y 7 1 A- ri) v; Z- p i lr f Crivii Volume xli. FRANKLIN, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1926. NUMBER TWO. CONCERT NEXT The McKinley-Root Concert , Company to Appear at the y ' Court House' Next Tues , day Evening. - ' . The trio of young Jady entertainers known as The McKinley-Root Con cert Company, is, a very capable and ' versatile organization. Their pro fessional experience extends over a period of, several years on both' the 1 ' lycewm. and Chautauqua platforpis b the Middle. West and have been head liners as entertainers wherever ihey have appeared. .' .' The company includes Miss Doro - thy McKinley,. dramatic soprano and pianist. . Miss ' McKinley has' a beau tiful soprano Voice and features cos tumed : Indian songs. ; Miss Eugenia Rodt is a subpert vio linist who also plays the banjo most acceptably. Miss Root is the accom panist for most of the vocal numbers and at the piano is" very gracious, in- !eed. But Miss Root's specialty is n her violin work Miss Edna' Bell is a regular corned ian and a most remarkable entertam- . r with her scoters song , lmpersona i ions. She has a very low alto voice vhose; tones are 'perfect and musical to hear. iMiss Bell is also a captivat ing reader and" jt; is-said of her that be can'-' make ! any' audience laugh vithout effort;, This js because she is) natural" in her work'. ; - , Thelj Piedmont Bureau consider? Itself fortunate in' securingAthis t,rio o'f splendid - entertainers an'd most heartily recommends them to all Piedmont natrons.1' : ' , These . entertainers will appear at tne court house, at 7:30 p. m. January 12th. .i t . ' " -1 Ford Specials , Wire . wheels,, windshield wings , ' gvpsy Curtains; top boot, double bar brmpcr! and automatic ! windshield wiper' are being added to the items, of special equipment supplied by the Ford Motor company, The first pub Jic.display of this equipment Will be during the Ford national show week, January 9 to 16. ... . , ... , , These specialties are . aot "extras" :bui have been so designed ty Ford tnginem as to become actually part ...-of ) the, car. - The equipment" has the identity of genuine Ford parts and is i lieiia lo xue same, suiiumu ui hui; ai the car itself. Behind them lies expensive experiment to determim: ' lb type, and construction best adapt - edf to Ford, cars ; experiment which . was unhampered by any compromise t' necessary to permit adaptation to . S'JIIlC Ulllcr ft.mil VI v.ai , . , The introduction of these special tits conflicts in no way with the 1 company's 1 policy of refraining 'from , dictating to the purchaser the amount of I equipment he .must buy " -with his ' pincipal consideration will in future . cfar... Those to whom economy is the As in the past, , be able to purchase - Jtord ; cars lit which the standard ejquipment . will include only, those . features essential to satisfactory op . tration. , On the other hand, to those Vho 'are interested in the completely appointed car will be available spe : cjalties produced ' according to the same standards of quality which, are incorporated .in the car itself. ' )r. Williams Locates Here Dr. Hraidv Williams.' son' of Mr. loh Williams, has located in Frank lin with dffices in the McCoy buildipg and will do a general practice in tne k ountv. Dr. Williams was reared in county well' recommended as a phy sician. The Vress ana tne citizens or the county extend to him a hearty welcome,. y., ; MR. FEftGUSQN TRANSFERRED Mr. W. B. Ferguson' who has been resident engineer with, the state high , way department at Ffanklin for. more than a. year has been transferred to duty at" Ashevillc. Both Mf. ' and Mrs. 1 Ferguson have endeared them selves to the people of Franklin who regret to see them leave. ; . THE KNOCKER . "y ' ' ' : , " ' ' (With Apologies to Poe). , . ' And. the;, knocker, always spitting, still is sitting, still . is sitting:' -:; " ... ' 8 On the wobbly box of crackers, just behind the en- ' trance door; - ; "; ' ' And his tongue is running smoothly,' like a liar's . and as loosely, , ; . , v ' , And he champs his Brown's Mule "slowly as he spits y' upon the floor; : ; ' And his soul from out that spittle, that lies floating , " on the floor , ' ' ' Shall be lifted nevermore. Work on Balsam . Road to be Pushed Advices ifrom the state highway commission are to the effect that the contract for the surfacing of High way No. 10, from , Balsam, to Sylva has been awarded to Overstreet and Nancej the low bidders, with the un- Hprstandinz that four miles of the surfacing is to be leased, and that two outfits are to be put on there- tnaining eight miles, the whole to be rushed to completion. -' A letter " from Chairman Frank Page, to Commissioner Stickleather, sets forth these facts,, asa follows: "f "Raleigh, Dec. 22.-Dcar Mr. Stike- leather: Uyerstreei ana iancc, iow bidders on Project No. 955, havp been ihithe "offieej ;and I have discussed with them the practicability of put tincr two outfits on' this broiect and they agree with , me that they will put on two outfits, and lease at least four miles of it to some other contractor.- They also agree to tut the working days not to exceed 100 to 14a "Upon the above conditions I have awarded the contract, I .assure you that T will keen richt after them and see that they do rush this work to an early completion. , "With best wishes, and compliments of the season, I am, , ; r . "Very truly yours, "Frank. Page, Chairman State High way Commission." . ' The state is making preparations for, the grading woric necessary to eliminate a number of the dangerous cyrves ,on the mountain.- The camp havA hppn built. Tw!r steam shovels and other grading machinery are, on the ground, and the grading work ha actually begun. It is, hoped, that the .entire road will he rnmnlptpd before the begin ning of the tourist season, giving the people a concrete foaa trom tne Onre-ia line, via Franklin and Svlva to Asheville and opening No. 10 through from Asheville to Murphy. Jackson County ournal. Farm Power Line . About Completed ; The new felectric line up1 the Iotla valley is about completed as far as the store of Mr. W.1 T. Fouts. The hnnn of Mr. WadeMoodv and, Mr Walter Gibson are now ablaze with electric lights. ' Lights will Soon be mnHtf in several other, farm homes On the new line. . , In addition tb the two r4!tiiv4ip and Iotla hieh school, ao- proximataely 15 families in the val ley will haave electricity in their homes. The Press hopes to, publish the'exacf cost of this line in the.tiear future, so that other .communities in the; county may ascertain the cost of building lines. ' .' ; ?. Signal Distinction for Local Insurance , Man :.' . v . " v.' Mr. Chas. 0. Ramsey, general agent for, the Shenandoah Life Insurance company, of Roanoke, Va., with Franklin as his headquarters, accord ing to weekly report of agents, sent out ty the company, fo; the wee! ending December 18, 'stood at? the head of the list., I - - Considering that , the company op erates in ten states and, is represented by many older and more experienced men than Mr. Ramsey, this, record is considered 'good. 1,'': i, 7 ' JOHN SMITH PROMOTED ; Mi1. John Smith, who has been as sistant resident engineer in Franklin has been- promoted to the. position vacated' by the transfer of Mr. Fer guson. Mr! Allen Siler has also been firnriiotpd to instnimpnt nan and Mr ID. P. Sutton from axman to rodman. BOARD VOTES TO ACCEPT DAM All Money Due Constructors and Engineers Ordered Paid. Frank Bryson Town Clerk. At its. regular monthly meeting Monday night the town board after concluding the routine business elect ed Mr. Frank Bryson as town clerk The recent increase in details of the town business necessitated the em ployment of a(full time clerk. Here after, all water bills and electric light bills will be paid to the town clerk in his offices over the Bank of Franklin. , Mr. A. Ci Stanford, rpnrpepntino Robert he Company, reported the complete cost of the dam, power house, power lines, lake , area, etc, as $286i29.79. . The amount includes $18,000 as interest on the bonds for one year. He also reported the dam finished. The board then voted tp accept the dam from the engineers and contractors and ordered paid all money due them. . . Mr. T. L. Harrison, president of the Electrical Constructors Company, contractors, who constructed the dam, then thanked the town board for its treatment of his cpmpany dur ing the construction work and stated in all his experience he had never found more courteous consideration than had been extended him" in Franklin. .'' (.. ;. .,.. Mr. Stanford stated that the re marks of Mr. Harrison were also. ap plicable to Robert & Company. He then offered many valuable sugges tions for increasing the use of elec trical current in the homes of Frank lin. He stated that jobbers who han die electrical appliances will tend representatives to Franklin to dem onstrate the many uses of electricity in the homes. The jobbers will also send to the town on consignment, electrjeal appliances, such as ranges, toasters, irons', etc. Mr. T. W. Porter with his attorney, Mr. George Patton, appeared before the board and requested a statement from the board regarding its inten tions concerning the "disposal of the sewage which empties into the creek near his residence. , Mr. Porter also wanted tp know what height the board . intends to keep the water in the lake. It seems that Mr. Porter has been patiently waiting for' weeks for the board to take some aqtion re garding his property. Thev board again ignored Mr. Porter's request. Admission to Hfgh School By Examination Next year pupils will be admitted to the high school at Franklin only by examination. No 7th grade certifi cates, will be issued until after1 pupils stand and pass the examination .for high school. Those who have com pleted. 7th grade work and- who do not intend to enter high school will be required to .take. "this examination before a certificate is given them, The reason for" this change as stated by County ' Superintendent .Billings is that it gives every pupil the same chance and requires all to meet the samae requirements. It seems that heretofore some teachers f have kept the standard up while' others have been less careful, with the result that numbers of pupils attempting to do high school work have, been' unable Work Goes Forward on Onteora Estates Mr. 1 W. D. Almazov was in. the Press office Tuesday and reports that work on the Onteora Estates, owned jointly by him and Miss Sophie Al bert, is progressing nicely. Mr. Fors ter, the engineer in charge, has plans completed for the dam and is now engaged in work on the boulevards. More men will be employed in the near future so that the work may be carried on at a rapid speed. Mr. Almazov states that work on the dam will begin shortly. He has ap plied to the town for electricity with which to light his development. If the town cannot supply current, Mr. Almazov will install a plant at hi datn which he estimates will produce 50 horse power. The Press is delight ed to know that work on the On- teora Estates has begun in earnest. It is indeed refreshing to learn that at least, the owners of one development mean business." Mr. Almazov has given instructions to his engineer to employ only local local men on this wotk, thus giving Macon county citizens the advantage of the money spent in this county. : In Memoriam Mrs.' . Mary. (Slagle) Roane ' was born April 28, 1831, departed this life November 20, 925, at the age of 94 years and six months. She was married to John R. Roane January 30, 1855. To this anion "four children were born, three of whom are still living: J. T. Roane Franklin with whom she lived; Mrs. W. R Clier Young Harris, Ga Mrs., James McConnell, Lyman, Wash.' Mrs. Roane is the last of a large family, of children. She was left a widow with ' four small . children to rear, her husband having died during the Civil Var in Chicago on October 26, 1864. - She worked early and late and man aged to raise her children and keep them together. She suffered a stroke of paralysis ten years ago, from which. she never fully recovered. For a few vears she got so she could walk about in the house with' sticks. She often said she was glad to be able to do that, but for the last three year she has been unable to' walk and gradually grew weaker until the end. Her going away was peaceful ac a rhild coiner to sleeo. She was a member of the Baptist church, had been a Christian since girlhood, sne always attended as long as she was Q Mb h nftpn said to oeoole on their way to church "I wish I could go with you. Tt is hard to realize she 19 gone. She is missed in the community as well as in the home, bhe has been a ticofiil neighbor in her day. She was always ready to visit the sick and help those that were m distress. We have no fears for her for we know she is-at peace and it is possi ble for us to join her in the fullness of time. Her body was laid to rest at Maiden's Chapel cemetery, No vember 22. A large crowd attended the funeral and many .brought flow ers. The funeral service was conduct ed by Revs. Martin and Rotem CALLOW AY-ZACHARY CO. GET OUT NICE PAMPHLET The Galloway-Zachary company have gotten out a beautifully illus trated pamphlet containing many views of Macon county and contain ing, also, a description of the county roads, climatae, elevation, etc. Mr. Galloway states that his company will be glad to mail this pamphlet to anyone living away from Franklin who might be interested in the de velopment of the county. Citizens of Franklin are requested to leave the names and addresses of any such per sons at the Press office. ; GROOM ELUDES KIDNAPPERS Some friends of Mr. Gilmer Craw ford, who was married to Miss May Hunhicutt at .; midnight New Year's eve, had planned to kidnap hin after th tere tiionv and carrv him across the Nantahala mountains. The groom and his best man, captain , u. k Smith, both of whom have had mili tary experience, evidently rdught their knowledge of strategy into play. At.anv atfr the croom. eluded the kidnappers and left with his bride on their honeymoon. I W CON TO MVS H0I.IE AGSK Will be Appointed by Exten sion Service of State Cc! lege; and Assume Duties in March; Through the untiring efforts of Mr. J.. M. Gray, a Native of Macon coun ty and now iii charge of the county agents of the state, and County Agent Arrendale, Macon county is to have the' services of a county home agent. This agent will be appointed by' ths extension service of the state college at Raleigh, and will assume her duties in March. The county will pay one-fourth of her salary. This agent will do her work d community gatherings ai.d in the iit- ral, schools of the county. She will assist with alt home problems and home conveniences. Her work witl also include instruction in the art of hat making and dress making, cook ing, canning and in various other ac tivities affecting the health, happiness, comfort and conveniences in rural homes. In appointing home agents the state college selects only those who have had considerable exrtriene'e and training along ... the fines 'outlined above. These agents are sent to va rious counties, not with the idea of showing how much they know, but with the end in view of being bf teal assistance to the women of the coun ty in the betterment of home life in all its various phases. Macon county is indeed fortunate in obtaining the services of a home agent and the Press is quite sure that this agent a.M1 WAMnTa.A 1". A LaA.f ,. ...... MM ( ' the women of the county. . V 11th Grade Iotla Pupils to Enter Franklin High Pupils now in the 11th grade of tlie Iotla high school will enter Frank lin high school this spring so that on ' graduation they may have the advan tages accorded graduates of a stand ard high school advantages , which are not given to graduates of schools' not fated as standard. Among these advntages are entrance Jo college without examination and receipt of a higher certificatae as teachers, thus commanding a better salary as teach ers. , ' . ,. ; :'-Y Franklin Has Direct Phcr.a Connection With Ashevills All legal entanglements in connec-i tipn with the right of way for tW telephone line between Franklin am Dillsboro have been adjusted. Thd line "was open for use last ,rno Franklin now has direct' connec with Asheville and all points in Vj em North Carolina. , ' Easy cok tions can also" be had with Knoi and points, in Virginia and eai North Carolina. , Mr. D. G. Stev! general manager of the Franklin! cphone seryiqe, began ah agit( for line between Franklin and L boro more than a yer ago. Mr. Sf art hae worked constantly one proposition, but the construction delayed several weeks because lawsuit over the right of way. f The new line will be f gteai venience to Franklin cit' ?ns an Stewart has done the t wti serviced- :'" '' .'': ;. ;- , Mr. J. J. Moore Enter . Business Mr. J. J. Moore, a forme of Macon county and more from Baltimore, has returnd old county and will be 4sj with Mr. Chas. Ramsey in tlx ance and real estate businf Ramsey ahd Mr. Moore wil1 under the firm name of tb Insurance Agency. In i3 company already repre Ramsey the new hrnv the fc-tna Company, whic hic sJ u ' kinds of insurance. . ' Mr.' Moore states tl to be back home. His all over the county h;i him a warm svelcomc, r , ' ,-A . J ( V 1