PAGE FOUR Yhe franklin press, franklin, n. c. THURSDAY, MAY 22, UZJ The Franklin Press PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ' . LYLES HARRIS EdUor J. J. MOORE . News Editor MRS. F. M. TESSIER .....Ad. Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Subscriptions Payable in Advance) One Year .$2.00 Nine Months ....1.50 Six Months .......................... f.... 100 v Single Copies ... -05 ADVERTISING RATES Very reasonable, and will be made known apon request. . Legal advertisements, communications of a personal character will always be charged f or as advertisements, and so marked. Obituary Notices, Cards of Thanks, and Tributes of Respect, either by individuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, charged for as for advertisements. Cash must . accompany manuscript, and all such notices ' will be marked "adv." in conformity with the Postal Requirements. Entered at the post-office at Franklin, N. C. . for .transmission through the mails as seconrt clas's matter. In Passing "Last chapter is told in biggest North Caro lina fish story will be revealed in Sunday's Charlotte Observer." -This is the first we knew of our esteemed Citizens Bank cashier, Bill Moore, having gone into print. Last week a group of Penn State ' forestry students who were making a field strip thru the ; South, spent some time in the Nantahala fores, using Franklin as their headquarters. So far as The Press can ascertain, there was no effort made either by the town or the chamber of commerce to extend the glad hand to these worthy boys. A very regretable x oversight. . Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lawton of the American Nature association of Washington, D. C, traveled 6000 miles over North Carolina high ways. In the last issue of the publication of the Department of , Conservation and Develop ment they have this to say: "The people of this State and of the nation pay for these roads. Consequently they are justified in get ting the full recreational value for which the roads are created. But are they? What hap pens when an expensive new highway that we have paved with, our dollars is opened up? Hot dog stands, filling Stations and bill boards i spring up like magic with no regard for the appearance of the roadside mor its immediate vicinity. Raw cuts have been left in the con struction of the road. Trees have been sacri ficed by road builders and the public utilities companies. The new highway,- designed to open up the beauty of the State, has become in itself, a thing of ugliness. 1 Such results the motoring public the public that pays the bills will not much longer tol erate. It is beginning to realize that it is being robbed by a parasitic growth of the full value of its investment. Not only good roaa Deas Dut attractive roaasiaes are now me demand." It is with a feeling of gratitude to learn that Commissioner John Harrison voted against the priilgate waste of money that is being spent on the old ramshackle building called the county jail. We thank you, sir. ' Mr. John K. Barnes, writing in The World's Work under the heading "Building for a Fortune," says at the end of his very able article that "People should now be ready to adapt sound investment principles that will lead to a saner and iriore satisfying philosophy of life." Analysing the activities of the' citi zenry of our good county for the last three or four months, the words quoted above would seem to , apply, especially to our lo cality. Not only in the investment line but in all lines of human endeavor. When people go to work the country prospers. Some certain folks are trying to get more free range in the national forest. The Press certainly hopes that they will fail, utterly .in the -attempt. Free range in the national forest or any forest is economically unsound. Still the silence on the county expenditures speaks in silence. Can it be that the powers that be are ashamed to .let us know how things have been managed ? Reflecting a bit on the promises that were ,said to have been the lectioneering talk during the last campaign, it would seem that there has not been so great an amount done toward economy in local government. At least there does not seem to be any great desire, on the part fo the com missioners to publish their actions to the citizenship as required by law. That reminds us. We are going to do our little bit toward getting a board of commis sioners that will follow the regulations . as laid down for the conduct of the county affairs so that there will at least be a continuity of effort and plans and not a change of policy' every time there is a change of commission ers. ' A bank or any other business that tries to operate merely according to the idea of each individual that comes along would soon find itself on the rocks. Is county manager meht a business? Should the ones that are hired to run the county affairs report to their employers the people ? Our state law says so. . , . ' In a well-thought-out ' speech before the United States Chamber of Commerce at their annual meeting in Washington last week Mr. Alex Legge, the extremely able chairman, ot the Federal Farm Board, said? "I do not re member business men complaining about gov ernment aid extended to the manufacturing industry, to transportation, and to finance. These all played their part in adding to the disadvantage of the farmer as did also the prefential treatment to labor thru immigration restriction and other measures." "We are not complaining about what government did for others, but these beneficiaries should be willing that the farmer given help from the same. source so that he, too, may take care of himself in the economic system.". The protective system started with the creation of a Tarrif Acti providing for a 20 per cent ad valorem duty. That was more than one hundred years ago. During all these years the farmers have patiently looked, for ward to the time when they would get some benefit from the system that has been built up in this country . so largely by speciaf favors. "I am sure that most of you will agree that you know more about the agricultural situation than I do. A considerable percentage of your membership have made- that clear. Perhaps my best answer is to say that if this be true the situation presents a severe indict ment of the organization, which, having the facts, has made so little effort to remedy the situation." It seems to The Press that Brother Legge kinda 'got the boys told. Last week Miss Elliott of Highlands asked The Press for some information on the election of the members of the county board of education. The best that The Press could find on this subject is that the law requires that the members to be of this board be "Nominated" in the regular primary or con vention the same as any other officer and they are then appointed by the legislature. The law also says that the party in power at the time is to make the nominations in case of vacancies. Thus it would seem that the appointing of the members of the county board of education virtually rest with , the gentleman elected to the legislature. ', The time is fast approaching when the people will have to say by their votes who they wish as county officers for the ensuing two years. The type of men that are en trusted with the public affairs of the county will reflect the type of citizenship that pre dominates in 'the county. Usually the argument is made that every business concern should advertise. Generally speaking this is true, but there are exceptions. In fact some concerns hardly dare to adver tise, because they cannot make good accord ing to modern business practices. , When advertising is untruthful or mislead ing it does more harm than good. Only an enterprise that fulfills the promises made in its advertising can stand the spot of publicity. Hence, when' we find a store or other business establishment boldly advertising its wares or service, month after and year after, we may generally conclude that it can and does give real values. '.'; . Observing the advertised business of any community; large or small, will enable one to indentify the most dependable concerns in that community. Only reputable and efficient establishments dare to advertise. Hendersonville and Canton are having a "census war." Good luck to them. If the final result of said war' will cause any bread winner in either town tcj make his daily bread any easier, we will be happy to hear about it. ; One of these days when the roads thru Franklin are finished there will be an awaken ing coming to someone. , It may be the local merchants. When the Smiths and the Jones and the others pile the old. lady and the kids in the bid gas,; burner and, run over Chattanooga, Knoxville, 'Asheville or Atlanta for a day's outing and t incidentally a day's shopping, it will be no one's fault but theirs if they have cause t6 lament the days of dull trade. ' ' '' ; . ' . Even tho some kind reader might think that real mean corn liquor is responsible, there is another angle to this fast transportation, competition that' is right ever the-. horizon.- It is this. When there are regular Zeplin lines from one side of the country to the other, and the fare is cheaper than operating our own motor cars and it will be what is to hinder you or me or anyone from calling up the approaching ship from New Orleans to New York and ask them to come down within 1000 feet of earth to take, us aboard? We will go in a little plane, hook on to the carriage of the Zep and step out on the gangway, the plane will then drop back down and there you are. An hour or two in New York and home for supper. Now, laugh. . All of the above is a way of saying that, even tho our town is ftvorably situated geo graphically to grow and thrive and fill the needs of the local folks, if the local merchants wait for something to turn up, and do nOf get busy and its hot only the merchants, either the opportunity will have passed and our town, like so many beautiful little villages now in New England, we will be in the classvof the might have beens. Other $' Comments SCENIC BEAUTY OF SOUTHERN . MOUNTAINS ."pHE MOUNTAINS and valleys of south ern Virginia, Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee comprise one of the most beautiful parts of America," writes Hugh Hammond Bennett in an attractively illustrated article abotu the mountains of these states. ,; Using Holland's, The Magazine of the South, as his vehicle, Mr. Bennett says, "Sitting on a comfortable carpet of bluegrass, one looks out from any hillside upon picturesque valleys where peace and beauty and rural fragrance abound., From distant pastures, the tinkling of cattle bells floats soothingly to the ear. In the lowlands and along the slopes belond, farmers are busy erecting spires of new-cut hay. A soft bluish haze clothes the hills and ridge crests ' of the middle ground ; smoky purples lie deeply arid mysteriously over tow ering ranges on the horizon. Bees diligently sipping nectar from clover blossoms never cease their agreeable droning. "Under the spell of rural loveliness, one is disinclined to move. The magic of the land scape, the lure of the season, the pleasant aroma of grass clover blossoms, and new hay get deeply and grippingly into the soul. Sun shine and bracing air contribute feejings of physical and mental contentment. Surely, the soul that fails to find delight and Inspira tion in such rural atmosphere is an intransi geant one, calloused, neurotic, or merely non existent." Holland's, The Magazine of the South. Letters "Corrymeela" Highlands, N. C. May 17, 1930. , Mr. Lyles Harris, Editor, The Franklin Press, Franklin', N. C ' Dear Sir: May I thank you for the delightful "write up" of Mrs. Farnsworth and myself that ap pears in this week's, Press, and congratulate you on your charming and efficient correspon-1 dent at Highlands, Miss Sarah-Hicks Hines? Yours sincerely, P. T. FARNSWORTH.' WASHINGTON LETTER By FRED HOLMES, Washington Corre spondent of The Franklin ' Press WASHINGTON, May 17 Almost a year ago the Senate, by an overwhelming vote of 68 to 5, adopted Senator Robinson's proposal to modify the rules so as to give full publicity to senatorial consideration of presidential nom inations and dispense with the Star Chamber methods theretofore in vogue, That incident caused your correspondent to remark: "It took Uncle Sam's hired man, the Seriate, one hundred forty years to find, out that there is no good excuse for keeping business se crets from his boss." But it may possibly be recalled that your correspondent added: "True, when foreign relations are involved, . open gal leries might in conceivable cases lead to pre mature disclosures and embarassment." Once upon a timeSenator Borah was loved" for the enemies he made, and even by, his enemie, but it would now seem that adulation has turned his Jiead. Sarching investigation of the London Naval Treaty by the Senate foreign relations committee of which Senator Borah is chairman, threatens to produce ' so much important information that a demand for secret sessions has been made by support ers of the treaty. During the preliminary examinatiqn, Secretary Stimson found it neces sary on five different occasions to suggest that discussion of particular points be conducted in executive session; Senator Borah's opposition to secret ses sions has been well known ever since his ad Vent into that satfgust body, and in the main the public has been with him. But it hap pens occasionally that in consideration of prob lems of government, not of direct personal interest, the people are very apt to take snap judgement as they did down in Sherman,. Texas, recently. 'As a matter of fact, the public generally doesn't know very , much, about the London Naval pact and cares less.. For instance, if the comparatively slim at tendance at the Senate foreign relations com mittee hearings are any criterion, popular in terest in the political side of the situation is certainly not very intense. An oil scandal scene ora lobby tragi-comedy would have drawn immensely bigger crowds. Seventy-five per , cent of the persons present to hear Secre tary Stimson explain and defend the London pact consisted of women. Mrs. Stimsom and Mrs. David A. Reed, themselves heroines of the late unpleasantness on the Thames, were among them. Alice Longworth, hatless, ''as usual, had a place of vantage near the head of the committee table. The Settate itself is not very rnuch excited, over the treaty. It will not begin to generate the passions, pro and con, which the Wash ington conference agreements produced, ta say nothing of the battle of the century over the treaty of Versailles. A common observa tion on Capitol Hill is that, being "harmless," the three-Dower London agreement is assured of relatively rapid ratification. . The ,Washington Post (owned and published by Ned McLean, of Cincinnati and elsewhere, staunch supporter of the sky-rocket ' tariff ' bill) recently said, , editorially : "A treaty af fecting the national defense is of the first importance. The public will never consent to the imposition -of such a treaty upon the country unless its terms are thoroughly known and found to be fair." Most commendable : altruistic sentiment! But from present indi-' cations the "public" is just about as much in terested in the London pact as it is in the newly, discovered ninth planet beyond the orbit of Neptune. The Post goes on to say; "Inasmuch) as it is impossible to discuss .... ' ....... . C ' - - i - the treaty in open session in tne oenaxe ana yet conceal ' its meaning and object, nothing is to be gamed by making the attempt in com mittee. ' This is public business.- The time of tentative, proposals and alternatives is past. The country has before it a specific con tract! This matter can be' discussed in public without offense to any nation. Senators with a sense of responsibility will refrain from casting slurs upon other governments, and will conduct themselves as judges rather than attorneys for or against the treaty." jn, Doyi rage win xvugcis, living vuult, and a whole flock of comedians and wise crackers. "Senators with a sense of respon sibility," forsooth ! Find 'em among those who 'did not "refrain from casting slurs" up on Charles Evans Hughes, John J. Parker and Owen J. Roberts. Find 'em among those ' who put over a tariff hill which not only did not provide the sort of limited revision asked for by President Hoover at the convening of Congress in special session thirteen months t . t . . ago, uui imposes Heavier aim unjust kiacs vh nearly every article required to satisfy the everyday wants of the average consumer. Find any scintilla of evidence within recent years that any Senator has shown a disposition to "conduct himself as judge rather than at torney for or against" anything. Secretary Stimson, who made, a frank and at times convincing presentation of his case before the committee, is admittedly in a very difficult position because of the public hear ings. His very frankness may cause com plications in London and esoeciallv in Tokvo. Besides assuring the committee that Great' Brit ain has received the worst of the bargain on at least one point, the Secretary said that the Ariierican delegation had persuaded the Japa nese delegation to sign a treaty whereby the Japanese navy stands still and allows a riva power, America, to pass her in naval strength. Mr. Stimson also said that the Japanese would be better off without the treaty than ( with it. Complimentary references which Mr. Stim son made to Japanese fairness may have a soothing; effect in Tokyo, but it is clear that all references to advantages' gained by the American delegation at the expense of the Japanese delegation may cause a trouble for the latter delegation with its own people. The delicacy of the situation which developed from the questioning of Mr. Stimson is reflected in each case where the" Secretary suggested ex ecutive sessions. . In a case like this, there , is just about as much to ' be gained by throwing open the hearings to the public as there would be in welcoming a bunch of kindergarten pupils to a class in differential calculus. We hire pro-; fessional advisors to assist us in connection " with matters with which we are. not intimately familiar. If we are not disposed to accept their advice when given, why hire them?,. Whether President Hover is going West on an old-fashioned political trip or whether he os merely going fishing and vacationing seems to have disturbed the political fraternity 'hereabouts. - Denials have come from the White House that the President had politics in mind or that A he will make speeches. Just what harm there is", or what departure from precedent is in volved if the President did make a few ad dresses, and even discussed politics, is not' ex plained. Presidents have always retained the right to make tour across th mntinont nA to take advantage of the opportunity to tell the people a few things about governmental . oolicies.

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