I'AGE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS THURSDAY, OCT. 15, 1331 .1. A,). .!ri .KVj li.gal advertisements LLCAL AL) VLRT1SLMENTS LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS LEGAL AD VIvTISLfv"LNTS NOTICE OF FORECLOSUR Yt. SALES State of North Carolina, County of Macon. In the Superior Court. By virtue of dci-rcis of tkt S:hti..i Court uf Miicoii lounty, ,ni!i I a: i lina, in miis i ir th. in'. 1 1-Mi-ri ..( l n certificates held liy the tn.it, ty nt Via ton, t!ic tindi rigni.U C-iiiiu.-.-i"n-., a; pointed by the Court, v. ill on Monday, tile 2nd day of November, 1031, begin ning at 12 o'clock ikmii, and c m t i ti in 1 1 as long as may fir necessary, sell i . public auction fur . cash to the IiLln -. bidder,' the following described rial estate, lOWLl 1. The following described tract id land, lying and being in Burningim-, n I ow iiRhip, Macon Conine, rowtt: BEGINNING at a Bljck Oak and run N 9 VV ."54 'poles to an Apple. Trie; thence N (-1 K 8 poles to a stake; tin-n IN 65 t poles and IS links to a sloi'V, at the head of a branch; then with tin branch a XW direction (Hi poles ! a Persimon on the K bank uf Buu.ii giov.a: Creek; thence llP the ( reck with tin. meanders of the creek 22 poles to a Maple and ded corner; . theif. e S 74 K 14 poles to a Pine; t'huice. 20 I' 28 poles and 16 links to a lock on tin bank of the public road; thence S SO l- E poles to a Black Oak; then S V) 1-2 F. 10 1-2 poii-s to a W Oak in VV . M. Edwards' corner; then K 2'' 1-2 "lc I" the Beginning., Containing So ai res, moia . or lcs. Being the lands deeded by A. L. Wech and wife lle-ter Welch to Joseph Daves and wife Lizzie I laves, -e-corded in the office of the Kegistci ol Ieeds of Macon County, in !(o..k " page 513. Being the lands listed in 'tin- name oi Joe A. Daves and Mrs. Jur A. Haves in Burningtown Township, fur tax'-" for tbi y, ar 1920 . and . -aibl by tlie Sheriff d Macon County for the non-payment of 'aid tax", and fori closed in the case ol Macon County vs. Joe A. Paves et 2. Also, the following describe 1 fan . of . land, 1 -1 fir and heing in Burning town Township, Macon Comity, town:: Being all tin- land cubr.wvd in State Grant No 3"'0 to Ruth Stnlrup, dnt"l Mav ?. lss'S. and reemded in tie H'lU irr's Offi'-i- of Maom County..' Ninth t ai olina. in . Book I?.- pa ire" ic.'o-l, and lvinK ;id heins o-i.tl,: water- of.' Buruiiigiown Creek, beginning ai a ( histnut I'. I WMd's corner ' on top of tile rhino VV Wold branch; ill n X in poles to Clu-st-11-t Oat ; then VV SO p..!c In a stake: therce S 10 I'.O poles t.,.a Span!.!, Oak; then N in E. 100 poles to 'tin- Be giniiiiim Containing 10 acres, u;o-e "t less. Being the .ii'i' land' deed, a I In C. I. I5..n steel l.y V. J. Wi-i by de.d dated February l.". 1910, and rciordrd in the office of the Register of Deeds fin Macon County, North Carolina, in Hook X-3, pare 170. Deed recorded in Hook F-4. nae 302-303. Be;n; tV hnds listed in the name of C F. Boncsteel in Burninstowu Town :, for taxes for the years . 1025 and r''-!'" a-'d gold by the Sheriff of Macon County for the, non-payment of said las es. and foreclosed in. the case of Macon County vs. C. K. Bonesteel et al. 3. Also the' following described tract of land, lying and beine in linruinrtown Township. Macofl Countv. towit: A c.Ttti'n trnct or parcel of land sit Uate in said County, adjoining .the latul- rf and. others and boimded a- foUws: Being all the mineral interest and mining privileges - with right of en errs, egress, and regregs reserved, direct ed, and defined in a deed from Jamc Cansler to Sam I Rogers which deed -ru-s'cred in Book YY, of Deeds for Vvon County, North Carolina, i pain 73, et seq, to which reference is benby made for more definite description. I!i ing recorded in Hook 15 3, pane sri et Sen. Being the lands listed in the name of Morrison, Horn and Siler in Hurninntowu Township, for taxes for the vears. 1!I2,' and 1 928- and sold by . the . Sheriff . of Macon County for the non-payment of i; i ' taxis, and foreclosed in tire case of V i nn County vs. J. R. Morrison et al. 1. AUo the following described I'rai I of land, lying and being in Burning towit Township, Macon County, towit; A certain tract, parcel or lot of land situate lying and being in Hurmngtoui 'Township, Macon Comity, State of Nortl taro ina. and Oounueil anil iiuuta par ticuarly described as follows: , l!einnim on a hpomsh Oak anil runs ."s 40 pole. I a Spanish Oak on a ridge; then N H W 12 poles to a Tine; then s lis 14 poles to a Blaik (Jak i-rn a ridge; then N 45 VV 16 poles to a Spanish Oak on a ndae: then S 24 'V 15. poles to Spanish Oak; then N 50 poles' with' llu line ol the U. . ot. America to a at ru corner of the U. S. lands; then K 40 poles, more or less with line of lame McCoy heirs "ands to Win. Ldwards' corn er of land, purchased from J. W. Wi Mi then W to the ltegiuiiing. (.ontainmp 60 acres, more or less. Being the sani' lands conveyed by Wm. ' F.dwards, widow er, to W. J. Welch hy deed dau-d M.nci 19. 1921. and recorded in - the olfice ol the Register of Deeds for Macoo I mm ty, North Carolina, in Hook 0-4. pan' 200. Deed recorded in Book J 4, ,igi ?49. Being the lands listed in ihe naim o Guy Weaver in Buiiiitigiown Town-hip for taxes for the years 11I2.V and I Mi and sold by the Sheiiff of Macon Conn ty for the non-payment of said" laxi and foreclosed in the case of Ahlcoi f ... r... V'..-,.-,.r -i d I 5. Also the following ilekrihejxttac of land, lying and being th- ..tlirtoiigi' eh:, Township, Macon County, towit: - Heg-inning at a stake the Keginning o n ,-r of VV. II. Mctjuiies, j. W tin tract, aid stake stands on the, in hank of trie road. 10. p from the Chimney of the house in which Milla-rd McDowell did live, and itinnin with the old road 74 poles to 'I'mji Southard'a line: tlien with said line 4i VV 30' poles to a Hickory; then S f,H VV Jo pojes to a stake, tne .t. coin er ot. .o. 124: then h 3 VV witn nn of. No.. 124, 5I poles to a1 Chestnut then. S 33 1-2 K 1!) poles to the lii cinuiiig. Being the lands conveyed by E. T. Battles ami wife Mary Itattles io Alary E. Collier, Charles t oilier an Oscar Collier, and recorded in the offic of the Register of Deeds for .Macoi County, in Book R-4, page 241. Beinff the lands listed in the name ol rimrlif Pnllier in f'artoiH'echave 'Town ship, for taxes for fh year 1U2I! and sold by the Sheriff of Macon County .for the non-payment of said taxes, and foreclosed m the case ot .Vlacon louuty vi Charlie Collier et al. 8. - Also the following described tract Of land, lying and beinu in l artoug. chaye Township, Macon County, towit: Beginning at a stakg in ihe K lin of Section No. 40 in, district No. 13 o the Nantahala River runs with, the lin of No. 40 'W 12 poles to a n.ck:; the. a NW course 70 poles to. the bitch ,1 poles from the bank of river; tiit.ii ,. 12 poles to a Birch on the VV bank o the river: then up the river witlK.'it meanders to the Beginning. Containing 4 acres. RMnir the lands listed in the nam of D. J. Lcdford in - Cartoogechaye township, for taxes for the years 12 lt)2fl and cold bv the henfl. o .viacon County for the noiopaymeoi of said taxes, and twrcciosea in i.'.e . .i t: o Macon County vs. D. J. l.edford et al. 7. Also the following descrioe.'! irac Jand, lying and being in Cov.c? Town ship, Macon County, towit: 'Adjoining thor lands of Jim Deal o the North, Lum Jones an : the Knsl Gordie Conley on the South and - Gwdi Conley on the West. Beginiting at White Oak runs an easterly oirection 28 rods to a Black Oak in Lu n Jones line; thence "in' a NE direction, wttli Jones' line 61 rods to a rock; ' men , West direction 46 poles to a Maple branch, Gordie Conley's cornei ; thenc SW direction with Gordie Con'ey' line 89 rods to a stake formerly a per Simmon; thence a Southerly direction with Gordie Conley'i line 87 roil ro th Begirminj. l:. n.i. Hi.- :.u ' ' ..: i . I i I ( , I- foi ll.i i.) t'o :'Uil it. m I'.'ii ni' nl o 1 IT.'O v V o i.ii-: iop, M. ii t .... n'.-.'g il 1 ...j,. II;, ; .' hi p. ( o , ; . llt I hi l:o,a I. Join. -;.', ;.i et, - '. ' I i 1 ii.'.ilt . l - I in l;-.ok .hi 111 or l!o .. . iv i;.i. ' iv I . r 1 l.i Id o '.I'n ie t'oi, o.n m io i.t I in 'In; i :i. ' i- o ' ol !.V"L. 1 - : . .' p.. M-,e-t. I - A ci'i.,.p n I o.. . . . 'I..- -,-!. ot .'-,'..; i'i ( .-. -.1 k. 1 1. .' ..il-ii'-i.' "t a- P.. ,1 ll-IMT.-' .. v.-,!;.- .-rod up" l,:.M-li I'. . Olll- to I :l I-. K' I ). -. I 1 I- I.: no I 0 I I ; ! - t i a W - I - ol - t ' , I v.i-a t'.i --m: -s 'iriVi; ''ni v i;-' to r, Ma!:, in I': a Vith I" i-e S ; lin! :., , I'm-, op to;, j tin- , I '.V. -I In- - -s, In I'.-eno ,,ia ( . 'li-iili; !-,-- la ' T. m M. II. in fa' ' I!.. 1. . ii.i i !'a. -' poll.-: V- i's i D. t lii-'l v ilk H'l r ii :; i ', Il ( ' I'. '..I I'i'n I ('.a-'.,- - ah-! to , Coil' t, -i'i!;H t: -. bv i!:i 'n i :': . f M i'l'' nil -na nii -'l .,f ..n;.: lav. -t.-,-i it': '!: ,:... ii- 'I,,, ... Tom Ma Donald et al. in. Also tin following ,!. of Jan.!, I'.ani: a:.d b. h:u in ( To hii.. M.i. ..i. C..:-sfv. u.nit- .On ti.i ..;:. r- f (a,,,,, (-.,;:, u a :i..ti.- K 11 p. 1 a '!-:. n l- .2 .-. .,( 'o. 2!i.l I . ' S 1 1 iioi, c:. ati I in - i a t..'-'v aa.i in-o; - .": I'. - iifl :!;.- li s-i i! ' S ' lion I of Ci.aa.t No -' - i'l .I'"!, M lil.l -.- i,; I . - -I il I ia ill of . i; !:: .! Otaf fit.-,: t sp ;; "ii:; v ;. i. r: a.l i"-i a. :' s , . , s - Ml lo',-. : . 'i a f- l a I ; a 1. 1 ; I 'a a : ' '' a I I . -o,,'- . ri;. .-: taia i: ai.i:' ...-.) Ci'i-. ti' lit. . i..; :.il,- p, 'a ,', I,- ii.. I.-,,.; :, I'.,, .lin.-. I ('. liil.-.ai'- i.i i : tf:. with 'lo- I on, -- a..,- - :;, ii:. ,,' Can-' so:i N 2 K l po'c- ni n . Iliik.-rv. i corn, ol sai I (' ,i line " W I I Hi e X -'is i' "s i oi v ; .lllel, In! a. ill p.-! lo a I ai ni j.,:-. ... ., i; said .line " 4'. W IIkVoiv: thru S lieailoill'. Conta .noil, or li s. HeiioM Tlie lainl- : Up it. litl w ii ii i;ai'l i-oi-. lo CI i .,ii ; Ii - lo a mail hir!:- -al In , X:;:; V II III. a, ' I?. W .1. O.i!:; t Ii - i with pole- lo a small ii W !n. i ol, .-, to inn . tV 14 an er . ji-'ed in t!u- name of R. 1 . .lamtl in I (, foi lin- yi a .-lie nil of Ma,..', p,i i len' oi. ' the ease of Maa Co"., i- 'I '.v.-, slop. f,,i IWii ,ai.,l -"Id In Hi, C.,.,i;l) foi tin- i, ,iii aa and to: ci. lo- i d il nl ' miiiiv v .- K. I' lai ii tt ' it al 1 I. Ale-,.., tin- ioliov.ai.i:. ,, s. nl.,-.! Iiao.t of I'VmI, lm ' 11 1" in" in 1 Township, '.lae' t; '( 'oiinty,' lo'.-.iP: Slate, lii. u.t Mo. 'Mill, on Htal1. ',' foil-. of ( own- Creel;. !,. Miiiiiiha ' at a II', la. in the Cotton Inn oo i",, oi t o.. Mountain, .1. I., Moon - and -.!..;, l-,i't.' Viiov n a- "i. ii- SiIm Mo.. Ii.'ul rii!i. ith t- ."amy Hi,.- ; p -., to a Make ill ("au-b 1 ' Iioi '; I ; , i 1 1 ; 1 W wiili C.-ii,-l, i's iiii. '!!" poll.,- p, Chesinui; lli-n N li", la :;', i-.W- I I'.lack Oak A. Hall's !'' en i-n ; III. X i'i I''. Hn P s.-s to Mil:'- Nl' luim al or mar. VI -v . lim- and Mi-ijley lini ; llitu with r.ciisii'- ;r ,1 M lore line, to ill" l!e::iiii,i: tt Heine llu- laiol- li-iid m ila ia t lliiidou lli-its in l"i'i T'i'ai -hip, f' lasia-. f,.r the -.ear 1'r ami .;. , 1i Sheiiff -oi Macti Coin.tv (or iu. pun pavim nt i, I viid 'axes,'-, and oinloc. ii llu ca-e of Ma. on Conn: v . ', -, . I.. A. Hig dun el al. . . I ' Al o I'n- followinv ,, s. i ;li"l lia.-l Ian, I, hiins :onl lu-uo.. oi ( ,1 lua. VI.- II ( Olfl l . lo'" n : V ci rl.n'n pin . .' p.aivel or I,, ,, land i.-ili- I'iiii: and I'.-ini! in Alaioii Coniily ri'.i ( arolina,' a iiiim- tin laii.l.: ol Hist. I lolbt o.'lv. Miephai d ainr oil lioiiiab il in,l nn : t' pat I ii n!,ii I v il -, a llu d as f,,l!,,,., s: li.iio: all f Hi,.' .a,,:.- I.ni. .t -w-n-s i oia. ,'-'. i 'I by lite 'C,.-.,i,- ..Ioiipi.o i liool Inc., i,i i .a'.r o! I-. I in i; In ,i" dated oV ililu ; , I'l'i. .,,o,li, (11 llu nlla , o l',c I i -i-li-.i .il I I nl', I ii.oii Coin,!' . ' Voir, i Molina. iu""l'.ook II 1, p-l'-'e. I" V 111, ,1 1. Ii lfl 1 lli-l b ' iliadi lo! a ilioir lull ,u,i.l colopiet !! i i .t ii ni of the ;,;! lard-; also- lait tip saute Ian.!-, a" m a.- ami cv. il Pv C.,n l-.-ol I-'.,' ("in- a ol . "il".. !.. W C, Cm iiiiiMhain, by ,!. 1 dal.d Xo:. i mb. r I' l'i.' I . a'i.1 ,,; ,1, d in lin- , . f.l i c of K, i-p r' uf I '.-'! f o M .,oti Cunti, X , 1 1 Carolina, p . II, ,,,k C I. pavi' I I ; a!-o l illc llli -a'll'- land: a- ,ai lolil'Vid l W. C. I ii'inip.'.liani and v, i n lo "Mai !-. Hon. sti i' In il, nl . 'lalial 1 1. , .ai;!.. i ; I0J I. and n I. in llu- .oil!,, oi .lii Ki-iii-t.t of I . . -. 1 ii.i- Vliv.... lo'iiniv .'.sorth Cai-,,li:ia. i.. la,,-!: .III. pave I I.. u bid: ia fan i,, , is ia ; , V, ina.li .- II. i'li! lb' ' ",!!!'' 1": I a-' :"' " M't bv l.ilil Aa Kell', In, Ila ,t l, R ',. ,1- ,..; I , , tee, "I'V .1...I '!:,' ,1 f"e I t a ,!, m linn-, 1 -.:'.. r I, ,J , !' ,..l. I . , a :(:. '... I!i hitf the lair I Ji'U-.l I- t' p mi oi Wi a t a '. Iioi-. -ai ,1 la I lo ' . i- 'I oi I, ship, !ae- for lia' '-I'll- !; aaii s..;,. li the Sheriff . oi . Vla.-.m ( ..nil!'. - lor'ih nun laivnn nt ,,,f -a;,I la. . .anil f,,airi... id in' I !', i a ,c i . : .'Lii',;: , I . , ,, i : ; i -Cuv i.a i r. and ,,!':, i ?. 1.:. AN., lin- Hl.'i'iiii: ,' '',1!.. ,1 .!.: ol Ian, I. Itini! ami I" inc. na I ..- I ,m u dip. Mat on I'oiPiti a ln.n" ' One -I-, mi rl It in'inri a! in'k in the !' I"W in iX 'leal I ili,. ,l I i a,-! , i (a ad ' liein the s.'iatie land- de-, I il.i .1 ill a .1, .1 inn! Vlichigan ! p a t "in! n.. ,:,i sim, bet 4 and II. I' V, a ,.i i , a,,i f al in lii iiil'iei of. I'i lii I, ot I . . .! V f .'- Ala eon Cotii'M. Noirli c.ii, ,1 i a . i. ii, ;, . k !' I i.-ts:c ! 'I el ' s'M . :,n,l '.iio-.-, . jia rt ieiilai ly li.itunle.l' anil .1, - a ii , , l"ll"" -: I ainnin!:Ti f1IH RrvMiT .i-i-i-Jt'i-,- tin- jsceiiii.l , i.Ti nei ol' Si, lii l ii aul No, Hii' 'and t tup: ib'cpia .S : K " : in .,,1. -.' lo stake in line ,,i -; . i , 1 .'lit ant (-ail 'ak beinu fin in,! s X W-. fi-Min iJn- 'aiiid '-oi-'ii r. of -aid tr.ii I 1 ' p's I' S ' W -'; 11 p.,l s lo a -i i! 1 - ' r !i iirs -'n'1 pole- X ::V- .K. f.'..i.i . a Hi.-knr the XI', i-iilficr of :'ic ''.. Sand, i- 'tract run- t ln ii. , , .W - II .'ion t...!i c (" tl'f ItryilllliVie. ..of, -,ai I. ,. S'a.ie Ci.nll: thenv ,n . v Tin. Sai, vi i a :iu p,,a. 'o 1 'e I ,'. ,j it , tirt , ,1 l,v (o -oil -ls,;. ....! I' . I tract dc-i "Ha d I'' - o", d '' .1" '(. fitti: Sva ;!-"', lo M;r Vlicl;':," Mi,,, (':,a;paic da'i d I'tlv 17. I'ino a-.! a-, 1, ' 1 , i,f?a--. of lite Ri ui-li v ,,( Ho I,, t',,, M-: eon -Cruinlv,' X'-.t-ili Cai.'Hna. in 'I'm .1, I I pave 71. TC-inir the land-. Jistf-d in, l.lie name of la, I", .Met ov in ( mvi , I ,? n-lap. I '- IC-.cs f.lt' j'-n' v, ,, ' ;,t ,1 '...,1.1 !,v t!o Sin tiff, of ' ':ia ,i ( oipilv t'oi I" nop pavno nt of - ,t-! !"- . ao I I". ., . in tac c m f 'I.in.n Coiinii . s !''. ')' M -C v O rd. , U. Mc !: f n:M,-;,, iiaM.,-:i,, , -I, ' ,if bill'!.' 'llini! ,i: .: ! ilia ill Covi n "',.- I - shin, VT.aci't.: l'o!io:.a -tawi!;. T!'C lands ,-. . a, ,1 ,v (If o.l ,- S"1:V. breiiiiMitf a! a i.veM. now ta.'-.ti and runs. X S I'. ;m n - f a!!, a Sriim-li Clak i't-t ,,, - : -!-,, i .;, .i f ip ,nr iam : ' hen i . w ' -,. .v. ... a v,,,,- ih OiiV - coti-,1 r: lb 'o X -I ,. , nanis'i ' iia-: ''"m: ' W s- nnles'to s Pine, to-e fill .: tian.S V : VV 40 .poles to a StainN'i QA- -T,-.i, ' 8 -E 00 poles to .a rock., . .tl-;. .,;:, poised to be in the Cn l- lip,-: ,t,(.,, q 87 E 170 poles to the '!, einnln'e. '-. feet to small Ian of - two ic-.t h.- -he Mnore grant in the SE cofrer. .ill r :..p. i. In. . I , .ins. up a. Ili a 'i cl.ljui i: I :,,e P oi i ai ol I l::."l' s lot ,1 :li i I lie ,t -. I , I'i:'!. I ' I ':.'; an, I sold py lb' ' oitn 1 1 I , n I in noil a,, . 'ai I I.,'-, closed il, ( ni.i. . . I'. . ;!. o ila ..;o . II , - -I t : act s I .llja'., t.UP ; ' ... ', 1 an, I In it.; ' fa, ..' ( inititv, t,e, i: : i II: - 1 I K.U.'l': l!l-.'.X.Vf; at a : -a ; a.r, ii.u al.oul he wajiou road ,i; i ,l W 'Hi ! !"'! i t" a sl.f . I'l' p 'I of a sin. ill 1,1 a ;,l a ; tlll ll ? ,-, A -in ,.,!ia, to a U'ali,';! ; -then S . '.' -it i.l, , lo a s,Va!l lo,. -j I ; tin-,', . U :.'s I'u'ii to a s.ra'i .1.. :r;ut on : j :l e na.ntilai'i: tin n I I E St . . V. lo a . In -IP '.il ; 1 1,1.11 X ' 10 Jiults , i ! 1 i, I a . ; 'hen X ii.", I. .',:.' poles to .i -i .l - a. i he ! of lie old sfale sur- - ; .:!i, i. I; i. .,' Ii.-iian l'.i-,;p Wagon i ; 1 ci on ; !., i ..ad 'a u li ila mean- ' , o Ma- li'-aaiitiiTiM. ( uhlalililtt ,!' . - - - in-,,. , , i i i -, I I 'i " ! i Tb' Af.'T: ' li' 'inniiii' ,aii a lap'.. 1 1 M. .,ii a r, ,' in,, at - ; il l,i,,.. a I.,.-1 sin, , f t-a. ' ; t'let 'A' l. l!" "Id a. ,K.,t, load; ihen "iili '-ail i ,i ' I . to I, I. llenrj'b line; lip n X la W lo Kllijay. ( ink; thi n .;, liie ii,,k lo ti.omil of lar 11,11 in .Huh: 'In n up saiil lirain-h v. iih mean I. : ..r ' -id b- .i'i' ', I . II. M. Amnion' .il.'-; 'In m v. n.i hi - . ili. lo tac . lienin in' in ( ' .pi.-oiii : I aa t -. more ot h, "s. !!. o. I laia's !i-!,d in fn na ni- of '.I-. i ns in f.'i,j: y T.-wn-'lji. for ia:a, f"i the ;.iar- :r!' and I'Jid and - ci! I y tlie -iieiiif of Macon County for i' n not';. pa . mem of -ai'l taxi--, andi tore. !o-id in i'n. case of Ma. a i County v-. Aley Air.n-oi.s it al. 17. A'"i lai folio. vine i'.!vV!l'H .tract of. lai"! ly'n :; an-' In id,: in EKii.-.y T .-. . U"n Ma -.i, C.au:' '-, ton it : lii ainiiiiiL' a! -i -I'lla I'i t 'ln rly a SpTln-,-!i (lak '.ii t', of up, or, lain belweeit ' ala'a.i. a,., Hickory K.loJI ' creek on " ' " -''' of road line -' noii'l conn , ,1 II ', Van' k land an.l ' i :m- X I I W ! ' 'i'l I., a Id' l-:ol v, is ell's u,rn i' i n oi. i,j. lin, X lo W 1 1 poles : i a ( in itnii Oak: then X IS W Hi o.i,. ',. a lii-.! "i.. .loll'- rii'-r.: then 11 il l is line X Ss ' W' SO poles in a d.i : tin u X I C, po!- v iih i' n Jolly '" , '., I'm- li. uinliili . f'.i-.lli-r of .loan.. ! ,,'. hud : tl.en S on W i:n inlis to a Hiil.oiy; tin!: - . (ill poll . p. a White o,a; Teayiie cnin, r near top of Am- n.ons knob; -then X ' '! polls lo a "l.d.e; lino a Si -it'll diiecliolj, with th an -lin!. r. of tile !,,i of llu lllo itltai'l i oialii ioual lin.- to a -Ink in Va-:. hook's li;;, a l, b W of be. ii niipt ca n i ;' ih.-n ..ilb V anln i,V lim 'i poles to the P.c- nuini'ig. Coolaiiiing acre , and be- ii ;;' all the lol.ustoii li.iei nn the SK .ide of Amu. ops' knob. lb ine tin- lai d- li'1,1 i'i the name of I. M. I'ti snll in I llljav Township, for t .-;,,, f ,r the vi at" I'c'a and l!(.l'i and' -old- by lb'- " In i iff of Maion CoiinC. for the mm payment of "aid taxes, and i'.oiilos' d in lb, cm- ,,( .vlacon County -s I. M. Kif 11 ,1- al. I-. Al-.' lb. following .1- .' i-ib' il. Iia.l ,1'I.ainl. !vi;,,, ami In!'-.' .in l-lliiay 'I o-.vn Mi,. -on ('..,in'v. tov it: - - - I-ll ST 'I H l"T: On" ibe wa'.-i" of sl-l'-jav Cieik in .Macon Coiin"., adjoinin'j .'o. land- of T. I', Mo-es an ! nlher", be ail nil. p "ii a loi u-t Mump V. A. Moses n.nn.i I 'ill then S r.-l I-. tit poles to a ion!, on- sliaili,; I'lell X -J ' !'. :''i poles !,, a I Itn-laii'l Oak:' 11- il.' X r.1 VV .hi; 1,,,!, - I,,' a binl nrv on lop of a moiinlain ; ilii'n S .',n W 'in- pn!c- lo ,a Whim Oak; s" ,n S ! n I'l -I ", ;'iol, a In a :.al:e . in W . A. Mo-i- line': lb. ii v. iili said . line X 5.' I'. - - -. 'ia lin ); i-iiiiiing. Contain itlU '!" 'li'ti 'jl't o b.s .. SI-COXH 1.-1 I : VII the. mineral ill.. i,-l- v. i'i 'full mining' liitlits and iumlccis.il. f "fa'pni ing botunlan- of Ian I 'hina o,f, tlie wat,' ' s ol lal'ijlt) ' Ci. nl.. an'l lie'jun pn l ol Stale '('.rant 'o. :;iixti ai d 'N. :!;.'''t, liegiMiiing; al a lii.ack oak, inns llni.ee S s. V. j pole" :., a . I iinii linn S to I. lis pub- to a -Miii coo.; III. in S -.'7 I I 1'ol'a- lo a n; nisii Oal ; lltnn S iin I'l iili poll s to a ' !,,, ii .1 : lin tr S :: I! I .' p-!. - to a I l.c inul; llu ii S ." .M I a '- - I". a I. inn:', linn .S.I-', coiner of (Irani Xo. ,'iis'i; "lin i, .',' ,',s pole- lo a slake; then la mi poles to a liiikoi", begiuniili! .corn er of Ni,.. '! I : linn X I'i VV" M0 poles I,, a plm ; llu u X to VV IIP poles In a Ma. I; I 'ak; lb. u S .''' W r.'l poles lo a -laki in tin 'rsiniliiioiial line in lacob'-d.-i.i: lii ii liiil pole. In a' black oak; lh ia. S .ili.Ti'v la a i-lie-'lniit ; I'heu VV u poie-i iin r.ci'innini.'. Containing n I act i-s, ; nii're or les. TUlKli I'l M T: An un, lii idid one f .ni tl; i;:i"i i al inieiesl and . mining rights and privili-.'es in Ibe following tract on tie v -iters I'lliiav 'Creek, beeinilinif at i i It, tun'. Un i'n" bank of a cieik, coup ii .,f ioc'ton Xo. 111. rule, thenee S in W 71 p,ilis to a .title in Ihe line mi' Xo. . 1 ; the., S I ' -l U'O pol.-s M a I iki ; ilieu ' i.i poles- to a slake ll'm X in Tl4-i poles lo the lieuTin- I I in'.:. I Ml lMii TR.-VT: An un'iliiidid one ' aiith iniiri -t in tin- following land in V i-nt C.iiitv, - Nui-tli Carolina, - on El iiial, link, being pail of' Stale Ciiapt . a , .' s '.' I., b. tinning at a White Oak, tin 1 1 1 1 c i , 1 1 -1 a i , i" saiil piaiil. and runs S 4" VV i I pole- i i a I. ciat; iho' 'S ' :.l I'', iai p,na-i t,, a bil'ili; then I-' pidi s p, a ciicMinii: lllcic. X Sb poles t. a black ,,:il, ; Oi, , V iin poles to a' 'lake; then a ; .; in ' 'poles lo, a lilai 1. i.ak; . llicn , in W '.! pules In ihe . lie . inning. ., I'll Til TUACT: An 'tindu ide,! milt a-t! inletasj in a tract ol 'and on El liiay Cn-ck.' in Macon (' '.mil. N.-rtli i ai olina. ci ei ed hy; Slat Jraiit X,,. .'.'ns,- and bcninnini,; al a !ii.l:oty, . ihe N I'. coi ner n (lit -i lifts l lp ncn S ill I' nK poles to a hit ell,- l he hi '."innin-j corner of .No. I 1:1. then.' S I'.'u poles t" a,, ash; tlun S' I '" '. I'. I'l" pole, lo, a i.i nn : ll" " VV , C" poh to a While ( 'ak: . I'n n X ' I '. VV .' in , fob s :., j ! tin ; then VV no pole, to a Whi;, Oak: th. n X I.t VV 1 p.aie.s "to a I.i, lot i : flu ii ' Hill poles to' an anli.-: ihe-'.-s' It 'I'l I" p"les I" t 1 vim: ihen W i," p. I,"- lo a VVbii ' ( la!:; 7'licii "X 1.V''-W" I I prilns' " to- a - hick mi; linn' loo p.olca, I" a"' .asbf 'Ip'ii V ' on VV o fii.'es p. a ( In -I nut in lin 'I'll' i f X .. o7; lli.-i: X li-' I'. I P! poh : '.'ill' ..''.! li ;, !,. I'm l!nc.in;;ip:n ' SIXTH 'IKACT: Tin- i-ni'c tnineia! 'n:ii,',. and i:iii.!iiv.".iistil- a'"' ririi ileje. in a Irail i'-i 1j;u1 ail .llllija' Cinnl;. i" Macau: Coiuilj', In in:: part 'of tlie land i-ov iaal bv- State I b ant Xo. SiiSti; be mili'ini! tt a c!:. c n ni.i'' "I . Xo. ' II ' OOS . si 1 ,H ,.s. I,, ; ,, ' ;-l; -ll, .,, X ;' 1'. 'M !.!.- to a linn; then ' N'.fiS VV is .!.... t , a l lie.ioiii- ill, i! . N 5' VV 1 1'. p.'!-- l.c a ' l. ,.'...! : I' en ' X 5. VV i' . '.- I - a -pa'-i-a i la!-. ; then X Wl I ' !.'- .11 a S .a'i .-....',.1; then' X 4 ',',' a:; p,;ii": .,,' a -iinap;- llicn X" S W . .polls' t , ., IP;,,,!.. I ),,'.. : ,-,, W 'PI, pol io lite llei'tiiii'ine. , C"'it,ii"in : ll.l acres moi'-M er ','.-.' a. , SI ! I ' I TK V(.T: An : iiudiw'de ' a1 li.'ill iiiie,-.-; in l!ie .niiuc'-a mineral and miuiiii.' ri-al-.l- .and piavileaic. m i,, int. '.-ua! inn'er ihe follo-.i i'-ir tract oi parcel, a ' I i i i 1 1 i n j the lamls of ibe parlies of tl.e first pai' and -''u- paniis of th" 'n r.iii li: l','y"it-iii'.': ' c-tl a . h'iekfirv ain! runs X- 34 la '! pob.. ti a stake an!, rive-1 lift p.n'ii, 's: ' (lo-ii S ' :'t F. 1 t ' . ins to tbr !!,"'0,it'ine ;: Coiilainiui. n r, s. t -,if! lii r with, all die riglt. pri '.:. ",'. -, ,d la c;!' p.: .I niei' l In- ,ee, from T. P; M- " . ,,., , ,fe H. C. Moor, (a.--., in M il! - 1-in. n- ' Cntnpa-n v. rc ,:;.,l in the o.'fn-c ,.f Rrei-ier "I" Peed ,, Vf iron ..'oup'lv " X'oftS Carolina, in Honk A-4 pai'C US' el sur. Peine the -lam's :.,. in i'i, t atne ,,f fackson Afills Fiverv Ciunnam- in FlUiaV Tom shin, for taxes for the , vears J 9?.r -id IflJrt and sfald bv tl.e Slier ff of f-iron Cotiniy for the' non-payment o aid taxes, and foreclosed In the case 0 , 0 1 1 I o I , !. ..I A!;. - o ! i Al.iiou ( ouiity, y. Jackson Mills Emery I M,,,p.,,,y ,t al. I'i. Also the following destiibnl liaii "I '..'ai, lio'ki and beiii'ij in iiankliii I " , p. Iiiii, Maion Connly, towit: I',,, out. in) al a hickoiy in the Wcsl booial.ni line oi (hi: Seller land .ml X ot I ; I-. lo poles to 'a V inn Oak In l,,n a soiiiiK; then ,X . ;i la ::' pole lo a .lake in ihe X boundary Iioi) ilu n X, (is W II pules lo a Clicsliiu'l, the old c (in i ; then , 05 1-8 W M 12 p'des lo a stake on top ut a ride; tip II -', 110 V Willi the lidlie III hole. a sloni; ii, en N Ub V.' lii nolci, in i'n old Anile Oak corner known a liie ..on. .loiiii coriKi; then S 73 pole p, a 1 1 i. K.ii y ; then K 74 pule to a sm.-iii VVhiie Oak in l .11. Seller's line; then .s ii-i pd; , tu the JJegiiining. tloiilainiii).' acie,, .more or less. Recorded in );..",!. ai I, pae 1X4. Inn.;; t lie- lauds listed in Ihe name of .1 I- I'. rry in 1'ianklin Town-hip, ,,i i..m lor tue year lti(J and sold ' by tin ."hiiilf of -.Viacon County for ihe lion pawn, nt of said taxes, and foreclosed in .lie ca-e of .Viacon County vs. J. la. I'eriy )t al. x - 'o..' AN., the following described tract oC, ;..iid, J i ii K .'"nl bcitiK in 1-iankliii lowtis!',ip Macon. County, towit: l.oi- Xos. 11) and in lllock 2 in a tiail of land in Macon County, North Carolina, known as llonny Crest, as sur '. iy.. and mapped by ). Coiner, refer ence bein, l.treby made to said map as , i. cor. ,a j, Hook BB, records of Macon ' oiiaiy, Noil ii Carolina, pages 70 and il, lor a fuller and more particular de criiiii.n of the. lands and lots hereby eoniiied. Recorded in Book B-4, page I "O Xos, 'i and SO of the W. A. Curtis division as . surveyed and mapped by L. I.. Allen, Eng., reference heiny hereb) nndc to said plat as recorded in l'!at Book No. 1, page 7, office of K.cNier of Deeds, Macon County, North Carolina, for a more definite dc-;cr.iption of. ihe lands hereby conveyed. See deed 11. i'.. kobertson, tru-slt-e, to Z. Jb.iid, I fee, , 111, Recorded in Book P-4. pati . f Being the lands listed in the name of eh Llaird in 1'ianklin Township, Macon County, for taxes for the vears 192;". and i;i'(i and sold by the Sheriff of Mfcon County "for the non-payment of 'an! taxes, and lorccJoscd in the case of Macon County vs. H. M. Baird et al. il. Also the following de-cribed trad uf land, lying and being ' in Franklin Township, Macon Countv. towit: Beginning on a 'tone on V. batik of lesi'tita (.reek crossing said creek; then S VV 'in, poles to a Water 'Jak on a cliff: lllen S 47 W 44 nolcs to n ('hotl. nut; iheuXKu VV 70 poles to Mell Cabe'a mic; then la with Mel Cabe s line to :i i""k on bank of branch; then down said branch with Mcll ( abt s line to th. ere k; ihen .up Tesenty Creek to the BE (IINVjvi;. Recorded in Book X-3, pagi ii.;. . Beine the lands listed in the name of Mrs. I'. I". Cabe in Franklin Township, lor lasts tor the years l!r!.i and i'.iir, and told by the Sheriff of Macon Coun- 'y for the non-payment of said taxes, and tnrii rosic! in the case of Macon I ountv vs. Mrs. I'. IF. Cabe et al. !!-.. A.lso the following described I tact of . land, lying and being in Franklin ioi-n-hip, Macon Countv, lowil: I'.KCIXXIXC at a stone on the South -tde of Wavah Street runs then . S ! ,!- F. 17t feet to a stone; thence S 78 W -.'.',(1 feet lo a stone; thence N , !) 1-2 VV Ita feet to a stone on the South ide of VVayah Street; then with same X 7"S 1-2 E 2"0 feet to the Beginning Ihe ame being, ihe lot bought of E. i. ( i . in 1 1 Rli.-nn hy I'. K. Uenhow, on the I'uh dav of lanuarv. 1000. and re .indeil in the office of the Register of Deeds of Macon County, in Hook C-3 pace 3:1s, and known as the Charlie faeobs lot. Recorded in Book E-4, page all.. Being the lands listed in Ihe name of Miss. Olive I'atton in Franklin Townsbii lor taxes for the year 1!.2 and sold by llu- Sheriff of Macon' Countv for Ihe non-payment of said taxes, and foreeloaed in the case of Macon Countv i-. Miss Olive Patton. et al. i'i. Also the following described tracts "f land, lying and being in Franklin I o-.i lislitp, Maenn County, towit: FIRST TRACT:' BEGINNING at lone point lii'l feet West of the (leor 1:1a road and X 57 1-2 W from XI D. Billings' house (formerly owned by Raleinh people) and runs S 300 feel to a stake in VV. B. MoGuiie's line; then Wcit with said line 145 feet to i -lake; then N SOU feet to a stone ilnn F. 115 feet to the BEGINNING. SF.COXi) TRACT: BEGINNING al the NT. cornei- of the above deicribed lot runs an easterly direolion on the "i-iii"- di wee with the North boundary liiie of the above described lot to the public read; then in a S direction with Ihe public road to VV. B. McGuire' lorner'; ihen West, with McGnire's line to the corner of the above described lot; then North with the line of the above, described lol to lite Beginning Being the lands described in a deed of conveyance from F. B. Bchbow and wife to R. M. l.edford which deed o con i eyance is duly lecnrded in the of lice of the . Register of Heeds for Ma con County North Carolina,, in Hook II I, page 17, lor a more definite de sciiption of said, lands. Recorded in H""k X-4, page 49(i. Being the lands listed . in the name of R. M. l.edford In Franklin Township for taxes for the ars 192") and I Hi? and sold by ihe Sheriff of Macon Conn ty for , Ihe noil payment of said taxes and foreclosed in the case of Macmi County vs. R. M. l.edford, et al. :.'!. Also the following descrilied rea e'l.ile. lying and being m Franklin Tuwinhip. .Viacon C. pnty, towit;- Lying and being in tin- County, o M.i.-oii and Slale of North Carolina, and Franklin1 Township, the same being one half (12) the , mineral interest and niin ing privileges, except timber, in the following tract of land: i Beginning oil th F.ast bank of Little Tennessee River a an iron ' wii.uli al the. mount of a branch and E side of C. A. Cabe's house and runs in a NK course and with the branch 1 ' '7 poles and 12 links lo a spring at Ihe head ol the branch: then N 70 E iS poles to an old fallen black oak coi ner , of old No. 17 and corner o I. I .Anger:, and G. T.. Stiles' land i'n n N .12 VV :ill poles to an old oa stump near a trail, .1. I'. Angel's corn er; then N 57 W 1(18 poles lo an old .tump J. P. Angel's corner; then N 47 W 5t poles to an iron wood on the hank of I.itth Tenncstee River and I on the North, side of a branch; then up the ' 1'iy.r '107 poles t o I till Begiiining Coiii aiuiug 71 acres, niore or less. Being the lands listed in the name of Carolina Mica and Mfg. Company . i l-'iai'klinT. wnship, for taxes fur" th wars lo?".. and l!,'-.'7 and .sold by th Sheriff of Macon County for the null payment of said taxes, and foreclosed 'i ihe case of Macon County vs. Carotin Mica v Mfg. Company et al. ':.i. viso I lie tollowinc described trac-. of land, Iving and being in . Frankli ' Township. Macon . County, towit: Lying an 1 being in- the Town o Franklin. Xmili Carolina, and extendiuc beviuid the limits of aid town.1 Be inning at n i iron ' stoh' on (he Xort ide of Harrison Avmne in the line the .Mrs. J. K. Hurst property and runs X' :? N2 F along the Hurst line M feet move or less , in a White Oak ' pos 'n said line af the SE corner ,'of ait being conveyed this Jlnv bv the in tie-- .of the first part to V. F. ftpnard: then N lis '1-8 VV along the South side of the I ipnard . lot 187 feel rite or less In a White Oak post at 'be E edge of . ITarris'oij 'Avenu: 'then S and E " around and along Harrison '".t'i'i' "3(1 fret, more or less, ' and being lots No. 1 to 5 inclusive of th lohn V'.vf ev Harii",vn Ave. siibdivisiou i !' it of which s'.ihdivision is attached 'creto and . made a nart of this deed. "pr'-iee being , had thereto for a niore con'i.tn df.sctiption. is ede'--fro I -"d airbed b'.'tiiri'n th parlies bent ''it lh" 2" font street showed in 'ii 'il '"'tiv'een this s.t'i di' islon '.-iiid th Vfrs. T. E. .Hurst - anr T. J. Johnston prnj.erties is to be left open for' com mon ure of all ourchnsers of lots in this suhrliviiion, and the Parties of th firt pnrt hereto doei , not bind themselves td do any wink on .-.aid street. Recorded in Book N I, page 19;!. Being ihe land., listed in liie name ol I.i in,-: 1. V oiiiik in I iankliii Township, for ia.s lor ibe year 1920' and sold by ilia i-aeiiif . of .Macon County for the in n iay;itei i ol said luxes, and fore cli.' il in lin. i ol Macon County vn. Ei in il I . V .ning 1 1 al. :!(.," AN,, ihe lollowing de.ciibcil Had I mini, i iiii; ai d biing in Iiankliii 1' ' . v 1 1 : .i ip , M aeon I ouni, lowil: Aiijon.i. li oilier-. lin: l.iinls ol Ida ' .inide.l lis loll, nis: Mctiaha HECilN- Xiao t a Black Oak Mcl.oild s cornei ,..( W i poic and ' 0 links ihen S "') V . .' poles to a S i E 2: l uou to a ii. il runs ; o a sloin. ..tone then stone on top of a lidge: then . i.7 1-2 VV Jii iK.le. tu a slone; tnui N HI 1-2 W ..I pub - to a slake in Hoist's line; then Willi ..is line X 72 I'. ilH poles a s.i.uc near a br.'.ii.ii; llicn S i J-2 II pine' to a VV OaK; linn X 79 E li poles lo a J'h.ckgnm; then S a E 21 poles to tin: BEGINNING. Containing 0 1-2 .acre.,, more or les. Recorded in B.. Iv-t, j.agc '17. Bene hie lauds ii-icd in ihe name of Mr.. II, I!. Miller .in Franklin Town ship, for taxes for the y.ar 192(1 and sold b) liie Siieiilf of Macon County for. Ihe noli payment ot said taxes, and forei.losid in the case of Macon County vs. .'.I.i-. II. B. Mill, r ci al. 2.. Alio the t'oliov. in); dercribed tract of iaipl, lying 'and being in F i.inklin 'lownsliip, Macon Couiiij, towit: Beginning al a walnut on tlie spriii'g branch' runs .X 7i VV wild lot No. 2 8,", poles lo.a Spanish Oak on lop ot l i Ige thence with top of ridge m a in rlheasterwardly direction 94 poles to Ihe I). VV. l'otts Chestnut Oak corner; llicn S x.1 E 44 poles to a stake in lh- I). W. l'otts line; thence S 13 E with Bolls tine lii, poles lo a stake one rod from X bank of branch; then up branch I ."If f'Oin its bank 2(1 poles In the Beginning. Containing 42 acres. B. ing the lands iinted in the name of A. li. Jones in Franklin Township, for taxe; for the ears 192'i and 1920 and sold bv the Sheriff of Macon County for the non-payment of said taxes, and foreclosed m the cac ot .viacon county vf. A. B. 'Jones et al. . ' 28. Also Ihe following described tract of land, lying and being in 1'ranklin Township, Macon County, towit: V certain Iract or parcel of land in Macon Coiiulv, North Carolina, adjoin ir. the lands' of J. T. I'atton. Begin- n':if at the SF. cormr of lfll runs S 45 VV 100 noles lo a stake: then E l," poles to a nl'd.c in the line of No. li;V; then VV 13 l ol-.-s to the Be guiling. ' oiitaint.ii: v ai res. Recorded it. Hunk G-4. iia-e .17. Being' the la- I- ii-iiid in the name of I. M. l.edford in Franklin Township, f..r taxis for the viar lfi-'S and 1920 a. id- sold bv tile Sheriff of Maco i Coun- iv for the non-i, avincnt of said taxes. and fonelieed in the case of' Macon Cc."..i!v ',:. I M. l.edford et nl 29. Also Ihe following described tract of land, lying and being in Franklin Towns no. Macii t ountv. towit Beinii Lots Xos. 14 and Ij in the lohn S. Troller piopcrty on l'almer Street in Ihe Town of ranklin, North Carolina. ' as surveyed andU platted -by T. VV. Alexander in H25, a record of this plat is recorded in the office of the Registc-i of Deeds for Macon County, X..,ili Carolina, in l'lalt Book No, 1 pace 14, to winch record reference is heirbv male for a more definite descnp tioti of said Lota. Recorded in Book VI -4. natie 09, Being the lands listed in the name of II. Gordon in Franklin Township, for taxes for the viar 192U and sold by Ihe Sheiiff of .Viacon County for the non pavincnt of said taxes, and foreclosed in the tunc of Macon County vs. H. (imilon et al. ::. Also the following described tracts of- laud, IjiiiL' and being in Franklin Township, '.Viacon County, North Caro lina, tov. il : Lots No.. 20 in Biock 4 in a tract of land in Macon County, Noith Caro lina, know u as Bunnv Crest and sur veyed and mapped by D. Conger refer ence being hereby had to said map as leeordcd in Book B 4, page 70 and 71 of the Records of Deeds of Macon Coun- ly, Noith Carolina, for a fuller and more pi-i f ct description of the lands and lots hereby conveyed. . Recorded in Book K-4, page a 10. Being the lands listed in the name of T. VV. Jones in Franklin Township, for taxes lor llu, year 1911 and sold by the Sheriff of Macon County for the non payment of said taxes, and foreclosed in the "caae of Macon County vs. T. W. Jones el ' al. . . I 'ill. Also the following described tract of fluid, lying -and being in Franklin Township, Macon County, towit: A eerlain piece or panel of land ly ing and being in the Connly and State afoiesaid on the waters of lotla Creek in district lii, being a fraction of -Section Xo. 2, beginning at a" Black Oak in the North boundary line of No. 3. 'near the deck, i una X JO VV .18 poles to a Wlnle 'Oak; then S To W W poles lo a Post Oak; then S (iU VV 17 poles lo a Wlnle Oak; then i. 41 poles to ihe Beginning. Containing 2 acres, and lo;; poles lie the same more or less, kicorded ill Book B. page Sti. Being tlie lands listed in the name "of .1, O. Wilkes in Franklin Township, for laxiyr for, ihe years 192.") and 1027 and soblr hy the Sheriff of .Viacon County for( the nun-payment of said taxes, and foreclosed in the ca of Macon County v", .1. O. Wilkes ct al. ;i2. Also 'the following' described tract of land,, lying and being in Franklin Township, .Macon County, lo.vit: Beginning al a Spanish Oak the SW corner of William Scrugg's home tract of land runs N 21 E, 16 poles to a stake; then X 69 VV 111 poles to a Black" Jack; then S 21, VV 14 poles lo a siaki ; then S 4.".' E 8 poles to a Chestnut . Oak ; then E 4 poles to the - Beginning. Containing' 1 acre. Hi ing Ibe lands listed in the name of Lesler ' MeDopald in Franklin Township, for' tai.s for the years 1fli5 and 1920 and sold by the Sheriff- of Macon. Coun ly for llu- non-payment of said taxes, and foicchurd in. the onse of Macon County vs. I.tsler McDonald nt. al. iiii. Also the foil, iving described tract of land., liing'and being rn Franklin Township, Mae, In County, . tPwit; Adjoining the . lands of J. S. Conley, R. S. loin s and olht rs bounded as fol lows;. . Ilc.'.iiining, at the. branch running with flic luaiich and down the branch lo a sfnVe in the line on the S side of f.oi No. 21 and in the line of said- lot, in the .1'. C. and M. A. G'ston dii-ion; then N 12 and 15 VV 1X5 f. et (o a . stake on the . South ide of I.yle Street; then with Lyle ""It-cit in. -an easterly direction to the Beginning. Being a part of Lot 21 as surveyed by J. M. Furr, Jr., Aug ust, 1924. Being the lands listed in Ihe name o F. A. Maslibutn in Franklin Township fur- laSit-s for l'i year 19?f, and sold bv 'the Sheriff of Macon County for the non pavment of said taxes, and for i-ln-til in tlie cuv of Macon Countv vs. K. A. Masbburn el al. 34. Also the following described tract if land, lying and being in Franklin Township. .Iacoii County, Xorth C aro lina. towit: Bi pinning , at a Blackgum the NE corn er of ".aid Mansion McDonnell's land and running thence iith Capt. Crawford's line S V VV C 4 r K)b s to a stake in. said . line: ll'eu V W 12 l-,2 poleS '.- a s-iaee;- nu n .N 1 r. 12 3-4 poles to a' 'take in ("apt. Crawford's line; tli"n with said line to' the Beginning. Containing 1 acre, more or less. Record ed in . Book WW. t age 4'.. Heir.; tin- lands listed, in th' name of Carolina Oliy Iniis in I'i atiklin Town hip. - for five for , the. , vear 1921 and !d lo- tli Sheriff .'of ' Macon ' County far. the 4IOH p-i ment of said taxes, and fore.elis.il in the rase of Macon County i , Viola I enoir. et a! .".' Also the following described tract of land, hine and being in Franklin ToivnsHp. Macon County, towit: Bei"" the landi dencnbed in n deed from Carl Moore id Satlll I. MStri his wife lo James II. Buiger, dated the Ihlli day of April, 1921, and leglsteital in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Book J-4, page 274. Being ihe lands listed in Ihe name of VV. B. McDonald in I iankliii Townsi.ip, tor taxes for Ihe years 192". and HrM and sold by the Sheriff u Macon ( thinly lor Ihe iioii paylnent of :anl fixes and foieelose.l in Ihe case l Macon County vs. W. li. McDonald el al. 3li. Also the following dcscnbid li act ol land, lying and being in Franklin Township, .Macon County, towit: Tne lands allotted to Bonnie Leather wood in tlie division of the Lama l.uih ci lands as recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Macon County, North Carolina, in Book C 1, page , IMS. Being the lands listed in the name of J, A. l.ealherwood in Franklin Township for taxes for the year l2(i and sold by t lie Sheriff of Macon County for Ihe non-payment of said taxes, and fore closed in (lie case ol .Macon ( .ountv, vs. J.-A. Lealherwood. 37. Also the following described Iract of land, lying and being in Franklin township, .Viacon County, lowil: Being all of Lot No. 19 in Block No. 14 in a traet of land known as Bonny Crest said lot having been con veyed to A. J. Dills by W. B. Mc Quire hy deed dated 2(1 of August, 190H. which deed is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, m Hook B-3, of Deeds, page 144. Recorded in Book S-4, page 492. Being the lands listed in the name of Mrs. Alex Shone in Franklin Town ship, for taxes for the years 1925 and 192fl and sold bv the Sheriff of Ma con County for the non-pavment of :j A i r l j ' .i.- buiu taxes, anu lorceioseu ni me case of Macon County vs. Mrs. Alex Shope et al. 38. Also the following described tract of land, lying and being in V ranklin I own ship, Macon County, towit: Beginning on a White Oak in line of No. 10(1 also J. B. Addington's corn er, runs, thence W 7(1 poles to a Chestnut in B. M. McClure's line; thenee S. with said McClure's line 54 poles to a rock in the nunlic road Zeb Mc Clure's corner; then S 33 E with road 30 poles to a stake in front of house: thence N 85 E with road 14 poles to a stake; thence N 77 E with road 30 poles to a stake at branch: then con tinning with the meanders of said public road also with John Stockton's line, o po.es to a rock in the VV boun dary line of No. 100. Being Stock ton s. Bates' and Stanley's corner: then N with line of No. 10(1 55 poles to the Beginning. Containing SO acres, more or less. Recorded in Book K-3, page 4 -IB. Being .the lands listed in the name of C. B. Sanders in Franklin Township, for taxes for the years 1025 and 1926 and sold by the Slieritt ol Macon Countv for the non-pavinent of said taxes, and foreclosed in the case of Macon County vs. C. B. Sanders et al 39. Also 1 liie following described nai of land, lying and being in Highlands lownship, Macon Countv. tov.it: BEGINNING at a stake, the NK com er of fitate Grant 19H2 marked as a government corner, runs N 23 VV with the boundary line of said Grant 19S2, 110 poles to a stake in said line; then S 70 VV 109 poles to, a Hickory; maili ed as a government corner; then S 22 W 22 poles to a 'stake marked as a government corner; then SW 13 poles to a stake, marked as a government corner; then N 18 30' E 10 poles to a hickory corner of the l'owell Murray tract: then N 29 degrees OS minute E 64 noles to a White Oak. the NW corner of the Flcrrin tract; then S 22 W 74 noles to an oak, - Butter Jenkins' corner: then N 30 VV 34 poles with said TA.,i.:a u.,A r-i..,.-4..s ...mi jt:imiuD lute it' ,u iiiisi.tui, ;:uiu jsniv- in's corner in llerrin line; then with said line . S 05 E 00 poles lo a Chestnut; then S 2a VV 100 poles to a White Uak, marked 1 nomas Owens corner then N 35 degrees 30' E 140 polys to the Beginning. Containing 21s acres. more . or less, and being the part ot State Grant No. 1892, issued to John T. Foster, and 2425 i.-.sueij, to Jonathan Ford. Being the lands' listed in the name of Owen Hishoo in. liiglilands town ship, for taxes for the year 1920 and sold by the bherilf ot Macon Coumy for the non-payment of said taxes, and. toreclosen in the case ot Jlacon County vs. Uwen lltsliop et al. 40. Also the following described 1 1 act of laud, lying and being in Iligiil.ni J Township, Macon County, towit: Lot No. 33. Beginning at a point in niglllands-1' ranklin t'ublic road at corner of Lot 33-34 N 40 deg. 45' W 20 feet; then iX 88 deg. 15' W 100 feel; thcif N 78 deg. 40 VV 53 feet to a corner; then leaving road N 14 E 230 feet to a branch; then up said branch 29,i leet to the Beginning homt. Lot No. 34. Beginning al a roruer ol Lot 34-35 on the Highlands-lranklin road i a deg. 4i li. 2a leet Ao 40 ilea 45' W . 40 feet to a corner; then down branch. 295 feet to a corner; then S 70 E 228 feet to the Beginning i'oint. Being the lands listed in the name of C. Al. Abies in. Uighlanils lownslnp for taxes for the year 1H20 and sold by the Sheriff of Macon County for the non-payment .of said taxes, and fore closed in the case of Macon County vs. C. M. Abies et al. ' 41. Also the following described tract of land, lying and being in liiglilanja lownsnip, .Viacon County, town: BeainniiiK at a Spruce Bine at Angel's old spring, ,runs thence with line of Powell Murray (now U. S.,1 lands, S 29.07 VV 683 teet to a Chestnut oak then S 52.30 VV 775 feet to a stake thence S 42.20 VV 307 feet to a Hickory on a knob; thence S 10.55 K 507 feet to a hickory; .then N 71 E 1848 feet to a stake in the E line of Grant No. 1982; then with the line of . Grant N 25 W .1716 feet to the Beginning. Con taining 60 acres. Recorded in Book E-4 page 344. Being the lands listed in the name of Luanda Webb in Highlands lownslnp, for taxes for the year 1920 and sold by the Sheriff of Macon County for the non-payment of said taxes, and foreclosed in the case of Macon County vs. Lucinda Webb et al. 42. Also the following described tract of land, lying and being in Highlands lownshm. Macon County, lowit: Beginning at a locust slake Ihe 'NE corner ot I'ouitli anil llicKory Mrecta runs N 30 E with the K line of Fourth Street 24 poles to a stake, the SF corner of Fourth and Poplar Streets; then S 780 E with the S line of Poplar Street, 23 i-a poles lo a stake, the NW corner of Lot Xo. . 308: . thence S 120 W with the W line of said lot No. 308 and .the VV line of Lot No. 307 on Hickpry Street, 23 poles and I'i feet to a stake, the SW corner cf sai. Lot No. 307 in the N line of rlickor Street; thence N 780 VV with said Stree line, 19 poles and 13 feet to lbs Be ginning. Being Nos. 301, 303 llickor Street and 302, 304, 3110 Poplar Street in the Town of Highlands. Being the lands listed in the .lame of J. H. , Darby in Highlands .Township. for taxes for the year 1925 and said by the Sheriff of Macon Countv ' for the non-payment of A said, taxes., "and fore closed in Hi case of Macon County vs. J. H. Da,iby t nl. 43. , Also the following described trac of land., lying and being ',;i Highlands Township, Macxm County, towit: A certain aract or parcel of hnd in the Town of Highlands, Mac in County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Newton Craiu. and others and bounded as follows- BEGINNING at take, Newton Craig's SW corner on th E side of Fourth Street, runs with lh same side of said Street as follows' S 10-W 5.5 feet: S 24 E 101 feet S 9 deg. SO' F. 116 feet to . a stake, th SW corner of the said Jeremiah Pier son home tract; then N' 58 deg. 30 F wirhthe S boundary line of said tract, same being Mary P Douglas' N boun dary line, 200 feet to a stake; then N 3 W 179 feet -to a stake, said Newt n Craig's SE corner (at 18" leaning Chest nut bears S 13 deg. 15 VV 19 feet, a 5" Hemlock bears S 22 E 26 feet) then S 87 Aea 15' W with V.tnn Biing the lands listed ill Ihe name of B. L, Slcviarl in Highlands '1 mnis'iip, lor luxe- lor the -.-' 1920 and sold by tl.e Sliciii I of Macon County for Ibe iinii-t aynii ul ' of said taxis, .mil l'o: e closed in ihe case of Macon Cji'iuy is. K. L, Sicujit ct al. 'II. Also the follow ing disci ibed tiacl of l.nnl, lying mid In au in Highlands Tov.nship, Macon Coini, local; Being Lot No. I U tne , n i eland and Paul Nib division- on ihe Azalea Kojd, which ' lies oil' lionl the llimil.onls VV al hall.i Koail, lieginning at a stake the SP. corner ol i.ol Xo. 2 w iincs-ied by a 21" leaning t hi siiml, 3 E 19.5 leet al-o a 1 1" leaning Chestnut, N. ' 83 dug. 30' W 20 feet runs N'78 deg. 30' E 188 eel lo a slake in the Aii'lea road; then N 45 VV with the road '142 feet lo a slake; Ihen N hU deg. 2.V E with said road 01. leet to a stake the NE miner of said Lot No. 2; then S 8 VV with i!te K bouiidaiy line of iai.1 Lot No. ;!, Ho. .", f,u f, tip. il, '(inning. Being tin- lands lit.d in -lie name of M. F. Mooic in Highlands loivnsnip, for lax. s for the yiar I92H and told by the Sheriff of Macon Comity for Ibe non-payment of said laxes, and fore closed in the i.a.:C of Macon County vs.' M. 1". Moore. 45. Also the following described tiact of land, lying and being in Highlands Township, Macon Count-., lowil: ' A certain traet or parcel of land in Macon County, and Slale of . North Carolina, adjoining the lands of T. .VI. Cabe er.lale. Uniled Males of Vmerica, and oih.'is bounded as follows: BE GINNING al a fallen White Oak the SW. cornei of State Grant 3500 runs i.- s- i i !.-.. r.c M.lll l. it .1 . .oil in I'll j line vl Mill Grant 71 poles to a stone and point ers; then X ."if. poles and H links to a stone and pointers; ihen W 71 poles lo a stoii(f and pointers in the W bi un daiy line of said Giant 3500; tbM S wilh said line ort poles and 8 links to (he beginning point. Containing 25 acres, more or less, being apart of said Slate 'Grant No. 35110. Said part here tofore known as the Jenkins plaic, Bein.ir the lands listed in the name of G. Parry ' in liiglilands Township, for 'axes for the year 1920 and sold toy the Sheriff of Macon County, for the non payment of said taxes, and foreclosed in the case of Macon County vs G. Parry et al. 46. Also the following described tracts cf land, lying and being in Highlands Township, Macon Cc.inty, towit: Beginning at a ' slake in A. P. An derson's VV boundary line 'situate N 32 E 1 pole and 12 links from said a. ..I.- .-..,'.. cv . :- .u xr i:.. ,.r - .iivici ...ii o oi, -coiiiri in uic oi one Vl Oak Street, and being the third rnmir of Thomas Parker's Ingram tract; runs N 33 W wilh the N line of Oak Street, 2S poles and 10 links to a siake at the first corner; then N 37 E SS Poles to a :;la': c-i X bank of Mill Creek in the N boundary line of said lngrari iract; thence up Mill Creek v it'i its meandering 16 poles to a stake, the fourth corner of said Ingram I tact, in A. P. Anderson's line; thence S 22 W . with And'er-onV line 48 pole-,. f,nd 13 links to the Beginning. Containing 5 and 4 100 (5.04) acres, more or less, and being Lot No. 7 of Ihe Subdivisiin of said Thomas I". Parker's 27 sere Ingram tract. Being the lands listed in -Ibe name of L, W. Rice in Highlands Township, fof taxes for. the year 1026 and. sold by the Sheriff of Macon County for the non-payment of said taxes, and fore closed in the case of Macon Sotinlf vs. L. VV. liice et al. 47. Also the following described tract of land, lying and being in Highlands Township, Maron County, towit: Being the lands described in a deed from Owen II. Bishop and wife Cather ine Bishop to Nell Michauz Iledden, dated the 24lh day of October, . 1925, and registered in the office of the Reg iater of Deeds for Macon Countv, North Carolina, in Book 0 4, p3ge 249, Less that portion conveyed to Leila Grantham Barnes by died registered in the office of Uegister of Deeds, in Book N-4, page 96. Being the lands listed in the name of Mrs. X. If. Iledden in Highlands Township, for taxes for the year 1920 and sold by the Sheriff . of Macon County for the non-payment af said taxes, .and foreclosed in the case of Macon County vs. Mrs. N. H. Iledden et al. 48. Also the following described tiact of land, lying and being in Highlands Township, Macon County, towit: Beginning at a slake Sarah Hill's SIC corner runa S 85 K wilh line of State Grant 257 57 poles to a slake the S corner of said Grant; ihen S 53 E with the S bouiidaiy line of State Grant (108 32 poles lo a White Oak in said line; then S 48 VV crossing branch at the public road; 10 poles and 10 links to a stake in the S bank of the Highlands-Cashiers. ' road; then N 11 W S poles and 20 links to the Beginning. Containing 10 acics, niore or less, and being a part of Slate Grntit 498. Being the lauds listed in the name of I.. C'. Toy in Highlands Township, for laxes for ihe year 1920 and sold' by the Sheriff of Macon Connly for the non payment of said taxes, and foreclosed in the case of Macon County vs. B. C, Toy el al. 49. Al.-o the following described tract of land, lying and being in Highlands Township, Macon County, towit: BEGINNING at a Chestnut tree in 'the E line of Entry No. 5490 in the head of a small cove on the S slope of Rich Mountain; then S 30 , 130 poles to a Mountain Oak tree on the South side of , a branch ; then W 60 poles to a Chestnut tree; then N 50 VV 02 poles to a B. Oak tree; thence N 40 E 90 poles to a Chestnut tree the - be ginning corner. of Entry No. 21l!(i; known, as the Chastain Entry; No. 8079; then N, 30 E 51 poles to a Chestnut Tree in Ihe old county line; then S 80 E 70 poles to a Locust Tree; then S. 35 E 38 poles to a Hickory tree; then N, 50 E 17 poles to a Chestnut Oak tree,.' the, NW corner of Entry No. 5490; then S 40 E 96 poles to the Be ginning; , Except that, part sold to the V. S. A. Recorded in Book R, page 2at. Being the lands' listed iu the name of H. A. Fulton in liiglilands Township, for taxes for the years, 1025 and 1920 and sold hy thi Sheriff, pf Macon '.County for the non-payment of said taxes, and foreclosed in the case of Macon County VS. II. A. Fulton et al. (50. Also the following described tracts of land, lying and being in Highlands Township, .Viacon County,, towit: . Being a part of I lie six lols conveyed hy Highlands"" Land Company to said VV. M. Cleaveland by deed bearing date of April 0, 1925, and recorded in Book J-4, of Deeds page' 510, Macon County, recoils a one-half updivided inieiesl in and lo which six lots was conveved by s.id W. M. Cleaveland, and wife to said Warren II. Booker by deed bearing dale of. May 4, 1925, and' said property is. now known ' as the. Cleveland Booker . Sub-Division in Cullasaja Park. Lot No. 51. BEGINNING' at a -take in the. N ' line of Cullasaja Drive runs with said line S. 82 deg. 45.' VV liiii.o feet to a stake, the SE corner of Lot No. 50; then N 10 E 123 feet to a stake.'. tlie XE corner of. said Lot No. 52; then N 24 E 149 feet to a stake, the XE corner of Lot No. 32 and the SW angle "of the 12 foot alley lying be tween Lots No. 51 and 54 from entrance roadway to Lot No. u2; then, with 'he S line of said ''alley S 58 deg. 30' E 100 feet to a stake: in S line of said entrance roadway, sai'd stake, be ing the NW corner of Lot No. 51 1-2; then S 10 deg. 20' VV 211 feet to the Beginning. Lot No. 53. BEGINNING at a' stake at the intersection of the N line of entrance roadway and , the S line of the 12 foot' alley between Lots No 53 and 54 runs with the S line of said al ley, N 53 E 124 feet to a stake; then N 85 E 197 feet to a stake in the' E . boundary line of said Clevcland Brooker Subdivision; then with E boun dary lin S 230 feet to a stake in said line at its intersection with the N- line of the 2il foot roadway between Lots No. 58 and 53 1-2; then S 87 deg. '20' 16o feet to a stake in' the E line (Continued on page 5)

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