rr::.ilin Press, .ViukkU, N. tJ., Oct. 17, 190(1. W. A. CUKTIS, .' . . . Et.rroB. t. 5U CURTIS, Associatk KniToii. . AoVrceJ at Hir iHutl-irfle'' at FrnnltiH -A. C, fur (rniwmtMxiuH thrvwgk the moth Ono copy twelve tnontiw One copy itx months Singly (,'i.pte,. - , . Obituaries, cf Word ' 0etB- rrnm cent. Published every Weelut-selny, v u.. Jcr press which wo expoct to have hero and in dilution within the next few weeks nnd otir render may expect some improvement in Tub Pkkss. The county ticket nominated by the democrats Inst week is a good one in every, way worthy of the support of all good citizens having nn interest in the welfare of Ma con county. Mr. W. J. Jenkins is a good citi7.cn who will take es pecial pride and interest in repre senting all the people of Macon county irrespective of political af filiations if elected. He will look after the interests of Macon coun ty and the State at large.. As the next legislature will be overwhelm ingly democratic, he would lie in a position to wield an i nil nonets for our good, while a republican would lie deprived of that power as was shown in the last legislature. Mr. Willis Meadows, though a new man for the position would, doubtless make a good sheriff . Mr. T. S. Monday is well known to the county, and, if elected, would make a safe and good Clerk of the Superior Court. Mr. 1). V. Blaine has lxen tried during two terms, and has proven himself efficient and ono of the most accommodating and courte ous officers towards all citizens ir respective of politics, the county has ever had. He will be elected I... r. ,. dates for Coroner, Surveyor and County Commissioners are all good men and worthy the full support of the party and the people of the county. Quinsy, Sprains and Swellings Cured. "In November, 1901, I caught cold and bad the quinsy. My throat was swollen so I couid har dly breathe. I appJied Chamber Iain's Pain Balm aud it gave me relief iu a short lime. In two days I was nil right," Bays Mrs. L. Cousins, Ollerhuro, Mich. Cham berlaiu's Pain Balm is a liniment aud is eppecially valuable for spraius and swellings. For 6ah' by Frank T. Smith. The October number of the Aslievillc Magazine is on our ta ble. It is the second numlx'r is sued. It seems to be an improve ment on the first issue. This is natural. None can cxx'ct perfpe tion in the beginning of any enter prise. Perfection, if attained at nil, must be reached by progress ive steps attained by expoi ienee and the use of circumstances. Hence wo expect still further improve ment on the November number of the magazine. The current issue is emlx llished with two full page half-tone en gravings of fine Western North Carolina scenery and several smal ler illustrations. There are also full page engravings and smaller ones illustrating different articles, Jtnd stories published. The fash ion plates are the finest and most natural we have ever seen in a magazine because they arc re pro-: ductiona of photographs from real life, in half-tones. The literary matter is well selected and interes ting. The first pages are devoted to local interests, and then follows" sixty-four pages of wltulcsomc reading on topics as Current Events f National Intenest, Short Stories, Poetry, Music, &c." ' .Withal, it is a local magazine that we can take especial pride in recommending to our readers, r tknilarly of Western North Caro lina, aa worthy of their pnlronniw. The subscription price is $1.25 poryear, or 15 cents per copy, i Address The Ashcvillo Magazine, Ashevillc, N. 0. ' ; Dangor Forn Iho Plaguo. There's grave danger from the plague oj uougtis rd Colds llisi re so prevalent, unless you taka Dr. King's New Discovery forCou. campliou, Cngha and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls, of Forest Cily, Me., writes f 'lf'J a Godsend to people firing in climates where, cough and colds prevail, I find it quick. Jy ends fhein. It prevent pneu monia, cores LaGrippe, givesvon derful relief in Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs at rung enough lo ward off Con- umpl ion, Cough and Cofds. 50c and f l.tX). Onarnnleed by F. T. twit b, druggist. Trial Lottie free. CARTOOGECrjAYE. Mr. fcirg Conle.v, who with his family came back from Col., a few week go, will take charge of Mr. Hester's farm. -Mr.--Ed, Oliver has been at home for a few days. Miss Annie Oliver left Inst week to enter the Brevard Industrial School, i Mr. Jim McConncll has moved dbwa war Franklin. Our farmers are busy saving hay and cane.". They find that Oct, can be used as a haying month. '' . , TtKX.B. 1 Bio jd Poisoning. results firm clirouio const ipal ion, which is quickly cured by Dr. King' New Lito Pills.' They "re uiov6 all puiscuous germs from thw eyaiein-and ii. fuse uew life and vigor; cure sour stomach, nausea, headachf, dizziness and colic, without gripHig or discomfort. 25c Guaranteed by F. T. Smith, drug Hist. The ticket named by the repub licans Saturday for the county of fices, is composed of good citizens worthy of the support of the re puMicnns of the county who will not vote anything but the republi can ticket. . . A cold is much more easily cured when the bowels are omii. Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar M-ns the Ixiwcls and drives the cold out of flic system in young or old. Sold by F. T. Smith. t ! The new bell for the court house was hung in lite belfry last Friday and it now sounds the hours of the dn.v and night in a clear, ringing tone. The drawings and plans for the new bank building have been re ceived, and steps will Ik? taken to get the building under way as soon as practicable. 1 Mnny men give lavishly of gold. To build bridges and castles and i,.. ,.f ..i.i. .ii .vo yoTT'waTfT; - Wr'feAy'iCw benefactor lie, (live the poor and needy Rocky Mountain Ten. Sold by Frank T. Smith. Commission to Assess Damages.. The Appalachian, of Bryson City says: "H. W. Wright, (i. W. McCracken and T. F. Deitz are appointed commissioners to assess the damages incurred to.I. S. Bui-' ly Co. by the Tenn. -Carolina Sou thern R. R. Co., by the said road going through their proierty be low Bushnell, which the .1. S. Uai ly Co. bought for the purpose of developing water iowcr. The. property is undoubtedly' very valuable, and the Co. says it will damage them one million dollars. It is thought that the clerk made a wise selection in the ulnive named gentlemen as they arc fair-minded and will do justice to both parties. Can you win You realize that to win in anything these days, re quires strength, with mind and body in tune. A man or woman with disordered digestive organs is not in s!iiiK! for a day's work or a day's play. How can they ex- pect to win J Kodol For Dyspep sia contains the digestive juices of a healthy stomach and will put your stomach in sliae to ierform its important function of supply ing the body and brain with strength building blood. Digests what you eat. relieves Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Palpi tation of the Heart and Constipa tion. Sold by F. T. Smith. . t Shivering Asheville. The Gazette-News says that there was a snow fall in the city Wed nesday evening, and the thermom eter went down to 25 degrees, that Craggy mountain nas covered with snow, and there was plenty of ice in the city, and that plenty of ice and snow were reported Tuesday in. the mountains. Death of Rev. W. A. Rogers. Rev. W. A. Rogers, a lM?loved and'honored minisr, of the South Carolina Conference, died at his home in Spartanburg, S. C.f Sep tember ,29th. his 57th birthday. He had retired from active work on account of impaired health, and had U-en failing rapidly for nie months past. North . Carolina Christian Advocate. . It will bo remembered that Rev. Mr. Roger's visited Franklin two summers a few years ago, aiid made many warm friends here. Ed. " Rev. J. 0, Shelly. We regret to note that Rev. J. O. Shelly, preacher in chnrgo of the Wellington circuit, has been compelled to give up his work On account of ill health. Hrcther Shelly has been in po;r health for' some months. North Carolina Christian Advocate. SMITH'S BRIDGE. Mr. H. F. Branner made a trip to Atlanta,. Oa., to lay iiu a new stock of goods. - The AV. M. Ritter Lumber Co. is building a new office at Otto, and will havo it completed soon. -' Wc are sorry to say that Mr. Tliomas Liner's house was burned down Sunday 14th. He only saved a few things. The loss Ls heavy as Mr. Liner had a nice comforta ble house. '.., ' Mr. Willie Rhodes and family who went from hero to the State of Wash., a few years ago arrived here and expects to visit relatives; and friends a few weeks and 1-e-tnrn to Wash. ' , ' . Rev.' LV P. Bogle preached an e.o,uent sermon atsmiry enure.. ouiiuu.y iu ijiiiio n iio jfo-auuieiice. The Railroad Co. have got their material laid down ready to make the side track at Otto. C, Air. inos. lviner estimates ins recent losses by flood and last Sun day's fire at about ,tXW. Mrs; Charley Wells, of Sylva, N. C, who had lxen at Dr. Is le's lospital several weeks, has so far improved as to go home Saturday last When a horse is so overworked it lies down and in other ways de clares its inability to go further, you would, consider' it criminal to use force. Mai.-jp a man of hu mane impulses, "who would not willingly harm a kitten, is guifty of cruelty where his own stomach is concerned. Overdriven, over worked, when" what it needs is something that will digest the food eaten and help the stomach to re cuperate. Something like Kodol For Dyspepsia that is sold by F. T. Smith. f Harrell College, a negro insti tute of Seneca, S. C, was. blown up with dynamite at midnight last Friday. Kev. J. F. Williams, col ored, was president of the school, and has mndo himself very objec tionable hi that section on account fF inrpnrltnrv ulutwlinu l A Cerlaft ahYTSce for Croup Used for Ten Years without'al!Tfti!iire. Mr. W.C. Bott.aStRrCity, Ind hardware merchant, is enlhusitig- v'ic in bis praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. His children havo all been subject to croup and ho has used this remedy for thp past ten years, and though they much feared ibe croup, his wife aud he always felt safe upon re tiring when a bottle of Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy was iu the house. His oldest child was sub ject to sevpre nttacka of croup, but this remedy never failed to effect a speedy euro. He has recommen ded it lo friecds and neighbors aud all who have used it say that it is uuequaled for croup aud whooping cough. For salo by F. T. Smith. Hon. Locke Craig, of Asheville, is stumping the Eastern part of the State in the interest of demoe racy. This is the season of decay and weakened vitality. Nature is be ing shorn of its beauty and bloom. If you would retain yours, fortify your system with Hollister's Rocky aiountain lea. w cents, lea or Tablets. Sold by F. T. Smith. T An election will lie held Nov. 17, at Andrews to vote on the question of issuing $12,000 worth of lionds for waterworks and sew erage. Mrs. Frank Daniels, of (Joldsbo ro, X. 0., died last Saturday morn ing. She was the wife of Attorney Frank Daniels, a brother of Mes srs. Joscphus and Chas. C. Dan iels. " DO YOU UP ' 7ITH A LAMB BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. AliiMwt evrj-1ily wlto reads tlic news tMjwrs is sure to know of the wonderful cures maile by Dr. h Kilmer's - Kw-mr Il Root, the greut kid L ney, liver aud blad der remedy. ' It is the (rent med ical triinnpli of the nineteenth century ; diucovereiUfler years XH of scicntilic research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidiiev and bUdder specialist, and is wonderfully snccesf ful iu promptly curing lumc hack, uric acid, catarrh o'f the bladder ami Hrii;ht's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everytuint, bntif you have kidiiev, liver or Wmlder tlpuMeitwili be found" just the remedy you need. It 1ms licen tested in so ninny" ways, iu hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful iu every case that a sgicciul arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent" free by mail, ftlooo book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, ami how to (indent if yon have kltlney or bladder trou ble. ' When writlnc mention reading this ! generous offer iu this pnicr and send your address to Dr: Kilmer & Co.,: Binghanrtoa, M - The reiriilftr fifty-cent and . one-3i dollar sir Imttles are Boma e smaBoos, cold by all good druggists. Don't mike any mistake, but remember tlic iame, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swaiup-kootr ami the rwlilrcra, llinjjhamton, N. Y., on every bottle. I We are under the necc s'ty of ! having to make an apology to our readers this week. Our paper. 1ms been delayed a day, and then wo find we can do no better than print half-sheets, because the railroads havo not delivered our paper sup- ply. It was shipped from Atlanta Octolier 4th, and has not come to hand up to this tim We hope to be so situated shortly 'that such delays will not be so annoying to us nor to our readers. . - ;,' DILLARD LOCALS. Mnco the washout on-.the Ten nessee river, the train is now again running to Prentiss. ( Mr. Julius Foster Ls now Post Master at Dillard: - !r..,r ,i t.,i:.... Fo t(( havo , ,H;UK,t MesHrii, Paul Moxeley and John Godfrey's stores and are standing behind the coun ters at Dillard. . 'Tito Ralmn (Jap High School has ojiened with a new Principal and is progressing nicely. , Miss Margie Powell 'will spend the winter with her sister Mrs. Alex. W. Wilson, at Franklin and will bo in the Franklin High School. Most all of our farmers have lost their ftxlder by the heavy rains, and corn is damaged con siderably. ; Miss Eula Dillard is at 'home from South Oa., where she has been teaching and will open school on Betty VCreek Monday morning. She will finish' Miss Bertha Nev ille's school, who has entered the State Normal, at Athens. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. J. Greenwood arc all smiles a new girl-., . Nk , Republican County Ticket. The republicans met in county convention Saturdry and nomina ted the following ticket: Lepresentative .John Burnett. Sheriff-!!. D. Dean. Clerk-R. M. Ledfoi-d. Kegister D. W. McCoy. Surveyor .1. W, Coroner-Dr. W, Ainmons. R. Iiulgin. K. 11. Franks, W. R. Cloer. .1. M. Cochran Commissioners, If you 'have lost your boyhood sinfs, courage and conlidence of youth, wcloffer yon new life, fresh A' age aVjd freedom from ill health in IlHistcr's Kocky Moun tain Tea. 8.1 cents. Tea or Tah- 1..... L!. .1.1 i.t v t .,;.!. inn. o... t'litiiii. Revenue officer Vance SlurUeiif I lir.yson tity, Was here rridny and Saturtlay. The weather has been fine for the lat ten days, but the tnorninjrs have been frosty. T. .1. Ritchie, of Malum (Jap. Oa., was in town buying cattle Thursday and Friday. Messrs. A. A. Howe and Jno. ('. Wright, who left here a few weeks a;ro, havo 'landed in Santa Ana, California, and write for the 1'iik.hs to lie sent them. Thy Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect exiicricnccd by all who use Cliiun lierlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, and the henlthy, condition of the body and mind which they create makes one feel joyful. Price 25 cents. Samples free at Smith's drugstore. , i .. ' Kev. Sam Jones, the evangelist, died of Ireart failure on Oct. 15th on the train near Little Rock, Ark. 1 Messrs. Tate & Company have been grading the site for the de pot near town during the past week. They havo the grade about half done through Mr. J. A. Por- ter's liottoni. OAfl.TOniA. Bwnth ' j? KiR Hon Hw Alwaw Bought Confederate Pension List. (News and Observers . The (Confederate Pension. List for North Carolina has been com pleted In tlu' office of tlio Slate Auditor , and yesterday Auditor Dixon said there ere on the list 14,3(10 names, an increase of more than 8(10 over the list of Confede rate jiensions of lust year . when there were 14,085.- THE ORIGINAL' LAXATIVE GOUGH SYRUP For all Courht and assists tn - xpcilinff Colds from tti sy- Glover Bloi so ma ad ths Bon 8e is on ivarv tum rr esnuy vnovlrtf U) -wals. A certain rcllsf for croup and whoonnrr-coufrh. v botU. Hamty all other cougn ures ar constf patlng, SDeciallv those Kennedy LAxetiT rv. xi,:s - - a Honny A Tar mo '. k ' tha boWols, eonUUnl v. if i-fla.'. ' I 00 oplatw. Or lift tcrjrjtmt) LAXATIVE lOIJEVsTm ' rsBrAESO AT THS MSOSATOIT or & OoWITT ft CO., CHICAGO. U. B, A. Sold by f T. Smith, AVcgclaule Preparation for As similating theFoodandReguIa ling the Stomachs and Bowls of Promotes DigestionXheerfur ness anrtRest.Contalns nsltlier Ojauin.Morphine norHineral. aotHahcotic. VitM Seal" . .. jAx.SmnM ChoifiMAtmr HmMym rime. Apcrfccl ricmedy forConsIlpa rion, Sour Slomneh,DiaiThoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcnsh ness and'Loss OF SLEEP. Fae Simile Signature of XEW YORK KXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 8TATEMKKT OF CONDITION OF The Bank of Frshklin, Franklin, N. C. At Til K Cl.O!K OF RESOUKCES Loan and niwounU tSiliS'1.4 (Ivenlnifta, I III 15 N. C. Stjiti- IIiiikU, 4 per ci'irt. j(Ki.or 1'ri'iniuni on Hmuls, J",.(ie Kurnlturn uinl Kixttires, 1 Kin .12 Cuoluiu liiinil anil ill liitnka -li'tTJ "Mi Total JUKTHl I!) ' CununeiiciMl Huaini'sg July 1, l!K);i. I, J. (J. Siler, Cnshii-r of The Bunk or Fijuiklin, do solemnly sivar that the above stateuient is true, to the best of my knowledge and be lief. J. G Sn.Kit, Cashier. Snoru lo and aubscribed before mo Ibis the 1 1 1 1 day of Sept. 1000. LKH CliAWF(U.I), C. S.C. ' Correct Attest : F. S. Johnston. J W. A. HotiKits, .-Directors. J. S. Sloan. ) EBANKLIN HIG "fflfiJ50B-1907. life (vV vi Full courses in Latin, Mathematics, English and Science, nnd thorough instruction in Primary and Common School branches. Pu pils preparing, to. enter college, and Public School teachers wishing to take a review course will receivc careful attention. llest of musical advantages. Hoard in private families at reasonable rates. . V Tuition 1, to .50, payable at the end of each month. A contingent fee of 50c. per term, payable in advance, is charged to help meet expenses for fires, janitor's fees, etc. For further information write, , Miss Mamiakkt Buuhn, 1 or r Co-principals. Miss Lai ua M. Jonls. I LOSGERS WAPJTEO. GOOD, RESPONSIBLE PARTIES WANTED s WHO HAVE OUTFITS TO LOG SETTINGS : .... from ,- . 200,000 FEET TO 500,000 FEET CAPACITY FROM 10,000 to 12 ,000 Feet Per Day, " Write the nndcrslgned, . . W.'M. RIJTER LUMBER CO.' - I 1 I Franklin, N. C. Atfminlstration IVoticc. Alt persons - having . claims ngiillisl the list ate of Geo, A. Jones, dcccascil, "are hereby nolifiod to exhibit I lie sanio to lliCtmeliTsigli ed at Franklin, N, C, on or before Sept. 12, 1007. or this notice will he plttatlcj in bar of recovery upon snnio. Any persons indi-htocl lo said oetale am rfqoesied to niaki; niinii'dinie tselllrnicnt. This 8epi. 6, 19CG. J. S. f I.OAN-, : ' 0. L. (loNHH, . i Admr'a. 3' For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought, Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Fhirty Years THt uHTAim MNm nin, rent oirr. mi Himiness, Skit. 1, t'J.Mi. . LIABILITIES t'nilt-it stock paid In f 10000.00 .Siirnlii, :iroo.no I'li'liviil. il ProtltH lens Kxpi nscH. ;l":HU.'t lllllivlllllld ti'HS. Klllijc, t to i ll. ck SOHI.'I '.'ii Canliii r'.H cltt ck.i outNtutidiii, 11H4.5I Total S'.WTHS.lll 7 ' J. A. MUNDAY FIKST CLASS LIYKIIT f KANKLIN. N. '. ( Close eeiniieaitKm mwb' with nil trains nt Dillsiioro mill ii I lard, first i-lns Haggles, Siirri' s nnel hacks, gooel te nuis nnil tnreful einvcrs. l'riee-s rett-,uitielile. Ii SCHOOL y fir (11 EXECUTION SALE. Statu of N'ortli Carolina, 1 Maeon County. j In the Supe rior I ouit. : V. M Pet - VS.. ' . InternnUiihiil Emory A Corundum Co, " lly virtue pf nn exccutlnn directed to (lie iinilemltrui'ii from the Nupiior court f Jlacon fliiunty, N. C, In the above en titltMl action, I will, on Monday, the Stli day o( November lfcfl at i o'clock M, at the court house rloor tn siild county, sell to the highest bidder for easli to xntlxfy said execution aJ the" rlpht, title anil In UVcst wlilch the sntd International Em ery snd Corundum C'o., the di fcndimt, hns in the fellow Ingdcscrilied reij etat FliiR-r Thact Described In i deed from the ITampdun Emory & Corundum Co; of Mnss., to International Emory & Corundum Co., and rcKlstercd in bonk "J J'lof tlic Ilecoid of decd for Slaroa Co. N. C.,'nt page 154 ct scij: Ueglnnlnit nt a Sjiaiilhli onk on Crows bram hi ,ihp beginning corner of State (Jrant No. 2:171) runs with the lino of that lirnntN 02 poles to a block oak? then N 7fl V 02-polcs to a SpnnlHh onk; then 8.45 W 42 oles to n stake In line of State rnnt A'o. 2HSii then with the Him of thntC.rnntX (10 V 12 poles ton white onk; then V 32 polcR'to a hickory, thi n S 30 W 80 poles to a chestnut,- then ,V 75 W 00 poles to n hickory; then S 2(1 W 21 poles to a Spanish oak corner of State (irnntNo 32IS0; then with the line of that tract 8 MW 35 poles t a spnntsh oak. coiner of state giant Xo 82ill nnd state Grant Xo 2027; then S 4-" E 80 poles to a white oak ; then ,V SO W-i 20 poles to a w hite onk; then 8 30 E 10 poles to a white onk In the pig pen gap; lii.-n S 31 W 20 poles to a Spanish oak; then south (1 V "0 poles to a Spanish oak; then S 43 12 poles to a white on-; then ,S 13 V 18 poles to a black oak; then S .V E 51 poles lo a hickory S II of State grant .Yo. 058 aud in court of Stnte (Jrant .Vo. 27115; then with the line of said Stato (Jrant A'o. 27(15, S 30 W 24 poles to n Spanish oak; men S 10 K 8:1 poles lo a stake in lhio of State Grant .Vo. 3132; then with the line of that tract A" 73 K 1511 poles to a white oak Km .V K corner; then S 10 E 50 pides to a stake; then S 70 V 150 poles to a white oak, the S W corner of Slat Grant A'o 2132 and beginning Corner of Stale Grant A'o 3201 ; then E .12 poles to a hickory; then .V 40 E 45 poles to a stake; then E 4S poles to a hickory in the lino of State Grant A': 2704. then with the line of that tract S 54 poles to a white oak, beginning coiner of State Grant A'o 2704, then .V 73 E 15 poles to a lilac- oak then A' 70 E 00 poles-to a hickory; then A' 47 1". 70 pedes lo a liicAoiv; thi n .V poles to a white oa; then V SO pules to a pine, then h 70 W 27 poles to a corner of Slate Gr.iiit A'o 3:i5!'; then .V IU poles to a pine, corner of SLite Grant .Vo 2ISo3; then with the line of that tract .V 2;i E SO poles to a pine, then A' SO poles to a Spanish oa in the line of Stall (Jrant A'o 2370; then with the line of that tract A' 45 E CO polit, lo the beginning anil comprising the boundary known as Cor undum Hill aud for a nu n- full descrip tion reference is herehj made to the deed as recorded in lion "J.l" page 154 et scij as above noted and referred lo. Si: oxii Tii.MT- Beginning at a chin ipicpin on the bauk of Sugaifork Kivcr at A ngels ford; runs V S poles to a stake ill the ll'cst line of Giant A'o 084. then with the line of said grant 15 E 50 poles lo a sUkc on the South bank of said liv er; then up the river on the J?oiulTisink thereof Oil poles to nloie in E line o? sai.l grant, then' wlih tho line of said grant 5 pots to a slake on A' hank of AfrfTriver; then down the ban of said river to the A' end of thorium, llien with the .V baui-of the mill race 44 poles to a sjeamore near mouth of t'ran's branch, then y 0 poh s to a Spanish oak on side of road; then S 75 W with the road Is poles to a stne; then A' si V 14 poles to a stono corner; then S 87 W 0 poles to a stone corner, then A' 05 W 0 poles and 20 links to a stone corner at bridge over race; then .V 2 E Oj poles to a statu iu the Slier line; then with that line .V 50 W 18 poles to a stake, then A' 5 W 10 poles to the beginning containing 7 acres snd 20 rods more or less and fully de seilbed as the second tract in the deed above referred to to which reference Is NOTICE. Norlli Carolina, Macon County. Robi, Slaniey, Administrator of J. C. Ilodgins, deceased. VS. U ler Sandore, Chas. Sanders, Ed liodginf, and May Hodgius. SALE NOTICE. Iu obedience lo a decree of the Superior court of Macon Co. N. C, tendered in the above entitled special proceeding, on the 20th day of Sept. It)' '6, the undersigned commissioner Appointed therein, to 8i' il the lands described iu laid pel il iot , will on Ihe. 5ih day of November, 190(5, sell all Ihe lands described in said petition, benu ded as follows: Norlh Carol iuh, Mucou Co., ou- Skuenah creek : Beginning at a piue Hear J, COti tier's house; runs W. 5(1 poles to a chentuut; ibtui S. J 20 pofiig to a locust ; then N. 45 VV. 58 poles to a hickory; theu N. 100 polns to a V, oak, ofrl corner tbou E. 100 polos to a chestnui ; ibeu S. to the begiuniiig. Coutaiuiiig 4i acres umre or lose. Abu out half of the mmersl iu. lertml iu the lauds described iu a deed from J. C, Hodgius to J. M. Farmer,' Registered iu Botak h(2Ci" page 21)9, iii,Reg. ofiico -of Macon Co, N.,C,, I" hicb refereuce is bfrby uiadu for tnoro ik built, de- (jcriplion, coulaiiiing abuuf ,1(J : acres. Also the riubl, title and iu-1 ttrebt that the t-aid J. C. Ilodgj lb ' decuasod has mSlale (Jrant NoJ 31S3, War.aul No 12492, Regm., tered lu Rrgi8lr ulhce of Macon ICo. N. C, in Dook "J.L" page 415, i o v u icti reier. uueiB ocreny uiuue for more dPfiu He dtscriplion, ;r Said sale will be made at tiio court botiso deior iu tbe town of Franklin, N. C , at public auction, to Iho : hiebeist biddr, for cabb dowu. 'fins Ocl. 3, 190(1. A. W, Holts', Cmu. hereby made for more full description. Thibii Tkavt On the wntcrs of Elli Jny creel-, in Macon county, adjoining tho lands of T. P. IP, A. Moses and others, beginning on a locust stump, W A Moics corner, runs S 54 E 73 polos to a hickory stun p, then JV 22 E 25 poles to chestnut on; then N 75 W 80 poles to n hie-ory on top of a mountain; then S 50 W 30 poles to a white onk; then S 10 E 45 poles to a stn-e In II' A Moses lino; then with said lino .N 52 E to the beginning, containing 80 acres more nr less; nnd fully described ' as the third tract In tho deed above referred to to which said reference Is Infreby again made for more full description ; -.- Fociitii Tract All the mineral In terest with full mining priviliges tn the following lauds on the waters of Ellijay creek in Macon county, N. C, being part of State Grant A'o 3080 and i224 begin nlng at a blaci- oak runs S 8 E 7 poles to a stump; then S 40 E 38 poles to a sour wood; then 8 27 E 14 poles to a Spanish oa-; then 8 30 E 2(1 poles to a locust, then S 8 E 17 poles to a chestnut, then S 85 E 18 poles to a lynn, the 8 E corner of Grant A'o. 20sfl, then .V 58 poles to a stao. then K80 pedes to A hickory tin beginning corner of To 2221. then It 15 W 80 poles to a pine, then .V70 It' Orf poles Ux a lilac- oa-, t hen 8 30 II' (10 pnlea to a staJ c in the conditional line of tho Jacobs deed, then E 3 1 poles to a lriael-oa-, then 8 30 pedes to a chestnut, then II" 40 poles to the beginning, containing (II acres more or loss, nnd being tlio fourth tract in the deed above described to which for a more full description ref erence Is again hereby made . Firm Thact An .undivided one fourth mineral interest in the lands In Macon Co., covered by State Grants Xf. 280 ami hounded as follows: On the wn tcrs of Ellijay orcc beginning nt a chestnut on the ban of a firm-r of Sec .Vo 114, rmnrS 30 U'74 poles to a state In the line of A'o. 107, then S 40 E 120 poles to a state, tiicn A" 73 poles to a st;,o, then A 40 11' 140 poles to the beginning and fxnng the tiftii tract in tho deed above referred to to which said deed for a more full description refer ence is again made. Sixth Thact -An undivided one fourth interest in the following lands on the waters of Ellijay erect in Macon Co., Iieins part of -tato (Jrant A'o P2i'4, bo ginning at a white oat, the third corner of said grant, and runs 8 45 II' 71 poles to a locust, then 8 21 E 30 poles to n beech, then F, 70 poles to a chestnut, then A 20 poles to a blact nit, then II" 30 pedes fei a state, ben .V 30 E 50 po'eii Ion blact oat, I hen A" 70 It' 54 pedes l he beginning, lie ing he sixh racf In 'he deed above re fe neel lo ei which said ih'i'd re feren " Is ajrain :: irin for a more full eh'se-iiiii.'fi. S-:vi:"ni Ti: wt - n e.nlivieled min eral iii'Tc in he I.hiiNii'i Ellijay ereuJtr in Mae-'in en,i'if- e.n-nif'l Hy Sie Grani! .Vii L'-JOS an'f l,,nf,iti-i as fullows; lle-uii-ning a a liii-eirr, he A E ci ni"r of .Vo 107. nuts S 31 E 10S poles ..a beech, fho brglunlng c M iii'i- of .Vei 113, he n S 120 pedes o an ash, hen S 15 E 40 poles tn a lynn, he n II" (10 pedes o a whie oat. lien .Vorli 15 II' 14 pedes In a hirtorv. hen A'oili 100 poles to an ash, (hen norh l If 10 pedes e a cliesnu In 1m line of A'o I(i7, then north 30 E1I2 pidea wih saiel line In the be-glnnin", and Imi ing the scvenh rac desotlberi in the leeel nbore referreil o o which saiel deed for a more full riescripiem tileroof, ref-' eri ne-u Is again hereby m Emu ni Tipe -i- Tl inle-re-s. ci the lands 20S'.i; beginning at ? at n oct 120 pdcs((7v iides In a lynn, ffii 114 anil rims S norh 72 E 20 po i5 If 18 pole's . achesnu fhen uiorhis, wes Hi pedes e a locus, hen n"r!h 15 wes 21 pedes a Spanish oat, lien JV 27 If 1 1 poles o a senirwood, hon Jf 40 If 3S pedes lit a sump. hen .V 8 H8 pole-s ii a bhu t oat, hen wcs 20 poles jo he be ginning and cemains ill ncres anil be-ing ho elglih rae In the deed above referred to In which saiel deed n f. eience is again inaele for a more fnll (td scrlpieiii. This Oct 3, 1000. II. I). l)KAjt, Sheriff, . Macon Co. JV, C. , SALE NOTICE. H.v virtue of and in neeordanro with a deciet! of tlic .Superior Court of Ma-on tlotinty, N. (.'., in ft Spec-inI Proceed injr entitled Willis). Meadows and Martha Meadows njrainst Earnest Duvall, tho nnder sijfned conimissionrr, appointed in said decree, will sell by public auc tion, nt tho court house door in said county, on Monday, Nov. 6t!i, 19IKS, to the highest bidder, 4 of purchase price to be paid on day of sulo and balanco in si month from couiirnmtion of sale with ap proved security, with interest, tho ' following described lands, to-wit: Situate in mU county and- state, and in Cowcc Township, bounded on tho West by the lands of John Uurnett, the land of Jonas Brad ley on the North, the hinds of Jon athan Byrd on the East, the lands of W. II, Morrison on the South, and the lands of the K Kaby'hoira on the South-west, the same being known as tho homo plnre and homo lands of the late B. 1, Duvall, de ceaardv nd being all the lands of which said Duvall died seized nnd possessed. Thw October 5th, 190ft. , Jxo. W. Manx, Commissioner. Wmm FEX.Ut A PI LLC. lRmfn.ulliintohimMtm,rni JUttl ISDWS TO Mil. MH "el Mi i. i si,; f tl-lipn llunr.iilnj , 1.ib.. H,fM..l.s. - n, ,j I frftlJOprf lk. Omwn.1 ihtniwti.i.l e.. u : ,. , , Wtm rell.w.1. SMnyVn j 1 1 JrS4i.i t j p wnitcp wroicwt Co. . .ci rt. Mkifr.Y-li ' Sold Im tratiklln br rr.tniV T. $ - '' riOUUSTS.R'B-,,- ,'locky Mcuntein Tc'Nuss:: A Buff Mwltilu. tor Bmj Peofi.. Biingj Uoidoa Heislih sue B(inwl Vii 1. i Hrwltlo fi-rCnnsilpBtlnn, Imdi-o-fi. " -,al Kiils-v Troubles, llmpl, K.' -in i I Biooil, n,ul lirmth, Wiicirish rio"k. ami Bsiki-h. tCsBm-ky Mi.immiii IVu in 1' t (einii, m crars bo. Oi-nnim ?m, !., HoU.ISTltR ll!lU ClIHI-AMV, JiuillH. .11. V, , OI.OLU tilSCCTS TC3 S,ULC.V nIw coverNfc

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