Til U.1 CD AY, MAY 22, f the akiilih rnccs. rnA:;::Liii, u. c. pagh r;i:;;T Fcr Representative v I hereby announce myself n candidate for re-election as State Representative, sub ject to the Democratic' pri mary in June. I take this opportunity to thank my friends for their past sup port. Given the opportun ity, it will be my purpose to render the same conscien tious service to the citizen ship of Macon County as I endeavored to give during my last term in office. 1 J, A, PORTEK. mi 5-4tcj5, lormTsr" For Commissioner s I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, sub ject to the Democratic pri mary in June. If given the opportunity 1 to again serve the people of Macon, I will endeavor to render faithful and conscientious service. D. W. BARNARD. 2tpM22 Announcement I hereby announce my can didacy for the office of Reg ister of Deeds of Macon County, subject to the action of the Republican Conven tion. l am grateful for the sup port I have received at the hands of the voters and your continued support will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, tfes J. H. STOCKTON. For Commissioner May 15, 1930. Subject to the wishes of the voters and tax payers of Macon County if you want me to serve as one of your Commissioners, for the next two years I will give.:-the best that is in me to keep our good county functioning in all departments, and faith fully work for economy and lower taxes. Yours trulv. 2tpM22 J. 0. HARRISON, For Representative I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representa tive, subject to the Demo cratic primary on June 7. 2tpM DR. W. A. ROGERS. Notice Thereby announce myself a canuiuaie ior county sur veyor, for Macon County, subject to the Democratic . primary, June 7th. LAKE R. LEDFORD. 2tpM22 . I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds of Ma con County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. A. L. RAMSEY. '4tpM28- For Register of Deeds I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds, Subject to the vote of the Democrat ic primary. Your support will be appreciated. ' J. A. TYLER. 5tPJ5 For Sheriff " I hereby announce myself ' a candidate for Sheriff of Macon county, subject to the wishes of the Republican Anrioiicenicat Being solicited by many of my friends, and after giving the matter deep considera tion, I have fully decided to announce myself as a can didate for the office of Sher iff of Macon County, subject to the action of the Demo cratic party; If I should be nominated and elected, it will be my pleasure to serve the public and the office in the highest efficiency. You all know me, if you can help me, your support will be greatly ap preciated. JOHN H. D ALTON. M84tcM29 For Sheriff To the voters of Macon County w Greetings : Thereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Macon County, subject to the will of the Republican party. If elect ed will execute the spirit and the letter of all laws the best I can, regardless of friends or foes," and will do all in my power to keep our county dry. I do not mean to miss lead the people in any way. Will, thank air for their full support. R. M. COFFEY. 4tpM29 Notice I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff of Macon County, subject to the action of the Republican convention or the Republi can primary if one be held. GEORGE A. CLOER. 5tpJ5 For Clerk of Court I hereby announce myself as 'a candidate for. tfe Off ice of Clerk of Superior Court of Macon county, subject, to the action of the Democratic party. .. I appreciate the sup port you have given me in the past, and assure you your support; in the coming primary will be greatly ap preciated. FRANK I. MURRAY. 4tM29 Notice To the Voters of Macon County : I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Macon County, subject to the Democratic primary to be held June 7, 1930. I earnestly solicit your support. . FRANK H. NORTON. M85tPJ5 For Register of Deeds I announce myself a can didate for the office of Reg ister of Deeds, subject to the Democratic primary. J5p J. M. BRABSON. For Register of Deeds T hereby announce myself a. canuiuaie ior me omce 01 Register of Deeds of Macon county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary t Will appreciate your sup port. J. LAWSON ROGERS. M16tpj5 For Register of Deeds I announce mvself a candi date for the office of Regis ter of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. ltpM15 C. TOM BRYSON. For Register cf Deeds I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Register of Deeds of, Macon County, subject to the action of the Democratic party. Your support in . the coming pri mary will be appreciated. M15M22p W.T. FOUTS. For Sheriff At the request of many good citizens of this county I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Sheriffs office of Macon County, sub ject to the Republican pri mary, or convention when called to meet. -'ihcei If elected will fill the of fice strictly ", according to law. Will appreciate your vote. 4tM28c W. J. WEST. NOTICE I am a candidate for Soli citor of the 20th District, subject to Democratic Pri mary on June 7, 1930. I will appreciate your support in this campaign. RALPH MOODY. M16tpJ5 For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Commissioner; of Macon county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. ltp CHAS. H. NORTON. For Register of Deeds I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Register of Deeds, subject to the ac tion of the Republican convention. 2tpM29 E. N. EVANS For Commissioner I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Com missioner, subject to the Democratic primary, June 7. WALTER GIBSON. 2tM29p ' NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR TOWN TAXES North Carolina, Macon County, Town of Highlands. By virtue of the authority vested in me by the charter of the Town of Highlands and the Statutes of the State of North Carolina and pursuant to the order of the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Highlands, I will, on Monday, the 2nd day of June, 1930, at ten o'clock a. m. and thereafter until said sale is complet ed, at the office of the Mayor of the Town of Highlands, Macon County, North Carolina, . sell, at public auc tion, in the manner provided by law the property hereinafter described, belonging to or listed in the name of the persons hereinafter designated, for town taxes due the Town of Highlands for, the years and amounts hereinafter set forth; to-wit: 1924 McKinney, W. W., 1 lot.. $ 5X3 Siler, J. G. ..... . .'. . . . . . . .; ..... 2.55 1925 Ravenel, H. P. Est., 1 lot....... $17.55 Siler, J. G 4.05 1926 McKinney, W. W., 1 lot.... $15.38 Smith, J. Jay, 1 lpt . 259 Sanders, E. L., 1 lot....." 5.00 Winn & Duckett, 1 lot ... 5.00 Marett, O. S., 1 lot............. 5.00 Findley, J. I., 1 lot... 5.00 Milling, B. B., 1 lot............ 5.00 1927 Champneys, W. T., 1 lot........ $11.00 Findley, J. I., 1 lot............ 5.50 Milling, B. B., 1 lot. 8.25 Moore, M. Mrs., 1 lot..... 6.88 McKmney, W. W., 1 lot 17.18 Pipkii, L. N. (Bal), 24 acres.... 22.00 RavJnel, H. P., Est.,, 1 lot...... 5225 Rice, L. W,.l lot............... 53.63 Sanders, E. L., 1 lot........... 6.19 Stfnith, J. Jay, 1 lot....... 18.63 Smith, Mary C, Mrs. (Bal), 2 lots ......178.13 Winn St I Wright Milling Co., Mat ..... &25 I a itll . 4UVnVl V ; vr. m 1928 Crunkleton, I. H., & Bessie, 1 lot 23.38 Findley, J. I., 1 lot 5.50 Harper & Fuller, 1 lot 8.25 Henry, Joe, 1 lot.... 14.18 Milling, B. B., 1 lot.. 8.25 Moore & Milling, 1 lot 5.50 Moore, M. E., 1 lot.. 6.88 McKinney, W. W., 1 lot. 17.74 Nail, Rebecca, C, 1 lot 61.87 Pierson, M. A., 1 lot 38.50 Pickett, L. W. & . H., 1 lot.... 8.25 Pipkin, L. N., 1 lot.......: 22.00 Ravenel,- H. P., Est, 1 lot 5225 Rice, L. W ,1 lot '. 65.40 Rice & Thompson, 1 lot 4125 Ritchert, J. G, Est, X lot 20.62 Sanders, E. L., 1 lot.......... 6.19 Shockley, Ethel, 1 loti.. 16.50 Smith, J. Jay, 1 lot....:....... 47.44 Smith, Mary C, Mrs., 2 lots.... 213.13 Wiley, D. W., 1 lot 16.50 Winn & Duckett, 1 lot 6.1$ Wright Milling Co., 1 lot....... a25 Said sale will be made for the pay ment of the taxes due the Town of Highlands and for. the costs and ex penses of collection. This 7th day of May, 1930. S. Til MARETT, Tax Collector, Town of Highlands, Macon Co., North Carolina. ., M8BSM29 ' ,. j d$i"jj ';' NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL .PROPERTY North Carolina, Macon County. ' . BY. VIRTUE of the power and authority conferred upon the under signed, Dan K. Moore, by a certain deed of trust executed the 10th day of August, 1929, by T. L. Wood to Dan K. Moore, trustee for the Jack son Chevrolet company, said deed of trust being recorded in Book 32 at page 102 et seq. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon county, North Carolina, to which refr erence is hereby -had; f'-ifti default; having been made in payment of the note and indebtedness therein se cured as therein provided and the same after repeated demands for pay ment still remains long past due and unpaid, and the holder of said note having requested payment which was refused and now demands that the power of sale in said deed of trust be exercised : Now, therefore. I, Dan K. Moore, trustee, will on Monday, June 9, 1930, at 2 o'clock P. , M., at the front door of the court house door in the town Of Franklin, Macon County, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction, the following described real property: ' ": ; " Lying and being in Macon County, North Carolina, and Beginning at dogwood -south of Lttle r. Buck ? Creek, running N 40 E' 64 poles" fa a" sour wood, then 32 E 36 poles to a chest nut, then E 12 poles to a -chestnut, then N 15 E 19 poles to a stone in the fork of the creek, then down with its meanders S 62 W 44 poles to a white oak, W 28 poles to a beach, N 28 poles to a black oak, then W 25 poles to a chestnut oak. then old corner 10, 61, then. S 44 W 20 poles to a stake on top of the ridge, then south 110 poles more or less to the beginning, containing 29 acres. This the 6th day of May, 1930. DAN K. MOORE, Trustee. M84tBSM29 OLD LINE INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS See what our Home Co., The Jefferson Standard, can do for you before applying f on Life Insurance. Your inquiries, which will have prompt and careful attention, solicited. W. B, LENOIR, Age PHONES 56 and 705 Half Price Save money all year ! "fcold Ribbon" Brand Coffee and Chicory has twice the strength ' of ordinary ccffca and ypu use only half the quantity to a cup.. When you. buy a pound of "Gold Ribbon" Blend, it's like buying 2 lbs, of ordinary coffee and it tastes better .too. '. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of Eva Burnette, deceased, late of, Ma con county, N. G, this is to notify alf persbtut having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit , them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of April, 1931, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All nersons .indebted tn said estate will please make imme diate settlement. This 25th day of April, 1930. M14tpM22 WADE BURNETTE, , Executor. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE i Having qualified as administratrix of James M. McCracken, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said' deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day ot. April 1931, or., this notice will be plead in bar of xf- . All ' .1 -1.1-J ineir recovery. u pcrsuns uiucuicu to said estate will please make ira- I mediate: settlement. This 26th day of April,-1930,' ; LURA V. McCRACKEN, M14tpM22 :.; ' AdminlitratrU,- NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of Section 2435 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Caro lina, I will on Saturday, May 24, 1930, in front of the court house in the town of Franklin, between fhe legal hours of sale, sell one Hudson Coach Automobile, Motor No. 221232; said sale being made for reasonable charges for work done and material furnished in repairing and altering said car, to the amount of $40.00, 30 days having elapsed since said work was done and material furnished. Name of owner, Lex Darnell, Dillard, Ga.!; " :,. .... . ANGEL'S GARAGE 2tM22H By W. L. Angel, Jr. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of Section 2435 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Caro loiria, I will on Saturday, May 24, 1930, in front of the court house in the town of Franklin, between the legal hours of sale, sell one Over land Touring Car. 1924 Model, Motor No. 256673, said sale being made for reasonable charges for work done and material furnished in repairing and altering said car, to the amount of $21.50, 30 days having elapsed since said work was done and material furnished.' Name of owner unknown. This May 12, 1930. ANGEL'S GARAGE 2tM22H - By W. L. Angel., NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of Section 2459 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Caro lina, I will on Saturday, May 24, 1930, in front of the court house in the town of Franklin, sell, between the legal hours of sale, one Ford Touring Car, 1925 Model, Motor No. 11219018, said sale to be made for storage on said car, 10 days having elapsed since said storage charges became due. Amount of storage $20.00. Name of owner, L. R. Cabe. This May 12, 1930. ANGEL'S GARAGE 2tM22H By W. L. Angel. 'fj f OoM li, party. tfc 7.W.HASTINGS., Champneys, W. T., 1 lot ...$11.00

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