PAGE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS. FRAIJKLt!. I J. C THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1333 1 II I in "I II . I I II ' 'III .. 1 -. - III - f , ' HIGHLANDi-THE ROOF GARDEN OF THE "SOUTHEAST MACON COUNTY NEVS BRIEFS AS TOLD BY CORRESPONDENTS Highland Flings Sarah Hicks Hines Seniors 1 Entertained x At Dinner Party Miss Virginia Pierson entertainkl her fellow classmates, the high sch graduating class, at a delightful di ncr party given at the home of M and Mrs. W. S. Davis, Friday nigh The rooms were charmingly deco rated with the, class colors, purpl and white carried out very effectivel with purple irises and white snow balls in bud vases. Covers 'were laid for thirty-two per sons, consisting of seniors, faculty and visitors. Among the visitors were Misses Rachel Davis, Maiefta Bringle, Lilly Calloway, and Myrtle Frances Wyatt of the Franklin school faculty, the Misses Herring,' of Waycross, Ga.; Messers Frank Cook, .Gene Murphy, Durand Wiley, Sidney Mc Carty and Rev. Raymond McCarty. A tempting dinner was fveJC tfie ship motif -being vised ' for : the aW tractive place cards made by Miss Louise Edwards. Following dinner charades were played and amusing relay races were participated in by the guests. Fin ally everyone lined up for an old fashioned spelling match and to the pupils' surprise and the teachers' chagrin, the faculty had to be seated first! Short speeches were mfade by some of the members of the graduating class. Harry Wright is president 6 the class, Louise Edwards, secretary Tearley Picklesimer, treasurer; a1 the others who graduate this year a Albert Wilev. Weldon Paul, Virgin Neelv and Elsi Crunkleton. UPPER IOTLA Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Baker have been visiting at W. T. Roper's for the past few days. They were form erly of Michigan and. have been visiting several points in the South for the past few months. Mrs. H. E. Rowland spent Friday of "last week with Mrs. Isaac Ashe 1 ..Franklin 1 SCALY Mrs. E. J. Owens, of Satolah, Ga., was , visiting friends and relatives, in Scaly last week. Miss Maud -Crain, who has been spending a few months in Pasadena, Cal., is spending a short va(rtion with her , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Crain, of Scaly. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crain, of Highlands, were visiting Mrs. Crain's father, Mr. Ingram Miller, last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Owens an children, and. Mrs. J. A. Nix ani Hazel Johnson, of Satolah, Ga., spent last Sunday in this section. - Mr. Ernest Vinson made ? busi ness trip to Kentucky recently. Mr. Irvin Crain and his wife hav; moved to Florida. Mrs. John Watkins has been very sick for the last' week, but is improv es, v I Mr. Marvin Nix and family have moved to Milledgeville, Ga. Mrs. Will Ledetter has been sic':i or several days. ; Mr. Tolliver Vinson is able to, si' p again. business Monday. - Mr. Robert Downs and i Mrs. Inez Hall visited Mrs. Edith Ammons cf Rabbit Creek last week-end. Mrs. Downs brought ack a nice lot of hrns .1 V w i i1 t i V Baccalaureate Sermon The first baccalaureate sermon to be held in Highlands for the grad uating class was preached at the school auditorium Sunday morning by Rev. L. E. Crowsan. The scripture was read by Rev. Raymond McCarty and a prayer offered by Rev. W. T. Potts. . - . . Rev. Crowsan's sermon, was very inspiring. He addressed the senior , class on the subject of idealism. The " singing was exceptionally good with every church here represented in the choir. The service was quite well at tended, all the seats being filled. Dance in Honor of Seniors A highly enjoyable dance was. giv en at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Zoellncr, Saturday 'night, in hon or of. the graduating class. Four sets were danced to the splendid music anu mose prcsum thoroughly delightful evening. AU. yv.'TiJrSmiih has been doing some carpenter) (work for D. M. Row land the ast week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L,owe of Rose Creek were visiting Mrs. Lowe's sis ter, Mrs. W. T. Roper, last Sunday. Mrs. Floyd Welch and two daugh ters of Franklin were visiting Mr. Greene Eouts last Sunday. Miss Mae Rowland spent last Sun ay on Olive Hill visiting friends and elatives. Mr. I. P. Corbin went to Sylva one day the past week. " WALNUT CREEK Mr. Arthur Tilson, of Glenville, N. , closed a week's revival meeting ere. Mrs. tva neaaen was Daptizea Kinday at 11 :00 a. m. Mr. C. N. Jones is now working on ighway No. 28 in Cashiers Valley. Miss Tilson and Mrs. A. Tilson, of lenville, spent the week-end with aies here. i joint Ann Jones is too lame tof get out to Sunday school, we are sor ry to report. '. . i Mr. Leon Keener has returned to Franklin to have closer medical at tention. , Messers P. W. and W. A'. Keener went to Calderwood, Tenn., Friday. Mr. Henry Stiwinters, an ex-soldier, has been ill during the past week. For Girls Silk Underwear, Gowns, Dance Sets, Pajamas, Step-Ins, Embroidered Patterns, Bloomers and Vests. Hose Full fashio.ned with.' French heels, chiffon v and -serviceweight. Hankies In at t r'a c t .i v e boxes, white and. colored em broidery. x - Flowers Beautiful assortment of silk flowers violets, gardenias, roses and or chids. ' ; : ym For Boys Ties In the latest embroider ed patterns. Socks Fancy patterns to, match any suit. Shirts A bis: new line of Phil- 1 lip-Jones shirts in new patterns. Underwear Silk for the boys, too; also ancy 'two-piece suits.. E. K. Cunningham & Go. STILES Messers Carl Morgan and Alex Owenby are cutting poles for J. W. 'Sherril. . Mr. T. B. Anderson made a busi ness trip to Franklin, Wednesday. Mr. Clint Cole who has been away for a while is visiting home folks, Mr. and Mrs. H."H. Cole. Mr. H. H. Coir has sold his tele phone poles to a company at Bryson City. . According to reports Mr- Harley: Carncs has purchased a boundary of : an( relatives here. SHOOKVILLE ' ' Mr. Brown Keener of Highlands, spent the week-end with r his sister, Mrs. Margaret Rogers. . - Mrs. Chairty Rogers, of Haywood is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Aman-j da Bolick. , Messers Releigh- Gibson and Ralph McClure and Miss Hazel Gibson of Goldenines were visiting at Mr. Bert Tilson's, Sunday afternoon. Misses Layerne Bolick and Hattie Penland of Shortoff. spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Bolick's moth er, Mrs. . Amanda Bolick. Mr. James Watson is sick. Misses Ora and Mattie Stanfield, of Franklin have been visiting friends Briefs Rev. Raymond McCarty . and Mr. Sydney McCarty, ot Augusta, ua., are spending a week or two in Highlands. Miss Minnie D. Warren, of Scars dale, New York, has 'arrived to spend the season at her attractive home on Satulah mountain. Miss Albertina Staub, Mrs. W. S. Davfs. and Miss E. B. Durgin went to Union Ponit, Ga., last Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. Lamb Perry. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Aiken and .Mrs. B. W.. Connington, of Florence, S. C, were guests at the Central House last week. Mr. Claude Sullivan, of Anderson, S. C, and friends were here this week-end. Miss Rebecca S. Nail has arrived, from Griff in; Ga., for. the summer. Mr. Charles Sadler, of Greenville. JJ. 0., spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Root. , Mr. and Mrs.. J. Brock, of Seneca were in Highlands for the week-end. Mr. Scott Hudson, president of the Highlands Estates, and ' Mr. Butler, contractor, spent the week-end s in Highlands. ' Messers J. H. Fowler and.T. J. Thagard. of Atlanta, were Highlands vitisors last week. Mr. Hammit, of Honeapath, S. C, spent the week-end at his summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Foreman spent the week-end at their summer home above Lindenwood Lake. ! Masters Howard and Richard Pear son cycled over to Cashiers Valley one day last week. . , Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Cobb return ed from Union Ponit, Ga., where thev attended the funeral of Mrs. Cobb's aunt, Mrs. J. Lamb Perry, last Wenesdny. poles at Robbinsville. It is expected he will begin operations at ones. The estimate of the boundary is one thousand. Mr, Tom Welch of West's Mill is skidding poles for J. W. Sherril. Mrs. Vina Holbrooks of Route Three was in - this section Thursday on business. Mr. Albert Burnctte. returned from Cullowhec. Monday. He planned to attend Western Carolina Teachers' college, but will wait until June 10. Messrs. Jack Sherril and W. E, Smith made a business trip to Frank lin, Friday. Mr. Clarence Childers of Route Three is doing some nice plowing for A. A. Duvall. Miss Hazel Ramsey of Tellico who has been attending school at Frank lin is at home now Messrs. Dill alulAVillie Owenby were business" visitors at Franklin, Friday. Mr. John Owenby,, after working several months in Tennessee is spend ing a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Owenby. ; Mrs. C. C. Welch made a business trip to Franklin, Friday. Mr. Carl Welch is spending a few days wth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Welch, at Habersham, Ga. Mr. Austin Byrd, formerly of this place but now stationed at Haber sham, Ga., spent a few days with friends. CARTOOGECHAYE Miss Mary Enloe, who has been attending a business college in Knox- ville, Tenn., has returned after spending three ..weeks with her par ents, Mr. nad Mrs. Jeff Enloe. Mr. Chas. Nolen and Johnnie South ards spent, Sunday in Asheville and Candler. Miss Mary Enloe and Messres Charles and "Red" Nolen, Robert Enloe and Johnnie Southards attend ed a party given in honor of Miss Enloe, at the home of Miss Eliza beth Slagle in Franklin on Saturday night. , ' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Set ser on April 29, a girl. Miss Virginia Slagle spent last week-end . on Cartoogechaye visiting friends and relatives. " . , Mrs. Carl Slagle attended a U. D. C. meeting in Asheville on Saturday of last week. ' Messers Ben Rogers and Stanley Tilson made a business trip to Sylva, Friday. Mr. Sherman McCay of Goldmines passed through this section one day last week. ; Miss Geneva Rogers who has been staying at Highlands, has returned home. Mr. Herman Rogers was a guest at Mr. Bunion Miller's, Sunday night. Mr. Andy Webb passed through this section Saturday. ' Miss Bertha Rogers of Walnut Creek spent Sunday night with Mrs. W. H. Rogers. - Mr. Tom 'Tilson, who is workirfg at Cashiers, spent the week-end with home folks. ' ROSE CREEK Mrs. Laura Parrish is in ill health again. Dr. S. H. Lyle was- called to see her, Mrs. Mattie Alexander has return ed to her home at Cashiers. Mrs. Ethel Welch had the pleasure of entertaining her father, Mr. Roper of Oak Dale, last week. Mr. Dive Rice was in Franklin on Champion $hoe Shop A Springy slep WILL SAVE yoiur shoes, your health and your temper. Bring your shoes to us and let us resole them half or full as you wish. . You will appreciate the economy. EARL ANGEL, Mgr. The New Way to Shop The Sure Way to Save GRANDMOTHER'S PAN ROLLS D oz. 8 Gelfands', Best Food's or Hellman's MAYONNAISE 18 Rajah Brand SANDWICH SPREAD 9-oz jar 17 Whole Milk CHEESE Pound N. B. C. PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS Pound Package 17 ENCORE STUFFED OLIVES 23c 37c A&P Grape Juice Pint Bottle Jj' QUAKER MAID BEANS aj 23 OUR OWN TEA India - Ceylon yrib. Pkg. ' Java 25 NECTAR TEA y2-ib. pkg. 18 PALMOLIVE SOAP 5 Cake$ 29c OCTAGON Octagon x " TOILET Washing OCTAGON SOAP POWDER CIIDrn 30"1"' 20' 3 " 11' """Eli OCTAGON SOAP SODS Large Special 0 Pkgs. ITc Cakes 2JCJ' (?akes JJC ID THE CREAT - )