THE FRANKLIN 0 PRESS FridayMay 16, 1024 Page Two ficd by the Court be .transmitted to lhc family of. the deceased Brother Lawyer, and copies furnished to the newspapers of this District. r Respectfully submitted, LASSIE KELLY, . J, FRANK KAY, JR., CEO. 13. PATTON, T. FRANK RAY, SR., ' (ilLM'l'R A. JONES, G. L. JONES, A. W: HORN, ' " ' HENRY G. ROBERTSON. R. D. SISK. . . T. J. JOHNSTON. The resolutions' above were of ..fered by A. VV. Horn, and upon mo tion of G. L. Jones, and seconded by R. D. Sisk, was unanimously adopted. The Chairman, Mr. Robertson, or dered that the resolutions be trans mitted to the Clerk, of the Superior Court of Macon County, North Caro lina, for recording, a copy to the family of the deceased and a copy to the Franklin . Press, and Asheville Citizen for publication. HENRY G. ROBERTSON, Chmn. . J. FRANK RAY, JR., Secretary. It is ordered by the Court that the Resolutions and minutes of the Lai Meeting be recorded in the Minute Docket.. P. A. McELROY, " Judge Presiding, North Carolina Macon County. I, Frank I. Murray, Clerjv of the Superior Court '..of Macon County, hereby certify that the foregoing s a true, correct, and perfect copy' of the Memorial Services in honor of Hon orable F. S. Johnston, as shown by the Minutes' of Superior Court of Ma con County. Witness my hand and seal, this the 8th day-of May, 1924. ;, FRANK I. MURRAY, Clerk Superior Court, Macon Coun ty, North Carolina. Upper Cartoogechaye News. Most of the farmers in this section have nearly finished planting corn. Mr. Harrison Bates, of Skeenah, passed through this section Sunday on his way to Buck Creek. :. Mr. Zeb Anderson left Monday for Buck Creek. ' Mrs. Carolina Elliott, of. .Teresita, is spending a few days with friends and relatives here. Mr. Lester Dills, of Skeenah, was visiting this section Sunday. Mr. Harlie Huscusson and son Les ter, of Shooting Creek, were visiting in this section the week end. . Mr. Joe Blaine, of Pots Branch, spent a few days with Mr. Hez Dills the past week. The Sunday School is progessing nicely under the leadership of Mr. Henry Greenwood. Messrs. Jesse Guffie and Nealous Huscussop. left last week for Rich Mountain. . Mr, Ed Passmore, of Nantahala. was a business visitor in this section a' few days ago. v Mr. Chas. Rhodes, of Teresita. passed through this section Monday. Mr. Charlie Slagle, of Lower Car toogechaye, passed through this sec tion Monday. We are glad to see Mr. L. D. Dills out again. Mr. Charlie Dills was visiting his . neighbors on the creek Sunday. Mr. Will Anderson made a business trip to Lower Cartoogechaye last J 'Monday. Mr. Albert . Greenwood, of Poplar Cove, was visiting in this section Sunday. Miss Annie Anderson is spending a few days with home folks. Everybody come to Sunday School : next Sunday. R. P. B. Going! Going! ..' There is still a chance to act before the summer falls. When the auction eer cries "Going! Going!" he soon fol lows with the barfg of the hammer and the final word "Gone!" Every farmer should plan to grow enough feed to carry his stock and his cattle through next winter. The time to plan for and plant, for this feed is Going! Going! Before it is too late get in all the feed crops possible.' Use all available 6pace and plant feed crops. This has been a long, hard winter for the man who had cattle to feed and many a farmer has seen his sup ply of feed dwindle down to nothing. Many a farmer has had to buy hulls and hay, at high prices, to carry his stock through till pasture came. When we buy roughness we can say "Good Bye" to the profits in the beef cattle or the dairy business. Before it is too ate. plan for next winter. There is always a good market for hay, straw or roughness if you have more than you need when next March comes around. Many fields of clover, on which the owners were depending for hay this 'summer, were frozen out last winter. It is therefore all the more necessary t grow extra feed crops. Soy beans and cane will turn off a large tonnage of valuable feed. Cane seems to be growing in favor. Many of the dairy men are stating that cane cultivated in rows like corn and thes stacked in the fall returns more feed than any other crop. , - Plan for and plant for enough feed to carry all your stock through next winter. Farmers' Federation News. SEED POTATOES . IN THE GROUND The two carloads of Certified Irish Cobbler seed potatoes, of the famous Prince Edward Island strain, are sold out clean. These twelve hundred bushels, together with the certified seed raised in Buncombe and Hender son last year, should give us a strong start in the certified seed potato busi ness. These potatoes arc now in the giound. Our success will depend on the faithfulness and care with which the growers cutivate and dust them. Every dusting counts but remember that the fifth diisting counts more than . all the rest of the operations Every extra day that the.plants can be kept green at the end of the season means extra ield. Remember this and get in your dustings or sprayings every ten days surely. Do not let the rush of work or wet weather prevent' regular: dusting, because if yous get behind 'on the first or second dusting you will not be able to get five dust ings in before the vines have wilted. The seed potato business promises to become "'a big industry for this sec tion. Its success will depend on the faithfulness and care of the growers this year. Farmers Federation News. Goose Holler Iter?i3c Anothe'r year has come and -gone, and the voice of the turtle is heard in the land, and another sign that spring has-come, Js that the foot-tuby and gunny-sack foot-towel again adoru the back porches of Goose Holler's frugal homes, and hanging above the tub and - towel may. be seen a long, keen hickory sprout, as a gentle re minder ior the youth of the house hold to put said tub. and towel to their proper use, before seeking their place of repose, or else the use to which the said sprout was assigned would be impressed upon them in a more forcible way. They've gone and got them a new preacher down here at. Luke-Warm Church, one whose heart is full of what we call the old-time religion He preaches the Gospel, the whole Gospel, and nothing but the Gospel, and he's not afraid he's going to say something or 'nother that some of them won t like. I think he s jist about sich a preacher as Paul and Silas . Baranbus used to, be and you know they was both better preachers than most of these college graduates'. for they preached with' the spirit and the understanding, and .this preacher they've got down at Luke-Warm Church has got so much more re ligion, than most of the people in this neck of woods, that even his own church members say he's going crazy on the subject of religion. It seems kind of strange to me, that every time a preacher gets in dead earnest, and talks like he meant what he said, and will practice what he preaches, that people will say he's studied, preached and talked religion so long and hard that he's losing his mind and they think he oughtn't to be allowed to preach no longer. But a political speaker can ramp and rave, throw his arms around like a pair of winding-blades, till he turns black in the face,--and get so excited that he'll holler loud enough to be heard a mile, and the audience will cheer, and hoi ler, and get as excited as he is. But nobody ain't a going to accuse him of being weak minded. No sir. He's one of the most intelligent and best informed men they ever saw. Re ligion don't seem to live and grow in Goose Holler now like it did SO years ago. In those days I knew men and women who wouldn't only talk re ligion, hut would act like they had the genuine ' article, and wasn't ashamed of it, and nobody didn't ac cuse them of being crazy neither, and it hasn't been more than . 50 years since there's men and women right here in Goose Holler who'd keep the Sabbath, too. They'd not shave, black shoes or visit much on Sunday, and would only read their Bible, and religious books and papers on Sunday, and in them days there's men who thought more of ther re ligion than they did of their money, and they was men of jist as good common sense as the people of. to day, and if the young and rising gen eration don't believe it, jist let them come down here in Goose Holler and they can find old men who will testi fy to the fact,, a man don't have to have no brains in his head before he can have religion in his heart, and the men that have most of both, are the men who make the world better for having lived in it. .-..', JESS NONSENSE. Body Like a Motor. If it were possible to cnclos man so' that whie he Could breathe, no heat could escape from his body, he would die quickly. . , Such is the result of a test con ducted recently by Dr. T. H. Read, of the Department of the Interior and F C. Houghton of the American Society ot ventilating engineers. They say that the body is only an internal combustion engine, and, like all other engines of this type, must be cooiea to tunction properly, kvapora tion of sweat is the body's usual method of cooling itself. Popular inence Monthly. ARTHUR DAVES. We lament the loss of a friend and broil. or, It is sad and lonely now, But in heaven, we hope to meet him Where to the Savior, we will bow. . ' !' I cannot think that he is gone So far away, ..'' He's resting now! He will, return!. . He will not stay! ' . ' Fannot think that pleasant smile No more we'll see 'Tis only veiled a .little while, From you and me. That cheerful voice Is not hushed for aye, ,' In angel choir, it will rejoice Some long, glad day. I'cannot think that brilliant brain . Will mount no more; For loftier height it will attain. New realms explflfp. That loving heart Won't throb alone, With Christ he chose, the better part All his are ohe! A loving Father's hand I trace, In all I see, He went to prepare a place For you and me. 0, patience, heart, grief unalloyed, Is not his will! On earth there is no aching void But heaven can fill. The past is o'er waste not thy days ' iu'vain regret; Grieve thou no more, Look now before and not behind thee . Do not fret the past is o'er. ' r The paiij... was,. sore. . and there was cause for sorrow, Yet. grieve thou no more Close memory's door, that day is dead That sun has set, the past is o'er. There are in store for you and me, Still happy' days, so, forget! And grieve no more, smile as of yore, No. longer let thine eyes be wet. Grieve not .any more, For we will meet Dear Arthur again some day, On heaven's beautiful shore. AN OAK DALE FRIEND. Farmers' Money Gone West. Consumers are paying high prices for farm products on the local mar kets but very little of this money is remaining in' Western North Caro lina. The local markets are full of apples, but these apples are from the west; Hood river apples! Idahp po tatoes! California lettuce! Chicago beef'aii'l hams! Tennessee butter! Tennessee eggs! The consumers are paying for farm , products but the money goes straight west. . Help hold the dollar. He is going due west unless we can stop him. and stop him !we can. The way fo stop him is by growing more apples, more potatoes, more truck, more pouhry, more cows. We need the dollars in our homes, we need the dollars for our schools, and for our churches. We can only collar . the dollar by growing more produce and putting it up in first-class packages, Make your plans now to help collar the dollar. Set your hens and increase the' size of your flocks of poultry, double your acreage of potatoes, put more cws in your barns and get on a cream route and keep the money at home. . The consumer wants it kept at home, the banks will help you keep it at home, your family needs it at home. Help collar the dollar. Farm ers' Federation !News. (With the hay front our meadows, clover and soy beans, and the apples from our orchards, it looks as if none of Macon County's dollars should go west next year. From the cream that is being sold, the poultry sales that are being held, and the po tatoes, cabbage and beans that are being planted, it looks like many dol lars would come to Macon County.) -The Poultry Flock. V r Crowd your chicks for rapid growth.. As soon as the young cock erels weigh from a pound and a quarter to a pound and' a half sell them for friers, getting the money and cutting down the feed bill. Push the pullets so they will make as rapid a growth as possible and will begin laying in October Watch' the old henscarefullv and get rid of them as soon as they" stop laying instead of feeding them all summer and selling them in the fall. A hen that will pay to keep should keep' right on laying until she begins moulting in the fall. Get rid of the quitters as soon as possible.- At this time of year eggs are cheap, but the flock is at the peak of production). As soon as the pro duction of eggs begins to drop hunt out the loafers and sell them. During the hot weather the price of eggs will be higher and there will be about the same profit from a smaller flock, of good layers, provided you curf ot the boarders. Farmers' Federation News. ' VILL SAVE YOU HONEY ; If you knew that you could get several dollars back for every dollar you invested it. would not take you' long'to decide, would it ? You would invest at once. ..'' ' i Well, that is just what you can do by investing in the subscription price to your Local Newspaper. It will be the means of saving you several dollars during the year if you will allow it to do so. It is the best in vestment you can make for the money. ''..; Say nothing about, the local news it carries but consider it just as a business proposition, a money .saver. It carries the advertisements of the local mer chants, and by keeping track of these from week to week you will be able during the year to save yourself many times the cost of the year's subscription in buy ing the things you need and want. All you have to do 'is to watch the advertising columns and the bargains offered by your home merchants will-allow you to supply your wants at the bargain prices they offer. ' This helps in another way. It helps the local mer chant to keep, up his stock if you buy at home and makes his a better store for your community. It helps the newspaper business, which is boosting your home town every week.. Both of these help you as they help to make your town a little better and that means increasingthe value of your property. ' You get the idea? Take your home newspaper as an investment, not as a sort of act of charjty, but be cause it will be worth real money to you. You can make it worth more or less, just as you use it. But if. you depend on borrowing it instead of having it sent direct to you, there-will be many times when it gets around to you too late. Those who subscribe for it and get it right away will have taken the bargain you may want. Get your name on the list right away. North Skeenah Locals. .fir. Edwards passed through thi.--section on his way to the saw mill.' Mr. Jesse Sander's is back from South Carolina, where he has been at work. " Mr. Robert Carpenter was in Franklin the past week on business. Drs. Siler and Fouts were up to sec Mrs. Fred Henderson Tuesday, j She is very sick. We wish her a speedy recovery. . .. t Mr. Charey Pitts purchased a car the past week. BILLY. for. Economical Transportation THE 1924 CHEVROLET IS THE WORLD'S GREATEST AUTOMOBILE VALUE Heavier Rear-Axle. ' ? ' Improved Braking System. Greater Road Clearance.' Added Body and Motor Refinements. ;.' and The Famous High-Powered Valve-in-Head Chevrolet Engine. v . Let us , give you a Demonstration of this Remarkable Car. , THE PRICE IS $600.00 AT FRANKLIN Terms if Desired. LYLE THE FRANKLIN PRESS 52 Weeks for $1100 Pay-as-you-enter It stops when you stop Send your subscription NOW Scroll Nws. Messrs. Geo. Gregory and Luther McCall-attended the Federal Court at Asheville a few days ago. , On the 911;, Mr. Alex Shook and daughter, Miss Daffa, of Shookville. were listing taxes at the .Walnut Creek school house, t Mr. Zack Peek made a . business . trip to Ellijay a few days ago. . Mr. C. N. Jones is very much bet ter at present. '..'.' Mr. A. B. Moses is at home again from his Jackson County trip. F.M. 1 C0IIPANY

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