t jQ ) of - iiiTmuutAi id 21 1 (MIS : J! If- 1 , I f il l f M ' I ; I ft i I t I )' 1. L-.1 t r Y- v ' ;.r 'ir. " i i VOLUME XL FRANKLIN, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1925 NUMBER THIRTY-NINE ONE HAN DEAD V ANOTHER HURTi Blast on Bryson City Road Five'Miles From Franklin . Kills Calvin Shepherd and Injures Frank Shephera. One of the rnost unfortunate acci dents that has accurred in Macon . - - , county in some time took place Mon ..' day at noon on the Bryson City road when a blast at the quarry killed Mr, Calvin Shepherd and seriously injured his cousin, Frank Shepherd. , According to reports these men were coming along the road in a car when the accident happened. It ap pears that they received warning of the biast too late to get out of the way. The Press was unable to learh just why the car was not stopped until after the blast had been touched off. On reciept of delayed warning it is stated that Mr. Calvin Shepherd . got out of the car and leaned against the embankment. When the blast occurred he was covered by earth 1 and died from suffocation. ' , '"'. ; Mr. Frank Shepherd was brought .'to a local hospital for treatment . where, it is stated, he is erpected to recover. ' ; The deceased lived in Cowee town- , ship and was prominent and highly I, ., i esper.tc" citizen. ' ' "i v f . ' The entire county extends sympa i thy to the. bereaved family. Legalized Hold-Ups fr'i.'j.yusv.v TV'-". V No, North Carolina is not the only State which legalizes higHway rob bery, but this does not remove the Dark Ages, stigma which rests on us. It is not the only State that legally licenses certain individuals to hold up people and exact tribute from them, but still that does not lessen the dis grace which clouds us. The unlicensed bandit finds the law sternly against him, but the law helps tlfc licensed one hold the pistol at the head of. his victim. The law says its dignity must be maintained and so it arms its agent with authority to ' charge people with offending the law. If the agent finds them guilty he col lects fees from them; if he finds them not guilty he gets nothing. In the name of the majesty of the law, what will the verdict be? . .. Wise and beneficent law. It pun ishes offenders against it by making them pay another individual. It sagaciously seeks to ensure that no guilty petson shall escape by . pro viding a bonus calculated to ensure that many innocents shall also be punished. The licensed ajent is out of pocket jf he adjudges them inno cent. It is indeed remarkable that a considerable -number of these agents. : these magistrates, remain fair and honorable men when the law dangles before them the temptation not to be such. , -There is a clamor against this sys- tern from all parts of the country from automobltrsts who are now its particular ( victims. iThey, traVfcHng through a strange section, are held up by legalized bandits who inform tbern that,. Jhey have broken , this or ' that law and' so must bay'"co9ts' as the personal tribute is germed. Pro . testation k of innocence' avail' nothing' the bandit's pocketbook jv judge- ana jury. ' They sit beside the road, these w, agents wjth their constables or deputy sheriffs and their speed' traps and ex-, act their toll much as did the robber barons. They are in fact successors of (tle robbers barons of old whose castler iuarded ' the ro?dS and ' Svht) 4cepdyd to make hapless travelers py tribute" for passing' thereon; On the ramparts above .the jRhine' are tne ruins of , the keeps ' Wherein ;dweft ihe guardians of the river road . $o President. Thomas p.. Henry of the-American Autonfobile Association draw' a parallel between the .feudal barons and those of the ivesent day . whq preyoft travelers. He 'demands the abolition of , the system of farm ing cut justice and of the plan which nys the law agent for judging peo ple only when he. adjudges them' guil ty.. He tells of an Ohio -magistrate who extracted $3,500 m personal trib ute from automobilists .in two months. ,. The A. A. A, is like to take the war path and it can be a verv bad Indian. 'Editorial in Ashevil'.c Citizen. franklin high School news Published by the S. S. Society Editor-in- Chief Selma Young Associate Editors......Elizabeth Smith, Elizabeth Anderson, Mildred Blaine, Lillian Patton, Philip Newman. (Continued from last week.) The school session of 1925-26 open ed Monday morning with an elemen tary enrollment of 304 and 166 in High school. Our average attendance last years for the seventh through the eleventh grades was 122. This makes it rather hard of teachers and students alike and we must all co-operate in order to get the best results. We are indeed fortunate in secur ing the services of such an excellent Principal as Prof. Bramlett has prov ed himself to be. Our faculty ;is also one of unusual ability and efficiency. Our Science Instructor is Mr. Moss, Algebra, Miss Phipps; English, Miss Cowherd; French and Latin, Miss Mosely; Home Economics, Miss Weaver; while Prof. Bramlett has tken charge of History. Miss Burch Still has the teacher training depart ment.' It will be our own fault if we do not make this year one of the best in our school's history. The public will be delighted to learn that our new Professor has ta ken an active inteest in beautifying the school and School grounds. The yard has been mowed and some sand and. cinders put on. Wainscoting has been put around the auditorium to potect the plaster 'anl, an cVtside water fountain has been put up. The S. S. Literary, Society held the first meeting of the year Friday after noon. The following officers were elected; President, Miss Kate Baird; Vice President, Mns Lily Horn ; Sec retary, Miss Ella Jones; Teasuror, Mr. Harley Cabe. We expect to do great things in our society this year and with such a hustling set of offi cers theres no reason why we should not. The Program and Editorial Committees were also selected. M,iss Moselcy was elected sponsor. In Physical Geography class Mr. Moss had a hard time trying to con vince some of us Tar Heels that the run was larger than Noth Carolina. He didnt say whether or not it was as large as South Caolina. ' There was .an exciting time here last Thusday morning when Dr. Lyle with the expert aid of Mr. Thomas, Johnston, Jr., vaccinated us for ty phoid fever. Miss Phipps and Miss Cowherd seem to have made most satisfacto ry arrangements with one of our town's most eligible young bachelors about transportation to and from school.' . E. S. '27. Scholastic Mirth. Prof. "Philip this is the third time you've looked on Lyman's papj;r." Philip: "Yes sir. He does not write very plainly." Rescuer: "Hold on tight Miss, hold on tight." ' Maid in Distress : (An English teacher) "Don't say tight; say "Jlold on tightly" Teacher : "If the president, vice, president and all the members of the" cabinet should die; who would offici ate?" I--- ''' '"'": '? -'V: Snooks : Tried hard but in van "to think of the next in successio.1 'unti! a ' huppy thought struck hi in. "Thte v iulc;,taker, he exclaimed.". , Mrs. Prof: "Oh, Henry, I blessed the day I married you." M. Prof: "Cat the con.e-iv What kind of a hat have you bought now " , Teacher: "A biped 1 ' is anything that .goes oft h, isi feeH, ' "Thomas, can you name one?" ThomaS : I'Ves, ma'ara. A pair of socks.' 1 , ' ' 11. E. A. '277. BIG BOX SUPPER ' There will be a big box supper given txr...j. ''.i.i day night, September 26th. Proceeds from the box supper will be used for I he; benefit of the Watauea Baptist church. Extensive preparations are being mode by the o?o;ie of that and G. A. Jones approximately 75 (ommunity to make thi the greatest ' acres of land on the east bank of the orcai-ion of its kind in the history of little Tennessee just above the Lake that settlementEverybody is invited. j Emory holdings. This land is located The cause is a good one. Come, have on the lake. at its widest part and is a lot of fun, get your money's worth ideally situated for development pur and help the church. j poses. AlfOTHER GREAT DEVELOPMENT IN PROSPECT FOR FRANKLIN Mr. W. D. Almazov and Miss Sophie Albert Purchase From the Lenoir Heirs 2,306 Acres Five Miles West of Franklin on Slier Mill Creek Plan Magnificent Devel opment Work to Start at an Ealy Date. OPERA SEATS IN IDLE HOUR THEATRE The Idle Hour Theatre has installed 200 comfortable opera seats. For some weeks this theatre has been closed on account ,of lack of sufficient current. However, Steve Porter and jess Conley, have determined to open with some ' excellent pictures when power from the new dam becomes ava'lable. . . ' With large fans, comfortable seats and the best pictures produced the Idle Hour Theatre will be second to none in Western North Carolina. Rum Runners Jailed v ... -. Three men giving their names as Jenkins, Conley and Baird and their homes as Bryson City were jailed last Saturday morning about 4 o'clock by Sheriff Ingram and . a party of deputies consisting of Chief Coffey. Jim Palmer and B. C. Munday. One man was arrested near the quarry 03 the Bryson City road. While Chief Coffey was making this arrest an other car containing the other two men and 27 gallons of liquor drove up. ; Seeing the plight of their com panion the men in the second car turned around. In the mean time' Sheriff. Ingram who had been follow ing the cars came up belvnd. The two men in the second car began shotting at the. officers and one ball found lodgment in the arm of Deputy Mu;iday.' Sheriff Ingram jumped on tin; running board of the rum run ners' c?r and tried to steer the car into the embankment. The men 1 oi l clod the Sheriff's hands with a slick, took his gun away from him and temporarily escaped; They were I followed by Chief Coffey and over- taken in the Rose Creek settlement where tiiey surrendered. All three men were brought to town and lodged in jail. All have been re- leased on bond. Deputy Munday is in a local hos pital. ATLANTA PRTY HERE The latter part 0 flast week a party of prominent Atlanta people visited Franklin. Mr. J. R. Smith of the realty firm of Smith & Rankin and Mr. W. R, Sheppard, genera! manager of Subdivisions of the same firm came up to inspect the Lake Emory property of which this firm are sales a gents. Mrs. Sheppard accompanied her husband on the trip. Mr. Dave R. Wilder, a retired capitalist, was also a member of the party. Mr. Wil der is delighted with Franklin and vicinity, being particularly impressed w :h the Lake ', Emory holdings. In fact he bought two lots on this de elopment. Mr. Higgins of Sfli'th & Higgirts, of Atlanta, was also, a mem ber of the party. Mr. Higgins is not only fulsome in his praise of Frank lin but bespeaks a great future for this . section Mr. H. R. Cannon, Jr., Atlanta representative: pf' the Frank iirt ; Lakes Development, was , also present and while here made a close study ' of the Lake Emory holdings and, according to Mr. Sheppard, is now prepared to tell the world of this beautiful section. ENGINEERS COMPLETE SURVEY Messrs. J. Ia Goldman ant Guy Crusselle, engineers with Robert & company, hae, completed the surveys of Sections two an three of the, Lake Emory holings., These sections, are now stake off an will be offered for sale, in Florida , luring the coming .winter. 'r s ! BARNARD SELLS SOME LAND Mr. Lee Barnard has sold to Messrs. S. H. Lyle, Jr., Sam Franks fhrough the J. H. Stockton Realty company, Mr. W. D. Almazov of At lanta and Miss Sophie Albert, of Chattanooga have purchased from the Lenoir heirs approximately 2300 acres on Siler Mill Creek near Mr. J. J. Riser's store five miles west of Franklin on the Aquone road. While the consideration was not mentioned il is Jiiderstood to be in the neighbor hood 0 ifolUi;!. Ii. this !ian;a'.ik n V.iss Albert nil Mr. Almazov have no associates. In speaking of their future plans the new owners state that they plan to develop their new holdings Into one of the most magnificent residen tial communities in all of Western North Carolina. The entire tract will be laid off into lots of half acre and more in extent. Thus those who wish to locate there will have the choice of any size lot they desire. These lots will be sold under absolute re strictions as to the kind of buildings to be erected. In other wordsMr. Almazov and, Miss Albert plan to make their new development one of the most desirable in the state. The tract under discussion is so favorable situated that it is easily 1 adapted , for development purposes. Perhaps one of its greatest advantar ges is the fact that the tract includes the entire watershed in that vicinity. Innumerable and boldly flowing springs are found on the property while many clear, mountain brooks winding their way through canyon and glenn flow across this beautiful tract of land. With an abundance of pure mountain water and with the watershed completely controlled the water supplv ' for this new develop ment is assured. The present owners will build a dam 260 feet long at the top across Siler Mill Creek and thus impound a lake covering 60 acres. A great boulevard crossing on top of the dam wll follow the water lne completely around the lake. Other roads wll be built throughout the property. It is intended to make the lake the center of a beautiful park. Mr Almazov is a distinguished engineer and archi tect and is now at work on plans that will make the new development sec ond to none in the mountains. The new owners are affering free of charge .5. acres to ?ny one who will build a hotel on he site. Plans for the hotel wili also he furnished free Si.eh dc'rh pmrnis tnis are of tin -old be ubt it: the c j rty. SHEPPARD BUYS PROPERTY While here 'last week Mr. W; R Sheppard of Smith & Rankin, realtors of Atlanta, closed, the deal for the 60 acre Franks tract 'on Rabbit creek adjoining the lake. Mr. She'ppard will develop his new holdings . along the same lines that are now being used 6n the Lake Emory development. In other words the sama restrictions will apply on Mr.'Shcppard's proper ty that are now1 enforce on the Lake Emory lots. Mr. Sheppard is partic ularly interested in, the Lake Emory deyopmenf and one1 reason wbfy he closed the deal, for the" Franks prop erty' was to guarantee the purchasers of Lake Empry lots.agajnst anyrun desirable developments., in the imme diate vicinity of their building lots. During his last visit' ' here" ' Mr. Sheppard became more enthused than ever over the possibilities of his;sec-! tioh. He state .that Within the last few days ths.Lake, Emory sales, under the management ox Ur. F. W. Con nelt,!"havc approached the propor tions i a big boom. According to Mr. Sheppat-d the ale of Lake Emory lots has far exceeded his expectations. His company Jus no dpubt that rtheir development is" now 'going over in magnificent style.. '" ' f ' The construction of a bridge across Rabbit creek has delayed the date of hlllng the lake, ft is now thought C'tA the water will be shuf off at the drt; about the last of this week. Some say that it will take only six days d 1 the lake to fi'l. O ';trs esti r"!te two or three weeks. Quite a difference. BIG ADDITION TO LOCAL HOSPITAL 1 Dr Furman Angel Lets Con tract for $25,000 Addition to His Hospital to Ashe ville Contractor. Dr. Fiirman Angel has found it . necessary to increase the capacity of his hospital in Franklin by 20 beds. Consequently he has let a contract to the Bucholz Construction company of Asheville for the erection pf an addi tion to his hospital costing $25,000. Dr. Angel stated that work on this addition will begin in the early spring. In the meantime the contractors will begin assembling the necessary ma terial so that the building may be completed in record time when work starts. This hadnsome addition will be con structed of white, brick Dr. Angel's hospital is located in one of the most beautiful groves in Franklin and the new building, when completed will be a great credit to Fratiklin. . i The Angel hospital has been crowd ed for sometime and additional space had become a necessity. State Poultry Show 7 Held During Fair A feature event of the sixty-feurth State Fair to be held in Raleigh dur ing the week of October, 12 wilC be the " eleventh official State Poultry .... Li show held jointly by the State fair and the North Carolina Poultry as sociation. This show will be Held under the direction of Allen G. Oliver, Extension Poultry Specialist at Sfate College. The judges will be Charles Nixon of New Jersey and J. P. Kerr of Haw River. This show last year brought thousands'of the finest birds grown in this State and adjoining sections. It also attracted lovers of poultry who came to study the differ ent entries made. A total of nearly $3,000 was paid out in premium money and the same amount is offered again this ye,ar. In addition to the poultry show, Dr. B. F. Kaupp of State Col lege will hold the eleventh annual egg show with premiums offered for the best exhibits made in the fanciers class, the commercial class and that . for students and college workers. In the poultry department, the American Poultry . association is offering, this year a valuable gold medal to the win ner of the best display in the show. A handsome special medal is-offered for the first prize cockerel in each class, including bantams, and a diplo ma is offered to the first prize cock, hen, cockerel, pullet and pen in all classes recognized by the American Poultry association. Manager E. Vt Walbom states that this feature of the Fair is already at tracting much attention and indica tions are that the number of entries will be large. Arrangements have also been com- plctfd for poultry lovers to enjoy a pr iod cf recreation wh.b at the iir. The. number of free attractictnsare more than usual with some of the best artists in the country engaged lor the week. Mr. Walborn states that the poultry "growers of ;Nortn CjccIm should find the, week to be both pie is ant and profitable M . ' SHOW COMING Mr. Edward A. Reno's Funmakers, a delightful show, 'clean and .'whole some,1 wHt 'be here all of next1 week and wijl show on $he vacant' lo at Harrison Avenue and Main" 'street. Those who have seen this shrtw claim Ithat ft is 'the1 best Show on the road icaay. ii is repiexe wun wpoiesome wit and is well Worth seeing.1! See Mr. FeiioV ad in this issue. ' The per formances wilt begin prontpjly at Sty o'clock ech jtflght. PLANT IN OPERATION The ' nw addition to the General Mica & Clay company's plant at Iotla bridge is now running bin part time. Full time operation is expected in a short time. The General Mica & Clay company is going ahead with plans . to; electrify, the plant. General man ' ager Rice expects to have the motors installed and in operation before Christmas. The new adidtion to the plant will increase ' the capacity by several tons per day. -. A