Friday, April 4, 1324 Pane Two THE FRANKLIN PRESS Hie Fraftklin Frees PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY J. B. LYLE Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Subscription Payable in Advance) One Year.....-.......,.-...........--------.----t-5J siv Months - r 50 Thrc Months - - -25 Single Copies Sc ADVERTISING RATES. i Very reasonable, and will be made known upon request. W charce 5 cents a line for Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect nd for notices ot entertainments where admission is charged. Entered at the post-office at Franklin, N. C, for transmission tnrougn roe mans as .uuu matter. Fo'reicn Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION LAW ENFORCEMENT, The strict enforcement of the Fed eral fire laws is something which is coming very much to the front in the administration of the Nantahala 'National Forest, which includes parts of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Heavy losses from fire during the past few years, in spite of the active educational campagn icrninst woods Tmrninir. has made this course necessary. Last week a number of fires were started on Government land in Geor sia and South Carolina by parties traveling along a public'road. A few days, later the parties were arrested on a warrant secured by the loca Forest Officers, and were taken be fore United States Commissioner R Ellard at Cornelia. Two of the men were bound over to the April term of the Federal Grand Jury at Athens, while the other two are held as witnesses. For the willful setting on fire of National Forest timber, undergrowth etc., the Federal Statutes provide a maximum penalty of five thousand dollars, or imprisonment for not more than two years, or both. For fires started through carelessness the maximum penalty is a fine of one thousand dollars,, or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both Your 1924 Success. We accomplish things by laying bold and doing them, sticking to the job everlastingly. Lolling around and dreaming of a better day will not bring it. We must work for it. Sue cess and riches seldom come without effort. The farmer has to tret down .....1 A , J.,,. 4 a mr IJ.O ...--, A , hisscapital. He will not grow wealthy by standing around and wasting his time. , The success of the average Western Carolina farmer for 1924 dcoends on what he plans within the next few days. Soon crop time will be on us and it will be too late to plan. Are you going to content yourself with the same old way of doing things? Haven't you gained anything .from reading, experience or observa tion that you will convert into capital this year? Why not apply the know ledge you have gained? Start with the boy and girl. Give v"them a chance. Encourage them to participate in the club work. Give the boy a pig or baby beef for the lively contest that will , be on. this year. Give the girl, some eggs or chicks and start her on the road to 'independence. Having started the bby or girl right, plant tomatoes, potatoes or straw berries and grow them under contract. Lift yourself out Of the old rut. Take ,a chance at doing something new this year. Your county agent is ready and t ever willing to assist you. Call on ; him for information when you need it. Create some additional wealth for yourself this year. Produce soime - thing and co-operate JcloselV with the Farmers federation and see u you can't reach the end of 1924 with some additional money to your credit. Plan a big year and get at it im mediately, or you will be too late for ,1924 success. Make your plans now. POULTRY SALE It has beer decided to hold the first ' co-operative car load poultry sale for the season on Wednesday, April 9th. There may .be some farmers who would rather have the sale at an ear lier date. But we want to be sure of enough to make a car load. Where possible it would be a good, idea to put up the thin chickens to be sold and feed on milk and other fattening feeds for at least a week before the . sale. This . should add ' weight and quality. Those who are planning to - bring poultry to the sale will greatly help by writing County Aeent Ar rendale a card telling him what you . expect to bring. If you are too care less to co-operate please do not howl and growl when you are .disappointed in me way inings nave gone. In Memory of Ed Lpwe. The people of our community wore deeply grieved to hear of the death of Ed Lowe, which occurred March it 26, 1924, at , about eleven ociock Wednesday morning. He took sick about eight days before he was called to meet his God. . It very sad to hear of his death and he is' greatly missed by all who knew hum,. He joined' the,. oyee church twenty years ago and i has been a faithM .'.member ever 'since. Ed -has been a great worker iiuthe B. Y. P. U. and has tried to lead the young in the way that they should go. He has been a faithful B. Y. P. U. president, at Iotla ' ani Cowee churches. It is very sad indeed $o part with a dear friend like he was. Although it seems as if we can't do without. him; but by the help of God we are going to keep our B. Y. t. u. still going; and if each member will do their part' we can depend on God for His- part. We feel as if there is no one that could fill his place, but as unworthy as we are, I think that each one should be willing to try to do what they are called upon to do and not be ashamed to do anything that God tells us to do. Ed leaves a father, two brothers, four sisters and a host of friends and relatives' to mourn his death. There is in the midst of our sorrow a great hone to look forward to, that we'll see him again with the rest of . our loved ones in heaven if we live a life for the Lord. Ed always had a smile on his face and words, of cheer on his lips.' Even in the darkest hours he could plant words of cheer in.our hearts which would make us happy. 1 feel as if God's crown, is covered with golden stars. So let us all .strive to meet him some day. .. . May God bless us B. Y. P. U. mem ber' and show us what to do. Ed has planted seeds in our hearts and I .hope, they 11 keep growing ana some of us will be great ' workers like -he was. FANNIE GIBSON. . Announcement. To the Voters of Macon County: After careful consideration from a personal standpoint, I have decided to withdraw from the race for the office of Register of Deeds. Fot the past ten years I have held the office of Register and have discharged the duties that devolved upon me to the best of my ability. For the others, who may aspire to the plate I am re linquishing I have nothing' but tne kindest feelings. . I trust that my withdrawing from the cfontest Way not be misinter preted. I am doing so purely from personal reasons. I have every as surance that my friends would have rallied to my support in this election as thev have , in the past. Such friendship as this makes one proud of his country , and the people who constitute its citizenship. Thanking all who have aided me in the past, and assuring all of my most lively interest in anything that may make for the upbuilding of our coun ty, I am, Respectfully, ELMER JOHNSON. Poplar Cove News. We are having some cold wind at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Setser were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greenwood Sunday.. ' Mr. Will Anderson and little daugh ter, of Dills' Creek, passed through this section Sunday afternoon. Miss Carrie Corpening was visit ing at Mr. Henry Greenwood's last Monday. Mr. J. A. Corpening was visiting Mr.- .1. R. Anderson Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Nolen'was visitintr Mrs. J. T. Corpening last week. 'Miss Thelma Greenwood scent Sun day night with Miss Cora Huscusson. Miss Halhe Huscusson was visiting home folks last Saturday night and Sunday. , - , ' . '- Mr. Alton Corpening was visitine home folks the last of the week; , a . 1 LITTLE GIRL. Death of John L. Tallent. . John, Logan Tallent was born Sep tember 6, 1851-and died March 25, 1924, being 72 years, 6 months and 19 days old. He waY a member of the Iotla Methodist Church, and his last days were as a shining light to those who stood around hjs bedside. ' He asked his friends to pray with him. He told some of them he was ready to go, and is gone to meet the old soldiers of the Cross, who like Paul did fight a good fight. So let us all live a life that will carry us up there where parting is no more. , ' W. A. ' Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Executor of Mary L. Moore, deceased, late of Ma con County, N.'C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 1st day of April, ,1925, or this notice will be plead in. bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate settlement. - This 1st day of April, 1924. -A25 C. A. BRYSON, Executor. Announcements. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a can didate for, the, office of Sheriff of ftfacon County," subject to the Democratic Primary. pF29 V B. SLAGLE. 4 For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Register, of Deeds of Macon County, subject to the Democratic Primary. PM21 J. STEVE PORTER. For Sheriff. I hereby announce' my candidacy" for the office of Sheriff of Macon County, subject to the Democratic Primary. June 7th. . ' tf ROBT. A. PATTON. ' For Sheriff. To the Voters of Macon County: I am running for Sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, June 7th. PJ6 CHARLIE INGRAM. For Register of Deeds. , I hereby announce my arididacy for the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County subject to the Democratic Primary June 7th. Should you feel that 1 am worthy of this recognition and can give me- your support, I will feel both fortunate and honored, and 'if nominated and elected I pledge my faithful attention Lo the duties thereof. , tf . . ' HORACE J. HURST. Tallulah Falls Railway Co. J. F. GRAY, Receiver.. There will be sold at Public Auction hat . the Freight Warehouse at Frank lin, N. C, beginning at 10:00 A. M., on April 12th, 1924, to meet charges of transportation, storage charges and expense of this advertisement and of the salet the following consignments of freight: Freight Bill No. 167 February 13th, 19221 Lot H. H. Goods. Consigned to Grover Sanders, Franklin, N. C. Freight Bill No. 380-May 29th, 19221 bbl. Notions. Consigned to Mrs. Jane Slagle, Franklin, N. C. Freight Bill No. 14-May 1st, 1923 3 Boxes Marble Monuments.; Con signed to C. M. Dills, Franklin, N. C , Freight Bill No, 77 April 6th, 1923 64 Bundles Roofing. Consigned to Stallcup Furniture Co., Franklin, N. C. ' Freight Bill No. 487 August 29th, 1924 1 Cask E. Ware. Consigned to D. C. Stockton, Fraivklin, N. G Freight Bill No. 53 August 3rd 19231 Cask E. Ware. Consigned .to Stallcup Furniture Co., Franklin, N. Q Freight Bill No. 336 Sept. 17th, 19232 Cs. Coffee. Consigned to' D. C. Stockton, Franklin, N. C. Freight Bill No. 203-June 15th, 1923 1 Bx. Marble (Broken) Slab, Con signed to Franklin Pharmacy, Frank lin. N. C. Freight Bill No. 160 September 7th 19242 Steel Auto Rims. Consigned to City Garage, rranklin, N. C. Freight Bill No. 311 September 17th, 19231 Bx Notions. Consigned to Mrs. M. A. Bingham, R. F. D. 1 Franklin, N. C. Freight Bill No. 219 September 12th, 1923-1 Bx. Notions, 1 Ctn. Alu Ware. Consigned to Mrs. Hattie L Bingham, R. 1, Bx. 93, Franklin, NX Freight Bill No. 323 September 18th. 193-4 Cs. Coffee, 1 Sx. Coffee, Consigned to D. C. Stockton, Frank lin. N. C. Freight Bill No. 42 February 1st 19241, Bbl. Notions. Consigned to Miss Minnie C. Gieldwell, Otto, NX, rreight BiH'No. 41 February 1st 1924 Lot H. H. Goods.' Consigned to Khoda McLall, Utto, NX. " This advertisement is published in compliance with Sec. 3532, Consoli dated Statutes of North Carolina. A4 E. S, HUNNICUTT, Agent. St. Agnes Church, Episcopal Rev. Edward J. Pipef, Rector. Services as follows; . Services the second and fourth Sundays with a celebration of the IJoly Cofmunion the second Sunday. . Services on Wednesdays and Fri days at three o'clock in the afternoon. " Sunday School every Sunday at ten o'clock. R. D. Sisk, Supt: , THe1 'St. Agnes Guild meets the sec ond and fourth Thursday of each month. ' Please notice that the hour for the week day services at St. Agnes Church has been changed from noon cm Wednesdays and Fridays to three o'clock. This change we hope will make it more convenient for all to attend these services. Administratrix Notice. Having qualified as Administratrix of Sarah Catherine Hall, deceased, late of Macon County, Nji!, this, is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned o or before the 8th day of March, 192S, or this -notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This 8th day of March, 1924. ANNE PATTON, A4 . Administratrix. RING TIME. : IS TONIC TIME The System Pfeeds "Spring Cleaning," Just As The Home Does. TANLAC Has Been Called The World's Greastet Tonic By Over 100,000 Persons, who have Testified That Tanlac Has Helped Them Regain their Strength and Health. DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR HEALTH, DEMAND THE BEST Tanlac Has Benefited Thous ands of Persons Suffering From Stomach Trouble, Indigestion, Rhedmatism, Nervousness and Kindred ' Ailments Tanlac Is For Sale By AH Good Drug gists Accept No Substi tuteOver 40 Million Bot tles Sold. . Land Deed.' Mortgage Deed and Chattel Mortgage tor sale at Tne Pre office. iiiiisiii THE LAYING HEN " IS THE PAYING HEN Purina Chows nicike layers out of hens. Purina Chows cost little or no more than ordinary feeds, and they produce more ' . eggs than other feeds on the market. That's why we picked Purina, as the chows to sell. Pure, clean, honestly made, they are sold under the iron-bound guar antee of more eggs or money back, when .' fed according to the simple directions. If you want more eggs right now, drop in. ' Macon County Farmers Federation, Inc. FRANKLIN, N. C. PURE BRED WHITE LEGHORN EGGS D. W. YOUNG STRAIN. I will take your order for from one to fifty settings. From Pen No. 1, $1.50. From Pen No. 2, $1.00. See me for prices on Eggs from General Flock in lots of 1Q0 io 500. " This is the best White Leghorn strain in America. RL. PORTER, FRANKLIN, N. C. ' , MRS. WALLACE REID IN "HUM WRECKAGE" Jhe Picture that has startled the Nation. Come and learn about the National Menace that is destroying the human race. Admission price will be refunded to all who are not more than pleased. Millions will see "Human Wreckage." Do not be among the absent FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 8 P. II IDLE HOUR THEATRE BARSEMOCKS ARISTOCRATS EGGS, $1.50 PER 15. t ., : . . : .'. v Let Me Know Your' Went. GE0L. NEWTON Notice and Call of Demo cratic Precinct Meetings, And County Convention The Democratic Precinct Meetings in eacli precinct for Macon County arc' hereby called to meet at each voting precinct in .each township on Saturday, April 5th,' -'1924, at 2 o'clock P. M., the object being to elect dele gates to the County Convention. C3 t- The Democratic County Convention is hereby called to meet April 12th, at noon,"', at- the Court House in Franklin, the object of said Conven-. tion being to elect delegates to the State Convention "which convener in Raleigh, -N. C, on the 17th day of April, at noon. . The precinct meetings should not overlook this' call and should send delegates to the County, Convention .1,1 ' f A 'I - il.-x 1f on tne i-tn or npru so uiai an the precincts may be represented at the 'County Convention, . ' A. W. HORN, Cliairman Democratic Executive Committee, Macon County. A4-2t PURINA HAS GIVEN ME AN IDEA 3 Z3I

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