G TH Fr' "i r r r -v r. f ( t tie. U ! ! . - t I IP' Fbankux, N. C, Q ct. 25. 1905. Office In Hina Block, Esst Main 3. fepalatlea. Franklin, .., 485 Mneon County, ... 12,104 North Carolina, ...... 1,891 JW2 Jrcffsstoiwl (Tark T.J. JOHNSTON, ATTOUXBY-AT-IAW, FRASKLIN, . C. Careful attention to all bualaeae. flllllllHllllllllllllllll ROBERTSON & BEKBO W Lawyers, mASK UK, MACON COUNTY, M. O. Will practice iu the courts of thlsState dk the Federal Court. Collee . Mens a SpecUlry JONES A JOHNSTON, . . ATTORNEYS AT LMw. General Lew Practice- CuHm-Uom. Notary Public. OTTto Om fta list tf twUk. SAM 1 KELLY. tfittorney ai Jidw $ Jfabary Jpublic. fcrraUcttleierLulTMM aaeCtOKtlwtSUd a leKtanr. Offlot k Jobtttoi-P crtnr Bled, FmUta. I. C J. FRANK KAY, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA V, Practices in alt ibe courts. mi i 'i i n m 1 1 1 1 ui 1 1 1 1 1 '! A. A. HOWE, THE BARBER, FRANKLIN, N. C. CULLASAJA COUNCIL NO. 1 68, JR. OvU. A. M. Franklin, N. C. . Meet every Second snd Fonrth Friday nlgbta In eacb Month. F. I Sii.kh, Conneiloti , Dakiel Lvlb, Bee. See. HMlMMAlilWaMlWllliMMAlMlilMlifQt I For Sale-Real Estate. .Tmcn Property. . F A R M S. JT" ? and Timber Mr'Jonah Dills, of Sylva, was here two or three daj's the latter part of last week, Mr! J. O. Harrison put a force of carpenters to work Monday Mnrninir framing Iim new rmii- denco building. Dubcan Ilannegan, of Washing ton C4t.v, has been doing United State Geological work in this vi cinity daring the past two weeks. Our Ctillasaja correspondent was misinformed last week about Miss Florence iiray returning home -- from , Asheville, . -and aska Thb lURsa to correct the mistake. She will remain some time with her Tlie railroad engineers have spent a part of the past week measuring and figuring ami dri ving stakes on the fartlier side of therivr, presumably trying to lo cate a place for a depot. Friday ; .1 ' .. J i j:,. evening uiry nreaaurcu vim uii- tance from over there to the court house in town. Not ranch can be learned from tlie surveyors as to what they are doing as they ap pear disinclined to talk about their1 work or give out any information. The Better .- c ' The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated; you cough', and there it more irrita tionmore coughing. You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation for a while. You take SCOTTS EMULSION and xt'iurts iht cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation ; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural stret.gih. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a rore throat, cough, a cold, or bronchitis. Wtll UNO vou a sampic rati. r.M K'rrrt - . SHQEOMEN ifotal m bots. Bnsineee Loeala, per line, 10 eenta for eeoa luaeruon. II. II. Jarrard, of Atlanta, was here Friday.; C W. Rowe, of BrysonCity, was here a week ago H. S. MUl'uuns of New York, was here Wednesday. C Falk, of Asheville, was here two or three daj s of last week. J. E. Blythe, of Booncsvllle, Miss., Ls registered at Hotel Jar re tt. Rev. W. H. Woodatl, of Clyde, N. C, was in town Wednesday evening. I have just received a nice ' line of fresh Chocolate and Bonbon Candies. J no. S. Tkottkk. "Uncle" Dick Addington, col ored, reports a heet raised by him that weighs ten pounds. ' Wfm ef HatjalTwUntHwinlagM Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Porter, of Andrews, after a week's visit to relatives at Highlands, were here the latter part of last week. Mr. E. D. Franks, wife, two daughters, and son Charlie, and Miss Lillie Moore, and Miss Pre vatt, left last Wednesday for At lanta to " visit the Fair and see President Roosevelt. Girls, if you want red lips, laugh ing eyes, sweet breath and good looks use Hollistor's Rocky Mount ain Tea. Tlie greatest beautifier known. 85 cents, Tea or tablets atF.T. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey, of Co lumbus, Miss., were here from Thursday to Saturday looking (af ter the ptironase of some timber lands. They stopped with Mrs. J. L. Robinson while in town. Messn. Lee Crawford and Br ain Pattoq left Friday for Elmi- ra, N. Yn to purchase some - fine French Coach brood mares for themselves and probably, for oth er of our citizens. They will be absent about a week.' The Methodist Sunday School of Franklin will hold a Rally Day Service on Sunday, October 29, 1905, beginning promptly at 10 a. ra. A stiecial Droarram has been prepared and a cordial invitation is extended to all to be present.1 Indigestion, constipation dys pepsia, kidney and liver disorders, and all stomach troubles positive-; ly cured by using Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85 cents. Tea or Tablets at F. T. Smith's, v : ; On account of the progress of the Tallulah Falls Railroad to wards Franklin, and the neighbor ly location of Clayton, Ga., the Tribune published in that town would be an interesting exchange at this office if we could get it within a week of publication day. Sometimes it does not reach ts at all, and has for several week past been putting in its appearance on Tuesday evenings of the following week after we go to press so that we can not use any clippings or news from it. Is there no reme dy I (!an it not be arranged so as to reach us Friday or Saturday of the week of , publication.', .. I brother Keynold.-.! SLOAN We are alwava erythlug for our customer, and have just Imuulit a big line of the famous 'Kant-le-beat"Clothifng, which is conceded By the entire trade tf be (the best, and most up-to-dute line of clothing , oh- I the market. It is canal in sti le, lit and quality tl the best Tailor made Wo have alsosccured theagency for the fnifiious "Queen Quality" shoes for women; Theso sjlioes combine the tliree essentials necessary to a perfect woman's shoe; vis: Comfort, Durability and Style. Their reputation is WiM-mib.. and every Jonmn knows when she has on a pair of "Queen Qujulity" ' she has the Ixwt that money will buy. We also have a full line of show of all kinds for mem, wo men and children, ' Our line of Dry take pleasure in period last year. . Respectfully, -Sloan ' JRANKLIN, N. C. CASTOR I A - ' For Infants and Childrea. - Till Kind Yon dan Always Bought Bears the tfgnatare Claude Russell, who went west last spring r. turned home lust Saturday. , Cant. W. P. Moore, of Clay Co., is visiting relatives and friends in and around Franklin this week. Did you ever take occasion to realisw that this is the first day you ever saw in which the sun hadn't sett Mr. Geo. W. Downs returned home a few days ago from a visit of several weeks spent with .; rela tives at Lavonia, Ga. ; Mr. R. L. Bryson is building a mica house at his home on lot la street to be used by , Mr. Sweet and the company he is connected with. . - . 7 Thanks to the Haywood County Stock Raisers and farmers Associa tion for ja copy of premium list of their first 1905. . r . The mil frTrcutting scrape on Cow ee, gave bond for their appearance at court and were turned out last Wednesday evening. Mr. W, R Hawkins, general advertising agent for II. K. Buck- len & Co., Chicago, III., was here Monday evening and renewed con tract with Tlie Press for another ycaN Rev, F, L. Townscnd was called to Cartoogechayc Sunday evening to conduct the funeral services at the burial of Miss Virginia An derson, aged 15 years, who died Sunday morning of ap(endicitis following an attack - of diptheria. OABVOnXA. Mr. R. I. Sisk left Sunday'for' Asheville where he goes to take a 11200 clerkship in the office of the Collector of Internal Revenue to succeed Hallyburton, deposed. His family will not go till tlie first of next month. His duties will be gin November 1st. - It makes no difference how long yon have been sick, if you are troubled with indigestion, consti pation, liver and kidney troubles, Hollister's Rooky Mountain Tea will make you well 35 cents at F. T. Smith's. . - V Rev. W. W.Colley, I. D., lee- tured in the court house last Wed nesday afternoon on 'tlie .savage tribes of Africa among whom, he has spent a large : portion ! of his time during the last twenty-nine years as a missionary, His talk of the natives of the dark continent, their habits ami mode of living, and of the country and its produc tions, was very interesting. ; A pretty large number of colored people were present and quite a number of white people also at tended. Mr. Collcy exhibited a number of articles brought home, with him and explained their uses. : Don't Borrow Trouble. i i. It is a bad habit to borrow any thing, but the worst thing you can possibly borrow, is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn out by the pains . and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Bright' disease, and similar internal disor ders, don't sit down arid brood over your symptoms, but fly for relief to Electric Bitters. Here you will find sure and permanent forgi t 'ulm'ss of all your troubles, and your body will not Ihj burned by i load dchtdi--4ca.se.- At F. T.Siuitirsdnig More. Price" &f . anil iii.iii r f BROTHERS look imr out for the lint m ne- clothing. . the best to bo had for the money Goods & Notions Is onjual if unv iii triivn. arid Will llhvilVS showing you what we havej. Ourb constant aim is to please our customers, Bifid ourl ability to do this Is demonstrated by an increase of j nearly 50 per cent in our business overtlbe samei ros. ' NEWS BRIEfiS. " President T. J. Simmons, M Shorter College, Rome), Ga., wl io several months ago matle a gift if ftAiKI to the Alumni building t Wake Forest, has made another large gift, thus becoming the Isfr-. gest contributor to that ImmlsoMAe building. ; J . 1 -r .7 Mrs. Bruce, of Sulnhhr Sprincs, Buncombe county. It. C, dieJ a week ago aged tft ytjirs. v 1 Three men were arrested in Hiin comlie County Sutirday charspxl with giving a marrieil womkm whiskey and getting her drank and then committing an assault. ' ' 7 " ; air. J. K. rendergrass liajs a lemon tree set in a tub in the near end of his store that has eight lem ons on it varying in size from a full grown down to the size of t partridge egg. - The Rabun Industrial lljigh Scimol has now enrolled 170 pupils. This is a fine showing for this new school. We hear of many pupils oUft'r mints of tlie as the public schools arge number of the. o county will enter the school atfrr their schools close. An incn-a.se the number of tea chers" may br miuired for the spring term. Clayton Tribune. Plans To Get Rich. are often frustrated by sudden break-down, due to dysieisia or constipation. Brace up and take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start. Cure headache and dinxincss too. At j Frank T. Smith's drug store; 25, guaran teed. Institute at West's Mills. ThePiikss is infornied that Miss Leona Young has resigned as prin cipal of the school at .West's Mills, on account of failing health, and has lieen succeeded by her father, Rov. P. R. Young of Transylva nia county. Tlie school is doing good work and the prospect en couraging for the future. It will continue in session until April. Prof. Young is said to have re ceived the highest grade of any teacher examined in Macon county this year. He has had long expe rience as a successful teacher, The school is to be congratulated on Se curing the services of so compe tent a teacher. The people of the community are very mueh inter ested in the cause of education and are doing much toward build ing tip a good school. Hie chil dren are said to bo enthusiastic and are making rapid progress in their studies. A Prolific Apple Tree, " Mr. G. A.' Campbell brought lo our office last week some samples of the second, third .and fourth crop of apples from a seedling tree on Mr. C. C. Cunningham's place. The first crop had , ripened and been used. He brought a full grown apple of the second crop, some of the third crop about the siise of partridge eggs, and some flourishing looking blooms. Mr. Campbell says the tree' is full of small apples--third ' crop and blooms, ' A New Enterprise. The Torrence Coniany, of Ath ens, Ga., are making arrangements to install a plant in the old Lucas factory building beyond the iron bridge to cut dogwood timber into shuttle blocks. "This timlier is for export to England, France and Germany.- . See their advertise ment 'in tlie special mil ice column about the pui-i Who dnrood t'.u.: i v. f Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown prepaillca tilich may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs wealned and susceptible to attack frcn the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption. - ' ' not' only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Contains no opiates. -' It Saved Rto Life After the Dootor SaM He Had Consumption. W. It Davia, VliaaUa, California, write! "There b ne doubt bat what Foley's Honey and Tar eared my Ufa. I had aa awful cough on my ianga and the doctor told me 1 had coneumption. 1 commenced takhur Foley a Honey mud Tar and fooad relief bom the firat and three bottlee cored me completely.' . Throe thea tie, . "ttial Tloticts. Notices In this column lire eenta per l.ne for each huine. In regular local col umns, ten eenta per line for each Issue. even words make alion t a line, .i , Eggs 15c Dozen. j ' ' Jno. S. Tho-mas. -A tine assortment of Nrw Rot al Sewing Machines, from S15.00 to 3500 at J. T. Moore's. I will my cash for all beef hides brought hie, either dry or green. T. W. Axoel. Wanted 2iKl bushels shipping apples at my store. Jno. II. Thomas. Livery, Feed and Sales Stables, Tlie patronage of the public solici ted. Terms reasonable. 4t 11-15. 'S. A. Mcxday. We pay $7.0 per Cord for Dog wood Timber delivered at our mill in Franklin. For further infor mation call on or write Thk Tou- rknck Co., Franklin, N. C. Oct. 25-8 w. ATTKNT10X. .Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Ac. cleaned and repared in E. H. Fmnlmstote from 7 a. m., to 0 p. m., by (hiovKrt Jajiison. To Stock Raisers. Tlie Red Pdled stock brute "Prince" can be found at my farm during the next three months, if I. Lkk Ckawkorix Holden Convicted. We learn from the Jackson County Herald that John Holden was convicted last week at - Web ster, and sentenced to bo hanged Decemlwr 6, for the murder of his wife, Reliecea Holden, last August. Will Holden, bin son, wan acquit ted. Tlie evidence -was mostly circumstantial. Holden claims that he is innocent A woman who is always fussing, quarreling, fretting and finding fault with every thing that you do in trying to please her,- is about the hardest proposition we can think of at present And a man who stands it without a murmur is in our estimation a weak piece of humanity. -We believe in dealing gently with the women, for wo are woman's natural protector, but wedon't believe in letting a wom an rnn, it over you day in and day out (!ive her to , understand she can go sd far and na -further, and in nine cases out of ten she v Ml think more of you. Give her to understand emphatically that you are king of the household. Press Journal, Texas. 7 7 Cure Celdsi Freveau facnmoela TAXES, TAXES, TAXES. ' I will visit lb places named below for tbt purpose of receiving Ihe taxes on lbs days and dales named: " , Mill Shoal, Ell i jay, -SuRarfork, Highlauds, Flails, Monday OcU 10 Tuesday ' Wednesday " Thursday u Friday Smith's Bridge, Saturday CsrtoogiHihaye, Monday Naulahals, . , Tuesday Briartown, Wednesday Buruiugtown, Thursday H Cowee, Friday " Franklin, Saturday M Sept. 30, 1905. H.D.Dkan, Sheriff. P. S. ,A1I -taxpayers are ear. neslly requested 10 meet me at I he above times aud places and pay their taxes for Ihe year 1905, as this is last aud only round with out cost. II. D. D.,4 f ruil DYPEPM W Hrewa'i Irw'i ftltifra. Fhysiriii'iis nw-onum'tKi It, . All tl-'Alrr U-.-U it. tl.t' rmir ImtHe. lm'?i. nr lL , 1 1 71 11 50c and Sl.OO. The 9S-eeot sfaw contain two and one-half times aa much aa the small ib end the $1.00 bottle almost ate times aa mock. RetvM Subatitutee SOLD O niCC"-EKDED BY FRANK T. SMITH CITATION. ; ... Slate of N. C, ) To Ihe Bup'r.eouri Macon Co., Before the Clerk, Charles L. Palms, Bertha Palms, Viola Paints, C-rrine Palms aud Francis Palms, I vs. Marie Aimee Palms, Laurent de Champeaux, Wm- J. Palms, Helene Palms, Clarence Palms, Marie Louise Palms, aud Francis de Champeaux, Noi ice. " .-. . The, defendants above named will take uoticn that au action eu tilled as above has , been 'com menced in Jbe Superior - Court of Macou Couuty aud that the pur pose of said action ia lo obtain a decree or the appoiutmeut of a Commissioner to sell all the lauds and interests iu lauds or ruiural Interests belougiug to the estate of Francis F. Palms, deceased ; said lauds or interests situated in Macou and Jacksou Couuties, Norlb Carolina. Aud the said defeudauls above named will further take notice, that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macou Couuly, N. C at his office iu Franklin, N. C, ou the 25th day of November 1905, and answer or demur to Ihe com plaint filed iu said action or the Plaiutiifswill apply to the Court TTr-rfKaslief demanded in said CoinplaTuTV-Tia the' 5tb day of October, 1905. Lax Cbawjokd, csZfcluNK'Tr M I T H . D.... I- t . ihunanionipn IV. 1jAO'JW, CITATION. State of North Carohua, Macon County. Iu the Superior Court. Charles L. Palms, Marie Aimee Palms, et al., beirs at Law of Fraucis F. Palms, deceased. - vs. W. G, Hamlin,T. N. Fordyce, Herman Nagle, S, C. Hodges, and the uukuown heiis of W. Y. Hamliu, deo'd. The Defeudunts above named will take notice that au action eu titled as above has been coin meuced iu the Superior Court of Macon Couuty, N. C, aud that Ibe purpose of said action is to declare the plaintiffs the owners at law tud iu equity of all those lands lying in Macon Couuty and Jack- soc Couuty, N. C, aud more fully described iu certain deeds to Fran ois F. Palms (One from Jobu E. MuLaiu Sheriff of Jacksou couuty aud oue from C. T. Roane, Sheriff of Macon County.) aud also fully described iu certain deeds from W. II. Hasket to F. F. Palms, Trustee, aud W. A. H. Schreiber to F. F. Palms, Trustee, and from H. H. Beuuett to Fraucis F. Palms Trustee, etc, aud 'further said ae- liou is brought to declare that the defeudauts above named bava do lutorests, either legal or equitable iu the said lauds. ' - ; Audi the said defeudauts ' will further take police that they are required " lo appear at the next term of the Superior Court for Macon Couuty, to be held on the 11th Monday-after the First Mou- dsy iu Sept, 1905, the same being Ihe 20th day of November, 1905, at the Court House iu said couu ty, iu Franklin, N.C., aud answer or demur to the oomplaiut in raid action or Ibe plaintiffs will apply lo (be Court for the relief deinau- ded iu said oomplaiut. This the 5th day of October, 1905. - Lug Crawford, v Clk. Supr, Court. Robestsom &, Ben now, - Attys. for Plaintiffs. rciFfsmriYCur Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right to a 3 1W, . . . - A PoDoamati's Tertknorrf. I. H. Pattereon, night policeman, of Maahna, Iowa, write t "Last winter I had a bad cold oa my hugs and tried at tenet a haMoo advertiaed cough medicines and had treatment from two payiiciana without retting any benefit. A friend recommended Foieyfa Honey mad Tar and two-thirds of a bottle cured me. I torn Met it the greatest cough and hug medicine la the world." - THE CREOLE MARBLE COMPANY. FINISHERS Or" Nki.so, Ga.- GEORGIA MARBLE. Fine Monuments a specialty. First class material, unexcelled' workmanship, up-to-date styles, I . - ' s nbwwni r i ivn yn wuwi w Franklin, North Carolina. Full winds bring clmfcd lianils iind faces so we begin to want Cold Cream, Cream Lotion, Camphor Ice and sucli tilings as give smooth skin and tlie com fort such necensary article afford. Vou will Unci my stock much improved in tills line of Roods, as well as the Improvement in mvjlne of Hair Brushes, Tooth Brush es, Ac. I can't call attention to all the nice things I. carry in stock, but I take pleasure in showing them to any custo mer. 1 will appreciate your trade. Frank T. Smith. . Stallcnp Fnrniture Co, FRANKLIN, N.C. New Factory Building . Corner Phillips & Palmer Street. A fine, large stock of new fur niture in. stock, furniture re paired on short notice. Coffins, caskets and all kinds of undertakers' goods - furnished promptly onxleuiand. Terms rea sonable. "7 Stallcup Furniture Co. joiinu.TiionAs; -' OEALEI n 1 " General Merchandise, School Books and Sta tionery, Myers Corner, Franklin, N. C. Having recently purchased Ihe stock of gepds of R. L. , Bryson, I will coulinue the business at the old stand where 1 iuvite all Mr. Brysou's former oustomorrlo eou tiuue their patronage, and all oth ers who want to get good bargains knd courteous treatment are iuyi led to call' and figure ou bargains. I will take all kinds of couutry produce in exchange for goods aud pay ataudard prices, John II . Thomas. Sept. 5. 1905.- , j . -v ' . . . - r 1 ... . - . -,..-. f r r - prices very rea.sonable. Grokuk BiiYsoN, Agent. , Franklin, X. ( TIME TABLE NO. W. ' EfFwtiva Monday, 8.,-pt. , l'.Wl, S, A. M.' Rwtabwiul. Ssa'SlseaS.' 40 13 KAKTRft TIME. II 3D Dally. Mi. STATIONS. Ml. Dally, pm am Lv. Ar. pm pm' ' 4 10 11 40 U Cornnila 3S 7 14 11 3ft: ' 4 2illH 5 Demorrst ! SWllJl' 4 411 12 03 S Clark.nville SO 4n VI 00' 4 4.11210 0 lliUt 29 C4.111W 4 M 1'.' 20 11 Anaiidal 27 R 33 11 40 a m 12 :w i:i iMimd an 41 rsv 5 20 124.1 111 Turni-rville 22 H OS 11 SO 8 .10 12 M 10 Tallulali Par 111 A 08 11 to' 5 40 I 00 20 TnlMah IMg IS 5 Ml 11 ttV ft -W 1(15 21 Tallulah Fallsl7 1M II n , 1100 144 X Jontts 13 6 4.1 10 3' 6 07 147 27 Mrtthls It S 30 10 XC (I 15 150 28 Wylle 10, S 10 IS" : 2 "5 32 Tiger S B SI 10 OS1 H 37 2 10 33 Bethnl A 10 10 fr li 4A 213 .IS Clayton 3 AIV1 9 SO 715 V 3S Pamover V 4 00 .9 30" P. M.P. M. Ar. Lv. P. M. a m' Italic Inilicate flag stations. , No. 12 sto at Tallulah Falls 20 uilnufa-e' , for ilinanr. - -r W. 3. Erwln, Gen. Manager. NOTICE OF ENTBY. .. No, 14501. W. D. GUormley' W. I). Ghnrmley. enters , and clalmJ 60 Acres.' , ) Fifty Acres of LamrV In Kantahala Township; MacoB County, X. C, on the waters of Nantahal rlvrr, Beginning In J . F. Single's line and runs' so aslo Include all the vacant land ti-' tweea 3, F. 81gle and Samuel eat (or ' complement. Entered Oetotter 10, 10O.V W. D. 6iiobii.v. I eerlify that the above Is a tree trawl" . script from the record la my offiea, This Oct. 10, liWO. E.H.raAMKV Entry Taker'.- I ' ', i ' 7 ,', ' .f Highlands Insurance . Agency. Insures only iu the best Codk" . pauies. ' " Lueses promptly paidv T. Baxter White, Agcr.r B10HLAXU9 H.C. HOU.ievkai'a A Ify MedtdM fat Py tvtf: BAu OoldM iUaltk asd tmnni V:, -,. A .wrtflo fnr OrtnHTlon. r-.flftr,. 1 sml h mti.-T TwwKiiwi. Vmn . - ... ( ' wl lrh y a ti- V Irt r.i i. r. i A-nt. a b r. I , 4 C ti r '' ...