VOLUME- XL1I ,, FRAWKUHW.' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER t, 127 ' : .;. " NUMBER THIRTY-SlJC PTPimnnnwnin1 dlfiVLruillUld GREAT SALE Sale Opened Thursday of Last Week and Since That Time Store Has Been Crowded. What has been and still is undoubt edly "Macon County's Greatest Sale" as specified in the announcement, opened Thursday of last week at the store rooms of J. S. Porter & com- pany. Even before the opening date, visitors from Georgia and from ad- ioinine counties iourneved to Franklin with the hopes of avoiding the rush . , , , ( ... . . , and taking advantage of sale prices, Such visitors were disappointed and been. The sheds are being torn down, were told to return on the opening and the furniture company has also date. Before the opening hour on -' bwilt, under the agreement a hollow ft. a c i u a r-tile structure just back of the hard- Thursday scores of people had-assem-, company store for storage of bled at the store waiting for the doors their lumber and other building ma to open and since that time fifteen" terials. or twenty clerks have been busy The corner being left vacant as a a . 'result of moving the old, Stallcup waiting on.the trade. Many became mmg has.been leased for a period ticd of waiting td be served-and over flowed into other stores In town to purchase their necessities. J. C. Whitimere. who makes if a business., of' staging sales of this kind,; says' that The work is preceding somewhat h has never seen anything like thfo slowly," but is . expected, to , be corn sale in a town the size ot- Franklin,' pleted by the end of this week." TKe sale will close Monday - of next The ' change means -the removal of week, when drawings - will tM plsice ontf of the older buildings in the to- determine the winner of the Hoos-j business section of the town, to make ier cabinet, which is -to be-given, ,wa& way for "a newer and more attractive When this sale : closes' Mrr Whitmire, one. incompany wh'one of 4he Wsidihgi ' " $ " " 1 merchants of Western North Carolina,' CO A Nlf I IN' rtRfHIT vnu visit eastern manteis u uuy a. large stock of, goods -for another sale to be held in a nearby town. According to Mr. Jim PorteiV who has presided af the cash register at the sale of his son, Steve, hundreds of ' people from Georgia and from adjacent counties in this state have brought hundreds of dollars ' into Macon county, having been drawn here by the sale of J. S. Porter &; company. He states that other MOrCS III lUWH iidvc uuuc a mi"'"S I business during the continuance of Steve's sale and that the restaurants, garages, etc. have also profited. Next Monday the management of the store of J. S. Porter & . company expects to , have a photographer on hand to take views of the immense crowd that will be present at the drawing for the kitchen cabinet. In conversation with Mr. J. C. Whitmire, Porter's sales manager, he informed a Press representative . that . he expects five thousand people here Monday afternoon at the drawing for the cabinet. Broadway Locals Messrs Zeb Bryson and Jerry Wil son have been cutting cord wood for the last few days. , - Mr. B. WHson and Miss Addie Wilson made a business triy to Highlands Friday. Mr. Tom Smith has been leaving his sled on the side of the road as he would go to town, and last Satur day something happened to it. We don't know whether it took wheels or legs and ran off, but when he came back for the sled it was not to be found. , . . ' Messrs Billie Brown and Tom Smith were on Broadway Friday. Mr. William Justice is still peddling, Mr. Bart Wilson was in this sec- tion Friday on business. Mrs. Fapnic Balleu made a busi ness trip to Mr. Andy Wilson's home Tuesday morning. Mr. Frank Cabe was visiting Mr, Andy Wilson Wednesday. . . Miss Jean Wilson, who i has been staying at . Highlands," "is" now 'spend ing a few: days with home folks' r ' Mico Qfnlla Wilcnn anent TtilirtHav ignt with her : aupt, : Mrs. Fanriie T.1... :. ' ; . . - "Mr. Andy Wilson made a business trip to Highlands baturday. Some Ingerns When it comes to raising onions Mrs. W. A. McGaha down on Cowee asks nobody odds. Neither does she take a back seat for ,'the 'island of Bermuda. Mr. McGaha brought two onions to the Press office Saturday. One measures 15 1-2 inches in circum ference and the other. 14 1-2. He says that the - onions : are known as Multiplying and that Mrs. McGaha has several bushels of the buttons of this variety. ' According to 'The Old Man" Mrs. McGaha grew the onions with little or. no , attention. Had she really devoted her time and care to her onion patch she estimates that she would now have a barnful f five-pound onions. " OLD STALLCUP BUILDING MOVED Filling Station to Replace It Lumber Warehouse to Be in Rear of Franklin Hardware Co.'s Store. Under terms of an agreement be tween the Franklin Furniture com pany, Mrs. Maggie Cunningham and the Franklin Hardware company, the furniture concern this week is moving the old Stallcup building, which it occupies, from its location at the intersection of Phillips and Palmer streets to a point on the south side . .. . :. Oi raimer street, wnere tne irankiin Hardware company's lumber sheds, owned by Mrs. Cunningham, have of 10 years toEnloe and M alone, representatives of the Gulf Refining company, and Jtnloe and Malone will erect 'a 'filling station at this point M. E CHURCH; SOUTH The meeting that was called off on account of 1he illness of the pastor ajt the Iotla Methodist church will be gin Sunday evening, September ll. Rev. G. A. Stamper, of Asheville, will come oh ;Mondayr September . 12, and assist, in j the meeting. Mr. Stamper is an able preacher and a successful evangelist. All are , most cordially invited to j Aaa -A,r:B ' J, H. STRICKLAND, P. C. Shook ville News Rev.'. Frank Baumgarner has been running a revival meeting here for the past week. Rev. Oscar Nix has been helping him. ; Mrs. Edward Schine and daughters, Doris and Beatrice, of Staten Island, New York, and Miss Beatrice Crundle ton, of Highlands, spent Saturday night with their grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Rogers. Miss Ethel Watson, of Dayton, Ohio, has been visiting her cousins, Misses Geneva and Marie Rogers. Mrs. W. A. Taylor, of Bessie, spent Saturday night with Mrs. John Mor gan. Mr. and Mrs. Jene Henderson and family, of Pine Creek, spent Sunday with Mrs. Henderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Shook. Mr. Lawrence Howard and Mr. Lawrence Crunkleton, of Highlands, spent Saturday night at Mr. D. M. Rogers. , Mr. B. M. Keener, of Gold Mines, has been visiting friends and rela tives of this place for several days. Mrs. Mattie Stanficld is on the sick list this week. Miss Dora Dillard, of Bessie, spent Saturday night with Miss Geneva Kogcrs. Mrs. Johnnie Peek and little son, of Walnut Creek, have recently been visiting Mrs. W. H. Rogers. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Woodall have recently moved from here to Cold Springs, Tenn. upper ,riyvfvuj i. ku;i'Mti ; their fodder pulling on account mtch rain; Mrs. J. H. Ledbetter has been ill for a few days. Mr. Ed Ramey, of Rayle, Ga., spent the week end witn nis umny nm. Misses E Vl ffl ers neighbors are of the opinion that man are able to be- out again alter he overlookcd one method of extermi being confined to their home with ing Second of.February pestg ""i.. ... , , r j... ' J Be it remembered that Mr. and Mrs. ;mere will pe an u.a-ro . d the Cartoogechaye Baptist-church the third Sunday m beptemher. every body is cordially invited to come and bring their baskets... - Let's . give the old folks an enjoyable day. Another Printer Arrives Mr. W. A. Allgary, of Atlanta, has accepted a position in the job de- partmcnt of the Franklin Press. He is staying at the remand House on Palmer street. . ANOTHERJAIL ERE Chas. Smith Digs Through Wall With Round of Chair . Second Delivery in Four Weeks. The second jail delivery in four weeks occurred here Monday when Charlie Smith, aiias Jake Sanford, broke a round out of a chair, sharpen ed it with a pocket knife into the shape of a chisel, and dug his way through the brick wall of the Macon county jail. Late Tuesday officers had clues they said, as tq -his whereabouts, but he was still at large. . The man was arrested in Nanta hala . township Sunday by Deputy Sheriff Charles Oliver on a charge of haying a number of wives at various points over the southeast, the charee having been preferred by a Gastoina woman. He was also wanted at Chatworth, Ga., where he was serv ing an eight-year term at the State prison camp. It was unofficially re ported here, that he was servintr the term in Georgia for murder. He is said to be a native ,of Georgia. The chisel-shancd chair round, the bricks carefully removed, and a ropie improvised front sheets hanging through the hole in the walL were mute evidence ' of the method bv which the main, escaped. Harley Rey- npias, rtnje? otner prisoner in the jail, gave tne alarm aoout 7:J0 Monday night ' The ' prisoner had been cone then about 2w iriinutes,rhe said. ! A blood hound , was, brought here that nighF.frorn' Waynesviire, but failed to follow thei man's' trail for more than a short distance. ! If was just four weeks ago Mon day that the entire populatidfl of the local jail six prisoners saitd their way out. None of these have been apprehended; The two prisoners, the officers said, were in the front room of the jail. Shortly after supper each night, the prisoners are locked in their cells, and Smith made his gcttaway, acording to Reynolds, just before the supper hour. Rvnnlrle Wrl t, AiAn't ,ie DELIYERYH leave, is said-to have told the officers ourv sponsored by the Asheville that he "came in at the door, and , Chamber of Commerce. Word was expected to go out the same way." (received here recently from Raleigh The point at which Smith dug the to the Uec, that the Lieutenant Gov hole in the wall is the west wall of !,e.rnor would represent North Caro' the jail, near the front. On this side h"a on this Jour, which will extend the old Pendergrass building stands, c god "wf of the Land of the there bpin? iirst a narrnn; siw ho. Sky to middle western cities. The tween the jail and this building. The man was tracked down this alley, and into the cornfield behind the jail. ' MYERS BROS. Sh II S I I I W h Sale by William and Tobc Myers, trading as Myers Brothers, of their grocery and meat business to Crate McCall, of Cashiers Valley, has been announced here. Mr. McCall has al- ready taken charge of the business. William Myers for the present ' will assist Mr. McCall with the business, and later he and' his brother expect to be engaged in work at Fontana, in Swain county., The Myers brothers have had the business for the past year, and re port a most successful year's business. The new proprietor is a young man, and is married. Mrs. McCall ac companied him to Franklin, and is assisting him in the store. Six Fine Boys lf-" r t ir . .. .. a. ' , t . name, ijatis trom up hcrq, way;, com- J?'"lflu" aBOUl a year ago mat tne choice beans. At that time He was in a '.quandary as to how to get rid of these pests. It. seemed that he had tried everything, from elm clubs to poison. , but, still the appetite of the e-roundhocr wai tnatiahl A Mr if--. Keener havc six fine who arc now scattered to the four Quarters of the globe. The idea advanced by his neighbors is to have a family reafllon of the" immediate' Keener family.' and. turn the, boys loose, in the; bean patch. At" present this idea is impracticable, since only Howard Keener remains at homv I I. Keener is - at Tapoco; Roy, Harley and Randoloh are at Rosron. Vfa while W. P. Keener is with the U. S. Marines at Port Au Prince, Haiti. LISTEN, LADY COMING HERE P. T. A. To Sponsor Musical ComedyLocal Talent in Various Roles. Franklin people' havtf in store a rare treat, according to officials of the lpcal Parent Teacher association, in "Listen, Lady," a musical comedy, filled with hearty laughs, clever songs, and attractive little group dances, to be given here under the auspices of the P. T. A. on September 16. ; "Listen, Lady" is said to have made a distinct "hit" wherever it has been presented. The cast, of course, will be com posed of local talent, mainly Franklin children. A professional coach will arrive schortly to give the musical comedy the final touches. The profits from the performance, after paying expenses, will, of course, go to the Parent-Teacher association, for furtherance of their work for the local school. Announcement of. the hour and place of the performance, and of admisison charges, will be made in the Press next week. Still Captured ' -v ' A 35-gaUon, coppec still was the capture made by officers of. this' coun ty on Saturday. The still apparently had not been in use at the point at which.it was found,, but appeared to have been hiden there. 1 There was nb evidence, officers said, of liquor-making in the immediate vicinity, and no persons were seen nearby, ' , t . The still, was captured and brought to Franklin by Deputy Sheriff Peek, It was found on Walnut creek Long To Accompany North Carolina Party Lieutenant Governor J. E. Long will be one of a distinguished party of one hundred and twenty-five North Carolinians who will visit the Middle West during the fourth uoodwill 125 tourists on board the special train will include in their number representative business men from every city of Western North Carolina. Announcement that the Lieutenant Governor would be a member of the party was received with enthusiasm IW trio . trmnctc Tirnrv notro rumctflrnn i for the fourth expedition. The list 111 IL..) IUU11SIS 13 UCdllUK tuiiipiciiun according to Charles S. Walters, gen eral chairman of the tour. The special train which will, carry the party on the tour will leave Asheville at 8:45 p. m., September 26 and return to Asheville on Satur day, Otcober 8. - Seventeen cities have been selected as stopover points Final railway arrangements have been made under the supervision of J. H. Wood, chairman of th Traffic com mittee, the facilities of seven . great railways being placed at the disposal of the tourists. Final arrangements along this line were made in a con ference of railroad representatives held recently at Washington, I). C. Officials in charge of the tour and goodwill tourists who intend to make the trip are enthusiastic over the cordial invitation extended by the cities of the middle west. The hos pitable welcome which is promised to the goodwill party in each of these cities will go far in contributing to wards the enjoyment of the goodwill party Building Permits A single building permit was issued here during the month of August, permit to the town of Franklin to build a $100 structure on Iotla street to house the Austin Pup. Building permits, have been issued. and records kept, over a period of only a few months' Were records available, it is believed . that the August . tecord would, -be the . lowest in mahytttjonljhs, ' V ' - ' September started off. however, with a bound a permit for a $2,500 struc ture having been issued on September 2 to George Wurst. The permit calls for a two-story building on Iotla j street. The first story, of concrete, ' will contain six garages; the second, two apartments of three rooms ana bath, each. FRANKLIN SCHOOL OPlfjlNDAY More Than 600 Pupils En rolledStudents From All Sections Excepting High lands Come to Franklin. A casual visitor to the Franklin schools Monday morning saw hundreds of bright-eyed and eager pupils as sembled on the grounds ready for the year's work. At the time of go ing to press the exact registration figures were not available. However, it was stated by Prof. G. L. Houk, principal, that considerably more than 600 pupils enrolled the first day. The class in the first year of high school has about 110 students, seventy five in the second year and fifty each in the third and fourth years. All the pupils from the tots in the first grade to those in the. graduating class appeared eager to begin the year's work. The teachers were in their respective rooms promptly at the hour of opening and Prof. Houk was here, there and everywhere, giv ing definite instructions: as to, the registration. Qyite a few, of .thVrciti zens of , the town wer present, aqd all', seemed ' to be well'- pleased 1 with the manner of ; handling' the Jare crowd, of students. , All indications now point to the 'most' succes?sfUr-'ycr and largest attendance in thejhtstdry of the Franklin . schools. VThe Pres hopes to be able to publish the regis tration figures by class in its next issue V TOWN BUYS STREET MACHINERY Purchase by the Board of Aldermen of approximately $2,000 worth of rOad machinery featured the regular meet ing of that body Monday night. The meeting, as a matter of fact, was ad journed to Tuesday morning, when the actual purchase was made. The successful bidder was Austin Western Road Machinery company, of Aurora, 111., represented by H. S. Kinnebrew, of Asheville. The machinery bought," all of which is, new, follows : Fordson full crawler type tractor; seven-foot road machine, with leaning wheel ; two-blade, three wav drag; and road plow. The exact price was $2,004.80. Eight or 10 concerns were repre sented here, to enter their bids. The purchase of this additional equipment was deemed necessary by the board to keep the present roads, in repair, and to do the large amount of repair and improvement street work that is said to be necesary. Other business of the board meeting included the order by the body that two street lights be erected, one on the east side of the north half of the public square ; the other at the curve in Highway No. 28 at the Sloan branch. Engineer Employed To Make Water Survey Looking to providing an additional and more adequate supply of city water, the Board of . Aldermen of Franklin Tuesday employed A. G. McConncll, of Mees and Mees. Char lotte engineers, to make a preliminary survey of the water situation here, make recommendations as to the most satisfactory method of securing additional water, and estimate the cost. Mr. McConnell is to report here within 10 days, land to complete the preliminary survey within 30 days aiter ne. Degins w' k on it. The engineer is ejected to consider the various method of securing ad ditional water1 well'', gravity system, filter plaint, etc,, and make his recom mendations on a basis of first cost, upkeep cost, and general desirability of the method advocated. The town water at present is re- cured from two wells, from which the water is pumped into the tanks at a hih point on Harrison avenue. Will Levy For Taxes Property within the corporate limits of Franklin on which town taxes for the year 1926 and years prior thereto have not heen paid bv September 15 will be levied on. acording to an order just pascd by the Board of Aldermen, City Clerk Frank L. Bryson is in structed, he said Tuesday, to begin levying immediately after the fifteenth of this month on property on which taxes have not been md.