The Franklin Press. Fhakklik, N. C., Feb. 8, 1905 Offlca In Higglna Block, East Main St. PopnlaMoa. Franklin, 886 Macon County, ......... 12,104 North Carolina, ...... 1,891.092 ruftssianal Carts. T.J. JOHNSTON, ATTOBNEY-AT-TjAW, FRANKLIN, X. C. Careful attention to all bualneaa. 011IIllltllli;iHHH-H"! ROBERTSON & BENBOW, Lawyers, FRAXKUM, MACON COPNTT, N. 0. Will practice in the courts of thU State 4 the Federal Courts. . Collec tions a Hpecfolty JONES & JOHNSTON, ATTORNEYS fT lAw. General Law Pnu'tlcn- Collections. Notary Public Offiea On flit Bank if Franklin. Frar kliR, I. C. brtfitii rfUnl Title tat Coltetku Midi a . -. Specialty. Ofllu h ton Brkt EolWIrg, FranMa, R.C. J. FRANK RAY : ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. (Practices in all the oourto. ' T RNim Owr L H. FRAMES' Stow. h in mi mi h i nm h i nt R.D.S1SR, ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, - Rotmni Im Brick BuitdTng. MAllttMJI,- H. ft-.; ;"-..''":;: iiiiiiinmn iiiiiiniii THE BARBER, FRANKLIN, N. C. ' ' -c A JEW YEAR. GREETING. In looking back over the past year we find tlvat our business has been very satisfactory, and we wish to thank our friends and customers for tlie liberal patronage they have given us, and to ask a continuance of the sam e and we promise to try to serve you so as to make it toy our in terest as well as ours for you to trade with us. Wishing you, one and all, a happy and prosperous year, we are very truly yours, - Sloan Bros. Swal Snap Sjjots. Biuinesa Locals. Mr line. 10 emits for each insertion. S. L. Kelly returned from fiat eigh Sunday evening. School companions for the chil dren at Smith's. 2t We are decidedly of the opinion that it snowed Friday. Atty, Hy. ii. Robertson went to Webster Thursday evening. Mr. J. M. Painter and family removed to Bryson City Monday. Mr. Benson Grindstaff, of Sylva was here on business last Thurs- day. . ' " Mr. M. T. Khinchart. who was shot seven years ago, has had the bullet extracted. VYayrtesville Courier. Mrs. Lelia Allison returned home last week after several months absence in Tennessee and Washington City. . A child aged 10 months, of Mr. Geo. Cunningham's died of whoop ing cough Sunday in Smith's Bridge township. ' John S. Trotter, I. J. Ashe and K. a Angel left last Wednesday with thirteen head of mules for the Southern markets. Thank to Hon. B. , F. Dixon, Auditor of the State, for a copy of his Annual Report for fiscal year ending November 30, 1904. Mr. Kope Eliasand Frank Cur tis left Saturday on a trip to Ilayesville to be gone several days. jaJU " 11 ' - 11,1 " It .'Squire E II. Franks has been wrestling with the "Grip" for two or three weeks, but we are glad to state that he is about to come out on top. Picture cardboard in Don. as sorted colors with Passe Partout binding at Smith's. " 2t Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Deal and daughter Annie, will leave in a day or two for Florida to spend sever al weeks for the benefit of Mrs. Deal's health. . t t Severe Fighting Reported. St. Petersburg, Feb. 3. A dis patch from the front reports se vere fighting at Chenliali Pass. The Japanese made a night attack on the Russian position 'there and outflanked the Russian detachment. Afterwards the Japanese encoun tered a stronger force and were compelled to retire. The Japa nese lost about 100 killed and many wounded, while the Russian casu alties were 15 killed and 37 woun ded. To Stamp Out Blackleg. (Special to Gasette-Newa.) Washington, Feb. 3. Repre sentative Gudger today called at the bureau of animal industry, where he arranged with the offi cials to procure a quantity of vac cine for blackleg, a disease which last summer caused some loss to stock raisers in the mountains of Western North , Carolina. - Mr. Gudger lias sent some of the vac cineJtcuMumber of cattle raisers the sub- Valentines at Smith's. Sptrial Itotitts. Notices In this column At cents per :ne for each taane. Ia regular local eol umna, ten cent per tine for each Issue. Seven words make about a lino. Rev. Irl R. Hicks' almanacs 80 cents at this office. Fresh Fruit every week at E. K. Campbell's. To prevent cholera give the hog powders that Frank Smith sells at 5 cts. a package. 2 18 Best cigars and tobaccos In town at E.K. Campbell's. At Wright & Robinson's yon can buy Roller Mill flour at 80 cts. Pride of Jackson 80. Dillsboro Best 85. . New line of Bibles, Books and Stationery just received at E: K. Campbell's. Wright & Robinson has just re ceived a fresh line of canned goods, Tomatoes, Corn, &c and all the California fruits. Try my fresh roasted coffee, 15 cts. pound. Roasted fresh by me every day. E. K. Campbell. - Best pocket knives and razors at E. K. Campbell's. Every one guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. , : ; L I have added Groceries to my stock and will give the best goods at lowest prices for cash. , E. K. Campbell. ", Don't fail to look over my 5 and 10 centers. Something new on them every week. E. K. Campbell.' VUyted An honest, hustling ns in Macon nke M of " FOLEV'S -HONEY AIO On account of the Laughs, Colds, and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are imitations with similar. sounding names with the view 'of profiting by the favorably known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. DO HOT BE IMPOSED UPON We originated Honey and Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you pet FOLEV&HONEY AND TAR you do not get the original and genuine. Remember the name and insist upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. Do not risk your life or health by taking imitations, which cost you the same as the genuine. Foley's Honey and Tar is put up in three sizes 25c, 50c and $1.00, Prepared only by FOLEY & CO., 92-94-98 Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois. Dr.- Frai)K T. Smith's Success. Great Popularity of Plan' to Sell Medi cine at Half-Prica and Guarantee . .. .,: a Cur. V, T. Smith the enterprising druggist, rathor than await the or- diuary melhoda of introduction, urged the Dr. Howard Co., to se cure a quick tale for their cdf bra led specific for Ibe curs of cousti patiou and dyspepsia by offering the regular 50c boltls at half-price. The wonderful success of this plan was a great surprise wen to Dr. Smith and today there are acoresof ptopU here iu Frauklin who are usiug and praising (his remarkable renipdy. So much talk bat been caused by this 'offer, aud ao many uew (rieuds have been made 'for tbe specific, that the Dr. Howard Co., have authorisad druggist Smith to cuutiuue this special half-price rale for a limited time longer. lu additiou to selling a 60o bot tle of Dr. Howard's specific for 25o, Dr. 8mith has so much faith in the remedy that he will refund the money to auyoue whom it does uot cure. - ' .'' Wben your head aches, your stomach does not digest food easily and naturally, wbeu there is cou rck8 before the eyes, "ijtaste w great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND. TAR SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY FRANK : ..a " NOTICE. "Whereas on the 5th day of Apr! 1904, T. B. Shepherd aud wife, executed a mortgage to the uuder signed to secure him in tbe sum of 1315.00, to be due Oct. 5, 1904, aud iu the event said sum of $315 was not paid when due, tbeu they authorised aud empowered the un dersigned to sell the lauds de scribed iu said mortgage lo tbe highest bidder for cash,- aud wuereuf uo part of said sum so secured by said mortgage has been paid. Therefore tbe uudersigued, by virtue of the power conferred on him iu said mortgage, will on March 11, 1905, sell at the court house door iu Franklin, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash all the lauds described iu said mortgage, being recorded in Book No. 10 of Mortgages ou pages 130 aud 131, and described as follows: FirBt Lot. liegiuuing at a slake 8. W. corner of No. 5 of J. B. Cuuuiug bam lot, the B. W. Moore property and ruusN. 29 poles to a stake'; theu fi 10 poles to a stake; theu 8 28 polea to a stake in the publio road; theu 8 74 W to tbe begin ning, 2 acres Kow ' ot lees. Seo oud Lot. Adjoining the auv lot, begiuuiug at tbe beginning corner of said Lot, ruus a ' west di root ion iroud to the 8 sW.coruer U-snd stable ou the -JLh di pwmsssmmn ill iniim si eaiMffljai.uU(JhJWMMwaM aim hi ii f 1 T. SMITH STATEMENT COKD1T1CN v Tbe Bank of FrankHu, Franklin, N.- C, At TH.t Ci.osk ok HueiNEPB Jan. 11. 1905". RESOURCES Lotion nmt PincounUi tl5'i'4 .21 Ovrnlrntls, 10 0.1 N. C. 8tnti Humid, 4 ikt cent. Wmn Pruinimu on R'nnils, WM Furniture nml Kixtiiri', 14:11 IK L'a.-h on hand ami in Hanks - liiutil.M ' Total - ('i4.l!t!.27 Cnminnuced Business July 1, 1903. I, J. G. Siter, Cashier of Tbe Bauk of Fiankfin, do solemnly 8Waf that the nbove statemout is true, to the best of my knowledge and be lief. J. G. Btltu, Cashier. Sworu fo aud subscribed before mo tbis tho 17lh (Wofjan 1905" Correct 'Attest: Geo. A. Jones. John C. Wbiuht, Directors. b. Johnston. H't H I I M I-H-M I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 H, S, TROTTER, Msrcbant FRANKLINj N. C. I am selling off my 2 chandise, giving" good the year. mil make a f . suited to the needs of I i propose to sell for pay down which t t enable me, to give . gains itlmji can be afforded u)ider the credit fern. J solicit the ns 1 Miiiie TA1 : 4 1 advertising LIABILITIES Sinonn.orj Kiirnlut Ij'mlivcil Proflts Ikmh ExpfntHH. lmlivUlunl clrii. Milijfct to cluck Siai'Jjrt CaliiiT' ehrt'ka oHtHtumllng 9t;tf Total ftii!K.2f LEK UEAWFOKD, B. Jr 11 I I I I 1 1 1 H-HH-IH-HWH' line of General Mer f bargains, and during $ specialty of Hardware, $ this iirinwdiqte section, f mv customers- mtwi' bar- t continued natrondsfe of i ave patronized me so liberallu in X jio are to in p. rnr settle and take a , tl