AMERICA First, Lut and Always VOL. XVIII NO. 50 a The Sylva Herald esss v . celleiice Award. AND RURALITE ? CONSOLIDATED JULY, 1943 ====== SYLVA, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1944 $1.50 A Year In Jackson and Swain Counties? 5c Copy 156 Men Had Physical Examination In April 36 Of the Jackson Men Were Volunteers; Was Largest Group To Leave. One of the largest groups of men to leave Jackson, went to Camp Croft in April for their physical ezamination for service in the arm ed forces. The 156 listed by the Selective Service board included 36 volunteers. Lewis Arnold Pressley, Leamon Bennett, Carl Edd Melton, Claude Howard Allison, Verlin Hoyle Owen, Roy McKinley Powell, Oli ver James Gibson, Walter Marvin Johnson (V), Anthony Joseph Cor sello, Franklin Eugene Justice (V), William Rufus Henson, Arthur ? Burnett Cabc, Ralph Cooper, Jack Freeman Garrett (V), Samuel Jackson Cole, James Seveir Mason (V), Warner William Norris, Wil liam Alvin Ridley, Henry Marion Prince, Dewey Davis Passmore (V) Rufus Junior Ensley. Winston McKinley Williamson, (V), Leonard Orr Huff (V), Philip Kalonuheski, Earlie Ashe, Charlie Thomas Estes, John Washington Blanton, Burton Thomas Ammons, Talvin Harris, Dudley Vandiver Frye (V), Herstell Montgomery Moss, Robert Lee Bryson, Robert Freeman Deitz, Lawrence Porter Parker, Joe Clyde Fisher (V), Lu ther Clarence Carrol (V), James Edgar Bishop, Emerson Charles Philips (V), Charles Thurman Al len, Charles Girffen Middleton (V), Woodford Davis (V), Monroe Brooks, Marion Cannon Fisher. William Isley Bradley, William Elbert Fox, James Carl Bryson, Harey Glen Mull (V), Hubert Mc Kinley Henderson, David Glenn Hoyle, Douglas Franklin Lanning, Wilbur Long, Charles Leonard Beck, James Robert Mashburn, James Edgar Moore (V), Jesse Carl Vance, Troy Nations, Clyde Cleveland Dobson, Coy John Buch anan, Posey Long, Elmer Jay Wil liams, Frank Louis Parker, James Kenneth Moody, Lloyd Hayes Wilkes, Curtis Lane Watson, Fre drick Alexander Williams (V), v James Henry Hall, Loren Evans Owen, John Lee Rogers, Richard Osborne Wilson (V) Henry Rich ard Hooper, Roy Alvin Coggins, Joe Ervin Davis, Bruce Ramsey, Herbert Roosevelt Callahan, Sam uel Monroe Fraidy, Jr. Claude Harold Tallent, James Scroop Buchanan, Benjamin Hor ace Moody, Robert Lee Patterson, William Ira Ashe, Sims T. Town send (V), Earl Thomas Battle, Eulan Creed Ward, Dennis Edward Barkley, Jr. (V), Harlan Jack Reed (V), D. J. Franks (V). Sam George. Thomas Littlejohn, Fred Hansel Bryson, Allen Kimrey Perkins, Mai ?ion Hillman Cooper, Andy Lee Parker, Frank Clingman Conner (V), Gordon Link Bryson, John IE. Moody (V), John Paul Norton (V), Morris Everett Chester, Herbert Roy Parker, William Annis Robin son, Vance Grover Sutton, Vaughn Owen, Houston Neal Prince, Albert Gilead Watson, Quindell Queen, James Theodore Franks (V). Logan Wilson Ensley, C. L. Cabe, Clyde Freeman Coggins, Orville Hal Ashe, Herman Magnus- Mit chell, Samuel Eugene Fisher, James Dewey Long, Burton Ed ward Bryson (V), David Hugh Howell (V), Ted Treadaway, Carl Roosevelt Cagle, Jr., Hanly Hayes Ashe, Albert Troy Watson (V), Virgil Watson, Brownlow Jackson Hooper (V), Wesley Rufus Hoyle, Fred Napoleon McLain, Jr. (V), Edgar Reddell Monteith, Mark Everett Coggins, Raymond Morris Hooper (V), James Clayton Turpin, Ike Tooni, Charles Dallas Parker, Jack Candler Blanton, Grady Clif ton Frizzell, Earl William Sutton (V), Daniel Lee Harris (V), Gor don Owen, Howard Orvale Ensley. Western Carrie Coggins, William Henson Potts, Lyle Galloway (V), Joel D. Woodard, Wesley Hughes Young, Edward Eugene Stewart, Felix Oscar Jones, Grady Hamp ton Bradley, Hoyt Conway Bryson, Robert David Bishop, Raymond Robert Coggins, James Troy Rob inson, Robert Bruce McCalV Wil liam Clyde Pressley, William Hu bert Wood, William Marion Ashe, Ellis Loe Dillard (V), Vann Epp Coggin, Wilford Phillips, Robert Lewis Waters, Maxwell Clement Hensley, Fairy Hooper (V). Tom Moore Is HI In Nashville Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Bryson, of Asheville, and Mrs. Margaret Pat ton stopped over in Dillsboro with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Enloe en route to Nashville, Tenn to see Mrs. Bryson"s brother, Tom Moore, of Chattanooga, who is critically ill in a Nashville Hospital. Mr. Moore is a native of Web ster, the son of the late Judge W. E. Moore and Mrs. Moore. His many friends here will regret to learn of his serious illness. In Rhode Island ERNEST R. JONES, 3/c petty officer, has recently been transfer red to Melville, R. I., according to word received by his wife, the for mer Miss Edith Parris. Petty Officer Jones took his boot training at Bainbridge, Md., and from there he went to Richmond, Va., to a deisel school, and from there to Boston, Mass. He entered the Navy on Sep tember 3, 1943. * Savannah School Has Program The Savannah school gave their final program of the year Tuesday evening, April 26th. The grades from the sixth down joined in pre senting an operetta, "The Wedding of the Fowers," with Pauline Browning as the bride and Wesley Allison as the groom, Warren Buchanan as the preacher. Some children took the parts of the at tendants and relatives while others were dressed to represent the flow ers and took part in the songs and dances. Following this the graduating exercises of the seventh grade was held. Rev. Jonathan Brown of Webster, made the address and Paul Buchanan, district principal presented certificates to 16 boys and girls. Buchanan Now In Italy Area Cpl. Cameron Lee Buchanan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Lee Buch anan, of Gay, is now serving with a bomber squadron somewhere in Italy. Cpl. Buchanan entered the Army in 1942 and spent four months in the States before going overseas. He was in the North African invasion and moved from there to Italy where he is now sta tioned. Before enterin gthe army he was employed by the Meade Corp., of I Sylya. HAS OPERATION Eouis Hawkins, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hawkins, proprie tor of Pine Grove Laundry in 1 Cashiers, was operated cn last Monday at the Angel Hospital in Franklin. He is doing very nicely. F.B.I. To Hold Conference At Fontana Dam The TVA Public Safety Service at Fontana Dam will be Host May 11 to the F.B.I, quarterly law en forcement conference for Western North Carolina, Arnold Tiller, Chief of the Fontana Public Safety Service, announced recently. Two hundred local, county, state and federal law enforcement offi cers are expected to attend the con ference which is sponsored by the ift^.I. every three months in each area to discuss law enforcement problems. ? The conferees will have their lunch in the Fontana Cafe teria and will be taken on a tour of the project to see the great dam under construction. Father Of Mrs. W. G. Womack Passes Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Womack have returned to their home in Sylva after having been away for the past three days due to the ill ness and death of Mrs. Womack's father, John H. Sprinkles, who re sided near Franklin. Mr. Sprinkles was a lifelong resi dent of Franklin and Macon county and is survived by his wife and nine children, a number of grand children and relatives as well as a host of friends. Funeral services were held at the home at 2:30 o'clock, on Wednes day, April 26th, with the Rev. W. T. Hunnycutt, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating, as sisted by Rev. Marchman, pastor of the First Baptist church. His body was laid to rest in the family plot in the Franklin cemetery. Miss Anne Albright Entertains Senior Girls Of W.C.T.C. M ss Anne Albright, dean of Women at Western Carolina Teach ers College, entertained the senior girls with a coffe^ in Moore parlors Monday evening. At this annual meeting a list of senior privileges which had been worked out by Misses Louise Byers, Hope Ed wards and Lena Mae Glass, were announced. In a final talk to the seniors, Miss Albright urged them to hold on to health, because with i out health she claims that it is hard to see beauty, goodness and truth; and these are the things which she would have them find I in life. I Miss Anne Hammond, assistant dean of women, and Mrs. Carrie j Br^son, matron of Moore dormi tory, poured coffee while Miss Al bright cut cake. Each of the girls received beautiful little nosegays. VISITS HERE Chief Petty Officer Geo. R. Pres cott and wife of Salisbury, and Miss Myrtle Prescott of Tarboro, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Allen last Wednesday. Mr. Pres cott, who has been serving over seas for the past year and a half, is spending a 15-day furlough in Salisbury with his wife and other relatives. IN ENGLAND I Cpl. Ernest Penland, Jr., has ar rived safely in England according to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Penland of Webster. Methodist Women Of The Waynesville District Met Friday At Cullowheee About 100 women representing I 26 societies assembled in the Meth odist church at Cullowhee Friday morning for the annual meting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Waynesvitte District. The meeting was opened with a prayed by the Rev. McMurray Ritchie, pastor of the Cullowhoe^ church. Mrs. J. R. Long, of Bry son City, district prenrctant, sided over the meeting. Mrs. Frank Brown welcomed the ladies to Cullowhee and Mrs. Bonner Ray, of Waynesville, made the response. Mrs. A. L. Thompson, confer ence corresponding secretary, made an interesting talk, after which the pledge service was held. Miss Nina Troy, "of <?reensbor<v a returned missionary from China, made the principal address of the day. Special music was then rendered, a violin solo by Miss Rachel Rosen berger and a vocal number, "By the Waters of Babylon," by Mrs. Charles Gulley. Mrs. D. M. Hall, of Sylva, dis trict corresponding secretary, made an outstanding report. The dis trict had overpaid its pledge by a nice margin, gained in member ship and made splendid progress in all phases of work. Reports were made by the fol lowing secretaries: Mrs. R. C. Long, Christian Social Relations; Mrs. Carl Slage, Literature and Publications ; Mrs. John Christy, Spiritual Life; Mrs. Dan Moore, Youth Work; Mrs. McMurray Ritchie, Student Work; Mrs. W. L. Hutchins, Children Work; Mrs. J. B. Tabor, Jr., Missionary Edu cation; Mra. C* Q? Newell, Status ; of Women; Miss Margaret Wilson, Wesleyan Guild. New officers elected were Mrs. Bonner Ray, Waynesville, vice president; Mj-s. Floyd Griffin, Rob binsville, treasurer; Mrs. C. W. Benson, Hayesville, Recording Sec retary; and Mrs. J. L. Lenee, Lake E. L. McKee, of Sylva, gave the devotional. The Cullowhee ladies served a delicious luncheon in the dining room of the church, at which time reports from the different societies were read and the report from the various committees were given. The officers feel that this was one of the most outstanding meet ings in the history of the district and they appreciate the attendance of the large number of pastors who were present. Visited Gen. 'Ike' PVT. WALTER THORPE, shown with his four-year-old son Larry, is the envy of his U S. buddic. stationed in North Ireland. On furlough, he visited Gen Eisenhower's head er s and was invited in for a ion at on things back home in \bniiic, Kan. (Inter national) Capt. Chapman Is Chief Of Dental Unit In England News has been received that Capt. Win. Kermit Chapman has recently been assigned as Chief of the Dental service on an army air base somewhere in the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Last Rites Held For Mrs. Jane Watson Thursday Funeral services for Mrs. Jane Watson, 93, who died here on Thursday afternoon were held at the Parris cemetery on Friday af ternoon at three o'clock. The Rev. A. Brown and the Rev. Ernest Jamison officiated. Mrs. Watson's death followed a long illness. Mrs. Watson, a native of Jack son county, is survived by one daughter, Miss Lou W'atson, of Sylva. Weaver Fox Is Staff Sergeant \V eaver D. Fox has been promot ed to Staff Sergeant according to word received here by his parents. S/Sgt. Fox entered the service in August, 1942. He is now sta tioned in Boise, Idaho. He was a tail gunner and radio operator on a B-17 before he was transferred to the ground crew. HAS OPERATION I). 1). Hooper, Jr., who is sta tioned at a Naval Training School at Toledo, Ohio, underwent an emergency operation for appendi citis last week. At th ? time of the last report he was doing nicely. Mrs. Hooper and vr>ung daughter are in Toledo with Seaman Hooper. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. D. D. Hooper and has been in the Navy since last December. I With New Pet LITTLE Dick Trenkler, 11, is picture* in New York City as his new pel, a red-headed cocker spaniel. \\c*s l.i< chin. Just the nthor t.V ynunsstcr's dog "Spotty *' ? by a hit and run dri v?r 'A ru*r = papers published u drnrr^tiC phoir. thowing Dick ciying lysine th? d'-ad animal, hundreds of per;win> c?JV??red the boy a new pet He (in a*. \y cii'jtM Uvt cocker. (International , I Number From Here Attend District U.D.C. Meeting Mrs. E. L. McKee, Mrs. C. L. Allison, Mrs. T. O. Wilson, Mrs. B. E. Gray, Mrs. Harry Ferguson. Mrs. J. A. Parris, Mrs. \V. L. Jones, Mrs. W. O. Soderquist, Mrs. H. E. Monteith were amonjr the number attending: the meeting of the first district of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Asheville last Wednesday Mrs. McKee, past division presi dent, introduced Mrs. John S. Rowe, division president, who made the principal address of the day. Mrs. Harry Ferguson, president of the H. H. Cathey Chapter, gave the re port for the chapter and served as chairman of the courtesy commit tee. Miss Rhmehart Weds Pfc. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Rhine hart, of Sylva. announce the mar riage of th^ir daughter, Ida Ann, to Pfe. Beau ford II . Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sutton, of Whittier, on March 23, 1044. The bride is a graduate of the 1943 class of Webster high school. Pfc. Sutton received his education at Sylva Central high school. Before entering the Army, Sut ton was employed with the T.V.A. at the Fontana Dam. He was in ducted into the Army May 13, 1943, at Fort Jackson, S. C. He took his basic training at Fort George G. Meade, Md. He is now stationed at Camp Rucker, Ala. Miss Beasley Is Bride Of Cpl: Deitz Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Beasley, of Sylva, have announced the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Mat tie Beasley, to Cpl. Mareellus Deitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Deitz, of Sylva. The marriage was solemnized in a quiet ceremony on April 24th in Clayton, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Deitz are living for the present in Virginia where he is stationed with the U. S. Army. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Sylva, every 1st Sunday, 8:00 a. m. I Wayncsville, every Sunday, 11:00 a. m. Bryson City, every 1st Sunday, 8:00 a. ni. Franklin, every 2nd and 4th Sun day, 8:00 a. m. Cherokee, every 3rd Sunday, 8:00 a. m. Welch Cove, every 1st Sunday, 1 1 :00 a. m. Murphy, every 5th Sunday, 7:00 a. m. HE UK FOR 15 DAYS I Pvt. Ralph Greene, of Camp Barkley, Texas, is spending a lo I day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Greene. He was in ducted at ('amp Croft and has had training at Fort Jackson and Camp Campbell, Ky., and is no^v serving as a tank driver with an armed division at Camp Barkley. RKTCKXS TO CAM /' Otto David Hooper, S 2 c, has returned to Bainbridge, Md., after spending nine? days here with his wife and parents, Mi*, and Mrs. Tom R. Hooper. Seaman Hooper had just finished his boot training before coming home. Extra Canning Sugar Can Be Had By Filing Request May 15-16 Led Palau Raiders HERE IS Vice Adm. Marc Mitscher (above) who commanded the U. S. carrier task forces in the gigantic raid on Palau, which cost the Japs 46 ships and 214 planes. Col. Carloi P. Romulo of the Philippine War Cabinet declared that the Pn! \u at tack showed the Japs that the i'hil ippinei were coming within Amer ican reach. (International) Music Pupils Give Recital On Friday afternoon at one thirty o'clock N't 11 Franklin John son and Daisy Franklin Wilkes pre sc! ? ' ?<) th- ir music pir>iU in tin- an nu::l rrcital in the graded school auditorium. The pupils taking part in the recital were: Jimmy Stovall, Joan Wilson, Lambert Hooper, Hetty Tuttle, Kd i t h Moore, Caroline Curry, Pat sy Buekner, Tommy Ferguson. Evelyn Beasley, Pearl Beasley, Anna Jean Harris, Brent Chapman, Loqueta Holden, Mary Morris, Piggy Lee price, Jeannette Moore, Jean Moses, Alva Johnson, Peggy Ann painter, Pat Montague, Anna Maude Hooper, Frankie Fisher, Marie Leslie, Gloria Johnson, Mary Stillwell, Helen Franklin, Doris Thomasson, J< anne Barrett and Joy Stillwell. Miss Smith Gives Buffet Supper Mi ss Leonora Smith, primary education instructor at Western Carolina Teachers College, enter tained with a buffet supper in the Student Union Building on Sun day evening at six thirty o'clock. Attending the supper were Miss Anne Albright, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Ashbrook, Little Miss Betty Jean Ashbrook, Miss Helen Bird, Mrs. C. C. Buchanan, Miss Cordelia Camp, Mrs. Lloyd Engman, Miss Elizabeth Ann Hunter, Mrs. H. T. Hunter, Master Jimmie Engman, Miss Anne Hammond, Dr. and Mrs. Carl Killian, Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Smith and E. V. Deans, Jr. After the buffet supper had been concluded, the guests adjourned to the drawing room where little Miss Ashbrook, Mrs. Engman and Mrs. Smith played piano solos. Rev. W. N. Cooke Has Served In 29 Churches, Has Retired From Work A large crowd attended the ser vice in honor of the Rev. W. N. Cook at the Webster Baptist church on Sunday. Rev. Cook, who is now retired after having served in 29 churches in Western North Carolina for t he I past 43 years, was raised at Globe, ' in Caldwell county. He came to Jackson county 27 years ago as a part-time county rm?Mw*iwwy ami th* rest o# hi* was devoted to the Scotts Creek Baptist church. . He then served as a full time worker for the State and Home Mission Board in West ern Nrrrth*Carottna. In 1921 he was minister of the First Baptist church in Murphy and later served in and Cl?v4jland counties as minister. The past 15 years have been devoted to Jackson county "where he served at the Webster Baptist church. Even though he has retired from pastoral work, he is still very active in denomina tional work and is available for supply and evangelistic work. Rev. Cook is capable of many more years of active service. Mrs. Cook is also a very active worker having served for eight years as president of the Women's Missionary Union. Rev. and Mrs. Cook will still make their home in Webster. The program was very fitting for one who has devoted so many years of his life to his work as a minister. Rev. B. S. Hensley, Hugh Monteith and Mrs. C. L. Allison took part on th? program. All persons needing more than five pounds per person of canning sugar, will have the 15th and 16th of May to make application to get up to 25 pounds per person, it was announced here by the war price a7T(t rationing board. Those failing to make application on either May 15th or 16th, will have only five pounds. The teachers and principles of Jackson county schools will regis ter people for canning sugar on May 15jh -an < 1 16, from 10 o'clock ftr-nCto three o'clock p. m., at the following school*: Sylva, Dillsboro, Beta. Qualla, Cullowhee, John's C j- v e k. Tuckaseegee. Cashiers, (ilenville, Balsam, Willets, Addie, Sol's Creek, Wolf Creek, Savannah, Webster and at the Colored Con solidated school. Stamp No. 40 in War Rationing Book Four is good for five pounds only, and if more than that amount is required, then application must be made on either May 15th or 16th on form R-3'23. The board has not completed plans for having registrars to meet at the appointed places of registra tion, but these places will be se lected and announced later. Tho regulation as received here this week, sets out that no extra j sugar for canning can he granted unless applications are made either May 15 or 16 and on the special form prepared by OPA. Any member of the family can make application for all the family, provided War Ration Book Number Four lV>r each person accompanies the application. The registrars will remove stamp No. 37 out of War Book No. Four. If the stamp for any reason has been removed, no extra sugar will be given. The No. 37 stamp is required before the certificate will be valid. Dean Bird Attends Study Conference Dean W. K. Bird, of Western Carolina Teachers college, spent Monday and Tuesday of last week at a Work Study Conference in Knoxville, Tenn., which was dir ected by Dr. Maurice Seay of the University of Kentucky. While there Dean Bird observed techniques and principles which will bc. most valuable in the pro motion of the Work and Study Conference ? to be held at Western Carolina Teachers college on June 5th to July 1 5th . The purpose of the conference here will be to consider resources and problems of Western North Carolina. Singing Group To Meet May 7 The Central Jackson County Singing Convention will be held at the Webster Baptist church on May seventh at two o'clock. There will be some outstanding quartets, said R. D. Phillips, president of the convention, and we want every one who can to join us at this con vention. The Central Jackson Singing convention will meet the first Sun day afternoon in every month at some church in the county. Robert Jarrett Is Improving Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Jarrett of Dillsboro, spent the week-end of April 23" in -Atlanta, visiting- their son, Robert, who has been in an Atlanta hospital since last fall as a result of an automobile accident. Mr. Jarrett reports that his son has made miraculous improvement and that his condition is very en couraging. He hopes to be able to come to Dillsboro thi# summer. WAC Recruiters Here Two Days Recruiting officers of the Wo men's Army Corps will be in Sylva today and Thursday, taking appli cations for recruits to join the service group. Lt. Lucy Page is in charge, with Sgt. Henry Yates, Pfc. Wilma Hartung and Pfc. Heneritta Logan assisting. Billy Bird, S 2/c. libera from Bainbridge, Md., spendinjfea short leave with has parents, Mr. aqd Mrs. Henry Bird. He hat Jo*t completed his boot training.

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