Volume XXXIX. SCHOOL CLOSED HERELASTVEEK Commencement Exercises of Franklin School, Field May 18-23, Were Most Success ful Ever Held Here. " A large congregation assembled in the' Methodist Church an Sunday morning, May 18th, to hear Rev. A. J. Smith deliver the baccalaureate sermon to the graduates of Franklin High School. The choir "was com posed of students of the school, who santr "Lovelv AoDea'r" by Gounod. Mrs. Smith Harris sang "The Lorilaimissioner Frank Page and directed Mv Shepherd." Miss Margaret Rog ers was organist for. the service., ' Mr. Smith took for his, text 1 Cor inthians, IX. Chap., part' of the 16th. verse: "For necessity is laid upon me',"' delivering ,one of the most forceful sermons ever heard in Franklin. Tuesday evening the Junior-Senior reception was held in the school auditorium. Two delightful one-act plays were given. These were fol lowed by the presentation of tiny gold and white diplomas to the Sen iors. They were found to contain fortunes written in verse., After several-games, gold and white cream and cake were served. Wednesday evening the grade ex ercise's were given in the presence of a large audience. The wee folk fur nished a most pleasant entertainment. The folk dances, recitations, songs, play, and May pole dance, were most attractive. t The Senior play, "Good Evening, Clarice t". was most successfully, pre sented to a large and interested aud ience. It was a splendid production. Friday afternpon the Seniors held their Class Day Exercises' and Tree Planting" at the school house. The class president, Mr. George Johnston, was salutatorian; Miss Eunice Cun ningham was class .historian ; Mr. Paul Carpenter was class prophet ; Miss Carolyn Rogers was class poet; Miss Daisv Siler was class testator, and Miss Emily. Kingsbery was vale dictorian. The class president made the speech of dedication at the Tree Planting, after which the class sang The Ivy Song while he planted the ivy, "symbol of love of the class of '24." The graduating , exercises were opened by . the invocation, by Mr. Pipes, Friday evening. A chorus of girls sang "Come Follow Me." The address was delivered by Mr. H. Babcock, of Elon College. He made a strong appeal for education, urging the members of the class to continue their efforts.- Rev. A. J. Smith presented the scholarship prizes, first prize going to Miss Betty Sloan, whose yearly average was 9? 7-8, and second to Miss Lois Ferguson, whose yearly average was 95 5-8. Rev. J. Q. Wallace presented twenty-nine seventh grade crtificates. Mr, M. D. Billings, presented teach ers' certificates, to the following stu dents of the -teacher Training De partment: , . Blanche : Cabe, Elizabeth Deal, Marguerite Fultori, Milton Hauser, Katherine : Hunnicutt, May Ilunnir cutt, Anne; Siler, . Daisy Siler and Pauline Snyder. Sunt W -TT Crawford, before awarding the High School diplomas, read a jtelegram of congratulations from Miss Bertha Grey Gallman. He also read an announcement of a gift of $?00 to the school from the grad- ' 1 the desire that this be used to pur chase History and English reference hooks for a school library. . .The ; following' students received diplomas : Clyde Arrendale, Dave Blaine, Har riet Brendle, Lily Calloway, Paul Car penter, Margaret Cozad, Eunice Cun ningham, Elizabeth Deal, Milton Hauser, May Hunnicutt, Katherine Hunnicutt, George Johnston, Robert Johnston, Emily Kingsbery, Grace Moore; Paul Newman, Carolyn Rog ers, Annie Laurie Siler, Margaret Siler. Frederick Sloan. - After the graduating exercises the Seniors and their sponsors were most delightfully entertained by the class president at a buffet supper in his hdme. Two delicious courses were served, after which, in the gold and white dining room, favors were given to the guests. This was tffft most pleasant class meeting of the year, j . FRANKLIN, N. G, FRIDAY, MAY 30, STATE TO BUILD UOOillLELAVN Shoulder Along North Caro lina's Paved Roads Will Be Set in Grass as Part of thv Maintenance Plan. Raleigh, N. C, May 24. Beginning as soon as seed enough can be found fof the business the North Carolina Highway Commission will become the proprietor of the biggest lawn in the State, being approximately 1,400 miles long and twenty feet wide, act cording to plans approved by Corn- to be put into effect immediately. The work has already started in the Fourth District, and is ready to be gin in other districts., The "lawn" will be sowed along the shoulders of the 1,400 miles of paved roads in the state system, the ten feet of soil on either side of the paving being set in some tough grass that will resist erosion, and not be hurt by automobiles that leave., the paving in passing or for other causes. It is believed that the entire program will be well under way before the end of the summer, and much of the mileage completed. . . Primarily the plan is to simplify the problem of maintaining the dirt shoulders of the paving slab. Trouble has been experienced everywhere in keeping a smooth surface on them, due to the fact that traffic leaves the pavement, and a heavy rain will scor.e them badly. The grass will save the washing out of the shoulders, and in a large measure prevent the rutting of the shoulders by the tires of auto mobiles that leave the pavement. ' Bermuda grass will be used, since it offers the greatest resistance to weathering and to traffic. Where it is possible, the sodding will be done by transplanting, but in some in stances, the seed will have to be sown. The work will begin at the ?uter edge of t!i3 shoulder and work in to ward the paving, and when the grass is fully set, an almost impenetrable mass of roots will be in the way of washing or traffic burdens. Scenically the completed work will add immeasurably to the appearance of the roads. Instead of the miles of red dirt alongside the paying there will be a well kept plot of grass. In places where the roads have cut through embankments, honeysuckle vines will be set to stay the progress of erosion. Plans for setting trees along the roads have been urged upon Mr. Page, but he maintains that they will add nothing to the utility of the roads, and the state would not be jus tified in using the people'st money purely for decorative purposes. Don't Pull Fodder, Plant Hay Crops Now Raleigh, N. C, May 24.-"Many sermons, articles, letters and other speeches both written and spoken have been directed at the practices of pulling fodder and cutting corn tops; but, it is useless to, preach, on this subject in the late summer or fall," says E. C. Blair, extension ag ronomist for the State College of Agriculture. "It's too late then. At that time the farmer generally has his last cha;ice to provide sufficient feed for the coming winter and rather than do without, he saves it from his corn crop; For that year, therefore, he is compelled-to take the tops and fodder or else hire, a shredding outfit and in most cases that is, out of the question. This,, then, is why provis ion for hay and roughage should be made at. this season of the year." , ' Mr. Blair states that by August or September it is easy to realize the ad vantage of a mowing machine over the bare hands' as a gatherer of roughage. The proper time to give the matter consideration is while there is yet time to plant hay crops. If enough hay is grown for livestock, then the fodder and tops will not be needed: Soybeans and cowpeas may be planted now and will make from one to two tons of nutritions' hay per acre. Sudan grass, sorghum and the millets all yield heavily on good land. Some farmers may find it convenient to plant a hay crop after wheat, oats or rye and still others may replace part of the corn crop with a planting 'for hay. --. ' At other times of the year red clover, alsike clover, Japan tlorer, sweet clover, alfalfa, vetch, oats, rye, barley, wheat, grasses and many oth er crops might be used for hay. Cloudy and j .... . igPjf -ft J? jr NEW MACHINE OF DEATHJNVENTED Diabolical Death Ray May Be Instrumental in Win ning Next War Invented by Englishman, London, England, May 24. A dia? bolical "death fay," irresistible force that may win the next world war, was sought by two nations today, while its inventor, Grindell Mathews, wavered between loyalty to his conn 's try and a tempting offer of financial support' from across the channel. Mathews is an Englishman, but the lukewarm attitude of the labor gov ernment toward his ray, which slays at great distances, made him turn to France for assistance in perfecting the invention. He started partnership with a Frenchman named Royer, at Lyons. There is no reason to doubt the French government's interest in Roy er's share in the enterprise. Before it was too late, however, Mathews' country called him. Naval and military men of 'England urged so vigorously that the "death ray" be investigated that the govern ment agreed, to a conference. Mathews conferred today with Sir Geoffrey Salmond at the air ministry, and is understood to have arranged, for a demonstration of the death ray on Monday. In the meantime, Math ews let it be known that he would accept a French offer forthwith un less the British government assists with further experiments. , . While he guards jealousiy the se cret of the ray, Mathews talks freely enough of its possibilities. . "It can kill humans, orwreck an airplane, up to a distance of six or eight miles," he said. "It cannot sink battleships approaching the coast, but it can put their machinery out of commission. "A line, of forts a few miles apart, each equipped with the ray would- be complete 'protection against an eno my air fleet, which could be Brought down in flames. "I do not believe the ray is effec tive .at' a" greater " distance than ' ten miles," the inventor added. Rocky Branch Locals.. We have been having some pretty weather for the past few days, and everybody is busy 'planting again. Mr. ' Jay Gibson was visiting on Iotla last week. Miss Olive Poindexter . was 'the guest of Mrs.' Sol Jacobs last Sunday night. Mrs. John Baldwin was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gene,, Jacobs, lasV, Monday. Mrs Walter Angel has been very sick for the past, week. We wish her a ipeedy recovery. Wc were deeply grieved last Thurso day morning to hear of the death of Uncle Henry Raby. We will miss him, but our loss is his eternal gain. He was laid to rest at the Iotla Methodist cemetery. The many friends of Jotla were glad to welcome Mrs. Annie McKay and little daughter Virginia back again. BLUE EYED DAISY. - 1924. Unsettled --Iva.caw;.:.;:;-'... .tiE '-.:,xl; ;. - "'A,'.( M HOW MUCH FOOD F0RETOYC0W How Much Food will It Take For One Good Dairy Cow for One Year? Is Question Asked by Dairymen. Raleigh, N. C, May 26.-1 low much food will it take for one good dairy cow for one year? This is a question many prospective dairymen would like to know. J. A. Arey, dairy extension specialist for the . State College of Agriculture, answers the question for North Carolina conditions but he bases his figures on the amount it will take for next winter in order that those dairymen who have not done so may make their plans now for growing as much of the neces sary food as possible this summer. Mr.' Arey says"Now is the time to plan .for profitable milk production next winter. This can be done if each owner will produce for his cow, 1 1-2 tons' of legume hay, 15 bushels of corn, 10 bushels of Oats, and 3 tons of stock beets or com silage. "If this amount of food is grown for each cow.and 300 pounds of cot tonseed meal and 300 pounds of wheat bran purchased, -where they are not grown on the farm, and fed in con" nection with these feeds, together with pasture and some low protein roughage,- a balanced-ration may be supplied throughout the year." Roasting Ears With Butter. . ,, ,, Raleigh, N. C, May 24. No vege table is more tempting than a "nice plate of , roasting ears well cooked, served with good fresh butter.' If one is afraid he will burn his fingers, the corn may be cut from the cob and cooked in that way. In order to have this fresh corn for the table daily, repeated plantiugs may be' made until tin: first of Aug usi, suggests R. F. Payne, extension horticulturist for the State College of Agrichlture. Two of the varities most commonly used in this State, for roasting ears are Norfolk Market and. Trucker's. Favorite.- However, neith tr of these varieties is the best as they arc not in the sweet corn group. Once sweet corn, is used, Mr.,Payne states that the taste for other varie: ties is" permanently lost. Two of he best varieties of sweet corn are Country Gentleman and Evergreen. "Any soil well adapted to field corn will grow good sweet corn," says Mr. Payne.' "Sod soij that has been turned is best. It should be thorough ly prepared, well manured and fer tilized. A good high grade fertilizer applied at the rate of 1,000 to 2,000 pounds , per ace , will give good re sults.' Cultivation should be' giveft frequently " throughout the entire growing season. "Sweet corn should be planttd about 2 inches deep in rows 3 to 3 1-2 feet apart and 2 1-2 to 3 feet apart in the row. Three or four grains shpuld be put per hill. "Do not neglect to make frequent plantings. Always remember, that the surplus can usually be disposed of locally at a gopd price." Number 22. MR. J. H. CANNON DIES INCLAYT0N One of the Foremost Citizens of Our Neighboring Geor gia County Passed Away .' ' Last Week. - ftP"' V"f , - Kitta.'i Clayton, Ga May 23. "Mr. Cannon is dead." Swiftly, but laden with a breath of sorrow, the news was spread- abroad, Wednesday evening jtist as the day was dying, that Henry Cannon had quietly passed away at his home at the Blue Ridge Hotel. For . days, loved ones and friends had lingered near, hoping to hear that he ,woold be able to overcome his physical weakness, but very little hope was held out on account of his weakened condition caused from acute Bright's disease and a deranged heart. . Mr. Cannon was fifty-two years old at his last brithday and a native of Rabun County. He was born and reared near Wiley, at the old Cannon homestead. ( Thirty years ago he was married to Miss Celia Phillips,, of South Caro lina, who survives him. He was the eldest of a large family of children and leaves, besides his mother, four brothers, Walter, Charlie, Frank and Jabel, and " four sisters, Mesdames Sallie Thompson, Ed Norton, L. Nev ille and Annie Ussery. Eleven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Cannon, all of whom are liv ing except Mrs,, J. C. Justus. Those living are Mrs. Isie McCurry, Miss Maud, Horace, Gervice, R. E., Mil dred, J. H., Jr., Jimmie, Chleo,. Carrie Belle, and four grandchildren, Ola, Caroline, Junior and Melba McCurry. Probably the highest tribute paid the deceased is the great number of folks who linger near and with one accord acclaim, "He was my friend." Mr. Cannon was a man of the peo ple, who knew and loved his neigh bors and no doubt had accommodat ed more people than any man of his day, for it was his custom to help every worthy cause that came to his attention. It is said of him that he would buy anything that a farmer brought to town and offered for sale, even though he did not always profit thereby, he loved to help those who tried to help themselves. , .Eight years ago he identified him self with the Baptist .Church and since that time has been a potent factor in the church affairs of this town and community. One of the , last of his business transactions was to subscribe five hundred dollars to ward the purchase of a lot on which to eVect a new Baptist Church. , Mr. Cannon was one of the most progressive citizens of the county and had implicit faith in the future of Clayton and Rabun County, as is evidenced by his having recently rented his store room to some par ties who wanted to enter business here, and erected for himself a new store room. Just a few days ago he was heard to remark that if he lived he intended to cover the Blue Ridge block with business houses just as fast as he could build them.' Though a man of large business affairs he was never too busy to at tend the minutest affairs of . family and friends. ' . ; ; lie loved his friends, was devoted to his family and devoutly worshipped his Creator. The funeral and interment will be at the Baptist Church Friday after noon at two o'clock; in Charge of the local pastors, Revs. J. W. Kesterson and R, P. Ethridgej " . ,-. , . Words fail with wh h to express the sympathy 'that goe out to his de voted companion and i 1 ildrcn. Only an All Wise Provideno: knows best. May his children grow up in his footsteps and be a blessing to the community as' has been their hon ored father. -Clayton Tribune. North Carolina Sends Delegate to National Holstein Convention North Carolina breeders of Holstein cattle will be represented ,at the 39th annual eonvention of The Holstein Friesian Association-)! America at Rirhmond, Virginian uie 4th; by Tom Pemberton, oMenboro. Thirty eight state? and onjCanadian prov ince have elected wdeJegates to at tend this meeting, the first to be held in "Dixie" by the National Holstein Association.