ItECP A If the road u hard and rough, Keep a-climbiu'. If you're reelin' pretty tough, Keep a-climbm. Taint no use to tit and poutr Cause the other teller' itout, tiJttin miffed won't help jro soul, " Keep a-climbin'. If you're feelin' kind' lick, 1 ' '. Keep a-elimbin'. Ii:iue a cane from soma old stick, Kccp-a-cfimbin', Don't atand atill if yov.jtr.t bhw, due more a ten may change' yBur view, Clouds will often change their Ed. bo keep a-chmbia. t. I, 3 r ' Bv SIR nd ruy vn .,)" 'HI i i . u ii (i ALU'' lug battle with the snakes, which had taken possession of most of tbe old and hollow tree trunks, rp These snakes belonged to the partic ularly venomous genus of tbe tree robra, a snake that Is tbe source of ndless African legends. All over negro 'Africa one hears that the dendraspls, or tree cobra, crows like a cock, and in mum icgena it uas some or the other attributes of the basilisk. i u is further, and truthfully, eele- urated for Its unusual ferocltv. A , tree cobra will frequently fly nut from Its hiding place and attack passers-by, . ijime uiiprovuKeu, . , iue .two seses, moreover, exhibit : Rreat attachment to each other when mated. On the way from tbe beach to the .tV . a n TTWite oT my projected house there was s one particularly large bombax tree. which was the home of a pair of these rtee cobras. They were from about twelve to fourteen feet long, lithe, and oi a uaric siatisn blue above with yel- I0W DeillCF. 1 1 ONE DUCK TOO MANY. Again and analn i tree, I could see the male and female auakca lovingly intertwined, or. senar- ' Htely, mimicking gome twisted branch In rigid Immobility, waiting, no doubt, fc f or their prey,,. ... one oftur negro laborers would lay I u ns to imsTsree. nor wou d tber at J??"b predicted that the most terrible conse . quenccs would occur a veritable war - of serpents. So this bombax tree was left standing longer than the other vegetable monsters which obstructed the btiildlg site, and the tree cobras became quite accustomed to our coin ing and golug. They attacked no one nt first, but soon became a nulan nee from their fondness for my domestic UlllliI, , ' : In. West Africa, at the time of whlr-n I am writing, the muscovy duck, a na- nye or Brazil, was tbe most useful domestic bird. Its eggs are excellent looa, ana its flesh Is, as most Amer icana Know, a tootHsome article of tiler. The Inroads made by the snakes on ' these ducks became too serious to be I tolerated. One day 1 encountered tbe male snake with a muscovy duck half way oown his gullet, and then and mere snot lilm. Thereafter, as the negroes had pre- umeu, ueaiin a series of misfortunes. In the first place, the female anaka an. tlrely cut off our communications with the beach by the new made road. , She flew at the first party of negroes who were descending In that direction, bit one or tnem In the leg, and bis death two hours afterward, in spite of all antidotes I could think of. ran.d .n fhe otiwr native laborers to take to tueir eanoea and desert the island. ; WHEN WE CUT THE BOMBAX r...";- '-. TREE. supplied their place with Krnnbr,va from my residence at Old Calabar; bI meanwhile 1 was left on tha Island I witu an Indian Steward and an Accra cook till the English b'ullder arrived ,.nun:a materials and men. i s We made a determined onslaught on -- " """"i uuuui yery muca i at the risk of onrlIves. We cut down tha 1,,,.... I,..,k.. a .... . I ... Kouiusi nee, auu our nil-1 ported laborers-thelr legs and much la of their bodies swathed In felt-flew . j,tiiu iuuK slaves and did her to death. . i i ... ... r " ,c 1C I!i.m(,(i tuat in luck was to der. o.M.hiiue .low me so long as I re-1 ..lined on that Island. wr to these events, niy Indian ser- , Im liad amniipniili'd hip on niv - CLIMBINt. Don't get dowa into tha rut, Keep a-clirabin'. ' Watch tha road for eome ahort cut,' Keep a-climbm. Don't be gum' at the groun't With your face all in frowa i Raiae your head and look aroun , But keep a-climbin'. Donl let folka discourage you, Keep a-chmbin', ". Keep your goal alwajya til View, Keep-a-climbin If you do right things to-day, Bomctlme you'll be makin' hay, And you'll hear tha people tar, , ' -'If did aome climbin". Tacori (Waabington) Ledger., JOHN8T0N. iH. bat now tbe poor fellow was sud denly seised with bad Attack of black-water fever, and after .recover ing, quite lost bli menial balance-, and ecame at times a raving maniac. x V h.W'rttfnnrra ernv t vt Nngb bouse of logs had to be built his detention twmllnir the ome steamer by which be Vf way to a healthier til- "11V SDare In by one iilmost him to J- irtrevei suddenly aware 'as holding a candle every possible way. He betrayed no trace of his recent excitement, but lu a tone of the deepest commiseration kept saying: "Poor Grando! Who could have done this? Poor Grando!" Under the circumstances I thought It best to avail myself of all the help that he could render at this moment; "d he was most deft 111 binding up the I weuna. "DURING HER MAJESTY'S PLEASURE." When all that could be done for the two men with the limited means at our disposal had been accomplished, I had to turn to the Indian and say: "Now I have got to put .vou in irons." He held out his hand quite submis sively for the handcuffs. By this time the English builder had arrived, and one or two of his men Helped to get out my boat and row US over to the mainland, where the Indian Was put in custody. He was eventually tried at a con sular court and sentenced to be "de tained uurlng her majesty's pleasure." Witu assiduous attentions one of the Krooboys recovered, but the other died. The place of the Indian as general factotum in mv service w tni-n h . very Intelligent nCCTO PX-fllarp linmri Solomon. Solomon had been freed as a boy by one of her late maJestv'a cruls. era, and had been nndrd for nima. IS. 1 lbJ .-f- tiemcnt of Victoria, in Ambas Bay. Here he received an excellent train ing. He was so ugly and ungainly In bin, movements that It was difficult! to realize what a truly noble bearled creature was concealed under his gro tesque mask. Solomon was one of the many wonders I have encountered In the negro world; bad he lived he might I nave been another Bishop Crowther. POOR SOLOMON! He took the keenest Interest I re member, In the revlslou of the Old and New Testaments, aud was one of the nrst persous in that part of Africa to secure a copy of tbe revised Bible. He was a bard, and steady worker. who kept the mn in order wlthont VloleBce and 'elled -timber, quarried stone, collected aud skinned birds. beasts and reptiles, and was always lu a good temper, ready with a cheery answer to even the grossest question. . It seemed to me that with the ac quisition of Solomon, my troubles on Mondole were over; . But the slaughter of the snakes was not yet expiated. according to tbe negro opinion, One day, when Solomon had been with me for three months, be proposed crossing: to tbe adjoining peninsula to cut tim ber aud couvey the logs back to Mon dole. For this purpose he preferred. ne aniu, to ose native dugout canoes rather than my little boat. He started early in the moraine hnt I never Saw him again. Late In tbe Mftumnnn tit n ...,... ......... i . , with :.m x.-, ! and rwltVta,To th. wnt.e ' - . , ! " Jn They described how. W as simnn had started, to return with his little Bntiiin . . . - the open Atlantic and swamptd the canoes. -. . . . This In Itself was -a i...,. " monipnr l,or ovo.-u hon... I,,.. flsh sort -h 1. i canoes would float.. But It was sun- pose.i mat a crocodile or shark had Solomon anrt d,. I ... .. ... ,. Hau,taCU Uim iiu One result of all these worries and anxietlpg wiu that I became serlouslv in wiin Dlacu-watcr oM'wl lo 1.10VB to (li fever, and 1 O.l.'lhnr. to resit tli era, for the place was in prcDaely beautiful, and possessed fea turcs of great natural Interest; but every time something untoward hap pened either to myself or to some one else staying in tbe houseV Nothing occurred, it. is true, that might not equally 'well have taken plart without the snakes' curse, in which 1 need hardly say I placed no faith WHatever." DISPROVING THE SUPERSTITION After my transference to East Africa, ana the cession by England to Ger many of the Ambas Bay settlements, tne bouse was removed. . .. The island Is probably now Under cultivation by German planters, who must have removed without regard for superstition the tree cobras, and have been able to show tbe natives, by the prosperity which attends the cuitlviv tion of cacao In these regions, that the misfortunes of the English Vice-Con sul bad no connection "whatever with supernatural canses.-Tputh's Con panlon, . v A FATHER'S LETTER. Quaintly Expressed Advle For tha Tonng 8lr Philip Sidney. ; When Sir Philip Sidney was twelve years old be had made such good progress In bis studies that bo wrote td bis father & letter iii Latin and one lil French. In those days, we must remember, if one has to read at all, it was necessary to read lu Latin, nud If rench was the language of courts, so both tongues were begun early and stndled more practically bau we now adays thiuk .'.requisite.. But young 'hllip's letters seem to have greatly ed his father, for In return Sir a charming Utter of ad- wortu reading lu little of it, but As to study, uat you self. Put .to get tbe II acquire a as leaf n sonie". you-grdw tW . If you find :e It away, si when It will tell." fathers, he of the six- if the twentieth centurv. the Sana? t: Ing.-Krom 'Books and Authors," lu St. Nicholas. Money In Cornerstones. The practice of putting money under the foundation stone of n new build Ing Is the shadow of an older tragic custom. Tne money stands theoreti cally for the ransom of the human be ing who by nnclcut superstition should have been burled in-Its black There was a time when this particti- inr kind bf human sacrifice had a vogue fcxtendlug to most parts of the world. Even in England skeletons have been found Imbedded In the bases of castle walls, and there Is record of one German fortress at the building of which a child wns bought from Its mother with hard cash and walled In to the donjon tower, the unnatural mother, according to the story, looking on the while, Effigies of humith beings nl'6 still used in some parts of Europe nS harmless Substitutes, and in remoter and more ruthless places the old cus tom crops out from time to time in all Its grim reality. Within the last half entury two children, a boy and a lrl were, It was reported, walled into a blockhouse by some laborers nt Duga, Asiatic Turkey. New York Times.' Passing of the Cattle Duron. The cattle baron of the Western plains Is rapidly becoming extinct Like the Indian, he Is disappear ing before tho onward march of set tiers upon the public domain. There ore no longer vast 'tracts of territory he can appropriate to his own uses, for the land Is being sold to farmers from the East and from Europe. ' The ranenr lss out of The cause of this impending change Is the contraction of the range and the invasion of the small cattleman. The farmers have taken tip the land along me streams where the water is found, and while there are thousands of acres of! dry range land which afford good grazing ror part of tbe year, they oro ri-woved from water and the sources of supply are cutoff by the small farmer, who Is utilising it, The subdivision of the great cattle ranges Into stock farms will be fol lowed by a marked Increase in sub stantial wealth and population which in grow from year to year and can not fall to give, tho highest develop ment to tne resources of tbe State, '" '"" Care of Children's Tih The mistaken idea that a child's first teeth need not be cared for entails no end of miaery on the child. Serunn. lous are of the teeth should be begun irom tne aay or their development In full, and tbe child taught as earlr as possible to flfcre for them itself under tne supervise of nurse or of mother. net a small trd not too stiff brnsh; use a good prepared chalk, or mvrrh caropnor, and Have the teeth ornsnea morning and night. A spool oi sue cental Boss is ,-.lsO essential, ana snoum oe cut in six-inch lengths as most convenient to use. 1 This snouia be drawn, between the teeth to remove any particle which the brush cannot dislodge; then rinse the tnoutti thoroughly with tepid water, in which a pinch of bicarbonate of so da has bene dissolved; or listerlne amy be used, in the proportion of fifteen d?pl t0 half laM of wa:w' Hav all cavities filled as soon as discovered, never rely upon cursory home exam ination, but take the child regularly tO a Skilled dentist to hfiv rennlr. ""wote lie bowres ssslgue e. I ngs t inade.-rhllndelphia Bulletin. M "'"- lUBr ta Spain. '.-. -1 1 There are 190,227. professional beg", gars In Spain, of whom 81,048 are women. In some otthe cities beggars are licensed to curry on their trade. Seeking alms Is recognised, as a le gitimate business, and the municipality demands a percentage upon tin; col Ii'fliniiH. f--villp Is llio onlv cltv In ' -.- v ,,.,,. ,;. . On Thing More t 6how . - Pot t0 hours a fashionable lady kept the draper exhibiting hi good) and at the end of that period she sweetly asked: "Are yod lure toi bave shown me everything you havef" "No, madam," said the draper, "t have yet an old account in my ledger I'll gladly show you." : He did not need to show any more, New Torker. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after Unit day's uae of Dr. Kline's Great NeireHestorer.Mtrlal bottle and treatise free Dr. B. H. lum, Ltd., 981 Arch Bt., Phils., Pa, . Strawberries com and strawberries gd, bat prunes g on forever; .. - " . j V;. '.- " Feet Hnrtt , . Sweat, Itoh, blister t Royal Foot W.a (Hires them. Removes odors of tost, armpits, tic.) stops chafing. It not at druggists send 36o to Eaton Dttrs Co., Atlanta Gl., for run sue, postpaid; sample for lo stninp. dne application (roves Its merit. Mousy back If not satisfied. ' Cost of Hauling Freight. The cost of hauling a ton of freight a mile en Great Britain's greatest tail' way Is 1.45 cents; on the Pennsylvania, forty cents, and on the New York Ceu. tral, fortyjpne cents, S10O Kewaril. aiOO. The -readers of this paper will be nlease'd to learn that there Is at leiut one dreaded dis ease that soionoe has been able to cure in all it at aires, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the mediosl fraternity. Catarrh being a oon stltuttonal disease, reqnlres a constitutional treatment. Hall s CatarroCure Is token Inter nally, acting dlreetly upon the blood and mu cous surtaoes oi tne systom, tnereoy oesiroy Inn the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con' btitutloa and assisting nature id dolnjj its work. Tne proprietors nave so mucn innu in Its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure, bend tor list of testimonials. ' Address F. J. Chsnet & Co., Toledo, 0, Bold by Dnignlsts, 75-'-Take Hall's I'amlly Fills for constipation. ' The Teacher Interested. "Miss Biggs Is Interested In you, pa." How so?" "vny, lo uny, aner she had told ui seven times to sit down and behave myself, she sitid she wondered what sort of a father I had." Dr. King's Itnyal Grrroftuer 'Jls the germs of disease and thus pre- k ana cures on diseases or tne moon d. bowels, kMnt-ys and nerves.-' irufRS. hid. MIksl, sayT: "Our , ............ .,1... n yn a very low Hmr, tmiiiercompjftkri and Oermctuor atasnjj." ;:lie Oortnetuor MriUonl csvllle, On. Tolng new about the war?" io unomciai aispatch nas ust Den tonflrmed." Chicago Rocord-Herald. tailiei fan Wear Shns One slse smaller aftor nsln? Allen' PoS Kase, a powdor, It makes tight or hew slioei easy. Cures swollen, hot, swelling, aching feet, huJMWin nnlls, Coras and bunion'. At all druggists and shoe store?, 25e; Don't ac cept any sttUnt Trial ackno Fart hy mail. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Lelioy, NX When a woir.v.i slops crying oVer her trouh'es ii'y a si.-n that slie has resumed the celebration of hsr birthday a.inivei'iavv. Mrs.Wiiisl.iw'soothliig.Synipfnrclilltlr'cn teething, softfln the Riim. retlucps Inflainr-a-tk,n, allays pnln.enres wind coile, 23o.a!:ottl If it weren't for their mistakes many men would never be heard of. a great PIso'sRurefor 1'onsamptloa is an Infallible modiolus for coughs and . colds. N. W. BAaosi,, Ocean drove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1903. People msy not think you s fool, yet they may not be in a position to deny it. ' Dr. Bigger' Huckleterry Cordial The Great Southern Remedy, cures all sto.T.noh and bowel troubles, children tcuthlng Made fro;n The Little Huckleberry tliat rows alongside our hills and moun tains, contains an active principle that has a happy effect on the stomach and bow els. It enters largely In Dr. niggers' Huckleberry Cordial, the great stomach and bowel remedy for Dysentery, War rhoea and E'oodv Hnx, bold by all druggists, 20 and COc bot tle. AN EX-CHIEF JUSTICE'S OPINION. ucrje u. vocnrane, or Georgia, In a eitcr o ur. Lingers, that he never suffers hlnuclf to be without a bot tle ot Dr. Blgqers' Huckleberry Cordial during the summer time, for the relief ct an siomacn ana nowei troubles, Dys' entery. Diarrhoea. Flux. etc. Sold by all druggists, 25 and SOo bottles. HfNLTIW ANGER-TAYLOR DRUG CO., Profrlctors, Atlanta, Oa. Taylor's Chtrokea Remedy of 8weat tsum ine Mullein will cure Couehs. Croun ana consumption. Price :5cand$l abottle. OR. WOOLLEY'S OPIUM & WHISKY ANTIDOTE Will cure permanently at your own home. Mr. T. M. 1: rnwti. cl PeOueen. Ark., sirs "Over seven years ago I was eured ol tha opium nnmi oy your medicine, and hare eon- iinucn in me inucd In the -ery best ot .tealth slnee, nr. n. .ii. junsTsn. or i.oTlnirsinn. vs. !r. W. M. wys: "I am elscl to nay that I rtrmly believe that I am emiieJy and -maueni)y eured of uir i'iiiik iini,u,ad i nave never even sn muen as wauled a drink In any form since 1 took your eratilcstor, now 18 months ago. It was tiic heal money I ever Invested." M r. Mririiiia Townsend, of Shrevepon, La,, writes: "No nmr opium. I have taken no mher rruicfiy than yours, and 1 make no nils- inKe wncn 1 ssy mat my lieMth u better now than It ever was In my life, and I owe It to ruu ami your remedy. It has been twelve years sji:ve i ww uiirvu r.r your irenimeni. l)r. Wnotley has tiioiiiiands of such testlmon- Isle, with pcrmis'inn to ue them. A treat ment' with so n-aiy recommendations from t'hyeiclKn" and urud iiatlcnts must be axtod. . Ir, Wonlley'a Antidote has Imitators, (as all flood articles navel perhaps you have tried some of tlieio. but there Is nothing like Wool- ley's, ll has stood Hie test of thirty years. Na man or woman who uses opium or whiskey tn any lorm, or wno nas friends so araiotea should hesitate to write to OR. B. M. WOOLLCV, to North fryor atreat, Atlanta, 0m for his book on these diseases, which ha will send tree and eonftdeiulal. . .-. BUsRKI,. CK ftftA BANK DEPOSIT 4JJJJ Rsllranl Fan Paid. 600 -. . - ar aa WUIBCI UTOPKlt WfarWaTklWKi Board at Coit.Wrtto Quick GCORGU-AUBAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE MacoOiOte Cotton Gin Machinery PRATT. MUNGER, W1NSHIP.- EAGLE. SIMTH. Wa mat las most canKu Uas m aai lonosra la tka werla. W alas asaka ENGINES and BOILERS, liNTERS lor OIL MILLS. Vie ill evcrytlUB( aeedee abeat a Cettsa 6ia, . Write for Illustrated CatKlofua. - jf'.i'.".nmii un i . .in,., in I , ; :, Vi TELEOrtAPri TYPEWRITING Ab Ingenious Machlrte Which Reads and 'Receives Messages. . A wireless telegraph writer, or icro graph as It Is called for the sake ot brevity, bat been Invented by an En? The aerograph lu appeHrnnre resembles an ordinary typewriter, but It Is of simpler construction, with a keyboard figured with tbe signs of the lexers and numerals," which can be printed or telegraphed to auy Dumber of Instruments. Each Instrument, the Inventor explains, Is at once a receiver and a transmitter, enabling operators to converse with out another In writ ing) and thus Obviating ' misunder standings; which afe apt to occur lu telephonic communications: fed faf messages hare been sent only for i short dlstnnce, but It is Intended to ex periment over wider spaces, aud it Is hoped that messages cauvbe sent to any distance that ether waves will carry: The machine Is always ready for Immediate use, and ss there Is no mechanism which requires td be wound t'p-lu order to obtain synchron ism, the operator has both bauds free for manipulation. Another advantage claimed for the Invention wilt be of special impdf tauee In military affairs.' Messages cannot be picked up. : To quote the Inventor's own words: "In sending n message yon are sounding two ether wares which allow you a choice of fifty-six signs, and ; these are given direct print, either as letters or figures. Ab solute secrecy Is thus obtained. The only way to Intercept messages would be, to employ a similar Instrument, which would have toJe synchronized to the same degree as the transmitting instrument. Lastly, these machines will receive their messages (which ate giveu at present nt a speed 6f twenty five words a minute) without anybody being present, and would thus be ot great advantage In n signal box, i.r. the signal -nan will receive clearly printed Instructions should be be ab sent tbe time the message Is sent to him. Nor will the machines work only without wires. I gave a lecture In Paris before the Society ot Engineers, oi wnicu i ni.i n raenincr,. uwfiirg which I sent mcsst.ges tctnisspls, while telcphiniic-erTniinlion wns going oiiojjcTihe same wires. I have sent message also between llerllu nd Frankfort." The iippara-tus consists of a type writer, which, hv depressing a key, sends two impulses. Eacll letter re quires only two Impulses, and the dif ferent lettcis are obtained by means of the time interval between thesi'Jui pnlses. For wireless purposes these Impulses operate a switch connection with the induction coil, thus making the sparks for sending the ether waves. The inductlou. coil is con nected with nu ncrlnl as well as an earth wire, "'o turn the nppHpiti's Into a receiving .Instrument it Is only iie'cssary to move a switch, which Is placed beneath inn typewriter. This makes hli the toilncctlrluS to the re ceiving apparatus, which consists of a coherer nud a very sensitive relay. The Inventive Age. ViCRDS OF WISOCM. Character deternilues condition. Home Is tho harbor ot the heart. Life Is ever more than literature. Greatness appears In little things. Strength comes through struggle. Prejudice puts Its eyes In Its pocket. Feeding malice is fostering murder. ileri differ hot so tuueh Id their faith as in their phrases, gin Is no more essential tn snlvattoil than disease to health. The best time to attend to your neighbor's affairs is In your sleep. When a man falls In love with heav en he learns bow to love this earth. A man Is not doing his levei best who is content to stay ou the same level. A reputation for eating chicken ' hot the only thing essential hi n good pastor. A .man who has only f.owers lu the garden of his life does not need to build a wall about It. Tbe man who fails while trying U do good has more honor than he who succeeds by accident. When there is room for all a wo man's love in tbe heart of a poodle no man need te sorry he has lost it. Tbe hungry one is apt to think that he has heaven's full meal when be has only caught tbe fragrance of tbe kitchen. Ram's Horn. Eaton'a "Hoc-Shops." Some years ago tbe masters of Etoi. College took over the management (as B limited company) of tbe Eton Col lego Boating Club, which previously had been carried on by private persons under contract. Since then the master's have extend ed their trading operations, gradually taklug up lines hitherto co lducted by Shopkeepers In the towu. Th liiajot' Ity of tbe tradesmen In E.on depend lu tbe main on the college for their business, and some of them have a! ready suffered severely from the new policy ot the masters. The latest development o.this inno vation, writes a correspondent. Is the acquisition by the masters ot one of tbe oldest ot tbe famous "soc-shops" (pastrycook's and confectioner's), where the boys bave for centuries past revelled lu cakes, sweetmeats and otb er luxuries. It is understood that henceforth the masters will run this establishment themselves for their own benefit The whole ot the trading community in Eton Is seriously alarmed. London News. ', Xothlni Loet. ' ( "They take tremendous precaution at the mint s thnt no specie shall be lost," said an Englishman, with a rem iniscence of an article be had been reading on the subject "Every scran of refuse Is burned In order that not the slightest vestige ot metal, shall be wasted. The working clothea of tbe men are burned, too, when they are worn out, and they even burn tbe carta wnicn are. used in carrying tbe bullion to the mint .-, . ; Well,". said the American in the guess we go one better tban that In our Immortal country. "We burn the refuse, and the clothes and the carta. Yes, sir, we do all that, and, what Is more, when, a man dies who has worked there we have him cremated."' Then they talked about the weathers- London Fun. Plattaiiag But Molsr. Lady Cromer, when, with her hus band. Lord Cromer, and Countess Val- da Glelcben, making a tour In the Soudan, became In time accustomed to the peculiar "welcome" of the Soudan ese women, which at first Is somewhat trying to the nerves. Each native woman present emits peculiar long, shrill erics, the while she hosts viur- f.iisssrt. . (The reply of a lonely Inubsnd whose, wife has asked in one of her letters: "De lou miss m C; deal t") I miss you, dear?" yw ask me. Since you've joirneveil far itifayl , Am I consrious of your ah'eiice;' Ah, my treasure, I should say! I hart ceased to lock the windows -When I go to bed at riightj ' I have ceased to rare a cooky . . Whether everything's all right. It the kitchen gas keeps burning ' I 'don't know it and don't cares.;-.' 'Xeath the bed thieves msi ' be hiding, I've sworn off looking there. Darling, I have eeane'l to hot her Willi tha bird and with the cat. They're attended to i y Muggic, Wild has full charge of tho flat. I have ceased, my oW; to) worry, When the busy day has fled; And I get to feeling sleepy, I just tumble into bed. , No more peering round in corners, No more nightly chows for me; From a score of vexing duties For the present I am free. Do I miss you, dear, y'oii Jslt tne? Yes, oh yes. my heart's delight j I've quit getting up anil hunting After burglars in the night. If it storm I lie and listen To the drops' splash on t lie pane, Never minding if the curtain And the rug are soaked with ruin'. In your absence I am getting Gladly rested, sweetheart mine You will hardly recognize me, People say I look so fine. Maggie has your sofa pillows All in her room now, my dear Yes, I miss you every moment, I'm so free from bother here. Chicago ltecoi-d Herald. Hewitt "Gruet says wife can cook and play tbe pl.u.o with equal facility." Jewelt-'i'd iiate to eat her cooking." Brooklyn Life. The spjxl-rn--ttieTiaseba!l tame ould surelv be a winner. for catching "Hies" ! cur't b beat, lha gluttonous old tamer. Willie "Mr. Oldboy, why do they say you are lu yotlf Secoi'd childhood '" Mother-"Vlllie!" Yiilie-"Oh, 1 know; It's because you're bald headed; Just like baby Dick. '-Boston Tran script. . Teacher "Thomas, i:rn !. a few of the proofs that the em th ' round like mi orange." Tolnliiy ".tii-kef "i didn't know we bad to In: re any proofs'. ina'aiu, I thought cveryo!j admitted It." Chicago Tribune. "You say that stout eh': lu the op positOf box owes his foil n:; to poll tics'" "Well, yes; hi! gut so awfully defeated the first time he lau for of fice that he has stuck strictly to busi ness ever sluce." l'ucn. Oh, Love will lino The way, some say, Hut will it hud Her f.uhet kind Enough id pay the wnyf I'tiiladelphia i'resS "No," he said, "I'm not pure whether Iiiy Wife's Cbrlstmns gift to me was meant to please hie o- to humble my pride." "What did .lie give .vou?'1 asked tho friend. She had a crayon portrait of me lAado by an amateur artist." Philadelphia Ledger.. "But," said the merchant to the ap plicant, "you don't furnish any refer ence from your last place." "You needu't worry about that," replied the man with tbe close-crooped bead aud prison pallor. "I wouldu't be here now if It hadn't oeen for n y good be havior iii my last Jlac?i" "I'll admit that the eminent W-age-' ilinii we have Just mentioned is exceed ingly Irascible and soiuethnes indis creet In his mniiifr stations," said the play goer; "but be is r fine actoi.'' "Yes," nuswered Storuilngton Barnes, "he knows how lo act, but li does not know how to be'jiwe." Washington Star. "Tommy," said the economical mother' td the boy with the loose tooth; "I'll give jOU leu ceii:s if you'll let me pull that tooth." The boy thought It over and theu went to hie bank. "The fun of do!u' that Is worth more'n ten cents," he raid. "I'll give you fifteen it you'll let me pull nue tit yours." Chicago Evening Tost. PcacUes fillers. Whon setting out au apple orchard for commercial purposes, trees should be spaced thirty feet apart each way. As fillers we may uso peach trees, which are shoiter lived than apples, lu many instances tho apple Is used for fillers, but for quick returns the peach Is preferable, as the apple Is a slower grower. Tbe peach can till the place for a number of years without coming Into contact with the growth of tbe apple. These peach trees, how ever, should be closely pruned In order not to check the development of the npple trees. As the ienct is naturally short lived, we may harvest niuuy good cropa before removing tlieui. For coin merclal apple growing we should plant only the good keeping varieties, such as York Imperial, Mammoth Black Twig and Dutton. These apples will at all times bring good pricesand the de mand ls Increasing anuually. Not only is the demand in the United States In creasing, but Russia, Germany and England are consuming Increasingly of our American npples.-Iuland. Farmer. Tha Really Clnar Pas. - There Is much more Intellectual clev erness among the girls ot to day tban there was fifty years ago. A flippant cotisla says: "It toes not pay for a girl to be clerer. Men are afraid ot you If you are, and the V.her "girls bate you," But between a pedantic prig and a well educated young wo man there Is a vast, difference. The really clever women are those who ills guise their learning and pose as amia ble and charming Idiots. .. Tha Largsst Hanks. ' . In the United States tbe largest bank Is the Nattoual City Bank of New I'l York, with a combined capital and sur. l plus of almost s42,uuo,ouu. ,in seconur place coihes tbe National Bank of r .m.- 4KKnnnnA . ,,,1 1 ,0 VUIUUIC1I.C, nil. vuuvw. . uu ... third place the First NaUonnl . Bank, with $23,400,000. Tbe largest hank outside of New York Is tbe F)iJt Na tional Bank of Cnleago, .Willi a com bined capital and surplus, (it 110,000,. 000. . - ,. .1 , . -f m It Is alleged tb&y application ot tbe X-fay will remote the marks left on the skin by mallpox. Not only are w told tha experiments have been successful lth patients Just recover In 1, but tbj're Is also reason to believe (bat pitting of many yeera' .ata'jdlng imiy be removed. Tbe old'acars of btirus and tuberculosis are also re inevetl lij; the X-rnys. that lis Avery & Company SlX'CKSHOr.S TO AVERY & MCMILLAN, 1-68 Booth Forsyth St., Atlanta, Gat Af.L K'NI'S OF MACHINERY AellShle Frlck Enrjlnes. Boilers, all 6lte. Wheat Separators. tia I BEST IMPROVED SaW fl!LL ON Large Engines and Bollef'i supplied promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, fyttblif Saws.Snw Teeth, Patent Dogs, Steam 36verriors. Full line Engines A Mill Supplies. Send for free Catalogue. Jsu.aMMa --nmjj-rj. 'f ' IISAWMILtSS roved CircH ;n un i f in i luu s,w mu. I with Hmr 'ii LTnlvr-ri1! Irnt ft uma-RirCtllln Ifavr.SimiiltaneoiiiSrjtWnrlturt-ld Die Hea S Wiled for A CHUB AC, MMPMCfTY, Pf,tflfl. jlTT AND KARI OF OPERATION. Writ1 for full Inscriptive ctrt'ulftrs. MriiiufuctiHTd hytht ISALICM IRON V0HK8,Viijt ii-fii,lrm.N.C. FREE to WOMEN mMBI iV U K sr SB 9 mom RH. . . a Lafg Trial Box and bojjit-et inst..ot, creamy lather 01 itriictlons aoshrretyTres and Poat loajwwrath to utoya the value ol PaxtineToiletAFifiseplic Puitlno to In cirder" form to diatolv in Aater non-polsonoui Stid t p r p c rl or I o ! iq 1 1 id antlsrritkrt fontcir in j alcohol which ItHiM Inffstnrd surface), SXtA have no detoslr g prop erties. The contents of every box makes mora Antiseptic SoNi ljio.1 lats lender oci wfthw fca more ues tn the family mid doe i more jg ytif t hun it. y aatlicplie preparctioft oti can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, ejftd tned With great success as a Vsgfoa! Wash, for Letworrhaa, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Thriwif, Jorc Eye. Cuts, and all soreness of mucus fr!mbranei In local trentmentof female ills f'iisHwN Invaluablo. Used ns a Vaginal V:i-i wo challons the wtr! l to jtro hn'o il3 eqilai . r thorouplmess. It isrur vrhition in clcanshig and hoftling jiowi-r; it hills nil prrmawhicU cause inOminnlinii ;inl (INrl.anrcs. All len t i tijf drm; j ki.-s'p l':ixtiitf; r-rle, Sfie. Iiboi; if yiMirsdofiiiict, n -nd to u. t-r it. J-u't take a oubslituto tin. ro 1: tjyti . inji iiltu Paxil ny. WiitcfortlioFrrf Iitx of rnxtlitft to-day. B.PAXTONCO., 7 rope E1.1t., Boston, UtXi. Son Eyes, Barry (.'o,, ioa i. tl', ju.,ha u a sure cure ' Take -Down Don't spend from $50 much less monev vou - .X ''. i uTsjrjf Down Repeatlno Shotgun, which will outshoot nntlnst thft hiohesf-oriced double-barreled . besides beine as safe, reliable and handy. Yo dealer can show you FREE) Oar HO-P.tje Ultistrntci Ctttlogee. I WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. HEW HAVEN, CONN, WE CURE CANCERS AND CHRONIC ULCERS. Ami vre iW imi slop tit tlmt. The na in and fa mo of lr. Key Hold; is kiviwn nt 1 over tho m.iilhluit'l on upcouiH of bis wonderful t-uccem in furine ('nnc" r, Tiniiurs tunl Chronic Ulcer, and hiri hps oiatp FpocUl IhH are euiiallr noir1 for their skill in enrin Htrlt-tnr', Vnrlrocele, II vdron-lf, Hlmid ritlpiii, and all Clironio llerp-Seatril Jippane of both Men ami Women. Write today fr our Mrtlicul Work, "IMI'IU " I imiL J lh tli.t a I f 1' i III J-It T wlltl (lllJ4lfls ftf jilfJgPlJgNCj IK. UKYNOKDS & rii.. Inhn t r. ,il nu'iilu CVIt KM DVSFKl'hIA, SICK HEADACHE, BILIOU9.NEHS, MKKVOVHME8S TYNER'S DYSPEPS3A REMEDY S2 fBEE BOOKLET. Wrlir. IUix tKW. AHanls, la. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST. Ifl By J. Hamilton A 600-page Illustrated Book, containing valuable Information pertaining to diseases of the human system, showing how to treat and cure with simplest of medicines. The book contains analysis of courtship and marriage; rearing and management of children, besides valuable prescriptions, recipes, etc, with a full comploment of facts tn materia medica that every ono should know. This most Indispensable adjunct to every well-regulated household will be mailed, postpaid, to any address on receipt of price, SIXTY CENTS. Address, Atlanta Publishing House, '116-118 CENTRAL AVENUE, ATLANTA, GA. QUAftANTKBD CURB lor all bowel arables, appendicitis, bUlonsaeu, bad braath, ba4 lead, wind oa the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, heedache, Iodises. Ion, pimples, eaJna arW eatlnK, IWer trouble, sallow ekia and dii lineea. When jronr bowels don't move ref alarly yn are eiok. Constipatloa bills more people than all other diseases toajether. It tart, ehrortle ailmante end lone vmt. af anSfonln. Ma m.HM avKa. .11- na. start teklne atarta chronic ailmenta and lone yeara of auffcrlna. tla natter what.. 11a you, start taklnf CA8CARBT todey, for you will never (et rif nt Take our advice, start with Caac arete today under absolute fuaraotee to euro or money refunded. The senuiae tablet etanped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Saauple aa4 booklet free. Address Sterlioa Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. as this is What Yon Want ! Bars You Any Malarial Troubles f Be you want to ret well and gat well nnlck t If si, send a PoetotBoe order for ally oente to tlie REGAL KEDIC1HE C0.,of Stamford, C onu., for mediolne and directions. 'A quirk snd certain cure S'laranteed la til of niftier!, chlUs aua Kter,duiub wue and lutenulttent !. Give the name of this paper when writing to advertiser (At2M)4) " f Pmnv-. n .1 swfli ? In ' S-d pppT HADS One Night Treatment with Soak the feet or hands on retiring in a strong, Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA OINTMENT, the great skin ciu-s and purest of emollients. Bandage lightly in old, soft cotton or linen. For itching, burning, and scaling ec zema, rashes, inflamma tion, and chafing, for red ness, roughness, cracks, and fissures, with brittle, shapeless nails, this treat ment is simply woncferfuf, frequently curing in one night. CnmpMf numor Cor., rnmlittnff nf fTTTCTSA Evolvent, .We. Ill) fi.rm of ( liuiuUlu C.ialnl 1'itl., Mt, Bi tl,,f 6.l',Ou.!mrnt,flOc, Snip, l.r. t,.,il: j,n4,. lirtiivrliituM S'l ; l'.rl, i Hue lir ! I'six ; t:ion, 3? C"'!ii.l,ul A. foliir lln-.K a Clifm c.,r,.. Sui. Tiupfc Sd deud hr " ll.i K Clu. Lter lluu.01." Repeating Shotguns to $200 for a gun, when for so can buv3saincncster one. They are sold everywhere. CO., A13 Alidtell UuiWing, Ailauta, On. w !.n vnnr linnl ill 14 nl Stub t Ayers, M. B. well and stay well until yea fet your bowels TtaaOreal Kast and Wast Aoratw the tire krfvtea al thnrtstt ronw Sirt;pf.rt to iU'lfi. fur nw book on ljrw, Um. R. p. lURNt (istneinl rtirirr Aent,, lnH-ii. Twi, KST FCa TKE KSEU 1 Trvm i n 1 1 1 o 1 1 it tAA4"LUU w ABJ. ' ' 1" .11 (1- V c 1 t I !.S 1'

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