Fife i . 1 j Volume XXXIX. FRANKLIN, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1924. Number 20. SENIOR CLASS TO PRESENTCOEIEDY Clever Comedy, "Good Even ing, Clarice!" To Be Given by the High School Pupils Next Thursday Evening. Thursday' evening, May 22nd, at 8:00 o'clock, the graduating class of Franklin High School will giive a three-act comedy that is full of in teresting situations, laughs and sur prises. The play is an entertaining one, having thev typical characters that you like to see and some others that you'll be Surprised to see. There's a black-face, a lawyer, a preacher,', a cow-puncher, a dancer, and two young women who are jeal ous of their estimable young hus bands. Come and see what this means: . "Here's my wife in the house with the woman who's supposed to be my wife, with Cousin Mary and the woman I told her was Cousin Mary. How on earth am I going to get out of it?" . "We haven't been married over an hour and you are already telling I proposed to you. I never saw a married man yet that didn't do it, and you're no exception." 1 Seats will be on sale Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, at Frank T. Smith's Drug ' Store. There will be a diagram qf the audi torium, from which you may choose your seat. Admission is twenty-five land fifty cents. , The cast of characters follows: Louis Franklin, a newspaper man Georjrc Johnston. Annette, his wife Emily Kings bery. Elmer Hudson, his friend Paul Newman. ' ' Geo, Elmer's wife Daisy ,Siler. Daphne, the Franklins' maid May Hunnicutt. Aunt Penelope, Annette's aunt Hattie Brendle. Cousin Mary1 from California Eu-t - nice Cunningham. Teddy Langley, her husband Bill Jollay. William Dunkirk from Northville Milton Hauser. Mr. Lewis, the lawyer Haughton Williams. . Clarice dc Mauree, the dancer Car olyn Rogers. Class Day Exercises Of the Senior Class 4 P. M., Friday, May 23 i . i Salutatory George Johnston, History Eunice Cunningham. Poem Carolyn Rogers. Prophecy Paul Carpenter. Music. ' r Will-Daisy-Siler. . Song. Ivy Planting. , Plan to Make Dairying Profitable Next Winter County Agent Arrendale Jias just received the following from Mr. F. R. Farnham, Dairy Specialist for West- , em North Carolina: "Plan now to make dairying p'rofit- able next winter by continually advo- : eating both through your local coun- ty press and personal visits the im portance of your fanners growing 2 V tons of soy bean hay, 10 bushel of '. corn, 8 bushels of oats, 1800 lbs. stock beets of 3 tons of silage for each cow . kept next winter. . "The basis of profitable dairying is the growing of feeds and liberal feeding. , "For the next thirty days keep ham- ; mering on your farmers to grow the above." Are You Putting Up Some Eggs in Water Glass? Macon County farmers would not liave to wait until winter to use any eggs that might be preserved in water glass. They could be used at "home during the tourist season, and the few fresh eggs produced at that season could be sold at a good price. Eastern Star Meeting. ' Regular meeting of Nequassa Chap's- ter. No 43. O. Er S.. Thursday even ting, May 15th, at eight, o'clock.: f Special business. It is hoped that all : members can be present at this ;' meeting. THE PROBLEM OF THE DIRTY EGG: Care Should Be Taken To Keep Eggs Clean, as They Always Bring Better Price on the Market. In seeking to improve the market quality of eggs, next to the problem of the underweight egg is that of the dirty egg.. No matter how fresh and attractive it may be in other re spects the dirty egg can never get on a plane with the clean egg. It is in bad repute with the local buyer and the stigma holds fast all along the line. In other words, the soiled egg is more or less of an outcast with no hope of ever improving its status. The producer often resorts to wash ing to save the day and this helps some but a washed egg is easily de tected and straightway discounted. It is difficult to estimate the economic waste from this, cause but there is no doubt that dirty eggs cut the in come of producers several hundred thousand dollars every year. This considerable loss is regretta ble in that a very large part of it can be prevented. Much of the soiling comes from dirty nests and laying quarters. A little fresh, clean straw in the nests now and then will do much toward keeping eggs clean and mites and lice down. The roosts and dropping platforms and floors should be cleaned regularly jnd new litter added frequently. Often eggs are soiled because too few nets are provided and there is keen competition for the same nests, In some cases eggs are left in nests all day or several days and each hen in laying does her bit to muss up all eggs previously laid. This suggests the need for regular and frequent gathering. During the spring months if drain age .or soil conditions are poor one often notices mud holes and dirty puddles about the houses and run ways of the hens. Such places ffar bor disease organisms and bemire the feet and feathers of hens and they in turn smear the nests and eggs. Such wet places should be filled or drained in some way. Lastly eggs are often stained by dirty hands of the person gathering them or by dirty receptacles in which they are gathered or stored. Grease and oils are very often responsible for smears which can never be re riioved. If eggs are, held, in places where soot or dust collects maiiy of them will lose their fresh attractive appearance. Too much handling, too, will rub off the delicate layers of bloom and cause the egg to take on the shiny appearance of the stale egg. If all poultry raisers would observe these simple precautions 90 per cent of the cases of soiling of eggs could be prevented and a very substantial saving thus be made for the poultry- men everywhere. Charge "Dry" Member of Congress with Being Drunk Washington, -D. C, May 1. The flat and emphatic charge that a "dry member" of Congress was on the floor of the House drunk in the ful lest' sense of the term" was made by Representative Emanuel Celler, a Democrat, of New York, in a letter today to Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, President of . Co!urr'ia University, congratulating linn nn his anti-pro hibition speech. Tuesday. Representative Celler wrote: "As an ' illustration of the utter hypocrisy of prohibition, yesterday in the House a dry member was ac tually drunk in the, 'fullest' sense of that term." . , ' Celler also assured Dr. Butler that the "tide of liberalization of the Volstead Act is rising." He asserted that "before the present session ends we liberals in Congress, will force consideration of the beer bill." . As an alumnus of Columbia, the New York Representative said he was glad his alma ' mater had a "proxy" who. "like David, is willing to fight a Goliath." Following 24 , hours after Judge Klecka, of Baltimore,, had thrown the 2.75 per cent beer hearing before the House judiciary committee into a furore by testifying that he could get a drink in ten Representatives' of fices, in Jfour Senators' offices, Cetfer's charge created a new sensation. . ,' Some of the "dry" leaders-are ex pected to demand that Celler name the member he said was drunk on the floor and prove hTs charge. '" - Trimming BIG ROAD SHOW TO OPEN JUNE 3 Plans Are Now Practically Finished for Unprecedent ed Event in the History of North Carolina. Raleigh, N. C, May 12,-Plans for the "$80,000,000 shirt sleeve road show" which opens in Raleigh. June 3rd. with a breakfast to the Latin American displomatic corps and en gineering representatives, the Gov ernors of elqven Southern States and three members of. President Cool idge's Cabinet will be completed in detail with uie visit of Frank Page, State Highway Commissioner, to Washington and New. York where he goes to confer with, officials of the Pan-American Union. ' The North Carolina' end of the plans have already been completed, down to the reservation of hotel ac commodations for more than .3,000 in vited guests, together with arrange ments for the entertainment of sev eral thousand others, who" will be numbered among the exhibitors of road building machinery and equip ment at, the central exhibition to b-: stagfd in the fair grounds at Greens boro during the week of the mobile exhibition. " ' Construction projects which have been '.designated to demonstrate to the South American engineers and diplomats ihe processes of road con .UriuUon a iid' n::imenanee of every type are being put into shape with modern niiidiiiury assembled on every job. Interpreters with engin eering experience have been retained to make smooth the ways of commun ication between the hosts and the Latin-American guests, even to an address-of welcome in Spanish and another in Portugese at the break fast here. Commencement Program Of the Cullowhee School Cu!lowhee,.N. C; May 12. The Cul lowhee, Normal and lntustrial. 'School is a busy place these days, with teach ers and student's bending every elTort to dose the year, in fine sha;v. Ex aminations will be on the latter part of next week, the commencement program beginning Saturday. May 17. A 'fine program i hfing -.prie, and the indications are that a large number of' alumni and friends of the ii'sMution will be in attendance. The commencement program follows: Saturday.. May 17, 10 A. M.- Annual Meeting of Board of Trustees. 8 P. M. Joint. Program of the Co lumbian and Ero'sophian L'fferary Societies. Sunday, May 18, 11 A. M. -Commencement.' Sermon. Rev. J. Ben Fi ler, Pastor First Baptist Church. Statesville, N. C. 6 P. M. Vesper Service. . Monday. May 19, 5 P. M.-High School Class Exercises. 8 P. M. Normal School Class Ex ercises. Tuesday, May 20. 10 A. M.-Bacca-laureate Address, Dr. R.' D W. Con nor, Kenan Professor of. History, University of North Carolina. 2 P. M. Alumna Banquet. 8 P.M. Faculty Senior Play, "Come Out of the Kitchen." NEWS OF WEEK OF HIGHLANDS Brief Items of Interest from Macon's Pretty Mountain City as Told by Corres pondent of The Press. Miss Perlina Craine, of Atlanta, has been visiting her . parents, M r. and Mrs. Levi Craine. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Paul, on Friday morning. May 2, a son, Clar ence Eugene, weighing l22 lbs. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Church met in a pleasant gathering at the parsonage on Fri day, May 2nd. In the council chamber on Wednes day, April 30th, the League of Wom en Voters met and elected new of ficers. The W. M. U. and Ladies Aid met wih Mrs. Mac Pierson on' Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The next meeting will be at Mrs. W. T. Potts' on May 21st. Miss Pearl Craine, of Rabun Gap, Ga., who has been s'pending the win ter with her aunt, Mrs. 'Gus Baty, and attending the Highlands School, has returned to her home. Miss Evelyn Cleaveland is visiting relatives in Franklin this week. We are sorry to note the illness of Mrs. Corinne Froeneberger. She has with her two nieces, Miss FYoene berger. a nurse, from Asheville, and Miss Lou Gwenn. We sincerely trust that she will soon be Well agahi. Feeding Crops. Now is the time to plan for an abundance of good feed for next win ter. You know just about how much feed it has taken to bring the stock through the winter. Decide right now how many .head you will winter next year, plan to raise all the roughness you will need and as much of the grain as possible. Plaii for an 'abundance of soy bean or cow p'Ca hay. Sow a patch of sorg hum. It is line feed for dairy cattle and will give a variety. Cut the corn while the fodder .is green. When thoroughly dry cut up the leaves and stalks to feed horses, mules and voting cattle. Instead of raising a crop, of weeds on the potato land sow soy beans, just before you cultivate the potatoes the last time and get a good crop of hay for dairy cattle. Let us have more soy beans, cow peas and sorghum, and fewer acres of poor meadow' s'ft producing more weeds than hay. When we raise more and better roughage, we shall get larger profits from the dairy. If you will have eight or more head of cattle to feed next winter build a small silo, about fifty tons capacity. If you .cannot afford concrete, build one of wood. When put up right a wood silo will last a long time and will pay foritself many times over'. No feed is so good, and raised at so little cost as silage. Now is the time to plan for an abundance of good feed for next winter.Federation News. Miss Siler Wins Prize. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Silef received a telegram last week, from the -Secretary of-the New York School of . Ap plied ,; Design, . stating that their daughter.Annicwill, had Won the highest prize offered ty this institu tion, the prize being ascholarship and one hundred dollars (n cash. H0N0R MEMORY 0FF.SJ0HNST0N Memorial Services Held at the Court House on April 23rd for Deceased Member of Franklin Bar. On the 23rd day of April, ,1924, the Franklin Bar met for the purpose of honoring the memory of Frederick Swain Johnston, a fellow member, who died November 17th, 1923, and at the meeting the following proceed ings were had. viz Upon motion duly made, Hon. Hen- i ry G. Robertson was elected Chair man; and Hon. J.' Frank, Ray, Jr., Secretary, and the following resolu tions were unanimously adopted, viz: Whereas. His Honor, Thaddeus D. Bryson, Judge of the Twentieth Judi cial District, holding and presiding at November term. 1923, of the Macon superior Lourt, did make an order of' the Court recorded in its minutes, establishing and fixing the 23rd day of April, 1924, as a date wherein the Bar of this District pay their tributes t '" 'the "mettlory of Frederick Swain Johnston, who died in Franklin, on the 17th day of November, 1923, and in said order did appoint the under signed a a committee to present suitable and proper resolution to this Court. And Whereas, Frederick Swain Johnston, son of Jackson and Eugenia C. lohnston. was born on the 12th dav j of April, 1867, lived, in Franklin and' was educated in the common schools of that town, graduated in the year 1887, from Emory University, married A A 11 . . c t .1. r Mimic Alien, oi rorsyui, ueorgia, in the year 1889, and to them were born" three sons and two daughters, Eugenia Lynn Johnston, Jack Allen j ui in .i ivju, i i tuti iv.iv uwaui J UIUOllH, Jr., Annie Elizabeth Johnston, and Robert Johnston; he studied law un der the Honorable Geo. A. Jones, and later entered the law school of the University of North Carolina, and at September term, 1892, of the Supreme Court, obtained license to practice law in North Carolina, and immedi ately thereafter returned to Franklin, and began the practice of law, later forming a patrnership with Judge George. A. Jones, and after the death of Judge Jones, forming a partner ship with Mon. G. L. Jones, which (ontinued until Mr. Jones became Assistant Attorney General of the State, and then with A.W.Horn, practicing continuously until his death. " . And Whereas, Our long and inti mate, association with our Brother Johnston has impressed upon us his unfailing courtesy, gentlemanly bear ing, .dignified conduct, kindly heart, and we know him to be an incorrttp- IIIUV l'll71l, UI1I5C, dILU (til ilUIC and i.priglit lawyer, "Who stood four, square to all the wind that blows." a lover of justice; a faithful friend, and an honest man, who in all the varied relations of life rose to the full censure of his . responsibility, ever courteous and obliging, and ever considerate-and 1 in d. and in his death we" have lot a friend, and the Slate has lost an able citizen. - Now, Therefore, B?"-' It Resolved, That while we bow i - humble sub mission to the decree i : the Omnipo tent Judge, we deeply nil most sin cerely mourn the loss f one so use ful to the community ;ud so loved by his fellowmen and that while his pub lic and professional actions are grav en upon' the records, of 'this county, yet his virtues have been, graven up on our hearts, never to be effaced till we join him in that great tribunal, -"That Court of Courts." Be It Fu-ther Resolved, That our heartfelt sympathy be extended to the,, widow, and family of our de ceased friend and brother, Be It Further. Resolved,' That a page of the minutes of this court be set apart and dedicated.' to, his mem ory, and that thes minutes,' and of the proceedings of the Court thereon be spreacFupon said page that future generations may know that while a tjbodman has gone from us,' yet the good he did lives, and will live long after we likewise haye gone. ' Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions duty certi- i