THE FRANKLIN PRESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, MZC PAGE TWO 3 p.rport of the Condition k -of The Citizens Bank At Franklin, N. C, at the Close of Business November 4, 1923. RESOURCES. loans and Discounts., $ 84.C94.96 Overdrafts United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds ...... ... ... Furniture and Fixtures .... Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Com panies . ......... Cash items held over 24 hrs. Checks for Clearing. 491.74 6,989.75 2,933.41 10,289.14 56.47 164.33 TOTAL $ 105,669.80 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $ 14,700.00 Surplus Fund 6,440.00 Undivided profits less current vr.r.,cc onrl taYPH liaid:. .360.89 payable JXl.OO TJrnosts subject' to check.. 39.2S4..5 riamnA rprtifir.atp.s of De- w! 37.405.56 IfocHM'c rtn.rWs outstanding 47o.o TOTAL .$ 105,669.80 State of North Carolina, County of Macon. I W. T. Moore, cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the bejst of my knowledge and belief. W. T. MOORE, . Cashier. . Correct Attest: R. D. SISK, J. S. CON LEY ' FURMAN ANGEL, M. D. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before nit, this 16th day of November, 1926. MARY E. JOINES Notary Public. Commission expires August 1, 1928. Tax Receipts Will Be Ready About December 1 Under the new accounting system in force in Macon county, after the tax list is made up, the clerk to the county commissioners makes out re ceipts in duplicate for tax payments. These receipts, with the stubs, are prepared in a set of books, and when receipts for all taxpayers have been made, the book is turned over to the Sheriff -Treasurer. - This system , not only enables the sheriff to. balance . his . books, each night, but provides in a single set f hnnl-c . n rnmnlete check of taxes paid and' taxes due, " The taxpayer's rnrint not onlv shows the total ..mnnnt nf tuvcs tiaid. but llOW much of the total . went for each item, such, as general county, sinking funds, special school tax, etc. The tax list for 1926 is completed, Horace Hurst, clerk to the commis sioners, has announced, but it will be tvi,i firci r.f . December before he .will have the receipts 'completed. He was ,i,1',vf,l in rnrrmletinir the work, he said, on account 'of, the tax levy being made later in the' year than usual. Taxpayers, however, who desire to make a payment on their !Vi6 taxes can pay the Sheriff -Treasurer in the form of a nartial payment, ana uikc a partial payment receipt. ' t At the same time that .vir. nursi made his announcement, Sheriff C L. Ingram issued a call to . all taxpayers who have not settled their 1925 taxes to do so promptly.. He is required to make his settlement with the com missioners by January l, 1927, he pointed out, and this necessitates prompt payment of all back' taxes. .A large number of taxpayers have not paid their 1925 taxes, Mr.. Ingram stated, A MARVELOUS EDITOR Editor's note in an Iowa paper: "Owing to lack of' space and the. rush of editing this issue several births and deaths will be postponed until next week." That editor has more than ordinary influence in his home community. Exchange. SMITH'S DRUG STORE AFTER Consulting your phy sician as to your phy sical condition, may we have the pleasure of filling your pre scription? Prices Reasonable Use the Phone 82 Smith's Drug Store THE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Olive Hill Sunday School Continues to Progress The Olive Hill Sunday school had one ot the Dest meetings m us His tory last Sunday. A large attendance was' on hand to inspire the leaders, and many beautiful and timely scngs were sung by, E., A. Roper and his class. The Golden Text , contest was won by Mr. James Scroggs, - while the Psalm contest was won by Miss Christina Roper. Each contest was hotlv contested and the winners were hard to choose. V ' After Sunday school, Kev. A. p. Solesbce, recently elected Represen tative of Macon county, made an in teresting and helpful talk on the sub ject: "A Dark Picture With a Bright Side." Rev, Solcsbee always gives his hearers something worth thinking about, and this occasion was no exception. , During the course of his remarks the speaker paid many compliments to the Olive Hill school .miA itc wonderful work. Next Sunday is regular preaching day and as usual there win ne a special song service and regular Sun day school exercises. Everyone is invited to meet with , us at Olive Hill :1t :V o'clock' each i Sunday after noon. We assure that if we cannot . vein somethine worth while, your presence will be an inspiration to us and help us to strive to io greater things for our Lord. Prepared for Jail Break Uiwr fnrtis. una ble to furnish bond. cherishes the idea of breaking jail a third time.. ' The iailer took two small hack saws off his person lues day, it was. learned from .officers here Wednesday. Curtis had them hidden in his cap. Twice he has escaped, once from the Macon county jail, and once when he was in the hands of the law in Buncombe. In both instances he : .... ..l,.,,r..o rtf ' trunstmrt inf was Ull ' .'U Liinifex- w .'"" ""o ot .tne mosi ueiiguuuu i's' nlIr he escaoe m Duncomue , 1 Viic jiitiimn was the Ore-1 ...I U.. , trior- tr.i-jtrnenl came wiicii . ...... . for tuberculosis-. . He is now in jail here .having been The Flapper Grandmother Makes a Big Hit FAIRVIEW SCHOOL NEWS Twenty-three of the enrolled thirty- three pupils of the school have not yet missed a cay this term. Cold weather has come sure enough, but we wish you to see our honor roll for this month. FIRST GRADE: Nora Dills, Gay Thelma Grant, Carrol Grant, Hazel Dills, Virtie Dills, Etta Lowry, Paul Mashburn, Hope Lowry. SECOND GRADE: . Marie Mash burn, Julia Kilpatrick, Artie Dills, Frances McMahan. FOURTH GRADE: Prichard Mc Mahan, Corman Kilpatrick. FIFTH GRADE: Garland! Mash burn. ' SIXTH GRADE: Aruold Kilpat rick. HIGHLANDS VISITORS ' ; SEE THE GAME Up from the hills of Habersham on Armistice Day came ' a fine foot ball team composed 'of clean-cut young men to contest with the fine young fellows of Waynesville and down from the mountains of High lands came '' a goodly delegation tc witness the game, the first fever played in Macon county Among those who came from High lands to see the game and perhaps, to hear the good singing of the Waynesville girls were: Porter Pier son, Roy Potts, Dr. E. R. Gilbert,. Sam Baty, Lawrence Holt, and Willie and Joe Hayes. The Press was un able ' to obtain ; the names of other members of the 'delegation. Frank lin is always glad to welcome visitors, from her sister town of Highlands. . n horp 'ihi autumn was the ore sentation at the Franklin Graded school building last- Friday evening of 1 talent, under the auspices ot the Franklin chapter of the Eastern Star. That the play was well enacted was testified by the waves of laugh ter that swept the audience time and time again, and by the bursts of ap plause. Every character (Jid his or her part well, according -to those present, but nothing perhaps delighted the audi ence so much as the dancing and songs of the school children,- especi ally the little tots. News From Everywhere UNCLE JOE CANNON DEAD .'Uncle Joe Cannon, for 46 years a member of Congress,- (lied last . Fri day 'at. the age "of 90, at his.- home in Danville, 111. He was: born in Guilford, county, N.. C. "The Flapper Grandmother," staged I cantui'ed with C, R. Scudder here early Saturday morning, in a car with 50 gallons of liquor. The car, which came from Georgia, according to Scudder, was believed to have been headed for Asheville. The men were given a preliminary hearing on Monday before Mayor R. D. Sisk, and bond was fixed .'in the siim of $1,000 each. Neither .has cn far furnished the bond. SmrlrW who claims that he was riding with Curtis without knowledge that the car contained liquor, is said by officers to be a leader in the rum running business around Asheville; lie frequents an iip-town hotel when in Asheville according to officers. The man gave his home, address as Fort VV'avne, Ind. The charges against the two men are .expected '.to be heard in the' Su perior court term which opens here Mondav. ''': Thanksgiving Give the good wife something to be thank ful for. We have a large, stock of furniture from which to make your selection. Easy payment plan if desired.. BRYANT FURNITURE COMPANY CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Christmas will soon be here. We are closing out our entire stock below cost. Buy now and avoid the Christmas rush. Below are mentioned a few of our bargains. Ready-made dresses from six months to twelve years; Barber's Linen Thread in balls and skeins. Embroidery floss, strand and . rope. Attractive stuf fed Toys. Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, hand made. Royal Society stamped patterns. Anything you want in needle work. Call and look. Everything will be sold below cost. PRISCILLA ART SHOPPE PALMER STREET 3m Th. SCHOOLS COMBINE Rabun Gap schoor and the Ma-' .choochce sciv'iil have within the last year lnd se-i'il:s . fires., "As a ! result t!iey iri.e decided.' to combine. Here after the schools will be conducted at-the plant , of the Kabun Gap school. FIRE AT HENDERSONVILLE Last week a $250,(KX) fire ocurrcd in the lnisini'ss section of Hcndcrson vilk. . . - - . STADIUM FOR UNIVERSITY Mr. William Rand Kenan, of Ne-w York, formerly a citizen of this State, has donated to the University $275, 000 to erect an athletic stadium. Work . will w gin at once, and the stadium with a seating capacity of 24,000 will be ready for the football season uext fall. Recce's Restaurant Raves We take this opportunity to ex press our thapks to the many visitors from Sylva, Waynesville, Cornelia and Clayton' for the patronage given . . Y IT- . 1 - - 1 J.. . us Annistice uay. we aiso wisn io congratulate the boys of Waynesville iigh SchtK)! and Lornclia nign School on the good football game nbv-ed hv them in Franklin on Ar mistice Day, which was the first foot ball game ever played in, Macon county, and which was enjoyed by a large and enthusiastic" crowd among which were numerous visitors. We wish especially to congratulate Mr. C. C Pninrlexler on the skill shown by the Waynesville team of which he is coach, and which won the game ty a score of 20 to 0. Report of the Condition of Graham County Bank At Robbinsville. N. C, at the Close of Business November 4, 19Z6. Essig Harket H. O. ESSIG, Prop. Fresh Meats of All Kinds Fin Home Made Sausage ? Everything kept in a first j class market. Phone 42 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts. .'.' ....' .$22,535.93 Furniture arid Fixtures...;. 14,251.38 Cash in vault and net amounts due from l.'anks, Bankers, and Trust Coin- panics - : 33,98.52 Checks for Clearing... -1,956.61 TOTA1 $72,722.44 FRANKLIN CIRCUIT PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 The first quarterly conference of Franklin Circuit will be held at Clark's Chapel next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The churches will please be represented at this first meeting. Churches fo be represented are: Bethel, Clark's - Chapel, Salem, Oak ridge, Rurningfown, Kiverview, Snow Hill, lotla, and we nree a fu'l atten dance of stewards, Woman's Mission ary Society presidents, and, all church leaders. , , I will nrcach at Riverview Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock, on ac count of the quai-teHv emiferenrp. J. II. STRICKLAND, Eastor. W. B LENOIR GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT . Life, Fire, Employees Liability, Automobile, Acci dent, Health, Bonds, etc. Thanking all clients for 'their liberal patronage in the past, I hope to merit a continuance of the same and will gladly welcome many new clients. LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $22,o70.00 Deposits subject to check In- dividual s; .25,948,80 Cashier's checks outstanding 469.57 Time Certificates of Deposit , due on or after 30 days.. 14,193.92 TOTAL $73,35 We have been open thirty days and lack $559.91 of making expenses State of North Carolina, County of Graham. , I, H. D. Abernathy, cashier of the above named bank, do ,oiemn!y swear that the above sfitemcnt is true to the best cf rr.v knowledge and belief. . ?L D. ALEKNATI1Y, Cashier, Correct Attest:' K. L. I-HILLIS " T. M. JENKINS ...... Directors. ": Subscribed ar;d worn to before me, this luth day oi Aove:r:t'r, iy.o. GUSSIi: McKELDREY, Notary Pi:b'': Conui:ission expires October 35, 1927. TELLICO LOCALS James Ramsey gave- a Hallowe'en party October 30. All reported a nice time. 1 la-ley Mason gave . a corn husk ing Wednesday evening of last week.. It was the first corn shucking given here this fall, 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Holifietd and daughter Ruth, of Murphy, are veil ing relatives in this section. John H. Ramsey, of Phidtlphia, formerly of this section, dicd Oc tober 10. His remains were laid to test it the Tcllico cemetery October 13. He is survived by his wife, five daivh'ors, his aged father, four brothers and one sister. He was a n.c:ibtr cf the Tellico Hapist ch.ircli and lived a consecrated member un til his death. . ' Harley Ramsey. went to Franklin or business Tuesday. J;hn H. Ramsey and .'aughter, Gra:e, have gene to Fast ?; Int, ,C.a., to . visit relatives.. . YES, HELLO) IT IPLy . the very lSh w Si iwr 8ca Pre'-s wat sds bring the b.:ycr and seller tc'J.her. We will welcome you If you are in a hurry for something; in the Hardware line, telephone us and we will have it all ready and wrapped for you when you put your foot on our doorstep. We give quick service to our customers as well good merchandise. . as Buy and try our Hardware. If you don't see what you want, ask for it, we have it.. . Our Hardware's BEST; it stands the TEST Franklin Hardware Co.