I-MGI-ILANDS-Tl-IE ROOF Cj ISE COUYiJjY rMCON COUNTY NEWS BRIEFS AS TOLD BY CORRESPONDENTS RAINCOW SPRINGS F. W. Tittle PRENTISS Beatrice Gribble WALNUT CREEK Mrs. F.E.Mh burn NOaTII SKEENAH W. R. Sanders :SOOKVILLEMrU, Rogeri . , ELLUAY-D. J. Mo.e TELUCO Vance DeHart HOLLY SPRINGS Faye Franklin NORTON BRANCH W. L. Carpenter TESENTA Mrs. A. C. Patterton PATTON'S Mr. R. A. Patton KYLE Maude Lun.ford CULLASAJA Mr. Fred McGuire FLATS M. J. May SCALY Mm. Irene James STILES Carl Morgan CARTOOGECHAYE Mrs. F. H. Nolen UPPER IOTLA Mrs. D. M. Row land WEST'S MILL C. A. Elmore CLEAR CREEK Mrs, E.' P, Pickle simer AyUUNt Mrs. Uraig Stepp , UPPER ELLIJAY Blanche Mincy ROSE CREEK Mrs. Petnmie Hughes COWETA Mrs. George Dowdle, from Rabun Gap, visited Mrs. Jim Oliver here last Monday. Mrs. Lura Hastings and daughter, Mis T.allie. motored, to North Skeen- ah on ."ration da v. Mr. J. C. Dowdle who is trimmer at the band mill, spent the week-end with his . family ,at Prentiss. Mr. Walter Sidmon, who has been doing, some special repairs on the mill the past week, has left for the sec ond division of the W. M. Ritterh Lumber operations. Among the party which motored to Franklin for week-end shopping were Paul and Clifford Vaught, and, Ge neva Gilleand and Georgia Bryant. Mr. John Sneed was called to Regal on Saturday of last week on account of the death of his mother. Our deepest sympathy goes to the fam ily.. A bridge party was given on Mon day night 'of last week by Dr. and Mrs. McGuire at their home on Black street in honor of Mr. and Mrs Shope of West Virginia. At the con clusion of the 1 games, refreshments were served. Those present for th partywere: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nuckols, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slagle, Mr. E. B McCollum, Phil McCollum, Miss Hel na Warden and Mackniel Slagle, Many friends and relatives of Mr and Mrs. Burt Killian were shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Killian, who died on Thursday morning of last week. She had been confined to her home for many months due to ill health. Our sympathy goes to the Killian family. Among the business officials of the company who visited us about the plant last week were G. M. Cald well. G. L. Col fee, S. M. Wolfe and A. W. A gee. Mrs. J. L. Bryson and son, Horace, of West's Mill are visiting Mrs. Bry son's daughter, Mrs. C. Cole, on Black street. J. W. Stanley and Jess Brooks motored over to Franklin : on busi ness last Tuesday night. Mr. J. W. Bryant made a business trip to Franklin on Wednesday of last week. ' " Charlie Wilson, Jr., of Andrews is spending several days with friends and relatives "in our little city. WALNUT CREEK "' Mrs. -Randolph". Keener . and. son, Charles, have returned to Franklin after visiting relatives here. They have been in -New York several months with -Mr. Keener. Miss Kate Jones has returned 'from Franklin. . Mr. Abe Young .who has been spending several days at Mr. W. A. Keener's has returned to Ellijay. Mrs. Cora Mashburn is sick. Mr. C. N. Jones went to' Smoke: mont last Tuesday to work in con structing the new highway into the Smoky Mountains . from the North Carolina side. Mrs. C. V. Moses, and son, Oliver, of Ellijay were visiting Mrs. Jack Peek, Sunday. ' Miss Eula Mashburn and brother, Ennjs, -spent the week-end on Peek's creek, at : Mr. John. Holland's. Misses Keener and Corn of Pine Grove were welcome visitors in - our Sunday School last Sunday. ELLIJAY Mr. Geo. Carpenter, wife and son were at Higdonville, Sunday, visiting their son, Ed Carpenter, and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Moses went as far as Asheville with their daugh ter, Mrsi "Helen Godwin, as she went back . to her home in Wilson county. They returned to Ellijay, June 15. CLEAR CREEK Mr. Jabe Prater, a well known cit izen' of Macon county, died at the home of his daughter) Mrs. Sol Hol land, near Bryson City, June 11. His age was 84 years." He was brought , to ? Clear Creek ac yvo ' ' . . -... . , church at Clear Creek and had many friends and relatives in this part o the county. Dr. Gilbert of Highlands has bought Mr. Louie Neely's farm on Clear Creek. Mrs. Tom Smith is in Angers' hos pital after having sustained a broken hip recently through a fall. Mr. Edward Picklesimer, Jr., made a . business trip , to Walhalla last Monday. Mrs. Preston Neely and her little daughter, Gladys, and Miss Aimer Barns were visiting Mr. Neely's sis ter, -Mrs, Charlie McKinney, last week-end at Highlands. Mr. and - Mrs. Chas. Brooks of Highlands were visiting, relatives on Clear Creek last Sunday. Mr. Bryson McCall has gone to join bis brother at work in West Virginia Mrs. Ellen. Wilson has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Zeke Shuler, of Highlands recently. Mr, E. P. and Mr. Lyman Pickle simer went to Walhalla, S. C, and brought back a load of nitrogen last week. Mr. Tearley Picklesimer went to Franklin last Sunday to see the air plane and parachute jump. KYLE Mrs. Susa Grant, Mrs. Blanch Hoi den and Mr. Brendle of Wesser creek visited Mrs. Grant's father, Mr. Jim Waters, last week. Mr. Waters has been sick, Mr. Tom Owenby is .very sick. Mrs. Lass , Ray who-has. been con fined to her bed for, several weeks is improving some. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Wilhide and children of Andrews are visiting Mrs. Wilhide's sister, Mrs. Myrtle Hall. Mr. H. E. You nee made a busi ness trip to Andrews, Tuesday. Mrs. Mattie Clark of Flats is visit ing relatives in Kyle this week. Miss May Deny and Alice Owenby of Flats visited friends in Kyle, Sun day. . " , , MrSpurgeon Solesbee of Franklin is visiting his uncle, Mr. Pat Solesbee. CARTOOGECHAYE Mrs. Fred Corbin and children, Mae, Harry, Kenneth and Fredrick, and Mrs. Charlie Higdon of Frank lin visited their mother and grand mother, Mrs. Ellen Crawford, on Tuesday of this week. Miss Mary Louise Slagle was hos tess at a party on Wednesday given in honor of her guest, Miss Mildred Harrison, of Franklin., Among those from Cartoogechaye who rode in the airplane Sunday were Misses Carolyn and Frances Nolen, Alice Cunningham, Messrs. Charles and Horace Nolen, and Rob ert Enloe. i . '. Mr. William Crawford fromjCulla saja is spending a few days with his cousin, Elmer Crawford. The Messrs. Crawfrd hiked to Rainbow Springs on Wednesday. "Red Nolen, Johnny Southards and Alex Setser spent a few days fish ing at Moore creek and Roaring fork this week. Several of the young people of Cartoogechaye and Franklin spent Saturday night and Sunday on Way ah.Bald. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burch and family from Elf, N. C, were visitors in. the homes of their T aunts, Mrs. Jennie Nolen, and Mrs. A. B. Slagle, Sunday. Miss Aleen Price, who has been with her sister, Miss Norma Price, at Angel, Brothers' hospital returned to Hayesville with Mr. Burch. x Mrs. Henrv Slaele will leave for New York, Monday, and,will sail from there to France-- o visit the grave of her sory'Mack, who lost his life in theWrld War. Mr. TopvArthur is here for a few days' vsit with his daughter, Mrg. Carl Slagle. . Mrs. John Dalrymple spent Thurs day with her; daughter-in-law, Mrs. William Dalrymple. AQUONE Mrs. Bob Hawks took her 13-year-old son, Leon, to Franklin last week for a' consultation with Dr. S. H. Lyle relative to a nervous disorder from which the boy was suffering. Mr. Van Morgan made a business trip to Franklin last Friday. Mr. Eugene Roper of Lexington made a business call in Aquone last Saturday. . The members of the Baptist church here met in conference last Sunday morning; June 22 an J elected Rev. Hogan . of Cherokee county pastor for the coming year. Rev. Hogan has served- as pastor of . this church for the past two years. ' s Messrs. Regie, Vaughn and Bert Neal are confined at home with meas les, though not reported seriously ill. " . Mr. Hoke Edwards of .Ellijay, Ga., visited relatives in Aquone recently: mCc- T.ec Riissel,Escoe Ledford AquoneTcitizens who attended tne Ke publican convention in Franklin, Sat urday, June 21. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lail went to Franklin, ' Monday, to - see Dr. Lyle about Mrs. Lail'S condition. She has been in bad health for some time, and is now under treatment as pre scribed by Dr. Lyle. There were . approximately 250 cords of pulp wood shipped from Aquone to the Champion Fibre company of Cantqn, the past week. SCALY - Mrs. Maud Bleckley and children of Clayton, Ga., were visiting with Mrs. Bleckley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.' James, last , Sunday We are elad to report that the highway from Scaly put to the Geor gia line has been worked recently. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee , Brown, a baby boy. ' Mr. Bob Vickers, of Clayton, Ga., was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. James last Sunday. Mr. Zeb Carver of Rabun valley, conducted a singing at the " Baptist church Sunday evening. Mr Thomas Bleckley, who , nas been spending a few weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. James, has returned -to his home in Clayton, Ga. ' Miss Blanche Talley of Satplah, Ga., was visiting relatives in Scaly last week. Mr. Bill Watkins was over on Clear Creek on business last Saturday. Mr. Alfred E. Hampton of ' Brevard, was in Scaly last week. WHOLE WHEAT Whole wheat breads and mush are valuable foods because they contain practically all the proteins necessary fnr hndv Growth and development. They are also high in mineral, content and in vitamins, .furthermore tney are useful in encouraging elimination. It i5 a oitv to use too much white Krpad when one might just as well hav.e the much more healthful whole wheat bread. SAVE YOUR -LINENS When ironing your sheets, table cloths, napkins and towels, change the crease of the fold. They wear out first where they are folded. Some times fold them in three space folds and sometimes in four. ' When you are laying away fine napkins for occasional use or for next season, un fold them and roll them over a piece of pasteboard. - CARD OF THANKS' Mrs. Henry Slagle takes this op portunity to extend her most sincere thanks and great appreciation to the exservice men of Macon who pre sented her with the handsome . travel ing bag before she departed for France. ItcMrsc Highland Flinn Sarah Hicks Hines Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gann of At lanta were recent guests at the Hall house.' A dance at the home of Mr. an J j Mrs. C. H. Zoellner was very much enjoyed Saturday night by; not only the Highlands boys and girls but those of other places as well. Quite a . large crowd attended this square dance. I 'Mr. and Mrs. Weimer Jones, their son, .Billy Jones, andMr. Robinson of :"Asheville and Weaverville motored over to Highlands, Sunday. Mr. Jones ! and Mr. Robinson left that evening for Franklin and Aslieville fr Joiies and her son staying over to pay a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Jame3 A. Hines and family. ..Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Henley and family of Birmingham, Alabama, have arrived to spend the season here at their summer home. Mr. James Anderson of Seneca is in Highlands for the summer. Mr. and Mr9.. Whittle and family of Saratoga, Florida, have arrived to spend the season at their summer home here. - ' Mr. William A. Edwards and friends of Seneca, S. C," spent; the week end in Highlands. Mr. James Sullivan, Mr. .Thomas Jeffries, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruner of- Westminster and Mr. Allen of New York City were week-enders here. " Miss Margaret Harry of Walhalla, S. C, Miss Anneta McHugh, of Clem son, and Prof. W. R. Spink of Flor ence, S. C, spent the week-end here. Mrs. Lombard, Fortson and Miss Anne Campbell of 'Augusta, Ga., were guests at the Highlands Inn for the week-end. ' Miss Sarah Payne, Mr. and Mrs. W. "D. Payne and Mr. J. D. Mad--well of Athens, Ga., were recent vis itors in Highlands. Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Peydon An- . Mr., and Mrs. T. Ayers of Atlanta were in Highlands recently. .- A house party . from Anderson, en-? SENECA SALT THe Guaranteed SALT ; Sold by Robt. Ramiey, Tellico, N. C. The great new discovery of medicated Stock Salt is the result of years of scientific research. Used under our full directions it is guaranteed to get the desired results. Let Us Tell You All About It S.T. RAMSEY & TELLICO, N. C. Service For Motorists WE SOLICIT YOUR WORK and ' GUARANTEE SATISFACTION FRANKLIN SERVICE STATION Phone 111 joyed the week-end here, Among those here were Mrs. Albert Greene, Sarah Townscnd, Miss Josephine An derson, Alice Allen, Ann Blake and Skete Lindley. Mr. Charles Harrison of Chamblee is spending the summer here. 1 Miss Mary Rast, Mr. John L. Rast and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Stower and Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Darby of Anderson spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Newman of Sanford, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. -Gould of Atlanta, Mr; and ' Mrs. H. L. . V. Parkhurst of New York, Mr. William Booth, Miss Eola'M. Manns and Miss L. Schurz of Atlanta were recent' guests at the King Inn. .Rev. Capers Satterly of Clcmson, S. C, is to have charge of the Church of the Incarnation during July begin ning June 29. Lady Susan Auckland and daughter, Susan, of Jacksonville'Fla., are spend-. . ing the season at the Martin: Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Reese- of Atlanta spent Monday at ; the Pier son house. - ' ..J Miss Lucile and Virginia Pierson and Miss Rachel Davis and Mr;. Sid np MrPartv nantorpd to .Newnort. rTenn., where they met Rev.; and -Mrs. W. P. Davis whom Miss. Rachel Da vis is' paying a visit at their home in Corbin. . . - - Crawford Reunion L Set For Sunday, July 13 The annual Crawford reunion will be held at Rainbow Springs, common ly known as the Black Place on Sun day, July 13. The 'point of gather ing is situated on " Highway' No. 28, about naif way between Hayesville and Franklin, ' near Buck! Creek, . the' dis tance from each place being; 20 milesy respectively. The road is ' now" com pleted. " ... . . : j ; Mr. Charlie Slagle ''whbV owns the property at this plate and .who ha been a life long friend to the '. Craw ford family cordially invited all the members to come- and enjoy . them selves at his beautiful mountain re Thit snot i? near the' old hunt- ,.f 'VT;? .'-'r T.v,.,' Slagle. Everybody - is requested to bring a basket of dinner. . ' ... W. Roy Carpenter, Mgr.