AMERICA First, Last and Always The ylva Herald The Herald Is dedicated to progressive service to Jack son ... A progressive, well balanced county. VOL. XX NO. 17 SYLVA, N. C., Wednesday, Sept. 12, 1945 $1.50 A Year in Jackson And Swain Counties ? 5c Copy Peace Finds Jackson Entering New Industrial Era Test Farm Demonstration Program In Jackson County Proving Great Benefit In Soil Building By , Neal Crawford, Ami. Co. Agt. | ___ Alter the TVA had built several dams in the Tennessee Valley to help control the water in this area, they were suddenly confronted with the problem of soil erosion and all the dams filling up. In order to prevent this, they set up a test demonstration program for the > farmers in this valley. In this way they could test the different kinds of the fertilizers and see which was the best for use on the different farms. They agreed to furnish the farmers with four dif ferent kinds of phosphate which are triple super, calcium meta, potassium meta, and fused rock phosphate to be used on pasture land and legumes crops where lime had been used. From the experi ment station it has been proven that phosphate is worth much more where it 4s applied on land that has been limed, for the lime makes the full amount of phosphate available, but if the phosphate is applied on land that has no lime only a part of the plant food in the phosphate is available to the crop. In Jackson County this program started in 1935 with only a few farmers participating. This group of farmers were set up as Unit demonstration farmers and were required to keep records so at the end of five years records would show if they had made progress by having materials furnished. When ? the records nHsre ,