I . i I - - I j a t i w KEY CHXOF THG MOUNTAINS f. - ... i v? o . WOT WATNt, IMHMW , fen M & 1 Lru life . fill T - I r i r-ui .1 V o 1 0 VOLUME XLIII ' . FRANKLIN. N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1928 NUMBER THIRTY-EIGHT Pflarc Etevoitoip) S A pes on ILsiCsi ABOUT HALF OF HAPPY THRONG THAT WORKS AT CANNERY ELECTRIC STORE .: a Hi t T Vir 1 1 till liiiiiA M Jupollo Public Service Com pany to Open Large Elec tric Display and Service Store. In a telegram received lierc Tues day afternoon the Jupollo Public. Scrv- .' ice company . announces; that it will soon open a large electric display and service store in Franaklin. Mr. Mend states that the purpose of this store is to be of real service to Macon and adjoining counties rather than as a place in which to sell electric ap pliances. It is onderstood that the store will carry in stock eleqtrical appliances of all kinds such as' ranges, irons, percolators, fans, etc. The tel egram' from Mr. Mead made no men tion 'of the location-of the store. In the telegram Mr. Mead also states that in the event the people vote in favor of selling the power plant he will have lighting engineers in Frank lin at an early date to niake sug gestions . and recommendations for a modern street lighting sls'tcm for the town.' In this connection it will-be remembered that one of Mr. Mead's engineers was here sometime, ago making a survey of the various rural communities with the object in view of extending the power ' lines' to the country homes. The news of the cstablisahment of a store here by the Jupollo company and the plans -for a " better lighting system for Franklin and the extension of the lines to rur al homes will be received y t'io public with much interest. This an nouncement coming immediately fol- " lowing, the announcement of Mr. Mead's - plans - for Lake Emory , has already created a most favorable im pression on the citizens in. both - town and country. As the date for the dectionf' on" the sale bf the powe" plant ilraws near ; the sentiment of favor if the sale ' is apparently" be coming more unanimous.. Sevcrav cit izens fof the town have advanced -the. 'opinion that the development of the Lake) .Emory holdings will mean as . ' much V to the town as the sale of the . plant , 'itself. Consequently the sent iment in favor of the sale has become crystalizcd and little or no opposition is expected at the election next Tues ' day. j. ' Next! Tuesday vote to sell the plant. HONOR ROLL FOR WALLACE SCHOOL, SECOND MONTH First Grade : Ada Florence Lenoir, Jfhn Wiley Lenoir, Second Grade : Kathryn Godwin, Alodelle Kobmson, Iheima waiaroop. i Third Grade: Lois Waldroop, Leon Letiof, Ned (.hikiers. Fifth Grade: Evelyn Waldroop, J. B. Lenoir. Seventh Grade : James Cunningham. . .. , Next Tuesday vote to sell the plant. ,) tow'- . vt lVt rjjL: fx,s. -C'L( - 4 9 A- J Wi'irnnonnnfniBimluV:iiai!ggl ( r 4 DR. E. E. HUNTSBEURY . who will Baptist church. NOTED PIANIST TO PLAY HERE Miss Edwina Behre to Give Recital at - Auditorium in Nature of Memorial to the yLate Miss Irene Weaver. A treat is in store for the music lo,crs in Franklin, in the piano rc cital to be given by Miss Ed-.vina Behre at the schooi auditoriimi l;nady night. . Miss Behre is a concert pianist of New York. She has given concerts both in the United States and in Europe, where she was ' for snic years a pupil of Leschetiszky. 'She. is giving this concert absolutely free to the music lovers of Franklin purely as a memorial . to our own beloved Irene Weaver, who was for years one of Miss Behre's most loyal and devoted friends. Republican Gun Coming W. H. Fisher, 'candidate for Lieu tenant Governor on the Republican ticket, is scheduled to make a speech here at the .court house at one o'clock p. m. Wednesday, September 26th. Mr. Fisher is widely known through out the state arnl large crowd is expected to hear hira at, Franklin: ;. ; I 1 " w ,9-4 hi . V 1 1 4 s 1 Y 1 pi" if "OPS? If " y I conduct evangelistic services at the : SECOND PRIMARY NOT WBE HELD At its meeting- last' Monday tin county' Democratic executive commit tee decided to hold a second primary on .October tih, since it .appeared', to be impossible to reach a decision m to' whether or : not to count the a! senjtec ' Laliots i:i Frankiin ti.wnhip thai v. ere cast i;i the ' 'reeenc Deni-. ocrati:: primary. Later ail candidates agreed, it is s'lkl. to.. scv ii th'ey con!'! a"iie at an underistandirig so as to obviate a second pn;r;.ry. The re sult of the coiii'erenc.' h:n,v(.s Barnard, Harrison and I'arrish as the Dem ocratic nominees for count v commis sioner; Ingram, for- sheriff; Porter, fur representative 'and. Hurst for 'reg ister of deeds. Republican Nominees At their convention last Saturday the Republicans -nominate! the follow ing men for county offices: Com missioners, Dock Barnard, Charlie McC'lure and W. M. Cleaveland; sheriff, Bob Shook ; register of deeds, Horner Stockton; representative, Dean Sisk, surveyor, Jesse Sanders. It will be noticed . that both the Democrats apd Republicans nominated Mr; Bar nard for. commissioner, i .. A 'la1 1 : r THE CANNERY IS Will Close for the Season About October 10 Has Aided Farmers to Extent of $15,000. A visit to the Cannery Tuesday brought to -light -many interesting facts concerning the operation of. this industry during the present : season. Mr. Jonathan Case, the superinten dent,' stated that ho has sold every-, thing canned to date :atid has orders for all .produce that can be packed until the cannery closes.'- In fact he has. beer, cor.ipciied to. turn- down many orders that have been received from adjacent states. Mr. Case states that the cannery- has been operating under handicaps that have been ' hard to "overcome. These handicaps are lack '.f proper equipment. At pres ent the cannery is not equipped to make jellies, jams, preserves and kraut. The demand for such products has been large. Those in charge hope to have more, extensive equipment during the next season. "Beets have been -much in demand," said Mr. Case, ''but only a limited supply has been available." It is es timated that a thousand bushels of beets can .be grown on one acre and the cannery will pay 75 cents per bushel. Consequently the officials of the cannery hope that more beets will be grown, next year. Turnip greens are also in great demand, but few are availbale. The demand for car rots has also been brisk with none to Je had.' All these products grow profusely " in .Macon; county. The beans packed , the local caniiet-v have, already made' ";i fine reputation in the exacting markets of the South Th- soil of Mncon with the cool nights are admirably adanted to grovv ine, the best beans in the world, ae co-din;.; to M r. Case. When the cannery first started op erations, it . is . said.' that Vn-oti.-nu-'-" on iK part .'of -trtc"1 Ureal' people was -lacking,. Now', i'lr. Case states, 'the co-operation on the part of all fann ers, merchants, wholesalers is 1K ie" cut. As. a result of this co-opcrai' ""' the prosnects for a verv '-su'-ssfu' year in 199 are verv bri'rht. A r.n. example" of the co-opcratiow-now 'V ticeable one farnifr brought "v wai'o?f load of beans to the cannery Tuesd-" and sold them for miKh h-ss than '" cou'd have obtained elsewhere.. This, action on' the part of-.the- farmer ma'" iVi rajme'rv 'ofticiaTs fH that th''--efforts U) aid the agricultural indiistrv in Afacon county ' have not . been in vain. . During (he first -.'wo Mionths r- --)(' v ('ierated, aianroviinately 2(K). IMX) fni (if vnrio" 'ff- uere n-'l-p' Kof .(lie r'v ni-'tHal y '"?.n""d '"' for .waves' -the caniien'. Ins paid (J1K), This issue of The Tress carries a picture of a group of cannery em ployees. The picture shows only about half the. force ordinarily cm- SUHER HOTE ......... . -:.. B Recreation Park Also Plan ned For Lake Emory if Study Shows Sufficient Patronage. Information from authoritative sources received at Franklin Tuesday indicate that interests, associated and closely affiliated with the Jupollo Pub lie Service company, plan extensive developments on 'Lake Emory in the event lha,t the voters approve the sale of the 'municipally 'owned power plant at the special election called for' Sep tember 25. It Will be remembered, that an official of that 'company ob tained an option on the Lake Emory holdings Sometime ago. If the power plant is sold to the Jupollo .Public Service company, this official intends to exercise his option on the Lake Emory lands and consummate the deal at an early date. . Details of the ex tent of the development of - Lake Emory are not yet ready to be- made public. However, Mr.Mead, president of the company, has stated to The Press that, if the sale of the power plant is approved, plans call for an immediate study of the Lake Emorv holdings and after this study detailed plans will be ' announced. This-survey., is expected to take in all pos sible phases of the development and then those in charge can concentrate on plans that appear to he most suit able to the location arid topography. In any event it is understood that a summer hotel will be erected at once on some suitable site on the. property. Mr. Mead has also stated that in all -.probability a recreation park will be provided ; in the e ent that (ho .survey shows that Hro.iect of this kind will receive sufficient patronage ' to iustifv the expenditure. The fol ! '"nun is quoted from a letter of ! 'r. Me.-ifi's received nt '-'ranklin early lip; week: "Yo" "wi'l understand :,.:n,,,.-t iuy rM.f"ti'" the statement ; that 1 nm nmclilv int'v-sted in the . I.-'l e. 1;.mor proii'isit'on. Tt gOis ! with the power deve'onment. We ! would not have been int -ested in th? ! --.wv.v nl-iiM without a . hancc at thr Stfvelo'tment of iV. "-hole territory." ' T'vis it crn readily K" 'ee" that 'Mr; Mead and his ass"M.itwj intend not ni-i" to buy. Lake. Em"' but to de velop the property. While Mr. Mead has 'hi ann-n"HT'' -''o for tb completion- of the hotel it is believed here that this additio" t o(. summer accommodations of 'Yrmklm- will be : ready for use by the"1 early . part of I next summer. Next Tuesday . vote to sell, the plant. t,...0,i .,;,t.,;.. -t..-': .s tjiat w cannery has 'no difficult"' :" crcM'""? rv if'tellient class of labor. Next year Mr. Case hopes to .make the cannery worth $100,000 t the farm-' ,crs o! Macon coutty.. . - i ''' '