7 fV I .,1 ii in 1 f Volume XXXIX. FRANKLIN, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTQBER 24, 1924. Number 43. v FT Mr JUDGE RAY DIES IN BALTIMORE Was Undergoing Treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital When Death Came Last Tuesday Night. I . ; .; Judge J. Bis Ray, of Burnsville, member of the Superior Court bench, died Tuesday night, October 21st, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, where he has been undergoing treat ment, according to word received by ment, according to press dispatches. Judge Ray had been on the Super ior Court bench for a number of ( years and was one of the best known jurists in the State. He was at one time president of the Black mountain Railroad. Judge Ray was well known here, where he had held 'court a number of times during his period of service on the bench. He was recognized as an able jurist and forceful in his marj r.cr. . Early in the year Judge Ray under went an operation at Asheville, after which he was unable to hold court for several weeks, other judges holding his courts for him. He re lumed to the bench a month or two later, but was not strong afterwards. judge Ray was a vigorous cham pion of the dry forces and often spoke of the danger of a man who had whiskey in him driving a car. He was also well versed in mountain lore and knew and was liked by the Cherokee Indians on the reservation in the western part of the State. Upper Tesenta News. - . Mr. D. E. Smith gave an old-time bean shelling Saturday night. A large crowd was present, and all reported a nice time. Mise Helen Smith was the guest of .Miss Meggie Brown Saturday night. Miss Gertrude Patterson came home from' Highlands Sunday. Misses Pearl Smith, Emma Ballew and Meggie Brown were the guests of Misses Leona, Bessie Mae and Gertrude Patterson Sunday evening. Messrs. Earl Cabe, Lyman Ballew and Dave Smith were the guests of Mr. W. H. Patterson last Sunday evening. Mrs. Claude Patterson was the guest of Mrs. A. C. Ballew Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oden Penland were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Patterson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cling Wood are vis iting friends" on Tesenta. - Mr. George Keener was the .guest of Mr. W. A. Keene,r Sattirday night and Sunday. t g Mr. Martin Justice was visting Mr. Harve Justice Sunday. Miss Bessie Patterson made a busi ness trip to Otto Saturday. Miss Meggie Brown was' the guest of Mrs.. Harve Justice Saturday morning. . Mrs. W. M' Brown and daughter were, the guests of Mrs. J. J. Smith Wednesday. Mr. Jim Cabe was visiting at Mr. W. M. Brown's Sunday morning.' BLACK-EYED SUSIE. Declaration of War. i - "Say, man'warned oc, "don't mess wid me. 'cause when you does yo' sure is flirtin' wid de hearse." "Don't jestercate wid me you fool," replied the other, shaking his fist, "don't fo'e'e me to press dis on you 'cause ef I docs I'll hit yo' so hard I'll separate, yo' ideas from yo' habits. ' I'll jest knpek yo' - from amazin' grace to a floatin' opportunity." "Ef yo' mess wid me, man," -continued the other, "I'll make one pass .an dere'll be a, man pattin' yo-' in de face wid a ' spade tomorrow morn an'." Brooklyn Citizen. Public Speaking. . Hon. Felix E. Alley will address the Voters of the Tenth District upon the pending issues of the present cam paign, at the following times and places : Franklin, Friday, October 24th, at . S P. M. Highlands, Saturday, October 15th, .at 11 A. M. Cashiers Valley, Saturday, October 25th. at 3 P, M. Gknville, Saturday, October 36th, .at 8 P. M. Mr. Alley is one of the most force- ful orators of the State, and everyone is cordially invited to hear him, rc .gardlcss of their political affiliations. New National Forest 1 Created in Georgia The Benning National Forest, near Columbus, Ga., has just been formally created by proclamation of the Pres ident, announces the Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Cither national forests .in Geoigia are the Cherokee and the Nantahala, both of which are located in the northeast ern section of the State, The Benning National Foretst is lor cated .within the area embraced by the Fort Benning Military Reserva tion, the forest boundaries 'Deluding about 80 per cent of the military res ervation, or. 87,500 acres. The authority for creating this new forest was granted by the Chrke-Mc-Nary Act, passed by Congress in June, 1924. This law provides that national forests may be created on existing military and naval reserva tions with the consent of the cabinet officer whose department controls such reservation and subject to regu lations mutually agreed upon'. The War Department under the agree ment will haye unhampered use of the Benning Forest for military pur poses. An excellent stand of Southern Pine iimber is on the Benning area and the Forest Service expects to harvest forest products both for military use and for sale. One-fourth of the receipts from the Benning National Forest will be turned back to the counties in which the forest is situated for school and road funds. An additional 10 per cent of the receipts will be spent by the Forest Service on roads . and trails within the area.. News From Lyman. Lyman, Wash., Oct. 14. Rev. Ver gil Ramey filled his regular appoint ment Sunday. He preached a very interesting sermon. We are sorry to report that Love Thomas is on the sick list. We wish him a. speedy recovery. R. E. Painter had the misfortune to get his foot badly mashed two weeks ago. He is improving at this writing. . The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. V. C. Ramey Thursday, and spent . the afternoon quilting. Mr. Ed McClure is. very. sick at this writing. Hope he will soon be able; to, be out again. Mrs. R. E. Painter went to Hamil ton, Wash., on business Friday. Mrs. Ed Cabe is very sick. Hope she will soon be able to be out again LONESOME MOTHER. Operations Performed. The following operations were per formed at the Angel hospital this week. All operated on are doing well : Miss Agnes Wallace, of Franklin Mastoiditis. Albert Raby, of Cowee Gall stones and appendicitis. Willard Pendergrass, son of Ceci Pendergrass Tonsils and adenoids. - Pauline, Margaret and Hayes Sny der, children of Hayes Snyder Ton sils and adenoids. Mr. Canlon Justice, of Clayton, was brought to the hospital October 15th for amputation of finger which was crushed in bread machine. Mr. Jus tice is ' the , popular owner of the Mountain View Hotel at Clayton. ' The Study Club. The Study Club, for various reas ons, disbanded for the months of June, July and August. In September a. meeting was called by the President, Mrs. S. L. Rogers, and the work of .the club resunied. There had been three meetings with Mrs Sam Franks: At Jie last meeting, October 20th. some new members were present whose- names were submitted at the prevous' meeting. The club will complete the study of "County Government," begun in the spring. The next meeting, November 3rd will be with Mrs. Neville Sloan at 3 P. M. . Mrs Georgia Sloan was leader at last meeting. , Mrs. Geo. Dalrymple, leader for next meeting. PRESS REPORTER. Presbyterian Church Notice. Next Sunday morning, October 26th, Sunday School Rally Day. Short ser vice by the children on Sunday Scsool Extension. Special offering for this cause. .Preaching service at thct usual hour, 11 A. M, MAKES A FLIGHT OVER ATLANTIC " " I American Zeppelin Travels 5,000 Miles From Germany to Lakehurst Thousands See Giant Craft Land. Lakehurst, N. J., Oct. 15,-The cabin of theZR-2 came lightly to rest upon the earth of the Lakehurst Field at 9:55 A. M. today. She completed her journey from Friedrichshafen, Germany, a distance estimated at 5,000 miles, in 81 hours and 25 minutes. She made a difficult landing, ap pearing over the northern edge of this naval air station at 9:16 A. M. She drove straight over the airdrome to the far edge of the field, where she headed around and skirted the station for a quarter of its circum ference, before nosing downward, in the breeze and coming to a stop be fore the airdrome. She, looked like a silver-gilded bal loon as she settled downward head on. She came so slowly that she looked like an inanimate object, sus pended by some invisible force. A mighty shout went up from thousands as the air vessel came down. "Please don't make so much noise," shouted Commander J. H. Kle'.i, r., commander of the .Lakehurst station, and passenger on the ZR-3, as he leaned from a forward cabin, pott. The din of welcome was s.icnced in staiitiy,. and a clear, sh.'.rp order of the navigators to the sounding crew rang out distinctly. Dr. Hugo Eckener, smiling " but stern voiced, 'was recognized by a little group of German citizens who crowded the state police and sailor guards to shout their congratula tions. , Major F. M. Kennedy, in the uni form of the United States army, stood at another port hole smiling as he bowed happily to the crowd. Upper Cartoogechaye News. The farmers of this section are making good use of the fine weather digging their potatoes and preparing for winter. , . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ramey and daugh ter Kate have returned home after spending some time at Lawrence ville, Ga. Messrs. Zeb Anderson, Bryan Set ser and Ed Ramey motored to Buck Creek Monday. Miss Lizzie Sweatman made a busi ness trip to Franklin last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Huscusson and children, of Shooting Creek, were visiting in this section the past week. Misses Annie Anderson and Laura Dills were shopping in town Monday of last week. Mr. Charlie Dills made a business trip to the city last week. Messrs. Calvin Huscusson and Lax Dills are spending a few days on Buck Creek. , Misses Lizzie Sweatman and Annie Anderson were visiting Mrs; B. H Huscusson Sunday. , We are very sorry to report Mrs. 15. H. Huscusson on the sick list. We wish her a speedy recovery. . She was. greatly missed in Our Sunday School last Sunday. Mr. Arthur Dills is reported on the sick list. Hope he will be out soon. Mr. Geo. ' McGee and two' daugh ters,. Georgiana and Kate, of Lower Cartoogechaye," were in this section last week. v ' J ' Mr. and "Mrs"! Harley ""' Ledb'etter gave the young folks a bean shelling Saturday night. There was a large crowd present, and all reported a fine time., . Mr. Arch Dills made a business trip to Skcenah Saturday. Mr. Larry McConnell, of Lower Cartoogechaye,' was in this section Saturday night. Mr. Dave Guffie. of Tercsita, was in this section Monday. Mr. J. W. Anderson says he has the finest potatoes he ever saw. He planted one bushel and made thirty bushels. Who can beat it? BLUE-EYED SUSIE. Special Notice. On Sunday night, November 2nd, at 7:30, Mrs, C. A. Lowry's class of young ladies will give a pageant called "America," which should be very entertaining and helpful. A special offering will be received. I he ic welcomed. J-U-W. Honor Roll for the Iotla High School, Second Month Second Grade Paul Gibson. Third Grade Astor Fouts. Fourth Grade George Gibson Ralph West, Helen "Mason, Elizabeth PcWdexter. Fifth Grade Garth Cunningham Sophia Ray. Seventh Grade Gennette Mallonee, Elizabeth Meadows, Ethel Bryant, Bertha Stillwell. Eighth Grade Ivan Roland, Blanche Fouts. Ninth Grade Marcus Johnson, Leo Bradley, Clara Hall. Tenth Grade James Mallonee. Prod To Advertiers. Mark Twain Had the Right Idea About Newspapers., A subscriber to a paper once edited by Mark Twain wrote him stating he had found a spider in his paper and wanted to know if it meant good or bad luck. . Mark replied : "Old Subscriber: Finding a spider in your paper was neither good luck nor bad luck for you. The spider was merely looking over our paper to see which merchant is not adver tising, so that he can go to that store, spin his web across the door, and live a life of undisturbed peace after ward." Exchange. Entertainment at the Slagle School October 24 Come to Slagle,' the new school house on Cartoogechaye, on Friday evening at 8 o clock, October 24. 1924, where all the goblins, witches, for tune tellers, etc., are to meet to try out their new stunts for Halloween proper. They are going to have, be sides the undisclosed features, a sup per and a play by the young ladies, of the school. Everybody come and bring somc; bodv else. BRANDON CORPENING, CAROLYN NOLEN, . Committee Tugalo News. Tiisaio. Ga.. Oct. 21. Mr. Bowman Rochester and wife are making their home at Tugalo now; We are all u:i ot have them with us. Mrs. George Conley has gone to i ranklin, N, L., to spend a weeK witn lirr children. Mrs. Ora Gibson and little daughter spent aturday night witn Mrs, James Dryman. - . Everybody seemed "to enjoy theme selves at the barbecue last Sunday. Messrs. Charlie Garner, James Mann and Thad Dowdle were seen at Tugalo Sunday. We Tugalo folks are glad to hear the good news of Lake Emory. Hope it will be a success. Mr. Sutton Atkins has a bad case nf iimmns. Mr. James Dryman is still on his old ioh as nieht Watchman. Mrs. Bob Marett is at home now. after spending three week's visiting in Virginia. mauoc Tryphosa Items. Mr and Mrs. S. T. Corn attend the Habersham. Singing Convention last week end. ... There was a public speaking here Saturday night. All who attended reported a nice time. . . ; Mr. J. M. Holt is reported on the sick 'list. Mlope he will soon, recover. Mr. and Mrs. Mann Norton and children, of Tef eiitaT were ' the: week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Norton. 'of this place. Rev. A. S. Solesbec preached an in teresting sermon here Friday night. Several of the young people of this place went to -the Dillard-Clayton KnWpt Mine at Dillard Friday afternoon. It was a very interesting game, Dillard winning by 2 pointsT "SUNSHINH." Her Wonderful Aim. A certain dear old lady always made it her. business to visit the poor patients in the hospital. On one occasion she approached a much bandaged individual, who was sitting up in bed, and after a little preliminary talk she said to him very sympathetically:. "I suppose your wife must miss you a good deal." "No, mum," came the prompt re ply; "she's got a wonderful aim for a woman." London Tid-Bits. METHODIST MEET AT GREENSBORO The Western North Carolina Conference Closes a Suc cessful Meeting Several Attended From Here. Those returning from the Metho dist Conference at Greensboro report . one of the best sessions in the his tory of the Western District: The following program was suc cessfully carried out: Wednesday,, 9:00 A. M. Sacrament . of the Lord's Supper. Business ses sion. . ' ' 3:30 P. M. Sermon by Rev. W. L. Hutchins, Lexington, N. C. 7:30 P. M. Sunday School anniver sary. Address by Rev. John , W. Shackford, Nashville, Tenn. Thursday, 9:00 A. M. Business ses sion. 3:30 P. M. Sermon by Rev. Ashley C. Chappell, Asheville, N. C. . 7:30 P. M. Missionary Anniver- sary. - Brief addresses by Revs. E. K. McLarty, L. B. Hayes, D. W. Brown, and Mr. J. F. Shinn. Friday, 9:00 A. M. Business ses sion. 2:30 P. M. Conference Brother-, hood Meeting. 3:30 P. M.-Sermon by Rev, For rest J. Prettyman, Gastonia, N. C. 5:30 P. M. Trinity Banquet at Greensboro College. 7:30 P. M. Educational Anniver sary. Address by Dr. Eugene C. Brooks, Raleigh, N. C. Saturday, 9:00 A. M. Business Ses sion. 2:30 P. M. Social Service Anniver-" sary. Address by" Dr. Worth M. Tip pey, New York City. .4:00 P. M. Recreation. Entertain ment Program at Odell Memorial Auditorium, Greensboro College. 7:30 P. M. Epworth League Anni versary. Address by Mr. E. O. Har bin, Nashville, Tenn. Sunday, 9:30 A. M. Conference Love Feast. . , 11:00 A. M. Sermon by Bishop Collins Denny, Richmond, Va.,' fol lowed by Ordination Service. 3:30 P. M. Memorial Service. 7:30 P. M. Sermon by Rev. George D. Herman, Charlotte, N. C. Monday, 9:00 A. M. Business Ses sion. North Skeenah News. We are having some fine weather ior gathering corn and. sowing wheat at this writing.' Mr. John Young, from Hickory, N. C. spent the week end at John and J. C. Sanders'. Mr. and Mrs. James Henson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cowart, from Prentiss, were visiting John A. T. Sanders last Sunday. Rev. Stallcup filled his regular ap pointment at Pleasant Hill Saturday .u l Sunday. The sum of sixty-four dollars was raised "at " box supper at 'Pleasant Hill Saturday night. It will be used to get a bell and lamps for the church.. Yonnie Sanders accompanied fohn Young back to Hickory' to spend a few days. Mis Minnie Sanders spent the week end at home. She is teaching on Cowee. " . The people were arouse.d early last Monday morning by what they thought was an earthquake. Mr. .Mappn Sanders made a trip to Franklin Tuesday ci business.1- BILLY. McDowell Mc ;ic Club. The 1915 MacDowell Club met with Mrs. Lee Crawford October 8th, with ten members. The .subject of studv was the. "Art Song," led by Mrs. W. M. Smith. The program given was us follows : , Talk on Art Song Mrs. Wade Crawford. '. Piano Solo, Berceuse from Jocelyn Betty Sloan. . , Vocal Solo, Schubert's 'Serenade- Mrs. Hudson; violin o!lig;.to by Sue Hunnicutt. ' ; Vocal Solo, The IJttle Dustman Miss Margaret Rogers. ' Piano Solo, Humorcsque Edwina Dalrymple. ' The club welcomed a former mem-' ber, Mrs. Weimar Jones, and a new member, Miss Evans, The next meeting wilt be October 22nd, with Miss Margaret "Rogers.