f I ! a Key ciTr of u:nncu:iTAi:i3 i - a I i, LaJ V O - FRANKLIN, N. G, .THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1328 NUMBER FORTY-NINE -J i ...,... ..if - " - ..... .- 1 1 .. .L.;; 7 ' K II ' XiJiUoyiiiij .uiu,ifc ALiii, :.-.....,.:.:.,,....... I r ) i Fffi SfflflOL t DIG SDOCESS Agent Shows Farmers They V -Are Losing 53,000,000 An nually and Suggests Rem- , fidy Gray Makes Speech. i . ' ;' Though the roads were in bad. con dition due to two: days steady ' rain about 100 rural families were rcprc sented at the court house last Satur day at the one-day farm school,, the , first of its kind in the history of the county.. County Agent Lyles Harris was in charge of-the school ancl in his talk quoted figures " that' . are" astounding. Jie showed 'the farmers of Macon . wherer through neglect, . they, are los ing more c than $3,000,000 each year, The principal source of loss, accord ing to the county-agent is' represent ed by '83,000 f'idlevacres'ofv! land on, which ' the farmers, are VpaytngV .each - . i .... -1.. .1. r tl" year in-'iaxeyarone ?jnc sum oi;$oo,; 000. ; Mr. Harris then pointed out that these idle acresi in ; pasturage " would support 37,000 head of cattle; o? 1 83,000 sheep and "thus' yield an income to the farnlers of more than)one;tnjUioo.; dol lars. 'For lack of cover crops nearly half a million dollars worth . of ; olant food' leaches -from ithe- 44,000 acres of tillable lands in the county each win ter. : Another source of loss is the fact that, as general rule, only "one crop" isr grown - each year4 when v the mi. (I ' 1 vSv yi ) ...... X ' I FUIJERAL rites THE PRESS WILL SEE THAT YOUR-, MESSAGES .REACH SANTA .4.vr.. TbihToBore J Ah At ? its ( regular, monthly meetine Nonday night' the - town -awarded., contract- to . the ' Virginia Well com pany to bore" another well to augment the water supply . of ; Franklin. The contract-calls-for a total depth of -not Angel Sells Bus Line According la 8H ann6iiflcenien't niadi? here T. ' W. Aiipl Mifak Mi sold hi bus line to' tn' Mdefertdent Bus ,Lme of Asheyille. . ' T trans action' included two I fine busses ' and the franchise from the Georgia:, line fourteen miles south of Franklin to Sylva,"afdistance-of-36-iniles. It-is rati, insects afad' animal parlslteval' . ot" which can-beT controlled cause further' considerable loss: - "'.Td 'p'reVent 'this ieonomic losV o the farmers Aof Macon, ;Mr..' - warns iirged' the formation of an ;agricul tural council td be composed of farm - W$ from; all r sections " of the county ,and:ttisine8s; riten of f Franklin. This council could met"ohce each year to outline ' plans tor: me touowmg year. I4r. Hams -read the - names ot tne men he would like to have serve on such a council. The names follow: " ".Horse Cove Hill, Edwards ; Clear Creek, Picklesimer, Harbison; High lands, Marrett,' Hines ; Scaly, Burnett 'Bros.; Otto, D. P. Cabe, Chas..;Mpf fitt; Coweta,1 H. -Southard, Mrs. Chil dress; Skeenah,: J; Addington, ; Miller Ledford; Pattons, Bob Patton, Oscar Dobson; Phillips Bridge, C. Garner, J. Thomas; Ellijay, Bill Higdon, J. Corbin; Cullasaja," C. Henderson, J., Keener ; : Shookville, Wood, Rogers ; Walnut Creek, F. E. Mashburn, J. Hedden ; Rabbit Creek, E. Ammons, J. Franklin, J. Ferguson; Watauga, Bob : Brindle. -Mr.. Kerr : Iotla. L. Ratnsev. W Moodv: Cowee. T. Dal ton, Mr. Holbrook; West's Mill, Clyde West. T. Rickman: Etna, J. Dean, Far Hall; - Burningtown, Mr. Smith, J, Parrish; Tellico, Ramsey, ' Mr. Byrd; Franklin, J. Connelly1, C. Jones, b. Franks, a: biagie; rrentiss,' van Hook, Mr. ' McConnell ; Upper Nan tahala, F.' Phillips; Lower Nantahala, W;'-' Cochran, Mr. Roland; Rose Creek, J. Parrish, ' J. Hughes ; Oak Dale, C. Ray, W. Roland. J. M. Gray, a native of Macon county and in , charge of the county agents of the state, then addressed those present. He frankly stated that the oeoole of this county and all 'I Wher counties need never expect an appreciable reduction in taxes, oucn being the case he urged the people to consider every means oi mcreas FOR W. SLOAN Prominent and Beloved Citi zen Passes to Reward Died on Thanksgiving Morning.' S'.:;;ii ' . . l-klM4;i;.. The Thanksgiving of the entire Citizenship of Franklin was saddened by the death of W. W. Sloan who passed away at four o'clock on the mdrning of the 29th of November. The deceased had . just passed his six tieth birthday at the time of his death, having been born November 17, 1868. He professed faith in Christ when a. young man .and joined the Methodist church. For a number of years r.he served on the . board of stewards of the local Methodist church. ; . Many years ago he and his brother, the late Jesse Sloan, organized the mercantile firm of Sloan Brothers and company. After, the' death of : his brother the latelv deceased member ofkth,e:'firm continued'in active charge ot tne business until he wai .itnckcg with . paralysis a few "montiffs ago. He" was slowly recovering from the first stroke of paralysis when stricken the. second time, after which he sui vived only two or three days." Funeral service! were held at the Methodist church of Franklin ..on No vember SOth',: Kev. R. F. Mock being in charge of , thY services. A wilder ness of flowers - testified to the love ind esteem irt which the. deceased-was held. Though rain .fell continually all r. trifH . from alTover COmoanv i tht hih fnmiwn ' I lrvimt. . bored W ..wit Mr tW v-.'Mm t lmt to Atlanta. The route from Ashe- ville to Atlanta through Franklin is paved the . entire distance and is the boried the well near the residence of Mr. Tf, W. Angel. ' Qf course ' if " a sutticient flow of 'water 'is1 reached above the 700-foot level the well, will go no aeeper, me location ot' the new. well' has. not been determined. VVorlc Vi,wjIJ.Vbegui :;af tsoonas thene cesary'nthuiejf;cia'' be brdiight to f ranKiin. - At the same meeting of the board u was oecided to extend the water mam along the Georgia road as far as the city limits. There is a smai pipe there nojw,. but a . larger one will be laid. The board' also' decided to nit nff the water and lights from all horr and business ' bufldincrs unless the rentals for the precedine month are paid by the tenth of the followine month. ' ' 1 . BAPTIST WOMEN : MISSIONARY SOCIETY Will meet Thursday at the Church for all day. prayer service, beginning at o'clock. 'Lunch will be served in the basement of the church You are invited to be present. More Work On the Dillard-Highlands Road Local forestry officials report that the surfacing of the .Highlands-Dillard road nas been completed to the state nignway ar uuiara. More work has also been done of the mountain near i-statoa Falls. ', The mile of road un der" Scaly mountain has also been widened, and cars can now pass most anywhere along this stretch of road. . . . iy ..I. . Birthday Party ':: 4i1-: tlACON COUWTY SUNK EARLY for cpras Merchants Have Attractive Displays and Say That They Have Greatest Va riety of Christmas Goods. - '. . ,. -mm . That the citizens of Macon county, will have no trouble in selecting their Christmas presents is indicated by the remarkable display of such goods in the windows, of the various merchants of Franklin. This year the merchants seem to have taken special . delight " in stocking their stores with goods that delight and please and that are worthwhile. For the past several days the public has been busv doing Christ mas shopping.-early. Most of the fr" n town -have 4een comfortably wuh mcse eany snoppers. This mdtcates that the people of -Macon are trading "at home' this Yuletido season. On their part the merchants are making special efforts to" please .the public. As an cxamaple of this policy on. the part of the merchants Mr: Lester Henderson; manager of the S & L 5 and 10 cent store; has made arrangements to wrap-and 'ship , Christmas presents for all those who desire him to do so. Other stores In town are doing the same.1 Lester states that this year he is better pre pared for Christmas' than in -previous shortest route, between the two cities by fifty-seven miles. In selling his bus line Mr. Anee stated that he has been in the livery eight years and that' he has never had a, passenger injured while in his charge. Mr. J. C, Ledbetter of Frank lin will drive for the new owners Last Saturday afternoon. December ing their jncomes so tnai tax money i, iy8, little Miss Meda Peek enter- would pe easier io gei. n.w: ;iainea several ot ner tnends at of attaining this end' he suggested the dairy business. He also urged the farmers -.to grow quality produce in large quantities so that the matter of marketing could be more easily handled. birthday party at her home on Pine Tree Hill. The Christmas colors, red and green, were used, the reception' nan ana uining room Deing aecorateu in cedar, holly, and red and green draperies. In the center of the dm- Those present showed by their in- ing table was a- centerpiece tense attitude1 that they were deeply interested in all that was said. Many . of these men had walked five miles or' more to attend the school. Their deep interest in the proceedings prov ed beyond a doubt that the farmers of Macon 'have determined to adopt modern methods. , Mr T. O, Harrison was the only one of the newly elected county com missioners present, y . Honor Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins A week ago last Sunday the rela tives met at-the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.; Jenkins, and spread a feast in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jenkins of Sa Antonio, Texas. ' Among" - those' present were : Mr J. B. Elmore and family, Mr. Rob Shef o,l fniilv Mr;' B."T. Hurst and family, !Mr. JohnRav and family, Mr. whipped cream, ake,r cocoa and mints atwl Ilr W. A. jenKlDS, sar. anu.wcic stntn. J7 siu wcic Mrs E. R. Rickman of, Woodrow, received Mr and Mrs! Grady Reya of Wood-j wishing rw, and Mr. J. W. Rickman. j Iwthuays. em- Droiaered in red and green, tupon which was a cake which held eight tiny candles. Two large red and green candles were on either side of the cake. The children did not want for games as Miss Willie Mae Led ford had all the contests and games planned which kept the little ones busy every minute. Those winning prizes were: Grace Conley, best piano player; Frances Ashe, making the most words out of the word "Birth day;" Donald Wood, blowing out the most candles. Those present were: Aubrey Care lock Frances Ashe, Jean Moore, Grace Conley,' RobbieGay Mock, Everett Lee, Vivian Carelock, Lyman Higdon, Jr 4 Betty Rogers, Louise Blaine, Donald Wood, Bobbie Hames, Mrs. Dcrald Ashe :attdV Miss . Willie Mae Ledford '. A delicious nut' and " fruit salad. IN MEMORY OF MRS. ELLEN ROPER Mrs. Ellen Roper died . Friday morning,. .November 30, at 3 oclock after about ' two - weeks of hard suffering. But now she has gone to rest. She was loved by all who knew her and she had ; a smile: for every one she met. -She will be missed by the whole community and especially in Sunday school, for she was always willing and ready to do her part. She has gone from earth to Heaven. Gone to be with Christ above where no sorrow can enter and all is peace and joy and love. And if 'we hope to see her smiling face again we must be ready when Jesus calls. . A FRIEND. and the little friends left Meda many more happy Walnut Creek Items On ' Thursday afternoon our teach ers, Misses Fulton and Moses, took their pupils on a hike to the Burgin gap. . 1 here games were played and kodak pictures taken. My! how hap py those youngsters were. The 4-H club members most all planned to go to Franaklin Saturday, but weather conditions prevented plans from be ing carried out. Mr. John Hedden has been gone south" during the past week with his truck on a peddling trip. Who can give an accurate estimate of the many dollars worth of produce ex ported out of our county by truckers as well as that sent out over the 1. F. Railway. We are having a good hunday school each Sunday. OnQ of our chief needs is a good singing leader. Mrs. Jim Keener s health continues very poor, we are sorry to report. Misses Viola and Pearl Peek were visiting their sister, Mrs. C. W. Mos- Glad to report Mrs. A. A. Mash burn has about recovered from the flu. weathfoav.asr-rnKitu.. spect to the departed. I of all kindsthan I thbuzhTTtolIlfcTA" The active pall bearers were-Alex to display in the limited 'space at nrjr 1 Moorer Dr. W;;-'A.sr Rogers. Frank I. disposal," said he. He t also statedi Murray, J. A. Porter; Charlie Hen- that he had made a special effort7 in i V w-v If . aerson and jonn uius. Duying 10 get something tor each a nc remains were mierrea in tne l person in me countv. Lester hnn new. cemetery just west of town. that hiirastomers will come earlv. a Besides the widow .'the 'deceased is that' he may1 have time't6"show',thenv suivivcu vy iuui tiuiuicn. iviiss v ir-1 .. iuic . line oi Lnrisrma . pruvia ginia, Frederick, Miss Betty and Wil-1 When asked what relation exittA t- liam, Jr. . , ' I tween his store and his customers. Tpsfor ,-lA. "n.. ; t C n w. North Skeenah News naen J1S W Iness to wrap any oackasre for mailing mi ' ' 1 .' I L & r 1 ..... . 0 ine tarmers in this section madeluuuK"i rom nun or any other mer- eood use of the crood weather m tenant. farming.. George Farmer made a business trip Rattle R..l fiM. to Asheville, the past week. Mrs. lane banders is very sick. On December first. Mr. DMlarrf x-r. . wuiiams visited ner 5undav. Jvioimt and Mr. Bill McConnell Mrs. Anna' Ledford is staying at paying Mr. Qeave Stamev a visit in jonn zanders near leuico station, ms store, . . . They have a big boy. While trading there came a showefl Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sanders, re-1 of rain. Mr. Stamey told Mr. McCAn- turned from Hickory, N. C. on ajnell to put his pretty little mule ia two-day visit. "?e casement under 'the store as 'he Mr. Henry Sanders who was here I did not wish him to take the wsathVf. dunne court week has returned to Alter the rain ceased Mr. DiHard looca, Oa., the past week with Jess j Mottut iproceeded to get the muletmt Sanders and his wife. I for one old fashioned joy ride. I We learn that ReVi and Mrs. Mann have often heard of ridiner a mnl aner- iney leu our section are living uui mis muie was so smau, Mr. Mot on south Main St., Anderson, S. C. f itt was both riding and walking. Our local teachers are taking les- Mr. Moffit was far larger than ' the sons m opossum hunting. mule. Mr. Dillard Moffitt has been Mr. Zeb Shone surely has plenty teasing his father about workiner 'the of rations to eat from the number mule. Dillard himself has decided that visited him Sunday. to purchase this mule. When riding A number ot local citizens trom tne muie nis tcet was within two this section went to Franklin Satur- inches of the ground. day to the farm meeting. J AUNT SALLIE MUSHROOM, New Forestry Maps Shookville News Forest Fires Last - week before the rain there was a forest fire of Carson's creek on the north side of Trimont moun tain. This fire burned over 25- acres ten of which were i(on .government land. 'A fire in Clay county burned over 30 acres. ' No government land was included. This set , in three places, look-out saw the men distance was too great for recognition. There-was also a? small fire on the Little Tennessee river wo miles . be low town on Thanksgiving day. This fire was on the Barnard lands on the vr.st side of the river. atter fire wa The forestry leaving, but th- The department at Washington is (Lt Week) putting out new maps of the Nanta- Mr. Roy Rogers returned to his hala forest. These maps will Include j homeaLjillardfGa., Ias$ Tuesday data that has been collected by the alter spending several days with his local forestry officials for the past cousins, Kermit and Herman Roger. five years, such as state roads and Mrl and Mrs. McCarty, missionaries highways and will be available to I from China, India and Japan, each the public in the local forestry 6fficejgave an interesting talk at the Wess- aftcr January first free of charge. New Officers Installed lian Methodist church last Wednesday night. 1 Mr. Jean Henderson, of Erastus. N. C; was visiting at Mr. A. E. Shook s The newly elected county officers home P?c day last week. were installed Mondav. Clerk Murray Wr- '-.ra hhook and n ephew, Ray- administering the oath of office. The mond New- 'eft last week for Atlanta. commissioners met and had no time I -Misses Louise Henderson and Ge- for business other than routine. neva Rogers spent the week end visiting Miss Henderson s parents. Mr. IOTLA SCHOOL HONOR ROLL MTS- -nas. , nenaerson, at Tine I urove. l-irst Urade: Cecil Uuvall. Zeb Mr. and Mrs. En s TiUnn an,t Meadows, Annie K. Uoer, Dorthy Lee I son, Vernon, of Nantahala, are visit Morrison, lack Mason, Connie Mason, ing tnends and relatives here. Hazel banders, Aletha banders, Ver-1 Aliss Theadocia Tilson spent the lin Poindextcr. .. week end with Mr. and Mrs becond orade: Lee Koy Uowns, 1 1 11 son William R. Fonts, Virgil Meadows, Mr. Lee McClure. of Gold Mime Troy Shields, :Hazel Duvall, Annie J was visiting in our community. Satur- banners, zeiva K.etcnersid. laay and bunday. 1 hird orade : Annie Kay Uoer, James Henry Mason, Gilmer Ray. : fourth Grade: Lois Fouts, Luri- mae hoilts; -? ; . ' The Xi-foat looV-onf tnw W,i. Fifth Grade: Pauline Meadows, Aii- ah Bald - his hn nie Lois Talleat. ; : iRsmver 7. R TWr,i tku Sixth , Grade : LSlie Meadows. Lena well aiphnrct hv frnntr W.a -j If TT r ' it o r I. "V . ' "! yv"-'" moscs, nennan wiasoa, venw owai- is pertectly safe. Tke public, ia ia- Look-out Tower, Completed ford, Drue Willis. Scvcrth Gni'.u Clifton Swafford. vited to tnake use of the tower ia 'frtcKded views of the country.