Tha Franklin Press. SLOAN BROTHERS Franklin, N. C, Mat 81, 1005, Office In Higgint Block, East Main 6t. Population, i Franklin, ,..,...... ; 835 Maoon County, i . 12,10-1 North Carolina, ...... 1,891.092 professional Carbs. T. J. JOHNSTON, ATTOKXKY-AT-rAW, FRANKLIN, N. C, Careful attention to all buninoea. mnm i linn minium ROBEJITSON & BENBO W, Lawyers, FBANKL1N, MACON CO U NTT, H. , Will practioe In the courts of this State 4 the Federal Courts. Colleo .,, tfona a Specialty v JONES A JOHNSTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAw. General Law rrarticti-CollwtioiM. Notary Public OJflci Orar flu Bank of Franlll. fnukDi,!. C - SAM L KELLY. ePu27w. . nrrotintloa af Ua Titles and Cdkctknt Made t Specialty. Offict h Ion Btlct Building, Franfclln, H. C. J. Fit AN K KAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practices in all ibe court". Rooms Orer L H. FRAKKS' Skin. WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIWHt K. D.S1SK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooir la U Brick Building. Fit AN KMX, N. C HIIIIM I 111I11H-1-H H H-! A. A. HOWE, THE BARBER, FRANKLIN, N. C. & 5 For Sale Real Estate. $ I have a long list of very dc- S., ajsirable proiH'rty for sale in and' Snear Franklin, improved and! unimproved, vacant lots, buil ... . . . a ding sites cither for business i 5 -i SHRKTT, Jj Real Estate & Insurance. NEWS BRIEFS. -i Willis P. Collins, proprietor of the Atlantic Hotel at Morehead City, died suddenly last Wednes day night. He was formerly cash ier and bookkeeper of the Ashe ville Citizen. T Nan Patterson lias closed a con tract to go on the stage soon and will be paid $1800 per week for several weeks. Her engagement is for two years, but after a few .weeks an public curiosity lessens her wfiges will be scaled down in proportion. . . ;. ' Dr. E. C. Register, of Char lotte, was elected president of the North Carolina Medical Associa tion at Grecnslxiro last week. The next meeting will be held in Char lotte. . OASTOniA. BMnias - K'ad Von Hm Always-BaceM - The Southern railway officials moved into their office in the new railway station at Asheville last week. 1 The old station is being torn down, and sheds will be erec ted to the edge of the tracks as soon as possible. Tor yctir Protection we place this lnlict on every jackao i t Scott's Emulsion. The man wltuatlshon Ills buck Is our trade-mark, end It Is n . guarantee tbat Scott's Eraul- sloti will do all that is claimed , for It Nothing better for Imut, throat or bronchial troubles In Infant or adult Scott's Emul sion Is one of the Jtrentcst flesh- .liullderskuowu to tuoiuudleul : world. : : , i. .. . W$"U tifoa a aamato Am SCCTTtBO,E,",p.Tio'", it JT Iota! jstoro Sbots. Bualneaa Locals,. per line. 10 cents for eacn insertion. Last week was a very dull week in the business line. Sam L. Kelly left Saturday on a trip to Webster and Wayncs ville. E. G. Harding, of Bristol, Tenn. was here Friday and Saturday on business. Mrs. W. C. Allman is on a "Visit of two or three weflks in Georgia and Alabama. Thursday was a cold, cloudy, disagreeable ' day, making fires necessary for comfort. . Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Jarrett went to Asheville Thursday on a visit to relatives and friends. Mrs. Lee Crawford, who has been quite sick for a month past, we are glad to learn is improving. Miss May Hello Ashe has gone to South Carolina on an extended visit to her brother Oscar and family. Mrs. M. I Knight, of Sylva, came over Fridry to siend a few days visiting relatives in and near Franklin. Miss Margarett Rogers visited. her aunt, Mrs. M. C. Allen, at ForsythjCLw retjtrmngliome ; day. I buy any kind of Land'xt cheap, . . . k i j i .. or take lease. Aoaress ir. Charles, 433 East, 15 Street, 4th floor, Norfolk. E. K. Campltell received a new thirty dollar graphophone Friday evening and there is music in the air since its arrival. Hon. Kope Elias and wife, of Franklin, spent a few days here this week on their farm at Gover nor's Island. Hryson City Appa- Itinliitin - itT Misses Olive Patton , and Hcste Penland have returned from school at Gainesville, Ga., to spend the summer vacation with their ar ents at hdme. The town council . is having a sidewalk built from near the pub lic well in front of the court house to the new furniture factory, alongside of Jas. P. Angel' 9 sad dle and harness shop, i Rev. T. KWinecoff and two friends who came here last week with a view to going to Nantahala on a fishing trip, did not. go owing to the rains and cool weather. They left for home Thursday. TO CCE1 A COLD 13 OXE DAI Take Laxative Bhomo Qtjixine' Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25.- '- ..; Will Franks, Will Carpenter, Silas Dean and Bnren Bird went to Highlands Monday. ' They are embarking in the picture enlarging business as agents. ' They are un der the instruction of Mr. F. M. Bray who has worked in this and surrounding counties sor some time past. Thb Phbss wishes the boys ! success. '"'-"-5-:''"' A tourist party composed of Messrs. J. G. Stikeleatlief , of Asheville, .Charles Quintan and i David S. Gudger, of Waynesville, and Ct Brewster Chappell, of New j York, was in town Friday evening. jThey were returning from a; fish ; ing trip to tipper Nantahala. They reported a pretty fair catch not withstanding the weather was un favorable News has reached here that John Liner late of this county, a few days ago, killed a man named Matt ; Snyder, formerly of Jackson coun I ty, by cuttuig his throat In ' tfie . State of Washington. Liner made his escape. If true this is sad haws for Liner's father's family living in Smith's Bridge township in -this county as well as sad for Snyder's , relatives jn Jackbon. nearly 60 per period last year. Respectfully, Old papers 2 pounds for a nick elfor Bale at this office. We had an early morning thun der shower yesterday morning. J. A. Munday is having cabin built on his lot at the old brick yard near the branch. Waxtkd: Locust stakes. Call for further particulars. Xf. A. Curtis. Mr. II. Lee, of Padneah, Ky., was registered at Hotel Jarrett Monday and yesterday. A communication under the title of "Scaly' was received a little too late for this week's issue, but will appear next week. Workmen are busy penciling the Stallcnp Furniture factory buil ding, giving it the appearance of being a handsome brick building. Lane Dalton, of Cowee, says he1 has eight children, and five of them were born in February. He wants to know who can beat that record. (ieorge Guess, Luther Ilauser and Jerry Love, with their teams, left Monday forTopton, N. C, to engage in hauling lumber for some time to come. Mr. R. D. Bates, of Dillard, Ga. was in town yesterday. He reports the railroad hands as moving dirt Hard's, alwut two miles from Through the . Summe; the Library II be open. 5 o'clock, Wednesday and Satur day afternoons. Norwood, Librarian. A number of the young men have formed a string' band, and have rented a room over the Press office in which to practice, and they are taking up a collection to buy instrumenWand employ an instruct tor. rSr. G.G.Tillery, of Mars Hill, L, m ftvisiUo u, Mrs. Marion Love, of near Frank I'm, and gave. The Prkss office a short call Monday evening. Franklin is nearly destitute of lawyers this week. Of our down legal lights only Wint Horn and Tom Johnston are on tap. The others are attending Webster court. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Couch,' of Charleston, W. Va., registered at Hotel Jarrett Monday. Mr. Couch is interested in some mica mines j that are being worked in this county. Miss Rebecca Smith and Martha Boston left yesterday morning for Mr. R. J. Roane's in Cherokee county. Miss Rebecca will attend the Young Harris College during the coming year. The American yacht . Atlantic won the ocean race and the Kai ser's cup, crossing the finish line at 9:18 Monday night. A Creeping Death. . Blood poison creeps up towards the fieart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle" ; Plain, ; Minn., wr)ts that a frieud dreadfully lu- jured hie baud, which swelled up like blood poieoumg. Buokleu'B Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved his liU. ". Best in the world for burns aud sores. 25o at Smith's drug store. : " Blockade liquor continues to be brought to town. It would Txs an easy matter if some of thoso found under the influence of the stuff were, jerked up and ; made to toll from w hom they get it. Under an act of the last legislature it can be done. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ; Beare the Stf JSfTZZT Signature of JxOcAMt We ore always looking out for the Beat ti. Eo et'!tliig for our customers, and have just bought a big line of the famous "Kant-be-bcBt"Clothing, which is conceded by the entire trade to bo the best, and most up-to-date line of clothing on the market ; It is equal in style, tit and quality to the best Tailor made clothing. " We hare also secured theagoney for the famous "Queen Quality" shoes for women: Those shoes combine the three essentials necessary to a"berfcct woman's shoe, viz: Comfort, Durability and Style. Their reputation is World-wide, and every woman knows when she has on a pair of "Queen Quality" she has the best " that money- will buy. We also "Hiave a full line of shoes of nil kinds for men, wo men and children, the best to be had forthc money. Our line of Dry Goods A Notions is equal if not superior to any in town, and we will always take pleasure in showing you what we have. Our constant aim is to please onr Customers, and our ability to do this is demonstrated by an increase of cent, in our business over the same Sloan Bros. f FRANKLIN, N. C. Hens. Hens are funny things: They will always run the wrong way when trying to escape danger. She will creep under the barn floor or under the pigpen to "hide her nest" and then cackle loud enough to arouse the vpighborhood. She I will take up with almost any sort of a rooster, and she will run to him when he does a little scratch ing, and calls for her; , yet she knows from long experience that by the time she gets there he will gobble up everything in sight, and strut about in a lordly manner. And then try to stop an - old "scrub' from setting you may take the box away and she will set on the ground. She doesn't care whether she has eggs under her or not: potatoes, bolts or an old nest PJW gourd will "satisfy her. But the old hen is all right, she is crea ting quite a stir amongst all class es ot people, ana without lier product there would be no egg-nog or Christmas cake. Ex. ' , ' M. H. Roop, representing the Beck & Gregg Hardware . Compa ny, of Atlanta and Savannah, (Ja., was in town yesterday with a fine line of samples. " ' Saved by Dynamite. . Sometimes, a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space tbat the fire cau't croeg. Somelimrs, a cough hangs ou to long, you feel aa if uothiug but dynamite would cure it. Z. T, Gray, of Calhouu, Ga,, writes: "My wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights, Two phyeicisni could not help her; ao she took Dr. Kiug'e New Disoovery forCou sumptiou, Coughs aud Colds, which eased bsr cough, gave her ileep, aud finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for brun otiiris and LaGrippe. At Frank T. Smith's drug store, price 50c aud $1.00; gunrauloed., Trial bot tle free. : .noF TO) Many peo; drifting t' f 1 ( Colored ICrulrt Festival. I i Thk Press hasfbeen requested to state that a festival was held 'by the colored people at the Sugar fork church on last Friday night to raise funds to help purchase a bell for the A. M. E. Zion church at that - place. The services were opened by singing a hymn and prayer by Charley Scruggs. The table was prepared by a commit tee composed of the following: A. B. Angel, Mrs. Jennie England, Misses Lou Vanhook,' J. R. Scruggs, Eliza Scruggs, Nanncttie Gibson, Mrs. Angeline Scruggs and Charlie Scruggs. Everything was carried on in good ' order and nice behavior prevailed, meats were served as fast as the commit tee could attend to that duty.' The amount of cash realized was $7.25. The committee thanks the people for their patronage and good be havior. The bill of fare was as follows: Biscuit and Chicken, Peaches and Cake. Lemonade and Cake, Candy. Barbecue. Extensive preparations are be ing made for a Masonic barbecue and general jollification meeting in Clayton, Ga., on the 4th of July next. Hie Tallulah Falls Railway has the matter in charge, and eve ry effort will be made to make the occasion one to be enjoyed by all who attend. 'Bad Negro Captured by Two Boys. . r , " (Oasette-Ncws.) , Nut Crump, , the negro charged with an attempt to assassinate II. Clay Grubbof Rowan county this week, and for whose capture there was a reward of I&500 for him alive or $250 dead, was taken this mor ning about 2 o'clock close to Mud Cut, between Black Mountain and Old Fort, ' The capture of the ne gro outlaw was "effected by f two boys Leonard Lytle and Walter Porter, aged 19 years, after a des perate battle and after Crump had been shot a number "of times and it is believed fatally wounded. Af ter snooting him to pieces the cap tors carried Crump to the Mud Cut siding whore he was placed aboard the helper rtod taken to Old Fort News from, here th't mor ning was to the effect that the ne gro is badly injured and that there is lit lie chance foe his recovery. A larce tent 12xtS feet wh six feet walls, good fly to cover it, and ventilution oienings in both" a bargain cost t34.60 will fata )!! nC cnuli Tim rni-f thing to spend a few weeks in on the mountains this summer. W. A. Cuims. Public Sale. I will sell at the residence of the late C. C. Smith, on Tuesday, June th, 1905, the personal property belonging to the estate, such as cows, horse, buggy, farming im plements, &c. T. R. Gray, Guardian of Rebecca Smith. May 24, 1905. NEWS BRIEFS. Baron Alfonso DcRothschild, head of tho French branch of the banking house bearing the name of Rothschild, and governor of the Bank of France, died Friday mor ning of acute bronchitis, aggrava ted by gout. The truckstcrs of Eastern North Carolina lost $400,000 on straw berries on account of the Armour Company failing to furnish cars to ship them. . - Exercises commemorating the eighty-sixth anniversary of Odd Fellowship in Asheville and con ferring for the first time in North Carolina Odd Fellowdom of the decoration of Chivalry, which was conferred upon Capt J. P. Saw yer, took place last Friday, night. It is announced that Howard A. Banks, formerly editor of the Gazette-News, is to be the new edi tor of the Raleigh Times. - - - President Roosevelt has named October 2, as the day he'will visit Raleigh. On his trip through the State he will stop long enough at Raleigh, Durham, Greenslwro and Charlotte to deliver short address es. , ':" -: i'1",.'; " ; -2 ' ' Diplomas were issued to thirty -nino young men at-Waktf Forest College lost Friday. , .. t: -j j. " ;v:ff 2 The General Assembly of the Southern Presbyterian Church held at Fort Worth, Texas, last week, selected Greenville, S. C, as the next place of meeting. , Tela LrCCtlVO ErCmO Te! ':t3. I'wii E""'.m fcrtvca sei4 la past 12 month.' . - J-Y'LlS t" "".tlTO, BCllOO "Athens, (5a. Summer Scln June27-July '28, 1905. Charlottesville, Va. Virginia Slimmer School of Methods, June 2(5-Aug. 4, 1!X5. Montcaglc, Tenn. Monteagle Bible Training School, July 3-Aug 15, 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Monteagle Sunday School Institute, July 17 Atig. 5," 1905. Monteagle, Tenn. Woman's Congress, Aug. 1-15, IX05. Richmond, Vs. Farmers Na tional Congress, Sept. V2-t'J, 1905. Orecns!oro, N. C., North Caro lina Teachers' Assembly, June 10 10th. Rttte one first class fare, plus $2.25 for the round trip. Fi nal limit 80 days from date of sale. Durham, N. C, Commencement Exercises, Trinity College, June, 3 8lh, i!Hl5. 'Rate one and one-third first class fare for the round trip. plus 25 cents. Tickets on sale June 2-6th, final limit Juno 9, 11)05. Louisville, Ky., and return, ac count of United Confederate Vete rans Reunion.. Tickets sold June 12-15th inclusive-, final limit June 19th, 1905. Extension of final limit can be bad until July 10th by depositing tickets with -Joint Agent, atm payment of fee of 60 cents per ticket. . Rate from1 Ashe ville $S.15. j2.j- :. ,, For any additional information' relative to the above occasions call on or address the undersigned, No.- 60Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. J. H. Wood, Dist. Pass. Agt., Southern Ry, Co. '1 IIS h i is Mi Cnrc a Cold in-Ono Bay PRfeSCrilPtrOrl bMttiS'f franklin, Nidi iMftS, flDVMNISTRAtiON NOtrCfe.- Having qualified its idmiois' t rat or Of (he est file of J. A. D'c weese, deceased, this is' (or frofify all persons having cltfims Sgaoftf Ibe said estate to exhibit ibeto - the uudersigued ou or before the" 24th day Of April, 1906, or (hie (ifr tine will hf nlead in Unf rrf ntf same, those' Jorfebferf fff (he etf--tale will plcaso tnake pfompf set' tlemeut. This April 2i 1905. i. K. TiflriCTfV idminisfratoft Stallcnp Fflrnitoe Co(, FRANKLIN, R. & Mundav Brfck Block Unaeffafcmg ftooms Vf Sfair& v. F ofii(rre, mad aftd1 repilfredr and kepi fof safe. . Com'ng,rta kefs, and tfnderfati fig good 6f alf kinds farhisned ptomptty on d. mauJ. tef ms right abd fexeona ble. ; Static fmitue Ca. R, F. Henrv and ft. D.. F. 1Utu ry etifftf and claitt fOD acres of landfn Mrffshoal Township,- Mi- Coii CotntyN.: Cou the waters' of Watauga and Rabbit creeks. adjoining" fhe land of K. J. Cor- bin, W.T. Polfe, X. I. Young and others and as the' caeo rfmy be. Kulered May 29ih, 1905. . ' This May 31,. 190,r). It; F. IlKNHY, Cures fa ff "" tic. fry )

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