Ml U .1. 'J' ...11 Shopping Days Before Li) ,., lJ Dzforc it J CHRISTMAS iiJ cimnniAS HI PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT - LIBERAL VOL. XLVI, NO. 50 HOPE YOUTH PIOUSLY CUT " 'rtis, 15; Held in ithout WING in NEWS- SUMMARY A Survey of State and National Events Concisely Told in , Brief Up-to-Date -News Reports - O- STATE NEWS G. O. P. Chooses Charlotte GREENSBORO Charlotte was chosen 1932 convention city of N. C. Republicans, to be held in xiril hv tlip statp PYpmtivp enm- tee on Saturday. Watt H. """V- Boone, was endorsed for alship of the middle fed- X an Vdi and T. R. McCrary, district attorney. T. ille, heads the atform 'tot ake , NATIONAL NEWS Garner Electe WASH I NGTON Jack Gam er, Texas Democrat, was made . speaker of the house on Mon day as the 72nd congress con vened, winning over Snell, New York Republican, by 218 to 207. Josiah W. Bailey, North Caro lina Democrat, took his seat in the senate and his oath of of fice, although Republicans stat ed the contest filed by George M. Pritchard, Asheville, Bail ey's opponent in the election, 'will be pushed. Down Tobacco Sales ' N, Ky. Burley grow- nylated last Y.'.k's drivers at is. by FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, DEC. Agricultural Leader Charles F. Collison, farm editor of the Minneapolis Tribune and one of the sponsors of the famous "Minnesota Plan" for improving agricultural conditions, will be one of the speakers at the Western North Carolina farmers' meeting in ville next Monday night, xr i(AW MANY Ution To Ashe- iing Arrang- Marians luriitere atlrlf ' 1 ' ii county t"! 'I:, Western IK1 " fiilural londay night ot .Minnesota d by I rcd .ished of tin Charlet (kral editor. kws of tile fiig program 'Tiied. the "M in- and wnicn nas rev . i i arming in the nurth anklin Rotary club, en I S. bloan, coun ait. has ( V j ' 10. 1931 UNIFORM BEEF CATTLE URGED Rotary Club Discussed Farm Problems of Macon MORE HOGS NEEDED Standardizaion of Types Of All Farm Products Recommended A farm program was jircscnted Wednesday at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Franklin Rotary club at the Scott Griffin hotel. Sam L. Franks, Harold Sloan and J. E. Lancaster were the speakers. The principal point brought out by these men was that Macon county needs to develop definite types of farm livestock and produce. Air. I' ranks said that it a uni form type of beef cattle could be obtained - in this county the growers would receive an average of one cent a pound more from cattle buyers. He expressed the on that Hereford, which are good rustlers, were most suitable for this vicinity, lb? also urged standardizaion (.f poultry white leghorns for eggs and Barred Ply mouth rocks for the market. Mr. Franks said that this county should produce far more cattle, poultry and hogs than it - is at present. He pointed out that it had been necessary for him to pur- i chase 24.(XX) wounds of fatback in I five months to meet the demands . nt thr l:irmr Snrmlv rninnint rt..j wiicii sum a rouiuy ;is jviacou noi only should produce all the hog meat it needs but should have a surplus for sale outside the county. He also stated that there was an insufficient supply of eggs in the unty to meet the local demand. Mr Sloan said the same prin- ciplrs rf uniformity of type as ad vocated by -Mr. Franks for cattle and i.utiltry should be developed iloni', 'iihcr lines. He pointed out that il is verv difficult for buyers of beans rind other farm produce to obtain the proper grades and varieties desired and that the farm crs could get nindi better prices it they planted only .the best va rietics ot seed and puked their ms and other vegetables as soon for the market so as i aire oiiory. It lan Is. Pigeon-Holed By Town Council Chicken and Turkey Sale Set for Monday A cooperative carlot poultry sale will be held at the Frank lin depot Monday and at Otto Tuesday morning of next week, it was announced yesterday by Fred S. Sloan, county farm demonstration agent. Turkeys will be included in the sale. Mr. Sloan had not received a list of the prices to be paid when The Press was made up. However, he said postal cards announcing the prices would be mailed out late today. HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY OPEN More than 200 New Books Reported Added to Collection The library of the Franklin hiuh school has been onened with over 2(X) additional volumes. Some of these replace Abooks that had worn out, and others are new works, including treatises on science geography, travel, history and civ ics, a number of volumes of poetry, fiction, biography , and essays. All but reference books may be borrowed by pupils of the high school for one week, with a fine of five cents per day for books kept overtime A fund for the purchase of new books is 'raised by a fee of twenty five cents paid by the pupils each semester. All-Day Meeting Held By Missionary Society The Woiuans Missionary Society of the hirst ltaptist church ob served the "Week of Prayer for Foreign Missions" with a spend-thc-day program at the church last Thursday from 10 till 4 o'clock. The program was in charge of Frank Murray, president. each of the $1.50 PER YEAR Committee Reports Ques tion Would Require Election NO ACTION IS TAKEN Hunnicutt and McGuire Fail To Appear At Meeting The proposal of Emory S. Hun nicutt and W. B. McGuire that the town of Franklin' release a security deposit, guaranteeing iay n.ient of bonds issued on Franklin's hydro-electric power project, in order that the money might be loaned for, the development . of property 'owned -by the Lake Kmory company, has been pigeon-holed for the time being at least. A committee appointed by Mayor George Ii. . Patlon, to investigate the advisability and legality of the Lake Emory proposal submitted it's report at the regular monthly meeting of the town council Mon day night. Messrs. Hunnicutt and McGuire submitted their 'plan ai a meeting of the board on tin first Monday 'in November.' Mem bers of the committee named bv Mayor Patton were J. S. Conlevj M. L. Dowdle and Dr. J. H. Fonts. They reported that after due in vestigation of the proposal they had found that a town election would be necessary to decide whether the surety bond, a cash deposit in a Cleveland bank, 'could be released for a loan to the Lake Errfory company. No Action Taken The Co..... itteelso recommended that the twn council do nothing further about the matter until a definite written proposal be sub mitted by the Northwest Carolina Utilities company, which is now operating the Franklin power bLul. originaly built as a municipal pro ject and financed by the town bonds. In accordance with this recommendation, the board took no action and the report was filed. Word nas Deen received hei e 're F.mnire Public Service , 4' jnnarters in