MACON COUNTY ( Seventeen peaks over,.-.-feet high. Twenty-seven peaks be tween 4,000 and 5,000 feet in elevation. FRANKLIN I1AS- Elcvation , of 2,250 feet. Municipal power dam. Water supply from a well 750 feet deep. NO MOSQUITOES I'U KEY CITY OF THE MOUNTAINS J s "S. s i n i : 1 J. 1 FRANKLIN, N. C FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1926. ' , NUMBER FIFTEEN, VOLUME X.LI. . 1 . .-v : 1 " 1 - ' ' . 1 . I-M BERRY HERE APRIL 12TH-13TH yt'Al Explain Operation of Electric Range and Show How to Prepare . Tasty Meals Quickly. A two day demonstration of cook 1 ing a -complete meal on the Westing house automatic - electric range, that actually turns, itself on and off at designated times, will be given the ueople of Franklin My 'Mrs. Clara Berry of Atlanta on April 12 and 13. Those who have seen these ranges have expressed ,, wonder and' delight at this remarkable stove, t Mrs. Ber ry's demonstration will see . the . raw food placed in the stove,, a simple alarm clock set at. a certain time, and then a little later will see Mrs. Berry take the food out of the stove piping hot, and ready to eat. - Everybody at the demonstration ;will get a chance to prove for them selves that the food is actually cookea ' as Mrs. Berry will place the food out for those present to sample. The electric stove that will be used as one of the many time and money saving electric devices! manufactured by the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing "company. It has been so perfected that it is practically fool proof and so simple, in its operation that even a child could cook a whole meal on it. - , The automatic range .has been achieved by Westinghouse' by using . t.i -I n tliermnctat an alarm ciock aim uwm"r; The former turns on the electricity while the latter turns it off when a -desired temperature has been reach ed. A complete chart showing the temperature needed for cooking any kind f food has been worked out scientifically, and is given with each ....tmtt'ir rancrp installed. . auiuuionv "a . ' . In this manner, housewives may prepare meals at any time and have the stove cook them ready to serve at any time she may designate. It means that tthe drudgery, of watch: ing tOOd COOK IS eiimuiareu .duties of the modern day housewife A complete' line of Westinghouse automatic ranges, from small ones for families of two or three, to ones large enough to cook for families of ten or fifteen, can be seen at the dis f'ay room of The Nantahala Electn. company and the office of the city clerk. ;. - - ' "v. jf -' ti - t s V . mimmmimmfmmm - - V rt m A A If mi I CAI li I A Proclamation Uail lULLi OVIjU v By the Governor W I ftP AT. FIRTll The President of the, United States LiV lALf 1 llU'i has asked that the Go;ernors of thc t r oll. various states join him in proclaiming mrs. iris rncr miner Ud asking the cooperation of their to liallOWayacnary to. De0ole in American Forest Week Rnti'fiil Hotel Prooertv April 18th to 24th. UMl A w . The wasteful depletion of. the WlU Upen may 1st. American forest has been 'a national r u t.- . o-t j,ic reproach for more than a generation One of the biggestreal estate deals v - - , . , . . w t , As a people we have literally squan toUncr nlarp in Macon COUntV for - .. - . . , . c dered inherited capital until we some time occurred last .Saturday " . . . ... , . ' w V r, t fu i j have begun in the prime necessity of when Mrs. Ins Porter Miller sold to '" c " 6 t . , c ' , . . V.'. ' n i. . u. wood to fee the pinch of actua want tne uaiioway-atnaiy cumyauj nci , . . i rr- xt oq m:iolThis has been the more deplorable MRS. CLARA BERRY, who will demonstrate the. Electirc Kange at the,. Nantahala Llectnc com pany, April 12 and 13. All Dav Singing at Olive Hill Proves Big, Success west of Franklin. For some years, un der the management of Mrs. Mjller Oak Hill has been an extremely pop ular tourist hotel and many promi because with intelligent care re turns from forest lands would today be a stable source of national income and emo'lovment. Instead, wood ular tourist noiei ana many yivixu- .. . . . , - , , ' i t f th. which is in a hundred ways essential nent people from all sections of the . . . . v . . . t r,Jto every-day life, which is the basis country nave iouna rest au tuuuun . . , . , ... t. u ui ,n;. xt of great industries and. which n the within its hospitable Walls. Mrs. " 6 . , . . , . , . snaoe oi ioresi cover is cssciumi w Miller has recently completed exten- , . a ... . . sive improvements on ouui mc . of . .. -. J J. -.o rf e,Arol thnil. -w""B a . ana grouuus m a wai ov..v.. ..-- Wir nf Ainrii 19tn I ''Clean Up" Week k 4 niffriT'ft meetini of tKe town board of alderrnen it wasrder ,ed that the week of - April 19th, be designated as Clean-up week and the town health officer and chief LOf. po lice were ordered to see that the town was cleaned up. If you. have any trash to haul off put it in boxes or barrels and notify the chief and it disposed of. , Failure to comply with this order makes YOU liable to a fine. North Skeenah News Mr. Wimer Hasting's slogan is "work while the sun shines. . ne is iurmn8, out lumber and cross tiesin a hurry at his mill. ' ' Mr. J. L. Sanders is all smiles its another girl. , . Mr. Ed and Itasca Sanders, from Prentiss, were in this section Sunday. ' Mr. George Kimsey and wife and t Minnie Sanders were visiting Mr. J H. Sanders Sunday evening. Mr Lawrence Moffitfs- children were' visiting Mr. Charley Carpenter MrayEd. Prelo'e and Quince Shope ... A;ur crninor from this section to work on the road on Cowee mountain -Mr. Mtnson banaers ana wiic Kcinsi! SatiirnaV. . to r ranKiui uu uu... ,, Mr J D. Stiles from Hickory Knoll was in this section me pai y" Mr Grady Stockton, who has been ;atome to see his siclc son, returned Ellerton. Ga., where he at work on constructing Vested Stockton was visiting 't..x.4 A1 lUiwav SundaV.: , Vr E. B. Dehart has returned to farvHeihareentti.vinax Franklin, neaf his P0SJ OI" franniiij. rom GastonVa U been visiting Mr Manson Sand A day beautiful beyond words, a crowd which numbered the largest ever seen at OHve Hill, baskets heap ed to overflowing with gopd eats and numerous melodies sung by some of the best singers to be found underf the sun combined in making Easter Sunday a day long to be remembei and cherished in the hearts and mem: ories of all who attended the all-day ncr'intr at (IIivp Hi i unaav. inc oroeram started at 10 a. m., and last ed until 3 p. m. Ernest Roper, and his sincinz class started the day -irrV. kv ho rendition of several fit ting and perfectly sung songs. This was followed by several beautiful and timely quartets by.jotin uauon am Between songs the gathering was hv a Vccitation of - the Golden Texts of the past quarter by Misses Esta and Charlotte Deweese. n Af th feature numbers of the whole program was the recital of the names ot tne dooks wi iw-wi their.order by little Virlan and Annie Rnnpr . - At 11 -m Mr. deoree B: Patton, one f vuah rmintv'u nromikine young Ui 1UUV.V1I wwm.j " v t . lawyers and known in certain cir- cles as one ot Mr. norns Dames, uc liveed an interesting and helpful talk on: "Where Do WE Go From Here?" Mf. Patton brougnt nts ea- eer and attentive listeners many neip ful and interesting iaeas. c compared success along any and ev ery line of endeavor to a ladder, stat ut it ia nprei;arv to start at th bottom and keep climbing. He clear ly and forcibly brought before his hearers the fact that opce you be come satisfied and stop climbing -yoa are sure to slip back down the ladder and thus lose the progress you hav. already , made; In words th only' way to hold your own in well do- mg IS lO Keep niuvnig iyin'w( May every one, whether present a Olive Hill Sunday or not, firmly re i .u hprnmp satisfied, but to push on and on as did Columbus hi days'of old in his search'for a wa (.v i,ti in TnHia. It is true that Co lumbus never reached India, but what is better still he discovered a new world. There are still many undis i.,nrlHe in the realm of hu- man possibility. Are you willing to o.. tha nnra trt. aee snores unseen by the eyes' of fnortal man? If so, be a Columbus ana sail on anu vn. At 12:30 a bountiful and aeifcious dinner was spread by the good ladies Much ot the success oi inv.vyi.Aaw was due to tne myaiuauic semvv.. rendered by the ladies. The super intendent hereby wishes to- thank one and all of the ladies tor xneir cuuyci ation in making the day enjoyable to ail. ; ; . , After an hour's recess tor wncn the scene of action was shifted frorr the school house to thc home of Mr Sam Sweatman. this was none on rt th. larlr nf room ln thv schoolhouse and upon the kind imi tation ot Mr. and Mrs,- sweaiman n ua Kasittilnt hill, in front-f Mr Sweatman's house , were ' rendered many songs that were pleasing to tne hnvnniT Aeeree. Mr lim Raby ad: ded to the success of the singing by playing the organ. 1 Mr Charlie Roner 6f OAk Dale was there, together with many., visitors from communities tnrougnoui me onnntv finite a number, were down from Franklin, among , whom vwere Misses Freda; Siler and: Cornelia Smith.-.-. :' t ' .... AUt 1 Everyone seemed to have a big time and in behalf of the Sunday crhnol at Olive Hill, the superintend sand dollars. The new owners plan still further .improvements to makt Oak Hilt second to none in this sec tion as a summer hotel When ready for the use of the pub lie on May 1st, each room will have a Kafh nr mnnectine bath. A land- Hf f V., economic problems is to find a sub stitutet for what might, have remain ed a continuing and ever renewing natural resource. In beauty and iitil ity the land produces nothing to com pare with the tree. Wantonly to de stroy a forest is an evil as destruc i- . : ,n.,Us no tfiA isrartirn live in us imai icjuiu j j.---- scape artist is expecieu.iu . ,wJin fi0wed plans for beautifying the 60-acre ract . on which the hotel is located, nere- r,i:ja. p , o more af tor Dak .Hill Will be lighted fromL. .K. vanilipd naval " . . , . t .1 mail i cin-niu. . the municipal plant. A private water storeS injUstry, wiped'out by the supply obtained irom a s" . 'f. , needless sacrifice of the" long leat pme niuuuiaiu m tea, ui y-..v....o f0rest to taKe tnis lesson io tou nishes a bountiful quantittty of pure We should know, too, that while two- SDnnK waiti. ... thirfi; ot our total iana area uju Xt ia understood that Mr. and Mrs. . f mn UnA miirK iSf it has n Pnrter , nftw in Florida, will have u...a a ,kch that t-re- charge of Oak Hill during the coming season. BIG REALTY DEAL NEAR FRANKLIil . Carolina Mountains Realty ' Co. and J. G. K. McCtore Buy 1300 Acres 12 Miles i From Franklin. Through the Owens Realty . Com- , pany, a local organization, the Caroli na Mountains Realty Corporation and , Mr. James G. K. McClure, both; of Asheville, recently closed thef deal for the purchase of 1300 acres of land 12 , miles below Frankliri near Etna. Th boundary includes the holdings .of j Mr. J. T.: Welch, Mrs.- Raleigh Linfl-, ; f. sey and Mr. J. T. Gibby on Tabor'g Mill creek in the Cowee mountain! on the line between Swain and Ma con counties. It is understood that the present owners plan extensive de velopments on this tract with 'a view to offering lots for sale, during tlie coming spring and summer. . The Owens Realty Company is vcom- posed of Messrs. J. G., J. L.', and tal ly B. Owens and Mr. Clyde West South on Verge of Livestock Devilopmecl 7 Route Four Extended been so burned and abused that .it -re turns no revenue and is a tax burder rathor than an asset. We should know that we' are cutting yearly twice as much timber as .we permit fo grow, and that the great furniture induct and the many wooa-usin plants are every year importing their a f sm.v milae pvtpnsinn has been au thorized for rural route No- 4 to take effect April 16th. The extension ; con- material from abroad; much o' cerns only the Brendie lown ana it trom the pacific coast states ai Watauga sections of the county. The hicrh freisht chanres. Utul tho hicllVVaV At I r 1 A'.. ...'kl.' Kv SUCn ' remeaies as ac fuwiun,; state action it is my purpose to en route now leaves tne nignway i nman Tlpnn's store, noes uo Wa iitiuidu vu.. - kj-' , 1 sidle aiiuii iv ia r " 1 r " " tauga creek to the church then west d tQ a j t0 the limit of the , nn u n email . ..... . . .l. t thp hicrhwav. making only a small loop. When the extension Decomes effective the carrier ,will follow the highway from Dean's store, go tnru Brendle Town and continue up mi mountain for half a mile to where there is a connecting road between the highway and the old road. The route here then will follow the old road down the mountain to Mr. Fer man Henry's store and pn back to the highway at Dean's store, i nis ex tension will accommodate many iam ilies who now have to go two or mitna fnf thpir mails. It is suggested that patrons on tne extended line get their boxes ready before April 16th. Horn Will Not Enter Race Tn onewpf to a direct auestion by a Press representative as to whether he would tagain, enter the race for re-election to the" house of represent atives,1 Attorney A, W. Horn . statea that his physical condition prevents his aspiring to this honor even should the people ask that he run again. Attorney Horn . has ' hundreds of friends throughout the county who will regret that the condition oi nis health Will prevent his acceptance ot further political honors at the hands of the people. . SERVICES SUNDAY AT THE PRESBYTERIAN. tHUKtn . p0 I? Raiisrhenherff will preach in thte Presbyterian church in Frank lin on 'Sunday, April 11th. The public is cordially invuea. MR. DOUGHTY HERE , li. . ""O " who owns 200 acres of land on the up Nanfahala was in Franklin last week-end on his way to the JSIanta- hala. Mr. Doughty is making exten sive improvements on his hoidingF across the mountains. He has recent ly set many kinds of fruit trees trom ralifnmia hv way of experiment. The results of this experiment will be fol lowed with interest by the people 01 Macon county JrtvpH havim? vou. You are most cor . . . , . .. Hioiiv nvitpd to come and totn witn us in our Sunday school each Sunday afternoon at three o clock, uur sun Av ia vnur Slimdav school because it is everybody's Sunday school. Come again, but do not waji till next.tLas state's ability to meet the emergency. Thpsp include a state-wide organiza tion to prevent tand control torest fires, guided by a strong forestry de partment to gathe? and supply infor mation to tre end ot popular eauta- tion at to forest needs, iney naiz eft'eciive forest laws tot encourage re- i . . am1 Aamr n tOIXMatlon experuucni au ,uv.w. stration forestst and scenic woodland parks. 'Most of all, however, we need appreciation on the part ot the people of the fact that timber is ai n BrffCf:iiv n other croDSJ thit IlLUl.A. f iv-k'"" -7- . it is .as much property as a dwcti'ng house and that it should be neia s-i crcd against violent trespass or neg Troncrlv manaeed the tim ber lauds can in twenty-five years be incr as much in money annually as the cotton crop and at infinitely less expense for maintenance. Mis managed and neglected, these same lands can in the same time become practically barren wastes, ot little or no value and a drag on other lands of these facts can be ht-nncrht tn nnr neoole only by cease less edulation, continued publicity Now, therefore, I, Angus Wilton nf the State of 'nnh Tarnlina. do hereby proclaim and designate the week of April 18th to 24th, 1920, inclusive, as American U firmer WppV - tn he observed by all proper educational 'and, publicity agencies, both public and private, by ial ffnrt' tn.hrini? this subieC before the students in our schools and colleges, and the. members ot our civ ic clubs, women's clubs, and other or ganizations. Special programs, exer cises and addresses snouta oe ar rantrprf wherever oosSible. The cooperation i of the newspapers and their advertisers is also suggest ed in insertinor brief slogans about forest fire prevention such as was so effectitvely given dv several paper? last year. As Governor of this Mate ana as honorary chairman of Fprest Week committee I do therefore hereby urge all public officials, public and business organizations, industrial leaders landowners, editors, educators, cler and all patriotic citizens to unite in the comm task qf forest conservation and renewal, in witnpsa whpreoL I have here unto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Seal of the Mate ot Nortn Carolina. ANGUS W. McLEAN, (Seal) Governor. Y During the next five ; , years the v. South . will experience one 'of. its greatese periods of livestock develop . " ment according fo R. S. Curtis, of the ' Animal husbandry department at V State College. . . ., "There are four sound, fundamental ( reasons why this is true," says Prdf." ., Curtis. "First, the rapid development . in industrial and business lines will make necessaiy the production of " . ... . ' . 1 more livestock ana liveitocK c prod ucts. With the-increase of 'industrial wiimris in Liiis aLKui.i ..v.v ; , rnm mitw whn arp livestock-mindecx." i and both of these factsjwill have their f influence. cpttlpre from .livestock states u bringing to the attention, of our home, people thte possibilities ot uvestoc farming in a climate suitable tor ft successful propagation and in a te( a4 I ,'aleigh, April ritory aajacent to ine great tuusuuv ing markets. . ' 'V-- "Third, the eradication of the cattle tick- is now nearly completed ,.ana , , opens up the way for. a freedom .of , V exchange of breeding stock, wwch makes all territory accessible to tne . best markets of the countrty. ; ... 'Fourth, the lesson taught by the , war; post war conditions and the de- struction ot cotton by tne ocui weev . is having and .will &Yt- favoratle ; effect on diversified farming. Tosp win tairp into account the marketing - of roughages through cattle-and thV-- urmsning oi a iiumc ouyyij v Prof. Curtis states that there at.4 several other minor, considerationiJ but these are the leading ones, -Tti (rrnuincr nf livestock is SOUnd in PTM-4 ciple and in fact as proven by the ac-y cumulated wealth ot ' other seiuoa which have followed this Plan for decades. . ;.. ' '','' . . Atlanta Citizens Invest Hera f re Porter Kintr and Mrs.. Samuel Lumpkin, both of Atlanta, have pur chased camp sites near the home, oj l. TU- Clirrt,. anrt Mica . Anni .111. J U M 11 .UQ. - - , Slagle at the foot of , Wayah Baltl Each has awarded contract to Mr Slagle to build a lodge on their re- spective holdings. Work will begia at once so that the lodges may oe ready for occupancy by. the coming , summer, the Press understands ia ther-e camps will be located near that of Mr. E. C. Kingsbery, work on which is now going forward. t Franklin and Macon county extent. a cordial welcome to both Mrs. Kinif and Mrs. Lumpkin. Their lodges ai to be located in one of the most beal tiful iections of the South, when bounteous nature may be enjoye the fahest possible extent, Forest Fire Last Fridav nitrht a spark Uo engine of the freight train on t, F. railroad set tfire to the forest the "Y", a short distance above Frl lin. The county fire warden, Mr. J.s Mann, and. other wardens were sot on the scene and with the assistance of nearby citizens got the fire underv control Saturday morning after it had burned over about 80 acres. The w , fire endangered the granary of Ms. f 'Joseph Smart,) burning the leaves t: ' within 30 feet ,of that ' " ting. i r X ent wishes to Mate that we sure en- ers famly tne ' ter.

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