I I fflfer v : 1 j '. i mum VOLUME, XL FRANKLIN, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1925 NUMBER SEVENTEEN. 0 A SUMER RESORT PROPOSED HERE E. S. Galloway and Associ ates Plan Pleasure Lake to be Built on Their Prop erty on Iotla. FINAL FATEFUL DAYS OF PRESS' BIG SALESMANSHIP CLUB HEKH One of the results coming from the recent visit of Mr. Max, Munzen heituer of Dallas, president of the Texas Mica Corporation, of which Mr. E. S. Galloway, is vice-president npra1 manacer. was a plan worked out -by these two gentlemen for th,. opening ot a summer resori rtv fnrmerlv the N. L. Barnard tract, nine miles northwest of town. ,0 Mr. Gallowav, who owns. 48 per cent of the interests and Mr. Munzen heimer, s who together with several other prominent Dallas business men, owns the other 52 per cent, are heartily in accord with the plan and are now working ' out the .. details incident to its consummation. This property, covering an area of noAv 7(W acres is unusually well located for this purpose, abounding in beautiful mountain scenery, Hav ing a virgin forest of poplar and other native trees, and crossed by numerous small streams. According to their plan, a natural basin is to be dammed across, creating a lake over 40 acres in size, Around the lake thus formed will be built a meander ing road, and the, adjoining territory :.. thf hin t line of sum- mer cottages rustic in design and beautified with shrubs and walks. In a central location will be situated a dining hall and a community center for the social life ' of the resort. Electric lights and water will be pro vided from the power produced by the dam for the comfort and conven ience of residents and a local dairy will furnish milk, butter and eggs. Th. lake will be stocked with fish, ' a bathing .beach , covered with white flint ' pebbles added. Hunting privi leges will be granted as a part of the ' inducement to spend a summer in this delightful location, there being a plentiful supply of pheasants, quail, squirrel and , other small game in sczison.. this orooosed l lly u.iuai - - improvement will await the nnai. ap proval of the other Dallas associates in the deal, but in the .event that this is arranged, construction of the dam will stdrt soon, with th other work to follow as rapidly aSt possible. While.it is not the. belief of Mr. Gal loway that the resort could be fin ished in time for the present season, 1 it could be well on its way and en tirely complete by the next summer. i - " McLean May Appoint Sam Rogers Head of New Dept. Reports from Raleigh are to the -rr.A CotniiM L: Roeers. ot Franklin, Macon county, former di rector of, the u. a. ,vxnflu nr.. ixr,icftn' -" administration. is being recommended ;by his friends for appointment as director of the newly created State Department of Conservation ana wcvcuy;- tf the denera uuring me "1UU v Rogers was frequently mentioned for S bdieved 'that if the position - rr J tit- Pnmre he Will aC cept. Those advocating him for the W h is well Qualified as an administrator for so important a post and, that it is believed ..he would fulfill hi duties in an able and creditable manner , . m. . nf Conservation i n i.Ani orai created Dv the last sesrion of thextLs,tu" .... !.. u nf th North Laro- vey. Following th creation o the With' the final hour, 3 o'clock "next TUrcfi-v aftprnoon. emblazened on their minds, stirring scenes are being enacted by candidates in tne rress Great Automobile, and Prize Cam paign, now swiftly drawing to a close. Aroused to unprecedented oppor tunities of winning the beautiful Chevrolet car and other prizes, each passing hour is instilling new energy into ambitious workers. Everywhere they are swarming in eager and anx ious quest for subscriptions that will win them big votes and in the end an automobile. i TVioa mnrtprs nav no attention to frequent rumors that circulate with the hope ot damaging eneci. mii itnrlpc Viavp onp obiect m- fluencing som,. candidate to retire for fear of being passed by someone else in the race. Such tales have no foundation whatever It is obvious that no one can determine the ulti mate result of the campaign. Courage and downright hustle arc the main things to observe. Votes thinsr that will win the prizes, and every carididate should and for that matter is-taking upon herself to annex just as many votes as possible between now and th, close. The Judges Messrs. H. W. Cabe, Charlie Ram sey, J. P. Richards, J. Steve Porter Alvah Pearce. would lik to have you meet the person who penned the ahove. We are very sur sucn a meeting would prove beneficial to a laree number of you, who are worry ing about this and about that bug-a- boo, the fairy tales and the bombast which serves the very purpose it is expected to serve, when it makes you nervous. Do not permit any one to scare you. The very moment any one starts that sort of stuff you may feel sure no adequate foundation ex ists fgr his or her story. Imuortant Notice to Club Member All .subscriptions deposited in tnc sealed ballot-box must be accompan ied bv cash, money order, cashiers. checks, or drafts. No personal checks will be accepted in this blind ballot- box, and if they are deposited with the reports, they will not be counted the reports will be null and void. This ruling is. made in fairness to all club members. Club members should WORK AT DAM MOVING FAST Gamp Complete About 80 Men Are at Work, More Than Half of Which Are Local Men. PROCLAMATION BY PRESIDENT President Coolidge Sets the Week of April 27 to May 3 As American Forest Week. Thp ramn of thp Electrical Con ctrnr-tni-a rnmnanv: contractors for "f"- ... j , Vho rrmnirinal dam. consisting Ot a " -1 r" .... approximately buildings is com plete with the exception of a concrete house and one or two others. Fio-htv men. more than half of whom are local citizens, are now at Thp scenp at the dam site is one of intense activity. Men tms frnrk-s dnnkev enemes. exc. pneacred over an' extended oi-po all wnrkinsr with feverish en ergy' toward the one great object completion ot thP dam. Derricks, eighty five feet in length, ncsition. Ine rlc for the coffer dam extends Mn distance into the stream and there are many other evidenies that the superintendent of construction, Mr. Easton, knows his letters and arti- 1 cles in the Press to club members eniourage rrte, as 1 heard several boast as to the number of votes they had.' But, as I wrote you, 1 am in to the finish, .if I don't get enough credits to shroud a Jay bird, and it will be a cold day in mid-summer when 1 -simply quit. Let the boasters boast, I a.m, saw ing wood. If I get a prize I shall be satisfied, if I am beaten fairly I certainly won't kick. - Yours truly," 1 . 1 1 c i t li C have the checks made out payable I In building , his cam; Mr. Easton . . j :Jt-, rnmtrtirtea with a view to the cash with your reports. . OUT-OF-TOWN club members should mark their envelopes next week "FOR THE SEALED BALLOT BOX. DO NOT OPEN." Then send in your reports as usual and they will 1)P taken . immediately to the bank and deposited in the ballot-box seal un! token. Fair Warning IV not be over : confident do not It s often the comfort and healtti ot his men. Kitchens and dining, rooms are. thor oughly screened and many other con veniences and facilities tending to ward a sanitary camp are provided. From time to time the Press will publish photographic, views', of the dam in course of construction. issue. ROME SCOUT CAR VISITS FRANKLIN Delegation From Rome, Ga., Passes Through Here in Search of Short Route to Asheville. new dep,rtmi;pi, orcu tfwrv orof thenwfW.Wfl:f5?. county, was appolhttd by Governor McLean ta fill teroporanly the posi tion made vacant t r resignation. :snevine vhmi-". . Franklin Loses Tiip ncrirreffatioh of Sylva ba tossers invaded Franklin last Friday and tnik the local boys in to the tune erf 8 to 3. The Franklin boys showed a lack of practice and the Sylv team, though somewhat bet ter, jcannot in any manner be classed as'.a team of Ty Cobbs. However thtf" rc is good material on both teams and as the season advances games between Sylva and Franklin should be very interesting. At any rate Franklin gave the Sylva team a ' hearty welcome and after all good fellowship counts. fA delegation from Rome, Georgia was in Franklin last Monday scout- ine out a road from that city to Asheville. This delegation was only an advance guard and consisted ot Mr. W. H. Foster, secretary, Rome Chamber of Commerce, and Messrs. John M. Graham, 0. L. Daniel, J. A. Reece and A. A. Chapman. The uecole of Rome have long de sired a more direct and a more scenic route from Rome to Asheville than via Atlanta and 1 Greenville. , Over that route these people must travel for more than 250 miles before even startine taward! the mountains, Th scout car from Rome came into North Carolina by way of Blairsville and Murphy and returned by Frank lin. TaUulah Falls and Gainesville On their way back these gentlemen will attempt t find a suitably route from Gainesville to Rome leaving Ati,o a vp smi'h. There is no limine . . doubt ihat, a- desirable- road through that section can oe iouna. onvuiu l n k fh pbc the li-aublt of the Kome .iqiKsv.wuii .,;h -, so far as a snort rvu :r"""7 tainl of Western vNorth Car'olina is concerned. 1 , - , ' ovnntaorp of the route via Gainesville, Tallulah Fall and Franklin, is the magnil.cent scenery, xr ..l...- in h amith ran such scenery be found as on the road from rnrnolia tf AsheVll C OV Way V Nantahala National Forest and American Forest Week lipi-nnm rlismuraced last key in the bunch that opens the j T)i(i 0j)Servance 0f American For- SION you can-do not think of the j States is m response to the great other fellow it is you that counts, j national, problem: Our Future For- It is YOUR work that will win tor LstsQur Future Timber Supply. YThe standing of the candidates will This annual event again gives fit be found on another page of this ting opportunity to call attention to the local problems ot the JNantanaia National Forest. The Forest now in cludes approximately 240,000 acres of timberland in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. The aims in forest administration are briefly as follows: A nlare Oil the local I J-wfe'vii-.- r Two Men and a Woman Were 'markets a continuous supply of tim ber. To aid in the development ot waterpower end navigation by giving the maximum degree of protection to the headwaters of two of the most important rivers in th,. South the Savannah and the Tennessee. To develop the recreational use of th,. Forest to its fulkst extent. '.in nrrier to make possible these objectives our cryinij need is THE WOMAN JAILED- EVIDENCESLIM Arrested Here on April 15 Gave Their Residence as Asheville. On the 15th of April a . woman and two men, giving their names as Mrs. W. K. Lylerly, Cliff Taylor and J.-M. Webb and their homes as Asheville were placed in Macon county jail on nit with , a deadly a. 1 - - r rn fTH t weapon, hauling liquor . ana carrying , riJMJNATION Ot" tUKtSJ iukco concealed weapons. Their trial was held before Jndge Zeb Baird the next morning and the prisoners were bound over to Super ior court. Arrnrdinff to the evidence Mr, Theo Kiser was returning from the construction camp on the Georgia road on Wednesday afternoon and passed a car headed toward Franklin. One of the occupants of the ear which had suffered the accident of a blow out got out of the machine and asked Theo how far it was to the next ... i.i. iU m a town. As this man kiv ww v.. -pistol fell to the ground. The man picked the gun up and piacea uu- time tn gewun w . - t . j,.-- irrtth. etc. oftri he -mtm-matter. iwi" -,v wn,. and hi this We are dependent on the co-operation of each ana every citizen. " c As citizens of the United States we have an interest in this forest property as part owners,-and as tax t v. cvra1 counties m which the property located, we ha a much more direct interest, in u.. 4..,..t.,-fiM ner cent Ot the ross revenue from the Forest is re turned to the counties .'or roads and In the prevention of fites do not :u Kffin . careful yourselt although that is of first importance but urge others to be careful also. Preach the gospel oi fire control to yb'ir neighbors arid assoaates, If you re engaged in ' the manu fa"u?e of lumber or other t.mber products you appreciate nrf " "i tn nrnrlaimini? American Forest Week, I desire to bring to the atten tion of all our people the danger mat comes from the neglect ot our torests. For several years the Nation has observed Forest Protection Week. It is fitting that this observance be enlarged. We have too freely spent the rich and magnificent gift that na turP bestowed on us. In our eager ness to use that gift we have stripped our forests; we have permitted fires to lay -waste and devour them; we have all too often destroyed the young growth and the seed from . which new forests might spring. And though we already feel the first grip of timber shortage, we have barely begun to save and restore. We have passed tne pioneer stage and are no longer excusable tor con tinuing this unwise dissipation of a great resource, to tne ianou u means tne lack ot an ea-uiciua. rcssity and the Waste of keeping idle or oiilv partly proaucuvi: uunj u..v fourth of our soil, lo our torest using industries it means unstable investments, the depletion of forest capital, the disbanding Df established enterprise.-, and the decline of one of our most important industrial proiipn.. L . '. Our forests .ought be P"t t0 work and kept at work. I dp npt th nhstacles that have to be met, nor the difficulty of changing , old ideas and practices. We must all , put our hands to this common task. It is not enough that the Federal, State and local governments takP the lead.' There must be a change m our i titnf1f Our industries, our landowners, our farmers, all o,ur citizens must learn to treat om forests as crops, to be usea dui aiu to be renewed. We must learn to lend our woodlands as careiuuy we tend our farms. . ' Let us apply to this creauye the boundless energy and skill we have so long spent in harvesting the free gifts of nature. The forests of the future must be started today. Our children are dependent on our course. We are bound by a solemn obligation from which no. evasion cKfnrfiio-c will relieve us. lT,iless we fulfill our sacred respon sibility to unbotn generations, nless we us, with gratitude-and with re straint the generous and kindly gitts of Divine frovidenqe, we ourselves unworthy guardians ot a heritage w hold in tru . , Now, jhereiore, i, f United States, do recommend to th. Governors of the various Mates to "J'If'S- ' V apart the week of April 27-May 3, inclusive, K2S. as American Forest Week and, wherever practicable and not in conflict with State law or ac cepted customs, to- celebrate Arbor Day within that week. And I urge, public officials, public and business associations, industrial leaders, tox est owners, editors, educators, ana all patriotic citizens to unite m the common task of forest conservation and renewal. , , . t In Witness WTiereof. I have h"", unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be oe -at the City of Washington iniS IWCIllJf ""J w , J the year of our Lord one thousand v J. . -J anil Bin, haunireo.n cuir- of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-nm By the President '., r . J CHARLES E. fcUGHES, Secretary of State, IWU IHCU nviv 1- th rar unaer wraps . -v .t,..,. These people were leM cjMJ of Franklin's acting chief of police while another officer proceeded up Frtnk yilims Dead At 6 o'clock Satcfvhy morning Mr. Frank Williams of Franklin died at it vou are ciikiccu "j -r- . . , , , , , tion dependent in whole or in part his home off the Georgia road, on the summer tourist trade, which : .1... nrm attrartive to tne recrca- tion seeker, a forest swept annually Franklin.1 This road opens up to the south the great scenic section ,..r Ta ,iiah Ka s. Lakemoni anu Burton Lake. And within less than a year Franklin itself , will have a lake that will surpass in beauty any thing in the Southland. A great caravan consisting of many cars rilled with Rome people will ar rive in Franklin about May, 21st. Plans are now under way to enter tain this delegation in royal style. The Franklin Board of Trade will welcome suggestions as to the form of tnis entertainment from all who are interested in the Kome-Ashcvjlle highway. the road to search tor wn.Kcy. ion .w, . - - Ui, im none was found. The posse by hre or one auwu' I turned toWAlta and got Mr. aJd flowers, with springs and traems 'Kiser to return with it to the spot. off clear .terK , ; . - , hP had passed tne -" 'i u u"1" ,v . r't'h ",., that flace revealed four benefit or le by (ore.t .6r .. . Warrants were men ' f:!.' irMtA- m'arowinff.-.irAn Wi Hams, of Macon coun- Mr. Williams had been in ill health for more than a year and though W death was not unexpected, neverth-. less the puSilc was shocked to hear of his passing . ; He is survived by his wife and the ! follftwinff brothers and sisters: the three occupants of the car were lodged in jail. , . w ti,A trial the evidence on the charge of assault was so proposter- timber for the future for the beneht of your children? Consider the nrP conuoi yiuuicui o Sv absurd that the prosecuting at- from whatever angle, you .will, you SorK cannot reach any conchisiofc othe. On the other two charges the men than that expressed in the somewha were ' "V1 - i : . n . n., i j... J ...nirnil urns ctrvitr- "I'rp each, ine noiui in inc., . V6" -.. c.,.,,, hC Set at SOW- ne VnrPvt Suncrvisor ' A,v and left Franklin. i l'orest Supervisor, "" 1 liams, John Williams, of Macon coun tv and Mr. Charlie Williams and Mrs. I. K. Buckn'er of Democrat, N: 'C. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Franklin Sun-j-.. -r. n miniaiprs nf I'rank- icascu iii iv ?uiiivMw nay ai ii;i iiv'un. ..'..- - it nevertheless truthful liu" taking part in the services, l ie vent Forest Fires, It j remains were laid to reft in l-rank. Ha s new cemetery one y.h. town.

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