? o . t ESTABLISHED . 1885 . OLDEST PAPER r; WEST OF COUNTY. WIDE NEWS BRIEFLY BUT THOROUGHLY TOLD 11 nil 1 r . ...... INVESTIGATE MACON COUNTY L HEART OF A MOUNTAIN EMPIRE RIPE FOR DEVELOPMENT I . ASHEVILLE OF COMMERCE TO LAUNCHED I HI rn 4 , I . S " VOLUME XLV FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1930 NUMBER sTx CHAMBER JCETIf 'G IS SET TO COME FRIDAY Supper A n d Organization ; Gathering Will Be Held At 7:30 PUSHING. "BACK THE LOAN SHARK'S LAST FRONTIER j TO SOLVE PROBLEMS Franklin Hotel And Res- f4 taurant Is Place of Meeting . For the purpose of formulating def inite plans which it is expected will lead to the organization of a chamber of commerce in Franklin, a supper will be held at 7:30 Friday night at the Franklin Hotel and Restaurant, followed by a 'meeting at: which steps will- be taken to ' launch . Uie trade organization. So many people have asked the question, "Why was a 'chamber of commerce 'not organized when such a large crowd was together at the ' town banquet in the Scott Griffin hotel?" that ; it , is now believed ad visable to hold another meeting for ihc express purpose of perfecting such an organization. , It was Obviously impracticable to take steps toward or ganizing at the Scott Griffin because ' of the full program and the nature of the gathering. . Muir Problemi '' Many problems confront the people J of Franklin that are said to need the attention of the whole community. Town leaders say that it is inadvis able to remain longer inactive. Among the needs that have been , named arc advertising the town, better street . lighting, road signs, stricter tax col lection, the setting up of an informa tion bureau, road building on through roads in adjoining states that lead . ipaas m ' , Jn-, all. that .-territory, vast- of the. through Franklin. i . . '. . ... . , All whq will attrn-1 ! the meclr.v: Mississippi river only five, slates nat Friday - night are asked to give- their; failed, so far, to pass legislation based nann's to Tack Stribling at the Joim-s ; , t'nifoi-iii Small Loan act work- ' . i v-i.i v-. . Motor company, t l lis. pnonc ;s , ?4. The mamtfinoiit' of the ... it , 1 1 l.),etnir'int tTlllSt ohio. h - pL . WALTER LEE SUFFERS FATAL HEART ATTACK sShfdfd -area indicates states which have failea to pass adequate taws to protect the public from usury evils. S. C. I. DEFEATS FRANKLIN TEAM IN BASKET BALL Sylva Collegiate - institute defeat ed Franklin's eagers here last Fri day night by the score of 23-17. The game was fast and the", play ing was" clean, although a bit rough near the end of the game. .', Doug tar,. S. C. -i forward,-was the out standing player for his team. Dalrymple' led the scoring for Franklin,, .with Sutton taking sec ond place. Franklin was leading at the end of the first half by 14-11. . A nrclimiiKirv ennie bv two teams of town boys was played. The line for the main game; Franklin - S. C. I. Ualrvmple F . Douglas Teague : F. ........ . Sutton VVillr.s ........ C Wilson Sutton . .... .G. 'Dillarc llauser .G. . - - -MrCollum. Snvdcr. and Henry- were substituted for. Franklin. Kefrce ; llouk. lOAilSHARIC IS LOSING GROUN Legislation Still Needed In 5 Eastern States, In cluding N. C. . OUt . t'i; Hu.e.uU S Hon a. shark" ' nnda- dy m the "loai. I'h'cse '- states. are v r ."I'i... .. . , - - 1 I ,.inm- ! IU1 K . .11.111' '. o 'provide ior; ,u..v... " !aru' m-,mbcr hav s-iimiiied their in- .tention of attencl.ng ;ne "'"-v T,lfra!lv ollt!,vv,(, aIll! brMcit Plans hive already been suggested w.itn ,.()nt;mi,s lh,t V.:U be Mated in full on Friday rvmwu ; that wii Lv -ui . , , tu .,V ,is inline ehargui ni'dit These plans are - iep,oiti(i . iy . i -Y nigiu. "ll' i .... k rt ni or more a-month. bc practical, but opponmmy . .,iv,n to amend them and to sucm - THIRTY FARMERS ATTEND. TOBACCO MEETING MONDAY About 30 Macon county farmers met in the office of County. Agent Fred Sloan' last' Monday afternoon, to plan for planting tobacco crops this year. Most of the farmers will . begin the experiment on', a small scale, stating that their plans are to raise but from one-half to one acre each.. The total acreage will amount to approximately 20 acres. cotraissioiRS TO REM JAIL Will Reinforce Walls With Six Inches of Steel And Concrete I OR North a:ul South Carolina. In these spates the loa-i shark, tlse- legislation,.- continues .f ten 20 1 The Cni- Snvall Loan act' requires close "the" small loan 'business CITIZENS CE1 TOWN ALDERMEN Demand That Board Collect Tax Arrears For Last BAPTIST PASTOR DIES MS AUTO Death Comes As Minister Returns From School Building Thursday FUNERAL IN FRANKLIN Interment Held In Family Cemetery Near Gor don, Georgia Dr. Walter M. Leer . 50, pastor of the Franklin Baptist church, died of heart disease early Thursday morning, in his automobile as he was return ing home after taking his children ( . school. He stopped the car before the residence of Harold Sloan near the top, of the hill on West Main, street. Mrs. Sloan was attracted by the cries of a little girl, and .found:, the Baptist pastor slumped in his scat with feebly beating pulse. Dr. Wur man Angel v?is summoned, but an examination showed that l)rLcc wasM dead. The deceased came to Frauklin in mYv 1 Q2S. from. Westminster, S. C. where he was pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist church. Since he took the nnstoratc here 198 additions have been received by the Baptist church, and the debt has been paid off the church building which was erected in 1919. . J Held Prayer Meeting . -Thy death of Dr. Lee came as a I shoci to the town..'- ife had been ilt for several days early in January, our was believed to have fully recovered. He. carried on his work as pastor u until the day. 'before his death, hav- Maeon county's board of -commissioners in -session here .Monday pass ed an order to repair the county jail by cnstruclinn a six-inch con-1 jrm 0,u,ucted the usual prayer meei cnte wall. i eii,f reed by metal rods, ' ing service on Wednesday night. .,.-,11. ,.r ili, 'irnl'l Dr. Lee was born near Gordon Ga.. art mi m i i m m .- a i in..' , in addition, the commissioners make J'ueti repairs . the the-jail as arc believed to li i'.isu Will of an. 5, l'u80. He took work at Mer m . . i i:... i cer uiiiversuy in .iacnn, via., n.-.uini t,. A V,' and M. A. decrees. 1 ' 1 -- . - . . n ' . 1 h- nee'ie-i. ; Afterward he attended - the outnern The coui.ty jail is under eoiulemiia-j Baptist Theological seininary at Louis- i ti"ii. It has been -prouounccd by an ville, Ky., wliere lie: received me nt i in(Mi.aliti!i "gram! jury as ' inade-' rrpee of Doctor of Theology.; .. . I ,,.,!,, tM.-aititarv.' ad tinsaie. - The ' The- dee ased -bad .experience -in edi- 4 Years eountv I c:nnn.ssioners-. . . .... c if r .. rctiuiHUoii oi uthcr VICWs wi.cn u.e . s - ;i inaxiimnll It is especially urged that the Ko . a , tary club, I Joy coms, uk , f j i.? ,r cent a month. anu mi: J- - 1 No Legion, represented. (Continued' on page eight) SPENT ON W. RJHWAYS Mountain Counties WiU Feel Stimulus of District s Work One million dollars will be spent . . nnetrllltinn in Ull mountainll counties iui ----Ninth district during the coming year, it has been revealed by James G Stikeleather, commissioner. figure includes the allotment ,.vt f. ve. davs. . This measure wdl I give an additional two million dollars a year for North Carolina, tne nm;i bio for the fiscal year Winninff Tulv 1. The proportional parf that is' expected to come to the .Ninth District from this fund is ap Loximatcly $275,000. The bill also iarries the provision that the extent -r'lTwWni aWI ran be increased from li V,UVU iifivin ticnnn i mile. It has al- r r 1 I C. n t fx ready passed the House anu have- been torial' work -during his student days . . r. .1 it- ..- . i.i ... I fl'.reate'tied 'by grand jury .proscenium . and auerwarn.. m.- ni"ns l- ; ' unless stcs are taken to erect a ; the establishnii :it -t the Review and V delegation ' of. I'ranklin - citizens. , -J1(.xv jaj heforc the next-term "f su-' ICxpositor at the l.ouisxille seminary. headed by Miss Kli'.iabeth Kelly, ap-! (C:itimicl on; : page eight) j (Continued .m payc eight) . . , .. i i i ...... i . peared beiore tne ooani oi .Aiuei on. . . . I it. VIihk nv u:e it and flcmaiiurn . io i know the reason why ihe . bnard had COUNTY AND TOWN 'OFFICERS UFA! ATC Pi IRI irATIAM I AWQ failed to collect nearly $10,000 in back , V lLrt Vivovn years 1925, 192(, 1927 taxes over the and 1928. "Ci.nditions in t'lis twi r,-m,.,li,-d bv the influence board," Miss K-Hy asserted.' "Move shoulde rs under the load will liht !n the kirden for- all. It has been j Commissioners And Alder- miuht be! men Fail to Publish Uis- I- ! 1-1 I of ar oi The J'rrss is endeavoring to, from im- in time. L'ive out information been ordered published by thV" town ' or the county board. Requirements of County Commis sioners . ' ' ' Section l.W. Ar.nr.al statement of claims and revenues to be published. The board shall be caused to be i:0 - brought to my attention within tt .i ... .I..... ti..i t..ivri iTivrs are lasi 111 iv. uu a s -i., ., . 1 . f . -K tfv.:,. . ,.f iY.rv.-it.- nd muniVi pal in arrears to tlie amouiii' oi uKau.yan.a - . mm If this sum shoul'd be payl ! crunu -.it. With that m min i vve print io,uou. i .,.l.li.i;,. ,t1r-.1.-iW.'iii renard to the pub- a. Linirn nrr ii r 1111 oil ih-iw v i - Ill, ll Wvut'i , that wilf be of real value to its ; posted, at the court, house within live ,...',,1,., in learning more about the days . after each regular Detember 4 i ; i i . H , . .. '1 hllJ TliiUrC IIIV-IMVAV- " j p . ;- , from the state highway fund for the and as soon as the House concurs ,n 11UU1 - - - , A the Federal aid fund tor trie 'district which is expected to amount to approximately $275,000. ' . Discussing She program for the dis trict Mr.: Stikeleather declarcdj jthat the fund will be divided so tha the development of the highway system in the mountains can be advanced as rapidly as possible. i Mmwm To Si in Tresident Hcdver. is 1 expected ,(p, sign a Senate amendment, which it is ex pected to do promptly, the measure will be ready for the President's signature. Fund Increased . 'The;yiotmc'ht fbV this -ffistrict from the Federal aid fund is approximately $110,000 more than had been antici pated from this source, Mr. Stike leather explained. At the present time there are who are trying to carry the imancuo load of the town. "1 ' have figured that taxes would be -.reduced seven cents on the hun A,.A if these back taxes were paid I f you lishinir of annual statements for. the Kmpfir of the public, in keeping up with the ' affairs county.) The la meeting and tor 'at' .least tour .suc cessive- weeks, or after vach regular monthly meeting, if they deem it ad-!' isable, and for one- week, the ttaine of every individual whose "-accounts- .i ... . .. .. of the lov.u and ihave been audited, the amputit claimea " Jelovv has i to do j and the amount allowed; ami also at 'v m-v out oi in- the same time and in tire satne man- - hack taxes were -pant i maimy " . i -, ' , ; , .,. frr.ation iii reeard to receipts and ; ncr post a full statement ot county lt, i.y-"- . - revenue and charges, "showing by can put Pressure io ' i , ; ; T ' . ' readers will items the income from every' soured inte iiiii"-'. j,-- pressure on me for last year's taxes. Aldermen Explain Members of the board of aldcrmcii p'xnlained that delay had been made in letting the property of delinquent the bill .vhich carries increases : ... numoer -t v - - . . . bccn considcring such steps', been .publish the Federal Government's contnbut.on pending m trie vau j rcJ,y u:,,w,v rnntractioa within the' (Continued on page eifchtj i i . i I.... I I i. .i:..K. please 'note that the .tiriancui wait-1 aim me msuui sonnus on wviy ae mcntj referred to i.i the law o.u"ted j count for the past year, together below were not published' either with the permanent debt of the coun- 1927 nr 192K for the town or county. ( tyt li any, a:vJ tne interest paid or 'remaining unpaid thereon. Ihc board shall also publish the said statement I in some newspaper m tne county v Numerous tax payers arc asking Ihe Press why these stat'-ments have nrt Tlic Prfss can only rll'lT'ilto hive ClV- (Continued on pasc eight) " .. 1 . . I lufi ...-.Jnl

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