AMERICA First, Last and Always The ylva Herald The Herald is dedicated to progressive service to Jack son ... A progressive, well balanced county. VOL, XX~NQ, 1& SYLVA, N. C., ? Wednesday, Sept. 19, 1945 $1.50 A Year in Jackson And Swain Counties ? 5c Copy Sylva Is Automobile Trade Center Of This Area Early Construction On S. C. Section Highway 107 Looks Gloomy; Officials Promise Funds Of 2nd Post-War Year Mr. McKee Has Corres pondence With Highway And Forestry Officials There has been considerable con cern in Jackson county recently over the South Carolina section of Highway No. "107 which has an unimproved link of around 15 miles from the State line toward Walhalla, S. C. This being one of the important tourist feeder high-> ways from the South through Syl va into the Smoky Mountain region, it has been of much con ? cern to local people since North Carolina has completed its road to the South Carolina line with the promise from South Carolina Highway officials that they meet cur road with a new improved highway. They failed to have the road built and now that the war is over interest is again at high peak over the situation. Former District Highway Commissioner E. L. McKee has taken considerable interest in the matter, since it was while he watte commissioner that South CarolinV^omised to build the road. He has written the road officials in Columbia and the Forestry people relative to getting this work started with the result that they only promise > something in the second post-war year. A letter form Mr. McKee to The Herald including some of his replies from the Highway Com missioner and Regional Forester are published herewith: Sylva, N. C. September 15, 1945 Editor Sylva Herald Sylva, N. C. I quote from a letter from Chief Highway Commissioner of South Carolina under date of August 30 referring to uncompleted section of highway No. 107 on South Car olina. The quotation is as follows: "It is our present plan to con struct this road as one of our post war projects* using Forest funds. I doubt very much if we shall be able to get it under contract dur ing the first post-war year, but it is possible that we could include it in the second year. I am very anxious to get this section of road completed, since it will form a much-needed connection in the State Highway System, and to this end I shall do everything I can toward getting it under way as early as practicable." Mr. McKee has also had a letter from the Regional Forester of At lanta with reference to Forest funds available for the South Car olina highways, which we quote in part: "Reference is made to your letter of September 6 to Forest Supervisor Riebold at Columbia, a copy of which was sent to this office. Congress has authorized the appropriation of funds for con struction of forest highways for each of the three post-war years. The apportionment to the State of j South Carolina for the first post- | war year which is available for j construction is approximately $104,000. It is assumed that the ! amount which will be apportioned ? ' for each