) ;.'V riJI'JJ ilLI) EVERY THURSDAY LYLE5 IL'.H.'U'S E 'Ltor . un:cra?Ticn hates (C ' scr lions Pay&Ue in Advance) One Year $1.50 Eight Months ........ s- 1.00 Six Months ..................... .7s Single Copy , . , . . .' . , . .05 s : ADVERTISING RATES Very reasonable,, and will be made known upon request. Obituary Notices, Cards of Thanks, and Tributes of Respect, either by in dividuals, lodges, churches, organiza- tions or societies, charged for as for advertisements. Cash must accompany anusenpt, and all such notices will be marked "adv." in conformity with the Postal Requirements. Entered at the post office at Frank-1 lin, N. C, for- transmission through the mails as second class matter. , Pageant Held atM'E-Church Last Sunday evening a very beauti ful Christmas pageant was-presented At the Methodist churchl The church auditorium was completely filled for the seryice, the Baptists and Pres- . chuh was decorated with evergreens " and Christmas wreaths. . The audi torium was dark except for lighted candles in the windows, giving a very beautiful effect. The service was opened by an organ prelude of , Christmas carols played by Mr. James B. Porter. Immediately following the Srelude an invisible choir sang "Silent . . fight, Holy Night." This was follow ed by a processional of young people dressed in choir vestments and carry ing lighted candles, singing "0 Come All Ye Faithful." A series of tableaux were ; then shown depicting' scenes connected with the Nativity. ' The cast of characters .in the pa geant follows: ,' Mary ......... Mrs. J. Homer Bowles , Joseph ..... Rutherford Snyder , Wise Men ...."Messrs. J. H. Bowles, T. D. Johnston, and G. C. Ervin Extends Christmas v.. . . - i'i ' T: ' , . at , ' ; Greetings The coming! oiF the the beginning of a New Year, gives us an op ) portunity of extending our Christmas Greetings. The happiness of k ening old friendship and : If tual good vyiihes for Better Times AJiead ! Vfe y wish to, extend to pur many, , customers and Si u friends, our thnUful,. 'v their patronac and friendship, which has en- . abled our business to prosper during 1930. " A Merry Christmas to you, and sincere' , ft- ,Good Wishes for 1931. : . , : BISaMBMSBMiSSMSMSaSMiMSHSH El Kl CUNNINGHAM CO. VI 4 . I .' '' . u . tr t . ' ' I f v fcvt' v ' J i'.. el: Callow;;' Narratoi's ... Dr. ALcractliy and Mr. T. J. J Angcji Miss Elizabeth Slavic Young IV-ojilcs' Chorus: Icorgia I)aly, Gcorgianna Tcssicr, Frances Tessicr, Jesse Tessier, Dorothy Snyder, Mar garet Ibnyder, Mary bnydcr, Hat tie Slagle Virginia Slagle, Kate Cun ningham, Virginia Cunningham, licit en Cunningham, Billy Cunningham, Margaret r ranks, Mane Palmer, Al ma - Peek,-Merle, Peek, Velma Peek, James McCollum, Hugh Johnston, , Grace Conley, Eloise Shernll, and Elizabeth Dowdle . Invisible Choir: Mrs. William ' Moore, Mrs. Roy Cunningham, Mrs. T. D Johnston, Mrs. Gilmer Crawford, Miss Jean Porter, 'Messrs. Bowles, Johnston, McCollum, and Ervin - ; , o ' ' 11 ' REGRETS Last . week ' there was a Santa Clause letter published on this page that was . not written by the lady whose najne was signed thereto. This has caused some annoyance to the lady, which was in no way the intension lof the Press. We wish to take this opportunity to say that we regret very much indeed that this occurred and we will see that such oiever happens again. The let ter should have been surpressed, but some how it "got' by" and we are sorry for the. trqjuble to all concerned. . ' , o : MRS. JAMES B. ADDINGTON PASSES DECEMBER 1STH On December 15th, 1930, death came into our horrie and took our mother away. Born July 16th,. 1846, she lived to the ripe age . of 84 years 4 months and 29 days. She was mar ried' to James By Addihgton January 18th, 1866. She was the mother of eight children, twenty grand-children and eight great grand-children. She had a' remarkable memory and was conversant on much of th early history of Macon County. Many of the people of the neigh borhood and relatives from far and near came to her to enquire about their family history. But the sphere in ' , which she moved most and seemed the happiest Christmas Season and renewing and strength- 3ft the exchange of .mu- acknowledgements for, t . . ...... i i a )ff ' i !' ! - :t s .-. r c ! i I ! r c 1 1 , srrviii:.' an- adaiiiiisu-i-in to the wants of the little ones. There was none oth- er- like her in the sick room, a:il the' very least little tot knew her and loved her as she went anion;;' them, and now they seem to real ize their best friend is gone. .The motherly service she rendered thru alt the long years can never be re paid, it seems more real now, b si in . our hearts we will cherish th, memory of the one whose life wa's so unselfishly lived for those she loved, and served. : ; ' Her Children. ; j i - ,y Spelling Match Arousing 7 Much Interest I ; Last week it was announced in the Press that Spelling Match would be held at the Court House on Dec ember '30. Spellers are digging down in their old trunks and drawing out the .Old Blue Back Speller in prep aration for the. fight. " Others are speculating on who will win. The champions, Messrs. Charley Blaine and Tom Johnson are quietly pros pecting about for spellers. The or chestra is organized, and it is plan ned that George ' Carpenter, Jr., .will play the piano, Phil McCullum the tenor banjo, Willa-Mae Ledford the Hawaiian Guitar, Dn Cunningham, the violin, Jarvis Ledford the ukelale and George Dady the ukelale. Frank lin's male quartette will sing. .Music begins at 7:30, and the spelling be gins at 8:00 or soon , after. A prize will be given to the winner. Every body is expected to be there, and spell as long as he. is able to stand against the words that will be hurled at him. r 1 We have enjoyed a very good business in this year just closing, and wish to express confidence for the future. We hope to see air get together in our community open the Bank of Franklin or U organize a new bank. iy v the accomplishment of $ 1931. , , u Let's all work together. Wishing you a Merry Xmas, Franklin Millinery Company ff. n i . - ux '30x3 12 .... .... 4. 19- ,30x4.50 .... $5.95 29x4,40 .... ), .... 1$5.25 29x4.40 Heavy Duty..y$7.00 :. . f JfiC V::t r-t ' ;: -;;i:i (.V , i C(."e;c i:ts o:ic of Uc. V-nr 4s at ishc collci'c vl:.o made !he Aljdia Class fall quarter, ' lonor rooj for the Thanhs to thz vcrld t!:at things have gciio as well as they have. Despite all the trials and misfiring that the past year has had, we feel thankful. And take this time and opportunity to say so : and , to wish everybody a Merry, Mer ry Christmas and the Hap piest of New Years. Cheerfully yours, LEE POINDEXTER Franklin, N. C. it In this we have : faith and great things for the year 1 I s ITLnn Ever Cof crol Rubber is cheap. Gocdyear is bui!iir a larger share than ever cf all tirc3 ecIJ r.HLLIONS tlOIlE thsa any ether ecu bwd ijrici -;Cc' fa'' zzizz Cirii. - - m - rims, stilt tie otter tix; errs- -fjtKjr Beut' new , lire a, ? et. 1 ' wstci t ytur ! Teller jtrr; ,. ' Mecri a Ecrri: tlit' IJ All 11 Always in tho i for. Eggo and Poultry of all kinds Nctntahala Creamery7 PHONE 1C9 Ambulance Service , Funeral. Directors. Embalmers - ARTIFICIAL AND FRCCI! FLOWERS . - At All TimM ' . my ant iiunntco ''Day PhoiA U ics ' WILLIAM L. McCOY t ; Attonif j At .Law; ; -, FRANKLIN, N. C , Careful Attention Given Legal V;' Matter. In ; All "Courts of " ' i1. Law'- and '. Equity-' ' '; Allen k Jamison Inrxranco, PHONE Ki t 'Frankliai N. C Lerncel r 3 A. W. RE?D i.v .-- .