FACE TV.0 FP.ANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS P.UM by lU 5- S. Society J tlELFS fj r.ewt t ' -'. f kit t: "v.r--"r" - - 4 sr a Ivr.? "Why i't we sr. ftaf-Mm Hbfr ;. boo! a r.h'erfs: ji-''" I Uir4 ,rtr th 'br . Tr. 'antr cist a i't '.f a Wt tf. Soar. d ;evaMT f Mh'X1 'fk a a rfr ttrtwrr yb. bi ',tbr tbtsk of it at a j-vy. !& 4oU tit. -'tut wiv.K th'ttk of uhwA ,rk a tjtwfi tWtr. tri art ih. on .trlw f-the leatt est of atWA: Why 4ft v! tfegt ? Vie wrii't' ever iwrtylxh aBjibinar we H a4 ?ra4 it Neither wiJI it be thterfaJ to prej-ar a fcftoo in a initial VPfA A 1wb prt lre4 io.b a mar.ntr won't be re cited in a ,U.iMZ way. Tbti we o arMr! ail day w;tbowt a irrrik- We wiet y't bo wonder why we V,k tad. V'ey a't e uniSe and mate o4:r hm'f ' Cheerful cot any ifionefit the irsJe. SV matur how hard a taik rnay b mert il with a wiwJe. fx at it. whh dtriwfid will, t'kk to it, r.d work .k. tv4i kind of ttrife h abst iwnt, sot merely for today ft .Vr'f. CWriVi.v tt and fjood-wil K'Ai WfiY tsyt make Vrir,knn HiifH ..hool . a thetrfti f-ti?- W car,, ktVall try! .".';:: and t.ht v.ofSd lafijjbn with vti; wttp. j.d yoi wee akne S.Y. Mtt2 From tlx. Spritdt ; .Wxt week the children will be tpvtn .'tr n-tsxt r.ard for the fsrt of the jkkoofyear. 1 boje the parmti of a! the (MMrtn will examine thoe re uini tirt(aU. Utmrt the child ren to hrin them each month; do not tltow the th::dren to tign tnern ior Ui vou tec them. And do not avept f)my extuet for ViW Kradet. A larjfc number of children fail to (.( their school work, each year, Jf we beKin rht at the hrtt ' of the tchoolio reaoire (food -work 'it patting fciadct, these failure will not be to numeroot, : Io not forget to praise and en MynrjrKe thou- who arc doiijK :. (jw,d work A. L likAMI.KTT. .A oar; s WiVeepicsf fc K?i'ool ' A large cfaU ha been trade J tjp and they hope to be rea!y to itart by Monday, Mit Fbip bat taken charge c-f the clan and are o-'e thh will add greatfy to cvr feooL The teachert teem rather k!y at firnei r.ow that they are uot a2rywed to bau datet'on week-tj;g5itfc Tfce ttodesM can mott fceartily jfyjrpi:ze whh thera. witse to the fict that for !a Jot tiffse they bare had to uy at home and tttidy at eight, too, Kiteaaj of jriakisg a few vrxial calb asd. o onh. Mr. Moti t the 5&tt eflergetk maa we know of. He can go to tfce tn very 'r,bt and yet tfcow P tngtt and early in time to give m a tert, and correct the papert, too. How we idxire bj tpirh and with that we cwld rsanage it to we conid even tan the tern, much lett go1 to the Socul New Utt Loit Ferguton wa honored bv a mrpriie party baturaay nigm, Ziren by her mother in honor of her seventeenth birthday. The evening wat fcpent' in paying . n- &Cr Carrie ani teing ytt. , . dflidoc refrehmentt were terred bv Urt. Fergtiwn. The large birth day cake wa covered with eventec-n candles which '! tried to blow out, but left fix burning which indicates that Mr. and Mrs. Fcrgwon will have a wn-in-law within six yean. Tboje present were, Mmes Betty Sloan, Tim Crawford, Kate Baird Francei Paul, Selma Young, Sue I lannkutt and Elizabeth BarnarJ. Tm 4fit Pbil CcCollam. Wil- liam McGtiire, Alex Stewart and Bill Jfigdon. . , AH reportcl a goon time anu m Ui i many happy birthday. P'rfHa Siler entertained a num ber of her friend with a dance at her t.,. Priv nivht Serrtember 2atn, After dancing and telhng fortuntt awhile refrethnsentt were served. M.G.,B. 7- School Nw Tti (,(ie(v towukm last Friday 4a given by the l.artier Literary So ciety,"' It was an iinuu;iily god pro ihat wat enioved by all .'.r.ti.nt Komi: ' Kood mime wa ren'-, deled and homc-rnadc candy in dain-1. lily made batket of black and red, wat nerved. Mis Cowherd, ha' charge of the Lanier, thi year and f from all appearnce they are planning! An imiw real work. Both tocietiet are working hard for the banquet to be given to the todety giving the bett program and it lookt a though ex citing timet arc jua ahead. . I'rof. Bramlctt hat started out to improve our High School building and when he ttartet he starts -with a vim, Jlit latett improvement it making dome benthet for the auditorium. They are regular teatt, mo, with backt to them. Only those who have had to ttand up and listen to num bcrlcti tpeechet made in chapel can appreciate this great addition to our nchool. 1 had Jokes Bill Higdon-"Lid you ever kni girl under a roittJetoer Witt Wvi'.asrt "F.r, er, no, -Kher k! one on the nose." Wilbur -"11! Meal km from you." f,jl.f."You mutt not. sir." Wilbur-'AVhat it I do? . ' Glee Td make you give it back. TUi-r i a man vho never drink, nor tmoket, nor chewt, nor swear. who never gamble,, never mm an-j thun all tinful tnartJ-Het paralyz: cd. (Mr; Most.) p.r-jmlrtt "Our last month' , ill P r- i' .1.1 t ill ...i. fricrhtftll. Mr. Bramlett-Sm.ling, rote and hi ax wuite low. E.II A. u. till m.r. W See that the label on your paper i Hated in advance, if you want the Preit to con tinue coming to your home. FertT-cil Iw et eff ti 3T' ef tie Zijf. Su.u Et t tlx ceo- try, im es.satx;e cf H jU torn, f fctcisdfsc tl rssiJS lars Sifltixf f its, tir reseat 21 fcili ? tie f total i5laSJe wto ai tui'.e to j arail &m.ttrt cf ti ktc wiick . eiwtridty ea. reader a.utka4- " " lie cfey triu! Tk aaiwer is tfn. - Te Crtt eetffal ratk cob- pts&t wr ' Stis es3ttBJ eget2ate4 eoctracta trx V&iizg Ai j ttnJL ImXkx tier raai trxacii to cperate i vtete eo- sstitSe. Tils a&iue4 taasr dil retsra wtkl warraste tie ereo Uos of pole Us es. TYm t&e fasousestais were ea- SsW for tie distrliitynj cf esergy for pcrpoees other tiaa lgfet2ng. Bat It stopped at tie atsasrts. efijeay oe caase of Use app&rest lack of tut f ekat "baeiaess" beyoad tteselimh to warrant tie erectisg of rural dis- trlbtttion liae. rarmers hare beea enfortcnate !n the matter of electrical conTeEiences ; from the very fact I uietr Being fimxH Tbmr ore fioznselled to make j their Hvlng la Isolated sections. Their j Isolation has bees tbe;r baadicap. Ugh Hiflhways Mean Power Tet tbU seed not be. Highway lighting, say engineers o! the Gen rsil Electric Company, wall function at well for the rural districts as street lighting has functioned for the cities, and with the necessary lines tn oper mt s r t : . f!on across rarai aisiricw, ugauuK Bp the highways, other electrical con- TenieBces Will follow a surely as Bight follows day. Installed highway liafttta STStems are but forerunners they are bat a hint of the broader gerrice of bringing electric ngnt ana cower to the faraer. . . . . . Tet a liahted highway, as sucn, u mot without treat intrinsic value to the fanner. Farmers go to mantei isMr and often return tome late. A lighted kizhwav enables the fanner to make the oarney with facility and wtthoot fear of collision such as orten hannecs when the farm vehicle Is .lighted only by a lantern on the axle ,,r dashboard. A lighted highway re- iimm thm farmeri of eTe strain. It J. T mm" m-m- w onahlea the farmer to perform cer 9n iltiM aronnd the place which fftrmerlr had to be performed either with an oil lantern or not performed at 1L Hizhway Hrhting units, stretched ion the road in front of a farm - ... hnftse. obviate the neceaslty of step nine out Into complete darkness and the more cheerful outlook which the farmer enjoys from his front win a,.. ipii nleasurablv ODon him UW W v r w with a oronounced psychological ef feet- Life to the fanner becomes teei ef a burden and more of a Joy Introduction Offer Only-Introducing Harry La Mar, Eye Glass Kxpert. Ready-to-Wear Glasses, - Frames, ' Lens, Repair Parts, Ktc. 0IAMI4LF PRICE 18 YEARS' EXPERIENCE The Scs krgest Dedtf ia Rdy-towear Eye Classes All Work Positively Guaranteed to Give Satisfac tion. Lens Changed Free For Five Times, Frame Guaranteed to Wear For Twenty Years. No Frames Guaranteed Against Breakage. To See Better, See Me at the Time and Place Listed Befow: TOM BRYSON'S STJE Callataja, N. C, MonxUy, ' Octorber Stb. 2:3 to S P. M. WILL MAR'S STORE Near Et-, N. C, Tkwrtday, October lt, t to f A. M. HALL'S STORE Etna, N. C, Tltortday, October , 1st, f :39 to 11 A. M. JOHN T, HENRY'S STORE Ellijay, N. Tuetdy, October 6th, 8 to 10:30 A. M. MORRISON BROS. STORE Wit' Mill, N. ThnrwUy, October lt, 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. H. P. RAY'S STORE Iotla, N. C, Thortday, October Itt, 2:30 to 6 P.M. DILLS STORE CneiM, N. C, Tuesday, October 6th, 2 to S P. M. W. T. FOUTS STORE Route 3, Friday, October 2nd 8 to 10 A. M. JAKE YOUNCE STORE Route 3, Friday, October 2nd 10:30 to 12:30 JIM RAEY'S STORE Route 4, Wednesday, October 7th, 8 to 10 A M. MORGAN'S StORE Stfles, N. C Friday October 2nd 1 to 3 P. M. ROBT. RAMSEY'S STORE Tellico, N. Friday October 2nd, 3 to P. M. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Franklin, N. C Saturday, October 3rd, 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. R. F. HENRY'S STORE Route 4, Wednesday, October 7th, 10:30 A M. to 1 P. M. HERMAN DEAN'S STORE Route 4, Wednesday, October 7th, 2 to S P.M. STOCKTON'S STORE Prentiss, N. C, Thursday, r October 8th, 8 to 10:30 A. M. r V MACON COUNTY STORE Otto, N. C Thursday, October 8th, 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. KISER'S STORE Route 1, Monday, October 5th 8 to 10 A M. BROWN'S STORE Dillard, Gs, Thursday, October 8th, Z:30 to 6 r. M. . SETSER BROS. STORE Route 1, Monday, October 5th 10 A. M. to 12 Noon AT HOTEL Mountain Cifv. fin . VrAv October 9th, 8 A. M. to 12 Noon ADVERTISING IN THE PRESS BRINGS RESULTS' FEED STUFFS AND GROCERIES We announce t the public the opening of our store carrying feed stuffs and groceries. This store is located in east end of McCoy building near the depot. . Please investigate our prices before buying else where. ' ' G S. GRINDSTAFF, The Money Saving Store THANKS TO ONE AND ALL Some months ago,, we established a new furniture and music store in Franklin. From our opening day until the present our success has been beyond our, fondest expectations. We therefore take this oppor tunity to thank our many patrons for this great volume of trade. In recent weeks we have been too busy selling fur niture, Vict rolas, records, ranges, etc., to write any high-sounding advertisements. However, we are still in business and will be here when others have silently folded their tents and stolen away. BRYANT FURNITURE C0I1PAHY WE MUST HAVE MONEY To meet bills now falling due on the mamrfioth stock of goods we have received we must raise a large amount of money at once. Therefore our Grand Opening Sale is still going on and we have slashed prices to the limit. We do riot ask you to take our word for this just step . 1 1 11 Ml 1 into our store and see how mucn a aonar win Duy. Our goods are all high grade and our prices the low est in Macon County. Investigate for yourself and save money. , ".' ;;--.:'-" We have built up our business in Buford, Ga., by giving the people real merchandise for less'ihon Our policy has ever been to buy and sell regular goods only. We now have on hand a mammoth stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Overalls, Sweaters, H ats, Groceries and hundreds of other articles too numerous to mention. FINAL CLEARANCE SALE PRICE ON SILKS, was $1.19, now yard FLOUR ; $1.35 net GORDON- BROTHERS . "HAVE THE BARGAINS FOR YOU" . " r