PACE TWO -tpcttto THE FRANKLIN PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1325 The Franklin Prcca ; PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY S. A. HARRIS Er . SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Subtcriptioni PyU n Advance) One Year -- -$J.50 Six Months Three Months Single Copies...-. 5c ADVERTISING RATES. Very reasonable, and will be made known upon request. -We charge 5 cents a line for Cards Thanks, Resolutions of Respect and for notices of entertainments where admission is charged. Entered at the post-office at Franklin, N. C, lor transmission wrougn tuc siu elau matter. Foreign Advertising Kerresftj.Y . THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Sylva's Example That franklin has something to learn irom 'its sister city of Sylva cannot be doubted. Tnc citizens of the latter town are apparently ever ready to put a shoulder to the wheel and work as one when occasion de mands. Let Sylva have an auction sale of lands; for instance, and every business house, including the garages, close during the hours of sale. On other public occasions where the'fu- tdre of the town is involved places ot business close their, doors. In fact where the good of the town is con cerned individuals seem to disregard their personal interests and work to gether for the advancement of the whole. " Yes, Franklin has something to , Repair Old Buildings Franklin, as everybody who is fa miliar with the situation' knows, is on the eve of a great boom. In keeping vitH the spirit of the timeswe. must abandon .some; of the practices here tofore obtaining. Nature has done all things possible to make our town beautiful, but man has not kept pace. In the years that have gone wooden buildincs within the fire limits were not oniy permissable, but perhaps necessary. Now, however, such is not th race As old woodm buildings "become unserviceable they should be r.mnvcd to make room for modem structures.' Each tir.e the town board allows an old wooden building to be repaired it i delaying the growth of Franklin. When the good of Frank lin is at stake the town' board should lay aside politics, friendship 'and wire pulling and adopt" the policy of al lowing no wooden building within the fire limits to be repaired. WEST'S MILL ITEMS The Cowce High school opened Monday with a large enrollment for the hot weather and early beginning. With the teaching force we now have for the coming term, we feel sure this wll be one of the most .progres sive schools we have had in years. The County Sunday school con vention which was just held at the Snow Hill Methodist church under the direction of O.N. Sims and R. D. Webb was largely attended, the weather fine, and surejy much good must result from the information and help given to the people from these speakers on everything' to' growing and successful Sunday schools to ail who heard and will heed to tHcir lectures. Mr. Troy Sheffield and family are visiting relatives here. Mrs V. A. Browning is visiting her mother Mrs. J. L. West "this week. ' Mr, and Mrs. Fred McGaha are spending a few days at the "Big Laurel" during the hot weather. Miss Alice Kinney from Asheville spent, the week end with Miss Vonnie West. ' Mr. T. C. Bryson went to Franklin on business Saturday. Mrs Pallie Rickman Winstead, of Elm City, N. C, is on an extended visit to her tether R. R. Rickman. ' ' Mr. Dave Carnes is home from Gastonia, N. C. Mr and Mrs.' J. B. Matlock have gone to Atlanta, Ga., on a visit to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Phillips of Andrews are visiting relatives here. Mr. and' Mrs. -Frank Leatherman have returned to their home at Mars Hill, N. C, after an exlended visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. j. Carnes. Mr E. H. Parrish went to Bryson City on business recently. UVar verv Elad to see Mr. Will Morrison,up and very much improved aft?r a very bad .spell of sickness. Mr and Mrs. Harve Breedlove have moved to West's Mill. - We a glad to have them. . ' ' . s Mr. and Mrs. Carey Rickman are visiting their mother, Mrs. Alice Rick man. 'Mr, .Joe. Rickman who recently brought his bride in. has returned to their home at ?roctor. ' Messrs. Crawford Dalton and Dave Carnes made a trip to Asheville Mon- Notice of Sale Under and by virtue of the power Of sale contained in the mortgage deed from T. G. McKinney and wife Florence McKinney, to the under signed mortgagee which ' mortgage deed was dated July 23, 1924, and re corded in book No. 27, page 559, Rec ords of Mortgages and Deeds, of Trust in the . office of Register of Deeds, Macon County, North Caro lina and 'which -mortgage deed was eiven to secure the sum of Two Hun dred and - Twenty-five ($225) "Dollars and interest and default haying been made in the payment of said amount, I will on Monday, the 24th day' of August, 1925, between the legal hours of sale sell at the ourthouse door in the town of Franklin, the following described real estate: . Lying and being ' in- Highlands Township, Macon County, North Carolina, and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a white Oak the southeast corner of State Grant No. runs east 3 poles to Holt's line; then south 41 poles to a stake in the north boundary line of State Grant No. 3068; then east with said line 26 poles to a stake Paul Henry's. northwest corner; then south with Henry's line 21 poles to a stake S. J. Reece's northwest corner; then west with said Reece's line, 669 poles to a stake in Mrs. J. M. Cobb's line, said Reece's -northwest corner; then north'with said line 21 noles to a stake the northwest corner of said State Grant No. 3068; then east with the north boundary line of said Grant No. 3068, 40 poles to a hickory, said Mrs. J. M. Cobbs cor ner; then north with said Cobb's line 41 poles to the beginning containing nine and 82-100 acres more or less, and being the part of said State Grant No. 3068 and of No. 3084. , Said sale is made-for. cash and to satisfy the above amount interest and cost. This the 20th day oT July, 1925. ARTHUR ORR, GP-4t-A14 Mortgagee, LEATHERMAN LOCALS Mrs. Tom Sheppard and little grand children, Mable and Conrade, of (Estonia are visiting relatives and friends at this place Miss nazci uunvu ui o was visiting relatives here Sunday. Our school' at Liberty is progressing nicely under the leadership of Mr. Arthur Allen. , , Mrs. Pattie Gibson from Swain county is spending awhile with rela tives at this place. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Leatherman from Cowee spent Sunday with Mrs. Leatherman's mother, Mrs. J. M. Ma- sbn. ' - Miss Carrie Green accompanied by Miss Eva Buchanan: from Jackson county have been spending a few days with Miss Green's. sister, Mrs. waiter Green. . Mrs. Adam'Tippett and children of of Alarka spent last week with her sister, Mrs. W. L. Shephard. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sheppard last Sunday a girl, Margar et Helen. Afrc ;r. TT Hihson scent- Monday I j, j with Mrs. TomRaby at Cowee. FARMERS PICNICS County Agent Arrendale, Mr. James M. Gray and Mr. R. O. Lawhon have been busy this week attending farm ers picnics One was held Monday ort Cowee with about , 100 present, Tues day the Cartoogechaye settlements held their picnic with about lib nr tt-ndance while Wednesday the citi zens cf Burningtown met for the same purpose with 150 present. Mr. Gray and Mr. Lawhorn have made speeches at these picnics stress ing principally the v importance of the cow, sow and hen. . Thursday a picnic was held at Hol ly Springs'. Otto will have its .'picnic-' . on Friday and one will be held on Saturday at. Salem. ' " . In each sectiofl it is contemplated organizing a community club- with both men and women participating and have meetings once each month when matters effecting the various phases of community life will be discussed. Beautify the school grounds. See that the label on your paper is dated in advance, if you want the Press to con tinue coming to your home. Beautify the school grounds. BEAUTIFY - YOUR WALLS The American Wall Pa per Company, the larg est producers of wall paper in the world. Ask to see samples. Paint ing and PaperVHanging. JOHN W EDWARDS aay. Mr and Mrs. Claud Parrish visited relatives at West's Mill Sunday. Tryphosa News Mr. j. M. Holt went to Franklin on business recently. Mr. Fred Parrish recently returned from a business trip to Atlanta, Ga. ' Mr. B. H. Seagle,.has just returned from Rich Mountain where he has been working. At the present he is improving his place by digging a well. Mr. Lamb gave the young people of this community a singing last Sat ' rrrliy rifht ... . Mr. 'A. J. Newman's family ate hi; jng a continued flow of visitors at their home. His son and daughters and daughter-in-law and grand children have come up from Greenville, S. C, to spend a while with them in the House Nest and enjoy the breezes of the mountains away foii; the heat and the rush pf the city. , A short time ago death visited the ' home of Mr. Jess Blue and took from them their daughter, a beautiful girl about 9 years of age. The body was taken to the Flats cemetery, for burial. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. MultJerry school opened July 20th with Mrs. Zeb L. Norton, principal and Miss Cornelia Smith of Franklin as primary taecher. To date we have , tan enrollment of 63 pupils. We are ; having a good time and everything is moving' along nicely. We ' have .or canired a ht;rary society m our school. Miss Blanche Vinson, presi dent, Mr. Ralph Norton, vice-presi dent, Miss Carrie Norton, secretary and treasurer. Also we have repaired our basket ball court, and the trusteees of the school have had the ' wel cleaned out and made some other im provements. Mr. J. M. Holt and class are getting ready for the Macon County finging Beautify the school grounds, j " ' " ' Executrix Notice TTavinz auaKfied as executrix of T-amuel L. Rogers, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the pstatc of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on cr before th$ 2nd day of July, 1926, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. -A1V persons indebted to said estate will plaese make imme diate settlement. This 2nd day of July, 1925. MAMMIE A. RQGERS, . A -7 Executrix. Beautify the school grounds. Executrix Notice Having Qualified as executrix of T L. Seav. deceased, late of Macon coun tyr N; C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate ot said deceaased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of Tulv. 1926. or this notice will be plead. in bar of their recovery. All rjersons . indebted to. said estate will please majce .immediate settlement.. This 24th day 'of July, 1925. . MARGARET SEAY oA21 ' Executrix. ; Administrator's Notice - Havinor niial'firrl as adntinistrator of Willie Cloer, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against' the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to1 the undersigned oh or before the 24th day of July, 1926, or this notice will bes plead in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said .estate will please make immediate i settle ment. . This 24rh day of July, 1925. J. L. SHEPHERD, Jurv List . August Term, 1925, Beginning August 24 FIRST WEEK H. H Mashburn', Franklin, N,vC. L. J.oung, Ellijay, N. C. C, W. Dowdle, Sr. Prentiss, N. C. B. I Waldroop, Franklin, N. C. R-l. W. R. Corpeing, Franklin, N. C. R-l. D. J. Moses, Ellijay, N. C: T. L." Cabe, Sr. Franklin, N. C. R-2. E. N. Dalrymple, Nantahala, 1. C. J. L. Clark, Ellijay," N. C. i H. E. Waldroop Franklin, N. C. R-l. M. S.. Burnett, Flatts, N. C. W. M. Calloway, Franklin", N. C. R-3. B. B. Lenoir, Franklin, N. C. R-3. W. S. Slagle, Franklin, N. C. R-l. Joe Potts, Franklin, N. C. R-4. H. E. Childcrs, Frankjin, N. C. R-2. J. T. McCoy, Gneiss, N. C. N. L. Barnard, Franklin, N. C. R-2. I. J. Ashe, Franklni, N, C. J B. Pendergrass, Franklin, N. C. W. J,. Willis, Franklin, N. C. R-3. Z. V. Shcpe, Prentiss, N. C. I. N. McCoy, Gneiss, N. C G. S. Fraizer, Franklin, N. C. R-2. , W. M. Brown. Franklin, N. C. R-2V W. T. McDonald, Otto, N. C. W. T- Wilson, Gneiss", N. C. W. N. Hicks, Kyle, N. C. J. T. Vinson, Tryphosa, N. C. A.'J. Evans, Cullasaja, N. C. y Barto Wilson, Highlands, N. C. L. M. Holland. Cullasaja, N..C. W. H. CunningKam, Franklin, N. C. , J. B. Sanders, Franklin, N. C. R-4. C. F. McKiney, Highlands, N. C. W. I. Houston, Gneiss, N. C. . - SECOND WEEK J. T. Raby, Iotla, N. C. R. A. Henson, Otto, N. C L T. Watkins, Ellijay, N, C. , W, W. Smith, Highlands, N. C. W. M. Parrish, Otto, N. C. W; R. Ledford, Franklid, N.:C. R-2. E, B. Byrdf StileSi N. C. " JiS. Carpenter; Otto,.Nv C. . C. H. Sanders, Fanklin jli Cr-- ' - C. C. Jennings, Cullasaja, N. C, , J. "M. Cochran, Flatts, N. C. T. M. Keener, Highlands, N. V D LJ Owensby. Flatts, N. C, .- A. L. Poiri(exit: Franklin, N C." R-3. R. L. Bryant, Farnklin, N. C,"R-3. O. C. Corbin, Gneiss,' N. C. . E. C. Kinsland, Franklin, N. C. R-4. J. M. Corbin, Ellijay, N. C. ; By crder of the Board of County Commissioners, July '',. 1925. . HORACE .1. HURST,- A7-3t ' Clerk. WATCH THE CLOCK The Clock in our window which is to be given away was started running August 1st at 8:45 A. M. When" it stops if the dial you hold compares with the. time of the clotk, ITS YOURS. s ' ... . ;, Dr. McGahee who comes to us recommended as a Prescription man of Experience, having worked rin that department for the past 20 yeaand recom mended by reliable firms of Atlanta, Ga, and Ashe- ville. We don't hesitate to call your attention to the fact' that-we-can, -fill. your Prescriptions, sq bring them to us. Our prices are right and we .stand be hind him for accuracy and price. : . - - We are in business tor vour health, ' ; - ' THE FRANKLIN PHAR5IACY Kodak Films Developing JUST RECEIVED Nice line Blue Ridge Weavers. J; Handiwork Novelties, such , as baskets ef all kinds, handmade. All sorts of pot tery made in North Carolina 'Mountains, bed spreads , hand woven, hook rugs and table runners, bureau scarfs and bags, in' attractive and suitable colors.' Also a full line of Bucilla stamped packages, Bucilla guaranteed wash'fast embroidery cottons' in all shades. Ladies fine silk hosiery and handkerchiefs. Call and look at my line. No trouble to show goods. PRISCILLAR ART SHOPPE PALMER STREET : . . ' ' TAXES 1 must ollcct , 1924 city taxes. Please pay at one? and save cost. ''WAS SOMEBODY HURT" "No, and it's not a fire sale either." Every day aboul! , meal time you see a big crowd gather at the Franklin Bakery & Restaurant. The people have .learned I yhere to get something good to eat. They h'aye also learned that the management of the Franklin Bakery & Restaurant believes that cleanliness is the magic wandythat draws trade. Yes, Sir ! If you wish good food and a clean place in which Jo eat it, let Bob Patillo attend to 'your wants." '' " The above, conversation between two men was heard on the street a few days ago. Need we say more? " FliAllKLIII BAKERY h RESTAURAIIT 3d ?3 K. M. UJl'l'tK. n FIM-A21 Administrator.

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