0 THE FRANKLIN PRESS Friday, March 28, 1924 Pane Four T!lC Franklin PreS3 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY j : J. B. LYLE - - Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Subscription Payable in Advance) r tr t1 fin Six MontbTZZrZirriIZ',L .50 Three Months Single Copies ... 's ADVERTISING RATES. Very reasonable, and will be made known upon request. We charee S cents a line for Cards f Thanks, Resolutions of RespectJ and for notices ot entertainments where admission is charged. nrH it the nost-oflke at Franklin, N. CI for transmission through the mails as second- class matter. Foreien Advertising Representative THE A MERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Buv eood seed for the home garden. ricnty of manure is one of the first requirements of the home garden. Dont ruin your butter trade by at- lowing the cows to eat wild onions Tom Tarheel says that he wants to Inow if a man is a help to his com munity, rather than how rich he is. Banks of Nash County will pay the expenses of a club girl from each of the fifteen townships to the short course for club girls.. Bargains that will save vou many dollars will escape you if you fail to read carefully and regularly the ad- vertisine of local merchants in the Press. Bv means of a sweet potato storage bouse, H. T. Watkins, of Blanch, N. C. states that he has kept and sold to advantage two good crops of cured potatoes. Farmers of Alexander County or- . dered 500 pounds of clover.-sced and 650 pounds of a permanent pasture mixture seed in a co-operative pur chase made during February. Thinning and. culling' trees to be used for firewood' and for curing to bacco. instead of faking the trees as they come is a new plan of handling the farm woodlot in Iredell Lounty. " During February veterinarians of the State College and Department of Agriculture tested for tuberculosis 3,638 herds of cattle embracing 9,153 head and found 35 cows that reacted o the test,, , Twelve hats were made by club girls during a recent all-day sewing meeting in Edgecombe County. One hat was made from a skirt 11 years old with the only cost being 50 cents for flower. Farm girls in three clubs of Bladen County have raised funds, to send a representative to the Girls, Short Course to be held at the State College this summer, reports Aliss Stella i Rymer, the home agent. Wnr! vm.r tnmiev witTi vniir hnm merchants. Thev helo cav the taxes. knen tin thi srlmnls. hnild mads, ami make this community worth while. You will find the advertising of the best ones in the Press. When Miss Florence Jeffress, home .agent of New Hanover County; re turned to her work after an absence uf several weeks due to an operation, she was presented with a new coupe. by the county commissioners. A Duplin County farmer taught to cull hens by an extension worker from the. State College, culled out 25 bens for a neighbor..., These were put m a fattening pen and laid seven eggs during ten days. The remainder of the flock is now producing more eggs. than the original number because of more feed and better attention. "We are only casting bread upon the waters when we boost for oilr ci(v. We do not need to concern pur selves about who holds title to cer tain properties'. All instrumentalities which minister to the comfort, ser vice arid education of our citizens are assets of the city and its people."- Louncil Bluffs, Iowa, Nonpareil. Our telephone number is Main 24. When you have a guest, call our of- fice and tell us about it. When you hold a meeting or convention of any kind in any part of the county, ap- point a secretary and, see that he ,or she sends us a full report. We cannot be in but one place at a time, and Demorest, G'a., who were so help consequently we cannot attend and ful m giving sympathy and service in wtuc up an ine niceungs. vve areitneir nour ot rrereavement Thev akvays more tpecirl men tic ire than pleasel to give tpecid mention to all news of this kind sent in by our friends. 1 ........ r ...I . Community Loyalty. f a community is worm living in, it should command an hi wj alty iii every sense of the word. This not only means that a member of that community should always .speak vcll of it, but should; do .iwerytnmg in in.. power to encourai: us Riunm pvfrv vav Une ot tne easiest: aim simplest ways to insure the growth rt thp nome cotiwiumhv i m n-ni all the business .in it that one can. At- reeularlv recurring seasons trreat loads of mail order catalogues come into North Carolina,, rqany of them to this section, to entice busi ness away to the (larger cities. A news stdrV comine out of Raleigh a few davs ago reported that two solid carloads 6f these catalogs came into tB,at Htv last week for distribution to points in North Carolina, so as to enjoy the benefit of cheaper postage rates. These catalogues, are expen- sjye and .could not be distributed, if tU' Uiupc d-Utrihntinff them did Hot III V 11U VJ V-v v-"-""' - - Q) get much business from this form of advertising When one sends-ouUxii town or away from the local stores for things that can be .bought at home, ne is killing the goose that lays the golden egg. When one wants a tew pounus of sugar.' a spare part for his auto or some farm machine, or a doctor to vjsjt a sick patient, he does, not send I .... l-i .!- 1 LI away to tne city, xci me merman i. the caraceman." the doctor, or others wn0 sell goods or service cannot ex- is t on rush orders only. .If the mat ter were carried to it elusion, it would - mean that toe smaller towns would cease to grow, and perhaps retrograde. If this hap pened, property values would decline, the greatest source of support for the churches, the. school, and other soyal institution would be destroyed. No one would want to live in a town like that. Yet that is the sort of a town one is tending to make when he con stantly sends away from home to buy what he could buy at home, une should consider it his or her duty to buy at home, even though it may cost a little more, tor one obtains nu living in the community .and every dollar he spends at home comes back to him in some form. Most buying away from home is through thoughtlessness. The mail order houses have made it easy by putting well illustrated catalogues into the home. Many orders no doubt leave this section because the people are not constantly reminded that they can be had at home. A little advertising on "the part of the merchants and a little more reflection ofl the part of the buyer before he sends off that next order for some thing that can be bought right here at home, will make this' a much more prosperous community. Let's be loyal in buying as well as with words of praise about our town. The Chero- kee Scout. Harmony News. Mr. Scott Allen went to Franklin Saturday on business. Miss Gladys Allen has. returned from Iotla, where she: has been for seme time. Mr. Cole Buchanan has been on the sick list, the past week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen, March 22pd, a fine girl. Mr. Dewitt Allen made a trip to Jackson County one day last week. We. are sorry to report that Mrs. John E. Rickman is on the sick list. Dr. Lylc ... was in our community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren McMahan are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Tom Allen . Miss.Leona Rickman has returned home from Winston-Salem. " SCems IlKC tliere IS 10t5 Ot Sickness 1,1 our -community.' Dr. Rogers and l)r- S"'cr. were both in this section Saturday. BLUE EYES. Upper Cartoogechaye News. Mr. Thad Coer, of Nahtahala, passed through thjs section Sunday on. n.is way to Asnevwe, J, L. ... Mr.1 T. S.. Dills left Sunday for Buck Creek, where he expects Ito work a while. Mr Herhert DilU rptnrnprl h Saturrlav fmm Aripvillf "M c he has been working, Mr. Pearl Johnson, of Nantahala was in this section Sunday; W'e. are sorry to report that Mrs Bob Williamson is on the sick Ikl Hope to see her out' again soon, Mr. Lawrence Beck, from Grand yew, N. C, is spending a few days' herewith home folks. . "REDWING." Card' of Thanks'. . . Mrs. U. L. Hudson, and children; Mr. W. J. Hudson', Mrs.,-Maude Hud son Norton; Mrs. Vera Hudson Hen ry; Messrs. Dick and Put Hudson; Mrs. A. G. Dillard, and Miss. Eulah Dillatd, wish to express their deen sense of gratitude to-1 those who came so kindly to their relief in their 'great bereavement in the sickness and death of their beloved one, "Mr. U. L. Hudson. Especially do they wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to thp friends in Highlands, N. C, Dillard wish fo exoress snecial annrpriat,,. of the untiring -efforts of Dorfnr.! It - - . . . " r Lapham, Neville, Lylc, and Rogers. JURY LIST FOR - SUPERIOR COURT The following names have been drawn as jurors for the Spring Term of Macon Superior Court, which be gins April 21, 1924. First Week. S. 1'..' Fouts 11. -L, Spurlin C. S. Slagle EddAloflitt JVM. Holt . ' J. B. Elmore F. 11. Higdon A. j. Newman W. D. Barnard Lon Campbell V R. Holbrooks J. C. Brdwn P.. C. Hawkins E. J.I. Angel J.AI-ady C, H. Southards 0. L. Blaine C. M. Wooten M. A. Plemmoiis Geo. A. Mashburn W. TJ Wright J. H. Burnett ' R. H. Bates J. Weimer Hasting W. E; Crawford W. I. Conley C. Miller .. Burt Oliver J. E. "Wilson J.H.Fulton Myron Russell J. C; Henderson E. N. Evans H; L. Hawkins T. M. Southards J. M. Holbrooks Second Week. T. M. Moss J. M. Morrison Lee Brown G. T. Stiles W.'H. Green . Levi Crain L. E. Spahr H. G.Cabe . II. J..Baty J. H. Ledbetter E. B. Conley Paul Newman C. V. Dryman D. ' W. Garland Toe II. Hurst j.'H. Sellers , John Norton C. L: Blaine . News of Nantahak. Mr. J. E. Wilson," of Briartown, was a Nahtahala visitor Thursday, Mr. and' Mrs. R. M. Grant, of Flats, were visiting relatives at Nahtahala Wednesday. . ' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wright en joyed a singing at their home last Wednesday night. - .Mr. Garfield McMahan returned from Madison, S. C, Wednesday. Arthur Grant, who has been very ill from measles, is improving, very rapidly. Pref. and Mrs. Harley .W. Grant attended a song service at A, B. Wright's" Wednesday night. Mr. Moses DuvaH has recently pur chased a Ford car. On the early morning of March 16, 1924, the death angel visited' the home of Mr. and Mrs.. A. B. Wright and claimed their little boy Lowery To the bereaved ones we say, Weep not, the jewel of your home has been transplanted in the mansions of glory to bloom forever, and you have the blessed privilege of going there to live with him eternally. G. H Battle Branch News. . There have been several cases of measles in;, this community, but we hope that they are all about to get well. Mr. Dewey Hopper has boen -very sick. We hope he will soon recover Mr. and Mrs, Dee Hpdgin spent Saturday night and Sunda'y with Mr. and Mrs. George Ledford. Mr. Mack Hoppen has returned home after working some time in Atlanta. . Mrs. Lottie Hodgin and family are pjanning to go to Lyman, Wash., in a few. days, to make that their fu ture home. Mrs. ' Hodgin will be greatly missed -by all. BROWN EYES St. Agnes Church, Episcopal. Rev. Edward J. Pipes, Rector. Services as follows : Services the second and fourth Sundays with a celebration of the Holy Cofmunion the second Sunday. Services on Wednesdays and Fri days at three o'clock in the afternoon. Sunday School every Sunday at ten o'clock. R. D. Sisk, Supt. The St. Agnes Guild meets the sec ond and , fourth Thursday of each month. ' ' Please notice that the hour for the week day services at "St. Agnes Church has been changed from noon on Wednesdays and FYidays to three o'clock. This change we hope will make it more convenient for all to attend these services. Administratrix' Notice. . Having (jualified as Administratrix ot Sarah Latherme Hall, deceased, late of Macon County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of March, 1925, or this notice will be plead in bar .of their 'recovery. All persons indebted- to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This Sth day of March, 1924. ANNE PATTON, A4 Administratrix. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of Chas. L. Sellers, deceased) late of Macon County,' N. C, this is to notify all persons having. claims 'against the estate of saH deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or befr the 3rd day of March, 1925, or 'hi notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate settlement. This 3rd day of March, 1924. . C. W. DOWDLE, JR., M28-R2., . . Administrator. Announcements. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Macon County,.- subject to the Democratic Primary. dF29 ft A. B. SLAGLli.. a For Register .of Deeds. I herebv announce myself "a can didate for the office of Register , of Deeds ,pf Macon County, subject to tne yemocraiic rnmary. pM21 J. STEVE PORTER. For Sheriff. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Macon County, subject to the Democratic Primary, June 7th. tf ROBT. A. PAH UN. 1 For Sheriff. To the Voters of Macon County': I am running for Sheriff, subject to the action of . the Democratic primary, June 7th. ' pJ6 CHARLIE INGRAM. For Register of Deeds. To the Voters of Macon County: ; 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the 'office of Register of Deeds, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. PJ6 ' ELMER JOHNSON. Forllegister of Deeds. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of 'Register of Deeds for Macon . County subject to the Democratic Primary June 7th. Should you feel that I am worthy of this recognition and can give me your support, I will feel both fortunate and honored, and. if dominated and elected I "pledge my faithful attention tl the duties thereof. tf . HORACE J. HURST. Tallulah Falls Railway Co. J. F. GRAY, Receiver. There will be. sold at Public Auction at the Freight Warehouse at frank lin, N. C.: beginning at 10:00 A. M., on April 12th, 1924, to meet charges of transportation, storage charges and expense of this advertisement and of the sale, the following consignments of freight : Freight Bill No. 167-February 13th, 19221 Lot H. H.. Goods. Consigned to Grover Sanders, Franklin, N. C. . Freight- Bill No. 380-May 29th 19221 bbl. Notions: Consigned to Mrs. Jane Slagle, Franklin, N. C. Freight Bill No. 14-May 1st, 1923- 3 Boxes Marble Monuments. Con- signeu to v,. .u. ums, naiiMm, . . i : " .t t-Mi.T.- i.i: m i' Freight Bill No. 77 April Oth, 1923 0.4 Bundles Riofing. Consigned to Stallcup Furniture Co., Franklin, N. C. Freight Bill No. 487-August 29th. 19241 Cask F-. Ware. Consigned to D.C. Stockton, Franklin, N. C. Freight Bill No. 53 August 3rd, 19231 Cask 'E. Ware. Consigned to Stallcup Furniture Co., Franklin, N. C. .Freight Bill No.. 336-Sept. 17th, 1923 2. Cs. Coffee. Consigned to D. C, Stockton, Franklin, N. C. Freight Bill No. 203-June 15th, 1923 -1 Ik. Marble (Broken) Slab. Con signed to Franklin Pharmacy, Frank lin. N. C. " Freight Bill No. 160 September 7th. 1924-2 Steel Auto Rims, Consigned to City Garage, FYanklin, N. C. Freight ' Bill No. Sll-'-September 17th, 19231 Bx Notions. Consigned to Mrs. M. A. Bingham, R. F. D, i, Franklin, N. C. 'Freight Bill No. 219 September 12th, 1923-1 Bx, Nations, 1 Ctn. Alu, Ware.- Consigned ta Mrs..,-Hatti'e L.. Bingham, R.i I. Bx. 93, Franklin, N. C. Freight Bill No. 323 -September 18th.. 19234 Cs. Coffee, 1 Sx. Coffee. Consigned to D. C. Stockton, Frank lin. N.X. Freight Bill No. 42 February 1st, 1924 1 ' Bbl. Notions. Consigned to Miss Minnie C. Gieldwell, Otto, N. C. -Freight - Bill No. 41 February 1st, 1924 Lot H. 11. Goods. Consigned to Rhoda McCall, Otto, N. C, .' ' " This advertisement is publishcd.in compliance, with Sec. 3532, Consoli dated Statutes ,of North Carolina. A4 ' E. S. 11UNNICUTT, Ageat. POULTRY SALE. 1 It has been decided to hold the first co-operative cr.r load poultry sale for the season on. Wednesday. April 9th. There . may be some : farmers who would rather have the sale at an ear lier date. But 'we want to be sure of enough to make a car load. Where possible it would be a good idea to put up the thin chickens to be sold and feed on milk and other fattening teeds tor at ltfast a week before the sale.. This -should add weight and quality. Those w.hb are planning to bring poultry to the sale will greatly help by writing County Agent At- rendale a card telling him what yot expect to bring. It you are too care less to co-operate please do not howl and growl whervyou are disappointed in the way things have gone. DIRECTORY Churches.' . . ( i Methodist Episcopal, South. , fl, W r. Smitli. Pastor. Preacliinc ser vice every Sunrfay at elevciv A. M. and seven- thirty P. M. Suii'tay School hunday morning at It) A. M JPIMlewn, iicuuiib. Prayer meeting every weaneway t r.vv r. ai. Baptisf:. ' ith.' Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and 7:15 P. M. Sun day School at 9:45, A. M, each Sunday morn ing. Jno. S. Trotter, Supt Prayer ineetmt at 7:15 P. M. each Wednesday.' . .', Presbyterian. Kev1. J. Q. Wallace, Pastor. Jno. C. Wright, c......:.,..,j.nt .f ?fitihaHi School. Preachina on second and. fourth Sabbath at 11 A. M. Sunday Scliool at iu A. every aauwiiu. Evervone is cordially Invited to attend these services, particularly the stranger in town. The services will also be made especially in teresting to the young people.. Secret Orders. I Masonic T. J. Johnston, W. M. Henry Cabe, See. Regular meetings first and third 'Tuesday nights in each month. Visiting brethren cordiallf invited. , . Order of the Eastern . Star. Nequassee Chapter meets first and third Friday nights in each month. Mrs. W. T. Moore, Worthy. Matron. Jno.. C. Wright, Worthy Tatron. Visiting members are cor dially invited to be present. I.O.O. F. Jno. E. Rickman, N. G. Regular meetlnp first and Wiird Saturday nights in each montn. K. of P. " , R. D. Sisk. C C. Regular meefings' feion and fourth Thursday nights in each month. , Jr. O. U. A. M. Frank I. Murray, C- A. J. West, Financial Secretary. Regular meetings second and fourk Friday nights in each month. Confederate Veteran Pension Board. Frank I. Murray. W. R. Stallcup, IT. H. Raby, Alf Shope. Board meets first Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday in July each year. Town Government. '"Mayor R. D. Sisk. Hoard of Aldermen T, W. Angel, W. L. Higdon, J. C. Wright, Henry Cabe, J. A. Por ter, Logan A. Allen.. Graded School Board Dr. F. T. Smith, E. C. Kingsbcry, Jno. S. Trotter, Jno. M. Moore, Z. VV. Conley, Mrs. Gilmer A. Jones. County Government. Sheriff Alex Moore. ( Clerk of Superior Court FrSmk I. Murray. Register of Deeds Elmer Johnson. County Superintendent of Schools M. D. Billings. , County Supcrititeiidc.it of Health Dr. W. A. Rogers. County Board tf Commissioners A. B. Slff.le.' Lawrence Kamsc'y. C. K. Cabe. County Board of Education c H. X. L. Barnard, II. M. Bascom. Lyle, Notice of Summons. North Carolina Macon Count'. In Superior Court. Roxle Frisbte . vs. Randolph Frisbee. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County. North Carolina, for the purpose of annulling the marriage between the said plaintiff and defendant; the said defendant will further take notice that he is required' to appear at the office of the Clerk of said County on the 29th day of March, 1924, at the Court House in said county and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the . relief de manded in said complaint. Uiis the 1st day of March, 1924. FRANK I. MURRAY, M27-JFR . Clerk of Superior Court. PLEASE NOTICE! 'We cannot ,and will not publish communications to the Press unless the name of the writer is signed to me idici. ii is nor. necessary tnat the names be published, b,ut ve must know who the writer is. We are glad to get letters to the paper from ever-y section, and sincerely appreciate them tf they are written in the right spirit and signed. In the past few days we have received several letters from various sections, of the county which we were unable tn nnMicN Ke the writers failed to sign them. In no case do newspapers publish the names of the writers of communica tions unless they are of uch a nature that it is necessary,. but no paper will publish articles that come unsigned.' Those, who write to the Press will, please take notice and not neglect to sign the articles sent in. We get tired of throwing interesting letters into the waste basket almost every week because the writer did not let us know his' or her name. Notice to Subscribers. Look at the printed label on your paper. The date thereon shows when the subscription expires. For ward VDOr monev in amnlc""tim( frir renewal. Notice date on label care fully, and if not, correct, please notify, us at once. Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed will plea.se state in their communication both .the OLD and New address. . i -

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