i i;:.;.r.:.3 n. r. u rpeJ Wtcr Tovv r Mi ta, Kaolin, As," i .n. Abrasive Materials Copper, Timber Frcckous and Semi precious Gems Abundance Good Labor u... curate U-.c-rj'assctl Scenery Slate Came Refuge 17 Peaks Over 5.GG3 Feet High Ideal Dairy County Creamery, Cannery Excellent Highways Cheap Electric Power for Industries Law-abiding Citizenship i J . i J I & mm W A 'X -7 i fi'A 'i ,7 1 I I If' I Ample Transportation J 0 Facilities Pure, Clear Water Productive Soils VOLUME XLIV FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY OCTOBER 31, 1329 NUMBER FORTY-FOUR RECEIVES HRST CHECK ON ROAD 1MREST Mr; J. 0. Harrison, county manager has received a "check for over eight thousand dollars as first installment on the $18,000 interest payment that the state highway department has recently taken over for the money that the county put up for the build ing of highway twenty-eight. This ,.. interest will all be borne from now , on by the. state department and will be deducted from the principle when the state highway department begins to repay this loan. The getting of this money came as a windfall and no one was any more surprised and gratified than Mr. J. G. Stikeleather. It is said that this - arrangement will be of great as sistance to all concerned. First it is a" big load taken qff the county and " in the second place it will be easier on the state highway department to begin repaying this money this way than any other now in view. Just what this $18,000 will be ap plied on could not be learned at the county manager's office this morning, but it was said that there is a place waiting for it. Franklin Church r -v. Mock Reappointed By Rev. R. F. . Mock, pastor of the local' .Methodist church, has been reappointed for ! his third year at Franklin, the appointment receiving tliA unanimous anoroval of the Board of Stewards! The church also was" practically unanimous in its approval . of the appointment. . During the past year 36 new ad ditions have been received by the Methodist church. A total of 70 new additions have come in during the two years that, Rev. Mock has been pastor; Nine thousand dollars have been raised by the church during thee two years. Siiiee Rev. Mock came to Franklin, the Methodist church has been re covered, and the parsonage partly remodeled and repainted. Rev. H. F. Freeman was reappointed to the Franklin circuit. Rev. Freeman i.has served the circuit one year. Two kJtiew churches are under construction in this circuit : Snow Hill and Clark's Chapel. Rev. C. F. Farris was ap pointed pastor of the Macon circuit. Rev. L. E. Croson comes to, the Highlands Methodist church. OSBORNE LUMBER CO. INSTALLS MACHINERY The progressive firm of H. A. Os borne Lumber company are erecting a building on their property oil their siding1 adjoining their , lumber shed, for a planing mill and other wood working machinery. ' It is said thaj: this will enable them to use a great deal more of the local lumber than is now possible. This will be good news tq local till ers. , , . . 4- STORE DECORATED Youncr Edwin Cunnineham. son of W. C. Cunningham, set about to put the proper Hallowe'en atmosphere in the show window of the W. C. Cunn ingham store . early this week. Un aided, Edwin decorated the window attractively " and appropriately for Hallowe'en season: The floor of the show window is strewn with autum leaves. In the center is a witch's cauldron. Anj from a corner of the show space, a witch surveys the entire layout of .streamers, corn Shocks, and mina ture evergreens. Thei display attracted considerable attention. FRANKLIN 62; 0 Just by way of keeping their hand in, the , Franklin high school boys took the Webster aggregation into camp to the tune of 62 to 0. Both teams, the first and the second, took turns quarter and quarter against the Websterites. There is no way of saying who starred. TheXwhole team was one good aggregation of hard hitting, fast running boys. Bill Hauser made four of the touchdowns, Stewart made two, Henry two, while Fouts and Young (on the second team) got one each. Perhaps Fouts and Wilkie and Stew art stood out as the main stay of the team for the first team. While Amons on the first team was the steadiest player of the lot. He was in every play and played the game for the team as a whole and not for Ammons. One thing happened in the game that has rarely, if ever, happened in any game. Barnard, Franklin's right end got through on a pass , attempt by Webster, blocked the pass just as it was leaving the hands of the passer, caught it and ran for a touch down. On the second team could be seen much good material that indicates that Franklin" high will be in the. running next year , for the Western North Carolina, high .school champion ship. These boys deserve even more Icreditojor - their otie. touch-down than ' the first team did for ..theirjune for the reason that they had never played together before , and had , never even had a scrimmage before. The lineup was as .follows for both tarns: ' . lit Team Wilkie ; Slagle Ammons Sutton Wilkes Freeman Barnard Fouts Stewart Henry Hauser Pot 2nd Team left end Calloway left tackle Waldroop left guard Tessier left guard Henry right guard Sanders right tackle v Snyder. r right end Cunn'hm, quarter back 'McCollum full back Reece right half - Conley left half Young Next Friday the boys go up against Bryson City. Everyone expects to see a good game then. The Bryson boys will be a little harder proposi tion than were the inexperienced team from Webster. There is no doubt as to what the Franklin boys have in their minds to do to them, however, and all who go to see this game are . assured of . their money's worth. Tickets , will be on sale at the field. D. G. STEWART ATTENDS TELEPHONE CONVENTION Mr. D. G. Stewart, General mana ger of the Western Carolina Tele phone company, left Franklin on Mon day to attend the North; ' Carolina State meeting of the Telephone Pi oneers of America in Raleigh. Mr. Stewart was with Southern Bell Tele phone and TelegrapH company for about 20 years before coming to Franklin - in 1924. Besides this long record of service which entitles him to membership in the Telephone Pi oneers of America, Mr. Stewart is a pioneer of the telephone business in Western North Carolina. The Western Carolina Telephone company with its headquarters in Franklin and ex changes at Franklin, Sylva, Bryson City and Highlands, N. G, and Clay ton, Ga., is the result of Mr. Stewart's appreciation of the possibilities of this section. This town and county as well as other towns and counties in which the Western Carolina Tele phone company operates, arc greatly indebted to the pioneering spirit of Mr. Stewart and his associates for the good telephone service which we enjoy and which is such an adver tisement for our towns and counties in Western North Carolina. j WEBSTER L1RS. COIT WILLS TRACTTO STATE 200 Acres on Wine Spring Bald Left For Park Pur poses Forest Service To Cooperate.' Through the generosity o f the late" Mrs. Elizabeth Coit of San Fran cisco, California, the State of North Carolina has come into possession of one of the finest tracts of mountain land in the western part of the State. This tract consists of 200 acres lo cated on the top of Wine Spring Bald about fourteen miles in a direct line west of Franklin. The land in question is a part of the estate of the late Pr. Charles M. Hitchcock, who died in Napa county, California, in 1885. During his lifetime Dr. Hitchcock spent many of his summers in the mountains of this part of the state and acquired considerable prop erty in Macon, Cherokee and other western counties. His daughter, Mrs, Coit, fell heir to the property. She was particularly fond of the tract on top of Wine Spring Bald and fn her will which is now being recorded in Macon county has left this property to the State of North Carolina for park purposes so that future genera tions might enjoy the view from the summit. It is also understood that Mrs! Coit "owned a few other small! tracts in Macon county all of which by the provisions of her will will come into the possession of the state. ; On top of the mountain there are ten or fifteen acres, practically level and covered m a dens crrnwtl, nf azalearbblTrWfilte-lihd purple, rhod- endron and other mountain shrubbery. In June an July of each year the mountain is the mecca, for hundreds of tourists who go to the summit to see a wilderness of flowers and to get the view from that point. Five mountain ranges, the cowees, Nantahalas, Blue Ridge, Balsams and Great Smokies, are visible from Wine Spring Bald. , ,' - The forest service, maintains a road to the' top of Wayah Bald onlv a rshort distance from :Wine Spring Bald. Supervisor A. A. Wood of the Nantahala forest, when told of Mrs. Coit's will, was much interested and announced that the federal forest service will gladly cooperate with the State in any development that the State authorities desire to undertake. The forest service road which wands around the foot of the peak will be available for State use in the event that the authorities at Raleigh desire to . improve the tract ; for park pur poses. At a cost of less than $200 the State can build a road to the top of the mountain. Mr, Wood is also desirous of cooperating with the State in building a primary lookout station on the summit of the mountain. Such a station would be 5,600 feet above sea level and would afford an excel lent vantage point in connection with fire prevention. The State forester, Mr. Holmes, is deeply interested in the tract on Wine Spring Bald and it is believed here that he will establish a park on the summit and build the necessary road so that ' tourists next summer may visit the mountain. TAX BOOKS NOW READY The 1929 tax books are ready, re ports Sheriff C. L. Ingram. He states that those desiring to pay this' year's taxes . should call at the sheriff's office. The books for this year are ready more than two months earlier than was the case with the 1928 tax books. EPISCOPAL NOTICE 'Next Sunday November 3 at 7:30 o'clock there will be a special business meeting of the members at St. Agnes church. All members are urged to be present. . Bv the Church Officers. SCHOOL un ROOM OPENS The lunch room at the Franklin school, will open Friday November 1. The object of the lunch room will be to provide a hot, nourishing lunch at the minimum cost. Hot soup, brunswick stew, baked" beans and brown bread, milk, cocoa, etc., will be erved at 5c each, noth ing over Sc. Lunch ticket? will be sold to the children in the primary grades. Any amount, from 25c to $1.00 may be paid on these tickets. Each teacher will take charge of the tickets in her room and each day check up on each child's ticket the amount bought that day. When the . amount paid for the ticket has beea used up the child will be notified.. The high school students will bring the money for lunch each day and be served in the lunch room. . Highway Robbery Attempt Lands Two Ien in Jail Sheriff G L. Ingram went to Clayton, . Ga., Tuesday night with requisition papers necessary to bring Gordon Burton and Earl Jones to Macon county. Burton and Jones are .cHajCSed- with attempting to rob Rol Norris of this cbusjy last. week. Nor ris boarded the bus at Franklm. Near Otto, Burton and Jones also got on the bus. The two followed Norris when he left the bus beyond Otto. unc OI tne two areW a gut on Jorrisr who- ran ' into InuhH the road and escaped. Norris evidently knew the two men, one. of whom is a resident of Clayton, Officers of Rabun county, learning of the incident arrested Jones and Burton. Sheriff Ingram went to Clayton last week to bring the men to Franklin but was not allowed to bring them until he could show re quisition papers. Burton and Jones are now in the jail here. Four other arrests have been made during the last week, all being on liquor charges. These include Don Raby who was arrested Saturday night. Burt Zachary, Will Cheek and a young man named Sorrels were arrested on Sunday. " Sheriff Ingram also reports that Chief-of-police - Bob Henry arrested Bob Tallent here on Monday "night, Tallent being charged with desertion from the United States army. Chief Henrys took Tallent to Atlanta on Tuesday. Tallent's home is in Frank lin, Walter Jones,, one of four "men who escaped from the Macon county jail a few weeks ago was arrested in Asheville last Saturday. Sheriff Ingram took Jones to the Bryson City jail. AN INTERESTED VISITOR Mr. G. G. Clements of the "Ameri can Shoe Machinery and Tool com pany," of St. Louis, was in Franklin the latter,, part of the week, on a pleasure and ' business trip combined. This was Mr. Clement's first trip here in seven years, and he expressed his opinion of a remarkable change in that length of time. While here, he motored to Bryson City and Sylva, accompanied by Miss Sue Curtis, who pointed out interest ing scenes along the route. Mr. Clements expresed his regrets of having to leave Franklin so soon, yet he also stated that he would re turn within the next month for a longer stay, permitting him to see more of the city and county as' well as the people. . The people of Franklin and Macon extend him a hearty welcome. WEEK OF PRAYER All the ladies of the church and especially the members of the coun try missionary societies are cordially invited to take part in the services conducted by the Woman's Missionary APPLICANTS TAKE EMNATI0NF03 FOREST RANGE! At all national forest headquarters in the United State? civil Service ex aminations were held Tuesday for the position of forest ranger". Tea applicants took the examination af Franklin under the supervision of supervisor, A. A. Wood of the Nan tahala National Forest. From the list of those who qualify positions as forest rangers in the United States forest service will be filled, those ranking highest in percentage being offered positions first. The names of the applicants taking the examination at Franklin follow: Locke G Stepp, Aquone, N. G; William A. Singleton, Clayton, Ga.;. Clyde L. Fisher, Hazel wood, N. G; James H. Williams, Franklin, N. G; Alvah Pearce, Frank lin, N. G ; Lewis H. Meilks, Frank lin N. G; Frank Shope, Franklin, N. C. ; Gilmer Setser, Franklin, N., G; Asa L. Argo, Athens, Ga.; and John T. Siler, Franklin, N. G Parent-Teachers Meet November 1 A "Get Together" meeting of PT.NA. will be held Friday, Noy V ber 1 at 3 :30 p. , m. at the home i Mrs. Lyles Harris, with Mrs. Minora , assisting the , hostess. . . , ' . ; There will be1 sc Very'interest'r a reading by Mrs. Dick Jones a social hour, The idea of the "Grade Mother Program" is new to most of . t!i mothers but has ' been very enthui astically received by the majority interviewed. 4 Each mother is asked to take note of the following list and resolve to "line up" with some one of these mothers and help in this great work. Please do not fail to be present and learn more about things. Miss Bringle's room, Mrs. John Davenport ; Miss - Horniday's room, Mrs. Gilmer Jones; Miss Davis' room Mrs. Lyman Higdon; Miss Young's room, Mrs. Henry Cabe; Mrs. Hud son's room, Mrs. Agnes Higgins; Miss Calloway's room, Mrs. W. A. Rog ers; Miss Leach's room, Mrs. G A, Cabe ; Mr. Randolph's room, Mrs. Mangum; Mrs .Macon's room, Mrs. I. T. Peek; Mr. Kessler's room, Mrs. J. E. Perry; Miss Rentzs room, Mrs. George Bulgin; Mr. Car penter's room, Mrs. W. B. McGuire; Miss Morgan's room, Mrs. Tessier; Miss Sloan's room, Mrs. McCollum; Miss Wyatt's room, Mrs. George Slagle; Mrs. Frank's room, Mrs. W W. Sloan. We believe that one of the most desirable things that could happen would be for every teacher to know the parents of every pupil she teach es. When teachers and parents know and understand each other it is much easier for them to work together for the advancement of the pupils, so every mother and teacher come and get acquainted. MRS. J. E. LAN CASTER. society of the Methodist church. The first service will be held in the Methodist church auditorium from 3 :30 to 4 ;30 Sunday afternoon, Nov. 3. Monday afternoon at the same hour the service will be held at the par sonage and Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Geo. A. Jones. The fourth meeting will be held on the following Sunday at' the church, taking the place of the regular night service and will be participated "in by the Juniors and young people of the League. At this last meeting it is hoped especially that the! whole member ship of th! church will attend and visitors wil be welcomed from the town and : ititry. -

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