1 wMff irtw Th3 Franklin Press, SLOAN BROTHERS VI Fbankijn, N. C., Mat 24, 1905. Office In Higglns Block, East Main St. Population. Franklin, 835 Macon County, :, . . ; -, . . 12,104 North Carolina, . . ...v. 1,891,092 $JrofasimutI Carts. T.J. JOHNSTON, ATTOHNBY-AT-IjA'W, - FRANKLIN, W.'CU Careful attention to all business. fWWM-HHI 1 1 1 H..l.M,nM. ROBERTSON & BENBOW, K Lawyers, , PBANKLIK, MACON OOUNTT, If. 0. Will praotiea in the court of this State A the Federal Courts. Colleo tion a BnecMty imaaiit JONES JOHNSTON, , ATTORNEYS AX I-Aw. General Law Practlcn- Collection. v Notary Ptiulle. " Offlot Onr Ike Bank tf Frankllit. v Franklin, I. C SAM L KELLY. tftitorney ai Jaw oflobary lartttlfattM f Laae Tlttea and CsUecttons Mule a Specialty. Offlot hi Lot Brlcl Eulldlng, Franklin, I. C. J. FKANKRAY, ATTORNEY-ATVLAW. Practices in all the courts. Room Onr L K. FRAKKS Store. M HI H l'H I l-IM I 1 I I I I lil t R.D.S1SK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Room in Low Brick Building. FKANKI.I, H. C. 1 1 1 1 11 1 l"H"H-M -l"l-H-t-l"t"i "H A. A. HOWE, THE BARBER, FRANKLIN, N. Cr ' " ft I For Sale Real Estate. I have a long list of very de-j isirable property for sale in and! K near Franklin, improved andj r unimproved, vacant lota, btiil-j ding sites either for business or$ f "m S -: IL Furman Jakkett, Real Estate & Insurance. NEWS BRIEFS. f '" Bessemer City and Alexis School Districts, in Gaston county, have voted in local taxation for graded schools. C:.-.'V.&;.'.. - Rev. I B. Abcrnothy waaelet . ted last week president of Wcaver ville College vice president Rob inson, resigned. OASVOniA. stasia jf Tin Kmtf Yw Hsw Always Beaght ' " . i Dick Johnson, white, a state convict of desperate "haractor, at tempted to make his escape Satur day by running from the guards At the camp on the line of the Ral- - eigh & Cape Fear railway near Lil lington, and refusing to halt when commanded by the guards, was shot and instantly killed. II. ClayGrubb, tried nt Salis bury last week for the killing of his brother-in-law, O. L. Davis, in October last, was acquitted. ' C N. Evans, af Charlotte, was 'elected president of the Bankers' Convention at Winston-Salem last week. The place of holding next year's meeting . was left for the executive committee to select later. Tcr Jar Prcttctlon we place tills laliel on every package of Scott's Fniulwlon. ' 'f lie uitut wltua flali on Ills back ,tojur trade-mark, and It is a ) guarantee that Scott's Eniul , slon wilt do all that la elulnied ! (or It Nothing better for Inns;, t throat or bronchial troubles In ; Infant or nrtiilt Scott's Emul i eiiut Is one of the jrrcntesfc flesh : builders known to the medical . world. ,-, . HVffmiMtiia-JtBm eT ft r C pKrt Srl Jntal 'innp ots. Business Locals, per line, 10 cents (or each Insertion. The weather has been quite cool for a few days past. Mr. John B. Gray and daughter, of Ellijay, were in town Thursday. Mr. and Mm. W. I. Carpenter, of Ellijay, were in town Saturday. G. W, Bryson, of Sylva, was registered at Hotel Jarrett Thurs day night. V Mr. J. B. Addington, of Ske- nah, was in town Saturday singing gayasa cricket Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Bidwcll, of Cullasaja, were in town a few hour Thursday. . " s ,. r Dr. Lj'le had excavations made last 'iveek for the foundation walls of his new sanitariuni on Harrison Avenue. ' A. M. Norton, who has been in South Carolina during several months past, has returned home to spend theisuhrnrcr;- f i Messrs. S. Clark and N. L. Hudson, of Rabun Gap, Ga., were in town over Thur sday night stop ping at Hotel Jarrett. Mrs. II, J. Roane, of Peachtree, and her niece, MissRebeccaSniith of Franklin, were in town Thurs day. Cherokee Scout. Mrs. Jnkc MooreTof--Jiiax township, died last Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock of rheuma tism, at the age of 59 years1. Thanks to the faculty of the A. & M. College, Raleigh, N. C, for an invitation to attend the com mencement, May '28-31st 1005. T. B. Enloe, of Cartoogechaye, was in town Wednesday witli part of a load of last year's apples for which he found ready sale at $1.00 per bushel. A citiwms1 meeting was held in the court house last Thursday and a committee appointed to make arrangements for a Fourth of July celebration. Master Frank Bryson took a fish from his trap Friday morning of the "red-horse" variety, that measured 29 inches in length and weighed 16 pounds. It is announced that Gov. R. B. Glenn will deliver an address at the commencement of Murphy Graded School on Wednesday night June 14th next . The Cherokee Scout announces the death of Mr. J. P. Chastain, a well known citizen of Clay coun ty, which took place Sunday May 14th, at tho age of 73 years. t TO CURl A COLD 13 ONE DAI Take Laxativk Bhomo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W, Grove's signature is on each box. 25. On April 11th the editor of The Pkkss bought 81 eggs from the Biltmore farm, of the Brown Leg horn prize pens, and set them, and the result was 24 little brownies hatched out The kind invitation of the Trus tees and Faculty of the University of North Carolina to attend the one hundred and tenth annual commencement, May 28, 29, SO, 81, 1905, has been received with thanks. Colonel Elias, who owns the Pattcrson'Farm, tells us that he is going to move to Swain this fall and buikl a house on his farm with all the modern improvements, keep an office in Brysou City, and stock his farm with a high breed of cat tle. Bryson City Appalachian. Miss Ethel Gray, after spend ing a few days visiting her sister, Miss Mary A. Gray, at Crabtree Orphans' Home in Haywood coun ty, returned home last Friday to Smith's Bridge accompanied by her sister who will spend a few weeks willi her parents before re turning to Haywood. - We are always looking out for the Jiixt in Ev ' erythlng for our customers, and have just bought a big line of the famous " Kant-be-bcat" Clothing, which is conceded by the entire trade to be the best, and most up-to-date line of clothing on the market. It is equal in style, tit and quality to the best Tailor made clothing. We have also secured the agency for tho famous "Queen Quality" shoes for women. These shoes combine the three essentials necessary to a perfect woman's shoe, viz: Comfort, Durability and Style, Their reputation is Wvrhl-icide. and every woman knows when she has on a pair of 'Queen Quality she has the best . that money will buy. We also have a full line of shoes of all kinds for men, wo men and children, the best to be hud for the money. Our lino of Dry Goods & Notions are equal if not superior to any in town, and we will always take pleasure in showing you what we have. Our constant aim is to please onr customers, and our ability to do this is demonstrated by an increase of nearly 50 per cent in our business over the same period last year. Respectfully,- Old papers--2 pounds for a nick el for sale at this office. The Macon delegation to the Missionary conference returned Monday. Dr. W. II. Iliggins made a trip to Ellijay Monday to do some den tal work. Dr. F.'Ij. Siler went to Greens boro Monday to attend tho State Medical convention. Court convened at Webster Monday for a two weeks term to try civil cases. Judge Shaw is presiding. Misses Ella Siler, Amy Harri son and Margaret Rogers went to Asheville last week and returned Saturday, " ' -Miss 'Rebecca Smith returned home Saturday from a visit to her aunt, Mrs. K. J. Roane, of Peach tree. Cherokee county, Blgattuv "Rev. T. E. Winecoff and a friend named West, of Mt. Airy, N. C, came over from Asheville Monday to spend a few days on Nantahala fishing. .Attorneys Geo. A. Jones, .' Ray, F. B. Benbow, R. D. and Hy. G. Robertaon and are attending court at Wei tins wmu ii Tnt nt urn p Furflt building is up and covered and weatherboarded and the carpenters are now making the window and door frames. Mrs. G. H. Dalrymple returned from Highlands Sunday. She was accomjwnied by Mrs. W. T. Potts, of Highlands who is spending a few days visiting relatives and friends hero. The rains during the lasttwi) or three days past arc delaying far mers with their farm work. The weather has been quite cool during the past week which is not bene ficial to com and other crops. The colored Methodists have taken down their old church pre paratory to building a new one, but the work has been delayed du ring the past week pending a building permit from the town council. W. II. Shancks and Anco Wo mack came over from Sylva Sat urday night to spend a day or two with 'home folks. They report the first story of the bank building which is of stone, completed. Tho remainder of tho walls will be brick. Rev. J. T. Wade. The Atlanta Constitution of May 14th, had a very complimen tary account of the commencement exercises of the Nacoochee Insti tute in Habersham county, Ga., presided over during the past year by Rev. J. T. Wade, who h well and favorably known" here. Mr. Wade's many friends in Macon county will be pleased to learn of his success in his present field of labor, and rejoiced to know that he has been re-elected president of the institute. Mrs. Wade is one of the faculty of the school also. x Savetj by Dynamite. Sometimes, a flaming oily is saved by dynaiuitiug a space that the fire can't cross. Sometimes, a cough haugsou so long, you feel as if uolhiug but dytlamite would cure it.t Z. T. Gray, of Calbouu, Ga., writes: "My wife had a very aggravated cougb, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her; so she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption,' Coughs and Colds, which sased her cough, gave ber sleep, aud finally cured her.' Si riot ly scientific cure for bron chitis and LaGrippK, At Frank T. Smith's drug stcre, price 50c aud $1.00; gwirHUleetl.- Trial bot tle (roe. t JejjatpaVajfejssMslBKi I Sloan Bros. FRANKLIN, N. C An effort is being made to get the Indian band from Yellow Hill to come here for tho Fourth of Ju ly celebration. . . The delegates from Charles L. Robinson Camp, United Confeder ate Veterans of this place, have been assigned to Mrs. J. S. Lind say, No. 702, West Chestnut St., Louisvillo, Ky., during the reun ion at $1:00 per day for board and lodging. ' CULLflSAJA ITEMS. Mr. Geo. II. Bidwcll lost his fine Jersey cow Inst week. Mrs.'Robecli Elliott and daugh ter liave gone to Miles, Oregon, and from all accounts, Mrs. Elliott will marry a man there by the nameofA. J. Bass. . It is said he sent the money for her to go. Miss Annie Strain has gone to Denver, Colorado. Mr. Asbury Keener, of Rabun Gap, Ga.y was on a visit to see his mother "a few days ago. Mr. C.-L.-Sellers lost a good milch cowjaturday. Mrs. J. B. Watkins has gone on a visit to her folks near Westmin ister and Walhalla, S. C. i!r. Joe ' Daves and another i a wreck nn nn badly torn UKar.. rd. hursday.'' Sho had bwn sicWfor some time. ' ' X. COW EE ITEMS. Mrs. P. E. Kickman celebrated her !8th birthday last Saturday May 20. Hert)Idest grandson M r. Lee Greene of Mars Hill, N, C, preached at 11 o'clock, which was followed by heart thrilling talks from the old people, and then din ner was served by her son and daughter, which was enjoyed by a large number of relatives and friends. Mosa. Kope Elias'Here. -hevllle Citlsen. . Kope Eliaa, of Macon county, made a visit to Ashcvillo yester day. Kope is feeling in tine fea ther, he says,." He received a bou quet, a third of a column long, in ono of the Charlotte papers the other day. ' A Creeping Death. v Blood poison creeps up towards the "heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Balfe Plaiue, Mmn., writes that a frieud dreadfully in jured his baud, which Bwelled Dp like blood , poisouing. Buckleo's Aruica Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, aud saved his life. Best in the world for burns and sores. 23c at Smith's drug store, Card of Thanks, - I desire to express my sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors for their- aid and sympathy during tho sickness and death of my mother, J. C MooitR. NOTICE. To the Tax Payers ot Franklin. You arc hereby notified to re turn on or before the last day of June, 1905, to the undersigned a list of all taxable property in said town with a description nnd value thereof which you may have owned on the 1st day of June, 11)05. Failure to comply with the above incurs a penalty equal in amount of your taxes. Blanks can be found at tho ollice of tho Register of Uows. This May 17, 1 !;. M. 1). HlM.INON, Sooty & Teens. Town Council. ftjpnng Tulmlt'.i cine 1701 positively euro any case off Kidney oi Biaddep disease not Eseyond the roach off medicine. FJo medicine can do enoro. FOLEY'S strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whole system. ' IT IS GUARANTEED TWO SIZES GOo and $1.00 THRONG OF BUYERS CON TINUE. The people of Franklin and vi ciuity appreciate the great advau tage Dr. Frank T. Smith obtained for them, iu getting the Dr. How ard Co. to allow the regular 50 cent size of Dr. Howard's specific, for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia, to b sold at half price, 25 cents, and have bought hun dieds of Jjottles. Many orders have come by mail at this popular price, for it is very uuusunl to be able to buy sixty doses of a standard medicine for half price. 1 Every bottle of the specific aold by Dr. Frank T. Smith has had his personal guarantee to refund the money if it was uot satisfac tory, but noue has come back, showing the wonderful curative power of this remedy. Unlike ordinary medicines for constipation and dyspepsia, the dose of Dr. Howard's specifio is reduced after a few days use, and the cum is boou complete aud lasting. Iu New York city the specifio is very popular, aud many a club man finds he can eat what be wautsaud when he waiitsA if takes a dose of tljiFu ; Lomax Gets It. Washington, May 17. To fill the vacancy on tho Gettysburg Battlefield commission the ap)oint mcntof Maj. (Jencral Lumsford L. Lomax, of Virginia, is announ ced by tho Secretary of War. AO Aoirnal Story For Llitl Polks Tho Little Goat's Trick One day a very hungry wolf pounced down upon a little goat and wus jnst about to make a nienl of liiiu when the goat cried out: "Walt a minute! I have something to Buy!" "White Is It?" asked the wolf. "If you will let me go and not ent nie, as you Intended to do," said tilt tiOOKBD DOWH AMD SAW THBM. goat,"4!'!! tell yoo where there are I ' - J 1 'hi, , S i F more goat, than you have teeth In JOWp,,. night by throwing her -My, wy, excluimcd the wolf, 'lf into the reservoir connected smacking hit Hps, "I'll agree to that" with the Erwin Cotton Mills, but vweli," declnred. 'the goat, "if you was seen in time tube prevented, run up to the top of yonder mountain Cause unknown. you'll seo the gonta on tljo other side, ' w' ' and I nra aure there are more there'. I'jekens county, S. C, last'Sltt than you conld eat In a month lurday voted out the disiiensary by So the wolf rnn off up the tide of a vote f threo to one in favor of the mountain, but the further lie ran prohibition. the higher the mountain seemed, audi . It was a very lung time b-fore he n;';i'..n '.I.... . reached the top. tired and V tsore and ' T, Cjnf jJorato drum vorps of out of breath nnd more huagry thau he Raleigh will go to the Louisville bad heeu before. reunion. All its members four And what do you think was the first in nunilier were confederate inu thing he anw? A herd of goats. Thew sicittns. It will go by way of must have been 200 of them. They ltirhmond, and will give a concert were grasiug peacefully on a broad in tho capital square there on the plain on the other side of the woun- j Bt(,rmM)n flf ti, 13ti, (lf iun. . tuln. But what else do you suppose? Why, i " ' - the other side of the mountain was per-1 . A heavy Windstorm struck M. fectly straight up and down, Just like Worth, Texns, Sunday night, the wnlis of thia room, only ns high as Wowing in the west wall of the fifty houses plnced on top of each otu- Texns nnd lVilic paspnger sta er, and t the foot of this steep cliff tj(m ftli j killing a trsin dispatcher, was n broad rlvsr that wits ns swift as an ocean current. Then It was on ,tlie other side of this stream that the Iihilti Iny upon whirl! tho ftoatu wimc feeding. It was ImiiosMlile for tlie wolf to get to them... ,! That little (.ro.it hns plnved mo a trick," snlil the wolf ajirowfull)-. IIILd'ttrg l)ls!ititrh.. t KIDNEY CURE SOLD AND RECQ3KBED BY FRANK T. SMITH 5& Notices in this column Ave cents per Lne for each Uatie. In regular local col umns, ten cents per line for each issue. Seven words make aliout a line. For Fresh (Jroceries go to E. K, Campbell. Fine fruit, fresh every week at Camphell'8. Fino lino of 5, W, 13.- 25, and 50 box paper just received at E. K, Campbell's.' Our shoes give satisfaction, try them. Sloan Bros. Hammocks, Balls, Bats, and all kind of Summer Sporting goods just in at E. K. Campbell's. The talk of tho town Camp bell's Roasted Coffe, at 15 lb. Roasted fresh every day. New line of Family Bibles, Tes taments, and books of all kinds just received at Campbell's. For fresh candies, for fine can dies, for good candies, for Low ney's candies, for candies of all kinds go to E. K. Campbell's. T have a lot of Iwxed paper with square envelopes .that 1 will sell hejjrtojP to make room for new stock. vn OMiTir. fineiii Bath, , Ijuindry Daning Soaps in Franklin. E. K. Camphkll. The finest Ice Cream Parlor and Soda Fountain in town, where the best Ice Cream and Soda Water are sorved in the latest stylo at E. K. Campbell's. Putmun's Fad less Dyes, arc the best. One package dyes wool, cotton or silk. Sold and warran ted to give satisfaction by E. X. Campukll. Fok Sale: A large tent 12xl feet with six feet walls, good fly to cover it, and ventilation openings in both a bargain cost I&M.60- will take $20.(K) cash. The very thing to spend a fow weeks in on the mountains this summer. W. A. Curtis. NEWS BRIEFS. " In a freight train wreck at Mac key's Ferry in the eastern part of the state Thursday morning, one ninn was killed and several injured. - A head-on collision between a passenger train and a truck train atGoldsboro last Thursday night, seriously orushed one man, and slightly injuring two others. 1 . At Wadesboro on the 20th, a negro named Robinson, who had been arrested by an officer, Will Kerby, snatehed Kirby's pistol and shot dangerously wounding the officer and made his escape. . A girl named Nora . Lasaiter at tfttmuWI Kiiici(l in West, Durham. I o n , f -.4'!., , r t' "'' i ii ULiLJ U Pasted Sloni and firavil With Exeruolatlng Paint A. H. Thurnei, Mgr. Wills Creek Cosl Co., Buffalo, O., writes: "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, psss ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines onlf gsve relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc., and now I have bo pain across my kidneys and 1 feel like a new man. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good." Mo Other Remedy Can Compare With It Thos. V. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had Kidney Trouble and one bottle or FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and he says there Is no remedy that will compare with It. , TAILULM FALLS RAILWAY CO. TIMETABLE NU. SI. Ml). IS. XAHTRKN TIM. Dully. Ml. STATIONS. Mi. A.M. Lv. Ar. 11 .'W 0 Ciirnriia .11 11 W It PemorcHt IKI l'JIO b Cliirki'HVllle '.'7 ia is jnn , 12 27 11 Anniiilulu '21 13 : is lhiitwuHi -ti ViX ltl Tuni.TVltli. Ill 1 08 20 Tnllululi l,mle 1A 1 12 '21 Tnllnlnh Fulls 14 INI 2l .Tones 157 2? M.illiis g '28 Wylln T 2 2S !B TIrt 3 !.M 3.1 Clayton 0 P. M. Ar. Lv. "V.. r.SV so 6. '10 (1 1.1 II 10 (100 A tO A.-IJ) 5 20 A 1A 4 4A 4 48 440 4 30 400 P. M. Italic imllcutt- tliijf stations. No. 12 stoiw at Tnllulrih Fnlls 20 niliiutrs tor ilinnr, W. S. Erwln, Gen. Manager. EXTREMELY LOW RATES Axnouncki), Via SOUTHKJOJ RAILWAY. Extremely low rntes are an nounced via the Southern Railway from points on its lines for the fol lowing special occasions: Nashville, Tenn. Peahody Col lege, Summer School; Vanderbilt Biblical Institute, June 14-Aug. t)Ji)5. KimtvnKlr School, June20-Jul.v 28, 1!W,7- Athens, Oa. Summer School, June 27-July 28, l!0j Chnrlottesvilln, ""Va. Virginia Summer School of Methods, Juno 2(?-Aug. 4, 15)05. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagln Bible Training School, July 8-Aiig 15, 15)05. " Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle Sunday School Institute, July 17 Aug. 5, 151(15. Monteagle, Tenn. Woman's Congress, Aug. 1-15, 151(15. Richmond, Va. Farmers' Na tional Congress, Sept. 12-22, 15)05. Greensboro X. C, North Caro lina Teachers" 'Assembly, June 10 Ifith. Rata orto first class fare, plus 12.25 for tlie round trip. Fi nal limit 30 sale. days from date of " Durham, N. C" Commencement Exercises Trinity College, June, 3 8th, 11)05. Rate one and one-third first class fare for the round trip, plus 25 cents. Tickets on sale June U-tith, final limit June 9, 11)05. . Louisville, Ky., and return, ac count of United Confederate Vete rans Reunion. Tickets sold June 12-15th inclusive, final limit June llth, 15)06. Extension of final limit can be had until July 10th by' depositing, tickets with Joint Agent, and payment of fee of 50 cents per ticket."; Rate from Ashe, villo $8.15. . ' For any additional information relative to the above occasions call on or address the undersigned, No. 60 Pat ton Ave., Asheville, N. C. J. II. Wood, Dist. Pass. . , . , . Agt., Southern Ry. (!o. '.i:i.'W4.., ;';:.;..(. .-.:.-,!. -.,;w-S. ,:.;-,.,-f,i.:,i-..,'-;-:: V in I iH i R 'Si'1? t B r-i It 1 i UULJ J. A.MUNDAY. Livery, Feed and Sales' Stables FRANKLIN, N. C. (itmil service, Prompt attention, Reason able Ilntes. The patronage of the publ'o solioi ed. , NOTICE" OrPTRY,., 4 iff r n . a . f XT .1 25 Acres, j ua, Macon Couuty, J. C. Shope aud R. H. Holder Euter tvveuty five acres of laud ill Smith's Bridge Township, ou head' waters of Coweta Creek, joining' the lauds of J. Cgje and olta- ers, and as Ibe.m iy bajgj complomeut. Entered May 8th," 15)05. The above is a true copy of Eu try No. 14555. This May 8, 1905. E. IT. Frakks, Entry Taker, Maoou Co. Olt;tt'.tltr.ltturlttt(lts(!sf, FRANK T. SMITH,' P B IE S C R I ET) qNDRUCC ST Franklin, North Carolina. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis-' trator of the estate of J. A. De-" woese, deoeaeed, this is to notify"' all persous having claims sgalust the said estate to exhibit them to the uudersiguod on or before the 24lh day of April, 1906, or this uoJr tico will he plead in bat,of-rtnr-. same. Those iudebted to the es' tate will please make prompt set-' tlemout. This April 24. 1905. J. F. Tippett, Administrator;' Stallcup . Furniture Co.,. FRANKLIN, N. G. Munday Brick Block Undertaking Rooms Up Stairs.' . Furuiture, made and repaired,' and kept for sale. Coffins, cas io. ltooo. i orate oi wortn uaroiw h fjj';;:.JJj-' kets, and umloHakjjrgawifaU. kinds furuished promptly on de-v mand. Terms right and reasona ble. - Stallcup Furniture Co. ' NOTICE. Ifoving qualified as admiuistra-' lor of the estate of R, H. Cuuniug ' ham, dpceasd, not ice is hereby given to all persous having claims' against said estate to present them ' to ths undersigned administrator at orbofore the 20th day of April, ' 1900,'or this uot ice will be plead ed in bar of the same. AH per-' pons owing said estate are reques ted to make prompt payment. This April 17, 1905. C. C. Cdnnikoham, Adm. of R.H.Cun- ' niugham, deed. ' JoKKS & JoHSBTON, Attornevs. Cures C. " U 1 wo 1 C'J, 1 J 'J

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