Weekly Summary Of Legislative Acts This is the first of a series of ?weekly summaries of the work of the 1947 seisioii of the General Assembly. These summaries are no* intended as a report of all leg islation, but are confined to d:s- | cussions oi matters of general JQ_ | terest or of major importance. __ i ^ The s;:>eed with which the 1947 session of the General Assembly j apparently organized itself and got ; ready to do business gave rise to | some faint hope that the objective ' of Senatev Resolution 2 introduced ! on the first day of Jhe session, | "Piuiiding??'fr.'P'1 uiljumiiiiiL'iil un* Monday, March 10, (which would mean a remarkably short session of 53 legislative days as against 67 legislative days in 1945), might be realized or at least approached. This faint hope received a slight boost when both House and Senate committees were named on the second day, as against the fifth and sixth days respectively in 1945, and when the major money bills? the biennial appropriations bill and the budget revenue bill?were in troduced on the fifth day as against the seventh day in 1945. Also, the speed with which other .measures were being presented lent some encouragement: at the close of The business on the ninth day, the Sen ate .was exactly even with the last Senate on the corresponding day of the last session with 34 bills in . the hopper, while the House had outstripped its predecessor's rec ord by 50 bills to the 1945 House's 30. The faint hope raised by these evidences of a business-like atti tude was quickly dispelled by the happenings of the first few days. It soon became clear that the As sembly's organization was a tech nical rather than a smoothly work ing one, and that, while the seri 'ousness of purpose of the individ ual members could not be doubted, the purposes being pursued so se riously were by no means identi cal. The Assembly shows promise of being an exceptionally hard ceptionally harmonious one. y-The first sign that "all was not to be moonlight and roses came in the House on the first day when the committee on rules recom mended the temporary adoption of the 1945 rules. As was expected. Representative Umstead of Orange immediately led a fight to amend the rules which require two-thirds Votes instead of simple majorities to take a bill from a committee and place it on the calendar or to take a bill from the unfavorable calendar and place it on the favor able calendar when the unfavor able report of the committee is ac companied by a minority favorable report. After 'considerable debate and much parliamentary maneu vering, temporary and then per? manent rules were adopted with the two-thirds rules intact, and by *'And Have Fun99 No matter how dirty the youngsters get their clothes, mom need not worry about getting them clean! Send them to us for dry cleaning and we'll return them spic and span! MOORE'S D ry Cleaners In New Location On Mill 8treet Phone 120 Sylva, N. C. Mi'l 1*1 *" on Display at SYLVA FLYING SERVICE Phone 165-R?Sylva, N. C. f THS PIP'.R CUB SUPIR CRUISKR Tea etn ? to buy tad ?7 i 52,579,529 59,845,889 57,916,109 GRAND TOTALS $114,259324 11^,258,813 152,095,216 150,998,224 The Sylva Pharmacy S/H/te *r fVwrERf Great dreary winter days with a bright smite... a Klenzo smile! Your Rexoil Drug Store hat a special buy this month! A NIW KLENZO TOOTH BROSH ami e tabo el T J KLENZO TOOTH PASTE I sV^' at a saving off 17c for each member off your family! Get your cosh bination today! t!l! MIT AT IIS ? 0 'I!. Hee(j 64c V*lU( ^ P 6? c 131 s ? ^ 9 rur ASPIROIDS Excellent for colds Per Jar of 36 Ftkvtry Ceeffc A C*M Special I CHERROSOTE Rexall relief for coughs and miner bronchial irritations and REXALL Mi-31 Antiseptic and Rexall Pvrotost REXALL NASAL SPRAY Ming Alcohol Compound Full pint of each famous prod- mgmm act in a money-saving February K ? ? C f combination! This 1.18 value is K ^ SOLD ONLY AT DRU6 STORES with Ephedrine to reduce swell ing and congestion and ease breathing when these conditions occompaff hood colds. Save 25c with this combination! Both.... NOTE BOOKS 1 C? and Q TWO SIZES IWV UVl HAN KSCRAFT BOTTLE WARMERS $1.95 ELECTROSTEEM BOTTLE WARMERS $6.95 REX-RAY HEATING PADS $5.95 \ KANTLEEK, WATER BOTTLE $2.95 $2.00 SIZE CHERAMY SKIN BALM $1.00 WRISLEYS SOAP $1.39 BABY ANIMAL SOAP 35c If?t#? and laugh! There's A Half-Hour af Hilarious Fun For You Every Friday Night ?-> DURANTE MOORE CBS-COAST-TO-COAST ffs The Reualt Drug Radio Show/ BE CAREFUL WITH DRUGS! When your doctor prescribes potent drugs to bo / used, he orders the exact dosage prepared that will bo safe for yov. You can depend on your Rexall pharmacist to prepare your prescription exactly as ordered. All his years of study and practice helps him fulfill the solemn responsibility of sharing you/ welfare with your doctor.