KEY CITY OF THE MOUNTAINS 31 i if). in . , VOLUME XLII FRANKLIN, N. C THURSDAY AUGUST 11, 1927 NUMBER THIRTY-TWO W -- - - -- 1 c7 7n5 ft 1 EIPLOYEES J tage Big Banquet at Tri mont Inn in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Joines All Employees Make Talks. The employees of thexjoines Motor and Tractor company, Inc., gave a banquet at the Trimont Inn Monday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Joines who will leave in a few days to assume the duties of Ford agent at Brevard. Mr. Joines still retains interest in the local Ford agency. At the banquet which, Incidentally, was a very fine one served by Mrs. Cook, each member of the organization ex pressed regrets at the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Joines and at the same time pledged their loyalty to the suc ceeding manager, Mr. Jess Conlcy. Mr; Weimar Jones, a guest, in fol lowing out his policy of "Bouquets for the Living" paid a glowing tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Joines and expressed the sincere regret of the city at their early, departure. Major S. A. Harris, who was the first employee of the Joines Motor and Tractor company, also made a short talk. In response to all the talks Mr. Joines went into some detail concerning his business established here a . little over : four years ago. Among other things he -stated that the )lume of business1 during that time had amounted to approximately half million dollars. His company, he said, had sold about 600 Fords during that time. Mr. Joines feelingly expressed his regrets that business demands have called him to another cityi Whatever success his company may have had during his stay in Franklin was due, he stated, not to the management and employees but to the loyalty of the pubile of Macon county. Mr. Jess Conley, who is the suc cessor of Mr. Joines as manager, ap pealed to the employees to continue their loyal efforts toward the con tinued success of the business. A few employees due to sikness or other causes were absent from the banquet. The . following, including guests, were present: Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Joines. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Conlcy, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stribling, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry, Messrs George Brown, Bob Blaine, Rufus Joines, Frank Henry, Jr., Weimar Jones, Major Harris and Miss Myra Stribling. . Cowee News v L ' Rev, Alex Elmore went to Sylva ' Swnday to attend the B. Y. P. U. ascmbly at the Collegiate Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Carey L. Rickman, of Gastonia, .are visiting Mrs. M. L. Rickman and family. . Miss Valley West; who has been at tending college at Greensboro, is spending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. West. Mrs. R. T. Bryson, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting relatives and friends in this community. Mrs. Bryson was formerly Miss Eula Sheffield. Mrs. Grady Mozley and two chil dren, of Detroit, Mich., are spending - the summer with Mrs. Mozley's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. West. Mrs. Annie Pressley, of Canton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bryson, at West's Mill. Miss Helen -Shepherd, from Franklin, spent the week end with Miss Lucile Morrison. ''.' " '.-" Miss Grace Sheffield has gone to Canton. She will attend school there Mrs. Harlcy Phillips , and children. irom Andrews, is visumjj m. . Mrs, J. B. Matlock. -" , Mr. John Queen, from Bryson City, spent last week end with Mr. and M W M. Oueen ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. Murray andj family were - visiting Mr, and Mrs. John Murray Sunday. ; , ( Rev. and Mrs. Crawley were visit- ing friends and relatives at West's Mill last week. - . . 4 Mr Vance Browning, from Bryson i. City!, was visiting Mrs. J. L. West: Sunday. ... After spending some time at Bryson City Miss Stellat Morgan has return ed home. . .' '- . Mr. Bud Welch, one of, the plder citizens of Macon, now residing at Walhalla, S. C, visited his home boun ty last week. He is a great grandson of Joseph Welch, one of the pioneer settlers of Western Carolina. HONOR OINES AUCTION SALE OF OAK HILL Large Crowd Present and Bidding Spirited Sale Conducted by Home Real ty & Auction Co. and Homey Brothers. That the ' real estate situation in and near Franklin is rapidly improv ing was amply demonstrated last Sat urday at the sale of the Oak Hill property on Highway No. 28 one mile west of the city limits. One. of the largest crowds ever to attend an auction sale in this county was present. A Ford car was given away and a free dinner was served on the grounds, A brass band kept the crowd in a good humor. From the time the hammer fell on the first sale until the hotel, furni ture and all lots were sold, the bidding was exceedingly spirited. While no announcement has been made concerning the total amount re ceived from the sale, the selling agents state that it was one. of the best sales they , have ever conducted. Mr. Sam Franks bought the hotel building, including about two acres of ground.- PHYSICIAN TO RITTER LUMBER COMPANY Dr. . Burrus McGuire, of Columbus,' Ohio, has accepted an appointment from Dr. Furman Angel as physician to the W. M.. Ritter Lumber com pany at the scene of its operations on the Nantahala seventen miles west of Franklin. Dr. McGuire will report for duty on August IS. The above appointment has been approved by Mr. E. B. McCollum, superintendent of operations. , Dr. McGuire is a native of North Carolina, coming originally from Jackson county. .' WILMINGTON TO FRANKLIN IN DAY i Miss Mildred Hutaff Drives Distance in 14 Hours Destination Was Camp Nikwasi. And now a woman has driven . the length of North Carolina in a day! The driver was Miss Mildred Hutaff, of Wilmington. She made the trip last Thursday, but no publicity attended it.-'. But Miss Hutaff because she was attempting no record-breaking drive, and because she had business in Franklin, rather than at the Georgia State line, just south of Murphy stopped just short of the western tip of the State. She could easily have reached it, however, for she arrived in Franklin at 5 o'clock in the after noon. She left Wilmington at 3 a. m. The distance wilrhington to Frank linis shown by the State highway map to be 403 miles. In the party were Miss Hutaff, her friend, Mrs. Neil McEachern, and Miss Miriam McEachern. They came to Franklin for Miss Tabitha Hutaff, who has been spending the summer at Camp Nikwasi, girls' summer- camp here. No member of the party appeared fatigued at htc end of the, journey. lina. . """' " Careful personal attention given to all work, Room Twelvo Bank of Franklin Building. Franklin, N. C. ESSIG MARKET - H. 0. ESSIG, Prop. Fresh Meats of All Kindd Fin Homo Mad SautagV Everything kept in a first class market. Phone 42 ITEMS OF NEV7S FROM HIGHLANDS Interesting Locals and Oth er News from Macon County's Popular ' Moun tain City. Big revival serviqes start at the Highlands Methodist church on Sun day, August 14. Services conducted by visiting evangelist Prof. Sam Max well of Asbury College, and Reverend Clarence Williams, pastor of our local Methodist church. The public is cor dially invited. We had another big'1 auction sale in Highlands last Tuesday. Lots, sold like proverbial "hot cakes." Mr. , and Mrs. Nathan Billstein, of Baltimore, Md., arc among our recent arrivals and are occupying their sum mer home in Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Harris, of Ha vana, Cuba, are spending the summer at their cottage Kanonah. Miss Minnie D. Warren, of Scars dale, N. Y., is occupying her summer home, The Hedges, on Satulah moun tain. Mrs. W. H. Wolf, of Boston, Mass., is spending the summer in Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Eskrigge and family, of New Orleans, are enter taining their usual number of guests at World's End, their summer home on Satulah mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Salinas are at their summer home, Kalallanta, and have with them their son, An thony J. Salinas, Jr., and sister, Mrs. Salinas. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hewitt, of Palm Beach, Fla., spent a few weeks in Highlands recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thacker, of Savannah, Ga., are in Highlands for the month of August. North Skeenah News Everybody off of North Skeenah attended the land sales Saturday. Wonder who won the grand .prizes Mrs. Beulah Howell is staying ove; on Cartoogechaye. She is bady missed by the Sunday school, her being the teacher of the little folks Miss Mae McCoy went home to spend the week end with her parents. Rev. and - Mrs. D, : C. McCoy, i-f Iotla. Air. E. 15. Jeriart was m tins section Wednesday night. Mr. Frank Kinizey was . in th section Sunday visiting- his brother, Mr. George Kimzcy. Miss Arizona Hasting spent Satur day night with Mrs. E. B. DeFan nf Franklin. Mr. Carl Tallcnt was in thi s community-Sunday afternoon. Little, Carl Farmer has been ill, but is irnproving. Mr. .Andy Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bryson and family was the Rucsts of Mr. Robert- Carpenter Sunday. Our Sunday school is progressing nicely at Pleasant Hill this summer. . Miss Mae McCoy returned to her school Sunday afternoon, accompanied by her father and sister, Miss Pauline and Miss Elizabeth Poindcxter, of Iotla. Mr. Alex Checks took dinner with his sn Sunday, of Prentiss. Mr. Tate Wilson was in this section the past week, looking for his old highwaymen, Messre. Ed and Preloe Shope, Johnic Farmer and Vainne and Johnnie Sanders, to go to Spruce Pine this week to help them on their construction work. .Mr. Earl Harrison and wife, from iCartoogcchaye, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Zcb Shope Sunday. Mr. Lonard Ledford, from Senaca, S. G, visited his' grandmother, Mrs. Mary Ledford Sunday. Mr. Zcb Shone is working on a telephone line in Swain, running to wards Burningtown gap. He spent Sunday at home. ''. Mr. E. B. DcHart and family from Franklin spent Sunday with Mr. Weimar Hastings. Mrs. Dellart is Mr. and Mrs. Hastiug's daughter. Mrs. Spurgeon Ledford spent the past week with her father, Mr. Burton, in Clayton, Ga. Mrs. S. V. Stockton and Johnnie Sanders and wife, went to Hiawassee, Ga., Sunday to visit Mr. Craytoh Stockton. - Bryson Reunion The annual Bryson reunion in memory of the late J. L. Bryson will be held at the old home on Cowee the fourth Sunday in August. AH relatives invited to come and bring basket of dinner. , , FIVE HURT IN AUTO WRECK Officers Capture Car and 25 Gallons Injured Men Cit izens of Macon. Called to the scene of an automo bile" , wreck on the highway betweeen Franklin and the Georgia State line, Sheriff C. L. Ingram and his deputies quite incidentally took a 25-gallon car go of liquor. The rum runner escaped, after a gun battle with officers. At the wreck, where, five Macon county men suffered injuries, officers observed two big cars believed to have been "pilots" for the rum run ning automobile coming from Geor gia. They were stopped, and a mo ment later a smaller car drew up, quickly whirled, and headed .back to ward the State line. ( Officers gave chase, and just this side of the line overtook' the runner. He jumped from his car, and took to the woods, . turning to fire , several shots at the officers as he ran. They returned the fire. No casualties were reported. The car and 25 gallons of whiskey were brought to Franklin. The wreck occurred when one car. containing two men, stopped on the highway to repair the automobile's lights. The' second car, containing' three men, in the darkness, faired to see the other, and crashed into it. It struck-the two men in front, re pairing the lights, and crashed over the embankment. All five were pain fully but not seriously hurt. The injured men, were Rich .Penland, Davis Reece, (and Paul Love, all in the second car, and men named Cur tis, and McCall, in the car which had stopped on the road. The initials of the two latter were not learned by the Sheriff's office. Reece was pretty badly cut, while others suffered less serious injuries, one being painfully scalded when the radiator on one of the cars burst. BUSINESS DEAL ANNOUTO HERE J. S. Conley Buys Interest in Ford Agency Three busi nesses Merged Dodge Agency Relinquished. A business deal that is of wide interest here was announced last week by S. R. Joines, of the Joines Motor and Traotor company, and J. S. Conley, of the J.. S. Conlcy , Motor company. The Conley Motor company, which has the local 1 Hxlge- agency, and Conley and Joines, local representa tives; of the Standard Oil company, arc liquidating their accounts, and Mr. Conley is purchasing an interest in the Joines Motor and Tractor com pany, which has the Ford agency in this territory, according to the an nouncement. " , Mr. Conley is giving up the Dodge agency. The Standard Oil business Shelby; Edythc Jane Terrell, Burling as well as sales and service on Fords,, ton; ;Annie . Lee Spake, Shelby will be conducted by the Joines Motor and Tarctor company, which is to be incorporated, and of which Mr. Con ley, in future, will be acting manager. The business will continue in its pres ent location, the building having been leased from Mr. Joines. Mr. Joines will go to Brevard about August 15, where he will take over the Ford agency, s successor to Lowe Motor company. Mr. and Mrs. Joines and 'family have made Franklin their home for the past four and a half years, and have made .in any" friends here, where Mr. Jpines' business success is ratcJ as unusual. ' . A Birthday Present When birthdays roll around some folks on these occasions get birthday presents, consisting of anything from a package of chewing gum to a flaming tie. But, Reid Cabc's birthday j present on the 6th of August was entirely unique. In fact Reid thinks so much of this present he has been at home, just deliberately staying away from his business, in order to play with this present. "What is it?" you say. Uh, Yes! Airs. LaDe presented' Reid with a daughter, Bargara Ann, on Reid's birthday, August 0. eiiirinernre .:'.;to5iha Local Forest Supervisor Pro moted to Shenandoah For est Wood Comes to Franklin. R. W. Shields, supervisor of the Nantahala National Forest, isc being transferred to Virginia, to become su pervisor of the Shenandoah Forest, it has been elarned here. .Mr. and Mrs. Shields and family will leave Frank lin early in September. Arthur A. Wood, now deputy super visor of the Shenandoah Forest, will succeed Mr. Shields as head of the local forest. He will arrive in Frank lin about August 15, and faliliarizc himself with his new duties prior to the present supervisor's departure- News that the Shields are leaving Franklin has been received by their many friends here with sincere re gret. They have made Franklin their home for eight years. Mr. Shields was the first and, up to" now, only supervisor of the Nantahala Forest. The area originally was composed of three forest the three having been combined about 1917. Prior to that date, Mr. Shields was connected with the Georgia . section of the t present Nantahala area for about seven years. Ihe new assignment is understood to be a promotion for the forestry man, the Shenandoah Forest having du dica vi auuui tju.uuu acres as compared with about 250,000 in the ianianaia, wntcn nas naa us neaa- quarters at Franklin since the three forest areas forming it were combined eight years ago. . Entertain Cullowhee Seniors CULLOWHEE, August -Thtf fac ulty of the Cullowhee State Normal, school will entertain the Seniors of me scnqoi wno are to graduate in A t - . ' . TT--t I ' If t . i i i . t . nugusi, ai a picnic iu nign rails Monday, it was decided at a meeting of the faculty this afternoon. The action was taken to honor the largest graduating class in the history of the institution. Mrs. Lucy Posey, social director;. Miss Edna Reams, and P. Wade Alexander, were apponted by President to engineer the picnic. Trucks and automobiles will carry the crowd to the falls, where a picnic supper will be spread. The Seniors who expect to graduate from the iNormai school in August number twenty-eight. The spring graduation class was composed of twenty-six members. The summer school graduates are as follows: F. Morris Alley, Cashiers; Helen Alley, - .. r w:ti- n I asniers; Mary vviua royu, vvaynes ville; Harriette Taylor Brendle, Frank lin; Mrs. Thclma Shields Burley, Ravensford; Daisy Viola Carter, Mars ton; Mrs. Louise Duckett Cole, Can ton; Morgan Cooper, Beta; Emma Katherine Cox, Graham ; Rachel Etchi son Eaton, Cana; Ora Lee Gaddy, Monroe; Julia Florence Heath, Al liance; Rachel Lucile Hunter, Alexander;- Eva Alice Jackson, Winter ville; Odessa Adeline Lemmond, In dian Trail; Inez McGlohon, Green ville; Evelyn Otelia Morgan, CandJer; Ruth Caldwell Pierce, Salisburp; Sara Tennie Privette, Statesville; Mae Thcl ma Roberts, Marshall; Bessie Hy burnia Shipman, Brevard; Helen Lu cile Smathers, Clyde; Mary Elizabeth Sorrell, Burlington; Annie Lee Spake, Edvthc . lane ..Terrell.' Clvdc : Clara Aydlettc Williams,,, Currituck; Hattie Gertrude Wortrnan, Casar. Tellico News Mr. -Jew;, Cabe has purchased n ucw Chevrolet truck. Floyd Ramsey is hauling for Mr. Cabc Mr. Sanford Smit'i and wife, were visiting his parent.; of this place Sunday. Everybody is well pleased with our school teacher, Miss Bennett. She is is a great help to the parents. Mr. Tot Anderson is engaged in hauling lumber for. Mr. J. R. Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Smith spent Monday with Mrs. John Cox. Mr. V. C. DcHart is hauling lum ber with those fine Penland mules. They are good pullers. Mr. Robert Ramsey, motored to Ury son City Tuesday on business. Mr. John Ramsey and daughter, Maude Moody were in this section Monday. The Tellico singing class grasps every opportunity to practice for the singing convention, which comes on the second Saturday and Sunday in this month Mrs. Nan Simmonds is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Breedlovc,

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