KEr cur OF -nm MOUNTAIN S j VOLUME XLH FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY MAY 12. 1927 ' " " ' . NUMBER NINETEEN I zz I BTYlITr mVT n a . , RED CROSS CONTRIBUTORS The following have contributed the amount following their names : setoppo ' , Roy Cunningham. $1.00;- Mrs. Sal lie Moore, 1.00; Rev. Ratledge, 1.00; E. K Cunningham, 2.00; George Johnston, 1.00; Mrs. W. J. Zachary, 1.00; Lewis Phillips, 1.00; T. J. Johns ion, 1.00; Cash, 25c; Dr. S. H. Lyle, ,2.00; Frank Murray, 1.00; E. W. Long, 1.00; J E. Rickman, 1.00; George Carpenter, 1.50; Mrs. Charles Recce, 25c; Charles Blaine, 30c; Dr. F. T. "Smith, 1.00; S. H. Lyle Jr., 1.00; Carolina Provision Co., 5.00; Mrs. F. L. Siler, 25c; Sloan's Store, 1.00; Mr. and Mrs. Farmer, 2.00; Sam L. Franks, 1.00; W. C. Cunning ham, 75c; L. S. Conley, 1.00; Tracy Barnard, 1.00; Bard Angel, 50c; Logan Allen, 1.00; Gus Leach, 1.00; W. B. Lenoir, 1.00; W. T. Moore, 25c; L. B Liner, 25c; Lyles Harris, 1.00; Cash (Traveling salesman), 1.00; Perry-Jones Chevrolet Co., 1.00; Emory Hunnicutt, 1.00; W. C. Kinney, 1.00; R. W. Shields, 1.00; Neville Sloan, 50c; Charles Slagle, 1.00; Cash, 25c; Ben McCallum, 2.00; G. T. Stiles, 1.00: Cash. 50c: Mrs Farl T-T...-cf 1.00; Fleet Scroggs, 1.00;. Mrs Houk, 50c; Mrs. Willis, 1.00; Mrs.' H. 0. Cozad, 5.00; Mr. Pendergrass, 50c; Farmers' Federation, 1.00; Mrs. Jack Stribling, 1.00; J. A. Conley, 5.00; Mrs. w. ti. Waldroop, 100; Theo H. B. and Hi Tie On the local grounds last Friday afternoon the "Hasbeens" and the Franklin High school boys battled for nine innings to a tie at three counters each. The former, evidently NEI7T0I7N BOARD N01Y AT THE HELTiI elated mentally and physically at the Chief of Police Ordered to Remain in Town Wil Later Wear Uniform. Si$k Town Attorney An- gel Health Officer. prospects of again whaming the ball to all corners of the lot, took the bat first and before the . r-- j -ii.wkt WUIU put the side out. the Hash eene ho4 crossed the , plate three times. For the remaining eight innings Nat Phil lips WnO twirled tor the crhnnl hn.rc - - . v.w wvjr j held the old timers in the hollow of Pl(linf J . his hand. H 1 r " oraer tructing Chief hectic game was Claude Henry; who ? '! . . Coffey to confine shows promise of hemminc an v.ln,s activities . to the area within the cellent catcher, city limits was the outstanding action Arvin Rabv. who nlavert (nv tt.-.lnf Pr,nt,i:'- r-. j r ... years of the . Honewell vT V" Y M,UB ?w coara 01 A,derman pitched for the Hasbeens; while Emo- ru , ' . f,rSt last ry McDonald was on the receiving lhursday evening, end. Rabv tossed a Mr. Coffev ua.ii, uui me rranif in mi nnvi hit ihan i h-. k - ij .. him rather freely, though the made tZ 7f V" ? very few safeties. Frank krray f T UtSlde the t0W" uqc tUa Anftn:M .a... -f .i tt limits.. ihe artmn nf Ua t,,t mv. vuisiauuiiig- siar UI tne lias-1 . v uudiu, beens He had a chance at one fly, though it was taken in executive tl session' was understood to have been ihe writer was frant v' ournr .J k . at the game played by the Franklin Tf that. there is Hi bovs ThP vriinrrct,0 tL . a demand for" the officer nair th excellent COachincr nf Tnmmw Anrrl tOWn tO confine his mnrlf tn t, are developing into a first class team, itself. us, nave a tew games with other T rrpnt mtuc Af, i ---- "".yi wnij iias led a large number of raids, with l . Mt;. piL u J ' nunioers ot liquor cars captured. He Music Uub Honored was unf!Pr inStr,tic tJL u ......un..o UUIII llic 1U11II- FRANKLIN CIRCUIT M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH 1st Sunday; Bethel 11:00 a m 9k"d??J:P P- m- Salem 7:30 p. m.i ..vw u u uju p. m., preaching by j. vv. oireei. 2nd Sundav: Clark rhannl 11 -m m., Riverview 3:30 p. m.. Iotla 7:30 jj. in. 3rd Sunday: Snow Hill, 11:00 a m., Salem 3:30 p .m., Bethel 7:30 p.m, 4th Sundav : Iotla" 1 1 cm a m dv. dale 3:30 d. m. riartc Thonoi 7.m p. m., Mashburn Branch Saturday ;w p.. m. J. H. STRICKLAND, P. C. Indicative nf the tvr nf i.mrU er board tn anewpr flirt 11 i ' v- '- v vi a uuiiL I - """vt nv vail JL llic UV me 1V13 MaCUOWC nh here c eher ff'c nff; -j .... Uh. a- u-Ji " " " lu -s ucpuiy, oui Mimdav.TiX): Horace I' HV M' "'- to leave, the town unprotected. r. Coffey, 50c; Steve Porter, 1.00; A. Harper, of Elon College, president lhe board also ordered Mr. Coffey i m t u me i L Stallcup, of the North Carolina Federation of to wear uniform, and voted an ap to! MrHStSetr' ' I F5L 1 b.e;ake" hl her to propriation to purchase two uniforms , jvuua- wuMgv tcbcuiiy mm pm un uispiay lor nim. ton, 25c; Mark Dowdle, 1.00; Charles at the national convention there. For the ensuing two years Mavor TcCracke; TT'a5 That. the, kyear ,f hc ,0cal B.PattonSwSSS L ttLVfe l f'Sfed, H , L I)owdle, S. R. Joines, and F R nH7rt u. u j 6 wV'.r i w"""lu" ''.i"" ,01 ine vV..iN" oloan as a street committee, wav im? L ri-un C teSt iamn mUSIC c!,ubs T th,s stlte h,le the water and light committee way, l.w, Herman Childers, 1.00; was learned here a few days ago by is composed of Aldermen H W Cabe Oscar Bryant. 1.00; S. A. Harris. Mrs. Dick, Hudson. nresiHent nf th T w wi ' ,e' myMr Jamison, 50c; Joe Martin,' club. .Mrs. Hrp : wVtrcongrattt: man. ' 6 ' " .RKK mrant 1 (Y)." T6' A i omfr Res j Franklin club on its goodl Mr. Rickman was chosen mayor ,, , uwisc a"u itnuig vi Having me yro-iem. Patton, 1.00;. Jim Mann, 1.00; Conley year book to Chicago. The only changes in town em- .Vw.UuiUUJ,l5l v. mvuuwcu viuu is saia pioyes were election ot K D Sisk JlU Hadar Co.. 1.00; Alf Hig- to' be the only music club west of retiring mayor, as town attorney, and flOn. 3C: A. B. C JJorsev inn-'TW Asheville enmnnced nr moc ..: sUi,'n. f rv t? a . . . ... xj . . --ji , n, .v...fv v. inuai- vu-iiiuu vi xji, r. Angei as city health Hunnicutt, 2.00; E L. Whittington, cians And it is generally conceded officer. Mr. Sisk succeeds George 50c; Harry West, 50c; B. L. Sherrill, that the club stands high among mus- B. Patton, who was elected mayor 50c; Dewey Rochester, , 50c; George c clubs, m this state for the serious last week, as town attorney I)r Brown i. 1.00; F. L, Henry, 50c; 0. V. study it does. Angel succeeds Dr. T. H. Horsley as Hall 1.00; Mr. Rankin, 1.00; Mrs. L. "Thank you so much for your new health officer.- "orsiey as inn. cf" hW''r-U'?'- TAnne Phipps- vear P0"., rSi Har wte. "I No changes were made in the sala- ,'. VVr"' .C L "togram, 1 00; took the old on that I had of your nes of the various town employes It Moody & Moody Attorney, 1.00 Bert club f with me to Chicago and put it was stated by Mayor Patton after ira,ge'T,1,00' Bob Davs, 1.00; Dr, on display.-; I think your new one the meeting, and no other changes in Wiley Rogers, 100; Miss Ruth Oliver, wjine. You have a wonderful club, personnel were made, but in sevenl UN; Mr.rtHonk, 1.00; Miss Helen and I am looking forward to your instances employes were moloved onlv Burch. 1.00: Miss Bolten inn. TUi'bq he bine me to aet the Wectem n;0- until th t.- t . . ; Weaver 1.00; Miss Poindext U trict organized. " - n deVr; Miss Mattie Ancrol Ifin. D... f t I I i . . """"b vT" .1,1 TWkttC i . ur.cp.dang mem is expected. a. i. rranKS, l.w; D. M p; . , . ine entire first meeting of the Mr Jess Conley, 60c; Rev. Steed, KV. Mr. Fipes tO'LeaVe board was held in executive session pSce St. Agnes jchurch.last Sun- Soy being called, in one at a A W Horn im?V h Ti' day Rev. E. J. Pipes announced to tu"e t V , . HV.h?S ! his audience; that he ha, accepted a 7bniy.hAbu T. P. Tre t Tno-TZ! ' w. Mantee, Mch,gan,. andwill "0 A1,r "tton , ham. . SOc : Rev. A: !ast . . W t0 . as" ' ZZl4"8 " ou,s' etc- 1 R. IV SI.; im. Mi f nwrS;X n" W.i pat city. . , . - . r . .; . ,, j;iW me ... announcement was , rere veH W.i : II'::' . t subscribing for the' i don 50c- Tom Leach "ifW- W f? u p,scopauar or.ranKn re- u. Miller has the following to say: ffie. ik l0' Wl UC: Zl ffepartufe' butr the tire citi-LJV Los Angeles, Cal., May 4, 1927. Washincton T) P Mav 5 1057 I, . ",t . luvvn 'ccis a personal .uiiur rress, n ashington, L. May 2, 1927. floss in his going. ' Franklin. N C, ConnM, rhanfpr secretary Macon During ; his three years stay in I am a native of North Carolina Cross ' ' Amen Red franklin Rev; ,M.r.- Pipes' has made a daughter of David Carpenter James Pranlrtin M C , f'"UIlc "i many ways Otner " itZ ; i tt , tnan as rector of the local Episcopa myf reemmendat.on Hoover and church. Since the organization of the myself just returned from disaster boy scout troop here Mr. Pipes has area. Central committee der Hed n h ..t j r... ... Iotla News We were glad to see Miss Ruth Roland and Mr. Harry Ray at B. Y. . U. Sunday. We are glad that some one thought enough of the Iotla bus to give as beautiful a picture and frame as they did. . The Iotla B..Y. P. U. begins at 8 o'clock, but we hope no one won't get there as early as Misses Annie Shields and Thclma Ray did Sunday night. Mr. Paul Swafford walks to. tnwn and then back every dav in order tn get exercise , and strength. Misses Blanche Fouts and'Bculah McCoy have returned from Ash evitle where they did their spring shopping. Miss Pearle McCoy spent last week end with Miss Laura Jacobs Misses Blanche and Grare ' Fnnt ROAD WORK i STARTED IN GA. r Mr. Finger," a traveling man from. Gainesville, while in Franklin last week reported that the contractor for the project from the state line to Mountain City has all his machinery. on the ground, including two rock crushers and that he will soon begin putting stone on that section of the road. The contractor estimates that he can finich his work in two months. Work will also begin at once, accord ing to Mr. Finger, on the section of road from Mountain City to Tiger. It is understood that work will be gin at the state line and proceed to ward Mountain City. Scroll News A few days ago F. E. Mashburn view. vast, increase in flooded area that emergency stiuation now' demands minimum ten million dollars. This means doubling original quota, each Achapter. If you have already raised double your original quota please con tinue your efforts to secure as large an amount as possible. In this crisis confident we can denend unon con tinuation of your loyal and devoted 'iiorts. JAMfciv L HKSEK Broadway Locale Mr. Z. V. McKinney was hog hunt ing Thursday. ' Mr. John Brown planted hisi.crop on Broadway Tuesday withoul any dinner, as something ate his dinner from him. Mr. Andy Wilson spent Wednesday night with his mother. Ms. H. C. Wilson as she is very ill,' Miss Eillah Wilson spnt last week with home folks. . f j Miss Peare Crane sfnd Mrs. Ella Llhott spent last week f end on Turtle rond and Broadway. ; . Mrs. Lelia Wilson and Mr. Radford Wilson were in this Section Monday. ,Mr' An ,Wison and Mr. Tom Wilson made z h,si-.s trip to Mr. David McCalls lfonday. miss his Dresenee more than th young boys of Franklin. - - ; Mrs. Pipes, too, has devoted much time to Charitable work-anrl hac Uirn an inspiration to those with whom she has been associated. Their little son, tu. J. Jr., has been a favorite with the people of Franklin sinee hie hirth AH three will be sadly missed by every .man, woman and child in Franklin. ' , The heartiest wishes of all go with this family to their new home. ; , Chamber Moves Office The Franklin Chamher of and Aericultnrp fact Szturrl ,nA its desk from the upstairs lobby of me uanic ot franklin building to the nriCK dui ainff next rioor tn th t,i Junaluska Inn Agent Lyles Harris will share his of fice with the organization, and it is believed that the move will mate th matter of co-operation between' the county ageni and the chamber, , and between the' town and the farmers, simpler.'''"'Kp-:H . x,: - .. . For the past several months, the Bank of Franklin hat AnnntaA ... in its unstairs lobbv for the zations desk. Lamenter was mv n i though I have been away from North Carolina for more than 24 years I still want to hear from my old home Mdic, ana never will I forget the beautiful scenerv anrl onn,l FnA , r' ft r o qiui(; water. California is ..,r.,ia,f..i i ,e hmate-deal, but nothing beats u,u "win v-aroiina scenery Mrs. O. MIT T fw ?m w ii,.t.., ji., ivos Angeles, Lalif. New Yorker Wants House A resident of New York State, a physician, is interestefl in er,j: the months of Tnlv onA A..m.- franklin, and would like to learn of a small, inexpensive cottage or bun- kiiu wnicn ne can rent months for himself and his family. xi.cic c iuur memDers ot the family. Anyone . havin? ' snrh a mtt. rJ rent for July and August can get thi innmrAr'e r-. J .JJ. e C H . amc duu auaress irom the Chamber of Commerce and Agri culture. ' killed 125 rats, besides the tiny baby, rats when he was cleaning the ham' Who has beaten that record? The freeze did hundreds of dnllare worth of damage through out this section to truit,. etc. Mr. Carl Jones, accompanied by Mr. Henry Peek, of Ellijay, who has been night watching on the highway . in Transylvania county, spent Sat urday night with their homefolk's Mrs. Ann and Gracie Peek, of Rl 1 1 1 -1 If iirata .AlAnM IIP. I "liases uiaucnc ana urace routs . "w wciv,uuic visitors on wai- were visiting the Rnrnino-tn..m p,iic nut Creek Sundav. Sunday afternoon. ', Uncle A. B. Moses continues in very We were glad to see Miss Blanche Poor health. Fouts and Mr. Alex Elmore at Master Edward Ray Mashburn is B. Y. P. TJ. Sunday night. Hope Vlsltin8 his Krand parents, Mr. and they will come every time. Mrs. D. J. Moses, on Ellijay. Miss Florence Rav cnent the Bv Mr. Noah Tollav is to Ho com end with her home folks. carpenter work on Mr. W. A. Keen er s house, at once. T r. . . . p,.L' j n ! t i . 1V11SS Leona staniiew has been stay- cashiers and KailenstOrk ng with Mrs. W. A. Keener recent- Mrs. Annie Cloer ha her on f w t h Mr- Lnas- Moses, of East LaPorte ' Mrs. Herbert MrPoll h,e K-. ill A'.. J . M.0SCS- for the past week 1 s bemg done on the bridge Mr P ,nt im u d0ve Amos Mashburn-s home. Of Mr. WT. CJoer Fridav nirht Hf t riMi . : 6 I .1 IVir. X. A. Dll am rook- hoc ratftrn. i i ed to the camp after being absent ior several aays On account of sick- . MT- ana Mrs. U. L. McCoy and ness. daughters, Beulah, Mae, and Pauline Afr V P tr:rl. .l. rlcnent tha J : f .. t is.ici was ' me guest ot cnu in vjcorgia, visit- Mr. Cleave Fisher Friday afternoon. ,n relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Kaye Baumgarner Msses Hattie Lee, Beuna, and Ruth " iRtn men tiniuren ana return-1 v"",v- Vl .im anenaea a. x. r. ed home after being separated for here Sunday night. nine. i.iissca xiicuua xvay ana ranme uib- Mr WT T rt- . . XT ... I Gnfl cnont I - i . t m ; viuci went iu iantanaia M'c "cck: chu at ine xerrace Wednesday and brought back two Hote' in Andrews. ine pups, wnicn ne is very proud of. T i",C3 rvuuy Mason and Annie Mr. Carr Burrell left w t n.. Laura Shields were vicitimr ;., Hf...i... camp Wednesday for his hAm. : Saturday and Sundav j -"" in i -, - j Bohany. Lr- Lawrence Liner and sister- Mrs. Mack Fisher was the guest Ldna motored to Asheville Friday of,iss E' fe Cloer Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Fouts spent Miss Alley. Baumgarner . was the bmdy afternoon with Mrs. FoutV guest of Miss Lois Baumgarner. mother, Mrs. Rickman, on Cowee. r- ,r ' io near or Mr. . wno-iy Dick Hawkin's death. He is greatly nM,ss "utn Roland and Mr. Harry" missed by his friends and relatives. ay were united in marriage at His home wit at Pitt,:.,. Llavton. (ia.. .Satitrv vnjumj, near rri. V iu; . .. . High Hampton Inn. The bride is the daughter of Mr We are very proud of our new and Mr?- J- D- Roland, of Iotla. The Cafe in Cashier . P.rorl,:- . groom IS the enn a( nr. j w reasonable Can ot a E. M. Rav of Frant-i;n Cream for 10c. . We wish them much hannlne.c iur. vvaiier fearman h. ..... . " yui up a new ni ing station in Cashiers. .11 M miss tttie Cloer and Mr. William news Burreel and Alhert Mrrn u. ,. . Annie Cloer ZiZ ,T !Ij .: r; yvouum, of East La Porte xjr tt . iu ureacnea at the Walnut .i . I I r. . vyivtn. 9I.1.UUI WILL BUILD TWO HOUSES Mr."" W. C Cllnnincrham h-. nounced that he has let the contract for the fOnctrnrtinn rt ... bungalows on West Main street, near his home. These bungalows will he i.? thr,e vtfy best material ob tainable. The s contractor expects to finish the two houses in 60 days. s e . ."""" ana Mrs. uracie Feek Of Elluav. who hiA L. 1I751I f . ' Hf.. TJr-- t? vuiii will inspect tanneries Y ' fluraVe. rore ot tast La Forte. " tanneries who is critically ill with cancer of Lountv Atrent Harn'c ij Af. the stomnrh VV. . IP.TPIIP ' urill t?: 1 r I Mf Wivilum .1 ..... .. o--- ... .Wavc . r-nuay ior " iiaus iu . noiu tnree Athens and Newport, Tenn., to in- services when he comes again. Two I n7 v"r 1 lIluse two towns. 1 u,c luur"i otinclay in A Mr Mnnro . . Mjv' oml rn c . . u uwns a can-1 v "'1V- v-'".: jh ine oaturaay nery at Athens visited Franklin a few nisht before the fourth Sundav: davs acn ant flio .1 ITnrlo A R T t 1.1. . , ". uip iueniionea . -"yv ncaun is con- clC ,is,,the resuIt of that visit. Jnuallv failing. H v daughter. Mrs. Should Mr. Harris and Mr. Teague Raleigh Sanders : ' ' Holly Snrings find conditions as desrrihnrl aj spent the week en-' with u fi,. there appears to be no doubt of Aunt Ann Jones lias returned 'home thlS) Mr Mnnro in A . t laftpr 1r!c!t!nrr .1 . J. . . e w B"u icw asso-"r "",,us- "ci augnrer-in-iaw. ciates of Macon county will establish Mrs- Jane Jones. who is in the Angel i 'hiimui, ana nave the iy.M. same reaay tor the crops during the iJicaciu season. euiwei) u..i.... . yiimuc in niun W A I IN UMBERS Red Cross Caring for 324, The Red Cross at the firct nf u week was takincr rare f ?-innn pie m the Mississippi basin. A call for an additional $5,000,000 has been made to meet the expenses of this work. Franklin's hunta a? Kn t. the first $5,000,000 was quickly raised. 1 MISS KELLY HONORED At the meetinir at Pinehiitt Week Miss Lassie Kelly was honored by being elected vice-president of the Court Reporters Association. Hiphwav No.' 285 formerl ing from Franklin to Dillsboro now includes also the hifrhway from Frank- , lin to the Georgia line. Highway No. 286 formerly running from Brysort City by way of Franklin to the Georgia line now includes ; only the Such- Was ' the annnnneemnnf m-AA t ... . . "v . uri nere tnis week by an rmn nv u the highway department. : - ' jr BROWN-COLDNEjp- Mr. Mar TTarrisnn ;' : Mr. Louis Goldner wen' Clayton, Ga., last Sut"