ill i. r - put""! 'ASHZVILLZ III Tli HEART OF. THE "MOUNTAINS rnAIIXLIfl, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMSER ?S, 1333 NUT.ISEIl FIFTY TWO VIIAT F?JCE TALK (Etcxhl) 1 ( iioiks always out "Smart Themselves." All over ptern Carolina many people are suffering from jl of hese "Out Smarters" right now. Banks have breed to close: business is at a stand still, Santa j Cratxj is scared clean off theface of the map all because ;of the exubuance of those Wise Guys who to use not too V elegant an expression, tho one that, is fully expressive witn all have the Mea of the fly on a chariot wheel "Hell, , what a dust I am raising. is mere not just as mucn cause ior snooting tne scare , mongers .at day break, peace time tho it is, as there is to shoot a traitor in war time. In fact the scarce monger is a worse menace. Here .is the picture. -'Y, W. N. C. is sufferiner worse right now than did? the v. Um try where Sherman's army spread desolation when r Tra'ssed thru durinsr the war between the states. Mil- is of wealth gone ; thousands upon thousands of ,yle penniless. Old men and .women who had saved up uit for old age forced to go back to work and no work for them to do. Thousands of children' going on short ; rations. Thousands of mothers wringing their hands to try to carry on witn notmng to carry on witn. cut Keep ing up a brave front with all-the very pride of theinbe ing makes it so all because some loud, mouths shot off without any thought from where .their brains were sup posed to be. . ' , . , v Hundreds of men who have been loyal to their friends and neighbors in need have stood security for them. They are now bankrupt-they as. well as the man that they tried in the goodness of their hearts to help. It will be years before the result of this disaster will be forgotten. Nor is this all. Thousands upon thousands will be placed in the position of drudgery and little work in the effort to subsist when their talents and energy and their ability would be invaluable, not lonly to this generation but to generations unborn. r- Nor is this ' all yet. Untold suffering and misery will Ve" endured in silence by "the Very J people that have been he bed rock of our land. This phase of the disaster-the disaster brought on by the "Out Smarting" talkers will , not be seen or known by. the" world at large but . will ,be 4 orne in obscurity thru out the years till death itself :omes . and brings relief. i It is as little, how that the results can be visualized, or these that have either spoken unwisely-not necessar ly or with malice or ulterior motive aforethought to turn right around and. make atonement in so far as lies within hem and to help put affairs back on a workable iooting. And it is also up to the ones that have withdrawn, their noney and are hoarding it, or sending'it away on time de bsit to some post office saving department or some bank n; another town, to bring their money home and tell the bank officials that they arc ready to do all they can to ;ct business going :again. If that were done our bank vould open tomorrow and all would be well. Otherwise fHtfdur guess (make iti black, you can't go wrong in JiSrectibn). ' V lie present editor di the Press thinks that the read er! the paper know him well enough to know that he jslio means a pessimist. And that, the above is not C$ for pessmism. But there is no gain saying the I Lat the situation is one that requires serious thought Jtrenous action.. And it was all brought about by (JiWise Guys" and the 'scared guys. , s v ere t is a. severe state and federal penalty for any ivicted of careless or malicious talk about a bank's ion. And just by way of information, it is said there (veral plain clothes men working thruout Western Carolina at this writing. ; It is hoped that the in- is talk will stop at once, but if it does not, we hope )stS;'will be made and that they will be quickly oeu Dy severe peneteniaryN sentences. ..... mic J: A; tbu Jbppittm--"1 toitlt this Qlkxfaittms nnb in tkt ttxmhxq i$mv Federal High way Pushed in the State Nearly 2 Millions Are Pro vided For Work In Measure : i IS SEEN . J NEAR OTTO OJ December. 15th, ' 1930, Robert who lives . on i esenta ' creeK xhove Otto, had - a visit from, a couple jI bears. It appears that the bears ame down from towards Scaly and ent back the same way. Mr. Cabe had killed hogs the day cfore and had his meat in the smoke use: About . 9 p. . m. Miss - Cabe tught she heard something trying gctjnto'the smoke house and went ""-Mgate. Upoa arriving back Jiouse-.'' she saw what v-yman. She says him and was so as she thvzit) be siTow.' She back into the Cabe, then ase but the he says that Franklin, Dec. 9. i Dear " SaSnta Claus I am ; nine years old. I hope you will visit me this year. I have five dolls' and a doll carriage. My grandmother is go ing to dress all my dolls for Christ mas. Myy father and mother both arfe dead. I stay with my grandpa and grandma. Please bring me what you think I need. I hope you brinf; me a doll bed, some nuts", oranges, and candy. I go to school at, Frank lin. I love all my teachers. I am glad, you are having the letters print ed this year, , With love, ' ' ' Katherinc Godwin. thre was a large bear and a small one and that they seemed to , have roamed around a good deal before they went, back to the mountains. He thinks that probably it is two of the same lot of bears that was chased out of Nantahala last week. Raleigh, Dec. 21 R. A, Doughton, State highway commissioner, reached over long distance telephone at spar ta last night, said the $1,926,775 plac ed at the disposal 'Vbf , North t. Una for Federal aid highway con struction by the emergency relief bill signed by . President Hoover today would be of "considerable service to the State:'" Mr. Doughton said, one half of the money would be in the nature of a "loan" without interest to be repaid beginning in 1933 in one fifth parts. The other half, he said, would i be the regular government appropriation to - North Carolina for Federal aid highway systems. , v t "The measure," he said, "will en able us to get much earlier , 'Fedora, aid for the construction of highway systems." In the construction of Federal aid Highway systems by " states, he ex the money. The emergency measure plained; the State puts up one halt does . not require : the State to put upp ' any money, but advances to the State its share as a . loan until 1933, he said. Mr. Doughton said he had received a letter from the. Federal Bureau oj Roads explaining the- proposition. He said he had written the bureau saying North Carolina could use all the money or a substantial portion of it on the terms . stated. Construction - plans, he said, have to be approved by the Federal gov ernment., , State highway engineers will be put to work at once to map out plans. Replacing of ; bridges and modern izing of highways taken over from counties" by the State will be given firsst attention, he said. He men- Ik Jftroddrtt tyttzz V Commissioners Endeeinm io rioat Dona icsu County to Have New Bank Soon On Tuesday morning at eleven the stock holders of the closed Bank of Franklin, met in the di rectors room of the bank for the purpose of discussing ways and means of disolving the closed Bank of Franklin with the least possible expense and the least loss t6 deposi tors and stock holders. It h reported that a decision was reached to organize a new bank and that this bank will open for business when the sum of $25,000 capital stock has been subscribed and paid j in. It was, said late Tuesday evening that nearly this full amount had .' been subscribed. . : It will, take about thirtv davs to get the' new bank going. There-will have , tQ . be a charter serured from Will Not ProbaMv Tc1- w of this Amount to Pess Present Crisis the " secretary of state, officers elect ed etc. etc. The idea is to get a lo-as to what 'interest the county would As will be seen from the notice published elsewhere f in- this paper, the county commissioners are en deavoring to float a small bond is-'4- UC LU - L1UC LllVL IllldltLld.1 iiiiAirs iir the county over the f crisis broag).;! aDout by the closing . ot The bank of Franklin. While it is probable that the amount of $40,000.00 is more than will be used, 'ihe commissioners ' deemed it the wise course to get ' ample funds in case tax 'collections were slow coming inj There is some interest that Vill be due shortly, This is taken care of in the bond issue. Mr. Cox of Asheville was over last Tuesday and conferred ; with the county coiiiiiiissioners on the wav sell these bonds He did not guaran tee that lie could handle them but said that he v almost certain that there would b little difficulty. There was no figuri mentioned by Mr. Cox cal, man to act as liauidating aecnt for the old Bank of . Franklin and to handle its affairs thru the new bank. There was much speculation on the streets as to what the new bank wodd be alled. It seems that the concensus of opinion is that it should be called the Macon Countv Bank This will of course be left for final decision at the proper time and by the proper officials. Franklin, Dec. 16. Dear Santa' Claus: I want some oranges, nuts, bananas, and candy. A wagon and a stoper gun, a little ball. I want a pair of gloves, too. With love to Santa Claus, Billy Sutton tioned the replacement of the Catr Fear river bridge at Lillington, which collapsed recently as 5 likclv pro ject. The bridge was located .on a have to pay. It was pointed out that it would be less' expensive to get an issue' large enough at the .one time to meet all contingencies than to go to the expense of two or more issues o: smaller amounts, even the total of the possible .several issues would not tot al as much as ( the larger issue. Federal ai 1 highway. COUNTY WILL DANK IN WAYNESVILLE The county manager, W. D. Bar nard, Commissioner McClure, Tax col lector C. L. Ingram and -county . At torney T. J. Johnson made arrange ments with . the National - Bank in Waynesv ille to carry the county de posits till there is a bank re-established here. .,. . , . , Vouchers v. ill be issued as in the past for payment of the county's t:;:j and they rmybe cashed at the Na tional bank in Waynesville. V