V: ,1 C COUNT Y-VIDE NEWS BRIEFLY BUT THOROUGHLY TOLD f H " J V. V r , Jr..' ESTABLISHED IOCS 01 1 '7 M ' ' U i; r V U U ( 11 1 1 4 23-31DLDEST PAPER WEST OF ASHEVILLE INVESTIGATE MACON COUNTY HEART OF A MOUNTAIN EMPIRE RIPE FOR DEVELOPMENT OLUME XLV FRANKLIN. N. C THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1930 NUMBER TWENTY-ONE i v- v J) x J I ? rk"i iuaTFORTY-EPT HOURS ARE LEFT End Is Almost Here of Second Period In Great Campaign OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS . ' New Subscriptions Will Not Count Double After Saturday The end is almost here I There are only forty-eight, hours left of the big "second period," and only nine more days before the cam- paign comes to a close and the happy winners will receive their rewards. Think of this new subscriptions will tiot count double votes after Satur day. This means that subscriptions obtained next week will count just fifty per cent as much as they do now. The enterprising and energetic candidates will realize the tremendous importance of this fact, and make this week their BANNER WEEK-while the shiftless ones will sleep on as they have been sleeping, and allow this golden , opportunity to add hun dreds of thousands of votes to their totals-GO UNHEEDED, It Won't Pay To Wait Next week it may be too late. The winner of that new Chevrolet car, ana oi mc umcr tiiuitc " liberal prize list will1 get busy now, and by Saturday night thousands of -votes will be cast. A few long term subscriptions will turn the tide of victory in favor of any of the candU dates in this list. It is possible for anyone to win if they have the am bftion and the energy to make their aspirations a reality instead of a lazy dream. . " '". ' Opportunity It Knocking , The world is full of opportunity, and our "crying need" is not more oppor tunity, but more people who have the courage and the ability to take ad vantage of opportunity and apply its proportions to their individual suc cess. Opportunity demands work if one is to realize its greatest . fulfill ment, and therein is the secret of success. Too many people, are not willing to work for the things they desire, and opportunity will not keep a lazy bedfellow. , The next few days represent the apex of opportunity to the workers in this campaign. That opportunity is present now! It "is knocking pa tiently at your door, urging you to take it in and realize its greatest ful fillment. The End Is Near . Theer are only a few more hours ' in which you can secure big votes on your subscriptions, and only a few more days in which to secure i subscriptions. -Candidates will work feverishly from now until the end. They will solicit you, MR. PUBLIC, and you owe it to them and to your self, to subscribe.. ' . Poor Excuses Don't give a pauper's excuse, and say you haven't got the price of a subscription. You have got it, and you ought to take The Franklin Press. The price of a subscription .. :ii i t. ;.. u..i win iiciiucr inane ur ui can. yuu, uui it will show your loyalty to that friend of yours who is striving so hard to win that automobile it will show . that you have more than " a tax-paying interest in your commun ity, and that you are really interested in the affairs of your own home com munity. Don't grumble about the price, for the price of a "subscription will not pay for the paper that goes into your subscription for a year. You don't expect something for noth ing neither do we. As a matter of policy the average person in this community is too big to expect an editorial policy' .that will -"coddle" every man's individual opinion. The chances are that you belong to one of the churches in the community ; yet, you are big enough to believe that a member of some other church might be ea'ially as sincere as you. We're, giving you Macon county news, true and unbiased. Our edi torial policy is not law. We do not expect' you to believe as we believe. We're not trying to put ' something over on you when ' we . express our opinions openly and frankly. Our (Continued on page eight) NEWS EDITOR OF PRESS PAINFULLY INJURED SUNDAY On last Sunday Mr. Joe Moore, news editor of The Franklin Press, was painfully but not dangerously hurt in. a motor accident at the foot of the town hill near Mr. Tom Angel's home. Mr. Moore was riding his motor bike east ward and had -a. passenger in the side when he decided to return to street to make the turn. Just as he was well across the town and swervea around in the street a car came up from behind and side swiped his machine. He was thrown, from the motorcycle and his passenger was . thrown from the side car. Joe was taken to Angel's hospital where his wounds were dressed. It ' wa3 found that he was suffering from lacerations about the '. arms and body and a severe bruise above the kidney. The -passenger wa3 only slightly injured. ADVOCATES Ml HIGHWAY ROUTE Director Albright Favors Linking Up of Chain of . . National Parks KNOXVlLLE, Tenn-., May -19. As an attraction to tourists, Horace M. Albright, director of national parks, advocated here today a highway route linking the Great Smoky Mountains National Park of Tennessee and North Carolina, the Shenendoah National Park, of Virginia, the Mammoth "Cave of Kentucky and historic shrines and military parks of the East. "This chain of national parks an 1 interesting places in . the East would attract thousands and thousands of persons yearly," Director Albright said. . ' The national park director said the Great Smoky Mountains National Park will probably be taken over by the United States government after July 1 for protection and administra tion. The Smoky Mountains National Park, he said, "stands head and shoulders above anything else of its kind in the world." He urged that Tennessee and North Carolina capital be used in. building hotels, resorts and operating all concessions which go with a national park. Opening of the Tennessee-North Carolina park will solve the deer and bear problems of the Yosemite and (Continued on page eight) W. M. U.Will Give Program AtCowee June 3 ..'.. 10 a. m. Song, "Come Women Wide Proclaim." 1930 Watchword: Be ye steadfast. I Cor. 15:58. 1930 Song: "Faith of Our Fathers." 10:15 Devotional Dr. W. E. 'Aber nethy. 10:25 Welcome Mrs. Ed Duval!. 10:30 Response Mrs. George Dal rytnple. JO :35 Report of Personal Service Chairman and Her Recommendations Mrs. ,Wilkie. . 10:45 Recommendations for Mission Study Mrs. Murray, 11 :00 Report of Superintendent, h 11 :15 Roll Call of Societies. 11:35 Recognition of Visitors and Pastors. 11 :40 Appointment of Committees. '11:50 Address by Mrs. Edna R. Harris, Raleigh. 12:20 Five Prescriptions For a Good Member Mrs. John Moore. LUNCH 1 :30 Song. Devotional by Rev. D. C. McCoy. 1:45 Margaret Fund and Training School Mrs. J. R. Morrison. 2:00 Young People's Work Edwina Dalrymple. . 2 :30 Whefe Our Dollars Go Mrs. Sam Gibson. 2 :45 Our Centennial Year Rev. A. S. Solesbee. 3:00 More of Self-Less, of Thee Gifts to Missions on the Decline by Mrs. Porter Pierson. JARKERSCANKOT BE PEUTTED State Election Law Prohibits Naming of Persons to i Assist Voters OFFICIALS MAY AID Voters' May Be Accompanied Into Booth By Member Of Family A question of whether or not mark ers are allowed in the primary elec tion "seems to have arisen in the minds of many over the county, and! The Press herewith carries the text of the law with reference to the as sistance of voters at the polls bj election officials termed markers. Th( type in black face shows the pssag( of the law with reference to marker; not Deing allowed in the primacy1 The law follows: v ' Sec. 26. Assistance to voters. Prr- or to the date of any election here under the county board of elections. together with the registrar of each precinct of each coimty, shall desig nate for each precinct therein a suf ficient number of persons of good moral character and of the requisite educational qualifications, who shall be bona fide electors of the precinct for -which they are appointed, to act as markers, whose duty it shall be to assist voters in the ' preparation of their ballots. The assistants or mark ers so appointed by the said county board of elections shall be so appoint ed as to give fair representation to each .political; party whose candidates appear upon the ballot. The chair man of the county organization of any: political party may not more than ten days before any electioti to be held hereunder submit to the county board of elections the names of not less than ten qualified voters in any less iiiaii iLii 1 uuauiau Tvaia m out voting precinct of the county, and thereupon the marker or markers ap-1 pointed to represent such party in said election at said voting precinct shall be selected front among those so named. Such, persons shall remain within the enclosure prepared for the holding of elections, but shall not come within, ten feet of the guard- rail, except when going to or return-, ing from the booth with any elector who has requested, assistance. Such, marker or assistant shall not in any manner seek to persuade or. induce any voter to cast his vote in any par ticular way, and shall not make or keep any memorandum of anything occurring within such booth, and shall not, directly or indirectly, reveal to any other person how in any par- j titular such voter marked his ballot, unless :he, or they, be called upon to testify in a judicial proceeding for a violation of the election laws. Every "such marker or . assistant, together with the registrar and judge ..of 'elec tion, shall, before the opening of the polls, take and subscribe an oath that he will, not, in any manner, seek to persuade or induce any voter to vote for or against any particular candi date, or for or against anv particular proposition, and that he will not make or keep any memorandum of any thing occurring within the booth, and will not disclose the same, unless he be called upon to testify in a ju dicial proceeding for a violation of the election laws of this State. The said oath, after being first taken by regis trar, may be administered by him to the two judges of election and to the markers or assistants, as herein pro vided; however, that no mrkri hU be named for or permitted in primary elections conducted under , the pro visions of this Act, provided further that in any primary election held hereunder, any voter may ask and se cure from any election official at his voting precinct aid in the prepa ration of his ballot or in voting. Pro vided, that in all general and primary elections held, under the provisions of this act any voter may select another member of his or her family who shall have the right to accompany such voter into the voting booth and assist in the preparation of the ballot, but immediately after rendering such as sistance the person so assisting shall vacate the booth and withdraw from the voting arena. Provided, that any voter in primary elections may be ac companied into the voting booth by (Continued on page eight) V SANITARY INSPECTOR RECOMMENDS CHANGES IN JAIL BLOWN DOWN Wind Storm Sunday Caused Darkness For Short Time In the wind storm of last Sunday night an electrie line pole was blown down which threw the whole town in darkness for a short time. Had it not been for the quick action of the new manager there would have been no lights for the churches. Mr. J. E. Lyon, local manager' olL th western Carolina Utilities company, was pn the job in few minutes and i , . . 4 , stayed on untl1 the damage was repaired, He cut out the circuit that was impaired and put the current on another one which allowed the church es to have light to go on with their services. ' The unexpected often happens and cannot be prevented from happening, but. it is gratifying to find that, with the public service utility company that is furnishing us light, there are men on the job that can and do handle the situation expeditiously. Those of the community that have met Mr. Lyon, local manager, are well pleased with him and are looking forward to seeing the improvements in the ser vice that a man like he is will surely effect Franklin High Commencement May 25, 26 and 27 The commencement program of the Franklin high school to be May 25-26-27, is as follows: Sunday 11:00 a. m. Commence ment Sermon at the Baptist Church by Rev. Abernethy. Monday 8:15 p. m An Historical Pageant School Auditorium. Tuesday 8:30 p. m Graduating Exercises School Auditoriurn. The pageant on Monday night will consist of eight episodes, setting forth high peaks in North Carolina history, about half of it being Macon county history. . The cast will include about one hun dred .boys and girls, . most of whom are members of the Junior and Sen ior classes. There will be a small admission charge to take care of the cost of the costumes. On Tuesday night the members of the graduating class will receive their diplomas, and certificates will be awarded the Teacher Training class, and all. pupils who have completed the seventh grade work this year. i There are also a few prizes to be awarded. EPISCOPAL There will be SERVICES services at St. Agnes Episcopal church at 7:30 o'clock Sunday, May 25. Rev, Albert New of Waynesville will conduct the ser vices. All are welcome. i i i mi -Miii ii - : uuuvr i nils l ViiU 4 II Rn PAIR PLANS M170RK BN0TJN0UCO mprovements Fail to Meet the Requirements of State Law QUOTES REGULATIONS Would Probably Be Disap proved For Lack of ' . Apartments Raleigh, N. C, May 17, 1930. Mr. Lyles Harris, Editor, Franklin Press, Franklin, N. C. My dear Mr. Harris : I am enclosing a letter which I have ailed copies to each of the Macon ounty commissioners relative to the county jail, and its status with the equirement of the North Carolina il Law and Rpmilatinnc iinrlor ttm f-j - fc.j..J M.V.. WAV may publish this letter in your r if you so desire. Very truly yours, L. G. WHITLEY, Chief Sanitary Inspector. Mr. J. O. Harrison, Chairman, Macon County Commisisoners, Franklin, N. C. Dear Mr. Harrison : Re: Macon Countv Tail: I made an inspection of your county jail at Franklin on May 10th, in ac cordance with the provisions of . Sec, 7713 of the "Consolidated Statutes, and Chapter 163, Public Laws of 1925. The Macon county jail was "dis approved" under authority of the Act in 1927, for not meeting with the minimum requirements , governing county jails. I found the jail being used for the incarceration of Jwo white male, and two white and one colored female prisoners at the time of the inspection,' although notice had been served; tyi the Macon county officials to the effect that the jail had been "disapproved" for the im prisonment of prisoners, under the State Law. However, I found a con tractor at work pouring concrete for re-enforcing the walls of the old jail building, when I made the inspection. I then proceeded to check the pro posed plan for improving the jail with Jailer W. M. Edwards, and learned the plan was to re-enforce the old walls of the jail, provide a flat roof, and repair the sewage sys tem. - Then I went straightway to your office and discussed this matter with you. You probably recall I stated that we regretted the cpm missioncrs were spending money on the old jail building, unless it were to be improved to meet the require ments of the State Jail Laws. Sec. 1317. of the Consolidated Stat utes requires the county pommission ers to provide a common jail, at the expense of the county, wherever th same is situated. The Board of Com missioners shall lay and collect taxes from year to year, as long as may be necessary, for the purpose of build ing, etc. , Sec. 1318, Consolidated Statutes, re quires that the county jail shall be provided with . at least five separate and suitable apartments, one for the confinement of white male criminals; one . for white female criminals ; one for colored male criminals; one for colored female criminals, and one for other prisoners. The law also re quires separate apartments for juve nile prisoners. The word "apartment" is construed to mean a room, or part of a divided building. The old jail is not provided with the minimum of five separate apartments, neither does the proposed plan for improving the jail include the required number of apartments. The provisions of Chap. 163, Public Laws of 1925,require that the county jails shall be fire-proof structures, free from fire hazards and provided (Continued on page eight) lie m i I A I m t I. U B m l w