FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1323 rACE TWO THE FttANKLIN PRESS n (fjp (Tft FREE! SBOg W c OMBSIL C3 TO CAN YQU FIND THE MISSING WORD? $25.00 IN PRIZES. FREE! BUY TrIE BOY A SUIT FOR VACATION He may not say he needs or even wants one kit he does. Make his vacation more pleasant and his love for you increases by buying.him one of our Suits "Just Like Dads." ' 1 JNO. S. TROTTER RULES OF CONTEST On this page the business firms of Franklin and Highlands have some good news for their patrons. Read these ads and win some money. Contest open to every body. You not only have a chance for the prize each, week but by reading the , ads you will likely find wher,. to buy just what you want and at a great saving over what you have been paying. In one or trior,, ads there will be missing words. To the person who finds most of , the . missing words and corrects the ads ac cordingly will be awarded a ,cash prize of $2.50 each week. Clip the ads, print missing word on the margin and indicate- its posi tion in the ad." Bring or send. to thP Press by Wednesday of each week following publication on Friday. . , 1 Contest continues for 10 weeks and includes only -two pages of advertising headed as above. It won't cast you one red cent to win one or all of these prizes. RADIO SET GIVEN AWAY FREE A genuine 4-Tube Radiola Long Distance Receiving Set complete with Batteries, Ear Phones, Loud Speaker and Ariel given absolutely free if you have the correct number. Every time you spend fifty cents with us we give you a coupon which is numbered a"nd if you hold, the number which is under the large seal pasted in one of our show cases vou will get the Radio Set. With every purchase of fifty cents ask and get a coupon. No matter whether you. get a prescription filled or buy a drink at the fountain you will get a coupon. Just so your purchase amounts to, fifty cents. (. It pays to trade at Smith's Drug Store. FRANK T. SMITH Prescription Druggist Our Label Is Your Guarantee T'JE conducted two big auction sales in Bryson City last Monday and one in Sylva on Tuesday. Other big sales are to follow. .Missing the missing words is not nearly so serious as missing one of our auction sales. . At this time of the year people just hone for a little bit .of old Mother Earth. List your property with us NOW! You do the listing we do the selling. ' 1 . HOME REALTY & AUCTION COHMY i y r . ' tWe Succeed Where Others Fail Franklin, North Carolina SPECIAL PRICES 45 dozen Ladies Hose, Silk, Lisle and Cotton, must go at reduced prices. t ' Men's Socks 10c and up. , - Men's Dress Shirts, all colors,. 85c and up. Men's Overalls $1.25 to $1.85. ' Boys' Overalls 90c to $1.25. ; . Voiles, best in town, 50c to 69c values, now 3 yards for $1.00. . Voiles, 25c value for 19c. School Ginghams, fast colors, large assortment, 12c to 19c. . Boys' Suits 50c to $1.25. ' Many of these goods are below cost. .. . t JOS. ASHEAR ..' JUST ARRIVED! Large Shipment of BOYS' TWO PANTS SUITS Sizes 8 to 17 $.00 A Remarkable Value J. S. PORTER & COMPANY The Little Store That Gives the Big Values McCORMIC DEERING PRIMROSE CREAM SEPARATOR You invest in a.Mc&rniick:peering Prim rose with the same confidence that you do in any. McCormick:Deering product, which name stands for the best l)t all farm equip- .. .. mertt. - . Distinctive Features B a 11 bearing, easy turning, slow crank speed, greater capacity, longer life, less labor, improved (visible oiling system, easy bowl adjustment, spun metal, . anti splash supply can. , , The McCormick-Deering Primrose costs less than some spearators that are. far be hind it in results obtained, vy MACON COUNTY SUPPLYC0. ANDERSON BROS. Agency for Hollingsworth and Whitman CANDIES Visit us for your Drinks, Eats andDrugs ; HIGHLANDS, N. C. What If You Should Have a Fire To-Night? We certainly hope you don't, but what if you should ? Are you Insured? Fully protect your home and business with a Fire Insurance Policy. .Your business will be appreciated by us. Phone 89 " ALLEN & JAMISON ; THE FRANKLIN PRESS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE INTEREST OF MACON COUNTY NmySUpERMLLINERY Black Transparent also white. Felts, all colors. Black Pattent Leather and white Kid. LADIES SPECIALTY SHOPPE THE CAR FOR THE MILLIONS The best car for the money that's what the owners of the. STAR car say. That's why our sales are increasing every day. You will like the STAR! Come in and Jet us demonstrate its ' superior qualities. ' . : .-.'J CITY GARAGE AUTO PARTS, TIRES AND TUBES, GAS AND OIL T ' :.' . : . TTS BROTHERS THE CASH AND CARRY STORE Tr" r 4 ii'lU We Sell For Cwk and Sell For Leu .H-ktUk t i. J, .LuSt. HIGHLANDS, N, C. Z2d 1