FACE TWO THE FRANKLIN TRE" THURSDAY- ETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Totla. N. C. flans; This is what I Vl K.l- V--- T. " t rtiristmas. Brine me a tea from ".. mi set, a toy cook stove. If Jt will not lv tn mitrh trouble to VOU tO StOD at Tom Rickman's and get me ( a ,.i-r An) if vmt havent eot anv like will nun . j - , tkese. ". Bring me some oranges and candy and nuts, ana piease uoni iui- get any one. t.uiin ancrruw Franklin, N.' C n C, riinf T am a little cirl JLC41 Ottilia - - - -. " 7 years old, and for Christmas I want you to piease urwg uk .,"i'v stove, oranges, nuis, ca.my r a., SOS. MAKI UIVJCILl Franklin. N: G Dear Santa Claus: I would, like to iave a doll, some slippers, a nice new lress and some candy for Christmas. I will thank you tor mem. AMY REEVES . iv, nn tnrni-t mv trarher. Miss Par- rish. I will be thankful for these things. THUKMUIn HJblSKi Franklin. N. C. Dear Santa Claus : I want a doll, some oranges, apples and a nice ring . n,.;am llnn't fortret mv little IUI vmi lamias - - - n - - - . sister, Sallie. I have, been, a good little girl. claim liie. ivin Franklin. N. C. nor Unta Claus: I am a little girl 8 years old and I am writing you this letter to ten you wiwu -Usui tn brincr me for Christmas. w an u ;vw .o i , I would like very mucn io nave, a .Hnll that savs ma- a l ttl bed for her nid .' "U a .... . , also plenty of candy and oranges, ana just anything you might think of to bring along. I am a good little girl. I go to school ana learn my .jesavua well. Don't forget to visit me on Christmas eve and bring tne inmgs I've -asked you to. or iriena. Totla. N. C. Dear Santa Claus : I am a little girl ... rAA. T want ''VOU 'to bring Vli L, jiai v.w - " . - me a doll, a rocking chair and a tea ... trw cinvfsTiA some candv and oranges.. Don't forget any other little toys and gins, kudi mmaiw . Rrvson Citv. N. C. Qonta nans -Please brine me ivai kju"'" - . ;rr mama fifill and what other things you can spare. But please don't forget the other little ones, in. 1 ,otit ttiem to be hanov tod. I MVJl x ruin , a - have three little brothers and one sister. Your.triend, GEORGIA SUTTON. Trresita. N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am four years old. Please bring me a real boy cap, a cork, gun, a battery for my flash- light, and plenty, oi canuy, nuw i.ttT! onH rnpwincr cum and a ball. .Don't bring me a tricycle for 1 al ready have the one you sem rat ii week. Don't torget urnora. KENNETH CRUSE Franklin. N. C. n ;anta Glaus : I am 'a little tV.ro vpara nld. I want VOU to gill I...V.V , .. , , bring me a doll, a set oi aisnes, auu some candy, oranges and apples. ; Please don't torget tne oiner tnn- dren. CHRISTINE AWbtL 4 Franklin. N. C. n0r Qonta riaiis: I am a boy 12 X-S V.U1 kUWH - t want vou to bring me a basket ball ana a Knue, aisu me some candy, unts and trmt. iJon i forget anyone else. iour inenu. flastonia.' N. C. ' n, Qnnta rians: I am 1 vears i4-0 ;c iirt T want for Xmas. uiu. inn- - , I want one of those gray busses trom the store, and l want some ayyies, oranges, candy and ' nuts. Remember the other little Doys ana gi"v WlJNIJLJt. MUUK-r. ,.nc r,1,l anl T am in the fourth unit, j v o.i j - , . grade. I want you to bring me a doll some rollcp' skates anu a w, candy, nuti and oranges . Your little teirl, lvALiitL olaui. FranklK N. C, Dec, 11 1926 ' Dearest Santa Claus :-I am glad .irim will soon be here. I am Vlll lOia ..... II T i. a little girl five ; years old. ; I want lots of things. 1 nave receivcu w.c i. .... eon mf but as 1 Cailt : ..nt;i rv.r stmas. I am afraid (JUtll l uiim v"- 1 -- , T -you have torgouen to pui I J t j. U inn o really want. ,1 wani a -girl-doll. I got a boyand a girl doll last Christmas, but Bobby was left out in the rain, and he died. And poor ;a 9i wrinkled as my Granny. I also want a little pair, of ' . ' i i .:jj: it ,, gloves, ana a kiuuic . uww;v - . Katherine Cunningham Goodwin. Franklin. N. C. Dear Santa Claus:-! am a little boy and Christmas day 1 will De years i j 1 i. n.. ti hrinor me a little oia. i warn i "o --. ... doll with overalls on, an Air rifle, a vi- a on ovprcoat. some Eng- IllllC ICU vai, ' w 1 - ,- list walnuts, oranges and candy. it 1 a -rle n n rl Come to see au oiner muc boys. Goodbye Almond, N. C, Dec, 14. 1926. i . cnoiri-.iic' 1 am a little Dearest hanta Uaus: i am a .ntue iuicbc -- - . , . . . i . x.. t.: :i a niii J want vou to urmt; gir U years o a. i wani yyu iu unug .v-""a, " ,f t)a;r L a Jy piano and a tea set. I want me a hUle kU :t, car, d n ,e Pair Almnn,! N C Dec. 14 1926. Dearest Santa Claus: I am a little you to bring me a little stove, also some candy, bananas, oranges, nuts, and apples. ' Lots of love, Goodbye, DORTHA JACOBS of becds, a ring, two nice handker chiefs, candy, bananas, appiev u ees and peanuts. Lots of loven Goodbye, VIRGINIA McKAY. ;: Gifts That Lasts ' .N, If T r Vry , " - Franklin. N. C Dear Old Santa Claus: I am a little lu,,, f voor; old Will vou olease m .n?tyrf4iMV'on.V8orne nuts. ' candy anf oranges. I will be a good mle boj? WILEY GREENE Franklin. N.. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl want vou to brine me - rt licVipe snme nuts candv and oranges and raisins. I will be a good little girl and Santa piease aoni iui- gtt anyone else. MAUu. uttttHt V I ' r'- Franklin. N. C ' Dear Santa Claus r' Please bring me - a toy can a ktnite, some oranges 1 candy and a ball Goodnight CLINTON EDWARDS Gastonia. N., C, nar "?anta Haus Here is what I for Christmas. I am 10. years old. l wani a L'ullc .;k a cpdt hphind like a Chrys- L(ll Willi " - , ler roadster, some nuts, candy and oranges, and a bicycle. Lioni iorgci the other boys ana gir s - Franklin. N. C na ;anta'" Please brine me a Vir.1n hahv a mama doll, a stove u tpaspt. books, a honey- moon express, uKeieie, gioves, aim anything else you nno l i. inan yuu. Franklin. N. C. tSo Canta Hans : I am a little n1H. and I want VOU to little tov set of dishes and a doll, and some oranges, nuts Til bp a crood little girl, Santa, if you will bring me these. GbJNt,VlliV. rRAAir.rv . GROVER ARVEY Franklin, N. C. Dear Santa Clafs; I am a little girl "ars old. I ttant you to bring me I . - . - . ... -.:J (some unis canuy auu ill be ' good little girl. PjEAKL J K Aitl t.K . Franklin. N. C. rpar Santa Oaus : Will vou please bring me a kiddie car and a d.p!l and some oranges and navg; Dear Santa :-I will tell you what want you to -bring me for Xmas. mnniM on a strinc. a horn and some nuts and than all I want. LLt. UAK1MAR.U. jr. cf I sm a little bov five years old, I live near Iotla Bridge, L. ,i .m0 to spp me. I want you to bring me a wagon, some candy and oranges, a cap Bum. - . KENNETH LLUJtK, ioua, . v.. . Coto.T would like for vou to bring me a doll and a hair ribbon and some candy, nuis anu ui - 'ANN h. KA1 P. S. My little sister, Georgia Marie wants a doll. Ftr,o NT r Dec. 13 1926 n. cnfo .Will vou nlease bring me a watch, candy, oranges and some fire crackers, flease aon t iorgei w : , ktViorc and sisters some- thing, and all the other little children n the world, l wisn you a w I our inenu, u.- Etna, N. C, Dec, 13 1926. tw- Cnta'T am a little Cirl 1 years old. Will you please bring . me a string; or Deeas, some X.nnrroe I hOflP VOII Will I CIIlCIUUEl Ul aligns. J . , J all the little children m the world, your nine inenu,. r,Bt.n M r Dec. i3 1926. n, Santa Claus: I am a little girl 6 years old and I want you to bring me a wagon, doll some candy, oranges and nuts. I have a little sister 3 years 'old, she wants a doll, some candy and, oranges. t . ' Maggie and Blanche Ledbetter I ' Ladies and Gents Watches, $1.50 up to $55.00. i Also other articles such' as Broaches, Bar Pins, t Necklesses, Rings, ,Chains, Cuff Links, Tie Pins, r Clocks etc."' Prices reasonable and guaranteed j: , as represented. jt Jewelry is the gift that lasts. t GROVER JAMISON , I WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER . w Canton, N. C. ,,.0a.irwillv" soon ; be here. I I o Tinnv.'anrl air rifle and a cair Joves and a watch. I am 11 rs old and in the fifth grade. I to Canton school, uaaay lanes Press.' Best wishes to Santa and W boys. - RAY SAUNDERS vv;'' ; " " ;-.,'; ) Teresita, N. C. ' ..ear Santa Claus: I am 11 years Ifdv Please bring me a rubber ball, a cork 'gun, 4 oranges :hd some candy, a blue cap and anything else ',you think I would like. Bring me a pair of gloves if you have some that will fit me. Be sure and come. CLIFFORD CRUSE i ; ''. Franklm. N. C. Dear Santa Slaus: Please bring me some candy, oranges, apples, some bananas and a fauntain pen. Please do not forget my brother, Hal. 1 will be thapklul tor tnis. uooanigm '( LLYUJt VVtLUl ; " ' . Franklin, N. C. Dear Santa Clans: Will you please little trunk and an um- i brella, and a pair of bed-room slippers and some oranges and' nuts r inais all this time dear -Santa. DOROTHY GRINDSTAFF ' '"' Rhookville N. C. nPar anta : T am four years -old, and I want you to bring me - arcar, Tocrr.n raniiv oranpes ana nuis. i have , a little dog named Jack,' and I think he would like a new conar. Almond, N. C, Dec, 14 1926. ii.: i rU.in T am a tittlp :i i vore nlH T want vou to brine me a nice pair of boots, a bracelet, also a ring, candy, Dananas appies, n.nnrni onrl npanntQ Goodbve. lOtS Ot lOVe, MAMIE. JftWIW. Shookvtlle, NaC. n.ar anta- T am nine vears old lVHI . , Please bring me a doll, a toy wrist rotrti nnt randv. branees and any thing 'else that you want to. Please don't forget other gooa nine Doys anu girlS. , MILUKtU RWtRO ; Rhookville. N. C Mv ripar Santa : I am 9 vears old Pi firinw mp a doll, a tov wrist ...ofoU mite candv and oranees. and WCIL1.11, HUM, J -J , anything else that you want to. Uon t forget other Doys ana prib. " ' Franklin. ' N. C. Tar tanta riane T am a little bdV S years old. I will writf and tell you T want 'for Christmas. I want oranges, candy,, bananas, and a rubber ball. Please bring tnem. your iriena WADE HOLBROOKS " Franklin. N. C Tr Qanta TlanC T want VOU to bring me an apple, some nuts and a knife lor Christmas, riease ao nui ..'forget me. BILLIE WELUl Franklin. N. C. T.n 1 Qanta Hane T wonld like to V till 1 . I v' J - have an air rifle and Some shells, a limfe, candy, apples, oranges ana ruts. 1 would be thankiui ror mat Tlease don't forget my brother. VERDEN REEVES Franklin. N. C. ivai vn' -d . frf and a fountain Oen TVOlVi'i - for Christmas. And I would like to storv bdok and some candv and oranges. I will thank you fpr this. CLifrUiUJ iuc.iNnuwr.iv. ; V , Y . - rranw n, jn. c. Pear Santa Claus: I wtnt you to lease m( some api les, candy, j "!s ; : C"m, ad a watch. . Etna. N. C. n.or Qonta rian's: I am a little girl ten years old. Please bring me AU n cfnrir honl; some tkllllV illiu nuts and a rubber, ball. , Your friend, I . Franklin. N. C. n, Cinti Plans v-T 'want vou to bring ; me a pair of skates and a r-f i;ttic hahv not ana a nine reu Jiair. I have a little baby- sister and she, wants something to play with. I want her to nave a ntue iom-uiiKer and a rattle, from your little inena Franklin, N. C. Dear Santa Claus Please bring me a toy Fordson tractor, some candy and oranges and bananas. I am 10 years old. Santa please don't forget to bring the editor of the Franklin Press a big - stocking full. I . am eoing to, look for you soon, going io, ROBERT NOLEN Steel Drums For Sale :,V'v ' :" - ;-:'..'-':;;.!: We have on hand several Steel Drums of all sizes which we are of -f ering f or sale at give-away prices in order to make room. These drums can be used on the farm for . . . . : v . , .... i. . many purposes. We are also agents for Stude baker and Oldsmobile Cars. Drop in and let us show you these iine Atitos. One would make a delight ful Christmas present. CITY GARAGE 1 v d .... .... .... . u . w U W. Franklin N. C. . Dec. 20 1926. Dear Santa Claus:-. I am a 'little boy- seven years old, 1 am in tne Ap and mv teacher is Miss Botan. I want you to bring me a gun, a knite with, 4 cnam, a scnooier, some candy, nuts, oranges, ana appies. Your little boy, JOHN SLAGLE , Franklin, N. Cf, Dec. 20 1926. ' , Dear Santa Claus wn a little girl A Merry .: Christmas TO OUR FRIENDS This is just a simple little message to wish you the compliments of the Season A lyierry, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.' And we trust the Holidays of 1926 will hold for you d yours a full measure of good cheer and happiness and that the New Year will usher in the most wonderful period of your life, a year when your dreams come true. We have only been in business for six months, but during that time our business has been 200 per cent better than we ex pected. You will always find us on the job day and night, ready ,;' 'to' serve you. . v ..-1 , , ' s - ' May we also add a word of thanks for the business you have so kindly sent our way in the past. This business has been very, very much appreciated, and we trust the service we have been able to give you has been all that was expected or desired. With the coming of another year we shall strive even harder to merit your patronageyand confidence, and sincerely trust we may continue to number you as a friend and customer. Again extending you the Season's Greetings and with all good wishes we remain Sincerely yours LOG CABIN MOTOR CO. f - '.. .