7 r M VOLUME XL FRANKLIN, N. G, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 192S NUUMBER TWENTY-NINE T 1 I vi I .1 AV I It II 1 )f .ft1 p il 1 1 1 BIG BARBECUE FOR FARMERS Farmers Federation Plans Big Day For Farmers of Macon On July 25 'Prom inent Speakers. The directors of the Farmers Fed . eration met last Saturday night and decided to have a big public barbecue on the 25th of this month. The com mittee in charge was directed to pre pare for at least 1,000 people. The federation will pay the entire expense of the barbecue. Preparations are now well under way 10 make this the biggest farmer !ay in the history of the count.v. Net only v. ill hungry people be p.-ovUte l for but arrangements have been ir.ar'c whereby ihWe present will be thor oughly viitv.rtained. Mr. James G. K. McClure, president of the Farmers s Federation of Asheville will be pres ent with four clowns. Many prominent speakers from all section?' of the, state will be present to address the farmers. A news ar ticle from the Ashevilk Times printed below gives the names of the speakers and the subjects that wtfl be taken up ai me meeting. , This will be .by far the biggest fnrmprs mpptins' ever held in Macon u u C3 q county. From the standpoint of the farmers this meeting will also be the most valuable. Everybody is invited Come, learn, be entertained. Next week's Press will carry an ad vertisement Ipf' the local federation This advertisement will contain the financial statement f. of ,the Macon : County Farmers' Federation. You wi!l be surprised to learn that all debts have ,be?n paid : and that the federation now has asurpjus in the treasury. ; ' "' MACON COUNTY TO HVE RALLY Farmers, of Macon county are plan: ning a big rally and barbecue at Franklin on July 25, according to an nouncement today by representatives of the Division of Markets, state de partment of agriculture. The affair will Ving together sever al thousand men and women of that section for. the purpose of discussing agricultural conditions and other matters of interest to the farmer. Valuable information of building up soil, the foundation of all presperity ; of increasing production in crops which may be made to pay in Western North ' Carolina; canning surplus fruits and vegetables; promotion of poultry, dairying, and beef cattle in dustries, will be given by the speakers. Dr. E. C. Brooks, president of State College;. James G. K. McClure, Jr., president of the Farmers Federation of this city, and a member of the staff of th,e Division of Markets, state de partment of agriculture; George R, Ross, of Jackson'Springs, chief of the Division of Markets, North Carolina ; and Mrs. Jane McKimmon, head of home demonstration work in North v Carolina, will head the list of speakers for the big rally. - Music and other forms of ,eriterta'n ment will feature the gathering-. Asheville Times. tQPrf FELLQW3 tyG RALLY " Qh5Thursday,,! Jtiiy 23, at 3 P. M. there will be a big rally of Odd Fel , lows in their hall at Frankliijil 'Grand r v Master David Gaster of L?yetteyl? ' will be present to address the " as sembled brethren.1 The local officials of the bdd Fellows Fran Win. want f C every i member of the organization in . Macon 'county to be present on this occasion. This is an unusual oppor tunity for the Odd ; Fellows of the county to get together and hear their distinguished Grand Master. , Let : every member of fhe Odd Fellows in the county greet the Grand" Master. Come and have a god time. Remem ber the dateThursday, July 23rd it 3 P. M. Dr. ..Geo. W. Truett. 1 A is Leaning American Citizen Says Cranf ill TOt CONDUCT REVIVAL HERE Short Sketch of Life of Dr. Truett Comes to Frank lin For Big Revival Meet ing August 14-23. DR. F. C. McCONNELL TO ASSIST DR. TRUETT In the next four issues the Press will reproduce a short sketch of the life of Dr. George W. Truett written by his close friend Dr. Cranfill and published in the Daily Morning News of Dallas, Texas. r . Dr. Truett is coming to the moun tains heloves, to the section where he was borri and to the people who are, perhaps, cloest to his heart, to bring a message of love from the Saviour. ' Under, fhe supervision of Rev. A. J. Smith, pastor of the Franklin Baptist church, 'a great tabernacle with a seating capacity of. nearly 4,000 is being erected on the outskirts of Franklin in a beautiful shaded grove and in a natural amphitheatre. This tabernacle will be completed and ready for use before the date set for the '.revival, August 14,-23. Dr. F. C. McConnell of Atlanta will assist Dr. Truett in conducting the great revival. '' .,; . . Franklin is making proparajicms to. take care of the large number of Visit ors who are expected to attend this meeting. The first chapter of the sketch of Dr. Truett's life appears below; Truett Outstanding Figure George W. Truett is now one- of the greatest figures in the religious world. My own, conviction is1 that he is the greatest preacher in the world, -but the reader must allow for the fact that he is my pastor and that we have been friends, linked to gether in many common tasks, through more than a generation. Born in North Carolina George W. Truett was born Jvlay 6, 1867, in Clay county, North Caro lina. His parents were C. L. and Mary Truett. His father, who recently died at the advanced age of 95, wa,s him self a man of mark in his community and his mother, whom I had tHe pleas ure of knowing, was one of the most estimable Christian women it; has ever been my joy to meet. George W. Truett was reared to farm work, and many is the day that he plowed and hoed and pulled corn and picked cot ton on that quiet farm-' up in the North Carolina hills. , 1 His' father, while a quiet, humble, unestntatious tiller of tjhe soil, was a man of inquiring and virile mind. He accumulated a valuable library in which were such classics as Bunyan's "Piigrim's Progress,") Baxter's "Saints' Everlasting Rest," Pendleton's "Chris tian Doctrines,'' and kiifdred volutnes. 1 Founde Hiw,Me College At the age of 18, although George W. Truett had received no literary training beyond thaw furnished by the njouataitj country, jfechools, he began teaching. The following year he founded Hiawasse College in Georgia, of which- he was, thiee years president. While vso erigagedf he Visited the Georgia Baptist Sate convention ai Marietta, art account of which was written by Dr. flohn E. White of North Carolina and frdm which the following extractk are made: "George W. Ttuett sprang out of the. moutainous territory of the Old North State, drer his breath from its hills, received , itk birthmark on his spirit. It is. a. (tide, rough country, but its crops are men. Think of the hardest, stubbornest land, the simp lest, most backward section of mod ern American life-untouched by rail roads, not a half dozen comfortable chruches, lesS than seventy days' an nual free school term, supported out of less than $l.per capita free school fund and yet the land of red blood and new brain cells, and you have Clay county, North Carolina, as George Truett knew it in his youth." Spoke at Convention Dr. White goes on to say that at that Georgia State convention a tran scendent scene occurred. F. C. Mc COnnell had come down from the mountains of Rabun county, with a story of the struggles of the moun tain boys and girls at Hiawasse. . "The are there?;' he shouted, "like gold for the touch of the miner's pick and tiey are fit to stand in the pres ence ' of kings.packed full of brains and character waiting for a chance. If you don't believe it 111 show you I George.! Where it George Truett?" George not being -forthcoming imme diately, the orator called" again : "Brethren, I do believe he's got skeered and;run off"' Then some one in the. rear of ihe courthouse said, "Here he is!" A pale, 22-year-old mountain youth was forced in the aisle and obediently up to: the prisoners' doeW.Qoking half- frightened and vastly embarrassed by the focus of eyes. "Brethren, this is George iTruett and he; can speak'like Spurgeon. George, tell them what the Lord has done for you and what you are trying to do up in the moun tains."' Speech Thrilled Hearers Then George began. It was a simple story, but epic in its pathos of quiet recital of the hopes and passions of an unsung heroism. It was of strug gle for the lives of others who might have what had been denied to him a college education. It, grew larger with each word till every heart was thrilling with that plaintive, pleading sort of voice which carries so well the burden of tears which seem ever laid on it. But the speech was no pitifu plea of poverty who ever heard that out of a Southern mountaineer? It was rather the cry of the youth who bore the banner with the strange de vice Excelsior, the strong persua sion of a just cause, the appeal of one who, denied himself, was resolved to let his lack plead for others. Dr. J. B. Hawthrone, himself an incomparable pulpit orator, then at the zenith of his great career, was one of those who sat deeply moved over the mastery of that speech. This was his testimony: ' "I have heard Henry Grady at his highest, but never in my life has my soul been swept as that boy from the mountains swept it that day. in the courthouse in . Marietta." . Scouts on Camp The jpcaj bcy scqut troop returned foit Saturday . froril - the Nantahala mountains where they had been spending a week, camping. Rev. E. J. Pipes, scout friasjer, Gilmer Crawford and Derald Ast, assistant scom masters, had charge of the boys oti this trip. , Tn boys and those in charge re port a profitable and pleasant vaca tion. , , '' The scouts received instruction in swimming, first aid, woodcraft, set ting up exercise-, etc; They also caught many mountain trout during the encampment. Mrs. E. E. Watkins and four child ren of Albany, Ga., are spending a week with relatives 'in Franklin, THENANTAHALA FOREST ROAD Work Starts at Nantahala Station Will Improve the Road to Wilson Lick Near Top of Way ah Bald. . At the request of Mr. R. W. Shields, local Forest Supervisor, the govern ment has sent Mr. S. M. Ripley, Road Foreman in the Civil Service, to this district to supervise the construction of the government road, from Nanta hala station to Aquone. Mr. Ripley U now on the job with 20 men and is 'vorkiiig from Nantahala toward Aquone. Mr. Charlie Wright of Highlands is engaged with the same number of men on the road from Kiser's store to Aquone. Mr. Shields estimates that the road to the top of Nantahala gap should be completed by October 1st and that th? entire project should be finished within one year' from date. When finished this road will be of great benefit both to the county and to the government. , It will permit the citizens of the county who live on the west slope of the Nantahalas to reach Franklin with ease. The road will likewise open up a ' great timber reserve in the Nantahala Forest. The road from the Nantahala gap to Wilson Lick, the site of the forest camp, will also be improved. It is the intention of the government to lay off several lots near Wilson Lick for lease as summer homes. These lots are 5,000 feet above sea level. Other sections of the , government lands in 't 'Nantahalas along the road nqw under construction will also -be laid off into lots for leasing purposes. The cost : of these leases will pngc from $1000 to' $25.00 per year. Each building lot will contain ap proximately half acre. LOCAL FIRM GETS CONTRACT ' ' ' Franklin Furniture Company Gets Contract to Furnish Road Workers With Beds and Mattresses, The Franklin Furniture company in competition with several big fur niture companies throughout the south recently received a government contract to supply beds and mattresses for the camp to be used in connection with building a government road from Kiser's store to Nantahala station. Mr. Hunnicutt in speaking of his successful bid stated that he is closely connected with furnirure men who sell him supplies at a price low enough to enable him to compete with much larger concerns. He says that all his stock is l ought in the ir.nc wiy and that the public who fuks with him is tct.ing the benefit ; a., these-low price s. . , Bovine T. B. .Eradication To include June 30th Dr. Castle berry had tested for tuberculosis' 2082 cattle in Macon county. Of this num ber 10 were found to be infected with tubercular germs. The .Doctor began this work about April 1st. During April and May " state records show that Dr. Castleberry inspected more cattle tha any other inspector in the state. No duobt the June statistics yiH show tesame 'result.''- - . So far the test shows that a Kttl; less than one half of one, pel cent pf the cattle in the county ha;ve tubercu losis. At teast two of ' the ten fffund infected have been imported from other counties. Therefore people -who live in the county . and those who come here for ttic summers may rea sonable assune' that they are drink ing milk entirely free from tubercu lar germs. Judge Willis, is an adept at enter taining his summer guests. PROGRAMS. CONVENTION County Sunday School Con vention to be Held Next Saturday and Sunday at Snow Hill Beginning at 8:00 9 'clock Saturday night, July 18, and continuin through Sunday, the Macon county Sunday school convention will be held at Snow Hill Methodist church, near West's Mill. - Participating in the convention program will be Mr. R. D. Webb, Atlanta, general superintendent Geor gia Sunday school association, and Mr. D. W. Sims, Raleigh, general sttperintndent North Carolina Sunday school association. One fwicure o( rhe convention will bo ti c pronation of a beautiful pen nant to the Sunday school having in the convention the largest number of representatives, sixteen years of age, and over, according to the number of mres traveled. The contest is open to ill Sunday schools in the county. c ose of the sessro.i on Sunday after-, tocti. Ar unusually large attendance of workers from the entire county is ex pected. All sessions of the conven tion are open to the public, and all who lire interested in the . advance ment of the Sunday school, whether they are active workers or. not, are invited" to attend The full convention program is as follows: Saturday Night, July IS Song. ; , Scripture reading and prayer. Song. The 'challenge of Youth, R, D. Webb. ' Song. Trained Workers, D. W. Sims. Record of attendance. Adjourn. Sunday Morning, July 19 Song. Scripture read:rg and prayer. Song. How to Get People in Sunday School and How to Keep Them There, R. D. Webb. . Business Period: - -Reports of officers. ' Appointment of committees. Record of attendance. V Song. . , Better Pesults Through Cp-opera-tion, I). W. Sims. Offering for Support of County and State Sunday school associations. Announcements. Adjourn. Dinner at the church. Everybody come and bring a basket. Sunday Afternoon, July 19 Song. Scripture leading and prayer. Song. . Lesson, preparation, D. W. Sims. Song. - . Drafting adults,. R. D. Webb. Suggestion and problem solving period. Business period ; , Reports of committees. Election of officers. Place of next meeting; Presentation of attendance pen- nant. ".' , Adjoarn. Sunday Night, July 19 Song. , ' ( Scripture reading, and prayer. Sotrg. : ,- ' i . OH Piloting, the Sunday Schqol D. W. Sims. " ' v ; ,; Song. Key 'to a. greater Sunday Schoo, D.. W, Sims. Adjourn,! . Pump Here " The pump for the new well arrived last Saturday. The city auhorities are making every e ffort to have this pump installed and placed in use at the carlie'st possible moment. I! I

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