of 122 for bonds but the couu try districts went heavily against it. Wecaunot' believe that the people fully understood the situa tion. French Broad Hustler. ' Afraid Es rillEitara. Raleigh ' ElWml . Kmmhr: Dewey .is a grand rascal ; aud his letter does not improve our opin ion of bim, although it eeemnd to iudicHte that there are yet p;ar!is of ru!i(;:on in bis heart. Ciiicsh" has uot ci!J e bin k, we j ' tlml be hns pljiyej auotlicr bU: , t.'ick. The lie lorn directors f' "u'J of I r their !.' ) r-warJ j r .-in or i' will t 1 f T i 1 r ; t In. ', ' A yoursi white iha civic the name of Frauk Curtis, was brotfght to Birmingham front Vance, suf fering from a crushed aud broken leg. .Curtis is from. North Caro lina and has been wnrkiug at the Central Iron aud Coal .company's done quarry at Vance. i He accident was caused by a steam drill getting displaced and falling on him. It was aftor dark when the accident happened and in trying to evade the falliug piece of machinery be ran the wrong way and was caught under- neath. Although two days had elapsed, since J be occurrence one of tbe men who brought him to Birmingham said that be had never uttered a groan and aa he lay on tbe stretcher at theuuion station be was smoking a cigarette aa complacently as though nothing bad bsppened. He wss taken ia Warner-Smi- ley 'a to Bt. Vincent's hospital and at-a late hour last night was reported to be doing well. The physicians do not think that the limb will have to be amputated. The above dipping from the Birmingham Age-Herald waa kind ly sent by "Mrs. W. A. Graut, of Calcis, Ala. to fn editor of Th PrRSm North Carolina Prwas flaso elation Invited to Matt Int. Louia. Tbe Nortrolina Press Am Ciation has benfnS4.JBv Hon WaffffWiiriams, Commissioner to tbe Foreign Press of the St. Louis World's Fair, to meet m Bt. Louis during tha week beginning May 16, 1904. It' is planned to bave tbis week- knowu aa the World's Press Parliament week The Inside Inn, located on the Exposition grounds, with 2,500 rooms, will cut ita rates one-ball for Editorial Association visitors at this time and other ; hotels will also giye reduced rates. - Hall will be provided for buaiueaa sessions. admieslou tickets will be fur nished and every possible courtesy shown. ;' '' Byrglar Proof Vault and Soft . Robbtd. " ' Special to the Guette-Kew. I ',: r , -t. Rutherfordton, N. C Oct. 29 The burglar proof safe aud fire proof vault of the Florence Mills store, at Forest City , were blown opeu about 8 o'clock this morning, evidently by professional cracks meu, and between $1000 and $2000 in cash was secured. " The exact amonnt caunot be ascertained at this hour. ' , . , A phone message 16 yourcorres pondeut this morning fnm 8, B. Tanuer at Caroleen, who is eecre tary and treasurer o." the company atated that; tbe safe Insi'dc the vault was guaranteed to be burglar proof, It is thought that tbe bur glars used powder and nitro-glyo-erine. The safe ' aud vault are badly wrecked. The men made good their escape.. . , - Theater Barnes. Philadelphia, Oct. 28r-Giraud Avenue theatre was almost totally destroyed by . fire early today. "The' Miuiater'a daughter" . was billed for the week. The cos tumes and sceuery were burned. Two firemen were badly hurt, The losk is estimated at four hun dred thousaud dollars. Klnston IHls tha Saloon. ' Kinston voted ou the liquor quest iou Tuesday of last week, and won for dispeusary by a ma jority of 37, ; The vote cast waa, for dispensary, 823 against, 286. The dispensary displaces eleven saloons. Tha Jay - Cast Postponed. The trial of Dr. J, V. Jay, for the murder of his three children. was last werk postponed uutil the uext regular term of superior court for Buncombe county, wbich will be convened November 16th. Disastrous Wrecks. CareleMiie cs is responsible for many' a railvtsy wreck and the same Causes are making h 11111:111 wreck of srrers from Throat and titnsr t .;' ' Ion. Dut since Ve advent of Dr.; Kind's Ke1 Di'H'ovety for Con- sur' m, Cor 8't I till 1. evtn 'en t en-" i'( 1 li f ', r 1 1 1 r ' " -in in no I of I r, , -., h one of 1.1 J t 1 1 y I ty Shtttcryctre-' T .' ' t!ie fin4i .1 t-: And lune his nwrry rwrte I nto tlie sweet blnl s throat, i .'i ., liiilii-r, t-nnit; luiSiiT, come hjttier; Here li;ill lie see J j-n (,1K,my But Winter and .rough weather, W ho dolh enililtlon shun, And tores to lire I' the sun, ' Bwking the food lie. en Is, And iileuHed wttb whut he get, . Come liltlH-r, eonie lilther, come hither; , ' Here olinU lie see , No enemy But Winter and rough weather. 1 1 II I I tit M 1 1 ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CASTOniA 1st Infants ana CLiMrea. r.jrLjY;3t:::3.:::;jE::;:.t Bears tbe etgoatanof fl Student of JacKsoi) Courjty WintPrlz attr) Stat Fair. A descendeut -of Dau iel Boone, who, with a rifle had . few equals, wou a rifle and a blue ribbon at the State Fair, for a splendidly executed map of North Carolina. This is J. Daniel Boone, a stu dent at the : Cullowhee r High School, of which Prof. W. L Madison is , principal. Young Boone, who lives at Painter, Jack- sou county, sent a map of North Carolina forexebition. tit . in, air accurately done piece of work, in eolers, and won fijtrjr4he 'UjUfJmT.'-gad a rifle. Sec ratary Pogue stated ' this . on the mapaodaigued it officially yes terday. The map is a credit to tb young man and his instructors News fc Observer,-; -;:V,- A Runaway Bicycle, f5 - : " Torininated with an ugly oat on the leg of J. fi. Orner,, Franklto Grove, lib It develo'ied k slubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors aud rem edies for four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Saive cured. It's ju4 aa good for Bams, Sotlds, Skin Erupt ions and Pile. 25o, at Frank T. Smith's Drug Store. - ' DECEMBER NUMBER -Hew laea Weasaa's lagastae. '. Have you ever asked yourself, in your quieter moments, "What was the happiest day of my life?" A group of clever and celebrated women have formed a symposium for the December number of the Niw Idea Woman's Mauazuo aud have giveu their several experien ces duriug the one happiest day o( their lives, and the result is ex ceedingly interest ing. This issue is tbe Christmas number, and the spirit of the holiday sesson pre vails in its pages. Valuable sug gestions for gifts, for feasting and for house decoration are in evi dence, aud man new Ideas are ad vanced., Tbe number is also ex ceedingly rich iu good Action aud verse, "and is eutertsiuing from cover to cover. f Ceaaty Naperiatealeete' leetiag. Charlotte OhwiTrr. - : The meeting of tbe county super intendents of education which, 1 to be held November 11th, ia to bathe largest and most important yet held. If poMible, It is desired to get them all here, aa the State Superintendent desires particularly to get in person al touch with Ibem. Their meeting ia to be held in the capital and ia to be mode particularly bright and en joyable. Some of the superinten dent are miserably paid, but practi cally all of them appear to manifest aval and 'aterett in their work. ' Faun A. Oixs. Tbere was a freight wreck on the Southern last Thursday at Nebo, McDowell couuty, blocking the road for several hours. No lives were lust, .. lASOAIC TEXFLE C05THACT. The' contract for the architeolnral rk on the ' Masouio Teniple wss awarded yesterday afturnH)ii to the firm of O. A. Rohbina & Co., of Charlotte. lr. Charles K. Bryant of the firm, who has been in the city several days, will have charge of the work, News snd Observer, Nov, 1. FCU.IKILLED-TV.'O lIUUnZD. Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 23. Four men were killod mij two hurt to- day'wlihu a f. ' t train on t' - r 'i 1 ' ) 1 v r ivy, c. lithern Hail s 1 it. ij l. r , 7: a .aaaaai 1 1 It 1 1 1 It 1 1 11 1 M t i 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 NEWS briefs: An ex-Cou federate soldier is a candidate for Secretary of 8tafe in Massachueetts. W. F. Clark was arrested at Ma rion Saturday on tbe charge of safe cracking at Forest City, In Yadkin super:or court four meu were convicted for operating distilleries in opposition to tbe Watts law. Judge Allen sentenced them to the roads, their terms be ing from six to teu mouths. Howard A. Bauki has accepted the positiou of editor of tha Ashe villa Uasette-News, and Mr. Hil debrsnd. the present editor will go to Washington as representa tive of tbe Gaxotte-News and Char- otte Observer. ; , , 1 Payne, a young tnao of ille, died suddenly io the! basemjLMW Jerkley hotel in AslteTille last Frlti nii(ht. The ause of death' was rcwre of I blood vessel in tbe braiu. HowU. been drinking considerably duriug pT&.x a few days previous. At Ulass, a smalt station six miles north of Concord, N. C- last Suuday, a team, of mules, drawing a wagoiw it h a corpse 1 n a coffin aud four people, became unman agableand dashed in frout of a Southeio train, aud air four peo ple were killed, the coffiu aud wag on splintered into kiudling wood. The mules had crossed tha track aud were unhurt. . Weals Basses $100,000. The Atlanta Constitution aayathat a shrewd lookiog yoifna man' ap peared at tbe Wents niausion at Big Stone Gap, Va., and had a confer enco with Dr- John 8. Weutx father of the niisaing young man,,' who told Dr. Went that his eon waa alive and Well, and that he bad bt en an tboriaed to wry that for $100,000 yonng Went, : w bo wa then , in handcuffs in the Cumberland mono, tains, would le delivered to the family unharmed. Dr. Weutx told tbe stranger that be would have first to bring him a letter from hie son a an evideuoe that be waa alive. Tbe atranger agreed to do tbuy aud left for the mountains. ' tS Persea Die ia a f Ire. New York, Nov. IJ-Twenty-one men, three women and a ten-mouibe- old babe were burred - to death or suffocated in a fire that started early this morning In the House of All Nations, a five-story tenement at No- 426 Eleventh avenue, and w hich tb police and coroner believe to be of iucendiary orig'n. - Some of tbe peculiar feature of the disaster, in addition to the start ling lose of life, are that the fire wa practically eitinguitihed in 20 , min uter-; tbat the police could .' learn of but one pernon being injured, other than IhoM who lost their lives, , and tbat the ' property lose waa only $7,000, '.The dead are mostly Ital ian. -. - Thousands Cave EMney Trouble and Uon't Enow It. KowlolnOaC Fill bottla or common class with vour watar and If t It stand twanty-four hours; a sediment or set. tling Indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid. tiers; If It stains your linen It U evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain In the back Is aim convincing pronf that the kidney and blad der are out of or. nr. V hat to Io. There Is comfort In the knowled -9 so Often OTwe-we tM Dr. Kilmer's Stt' Root, tli frM k'-mey remedy fui:: ;s every J In Mtrnj pain in t r j every j .1 i! t r i ! in r - i . 1 i : It I, t tJ ) 1 It- k, k J -. t of the unr ' 1 to I: ! V It. or t a mi 1 1 Xva i:va Al,vr.;3 l:arf, t.ul v.Lki .ms bcc- ,' la i; o f .r over C3 yours, Las onse tlio sipfiiatnro of ' '? and taa bcKramado under hla pet aonnlsnpervlsloa alnca lUlnlaacr, -. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and." Jlst-s-6t)od', aro but 1'xpcrluients that triHo wIV, and endanpror tlio healtb f Iiilants and CliUorcn Eipcricnco against Experiment ':iVllpt:!o.CACTpRIA-W; Cftf tort.- Is a barmlcss substitute for Castor Oil, Fare , gortc, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It Is rieasnnt. 1 contains neither Opium, florphine nor other1 Xnrootio substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worm ' and allay Feverishnesa. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethlngr Troubles, enrea Constipation, , and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha . StotuAch and Dowels, s;tvlna- healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Frloud. - . Casnuins. CASTORIA auvayo lean the Eiguatnrs cf ' UN KM Yon Hate Stejs B)lt - In Use For Over 30 Years. 1M antTJMSal mwmww vt mwmn WRIGHT S ROBINSON'S STORE. fjSenieel g-ooda for $11 the geopk ' t '''i&'X:.- f i'-:.v,!Vt-1 '$ I''f:''". ": ".V1'-."-,' Cleanllne ia next to Godllneii," ;' ' Our itock of Is fresh snd cVan neat, aweel ta tootliaome. .' High Grade CoffccsvTs ar.dFardGoci: nt Yon pay no one elav'a bill e terma are cub or country prod Z i , . . ... ... . . : 3t UA thing ofCeauty is a joy forever." 3 S . . ' T A Marveloas Showing of . ' j j .-. ; Dress Goods and Waist Goods - This store is alive and bountifully filled with all that ia ob-j J tainable in tbe newest, ihe prettiest, the latest .and richest j 2 creation in merchandise. ,. At IhA IimvmL nnauh a Iron treat lino of Dtcm Good. everahown in town, all new and n Shoes 1 1 We are better prepared than ever to sett yoo good Shoee at popular price. The widest variety of Styles of every kind of j J S leather. . Yon nan depend on tbe Shoe yea bay here to be of J uew leather and the kiuda to if 4 - . 1 It ' I I 1 i 1 1 i 1 j High Quality IV i i e mm, To tbo tax payers of Maooii Co. Please read the following law care fully and remember that I am com pelled to obey the Mine j and eVery tax payer in the county will be com pelled to conform to tbi law. ' Law -1901, chapter 7. . ."Sac. 76. All taie shall be due on the drat Monday In September in each year, Jto." 1 ' "Sao. 77. -The Shoriff orhia Deputy, or Tax Collector, hll at tend at tbe Court IIaue or his office in the county town during the months of September and November for the purpose of receiving taira. He li 1 1 also in like manner attend at leant one day during the. month of October at some one or more place n each townnliip, ot which fifteen days notico alinll be givin by adver tisement at three or more public pla ce and in a newspaper, Ao." CiiAPTBR 658, Sec. 1. ' Whenever the trixcB shall be due and unpaid, the Sheriff shall immediately proceed to collect them as follows j K If the pmtv charged have personal property of a value equal lo the tsx cli :n ;fJ against liini llm Mieriff sliall ' A L i : i r 1 ; v r. 1 1 j , MM I t (, .i i l t it v I I V IM I- t ...!.' Tncr, I Jn dealing- witb aa, as our i on tue pay a yo go plan. tiriAM fiw tlruuitaA fMWwIa. . 'Ill I Skirt Good and WYimI Gooila k atylish. , 'II a: stand wear. Low Prices TAIIE8. seise and sell the same aa be Is re quired .to eell other property ander execution Ae Au." - ' I (hall endeavor )o follow etrictly the atjove law. Therefore all partie are earnestly requested to eome for ward and eettle their taxes. ' ; " -1 will vtsil the. places named be low for tbe purpose of receiving the taxe on tbe days and dales named. Millehoal, Ellijay, Sugarfork, Highlands, Flatta, Saturday October 10 Monday Tuesday Wed, A Tb. Friday 12 IS 1415 16 " 17 19 20 21 22 23 '2i Smith' Br. Saturday Cartoogechaye, Monday Nanlahala, Tuesday Brlartowh, .Wednesday Buroingtown Thursday Co wee, Friday Fnnklin, - . Saturday AH tax payers are earnestly re quested to meet, mo at tbe above times and places and pay tlieir taxe as this is the last ami only round without ciwt. Keupectfully, , T. U. I3lf!l0!f, Sej.t. S.1, 1203. ' f.licri.7. 1 1 . ,e Will sell daily between Ef pt' er 16lh and November 30th lCi 3, low ralv colonist ticket to point in i WASHINGTON, OIIIIGON,'. CA11FOKN1A, SUINTANA, IDA- 4 I'O, WYOMING, C01.I)'?AI:; NEVADA, UTAH, AKIZONA a NiWMlKO. Shirt line, quick time, ,ao bua transfvia, fire rreliniag chatr-eara, V .... .I.! I ' ..if i.-v ri'i rscrs, M-eujiuty SH'i tui iuforaiatiua wpfe to W.T. Sasndkbs, . Gra.Agt.PaM.Pept. y V. E. CAtt, , Tiaveliag Pasa. Agt. ' 't . , Atlanta, Ga. - TALLULAH FALLS RAILWAY V,. ,. - COMPANY. . : ran TABU no. a. ' . XffeetiT Monday fkpt II. rPOS, f a. as. Ksalcr Tim. eif '-'irtnrrryvyyrrfffvi m sj Rslj 1 STATIONS, " iSegp - j3, am r LV." " " . . Xs. r 11 :ta 0 . Cornelia . S Hi 11 ftOi - IVatiwrst S 2a ia Oil! a . ClarkeSTlil Il 12 15 P " Hills . ee W lt P - AaanrlaU M 18 30 1.1 r : 4 nullywoml . , l HW Hi . Tarwrrllla S as 13 F : Tsllnlah Mm luOSl ' Ta H,l.h Kail, ' U Wyl si : Tirr . ' . ' !W ... CUytoa TO A. ;. Pal T. For IUf. stop.. -, ! . ytj lie. Tiger and CUytoa arc sW, tion m tl)4 extonilon, tralna woV tetasr pentad to the oa irsjnlar scbdnle at present, f :. V. S. Ktwnr, '-, Uvaenl alanajrw- " ELICKENSCERFER TYPEV. ,' : V? EXCELS ; -J:j 'iS BT ' ' Speed, Merle, - Cuarenlenev, Harln Ihe mo! '. Km ot epimtloD. . HCIKNTiriCALLT; Price. Arranged keTtrIs-: tiirnhltlr, " fl Mux an p-tHlti . Perfect elieuBwnt. . Typewriter. iryM artjttiifjf kn thrj Wrtaay . . MacMe ye are Sesnf mrxtf a fitroateaat amstmta Om. .. Blickensderfar Typewriter. Send fur ealaledwe totlay. . ' .-. ' v-'" THl BUCKUCSL3TU aTS. CO. ; ISPtufclmSL . ASaffkata, - 1U.S.S35.00L KO.1. K0TICE OF SALE. By virtoe of tbe power of sale eon. tained in a Need of trni" made by J M. Daves and wife M. A. Daves, . to tbi undersigned Trnelee, and reg. . uttered in the office of "Rejftsler of Deed for Macon eonntv ia I look No. 9,page 670, Ao-jof Reeonls of gages and Deeds of Trnst t county, to whjjjppT' wade lorflJeeTmi'W"; thereof, default having been m" the said J. M. iave In tbe ' of a bond secured by said d trat,by which default tbe powt hI. Mfit.inttl an ..l.t AmmA V, baa become operative i and Sara Kelly, the person entitled to reocive tbe mney dne on acconnt of aaid indebtedness having made demand 1.A k.A!.M.I T..al. '41. .t K o" ... - sell the lands and premises convey ed in eaid deed of trust, according the term of aaid instrument," and ep- ' -ply the proceeds as therein' directed, -tbe said andrrshnied Trustee, wl 1 on Monday tbe 28 day o( November - 1903, between the hour of 12 M. and S P. Maell at public auction for cadi, at the Court, booaa. doorioj. tbe town of Franklin, Connty of Ma- ; - oon, the taade teeoribed ia aid del , of trust, more particularly described : ae follow ; to-wit 1st tract I la Franklin Township ' Kaoon eeunty. on the water ot Tennessee river, d joining the land of rIra, Flora Van. book et. si. and more particularly described in a deed from Ko aiaa aaf atl is f HT TUmvam runtaif PTtrV) . m v ap Mas sV" jJ, in book F F" of deeds, pae r & N 805 in office of Register of Deed of Macon County, N. C. 2nd. Tract, All the lands known as the home tra.it of J. M. Daves being t' l""l inherited by M. A. Daves f i C. Hayes, adjoining the bind cf J. L. vaue, Mi w. vnnotK, j. r, i.! t. al. coMiwnt!',? TS a t. .,1. T.a by .1 ! f wife to J. ;t. f 5 1 1