Tb Franklin Frcss. Franklin. N. C, Junk 29, 1904, Office in Higgin. Block, East Main St, Population. ' Franklin, 835 Macon County, ...... 12,104 North Carolina, ...... 1,891.092 professional Carts. T.J. JOHNSTON, ATTOKXE Y-AT-J.AW, ' FKANKLIN, N. C, Careful attention to all business. 41 h l him 11 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 H 1 1 III lt0BERT$0N & BENBOW , Lawyers, FRANKLIN, MACON COUNTY, N. 0. Wilt practice in tlio courta of this State A the Federal Court. Collec tions a Specialty JONES A JOHNSTON, ATTORNEYS fKT LAw. : Generul Law Practice- Colleetiona. ' -. Notafy Public ; v ' Offloa (tor Oil Bint if FnnkDa. FrtRkKii, I. C. SAM L KELLY. iftiivrney all Jtaw $ Jfiobary "ItVBtCcitftnraflisi TTlIn andCtiiecUoiii Made a Specialty. Offlei la lota Brick Building. Franklin, N. C. j. Fit AN K HAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Fractices in all ihe courts. Room Onr E. H. FRANKS' Store. ' IliH-M-i-Hl mill l hi H-K-B K.D.SISK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ro:mil lore Brick Building. t'UANKU.V, N. C. j,.,l,l.,l...,I..1-H..l,,l..1,.t..1.HhW. A. A. HOWE, THE BARBER, Franklin, n.-c. . : NEWS BRIEFS. . . The North Carolina Pharmaceu tical Association will meet in Aslio villo for a two days' session, at the lottery Park hotel, July 14. S"JyJii & Neville. York ?lias Ihjimi ehTtca ' Pres Jb. Presbyterian College tit Clinton ,S. C. lie has gone as a delegate to the Pan- Psesbyterian . Alliance which meets in Liver pool, England. 1 . tip to the 25th inst. tWS liodies of victims of the General Slocnm disaster had been recovered, and 1(3 persons known to have lieen on Inmrd are still missing, bringing the total number up to 1,081. Election and Installation of Officers. - On Tuesday night of last week Junaluskee Lodge No. 145, A. F. & A. M., elected officers for the coming year, and on Friday eve ning the-offlcers were installed, by Mr. Y. L. DcWitt, Past Master of Dillslxu-c Lodge Xo. 459, as follows: J.G. Silcr, W. M.' M. 1). Hillings, S. W. W. A. Rogers, J. AV. T. V. Porter, Treas. AV. A. Curtis, Secty. T.J. Johnston, S. I). S.L. Kelly, J. I). Jilt. "Morrison, S. S. II. (i. Uobertson, J. 8. W. U. Stallcup, Tiler. HEALTH "I dent think we erald keey Wm without Theftferd'e 9lck- Dnufht. W hrs used It in the family form two ynn with the bt ol malt. I hit uht had e, fleeter ta tba ham for that lenftb ftim. UUadoetorln iuallud '" lwTmljtami4raftpnaBiraU . "l;PW."AJMHAUJeV soaviUe, IB. . . . , Because this great medicine - relieves stomach pains, frees the oonatipated bowels end inrignr . atee the torpid lir&r and weak ' aned kidneys . . Ho Doctor I; necessary in the home where , Thedford's lllack-Draujfht is kept. Families living in the . country, niles from any physi cian, tare been kept in health for yeart with thii medicine as theif only doctor. Thedford'a iilack-Dranslit cnre$ -bilious-. Bern, dyspepi, colds, chills and ferer, bad blood, headaches, diarrhoea, constipation, colio a.d almost erery other ailment )(aue the stomacU, bowels , liver and kidneys so nearly con trol the health. , ' - TimDFOnD'S TO THE TUBLIC. . You art cordially invited to make our store your hnadquarlcrs. IVe try to keep always on lutnd goods that ivill suit (jverybqdy in Style, Qual ity and Price, and we guarantee to give you the very best goods that can. be had for the money. We make a specialty q Dress Goods and. Shoes. We try to keep something in each to suit every man, woman and child. Give its a call and we will take pleasure in showing you ivhat we have: ' , Sloan Bros. . JotaK5naf Jabots. - niislneaa Locals, per line, 10 oenta tor eacb insertion. . , NOTICE. Ml persons who fail to list Town Tax by July 1st, tvill be liable to dou ble tax. - . J. C. WRIGHT, , Clerk. , This June 23, 190 J. Mr. Perry Taylor; of Hartwell, Ga., was here yesterday on busi ness. ' - ' Miss Florence Ashe, of Jackson .cwjtf.jyiiMjiU'l? Mr- ! J Ashe's familyj " Dr. J. PrescoW Dyos is acconi pnnicd by his wife during his stay here. News came here yesterday that Dillslniro is quarantined on nc 'ount of smalliiox., K. VanZante, of St. Paul, Minn., was registered at Cunningham's one day last week. Mr. J. M. Weaver, of Ashcville, arrived here Saturday evening and went up to Mr. J. It. Gray's. 1C1I. Akens, Macon, (in., and R. L. Ramey, Athens, Ga., were registered at Jarrett's Thursday. Mr. Shancks fired a kiln of 84,- OtK) bricks last week to lie used in Mr. Pendergrass' new store buil ding. Mrs. W. II. Higgins and son Hurry left yesterday to visit rela tives in Clay county and at Mur iiiy. " Kope Klius, Geo. A. Jones, J, Kay and Sam I Kelly attended the" convention at Grcenslwifo lattj week. Hon. Koin Klius, of Macon, has been a visitor to the city for the past few days. Ashcville Citizen, June 23. The time for the annual meeting f the County Pension Hoard is on the first Monday in July next Monday. Miss Xeita Davis, of Waynes- ille, was visiting Misses Carrie and Grady Jarrett the latter part f last week. Mr. Thos. T. Grimshawe, of Whiteside Cove, N. C, and W. G. Chandler, of Toxoway, were in town Thursday. The members of the I. O. of O. F. were photographed Saturday evening in front of Mr. J. C Wright's residence. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Johnston commenced house-keeping - last Wednesday, on the corner of Main! Street and Harrison Avenue. Dr. J. Prescott Dyos, optorn- trist and ref ractionist, arrived here Thursday evening and opened p business in Hotel Jarrett Mr. ant Mrs. F. S. Johnston re turned home Thursday evening from a visit to the World's Fair. fhey spent five days in St. Louis. R.J. Crawford, United States Deputy Marshall, of Ueta, N. C, was hero Wednesday ami Thurs day on Iwsincss before. U. S. Com missionerV court. Mr. Lush Calie was tried liefore U. 8. Commissioner Franks Thinn- uy, and there not being evidence to convict of violation of the reve nue la wg, lie was discharged. ' Erwin McCture was tried lie- fore U. S. (Vnnmissioner E. II. ''ranks Wednesday on a charge of iolafing the ' revenue laws, and as bound over to Federal court. A petition to Governor Aycock asking for the pardon of J a van Long, was being-, circulated here Saturday and getting signers. It wis being carried around by Mrs. A. C Long, mother of Javan. Geo. II. Dalrymple was chosen as Matron's representative' on the Tenth district Executive commit tee at the convention lust week. M. hi . Shipiuan, of . Henderson, was elected chairman of the com mittee.' . ( Mr.V. I Jones, of Jonesboro, Tenn., sjient last week in our town, and appears to have become intensely interested in, at least, one of our ixilmlatioii. -Perhaps The Phkss will have more to say of this younir gentleman a little COWEE ITEMS. Wheat crops arc good, much of it is reaped and prospects are bright for the oat, potato and corn crojw. Mrs. Ann Shepherd has recov ered sufficient to. return to her old home, accompanied by her grand daughter Miss Zenobia . Collins. Their many friends are glad to welcome them back. - . Solicitor George ... Jones, of Franklin, N. C, spent last Friday in Clayton. Clayton Tribune. CASTOR I A , , For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the . DRY FALLS OF CULLASAJA, The Dry Falls of Cullasaja, (Sugar o I .... I ' 1. A , V ' ' ..i. .: ... '. "V.j ' ' : ..; .'5 . .... ted alwut four mites from Highlands and only a short distance , from the road leading to Franklin, amidst some very wild and attractive sce nery in a mountain gorge. The place river leaps from a projecting rock so under ledge across the chasm under Th Modern Maid. . Sweet and twenty, Lovers plenty ; Every doy Uatlnee. Life Is gay; Slakes no hay. Fair and thirty. Somewhat flirty. 3 Mert not rare; lies no cur. Everywhere , OeU hot air. Plump and forty, Makes a surtlc; Lands with care Mllllonulre; Seventy-two. Hut he'll do. Evejt after Life Is laiifchter. Money iilenty; Bwtct and twenty Isn't In It For a.ininut. H'iiinnil? Well, Plemre don't tell, Nurse In kind; Makes him mind; (J,xi to twit Wheu he's fed. . . Made an Auignjiw.it "How did she munuco to catch bin la the relxniiHir ' . "Well, he sii Id tbut bo wbj Wnkr'apt , tn bis aOf.vtlous, aud alio proweded to avaipatliiao Willi lilnt. - - "Ab. 1 wi. Sbo became his receiver. as tt were." That Throbbing Headache. " Would quickly leavo" you,' if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless nior- l forSick and Nervous Headaches Tbey make pure blood and' buijd up'your health. Only 25 cauls, money baok if not cured. Bold by F.T.Silh, Druggist. " ' NOTICE. , .; The IVnioeralic Senatorial Con vention for the 34th Distrieti is hereby called to meet at Andrews, on Friday, the 22nd daV of July, 1004, to nominate n cancdatc for the Senate and transact sileh other business as may come' before the convention. ' ; ' "This, Tune lTth, l!M4. I X. !. l'muk . RflBUN ITEMS. Clnyton Tribunu. . " There has fallen into our - hands a neat write-up of Mucon County and Franklin, X. C, gotten up by the Franklin Press. It is a 30-page pamphlet aott speaks well for the citizens of Franklin and Macon county. 1 , ; List 'Sunday ewning Tom Crumpton shot Anderson Rogers at Cnimpton's homo on Hetty's Creek. The reports as to the cause of the shooting vary, but both were drinking. At last ac counts Rogers was in a dangerous condition. . - - , The Wall House entertained Mr. Oscar Ashe and bride Thurs- doy enroiite to Franklin,' X. C. Miss Myrtle Ashe, who has been at the Wall House for some weeks, returned with them to tranklin Friday.- : - MACON COUNTY, N. C. Town, or Sugarfork,) are situa is called Dry Falls because the that a person can walk umm an the water fulls without getting wet. Worst of All Experiences. - Cau anylUiiig bn worse than fo feel that every miuute will bo your lasi 7 Such was the experience of Mrs, 8, U. Newsou, Decatur, Ala. ' Eor three years" she writes, "I endured iuijulTerable, pain . from iiidigestiou, stomach aud bowel trouble. Death seemed mevitable wbcu doclurs and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters aud the re Btilt was miraculous. I improved at once and now !'fr completely recovered.'1 For Liver, Kiduny, Slomacu aud Bowel troubles Eloo trie Bitters is the only mndicfuo, Ouly SOo. It's guarautuod by F. T. Smith, DniK&isr. - , MARRIED IN SENECA. Miss Ethel Flncannon and Mr. O. VY. Ashe of Evans Pharmacy. . Miss Ethel Finennnon and Mr, Osi-ar A' J Asho of thin jfcity were married Wednesday morning ut ttliit hnnin i9 flu, llfl.i in Ri.nnna . . . ., . Mr - Bn1 Mrs- A8'10 have ono " Mr. Ashe's former homo at Frank lin, N. 0. They will return to Anderson Alxmt July 1st, and will bo at home to their friefldsat their cottage on Hleckley street, adjoin ing the residence of Mrs. W S. Lee. Miss Finennnon is the daughter of Mr. Isaac Finoanrton, a well knbwn liveryman of Seneca, and is one of the most deservedly popu lar young ladies of that uity. She has made a number of friends in Anderson wli'ile hero at different times as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Hollcinan. Mr. Ashe is it nativo of Frank lin,' X. C, luit lived for several years in Walhalht. - He has been employed as pliarmmrist h.V Evans Phiirmaity in this city for several months, and is well known here. Anderson Daily Mini, - - .' Lee Filberson, an orphan boy wiw dragged to deaih- near Salis bury Fridn.v by being thrown f ; a iiiuli' :.;riM, f .( i. t Notices in this column Ore cents per inefor each inane. In regular local col umns, ton cents per line for each issue. Scvcjii words make about a Hue, ' For the iiest candies gt m Camp bell's. For fine potato plants call on AY F. Curtis. - Wright and Robinson give 12 pefdossen for eggs Finest line of Cigars in the city at E. K. Campbell's. - " Something delicious Uoysters' fresh candy just received at Smith's. . . Oranges, pineapples, cocoannts, bananas and lemons in this week at Campbell's. , - Hibles and Testaments at the lowest prices ever '.offered before at E K. Campbell's. . Old papers for sale at this officet 2 lbs for a nickel. A dollar's worth of good reading in every 5 cent package. Dusters 15 f wall pockets 25 picture frames 15, good toilet soap 10 per box, cuspidors 25 at E. K. Campbell's. ' ' I will in a few days add Hanjoe, Guitars, Violins itnd Musical In- strunientK parts to my , business mid will sell at prices within reach of all. " E. K. Ca'ii'hk.i.l. All who arc duo me nccounte for millinery goods are respectfully requested to settle their accounts by the 1st of July. Mns. Laura 1obektson 'Cut prices in G roceries Wright &llobinson's, Oiit-AJal, 1" a package Ivory Stail.3 packs for Tomatots, 3 eanS-fyr 25, Meat lOiierll), Hinder Twine 12 Roller Mill Flour, 80cts, I am sending statements to who are tflie me on account and trust that each and every person who is due me will call in and pay me thereby saving further cost and trouble for I must have what is due me. Respectfully, II. G. TltOTTEK. NOTICE. 1 liave opened up my new Te Ci eiun Parlor and will servo Ice Cream every day, and will have my new Soda Fountain in opera tion in a few days. I will lie pleased to have you call and 'inspect-my Fountain and Parlor which is the very latest style and service unsur passed. ' Yours to Serve and Please. E. K. Campbell. A Prnettml Joker. ''I'm fi professional humorist tmde. mtim." "Then why don't you work at ltr ' "I do. unim. Kvcrywliere 1 go 1 promises to work for ma dinner." Ban rauvlsro Chronicle. : "Why, Freddie, that . Isn't the way Constantinople la spelled In your gcos rnphy." "I know It ain't, but (be geography's copyrighted." Chli'ftgo American., DO YOU GET UP . WTTfl A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Hakes Yoa Miserable. Almost averybodr who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures : made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, II the rreat kidney:, liver l and bladder remedy. r i . ii ine great meal 5 eal triumph of the nine bp teenth century; dls I covered alter years of TtTlliyll sclentiflo research by r(SjDr. Kilmer, the eml- nem Kianey sna Disa der specialist, and ia wonderfully successful In promptly ourmg lama back, kidney, bladder, urlo acid trou bles and Bright' Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble, -, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not reo ommended for everything but If you havekid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, In private practise, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been muda by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to lind out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this rnifitus offer in this paper and f ' v . j-r.d your a- .i- to J pefV by mi m ' Clubbing Rates.- , it &NKI.IN I ITIKKN prices,' l We will club Thk Fuan Prkss and the Ashkvillk ( at the following ' reduced cash in advance : Pn-ss & Press ft 8-nil-Vk. Unity Citizen. Citizen. Regular price, .... . .$2.20 Clubbing price,.. ,'. . 1.1S5 $5.20 4.20 A great jioliticnl camimign w ill soon be on and now is a good time j to place subscriptions. Address Franklin Pukss, Franklin. N. C. MONEY-MAKING. People want money, .- ' Money is jiower,- : ; It will furnish comfort for : which people toil. Do you want money ? . Then save money and plant : some. f- ' Plant $50 or more where it will grow. Hut. nut it where it, will crow safely rapidly sureU ine surest tni . not too si ings. I si ri irTriT Afrriciilturo, Kn(?lncoffns (Cihw Eluutriuid, Mechanical, mid lliniiiH), Industrial Chemistry, Textile Indus, try. 620 Studenta, !!" Instmctois, Tuition JO a year, Board S a month, 120 Scholni-ahlps. Adilruss President Winston, RALEIGH, N. C. UNIVERSITY OP NORTH CAROLINA. flcademlc Departnjent, Law," Medicine, , Pharmacy. Kruo tuilitin to tcnchorH and to niinisters' sons. Scliularahlpa aud loaus for the needy. 620 Students. 67 Instructors. Now Dorml ti it-H, (lymnaslum, Water Works, Central Heating System, The Kail term begins - ScptS, HK)4. Address Fkaxcis P. Venablk, Pkesioent CIIAPKL HILL, N. O. ENTEUTA1S1IEST . SILYER BIRCH LODGE Mr. K. L. Porter- trf Franklin has built a Lodge about three hundred yards west of Wallace Gap on the main road and is pre pared to- furnish meals' and horse feed to tourists and travelers at reasonable rates during the SinY mer months, J If he.can't sleep all wlio call, tlie surplus will findthe mountains pleasant in sttminei tiine to camp in and take ineals at the Ijodge. . Cheap Rates to Arkansas. , Indian Territor , Oklahoma and; the Southw VIA HOK ISLAND SYSTEM (c'IKK! TAW UllUTi:) On the first and third Tuesdays of each-month we will sell cheap round trip Ilomescekers Tickets to tho. South west. These tickets are good for twenty-two days and allow stopovers of fifteen days on going trip, thus enabling the home neeker to see many iwints of interest,''- . -. - ,N, ' --: - If you are going west to look around, do not faiI,to wrfie F. D. r.liicknmn, D. P. A., Uck Island Sy-tein. Xo. 12 W. Hth St. Ch:tlt:i- r m 1 a. & u;i( RALEIQK)w , J "DOMESTIC." BETTER THAN EVER I "THE STAR THAT LEADSJHEM ALL." The scwiatf machine for the home,' to bo used by mother, wlfo, diiufjliter, seamstress. That's our specialty. ' tithor Lock or Chain Stitch. : Write for t'kculms and Prices. ' Domkstic Sewino'Machinb Co., Newark, N. Kindly men! ion this jvapor. THE GREATEST OPPOR " " -OF YOUR lifp Having ments 7 ;: -ji.-'N: j- "I'tW ; COPTBIOHTS AC An-mne dentins s Ikpt rli Hlirt itri.crlpMon mar eulnkly (uroruttn our ol)itmt irw irnulhr an Invention In prnlinhlr pnti5"Uhtn. (VmiHinnlen tlniriiiitrlctljrnnnDdeiitEiil. IliitiiirKiokon I'Htonta Mnt frefl. (MileM nunncy fur Htininni; iialoiiu. l'nlMXls ukon throin:li Munn A Co. ruoetre tpfrud nntfc. wttltfiut Wuii-ffo. la tlie Scientific Jlnicrican. A tinnflajnmely'lltnfftrntGd wocXi, L.irjrMt cfi ou I nt Ion of anr rtentiflc mrnn1. Termi, ?:i ynnr; four mrfntha,L Stild by all newailonlem. MUNN & Co.36"-"-- New York Braucn OOtoa. SH r HC. Waatalaiiloa. II. C. lH any Persons re brosen d,wn h-om overwork or household rus Urown's Iron IJitU'is l(.hulldf the fly.-t.rm, nitis fliirrV.on. rrmovpcx ttnnnl bite. attiltj-ma.i.Ltarla- Gctlhcucnuiuu trait y !' ' .in c In "mi ""'""-" . i A Home Institution Under llome ilanagbment. ' Bocks and Accounts S.bjeot t Eumlnatlon Br th Corporation Cemmlsslaii ol tk U -.-v sf Noilh C.rUn? . . THE ONLY BUILDING AND LOAN COMPANY . - ' (hat sells stock, and makes loans, AN ? W In tlio COUXTHY as well as In tlie towns ami citloa. Slock $100, Valiio-1.00 net share .ef month. Kof Tnrtlier Ittlin irtiilbMt, addrax A $45.00 SEWING MA CHINE FREE, Thk Press is going to give away absolutely Feh (mi (e' Kith day bf November next a fine $43.00 Skwinh Maoiiink ia mtmX frtilwscribefv .The objoct is to increase the subscription list.- The" stitteeHptiorl price of Tite Pkkss is 1.20' a year. Every subscriber paying $1.20 cash will be allowed an estimate in the eontesti The eslinJate must iif all eases be filed' t th tiirto the subscription- is paid.- ' - THE CONTFTr Tlie Contest Will 1 irt guessing: at the total number of voces' tliat will be polled foT Kepresentati ve of Macon County' t the ele'ctitffl O'tt iM 8th day of Novefnls'r next. This means tlie toWl tote trf Mh tfr all candidates for Kepieseiitativei Ilef-e me thP statistifis fW tlie iiUt hthree elections : , . In lSllH tiro vote for Representative was iMi ;-.-" ,-.v.i In li00 the to for Itepresenftitive' wis 2,0t7i ' in llMKJ the Vote for Kopresentative via l,82fll ' I f ho jwrson should guess the correct number, theri the prize wfJttf ! go to t he one coming the nearest to it. 1 . If two or more person? tru on guessing the stiilitJ miiiilT t!i prize will belong to them jointly, eiieli sharing eipudly. . In sending in asulwcrijitioif. make out the estinlate at tU'finU', subscribing and lujyu it entered at the same tiuid with the! subx-i!, tion. " The cstiniateoijl be ri'gister'etj tis received.-. No estimitte; wi'.f be allowed for a subscription for a shortef-time thilri ofie'yeiii', nor t ' a price lower than f t.20 per year,- all to be paid at the same tiirfe; The contest logins April 2ith li04, and closes on thce'vehing I fore the election at (i o'clock. tiSETUE ?X)LfX)VIN0 BLANK. My estimate for Itepresentative, all ciiiulidatcSj total v(e, . . . . ... ; Name, ".".;; :. : " l.t Office, Si.;..; ;.'...'.'' VERY LOW RATES Announce'dV via1 SOUTH JillX liAlLWA.' Very krw rates Uro a,nnouiK f i via Southern Railway froM po'intf on its lines foV the" folloVing spec ial occasions r " . ... ' Uotroit.MicU li&viU Y6u'nV Pe('q)hstJni()lio"f America1, Inter national Convcntw i, July 7-li'j 1904.- ( Irnci nThiti; Ohio, (i ra'mt tM(i e' 1. & P; (T; Elk's-, July ifr&i WU: ; Atlantic City',- N; J. Imperii Council Ancient Arabic Orde' bkis of the Mysti" 13-15, km chiv o7 v7Trrri'am,,Biairr")DTrjrtsur 14519, then southward (o the bead of a small braucti fo a stakes thence westward bo as fo connect' with the line of Miltou BrygOn's 50 acre tract entered in 1849 to the stake iu said lino, then N. ritU said line to its corner, thence westward so as to- connect with' ; the Col rnau Brysou 90 aCre fracti' then as the case may be 16 the be-" ginuiug. Eutored Juue 6, 1904; W. H. HafKSt.' E. II. Franks, Eutry Taker( Mncoti Cb; S. Oi SOUTHERN Mutual Home & Real EstateUoT HOME OFFiCE WiLMirJcf t)Nj U. ti CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUlLDlNO A Dulldiiijj aud Loan C. chartered ;imiur tlfe IawJ of Nuutu CAitoi.iNA. .'";..!'. IIKI5B In tlW Stlte tit Kdutif fu.txkUa,- ; Cj - . . ' CI. '" ' ! ('

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