4 . tfrr r.iTv of ths mountains i mmw V J 1 B J 1 1 I I fry LI fill J iU vky ttriL 1 iL 1 .UTS 1TS S W if! . ttl FRANKLIN, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1925. NUMBER FORTY-NINE. VOLUME XL tit I'll II l FORD ROADSTER, EQUIPPED VITH JL RUCKSTELL AXLE EASILY CLIIffiS STONE JIT. , Steep Ascent Negotiated in . , I Record Time and With out Undue Strain on the Motor'. . v tv i-uv A mtTT PR 1R . u 1 jvyiin wv ...... r Automobile Editor, Atlanta Journal, ' - . ' The moSt amazing application of , latent automotive power which has j - . ' . . . t eve come under this' writer's ob- c.rvnMr.n t.'.nU nlacc last Wednesday l when " a Ford roadsterequipped with the Rucksteii axle successful ie ivueK-.c.i jic jui.v.i.331111- iv and 'disdainfully : .climbed btone ; !.i fl:ii. if rLMti' tmvvrr irnrt 'with no v externa! assistance otner; than the cheers of a small but inter-! no "externa! assistance oiner ; ested group, of spectators. ' - O I . , : !'.! it known to those who1 have vet mountain uuuer n uvvu jui-i, "'"'.gious , - - . L U!li; 13 mailt v.i.w... to see Stone mountain from a close ti(-ic application of that power. At view and those wdio have iooked at j3nta journa. " .it froi.i the ground and let it go at ' ; , : that-Slone mountin is the; ; world's p; yar2en5 Meet ' largest, single block of granite and j ' . . "itascent is not to be undertaken by j . Sai'urday- afternoon County Fire an automobile without avast respect ' Warden J. J. Mann and Deputies. Zei) for that automobile's "pulling ability j ShOpe, J. E. Cabe. Ernest Drown. J. From the very, beginning of the ' I), McCoy, Jack Kerry. Weaver Gib ascent, the road is rough. At times son and J. .A. Parrish, met at the it becomes tortuous- and ,the foot path court house with District Forester, T. the .only road leading to the top , . Alexander, to discuss the preve'n wmdi' in .and out between great boul-tion of forest fires in the county and 'ders. fallen trees, a-nd other obstacles ,nu.ans of surpressing them, in a fashion which produces more j Supervisor R. W, Shields of the tortional ftrain than a car is gener:Ujar,tahala National Forest made a ally called on to withstand during its short talk congratulating the county lifetime. - - - - on the organiation of a fire fighting And when the real grade is reacn-jforce ed, it gets steep, bteep, according to any definition of that good old Eng ' lish word. For about 200 feet the grade is 45 per cent or better and the granite, has been worn away to a smoothness that allows out seam traction.; And this is the portion of the climb that has balked many a motor car with ambitions out of line with capability. The Kuckstcll axle is a compara ' tively new proposition in . this sec- tiveiy new piuusinv" " . ' i tion, though it has -been accorded a ; : ,L. -nwi remarkaDic success m """ a,, th Pacifir coast. And from the conscious ease with which this Ford roadster negotiated this Spectacular i climb there is ample, explanation , of its popularity in any section where . nowec is a requirement. Replacing power, is a icvji.iiicimi.iii. nitorcst rue wuuiu mju't the' left half of the standard Fr(1 1 value of lands anywhere from $25.()C i ', C ni-rllP'jHn(1 ' ..,', jut ' rear .axle, .uunnsnes . r .1.. .. n KnrA niol ir which OI T lie pUVVCl in a is little short of astounding to those acquainica. wuii, 1 r u - j jfticc-' ability. . ., The power is there. The KucKstell axle brmgs it out. sHence, there is on rfmnmv in its use in addition to the additional ability, which is placed thC adlUUOlIUl ilUMll.v, Miiiv.il .'j 1 i at the- driver's, command, for every bit of that power is'appH.'d where it will do the most good a'.tne rear " Stouc mountain, has been climbed Rut the but- ' UV L'LUV :t niviui ; standing and spectacular- nature of the feat is .not diminished one whit by that fact. But if anyone regards it as a pastime to oe uiuienaKv;ii It as a pastime i.u uk. t,iw invito him to take his car and for a number of years we hold the highest respect ior us , Ldimu""."- jA wt have carried our humble "liz 'zie" into places where, our better judgment said "nay." But the idea "of Stone mountain, is outside the realm jrjf possibility so far. as we are concerned; , And still-is, even though we saw it' and marveled at the business-like ' way in vvhich this little roadster went to its. job )adSter went w us, juu. - t T . Cn...r.l1 n vnnrntAtivf of the tlniversal Motor company, drove tthe car. tne universal ivi.uivi ium- ftany handles tne aistnuutiuu .. ui.j "for -the' southeastern, tnri-itnrv thrniicrh the Ford dealer organization exclusively. And H, S, Campell, manager ot tne universal AonVa .hranr.h wis- master cf ' cef- emonies on this occasion. Hut; the Rucksteii axle had the i.ohttt rnl Tt is a ' device which is thoroughly orthodox, .scientifically designed anad built of the best ma terials on the market. As stated, it is sold and, installed exclusively by futhorizerl. Ford 'dealers throughout the country. And the Stone moun tain demonstration climb was the opening of an intensive sales cam paign throughout this. territory. The axle is made "for both truck apdj pas senger' car equipment."- v!",. C. E. Freeman, authorized Ford deaier at Highland and North Boul tevard -heads the Ford dealer organ- . - ization locally in the Rucksteii cam- .. ! ' J . T i . 1 1 .1 .... I paign ana me interest an eauy evei oped presages a volume of business ,-which will be eloquent praise of the Rucksteii axle's merit. Facilities fo" installation in the Freeman service Nation htis been increased to carp for the increased demand. Dcmonstra- it... I,,,. Ivann r1n'..l 'it tha Aic . posal of the pubiic that an may se(. w& know the a'mazing extent of thir , I 1 1 ','... I new development and application of 1'ord powr, Whirlv is' the text of the storv There 'should bei a pride, to '.the Ford owner m knowing tnat tne motor is cana.je. 0f . dcvolot.iiiK: siicli a prodi- n ' -c - ... . .1. I()W UI uuwer inai a rinin a5 Stone mountain becomes al most .child's play. And with the ad- ,.,.f tlio Pi!-t-cK.H :iv'1p !iirli n Villi Vyi LHV. , V II V I. . I V .... . V ....... .. i;.v. ,. m,j ,.cciKt thromrii cpi,..!-. anj ottering. the fullest coopei afinn from, the federal government in preventing and fighting fires in al' parts of tthe county, whether on gov ernment land or the land of private individuals. Mr. Shields stressed the importance of an educational cam paign to prevent fires. Mr. Alexander instructed the dep uties in the methods of making re ports. He also suggested that each Jpnntv visit the schools in his ' dis- tnci auu ianv ij nc ni" ......-v.. concerning the importance of pre- . r ' venting nres. i-irr q a. Harris. 'in a short talk to(1 0f the damage a forest fire will do from tne standpoint of tourist de- vplooments. Prom this viewpoint alone he was of the opinion that a fdrest fire would injure the saiame to 55u.nu per. acre. iul : tl. . .,,.,,.tl,r orlinnrncrl thf yv lieu Hit- iiicii'i'ji deputies left with a better undef- standing 01 meu uuuu stbilities. Items From Norcross, Ga. At,. Will i'n rrli.tnn line rpttirno ii. ivm .";'(," "" v home after spending four months in Miami, Fla. . ; Mr,,. Homer -Long ami son, .011 Ga., where they have been at work for Mr, F. S. Nichols. , - - . jylr. Jack Long .left a few days age : for Akron, Ohio, borry to give inn 'nn vnA wtnW him wrll. "f " .. Mr. Paul Long has returned home 1 ii, from Atlanta, where he has been at ; Mr, Homer Long visited Mrs, Va- Juia mmer vvcuni:uci Afnuyn, Mr. William Mardell is movinc back to our section to farm the next vpar We all welcome him Mrs. Carlina Dickins is on the sick list Hone she soon recovers Mrs. - Homer., and .Mrs., Paul Long visited Mrs. Tim.Mackcney Friday. Mr, W. ,N. Pool is talkiniz of go- ; iuk iw nwi ma. vjuiijr iv i,.v ...... .. I . Vf w' i'nA Afrc TTompr T.nnor 'iitt I ink to Florida. Sorry to give him up Mr! Will Singleton Wednesday night. , ivns runne i. yuia-i ,u .uciu spending a- iew aays wuu un. mmi-i Mrs'. 'Rbv Turner.' ' .1 Get un Vottr does, bovs. and come down, for there's lots of opposwn in Georgia. Cotue on. CartooKchave and Un 1 cle Tom's cabin, for I am a tar hee too! and enjoy reading your news. Miss Genett Turner spent Wednes day night with Miss Helen Long. Attorney Erwin Here Attornpv W. S. Erwin of Clarks vilto.uas hpro last Monday on busi ness. Mr. Erwin reports that Haber sham expects to get, to work on the hitrhwav between Clarksville and Tal- lujah Falls in the early' part of .next vear. If Habersham can bund roads like it voted bonds, not much time will be required to finish its section of the : highway ENTERTAINER EXTRAORDINARY Miss Lura Forbes to Appear at Franklin Court House 1 December 9th Enjoyable Evening is Promised. A few years ago there came into thV office of Mr. ('. E. Booth of Chi- 1 cago, a young woman who sa.d that.'" , , . . .r: , i . , she uasjookmg for something to do . llrere was a smile on her lace, 4 twinkle in her eye, her. manner Was South -the- forest lire. Mad we .re charming and Mr. I.ooth, notwith- - helled against this tax tv.'eniy or s standing, he was veiy busy, at the years ago the accumulated values i: noment, gave the young woman .a the' form -of. sturdy young: fore-.t anf hearing. . .,' 'thriving imlnsties' would be in e:;ces. Said ;hc young woman to Mr: ilooth : "V di you. give me something to do? Said .Mr. ' iUiuih can you do?'' , "I'll ' .show you,' in', reply: U nat 1 aid . the woman in return. : And the young woman entertained Mr. iBonth 'and his .Hice force f . r If an h.v.-.r .wi'.h the most 'original narrt-.tives ot l:ie and iieoyie she had seen and known, that had ever been their pleasure to listen in on. Jn speaking. 'uf the incident Mr. Booth said thai her stories were re 1 1 t-v-.tI , ti vfrv ii;ii!r;illv that he . I ..It t' 1i?,,-c,'t" lnincr ill -llin presence of an old friend, who. was! reiountmg some ot her experiences j ri te was not reaiiuiK. miuiei .. .. .. 1... a,ctingr and yet she was acting m j,ne most natural and cheUive way poss:-' ble. She was all unconsciously act-; in;'- ike the people she was tening about. And this is Art. . This young woman was Lura Forber, recognized and spoken of as , ii. .1. n 1 hempr- pronaniv me musi di'S""" umnnn pnfprtainpr on .the ereat Iv ccum and chautauqua platforih. Lura orbes was born and reared among the mountains of Kentucky and on tne -iiiuuiHiiiiis ui iviuui,ij mi.v. .... nun: .-viiuvMivi win. un - i . -her own responsibility went to New j r nr, C. D. Morgan was the guest under Belasco. nf Mr IV R. Smith last Saturday. Vnrk- an d studied under Helasco. She has been offered both dramatic and moving picture work but chooses to give her gifts to the lyceum and chautauqua platform. Lura Forbes is not a reader sue is-an- actor, a mimic, hhe -is simple natural, drigtnal in all that she does nil v ill laueh and vod , will cry You will forget yourself and the fel low next to you and be . wholly lost in' the people she portrays, some of whom may live uy your mmst. iu ppreciate Lura Forbes you neeu to see and hear her. . She will not be ;n lyceum long, liecause sooner or later , she will be induced to engage in u.a-,r,:tu-i or nictures. and t'.ieu she. will! be your favorite acto". Better see her now. By- special arrangement .;,!, hnrsrlf and Mr,' Booth we are offering, her to Piedmont patrons and am happv tnat' you will have oppor tunity to hear this remarkable young woman entertainer., dive Miss l-oroes a warm Southern reception and every one prepare for a delightful evening tow' her. -Miss Forbes will appear at the .1.1.'.. 7.0 n m court house in rrauMm. u . y. December 9th. Lower Tesenta News On November 22, Mr. John Holt's singing school here was concluded bv- an "all day singing and dinner on the ground." Many of our friends frVim Newman's Chapel, Scaly, and ni-hpr neighborhoods were present Some real good singing was done and all present seemed, to enjoy the oc casion. Miss Ellen Rogers and Mr. Mont ebmer.v' Miller were r' married - on Thanksgiving Day. ' Accept our good wishes for your happiness, Mr. and Mrs. Miller. . .; On the afternoon of the 26th. the teacher at Lower Tesenta invited tin patrons of the school 'to come and see some of the work thru the pupils were do'ng.'The out's who brave;! the ram and came. to 'he school l ouse, feemed pleased with what they Saw Theteather urged them to keep the children coming to school just as rct'ilar!)'.. as possible, .. Mumps are" in ' fashion for young . ttrs here. ; Coon -hunting is stylish for older persons -and some of the hunters have' 'been lucky. Today a new son. canie to the home of Mr, and Mrs., George Conlev. Its' n?rte s Said to be George Conley, Jr -"Yesterdtv ;Rev. Cales preached brief hut interesting sermon at 1 the 'M ethodist church. His text was "Be ye not conformed to this world but ye transformed 'by the renewing of your , minds." ,- ' W. Bamett Con,!ey of Montana, is visiting relative's and friends here FRANKLIN'S BIG DAM COMPLETED; SWITCH TURNED BY MAYOR LYLE Reforestation by Forest .' Fire preVention "Riots and rebellion would result immediately should Congress propose IIJ LrfA J U U ailUWVt U ' "lie ar pcr acre every Fourth of July for fireworks." savs H.. H. Wefel. Jr. . . . it t " . . i n .. ' ...1 Hi ' . i Aianuiauuitrs ;m u a. anc owners However, sunmu im a utx . . roilectcd !,v the ! ldil-TniHrrn-i! T.-ivcathi'ivr or tht (,f !?5,('KH).I1U".'.'J( ' toda iv. "It i-i hi,di time We 'reni If Wt .'.o not, twenty years henO'f'wil! fi UA n t simvdy as we are today. !:r i:ici;H tin-' crmsetiueiices in drourrhi's yti,-ihg'..inr,i'ct' a-:d f;'ti-v.is i.esi-. rcluced fvr i tilitv of'snil .crodinir' lands and in.-ui- licie::cy of industry ba-(. ! upon 'o:r ' own resources." If jore't - fire. have 'cost tin- Soiii!' $? l!);).Ci.fl.OI:i:. what have .thvy 'cost tiv , l'Kilion? !:irvt f;re prever.t'u;n an: pnAectior. measures- cannot' bo-ad.-v.t- ed too. srion. The am'tfacUier. Stiles Locals -. M-.-ysrs. Clyde and Harry Morgan i have-juirt returned-. Home trom ves- . .... i. .......... !,..:. u...... . f ht ut where thev have been :;t j Work,. Mr. Harry Welch !taspurciiasea a now lord. Mr, Kobt. mirnette is vissimg nome folks this week.' . Misses Ena Smith and Grace Touts 'Were" visiting Miss Smith's narents 1 . i .i last weeiv-enu Mr. Albert Burnette of Almond was in this section one day last week. Miss Ruth Byrd returned home from Almond one day last week nf Mr. VV. E. Smith last Saturday Mr. C. C Welch motored to Flor ida a few days ago. Mr. Doyle Smith Was the guest of Mr, Lauu Welch last Sunday. There was a 'box supper at the Burningtown school last Saturday niuht with eood salesmen and plenty of pretty girls we made up $75.39 for the purpose ot buying an nt.rTI1 Mr. 11. I. R. Morgan was the guest nf Mr F.dil Bvrd last Saturday. Mr. Claude Bradley of Etna, was in this section Saturday Forest Preservation The year 1025 is going to show a splendid record ,m the national cam luii'mi for nreservation of forests. This. work has gone ahead on two lines, prevention of forest fires and reforestation ot logged-oit areas. One of the largest timber corpora tinilv ill the Northwest follows a pro iair, of replanting within. three years every tree that is cut down. Forest nurseries are being estab lished to enable this company to re place about 4.(100 acres- a year. A survey by the American Tree association shows that 19' states have forests. 33 have forestry departments two have-state nurseries and that mil1 lions of dollars are 'being spent on reforestation The' Manufacturer.- Poplar Cove Items. Miss Mamie Gladle was the guest of Mrs. Harvey Edwards Sunday at tenioon. Horn, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Willie Greenwood, November 16, a baUy-boy Mrs: Lila Dills was visiting Mrs. Fred - Anderson -Sunday. Miss Esther Williamson was visit ing Miss Elenorc Williamson Sunday Miss Rachel Anderson wa vic-iting Miss Coria, Huseu.-scm Saturday after noon. , Mr. Fred Eup and Mr. J, Franks were the guests of Misses Carrie El len 'Corpeniug', Saturday... "' Mr. Willie Huscttssoo spent the week-end '-with hon'e folks. Mr. Joe . Sctser was at Mrs. Bf If Huscu: son's' on business 'the past week, M,r. Will Dills was the guest of Mr. Ilarry Edvards. Sunday' morning We are sorry to report that little Mary, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greenwood is - very ill. tj.'.Mr.s. .Majjni'e. Williamson was visit ing her rnofheV, Mrs. J. R. Anderson Sunday.. Mrs. John Smith was the guest of Mrs. Will Corpening Sunday. Mr" Gprtis Anderson is Inme with a bruised arm. He has been at Tig-J n r- i nan, ua. - 1500 Horse Power Available Provision Made for 750 More - Prominent Men Present. . .,. ' , . Friday, November 27th, though a rather drcaryand rainy day., was un- ,im'if:,ft dav.;n - ....... lh, history of Franklin , Fo- on that (!;-.;. Mayor S. 11. Ly!e, Jr., turned the svvilrh at the reccn'.iy completed ; 'micipal .'c:-- put and thus, setit power over the. lines to every nook and corner of Franklin. .: Many citizen-, braving the incle ment weat'ie", journeyed, to the dam to 'witness the final touch which, as sures Fraiikiui. of. an abundance of hydro-electric energy for lighting and power p:rp."-. ;. R-diert & Cotnpa-ny ' of Atlanta, the engineering firm who de-igned the dam ap.d supervised it joH'tructiuti, v.,i '(; represented in the j-'ersous of Captain L. W. Robert, Vice l're-.i.-l!.n: (.'. L. Enier-on and Mr. A. !, -Slanford. electrical expert of 'he company. Tliee three had come from Atlanta to witness the ..results of their labors and to congratulate the peop'i' of Franklin up)n the.com- . . f .' i i f . ' T? T A H . .. ii etion ot. tne dam., am. . i,. mini, representing Hubert & Company as resident eucincer. was also present r Ea-rton represented the Electric- . ... . f .. . i- - ru.. al Lonsiruciors cuuiiany e uiai-- hntc, who made a record in the rapid construction of the dam.! All members of the town board were present with the exception of Mr. I. A, Porter who was out of town on business and- Mr. T. W. An-, gel. who was kept away by sickness. Many expressions . of regret were heard because these -two officials could not be present. It will be re membered that Mr. Angel made tne motion to issue bonds for the build ing of the dam. Tho inclement weather Friday pre cluded any elaborate ceremonies. It was decided to postpone- all speeches for a few days when all those who. havae something to say will be per mitted to do so at a banquet. Friday night Franklin presented a gala appearance with all street light; burning and with the stores aiu) bank ablaze with electirc lights. Over 6,000 Miles Highwy Under State Maintenance - State maintenance forces. art main taining 6,156 miles of state' highway system'., according to figures from the Maintenance Department of the 'com mission. These forces are at wonk daily to keep the state highway sys tem in first class condition' and are doing so. The cost of this work is being paid by those who use the roads since the revenue for carrying on the work is' derived from the license tax on automobiles and the tax on gaso line. ." Mrs. Geo. T. Stiles After an illness of six months, Mrs. George T. Stiles. 59,, died at her home in Franklin, at 1:30 a. m., November 27. Her death was the occasion of much sorrow among her numerous, friends iu Franklin. The deceased was a devout mem-, ber. of the Baptist church, having joined this denomination 42 years ago She was born in Macon county and was married to Mr. George X- Si'k on March 1, ll9l. Funeral - serv ices - v. ere '- held at . the . Baptist church last . Saf day after noon, Rev. A. J. Smith, ; ;cal Baptist minister conducting t',- services. Brautiful vocat selection were sung by. a (juartette. The Ho 'd offerings were 'many and were h'?hly appfe cited by the surviving members of the famiiv. t The hVarse of the Franklin Furni ture Company carried the rcmaius to the' new cemetery west bf the city. The elder members , of the Men's Bible class acted as' pallbearers. ; . Besides her husband tlie deceased is survived by 'the following children , all of whom were p-esent at the fu-', ncral : Mrs. C E. Cooper, Etowah Tenm; Mr. N. H. Stiles, Haines City Fla.: and Mrs. William, Parker; Eliz abeth' City. N. C." . . Franklin Citizens Ride Goat Messrs. L. E. Lentz", Jess Conlev S. L. Franks, W. B, Ferguson, E. W. Long, J. J. Mann and Rev. A. J. "sinlfli tnnlr cli" k'niifhf Tpninl.Tr ' ....., .v..,.. .... . ....0... ! ... j grec at Wayncsvillc last Friday.

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