Fritby, April U, 1924 THE FRANKLIN -PRESS Paga Seven 3 WANT ADS 5c per Line for Each Insertion j FARM FOR SALE Terms 1 to 5 years. B, P. Jacobs, Route 3. It USE THE WANT AD COLUMN-If ,y . you have something to sell or if you want to buy something, the smalf Want Ad, at a very small cost,. will do the work for you. r. Try the PRESS. WANTED Good beef cattle and sheep. Also corn fed hogs off the pole, 100 to 175 lbs. Spot cash paid, tf ESSIG MARKET. FOR SALE Several goW Jersey and Guernsey cows. Some fresh, others . to come fresh. W. J. Berry, Rpute 4, Franklin, N. C ' " , pit SELL OR BUY FARM Many a good farm has been bought and sold through a 25 cent want ad in The Press. They cost but little, but work wonders. Try ojie. tf FOR SALE Ford Roadster, in good condition. Price right, tf H. T. hORSLEY. BRIEF HISTORY of Macon County, and. Topography of Macon County, in pamphlet fdrm, for sale at the Press office, 10c a copy. tf FARM STOCK If you have a cow you would like to sell or exchange for other stock let The Press inform the farmers of Macon County about it.. The cost is small. ' tf .IF YOU have, that' rundown feeling use Smith's Sarsaparilla. The best spring tonic, FRANK T. SMITH. Prescription Druggist. . A1S FOR SALE Scholarship in the Ath ens . Business College, Athens, Ga. Any one thinking of attending-this well known business school would do well to call on the Press office before making arrangements for tuition. FOR SALE-1924 Ford Touring Car in perfect condition. Cash or terms. It SAM L. FRANKS. TAKE YOUR Jefferson Standard Life Policy with W. B. Lenoir, Resident Agent. tf "REASONS FOR THE FAITH" can new be secured in pamphlet form for 10 cents per copy at the Press office, or from the author, Ray N. Moses, Ellijay, N. C. tf WILL HAVE two sections of the Incubator (1200 egg space) vacant after the 15th. If you plan on having any more chicks hatched let me know what you want at once as the season 'is getting late. W. Roy Carpenter. . Cartoogechaye News. April 7. We sure have been having some April showers for the .past few days, but are hoping to have some more sunshine soon. Mr. Norman Stockton, of South . Skeenah, passed through this section Sunday. -. Mr. David Ledford, from Prentiss. Was visiting at Mr. Andy Ledford's last Saturday and Sunday." Mr. Thad Goer and .family have moved to Cashier's, N. C. We are sorry to give them up. Mr.' and Mrs. C. M. Dills,, of Cul lasaja, have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Dills, the past week. . Mr. Frank Kimzcy, from Cashier's, passed through this section Saturday. Mrs. Tom Dills and Laura- Dills were visiting Mrs. Andy Ledford last Sunday. - ' " Mr. Tom Patton, of Lower Cartoo gechaye, passed through this section Saturday. Mr. Ernie Dehart, of North Skeen ah, was in this section last Sunday. Mr. Charlie Dills, made a business trip to Nantahala Saturday. Mr. Furman Woods, of Cashier's, was in this section Sunday. We are sorry to report that Mrs. ' S. M. Dills is on the sicjc list. Hope to see her out again soon. - SPARROW. News of Nantahala. April 7. Bud Lee made a trip to Briartown Sunday. Mrs. G. A. Lee and children are visiting relatives at Flats this week. Prof, and Mrs. Harley W. Grant and children were visiting relatives at Hewitts Sundyaj Earl Grant,' of Flats, is working here this week. Merrill, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harley W. Grant, has been . ' very sick for several days. IV passed through Nantahala Friday of if last week en route to Flats. Sam H. Padgett returned to Nan tahala Wednesday, after spending several days in Raleigh and other ' points on business. i, Grady Duvall went to Andrews Monday of last week and purchased a Ford car. ; Hobert "Bogart, of Hewitts? was a ; Nanathala visitor Sunday.- Frank Kilpatrick, of Hewitts, was visiting at Nantahala Sunday. The' little child of W, t Haney, who has been very sick with "flu," is improving slowly. Personal Mention Mrs. Estena G. Bidwell, who is now making her homei in Massachusetts, is spending a few days here visiting relatives and friends. Mr. R. W. Shields and little daugh ter, Martha, spent a few days last week in Atlanta,"visiting relatives. Mr. W. M. Edwards, of Route 2, was in town on business Saturday. ' Mrs. N. W. Gennett and Mrs. Ha'llie Greer, of Asheville, N. C, spent a few days here the past week visiting friends and relatives. Hayes Snyder, of Franklin, was here last week end. Mr. Snyder for merly 4ivcd in Andrews, and has many friends here -who were glad to see him again. Andrews News.' Take vour Tefferson Standard Life Policy with W. B. Lenoir. Resident Agent. Advertisement. tf Mr. J. J. Mann, of Prentiss, N. C, was a visitor in Franklin Saturday.. Mr. C. W. Dowdle, of Prentiss. N. C. is visiting his daughter, Mrs. R. G. Beshears, this week. The .Clayton Tribune, Bargains that will save you many dollars will escape you il you fail to read carefully and regularly the ad vertising of local merchants in the Press. Miss Roslin Foster returned to her home in Atlanta, Ga., last week, af ter spending several days hcr-e with her sister, Mrs. Rt W. Shields, ' Mr. R. E. Patillo, of Holly Springs, was in Franklin on business last Saturday. . Mr. W. T. Moore, of the new bus line, from Franklin to Cornelia, stopped over on his trip Monday af ternoon and placed an ad with ''the 'tribune. Mr. Moore now has two new, large Studebakekr touring cars, which he is using on the bus line and anyone wishing to go, either north or south, cair secure, excellent ac commodations on the bus line. The Clayton Tribune. County Commissioner A. B. Slagle, of Cartoogechaye, was a visitor in Franklin last Saturday. Mr. Leslie Campbell, of Route 3, was in Franklin on business one day the latter part of last week; Spend your money with your home merchants. They help pay the taxes, keep up the schools, build roads, and make. This community worth while. You will find the advertising of the best ones in the Press. Mr. Marshall Cunningham returned home last Sunday from Texas, where he has been for several months. His many friends will be glad to know that his health was greatly improved by his stay there. . , Mr. I. V. Ramey.'Of Route 2, was a visitor in town Monday. Mr. J. M. Cabe, of Otto, was in Franklin on business one day the first ,bf this week. Mr. W. C. Ledbetter, of, Route 2, was a visitor in Franklin one day the first of this week. 0. .' Misses Elizabeth and Lassie Kelly were in Andrews Tuesday. The for mer, who has been in Murphy for several days, was in this county in the interest of consolidation, of schools. Andrews News. '. Mr. Chas. H. Norton, of Tryphosa, was in town Monday. Mr. H. D. Dean, pf . Stiles, was in Franklin on business last Monday. Mr. Youel Bradley, of Otto, was a visitlr in Franklin last Monday. Mr. J. H. McDowell, of Tryphosa. was in town on business one day the first of this week. Mr. C. L. Blaine, of Route 1, was a visitor, in Franslin last Monday. Mr. W. J. Berry, of Route 4, was in town on business Monday. , ' Mr. W. H. Grogan, of Brevard, N. S.. district manager for the Woodmen of the World, was here, in the interest of that order last Wednesday. ' Craic Stent), of Aeuone. who has been working with the Montvale Lumber Company, at Fontana, fof the past two years, passed through Andrews Wednesday on his wav tn Aauone, where he will make his home in future. Andrews News. 'Mr. and Mrs. John W. Willis re turned to Franklin last Saturday from Florida, where "tley spent" the winter months. Mr. R. C. Brown, who is now"' in Tennessee, spent t a , few days with friends here th'e first of this Week. iC Mrs. John S. Trotter is" in Knox- ville, Tenn., this week, where she went to buy new stocks of dry .goods and notions for Mr. Trotter's store. ,; , ' ' M'r. J. T. Yonce, of Route 3y was in town on business Wednesday. . Mr. J. F. Wilkes, of Route 3, was a visitor in Frankln.last Wednesday. Mr., and Mrs. Ed Wallace, 6f At lanta, Ga., are here on a visit to Mrs. Wallace's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Cunningham. Miss Fannie Ashe; who has been in Atlanta, Ga.', for several weeks came up Tuesday to spend a few days vth home folks.' . " Mr.. W. M, Scott, who is connected with Carr" Lumber Co., Pisgah Forest, N. C., was in Franklin Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Higdon an nounce -the birth of a son, on Friday April 4, 1924. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Rice are re ceiving the congratulations of their friends on the arrival of a daughter The( young, lady made her first ap pearance in Atlanta, Ga., last Friday, April 4th. Mr. Rice is manager of the local plant of the General Mica and Clay Company. South Skeenah News. March 31. We an having some fine farming weather' at this writing, and the farmers certainly are making good use of it. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Thomas were visiting Mr. . Thomas'- mother, of Coweta,last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Marion Thomas gave a singing Sunday night. A large crowd was there and all had a nice time. Mr. Chas. Kimzey passed through this section last Sunday. Mrs. John Stockton and children were the euest of Mrs. Norman' Stockton last Sunday. , We are going to have an all day singing the third Sunday in this month. Hope everybody will attend. . Little Omah -Stockton was the guest of Miss Bonnie Stockton last Sunday afternoon... . .Mr. Clifton Ledford, from Buck Creek, is visiting friends here this week. . Mrs. Allie Stamey has moved to this creek, She is living with Aunt j .; aggie, Hodgin. Mis. Nettie llodgin and children were visiting on this creek last week, .Misses Nettie Hell Stockton and Bonnie Sanders wer3 the guests of Mrs. Allie Stanley Sunday. Mr. C. D. Hodgin has put up a, new shop on this creek. Mr. A. L. McClure. from Clayton, Ga., took dinner with Mr. Harrison Bates Sunday. A FRIEND Union Items. April 8. We. are having some nice weather at this writing, and it makes the farmers hustle trying to get ready to plant corn. Rev. Van BHarrison filled his reg ular appointment at Union Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zemery Ledford have moved back 'into this section, after moving near Franklin .and staying three days and nights. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Addington were visiting 'Mr. ana Mrs. R. B. Curtis Sunday evening. Mr. L. M Henson made a business trip to FYanklin Monday. Mrs. Will Singleton was visiting Mrs. J. E. Henson Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henson left this section Sunday for Buck Creek, to visit home folks and work a while. Mrs. Mart Hodgin, ofN this section, is going to leave Thursday, for Ly man, Wash.," to make her home for a while. We are sorry to give her up. Mr. Lafayette Henson and son Floyd have moved to the C. J. Hen derson farm. We are glad to have Mr. Henson back with us, as he is a good neighbor. Mr. R. B. Curtis made a business trip to Franklin Monday. .. .;, We are glad to have new neighbors in the Porter house, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Teague. and family. 4 BIG BOY. Picnic Lemonade1. The lawyer was trying to make a point. He asked the witness if he had told everything and was told that he had. "What did you drink at this party ?" he asked. "Water." ' "Nothing strorfer?" persist ;j th; other. "No." "I ask you to refresh your recollec tion. Didn t jcu-have lemonader" "Yes, but I wouldn't cail that stronger." . Nor tit Skeenah 'News. March J, l T he Edwards brother? have becir back' atMheir mill the past week getting, it . in shape to go to Work. ' 1 s Mr. Jake Stockton and sister Nina have returned from Toccoa, Ga., where they have been visiting their sister, -Ruby Bell, for some time Rev. G.vA. Clo from Cowee, preached an interesting sermon at Pleasant Hilt Sunday. Mr. James .Henson," from Prentiss. was the guest of Mr. John A. T. San- ficn Sunday. ' Dr. Angel was in this section Fri- .day, to see Mrs. John Saifclers, who has been .sick for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sanders made "a business trip to Frankln last Friday. ' Mr. George Byrd and his-brother passed through. this section Monday on their way to- their home at Cartoogechaye. Mrs. Pauline Ledford was visiting her sick daughter,-Mrs. Charlie Pitt Monday.. Everybody took advantage of the pretty weather last week and plante'd potatoes. Looks like the Irish cob blers mean to come to the front, to look at the size of the patches the people are planting. BILLY. ' Carkartt Overalls are aii. m IfJ MIMiif' flj I ttU 'life 11 J " 9 Ktfr t If u J. R. PENDERGRAS - r FRANKLIN,- N. C.- MEADOWLAND FARM DAIRY GILMER CRAWFORD. PURE MILK AND CREAM. Daily Deliveries Anywhere in Town. Phone East 37 PURE BRED VHITE LEGHORN EGGS D. W. YOUNG STRAIN. I will take your order for from one to fifty settings. From Pen No, 1, $1.50. From Pen No. 2, $1.00. See me for prices on Ejrgs' from General Flock in lo's of 100 to 500. This is the in America, ANC0NA S The Best in America. EGGS, $1.50 PER 15. Let Me Know Your WanU. GEORGE L. NEWTON Le&therran News. ' April' 8. We are having some; fine weather at this writing and the farm ers are making good use of it.- We are "having -a good Sunday' School at Liberty Baptist Church. . Mr, Robert. GibVcn made a business trip to Woodrow, N. (J., one day last week. " . Mr. J. A. Wilson .of Waynesville, N. C parsed through, this section one day 'iaej ,w;cek. i . Mr. '.Diilard Shepherd was visiting his sister, Mrs. Tom Lanning, at the Big Laurel, last Sunday. ' '' . AH Kinds of Legal Blanks For Sale at the Press Office. 1 When m my CARHARTT OVERALLS and with a , my cto, wm the itaoaiast sm i i mm il l "-t Kl-ltUU rz:-a.i.-jrt.gmnf. jg' sold i vr.v ;!'! ! iy . - v a '"'""'""""trAT Easy To Find on every, genuine "SHIELD BRAND Suit, ihi$ TRADE MARK is your guarantee of full value and service in proportion to price. Let us show you the Ne w Spring moaeis lor men ana young men. They'll interest you. prices 'THZ best White Leghorn strain I '''''"'" 9& A .... .